Power Supplies: Boost Converter With Power Factor Correction

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Electrical circuits POWER SUPPLIES

. Ideal Switches Boost Converter with Power Factor Correction
. Electric Machines This PLECS library model shows a 300 W single-phase switched-mode power supply.
. Linear/Nonlinear The AC input voltage may vary between 85 and 265 Vrms. The controlled output volt-
Components age is 390 V DC. The simulation combines the electrical power circuit, the control with
plexim.com/plecs/electrical a standard IC and the thermal behavior of the semiconductors.

Electrical Domain: Thermal Domain:

Controls achieve fast results even include your
. Analog for complex and large thermal design at
electrical systems an early stage
. Digital
. PWM-Generators

. Loss Look-up Tables
. Heat Sink Concept
. Thermal Networks

. Complex Geometric
. Saturation
. Hysteresis

. Translational / Rotational Control Domain: PLECS Scope:
implement and verify display and analyze
Motion your control design your simulation results
. Friction
. Non-Idealities
. Torsional Stiffness

. Steady-State
. Frequency Response
. Fourier Analysis PLECS® is the tool of choice for high-speed simulations of power electronic
plexim.com/plecs/tools systems. It is available in two editions: PLECS Blockset for seamless integration with
MATLAB®/Simulink®, and PLECS Standalone, a completely independent product.

electrical engineering software

Plexim GmbH . Technoparkstr. 1 . CH-8005 Zürich . Switzerland . Tel.: +41 44 533 51 00 . [email protected] . www.plexim.com
Plexim Inc. . 5 Upland Road, Suite 4 . Cambridge, MA 02140 . USA . Tel.: +1 (617) 209 2121

Fast and efficient simulation Analysis tools

Trial license PLECS uses ideal component models where PLECS offers a steady-state analysis tool
Get a free trial license valid possible to simplify switching transitions and to rapidly calculate the steady state of a
for 30 days! allow large simulation steps. At the circuit and switched power electronic system. It is par-
plexim.com/trial system level this results in fast and efficient ticularly useful for electro-thermal systems
simulation, since only the details affecting the containing transient processes with time
circuit response are modeled. Simulation of constants differing by orders of magnitude.
thermal losses during ideal switching is en- The AC Sweep and Impulse Response Analy­
abled by means of thermal look-up tables. sis tools calculate the small-signal transfer
Participate and learn all as-
pects of the PLECS simulation function and loop gain of a system. This al-
software. lows you to easily check the gain and phase
plexim.com/events/ margins of a specific controller design.
The PLECS Scope is a convenient tool for
viewing and analyzing simulation results. It is
Become an expert with
also used to easily customize data for report-
training at your company.
ing purposes. The PLECS Scope can be placed
Contact us
Comprehensive library in a Simulink model or in a PLECS schematic.
[email protected]
The PLECS library comprises essentially all The main features of the PLECS Scope are:
components used for power electronic sys-
View handling: Zoom (square, vertical,
tems. Continuous and discrete signal
Services and support horizontal), view history, save view.
processing blocks
Benefit from the expertise of Results overlay: Show results from
let you create almost
our engineers. different simulations in the same
any analog or digital
plexim.com/support scope and store them to a file for
control. In addition
future sessions.
to a range of stan-
Data cursors: Read out data points from
dard electrical com-
Store individual signals and apply functions to
ponents, the library
Find our current price list at the data set (e.g. THD, RMS, Min, Max…).
offers specialized
plexim.com/store Curve properties: Edit color and line
elements for pow-
styles by defining palettes or directly
er electronics. Ideal
editing individual curves.
Conferences and non-ideal semi-
Data export: Print the current view
Meet us at conferences conductor switches
directly from the scope or export it to
worldwide. are included as well
a bitmap or PDF file to include it in a
plexim.com/events as customizable con-
verter, machine and
Fourier analysis: Display the Fourier
transformer models.
spectrum of datasets with a click of a button.
For inquiries please contact
plexim.com/company/ C-code and simulation scripts
contact Simulation scripts allow you to automate sim-
ulations and pre- or post-process the results.
Custom functionality can be implemented in
the C-Script block using the C programming
language. The code is compiled internally in
PLECS, making the use of additional develop-
ment tools unnecessary.

electrical engineering software

Plexim GmbH . Technoparkstr. 1 . CH-8005 Zürich . Switzerland . Tel.: +41 44 533 51 00 . [email protected] . www.plexim.com
Plexim Inc. . 5 Upland Road, Suite 4 . Cambridge, MA 02140 . USA . Tel.: +1 (617) 209-2121

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