Mammals Lesson Plan-1
Mammals Lesson Plan-1
Mammals Lesson Plan-1
Administration and Purpose: Lesson planning and preparation are critical prerequisites for a high quality,
effective lesson. To that end, teacher candidates are asked to complete lesson plan assignments at various
stages of his/her program of study.
Minimal Level of Proficiency: Teacher candidates should strive toward the “expectation” or “exceeding
expectation” performance level as described on the FMU Lesson Plan Rubric. This is the level that is required of
student teachers in order for their lesson plans to be approved.
Directions to Candidate: Each section is required and should be explained in detail. See the “Template with
Notes” and the “FMU Lesson Plan Rubric” for specifics about each section.
DAY: November 12, 2018 SUBJECT: 2nd Grade Science TIME: 11:00 to 11:45
TOPIC: Mammals UNIT TITLE: Life Science: Animals and their
Previous Standard(s): Standard 2.E.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the daily and
seasonal weather patterns.
Previous Indicator(s): 2.E.2A.4 Obtain and communicate information about severe weather conditions
to explain why certain safety precautions are necessary.
Today’s Standard(s): Standard 2.L.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the
structures of animals help them survive and grow in their environments.
Today’s Indicator(s): 2.L.5A.1 Obtain and communicate information to classify animals (such as
mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, or insects) based on their physical characteristics.
**Note: Students have not been introduced to anything about animal classification yet**
Previous Objective(s): Students will be able to communicate information about severe weather
conditions by telling why certain safety precautions are necessary based on the weather’s
Today’s Objective(s): Students will be able to communicate information to classify animals, such as
mammals, based on their physical characteristics by stating a trait that they learned that mammals have.
**Note: Students have not been introduced to anything about animal classification yet**
The summative assessment that my students will be given will be to test their ability to understand the
physical characteristics of the different animal classifications. They will be given some multiple choice
questions, some true/false, some fill in the blank, and some short answer questions on the different
**Summative assessment is not given until all 6 classifications have been taught**
For this lesson, students will only have formative assessments to show that they understand what is
being taught. I will ask the students questions throughout the lesson to verify that they comprehend the
physical traits of mammals (Knowledge). After the lesson, students will be able to draw a picture of a
mammal (knowledge/apply) and then write three characteristics that prove that it is a mammal based
on what they learned today (knowledge). Before transitioning to the next subject, students will
complete an exit ticket where they will give me a fact that they learned about mammals’ physical
characteristics (knowledge). (This will be explained further in the assessment/closure section). All of
these align with the standard because they are able to show that they have learned what the physical
characteristics of a mammal are. They will later use these to compare them to other animal
CRITERIA FOR MASTERY OF ASSESSMENT(S): On the summative assessment (not given yet), the
students will show that they have mastered animal classification if they get a 20/25 on the post
assessment. This is equivalent to an 80% (B). I will verify that my assessment given to the students is
reliable by grading it using the answer key and grading scale created for the assessment. This verifies
that the grading is fair among all students. The assessment will be verified as valid because it is based off
of what has been taught for each animal classification. Each question has been taught to the students
and all six of the animal classifications that will be taught have been covered in this assessment.
For the formative assessments for this lesson, students will show that they have mastered their
understanding of mammals’ physical characteristics if they are able to identify an accurate example and
explanation as to why they are a mammal. For the exit slip, students must have a valid characteristic
about mammals for me to see that they have mastered this lesson.
Classify- assigning something or someone to a particular group based on their characteristics (slide 1)
Mammal-animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by
females for the nourishment of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young. (every slide)
**All of these words will be used in the PowerPoint presentation (content/modeling), video (attention
getter), and assessments (formative assessments and summative-end of unit)**
TEACHER MATERIALS NEEDED: SmartBoard (video, PowerPoint), Mammal video: (attention getter), PowerPoint presentation
(modeling content), mammal bones (presentation/modeling content), ball (guided practice) mammal
drawing/writing paper (independent work), exit slips (closure/review)
STUDENT MATERIALS NEEDED: pencil (independent practice/ closure), crayons/colored pencils/markers
(worksheet during independent work), paper (extra time assignment)
PURPOSE OF TODAY’S LESSON: (Why is this skill/lesson important for everyone? How could everyone
use this lesson?)
People need to know physical characteristics of animals so that they can know what to do if they wanted
to go get a pet. Do you think that is important for them to know about the animal that they want to
get? *thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no* Yes, it is important that you know what makes the
animal the way that it is so that you can meet the needs of the animal. It also allows for you to see what
may come with raising this animal such as “what if you buy a dog and it has puppies? Shouldn’t you
know how the puppies are going to be born and how they are taken care of?”
RELEVANCE OF TODAY’S LESSON: (Age appropriate real-world examples why students need to know
this/or how they could use it)
Whenever you see animals, whether you are at the zoo, an aquarium, or just walking around, do you
ever wonder what makes it different from other animals? What about what makes it the same? Thinking
about the similarities and differences allows for you to be able to classify the animals into the group that
they belong in. Animals are broken up into 6 classifications and by knowing these; you will be able to
look at any animal and know the group that that animal belongs to because you know its characteristics.
During this lesson, I expect that you are listening and participating throughout so that you can learn
everything that you need to know about mammals. Whenever I pass around some real life examples, I
expect that you do not play with them or destroy them. I ask that you observe them and pass it on. I
expect that you ask questions if you need help with something. If you do have a question, or even
anything to say, I want you to raise your hand and not blurt anything out. During the game, I expect that
you are listening to what the questions are and what your friends are saying. I expect that you do not
tell them the answers whenever they are answering. Do not say “me! Me!” everybody will get a turn,
you just have to be patient. Please stay on task during all assignments and try to understand everything
that you are being taught. It is important that you follow these expectations because I want all of you to
get the most out of all of these lessons that you can without any interruptions.
Whenever you are given the assessment at the end, I expect that you try your best to show me what you
have learned. By the end, I want you to be able to identify types of mammals and what physical
characteristics they have.
Remember when we talked about some of the animals that you have learned about in the past? Let’s
think of a cow. You learned that they might live on a farm, they are black and white and sometimes
brown, and they say “moo!” However, do you know what type of animal that a cow is? A cow is a
mammal. A mammal is the first group of the animal classifications that we will be learning about. Let’s
watch this quick video about what a mammal is.
(auditory, visual)
The attention getter is engaging to the students because it introduces to them the topics that we will be
discussing about mammals in a kid-friendly way. It is a very cute video. It relates to the objective
because it helps them to see real examples of mammals and tells some of the physical characteristics of
Content Presentation:
I will show a PowerPoint presentation to my students about mammals and their physical characteristics.
During each slide, I will teach the characteristic and then add any additional information to help them
understand it. I will relate each characteristic to a real-world scenario so that they can make sense of it
better. As we progress through the PowerPoint, the students are able to learn a new fact on every slide.
Slide 2- Hair/fur: “Okay so mammals have fur or hair on their skin.“Okay so think about a dog. Do they
feel like they have scales? *No* No, dogs are mammals and they have fur.”
Slide 3- Legs: Mammals have 4, 2, or 0 legs. Dolphins only have a tail and fins. Look at the picture. What
does the elephant have? *4* Good.
Slide 4- “Vertebrates-you can see here, having a vertebrae means that they have a backbone. Mammals
have a backbone.**Passes around deer and cow vertebrae**(Visual, kinesthetic)
Slide 5- Warm blooded is another one of our vocabulary words. It means that your temperature inside of
your body stays the same no matter what the weather is. For example: if a dog is standing in snow. They
might be cold, but if you were to take their temperature, would they be cold on the inside? No. Their
blood stays warm whether it is hot or cold outside.
Slide 6- Mammals breathe through their lungs. I want everyone to take a deep breath in and let it out.
You just represented how mammals breathe through their lungs.
Slide 7- This is how mammals give birth to their child. The milk that the mother makes is used to feed
the babies nutrients.
Slide 8- examples of real animals that are mammals. Why do we think that these are mammals?
Slide 9- WE ARE HUMANS. *Turn to a friend next to you and tell why you think we are mammals* (Small
group/social) (IEP)
Slide 10- Have 2 students who are following directions to choose the mammals and explain why.
**Modeling: Show them how they breathe through their lungs and where a backbone is**
Guided Practice:
Now that you guys have watched a video and just went through the PowerPoint where you have learned
so many cool facts about mammals, I think that you guys have earned a game. I have a ball here and on
the ball is written so many questions about what you have learned. I am going to throw the ball to a
student and wherever their thumb lands, I want them to answer the question to the class. If they get it
right, they get a point for the class. If they do not know the answer or they get it wrong, they are to pass
the ball to a friend for help. The friend can help them out but no points will be rewarded for that one.
Continue throwing the ball around until everyone in the class has had a turn. If you get a question that
has already been asked, that is okay. Practice makes perfect! I am going to be the judge on your answers
and be the person who gives points to you. If you tell someone an answer or you are not following
directions, I will take a point away. “Are there any questions before we begin?”
***Modeling: Show them how their left from their right thumb***
Questions: (Recall)
Warm blooded or cold blooded? Warm-blooded
Describe their skin. Hair or fur
Vertebrate or invertebrate? vertebrate
How are they born? Born naturally by their mothers- born alive
Do they make milk? yes
Do they have legs? Yes; 4, 2, or 0.
Name an animal example of this classification. Answers may vary; ex: monkey
Are humans an example? yes
How do they breathe? Through their lungs
How many animal classifications are there in all? 6
Independent Practice:
Awesome job guys! I am very impressed with how you guys were paying attention and
answering those questions. Now I want to see what you are capable of doing by yourself. I see
how well you guys just did and I know you all are experts now! I am about to hand you a piece
of paper. On the top, I want you to write your name and the date. In the box, I want you to
think of an animal that is a mammal. I want you to draw a picture of it and then write 3 reasons
why it is a mammal. (kinesthetic/visual)
Modeling: Here’s an example that I made. I drew a picture of a cat. I wrote that a cat is a
mammal because 1) it has fur 2) they are warm blooded 3)They have a vertebrae.
I want you to use a DIFFERENT animal that is a mammal than a cat. It can be one that we talked
about or one that you discovered on your own. I want you to draw a picture of it and tell three
reasons why it is a mammal. When you are finished, I want you to bring it up to me to be
checked. If you do not have any changes to make and there is still more time left, I want you to
write on a piece of paper as many animals that you can think of that are mammals. The more
that you practice thinking about the physical characteristics and applying them, the more you
will know about mammals. (Kinesthetic) (Early finishers)
While you are doing this, I will be walking around to help you if you need it. I am excited to see
what you guys come up with.
Formative Assessment:
Today, I want to see what you know through a quick little assessment. Now, I am going to pass out an
exit slip. On this exit slip, I want you to write one thing that you learned today about mammals. Please
write your name on it. Try your best with this; I know you all will do great! Whenever you are done, I
want you to put the ticket on your table upside down so that I can come by and collect it.
ASSESSMENT/CLOSURE: Excellent job today guys! Do I have three volunteers that would like to come up
here and share their drawings and facts? **let them present** Now, I want to know three things that
this lesson has taught you that you did not already know. If I call on you, I want you to give me one
thing. *gets three facts from students* (review)
Make sure that you are reviewing what we learned today because we will be having a test on all of the
animal classifications at the end of the unit. Today, I want to see what you know through a quick little
assessment. Now, I am going to pass out an exit slip. On this exit slip, I want you to write one thing that
you learned today about mammals. Please write your name on it. Try your best with this; I know you all
will do great! Whenever you are done, I want you to put the ticket on your table upside down so that I
can come by and collect it. (formative assessment)
Tasks for early finishers: If a student finishes early, I will give them a blank piece of paper and I
want them to write as many examples of mammals as they can think of. This allows for them to
continue thinking about the physical characteristics of mammals and allows for them to take
those and find animals to match it.
Provisions for those who struggle or need more time: If I have any students who need more
time or who were struggling, they will be granted more time during AR time. If they need
assistance, they are welcome to ask me, my CT, or my CT’s assistant for help. They are also
available to finish it at home if they bring it back.
VISUAL: video, PowerPoint, mammal bones
AUDITORY: video, beach ball activity, PowerPoint
KINESTHETIC/TACTILE: Mammal bones, drawing/writing, beach ball activity
IEP: I have two students that qualify for speech therapy. They will be able to practice
communicating and working on speaking sounds by talking to their partners, answering
questions, and answering a question on the ball. I also will repeat directions as I speak.
504: I do not have any 504s.
Attach documents used during lesson. (Materials, Presentation Files, Assessments (with keys), Rubrics,