Topsolid 2014 What'S New in Topsolid'Design V6.15
Topsolid 2014 What'S New in Topsolid'Design V6.15
Topsolid 2014 What'S New in Topsolid'Design V6.15
Missler Software 1
What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
This document describes the new features made to the design application of the TopSolid’Design software in the
version 6.15.
The installation procedure proposes to install or upgrade the components listed below with the following
Component Version
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2005
Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2008 SP1
Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2010
Visual Studio C++ Redistributable 2012
Sentinel driver 7.5.8
Sentinel RMS License Manager (floating license manager) 8.5.3
Configuration styles
Customization of TopSolid has been further improved. In addition to the configurable contexts in previous
versions, it is now possible to define styles that contain the menus, functions and contexts to be used.
This makes it possible, for example, to create a style for each application (TopSolid’Design, TopSolid’Draft,
As with context customization, styles can be created using the Tools > Customize function and it is possible to
switch from one style to the other using the Tools > Style configuration function.
For each type of document, the last style used is saved so that it can then be automatically used when creating a
new document.
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TopSolid 2014 What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15
Import project
The File > Import project function now proposes to open the project just imported.
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What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
User interface
The unfolded nodes of the symbolic tree remain open when the tree is displayed again.
In the status bar, the new Ax=yes/no mode is used to automatically reposition the view along the nearest axis.
This setting is saved between two sessions.
When creating a presentation, the COMMENT option allows you to associate a description with the presentation.
When the presentation has been created, this comment can be entered from a contextual command.
The compass configuration information available in File > Properties has been relocated in Tools > Options.
The mode for selecting faces by color has been added to the Shape > Other shapes > Copy face, Shape >
Surfacic/boolean operations > Smooth and Shape > Mechanical/other operations > Color functions.
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TopSolid 2014 What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15
Selection of the parameter to be modified
When modifying a parameter, for example using the Modify parameter function, when several parameters are
found on the selected element, these are available as buttons in the dialog bar.
For greater clarity, these buttons now display the parameter values.
The WHEN, OR and AND functions have been optimized to calculate only the necessary expressions.
For example: WHEN(length==0,0,100/length)
- if length = 0, the 2nd part of the expression (100/length) is not calculated, which in this case avoids a
division by zero.
Horizontal or vertical link
During contour creation, after entering a through point, the Link=AXES (Z) option allows you to get a segment
parallel to one of the coordinate system’s axes. This option is now available by indicating a starting point, then a
profile, and vice versa.
A contour built on invalid elements now becomes invalid too.
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What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
Visualization of sewn curves
In addition to show the ends of open curves, the Show extremities function now hatches the closed sewn curves
in order to improve their visibility.
Each area is hatched with a different pattern, color and angle; five patterns are used with pastel colors in order
for curves to be readable. These hatchings are hidden during a dynamic movement (zoom or rotation).
When the value is too large or segments are tangent, a yellow circle is displayed on the vertex where the fillet
cannot be performed.
The new Mode=Local/Global option is used to create a fillet on all angles of a sewn curve. A different radius can
be specified for internal and external fillets.
Examples of fillets in GLOBAL mode, with same radii (left), with different radii (center), and with a too large
radius (right).
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TopSolid 2014 What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15
When creating a contour by passing over existing entities, leaving the cursor over a segment for one-half second
allows this segment to be defined as a reference. In addition to the protractor, TopSolid then proposes a
construction line parallel to the segment.
Simply click on this line to create a "parallel repassing" with a dimension imposing the constraint.
It is possible to build on segments of another sketch or on edges of a shape.
When creating the right contour, hovering your mouse over the red segment (1) allows you to display the axis
(2) in order to hook on it.
The new 3 POINTS option is used to create a rectangle by indicating 3 points; the rectangle thus obtained is
constrained by 2 dimensions and perpendicularity constraints, which allows it to rotate around a vertex.
Curves/Other operations
In non-associative mode, in order for the resulting curves to remain on the same level as the original curves, the
Check layer of curves option must be checked and the value "-1" must be entered in the Layer field.
It is also possible to keep the original attributes by checking the Check color of curves and Check linetype of
curves options.
Superposed curves
Like for sewing, in order for the resulting curves to remain on the same level as the original curves, the Check
layer of curves option must be checked and the value "-1" must be entered in the Layer field.
Missler Software 7
What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
Extruded shape
The arrow for reversing the direction takes better account of the zoom in order to be visible on flat parts such as
Enclosing shape
The Optimize=YES/NO option has been added in the case of an enclosing cylinder with a given axis; it accelerates
calculation times in most cases.
Copy faces
added. Moreover, the function ergonomics has been modified; the internal loop removal, trimming and merging
options are now available in the advanced options that can be accessed using the button >>.
It is now possible to knurl a planar face. This enables it to be associated with a knurling dimension in the draft.
Major improvements have been made to the drilling function:
- Blind hole with global offset:
In previous versions, the offset was calculated in relation to the face intersecting the drilling axis. The new
Global offset option takes all the part faces into account to calculate the offset (bottom faces + side faces).
- Drillings on circles:
For documents coming from a 2D import (AutoCAD DXF, DWG or others), the new CIRCLES option available in
the COORDINATE SYSTEM OR SKETCH mode allows you to quickly create drillings on circles by automatically
retrieving the diameters.
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TopSolid 2014 What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15
After selecting the circles and the reference face, the drilling type selection window is displayed for each circle.
The Merge=YES option is used to identify circles with the same diameters in order to display the drilling type
selection window only once.
The concentric circles are automatically recognized so that the spot faced holes can be performed.
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What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
The Ghost drilling mode is only available for holes performed in the tools of a component.
From the TOOLS SET in the symbolic tree, the Define ghost tool contextual function activates the ghost mode
using a Boolean parameter (1: ghost mode enabled / 0: ghost mode enabled) which is automatically declared
as an optional driver.
Then, when including the component, the Boolean driver is used to choose whether to create the component
processes in ghost mode.
The WITH A TOLERANCE mode has been added to the face smoothing operation. This mode only asks for the
faces to be smoothed and a tolerance. Both selection by window and selection by color are now supported.
The value of the maximum deviation is shown by a point on the surface and a message is displayed in the Alpha
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TopSolid 2014 What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15
Addition of driver parameters
The management of driver parameters has been enhanced. Drivers can now be added to a component already
included in an assembly.
After selecting a component using the Modify element function, the PARAMETERS option detects that the
component template contains new driver parameters and provides a new ADD THE NEW DRIVER PARAMETERS
Using this button, the new parameters are then directly accessible from the modification window displayed by
Secondary drivers
To make sub-component libraries easier to create, it is now possible to define secondary drivers.
Drivers defined as secondary drivers (identified by the icon ) on sub-components can be modified at several
assembly levels. This allows parameters specific to each sub-component to be used without having to redefine
them as drivers in the assembly.
The secondary driver parameter becomes useful only at the second level of inclusion; when a sub-component is
replaced by another one, secondary drivers specific to the sub-component are then required.
Bisectrix coordinate system
The new Bisectrix coordinate system function is used to create a coordinate system at the intersection of
2 planes or 2 directions.
Example of a bisectrix coordinate system (in red) created by selecting the directions
shown by gray arrows.
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What’s new in TopSolid’Design v6.15 TopSolid 2014
The Type=Angular/Linear option has been added. In the case of parallel or quasi-parallel lines or axes (whose
angle value is less than 10-6 degrees), it allows you to get an angular dimension instead of the linear dimension.
Transparency scales for material definition and those for texture definition have been standardized. In both cases,
values can now vary from 0 to 10.
Light and shadow settings
When creating a light, settings for light and shadow have been separated to make the configuration easier.
Moreover, the default values of the different settings (intensity, shadow opacity, shadow diffusion…) have been
modified in order to provide lights that can be used directly.
Brightness adjustment
The new TONE MAPPING mode almost instantly adjusts the brightness of an image once it has been calculated.
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