Final FPD Ek Revised
Final FPD Ek Revised
Final FPD Ek Revised
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
Notes about device access in the classroom: Students are equipped with their own personal devices (MacBooks). They are under strict instruction only to access it when granted
permission by teacher.
LESSON and other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 5 Reflect on, discuss and 1. Students will identify and Formative: Observe Intro: Greet students. To rouse interest, begin class by watching (90 seconds) video
Lesson 1: explore notions of challenge their students’ ‘Peep Show- Teach me how to read’ (a humorous take on the difficulty of reading om/watch?v=rn22UlVd
literary value and how preconceptions towards intellectual and ‘old books’). Students discuss with each other and share answers to the 4 questions pw0
Intro to and why such notions tackling more advanced texts. social contributions based on the video (questions projected on whiteboard). (Peep Show Video)
Shakespeare’s vary according to context to class Google Docs 1. What does Jeremy really mean when he asks Mark to ‘teach me how to
language (ACELT1634) 2. Students will work as a task, Answer Garden read?’ Projector & whiteboard
team to find and compile a & Kahoot! 2. Why do you think that Jeremy ‘hated’ trying to read the novel? Have you
Investigate and list of words and sayings ever felt like him before? / How do you feel about reading those type of
experiment with the use Shakespeare invented. Observations of books or any for that matter?
and effect of extended group dynamics to 3. What makes some texts more daunting than others?
metaphor, metonymy, 3. Students will compose a assess for equity of 4. What makes you want to keep reading?
allegory, icons, myths draft of their ideas and lyrics teamwork in lyric
and symbolism in texts, for a rap/hip-hop/trap song composition. Students to log onto ‘Answer Garden’ to explore their own thoughts on h/859702
for example poetry, short using Shakespeare’s sayings Shakespeare: ‘What do you think of when you hear the word Shakespeare?’ Discuss (Class discussion
films, graphic novels, and and words. Planning/drafts of student responses, use as lead into our new topic: the language of Shakespeare. Answer Garden)
plays on similar rap (indicate
themes (ACELT1637) progress and Students log onto Kahoot! and play ‘Shakespeare or Hip-Hop’ in teams (students will
engagement with read aloud various lines of verse and guess whether the line is from one of
Apply an expanding task). Shakespeare’s plays or from a Hip-Hop/rap song… they unlikely to get all correct!) /k/710e3a03-4978-
vocabulary 49e0-9808-
to read increasingly Answers: c5517310d08d
complex texts with ‘To destroy the beauty from which one came’ (Sean Carter, AKA Jay-Z (Kahoot! Quiz)
fluency and ‘Can I live’)
comprehension (ACELY17 ‘Maybe its hatred I spew, maybe its food for the spirit’ (Anyone heard of a
43) gentleman called Eminem? from a track called ‘Renegade’)
‘Men would rather use their broken weapons than their bare hands’
(from a play named ‘Othello’)
‘I was not born under a rhyming planet’ (Shakespeare, ‘Much ado about
‘The most benevolent king communicates through your dreams’ (A
gentleman known as the RZA who’s the head of the Wu Tang Clan, one of
the main exponents of hip hop philosophy)
‘Socrates, philosophies and hypotheses cant define’ (Wu Tang again)
Allow time for students to refocus, then begin opening discussion: ‘Now, can we
guess how many words he came up with?’ (Answer: 422) …
‘Guess how many of them we still use today (without thinking)’ (Answer: LOTS!)
Body: Briefly introduce rap song task: ‘In groups, you are going to compose your
own rap/trap/hip-hop song using words and sayings invented by Shakespeare: you’ll
have to select a backing track and come up with your own lyrics. We have 2 lessons
to do all of this! The task sheet and links are all on our class Weebly.’ However,
before we do that, we need to research and find our Shakespearian words/sayings’.
Task: On 1 combined document (Google Docs), class have 5 mins to work together
as a team to compose 2 lists of as many: 1) Sayings (and what they mean) and 2)
Terms or words (and what they mean) that Shakespeare invented. Resources are 1.html (‘Lesson 1’ Page)
located on the class Weebly.
Students to get into groups of 2-3, access and read the task sheet and begin devising Google Docs
a rough plan for their Rap/hip-hop/trap song using Shakespearian terms and words
they researched.
Close: Groups will need to email teacher whatever planning they have done. Outline Gmail
plan for tomorrow: have 1 period to compose their song, day afterwards they will
produce and publish it.
Students will have spent 1 double period composing their rap song. All groups will have either finished or are at final polishing/editing stage (was set as a homework task).
Week 5 Create literary texts, 1. Students will formulate, on- Formative: Ongoing Intro: Welcome students into the room (various RnB, rap and hip-hop music playing
Lesson 3: including hybrid texts, the-spot, an association to a observations for in background to set mood), ask everyone to sit in 1 big circle. Quick wordplay game
that innovate on aspects given word as they participate teamwork. to get everyone’s brains working, Word Association Drill:
Producing and of other texts, for in a whole class game.
publishing example by using 1) Teacher to give a word/subject or idea e.g. flicker
Shakespeare parody, allusion and appr 2. Students will select a 2) First student in circle is to come up with something associated with that
inspired Rap opriation(ACELT1773) word/s, on-the-spot, that idea (e.g. TV)
rhymes with the given word 3) Next student to connect that association to another idea (e.g.
Create imaginative, as they participate in a whole Kardashians).
informative and class game. 4) Repeat process, gradually picking up pace as we become more
persuasive texts that comfortable with it until we can get around the whole circle in 60 seconds.
present a point of 3. Students will produce an (Word association common technique used in modern rap verses).
view and advance or Mp3 version of their rap song SmileBox App
illustrate arguments, using a digital audio editor 1 last game before get into groups and produce song, Random Rhyme: teacher Projector & whiteboard
including texts that and recording software (e.g. projects various images onto whiteboard and students must find a word that rhymes
integrate visual, print Audacity) and upload to class with it. Those who cannot think of a word are OUT, go around circle slowly
and/or audio Weebly. eliminating people until there are 2 left who will face the final rhyme off. (Note:
features (ACELY1746) begin with easy words – 2 syllable- ensure everyone gets a chance to participate
then become progressively harder- up to 4 syllables- as it goes on).
Review and edit
students’ own and Body: Teacher to explain plan for today: Students have remainder of lesson to break m/watch?v=CzvILWbufB
others’ texts to improve off into their groups: select a backing track and begin producing it as an audio Mp3 w (Tutorial on how to use
clarity and control over using Audacity (or preferred app). However, first students are to access their devices Audacity)
content, organisation, and navigate to todays lesson page on Weebly and find video on how to use
paragraphing, sentence s Audacity, so when ready to produce they know how to use it. As mentioned afore,
tructure, vocabulary and some groups may already know how to use another App and are welcome to.
audio/visual rg/genre/Hip-Hop_Beats/
features (ACELY1747) Teacher to visit each group and provide feedback/assistance. Backing music (Copyright
Free, under Creative
Use a range of software, Close: Students to save their file as Mp3, download to their devices and upload Commons)
including word processin finished copy to class Weebly by tomorrow afternoon (before our class- last period).
g programs, flexibly and
imaginatively to publish
texts (ACELY1748) (Audacity App)
Week 5 Explore and reflect on personal 1. Students will Summative: Marking Intro: Greet students. Groups to share 30-60 seconds of their rap- thank and
Lesson 4: understanding of the world and present their rap key will be used to acknowledge everyone for their efforts. Introduce plan for the next few lessons: we m/watch?v=l3w2MTXBeb
significant human experience song to their assess the rap are going to continue on with exploring Shakespeare’s language, looking now at his g (Dr Seuss Vs.
gained from interpreting various classmates. composition task. finest insults. Students to download Shakespeare list of insults PDF from class Shakespeare rap battle)
representations of life matters in Weebly and have a quick read.
Shakespearian texts (ACELT1635)
language further: 2. Students will apply
Insults. knowledge learned Formative: Ongoing Activity: Using the list of Shakespearian insults, get into partners and have a go at com/freebies/shakespear
Create literary texts, including
(Shakespeare’s observations of creating some of your own lines of insults, then apply them in the role play ean-insults.pdf
hybrid texts, that innovate on
insults) to create partner dynamics. (explained on the page). Pairs have 2-5 mins to play around, then we will watch (Shakespearian Insults
aspects of other texts, for example
by using vocal warm ups some! PDF)
parody, allusion and appropriation( (improvisation).
ACELT1773) Body: Bring class attention back. Play video (2 mins) ‘Epic Rap Battles of History Dr.
3. Students will Seuss Vs. Shakespeare’ to try and spark interest.
Experiment with the ways compose a 30-60
that language features, image and second ‘diss rap’ on a Activity: Students to get into new groups of 2, and create a new 30-60 second ‘diss’
sound can be adapted in literary topic of their choice track (using Shakespeare’s ‘insults’) about a subject of their choice (or can use from
texts, for example the effects of incorporating list of ideas). They have 20-25 mins to do this).
stereotypical characters and Shakespearian
settings, the playfulness of humour insults. Topics:
and pun and the use of Something you’re angry about
hyperlink (ACELT1638) Conor McGregor to Khabib Nurmagomedov
(Everyone) to Donald Trump
Use interaction skills to present and
discuss an idea and to influence Student to a mean teacher
and engage an audience by Squidward to Spongebob
selecting persuasive language,
varying voice tone, pitch, and pace, Call students’ attention back. They must now turn this into a video (e.g. iMovie or iMovie
and using elements such as music Adobe Spark Video) with appropriate photos, background music to Adobe Spark Video
and sound effects (ACELY1811) illustrate/emphasise points. They have the rest of the lesson to start this.
Review and edit students’ own and Close: Call students back, listen to ideas and gain feedback on the project. Additional Resources:
others’ texts to improve clarity and Next lesson students will finish project and upload vide on class Weebly.
control over content, organisation, m/watch?v=-
paragraphing, sentence structure, TWwfBCY5iU
vocabulary and audio/visual (Shakespeare VS JK
features (ACELY1747) Rowling)