Aerodrome Meteorological Observing Systems Study Group (Amossg)

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Exeter, United Kingdom, 17 to 20 October 2006

Agenda Item 6: Aerodrome forecast requirements


(Presented by the Secretary)


1.1 A working paper presented to the meteorological sub-group of the European Air
Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) held in Paris, France, 18 to 22 September 2006 discussed
developments made in the forecasting of runway visual range (RVR) and is reproduced for the benefit of
the group as the appendix to this information paper.


2.1 The group is invited to note the contents of this information paper.


(13 pages)

European and North

Atlantic Office

METG/16 – WP/16



(Paris, 18 – 22 September 2006)

Agenda Item 8: Meteorological support for air traffic management group

Chapter 1 RVR forecast: status report

(Presented by the Rapporteur of the METATMG)


This paper describes the current status of RVR forecast and proposals for RVR
forecast using the forecast visibility values.

1) Introduction

1.1 Since airport operations in Low Visibility Conditions (LVC) are amongst others based on RVR
criteria, ATC units need a forecast of this parameter to be able to make an efficient planning of these
operations, as they have an impact on safety and capacity.

1.2 It was stated during the METG/15 meeting that in order to be successful in any RVR forecast at
least a reliable visibility forecast would be necessary. MET services are issuing visibility forecasts, which
give some idea about possible LVC, but in an insufficient way for the ATC operations.
Appendix A-2

1.3 There is even a tendency in the MET world to not put any effort anymore in the development of a
RVR forecast, because “RVR forecasts cannot be of a good quality when visibility forecasts are not of a
good quality”; so all the effort should be put into the improvement of visibility forecasts.

1.4 But even if visibility forecast methods don’t give very accurate results yet, it can be useful to look
more precisely at the direct connection between visibility and RVR in order to get the best assessment of
RVR forecasting when a visibility forecast is available.

2. Discussion

2.1 From an operational point of view, not putting any effort in RVR forecasts because they will not
be accurate enough is not recommendable for two reasons.

2.1.1 At present ATC is using very often a simple conversion factor to convert the forecasted visibility
into forecasted RVR values, which leads to even worse accuracy.

2.1.2 RVR can very simply be calculated from forecasted MOR and weather by using the same
principles as for the real-time RVR assessment. See a proposal from Belgium in Appendix 1.

2.2 It is clear from Appendix 1 that in reality not much work is needed to supply ATC units with a
first-guess RVR value which will be more accurate than the RVR estimate they produce themselves.

2.3 If this RVR calculation is put into operation, it will automatically benefit later on from
improvements in accuracy of visibility forecasts as a result of the current scientific research.

2.4 A number of MET services already use conversion tables between MOR and Aeronautical
visibility based on the principle as described in Appendix 1. France is extending these tables to also
include RVR. Doing this is only a small effort for MET but a major improvement for ATC. See the
proposal from France in Appendix 2.

2.5 On a somewhat longer term the concept of the RVR calculation can even be integrated in the
probability forecast concept as is used in the existing TREND and TAF guidance software. The results
thereof will be a forecast that RVR will be in a particular interval, by preference based on operational LVP
(Low Visibility Procedures) thresholds, with a certain probability. Such result will even be more useful
for ATC units.

3. Conclusion

3.1 It is obvious that the most important challenge in the field of “visibility” is to improve the
visibility forecasting. For this purpose, important efforts are developed in individual MET services but
also on the European level e.g. the COST 722 project.
3.2 It is clear that even though visibility forecasts, and therefore also RVR forecasts, are currently not
accurate enough, it is worth while to also put effort in producing RVR forecasts for ATC units and to
know that a logical method to calculate RVR from visibility exists and that RVR forecasting is not more
complicated than visibility forecasting.

3.3 It must be noted that the forecast of visibility may suffer from an ambiguity: is the forecaster
forecasting a MOR, or an aeronautical visibility which requires a background luminance forecast or
estimation? The advantage of a RVR forecast is that RVR is clearly defined and is not subject to a
possible ambiguity between a forecast of MOR and a forecast of aeronautical visibility.

3.4 The most simple and logical method for forecasting RVR is the calculation of a first-guess RVR
value or the use of tables via the same method as is used for real-time RVR assessment.

3.5 This method might be integrated in existing probabilistic forecast software in order to produce
probabilistic RVR forecasts.

3.6 Future improvements in visibility forecasts will automatically have positive influences on the
accuracy of RVR forecasts.

4. Action by METG

METG is invited: i. to discuss the information and the conclusions contained in this paper;
ii. to ask ICAO to consider the RVR forecast using forecast visibility values

Appendix A-4

Appendix 1
Calculation of first-guess RVR value


1.1 Real-time RVR is assessed by means of the Koschmieder's and Allard's laws. In these laws one
makes use of the MOR, the background luminance and the light intensity.

1.2 Based on the same principle, a first-guess RVR value for an aerodrome can be calculated based
on the forecast MOR and a background luminance corresponding with the time of the day and the forecast
weather; the light intensity can be chosen as the same light intensity which is used for the assessment of
real-time RVR values (e.g. the maximum light intensity).


2.1 Theoretical background:

2.1.1 In the introduction it is stated that only the MOR and the background luminance have to be
forecasted to be able to calculate a first-guess RVR value for an aerodrome. The background of this
statement is explained in the following paragraphs.

2.1.2 Based on Koschmieder's law the formula is MOR  3/ is derived, whereby MOR is the
Meteorological Optical Range and  is the extinction coefficient.

2.1.3 Allard's law has the following form:

I eR
ET = ;

whereby ET is the visual threshold of illumination, I is the luminous intensity,  is the extinction
coefficient and R is the visual range of light. With aid of Koschmieder's law, the law of Allard can be
rewritten as:

I e3 R MOR
ET = .

2.1.4 The greater of the value MOR from Koschmieder's law and R from Allard's law is taken to be the
assessed RVR.

2.1.5 Based on the three paragraphs above it is clear that the only parameters that play a role in the
calculation of RVR values are I, E T, MOR and R. Note hereby that the visual range of light R can always
be calculated from the other three parameters, so that the only parameters that are needed as an input for a
RVR assessment are I, ET and MOR.

The visual threshold of illumination ET is related to the background luminance B as follows:

log (ET) = 0.57 log (B) + 0.05 [log (B)]² -6.66.

2.1.7 Taking the above relation between ET and B into account, the only parameters that are needed as
an input for the calculation of a first-guess RVR value for an aerodrome are the luminous intensity I, the
background luminance B and the MOR.

2.2 Practical considerations and work to be done:

2.2.1 The luminous intensity I can be chosen as follows: For the real-time assessment of RVR, the intensity of the runway edge and runway centre line
lights is used. This can be 100% light setting or light intensity actually in use at the aerodrome (or
runway) or the optimum light intensity in case the lights are switched off; all values taking into account
the contamination and aging. for the calculation of a first-guess RVR value for an aerodrome, each aerodrome can make use of
the same intensit(y)(ies) that is (are) used for real-time assessment, but for harmonization, it would be
better to use 100% light setting, and off-course by taking into account ageing and contamination of the

2.2.2 Based on the theoretical background and on the consideration concerning the luminous intensity,
it is clear that only the MOR and the background luminance have to be forecast in order to calculate a
first-guess RVR value for an aerodrome.

2.2.3 MOR can be considered as the synoptical horizontal visibility; the latter can thus be used as input
in the calculation for the first-guess RVR value.

2.2.4 For the background luminance, (simple) correlations with the type of weather phenomena and
time of the day (day, night, twilight) have to be set up, eventually based on a statistical study. The result
Appendix A-6

of these correlations is that based on the forecast weather and the time of the day, a background
luminance can be determined.

2.2.5 For practical use, two actions are possible: the first one is the development of a calculator which
determines the first-guess RVR based on some input values; the second one is the development of some
tables which can be used by the forecaster.

2.3 Additional remarks:

2.3.1 Note that the calculation described above concerns the calculation of a first-guess value. This
value is not exact and gives only an idea of the RVR that can be expected at an aerodrome. The accuracy
of this first-guess value depends highly on the accuracy of the different correlations and in particular on
the accuracy of the forecast visibility and weather phenomena.

2.3.2 The first-guess value is only one value for the entire aerodrome, which would be already a great
improvement for ATC. Specific first-guess values for each runway and/or section of the runway may be
determined later on after a thorough statistical study of the relation between the first-guess value and the
specific RVR values for each runway and/or section of the runway. These relations have of course to be
investigated for each aerodrome specifically.

2.3.3 The idea discussed above can also be used to calculate the aeronautical visibility based on
forecast MOR and background luminance.


Appendix 2
RVR forecast using the forecast visibility values.

This method is based on the definitions themselves of the different concepts of visibility.

1. Some notions about visibility

1.1 The Meteorological Optical Range (MOR)

“The Meteorological Optical Range is the length of the way which in the atmosphere a beam of parallel
luminous rays must carry out, emanating from an incandescent lamp, at a temperature of color of 2700°
K, so that the intensity of luminous flow is reduced to 0,05 times its original value”.
Behind this complicated definition, the MOR is actually the basic parameter characterizing the optical
state of the atmosphere, because it:
- does not depend by definition on the variations between day and night,
- can easily be deduced from any measurement by transmissometer or diffusometer,
- is unambiguously defined by a simple equation based on Koschmieder’s law,
- is very close to the visibility by contrast, which is the one that a human observer sees by day. The
contrast threshold depends on the objects observed and the visual acuity of the observer, but in the
definition, a mean contrast threshold (of 0.05) is adopted,
- is directly related to the “transparency” of the air,
It can be noticed that the use of the MOR is recommended by WMO since 1953!
1.2 The aeronautical visibility
Especially at night, perception of light sources is increased and adds to visibility by contrast, particularly
at low values. The visibility of light sources depends on the intensity of the sources, the background
luminance and the “transparency” of the air (Allard’s law). Hence, what an observer sees is linked to
these 3 parameters, 2 of which (intensity and luminance) are independent of the state of the atmosphere.
This means that for the same air “transparency”, visibility by night is often greater than visibility by day.
The ratio is even higher when visibility is low, luminance low or the intensity of the sources is increased.
This ratio can exceed 3 by night for MORs of 200 m.
So, in 2001, ICAO defined the aeronautical visibility. It is the greater of the two values: visibility by
contrast (MOR) and perception of 1000 Cd light sources. This definition is fairly close (which explains it)
to what an observer would see on a lit airfield.
Nevertheless, in France, until now and for reasons not set out here, an observer is expected to convert the
observation to a MOR.
1.3 The Runway Visual Range (RVR)
The RVR is a particular application of these concepts, taking into account intense light sources directed
along the axis of the runway to guide the pilot: runway lighting. RVR is calculated from air transparency
measurements (transmissometer or diffusometer), background luminance (luminance meter) and from
knowing the intensity of the runway lighting.
Appendix A-8

2. Connection between RVR and visibility

- The MOR represents the transparency of the air,

- The aeronautical visibility defined by ICAO, depends on: the transparency of the air + the
background luminance + the light sources of 1000 Cd,
- The RVR depends on: the transparency of the air + the background luminance + the runway
lighting of about 10000 Cd.
If the MOR is known, it is enough to know the background luminance in order to calculate the RVR and
the aeronautical visibility.
The background luminance depends on the position of the sun (place, date, time) and on the cloud amount
and type.
The graphs which follow were established for the conditions of night and day. It was considered an
intensity of 10000 Cd for side runway lighting and of 5000 Cd for axial runway lighting.

Intensity 10000/5000 Ratio RVR/Vis Day






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

The table in Annex to this Appendix, based on the same principles as the graphs, give the corresponding
conversion between the MOR, the aeronautical visibility and the RVR for three typical luminance
conditions (night, day, twilight). They can be used by the forecaster for the calculation of the aeronautical
visibility and of the RVR from the MOR issued by the numerical models or any forecasting method.
One can see from these graphs and tables that the theoretical ratio between RVR and (aeronautical)
visibility is close to 1.3 whereas the ratio between RVR and MOR may vary between 4.9 and 1.2,
depending on visibility and luminance conditions.

These graphs and tables could surely be improved by using more precise assessments of the luminance
conditions, based on the sun position and a forecast of the cloud amount and type (with a specific
software for instance: a know-how exists in this domain at Météo-France but was not adapted until now to
this aeronautical field).

This method can be improved to get more precise tables of conversion than using 3 or 4 background
luminance levels as presented in this paper.

Annex to Appendix 2

MOR night night night night night tw iligt tw ilight tw ilight tw ilight tw ilight day day day day day
10 44 49 4.9 4.4 1.1 37 42 4.2 3.7 1.1 31 35 3.5 3.1 1.2
50 177 199 4.0 3.5 1.1 142 163 3.3 2.8 1.2 111 132 2.7 2.2 1.2
100 315 366 3.7 3.2 1.2 247 291 2.9 2.5 1.2 188 228 2.3 1.9 1.2
150 439 533 3.6 2.9 1.2 338 416 2.8 2.3 1.2 253 315 2.1 1.7 1.3
200 554 680 3.4 2.8 1.2 422 541 2.7 2.1 1.3 310 402 2.0 1.6 1.3
300 766 953 3.2 2.6 1.2 572 749 2.5 1.9 1.3 409 572 1.9 1.4 1.4
400 961 1207 3.0 2.4 1.3 707 938 2.3 1.8 1.3 495 707 1.8 1.2 1.4
500 1144 1449 2.9 2.3 1.3 830 1115 2.2 1.7 1.3 571 830 1.7 1.1 1.5
600 1316 1679 2.8 2.2 1.3 944 1282 2.1 1.6 1.4 639 944 1.6 1.1 1.5
700 1481 1901 2.7 2.1 1.3 1051 1441 2.1 1.5 1.4 702 1051 1.5 1.0 1.5
800 1638 2116 2.6 2.0 1.3 1152 1593 2.0 1.4 1.4 800 1152 1.4 1.0 1.4
900 1790 2324 2.6 2.0 1.3 1248 1740 1.9 1.4 1.4 900 1248 1.4 1.0 1.4
1000 1936 2526 2.5 1.9 1.3 1340 1881 1.9 1.3 1.4 1000 1340 1.3 1.0 1.3
1100 2078 2724 2.5 1.9 1.3 1428 2018 1.8 1.3 1.4 1100 1428 1.3 1.0 1.3
1200 2216 2917 2.4 1.8 1.3 1512 2150 1.8 1.3 1.4 1200 1512 1.3 1.0 1.3
1300 2350 3105 2.4 1.8 1.3 1592 2279 1.8 1.2 1.4 1300 1592 1.2 1.0 1.2
1400 2480 3290 2.4 1.8 1.3 1670 2405 1.7 1.2 1.4 1400 1670 1.2 1.0 1.2
1500 2607 3472 2.3 1.7 1.3 1746 2527 1.7 1.2 1.5 1500 1746 1.2 1.0 1.2

— END —

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