17.01.14 Final Kimax-Catalog Us
17.01.14 Final Kimax-Catalog Us
17.01.14 Final Kimax-Catalog Us
This catalog contains performance, engineering, installation With over 45 years of uninterrupted manufacturing and sales
and specification data for KIMAX® Glass Drain and Vent Sys- of KIMAX Systems, the use of glass drain and vent systems
tems manufactured by SCHOTT. continues to grow. More and more s pecifiers, building
owners and contractors recognize that glass pipe systems
KIMAX® Drainline Systems are designed for gravity flow. will not corrode, will not burn or emit toxic fumes, are easy
Borosilicate glass pipe and fittings are joined with bead- to handle and install, and offer the best value per dollar.
to-bead and bead-to-plain end compression couplings in
diameters 11⁄2“ through 6“. Detailed installation instruc-
tions are o
ffered in the KIMAX glass drainline installation
guide. For application and installation assistance, contact
your local KIMAX Drainline distributor or SCHOTT North
America, Inc.
Yes, the projected service life of KIMAX® Glass Drainlines is Firewalls Stay Firewalls with KIMAX Glass Drainline.
as long as the life of the building itself. KIMAX Glass Drain- Laboratories can be hazardous. In fact, the National Fire
lines are the most cost-effective, corrosion-resistant and Protection Association classifies all laboratories as hazardous
long-lasting materials available for drain and vent lines. areas and requires that they be segregated with minimum
one-hour fire walls and floors. But, laboratory drainlines and
Made of borosilicate glass – the same type of glass used for vents must penetrate these floors and walls.
laboratory glassware – KIMAX Glass Drainlines are impervi-
ous to almost every corrosive and reagent known. Acids KIMAX Glass Drain and Vent Systems are Underwriter’s
that would destroy most plastics have no effect on KIMAX Laboratory approved for Through Penetrating Firestops.
Glass Drainlines. Installed with firestop sealant, KIMAX corrosive resistant
drain and vent systems meet UL Standard for Safety UL
KIMAX Glass Drainlines are transparent, so you can find 1479 and its equivalent ASTM E-814.
blockages easily. They’re rugged too. KIMAX Glass Drain-
lines hold up to physical conditions that would destroy Unlike plastic pipe, KIMAX Glass Drainlines don’t burn or
most plastic drainlines. KIMAX Glass Drainlines can handle give off toxic vapors. If the fire is hot enough, KIMAX will
liquids as hot as boiling water; they won’t burn; and they sag and “tear drop”, sealing itself and confining the fire.
won’t melt or soften like many plastics. They are UL classi-
fied and even meet ASTM specifications for underground KIMAX Glass Drainline Systems are the original UL classified
service. approved drain and vent line for Through Penetrating Fire
stops. With our technology leadership and commitment
KIMAX Glass Drainlines are used in research, teaching and to safety, SCHOTT is continuing to develop improved, cost-
industrial laboratories; hospitals; and chemical, food and effective UL-approved drain and vent systems.
other processing plants.
KIMAX Glass Pipe requires less hangers than polypropylene and high silicon iron pipes – only one hanger every 8 to 10 feet.
KIMAX® Glass Drainlines Installation is Simple KIMAX® Glass Drainline Couplings – Quick and Secure
Joints are easy to make, rugged and reliable: Installing Two types of couplings are used to join KIMAX® Glass
KIMAX Glass Drainlines is fast and inexpensive – even faster Drainline pipes and fittings – bead-to-bead and bead-to-
and less costly than less effective materials like polypropyl- plain end. Both types have a 300-series stainless steel outer
ene pipe. Here’s why: shell, a Buna-N compression liner, and a TFE seal ring. With
• Glass pipe is lightweight and doesn’t sag, even when it’s a KIMAX Coupling, only glass and TFE contact the fluid.
hot. So it requires fewer hangers than high silicon iron or
plastic pipes. The recommended hanger spacing for all Bead-to-bead (B/B) Couplings are formed by placing the
sizes of KIMAX Glass Drainlines is every 8–10’. Polypropyl- two beaded drainline ends into a coupling and tightening
ene pipe manufacturers recommend hangers every 4–6’ the bolt. This type of coupling is normally used when in-
depending on the pipe diameter. stalling long runs of pipe that require no cutting. KIMAX
• Since glass pipe has a low coefficient of expansion, no ex- Glass Drainline comes from the factory with a bead on each
pansion loops or joints are needed. Its coefficient of ex- end. When the pipe must be cut in the field, use the KIMAX
pansion – 0.2”/100 ft/100°F – is lower than any other Bead-to-Plain end Coupling.
drainline material. Polypropylene pipe needs expansion
joints and/or loops.
• The UL classified firewall penetration system is simple,
easy to install and effective.
• Couplings for KIMAX Glass Drainlines require no field
beading, welding or fusion. To assemble a drain or vent
system with the KIMAX bead-to-plain coupling, the pipe
is merely cut, inserted into the coupling, and a bolt is
tightened. The two pieces of pipe can even be up to 4°
out of line.
All couplings are not alike. KIMAX B/P Couplings are de-
signed to stand up to harsh operating conditions. Tested by
an independent testing laboratory, KIMAX B/P Couplings
were found to be sound even after simulated 20-year test-
Guide Specifications
Long Form: Acid Waste Drain and Vent Piping System of 1½'' and 2'' may be supported at every other floor
I. General: level. 3'', 4'' and 6'' shall be supported at every floor
a) Contractor shall furnish and install a complete acid waste level.
drain and vent system as indicated. This system shall
be made of U.L. Classified borosilicate glass conforming II. Connections
to ASTM Specification C 1053-90, Federal Specification a) Glass-to-glass connections shall be made with KIMAX®
DD-G-541 B and Military Specification MIL-P-22561 B compression type bead-to-bead and bead-to-plain end
(YD) as manufactured under the trade name “KIMAX®” couplings – article numbers 6650 and 6661 respectively.
by SCHOTT. Coupling‘s outer shell, bolt and nut to be made from
b) This system shall include all glass straight lengths, fit- 300 series stainless steel. Bead-to-plain end coupling
tings, and traps, compression type tetra-fluoroethylene outer shell must encapsulate compression liner to pre-
lined couplings, and padded hanger supports. It shall vent cold flow and ensure leak-free joint. Coupling com-
also include protected pipe for underground burial and pression liner to be made from Buna-N-Rubber. Seal ring
recommended adapter couplings to connect other pip- gasket to be made of tetra-fluoro ethylene. When in-
ing material, where applicable. stalled according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-
c) All pipe shall be installed free of strain, in a manner to tions, they shall provide a leak-free joint when deflected
permit limited movement. Padded pipe hangers shall be up to 4°.
used on horizontal runs 8’ to 10’ on centers. Vertical risers b) Joints between glass and other types of piping material
shall be supported by padded riser clamps designed to shall be made with KIMAX Adapters, and/or according
restrict lateral and downward movement. Vertical risers to manufacturer’s recommendations.
4 Pieces = 5 ft.
90° 60° 45° 221⁄ 2° 6 12 -6090 -6060* -6045 -6022*
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
1 ⁄2
6 6 7 ⁄21
4 ⁄8
6 ⁄87
2 ⁄8
7 ⁄4
L L L L 2 6 ⁄21
6 ⁄21
8 ⁄41
4 ⁄4
7 ⁄43
3 ⁄4
8 ⁄8
3 10 10 10 ⁄2
6 ⁄6
9 ⁄83
3 ⁄8
10 ⁄2
4 14 14 13 ⁄2
7 ⁄8
11 ⁄8
4 ⁄8
10 ⁄4
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
C Test T and cleanout comes as complete assembly including cap and coupling.
3x3 12 33⁄4 8 -3030 -3030*
4 x 1 ⁄2
14 41⁄2 63⁄8 -4015* -4015*
4x2 14 41⁄2 71⁄2 -4020 -4020*
4x3 14 41⁄2 83⁄4 -4030 -4030*
4x4 14 41⁄2 10 -4040 -4040*
6x2 20 53⁄4 9 -6020* -6020*
6x3 20 53⁄4 103⁄8 -6030* -6030*
6x4 20 53⁄4 111⁄2 -6040* -6040*
6x6 20 53⁄4 14 -6060* -6060*
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
C Partition crosses are designed to prevent cross-flow when sinks are connected back to back.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
11⁄2 4 5 6550-1500
2 41⁄2 51⁄2 -2000
3 51⁄2 61⁄2 -3000
A 4 61⁄2 71⁄2 -4000*
Note: U bends are often used for vent loops. No. 6705 outlets on Swivel “S” Traps are also
used as vent loops.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
Cup Sinks
⁄4 ”
63⁄ 8”
33⁄ 8”
⁄4 ”
33⁄ 8”
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
6655 Adapter coupling Size Tailpiece Style O.D. Size Range Art. No.
KIMAX® glass tail pipe extension
size 2 x 11⁄2 No. 6728, metal tubing, and 1.48 to 1.53 6655-2015
range lead tailpiece extensions
Sink tailpiece
Rubber adapter Lead, Class D or XL tailpiece PYREX
2 x 13⁄4 1.70 to 1.78 -2017
tailpiece and cup sink
TFE Plain end KIMAX 1 ⁄2 glass pipe or
No. 6655 adapter assembly is used to join KIMAX® Drainline Pipe and/or fittings to plain end sink
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
No. 6661 B/P drainline coupling is used for joining 11⁄2”, 2”, 3”, 4” or 6” KIMAX® Beaded Glass
Drainline to plain end (cut) glass pipe; lead, I.P.S. metal, or plastic pipe.
Used to join 11⁄2” beaded KIMAX Drainline Pipe to 11⁄4” or 11⁄2” O.D. tubing. Note: Rubber seal
only – not recommended where solvents will come in contact with the coupling seal.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
Drainline Traps
No. 6700 (short outlet) swivel “P” trap assembly consists of a No. 6705 inlet with a No. 6513
outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint. See Standard Cleanout, Page 20.
No. 6701 (long outlet) swivel “P” trap assembly consists of a No. 6705 inlet with a No. 6512
outlet and a No. 6650 KIMAX Coupling at the swivel joint. See Standard Cleanout, Page 20.
Plain end outlet, can be field cut.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
No. 6706 swivel “S” trap consists of two No. 6705 inlets and a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at
the swivel joint.
Traps available with B type cleanout. See Standard Cleanout, Page 20.
B KIMAX borosilicate glass interceptor trap with 11⁄2” I.D. inlet, 11⁄2” I.D. outlet and 4” I.D. body.
83⁄4” 4”I.D.
41⁄ 2” Perforated S.S. screen interceptor 4” dia. with 1⁄ 16” holes and effective 6 sq. in. free area opening.
67⁄ 8” Bottom C.O. coupling with end cap for cleaning.
11⁄4” Connections:
D 1. F or DWV Service use KIMAX Adapter Coupling 6665-1515 for 11⁄2” O.D. tubing or
6665-1512 for 11⁄4” O.D. tubing. Rubber seal only.
2. T o connect to 11⁄2” IPS metal or rigid plastic plain end pipe, use KIMAX B/P Coupling
A 3. To connect to 11⁄2” I.D. glass drainline, use KIMAX Couplings 6650-1500 or 6661-1500.
A. Adapter coupling No. 6665-1512 (to connect to 1⁄4” O.D. tubing) (rubber seal)
No. 6665-1515 (to connect to 11⁄2” O.D. tubing)
B B. Perforated S.S. screen 1⁄ 16” dia. holes 6 sq. in. free area opening
C. Removable coupling/end cap for cleanout
D. Min. 3” clearance required under trap for removal of end cap
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
A No. 6710 swivel drum trap “P” assembly consists of a No. 6715 inlet with a No. 6716 outlet and
a No. 6650 KIMAX® Coupling at the swivel joint.
Use No. 6655 adapter coupling for inlet joint. Traps available with B type cleanout.
See Standard Cleanout, Page 20.
Standard drainline trap cleanout Type B consists of a No. 6650 standard KIMAX Coupling (11∕2”)
and a No. 6544 short glass cap (11∕2”).
Ordering Information:
To order standard traps with clean-outs use catalog number for proper style and add the letter
B. (Example: 8718-B-1515). For correct layout dimensions add 23∕4” to overall trap height for
23⁄4” cleanout Type B.
Adapter No. 6680 will fit standard straight or tapered threads. Used for same size pipe
(e.g. 11⁄2” metal to 11⁄2” glass). Ideal for floor drain connections. In 11⁄2”, 2”, 3”, and 4” sizes.
Adapter No. 6685 is designed to mate 11⁄2” threaded tailpieces to 2” expanded inlets for KIMAX
Traps. Can be moved up and down on tailpiece for space adjustments. In 2 x 11⁄2” size only.
Note: Hand tighten 6722 locknut to sink. DO NOT USE PIPE WRENCH. 11∕2” and 2” size sink
outlets are designed to accept standard overflows. For sink outlet tailpiece connections,
see No. 6728 dimensions on Page 22.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
*Manufactured per order. Not returnable.
Connection to the sink strainer assembly is accomplished using a 6661-1500 Bead x Plain End
#2 Size trademark
Tail Piece can be cut to desired length using the standard Kimax® glass cutter.
Use gasket No. 6739 when connecting KIMAX Glass Pipe to threaded metal pipe,
using No. 6735 split coupling.
7290 (11⁄2”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 6” sizes) Size Thread Diameter Art. No.
pipe hangers (padded)
11⁄2” ⁄8 – 16
2” ⁄8 – 16
3” ⁄8 – 16
4” ⁄8 – 16
6” ⁄2 – 13
Recommended for horizontal runs. Hangers contain integral cushions. Standard finish on band is
A.S.T.M. type L.S. zinc coating.
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
7310-56802 KIMAX Portable Glass Pipe cutter With the KIMAX® Portable Glass Pipe Cutter
you can cut 11⁄2” – 6” glass drainline pipe
Cutting point Plain or beaded end glass pipe Tension adjustement handle anywhere on the job site. Complete cutter
consists of a scoring head assembly, exten-
sion, tension arm sub-assembly and 11⁄2” – 4”
centering cones and ring stop as shown.
Order 6” centering cone separately.
Complete cutter
4” 6”
Use catalog dimensions for piping layout as gasket thickness allowance is included.
Plain end
1.82–1.90 2 x 17⁄8 -2018
Teflon spacer
Pipe Adapter MJ
Size Art. No. Coupling
11⁄2 6566-1500 Furnished
2 -2000 by others
Glass adapter
High silicon iron “MJ” pipe
High silicon iron “MJ” coupling
3 -3000
4 -4000
Ceramic Neutralizing Sump Systems
Distributed by:
The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith
by SCHOTT North America, Inc. However, suitability of our products for a given field application
is the responsibility of the buyer and SCHOTT North America, Inc. accepts no liability for the
appropriateness or adequacy of its products or information for any specific installation. Orders
are subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. SCHOTT North America, Inc. reserves
the right to modify or delete at any time, products as illustrated and described in this publication.
SCHOTT North America, Inc.
555 Taxter Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
Phone (914) 831-2200
Fax (914) 831-2368
[email protected]
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