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Soledad vs. People

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Republic of the Philippines name, and the application for said cellular phone lines

SUPREME COURT bore the picture of [petitioner] and his forged signature.
Manila Private complainant also checked with credit card
SECOND DIVISION companies and learned that his Citibank Credit Card
G.R. No. 184274 February 23, 2011 database information was altered and he had a credit
MARK SOLEDAD y CRISTOBAL, Petitioner, card application with Metrobank Card Corporation
vs. (Metrobank).
Thereafter, private complainant and Metrobank’s junior
DECISION assistant manager Jefferson Devilleres lodged a
NACHURA, J.: complaint with the National Bureau of Investigation
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 (NBI) which conducted an entrapment operation.
of the Rules of Court, seeking to reverse and set aside
the Court of Appeals (CA) Decision1 dated June 18, 2008 During the entrapment operation, NBI’s Special
and Resolution2 dated August 22, 2008 in CA-G.R. CR. Investigator (SI) Salvador Arteche [Arteche], together
No. 30603. The assailed Decision affirmed with with some other NBI operatives, arrived in Las Piñas
modification the September 27, 2006 decision3 of the around 5:00 P.M. [Arteche] posed as the delivery boy of
Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 202, Las Piñas City, the Metrobank credit card. Upon reaching the address
finding petitioner Mark C. Soledad guilty beyond written on the delivery receipt, [Arteche] asked for
reasonable doubt of Violation of Section 9(e), Republic Henry Yu. [Petitioner] responded that he was Henry Yu
Act (R.A.) No. 8484, or the Access Devices Regulations and presented to [Arteche] two (2) identification cards
Act of 1998; while the assailed Resolution denied which bore the name and signature of private
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration. complainant, while the picture showed the face of
[petitioner]. [Petitioner] signed the delivery receipt.
The facts of the case, as narrated by the CA, are as Thereupon, [Arteche] introduced himself as an NBI
follows: operative and apprehended [petitioner]. [Arteche]
Sometime in June 2004, private complainant Henry C. recovered from [petitioner] the two (2) identification
Yu received a call on his mobile phone from a certain cards he presented to [Arteche] earlier.4
"Tess" or "Juliet Villar" (later identified as Rochelle
Bagaporo), a credit card agent, who offered a Petitioner was thus charged with Violation of Section
Citifinancing loan assistance at a low interest rate. 9(e), R.A. No. 8484 for "possessing a counterfeit access
Enticed by the offer, private complainant invited device or access device fraudulently applied for." The
Rochelle Bagaporo to go to his office in Quezon City. accusatory portion of the Information reads:
While in his office, Rochelle Bagaporo indorsed private That on or about the 13th day of August 2004, or prior
complainant to her immediate boss, a certain "Arthur" thereto, in the City of Las Piñas, and within the
[later identified as petitioner]. In their telephone jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
conversation, [petitioner] told private complainant to accused, conspiring and confederating with certain
submit documents to a certain "Carlo" (later identified Rochelle Bagaporo a.k.a. Juliet Villar/Tess and a certain
as Ronald Gobenchiong). Private complainant submitted Ronald Gobenciong a.k.a. Carlo and all of them mutually
various documents, such as his Globe handyphone helping and aiding each other, did then and there
original platinum gold card, identification cards and willfully, unlawfully and feloniously defraud
statements of accounts. Subsequently, private complainant HENRY YU by applying a credit card, an
complainant followed up his loan status but he failed to access device defined under R.A. 8484, from
get in touch with either [petitioner] or Ronald METROBANK CARD CORPORATION, using the name of
Gobenchiong. complainant Henry C. Yu and his personal documents
During the first week of August 2004, private fraudulently obtained from him, and which credit card
complainant received his Globe handyphone statement in the name of Henry Yu was successfully issued and
of account wherein he was charged for two (2) mobile delivered to said accused using a fictitious identity and
phone numbers which were not his. Upon verification addresses of Henry Yu, to the damage and prejudice of
with the phone company, private complainant learned the real Henry Yu.
that he had additional five (5) mobile numbers in his CONTRARY TO LAW.5
Upon arraignment, petitioner pleaded "not guilty." Trial applied for," the act of "possession," which is the
on the merits ensued. After the presentation of the gravamen of the offense, was not alleged in the
evidence for the prosecution, petitioner filed a Information.
Demurrer to Evidence, alleging that he was not in We do not agree.
physical and legal possession of the credit card Section 6, Rule 110 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure
presented and marked in evidence by the prosecution. lays down the guidelines in determining the sufficiency
In an Order dated May 2, 2006, the RTC denied the of a complaint or information. It states:
Demurrer to Evidence as it preferred to rule on the SEC. 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information. – A
merits of the case.6 complaint or information is sufficient if it states the
name of the accused; the designation of the offense
On September 27, 2006, the RTC rendered a decision given by the statute; the acts or omissions complained
finding petitioner guilty as charged, the dispositive of as constituting the offense; the name of the offended
portion of which reads: party; the approximate date of the commission of the
In the light of the foregoing, the Court finds accused offense; and the place where the offense was
Mark Soledad y Cristobal a.k.a. "Henry Yu," committed.
"Arthur" GUILTYbeyond reasonable doubt of violation
of Section 9(e), Republic Act 8484 (Access Device In the Information filed before the RTC, it was clearly
Regulation Act of 1998). Accordingly, pursuant to stated that the accused is petitioner "Mark Soledad y
Section 10 of Republic Act 8484 and applying the Cristobal a.k.a. Henry Yu/Arthur." It was also specified
Indeterminate Sentence Law, said accused is hereby in the preamble of the Information that he was being
sentenced to suffer an imprisonment penalty of six (6) charged with Violation of R.A. No. 8484, Section 9(e) for
years of prision correccional, as minimum, to not more possessing a counterfeit access device or access device
than ten (10) years of prision mayor, as maximum. fraudulently applied for. In the accusatory portion
Further, accused is also ordered to pay a fine of Ten thereof, the acts constituting the offense were clearly
Thousand Pesos (₱10,000.00) for the offense narrated in that "[petitioner], together with other
committed. persons[,] willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
SO ORDERED.7 defrauded private complainant by applying [for] a credit
On appeal, the CA affirmed petitioner’s conviction, but card, an access device defined under R.A. [No.] 8484,
modified the penalty imposed by the RTC by deleting from Metrobank Card Corporation, using the name of
the terms prision correccional and prision mayor. complainant Henry C. Yu and his personal documents
Hence, this petition raising the following issues: fraudulently obtained from him, and which credit card
(1) Whether or not the Information is valid; in the name of Henry Yu was successfully issued, and
(2) Whether or not the Information charges an offense, delivered to said accused using a fictitious identity and
or the offense petitioner was found guilty of; addresses of Henry Yu, to the damage and prejudice of
(3) Whether or not petitioner was sufficiently informed the real Henry Yu." Moreover, it was identified that the
of the nature of the accusations against him; offended party was private complainant Henry Yu and
(4) Whether or not petitioner was legally in the crime was committed on or about the 13th day of
"possession" of the credit card subject of the case.8 August 2004 in the City of Las Piñas. Undoubtedly, the
The petition is without merit. Information contained all the necessary details of the
Petitioner was charged with Violation of R.A. No. 8484, offense committed, sufficient to apprise petitioner of
specifically Section 9(e), which reads as follows: the nature and cause of the accusation against him. As
Section 9. Prohibited Acts. – The following acts shall aptly argued by respondent People of the Philippines,
constitute access device fraud and are hereby declared through the Office of the Solicitor General, although the
to be unlawful: word "possession" was not used in the accusatory
xxxx portion of the Information, the word "possessing"
(e) possessing one or more counterfeit access devices or appeared in its preamble or the first paragraph thereof.
access devices fraudulently applied for. Thus, contrary to petitioner’s contention, he was
Petitioner assails the validity of the Information and apprised that he was being charged with violation of
claims that he was not informed of the accusation R.A. No. 8484, specifically section 9(e) thereof, for
against him. He explains that though he was charged possession of the credit card fraudulently applied for.
with "possession of an access device fraudulently
The Court’s discussion in People v. Villanueva9 on the envelope delivered and had no control over the subject
relationship between the preamble and the accusatory credit card.11
portion of the Information is noteworthy, and we Again, we find no value in petitioner’s argument.
quote: The trial court convicted petitioner of possession of the
The preamble or opening paragraph should not be credit card fraudulently applied for, penalized by R.A.
treated as a mere aggroupment of descriptive words No. 8484. The law, however, does not define the word
and phrases. It is as much an essential part [of] the "possession." Thus, we use the term as defined in
Information as the accusatory paragraph itself. The Article 523 of the Civil Code, that is, "possession is the
preamble in fact complements the accusatory holding of a thing or the enjoyment of a right." The
paragraph which draws its strength from the preamble. acquisition of possession involves two elements: the
It lays down the predicate for the charge in general corpus or the material holding of the thing, and the
terms; while the accusatory portion only provides the animus possidendi or the intent to possess it.12 Animus
necessary details. The preamble and the accusatory possidendi is a state of mind, the presence or
paragraph, together, form a complete whole that gives determination of which is largely dependent on
sense and meaning to the indictment. x x x. attendant events in each case. It may be inferred from
xxxx the prior or contemporaneous acts of the accused, as
Moreover, the opening paragraph bears the operative well as the surrounding circumstances.13
word "accuses," which sets in motion the constitutional
process of notification, and formally makes the person In this case, prior to the commission of the crime,
being charged with the commission of the offense an petitioner fraudulently obtained from private
accused. Verily, without the opening paragraph, the complainant various documents showing the latter’s
accusatory portion would be nothing but a useless and identity. He, thereafter, obtained cellular phones using
miserably incomplete narration of facts, and the entire private complainant’s identity. Undaunted, he
Information would be a functionally sterile charge fraudulently applied for a credit card under the name
sheet; thus making it impossible for the state to prove and personal circumstances of private complainant.
its case. Upon the delivery of the credit card applied for, the
The Information sheet must be considered, not by "messenger" (an NBI agent) required two valid
sections or parts, but as one whole document serving identification cards. Petitioner thus showed two
one purpose, i.e., to inform the accused why the full identification cards with his picture on them, but
panoply of state authority is being marshaled against bearing the name and forged signature of private
him. Our task is not to determine whether allegations in complainant. As evidence of the receipt of the envelope
an indictment could have been more artfully and delivered, petitioner signed the acknowledgment
exactly written, but solely to ensure that the receipt shown by the messenger, indicating therein that
constitutional requirement of notice has been fulfilled x the content of the envelope was the Metrobank credit
x x.10
lawph!l card.
Besides, even if the word "possession" was not
repeated in the accusatory portion of the Information, Petitioner materially held the envelope containing the
the acts constituting it were clearly described in the credit card with the intent to possess. Contrary to
statement "[that the] credit card in the name of Henry petitioner’s contention that the credit card never came
Yu was successfully issued, and delivered to said into his possession because it was only delivered to him,
accused using a fictitious identity and addresses of the above narration shows that he, in fact, did an active
Henry Yu, to the damage and prejudice of the real part in acquiring possession by presenting the
Henry Yu." Without a doubt, petitioner was given the identification cards purportedly showing his identity as
necessary data as to why he was being prosecuted. Henry Yu. Certainly, he had the intention to possess the
Now on the sufficiency of evidence leading to his same. Had he not actively participated, the envelope
conviction. would not have been given to him. Moreover, his
Petitioner avers that he was never in possession of the signature on the acknowledgment receipt indicates that
subject credit card because he was arrested there was delivery and that possession was transferred
immediately after signing the acknowledgement to him as the recipient. Undoubtedly, petitioner knew
receipt. Thus, he did not yet know the contents of the that the envelope contained the Metrobank credit card,
as clearly indicated in the acknowledgment receipt,
coupled with the fact that he applied for it using the
identity of private complainant.
Lastly, we find no reason to alter the penalty imposed
by the RTC as modified by the CA. Section 10 of R.A. No.
8484 prescribes the penalty of imprisonment for not
less than six (6) years and not more than ten (10) years,
and a fine of ₱10,000.00 or twice the value of the
access device obtained, whichever is greater. Thus, the
CA aptly affirmed the imposition of the indeterminate
penalty of six years to not more than ten years
imprisonment, and a fine of ₱10,000.00.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is
DENIED for lack of merit. The Court of Appeals Decision
dated June 18, 2008 and Resolution dated August 22,
2008 in CA-G.R. CR. No. 30603 are AFFIRMED.
Associate Justice

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