Critical Success Factor of Demand Towards New Product of Islamic Home Financing: A Pilot Test
Critical Success Factor of Demand Towards New Product of Islamic Home Financing: A Pilot Test
Critical Success Factor of Demand Towards New Product of Islamic Home Financing: A Pilot Test
Research paper
This research focuses on the new product of home financing in Malaysia. The purpose of the research is to examine if there is any rela-
tionship between knowledge, benefit, marketing and quality towards new constructed product of home financing. A hundred respondents
of people who have home financing have been chosen in the field of research in Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Nerus, Malaysia. The
method of instrument was using questionnaires and made up of five variables. Reliability analysis was the statistic for found the result.
There were six variables got high Cronbach’s-alpha, which was greater than 0.6 means accepted. It can be concluded that the suitability
test of the instruments which was adapted from previous study to the population and situation of the research was accepted. Yet, by using
Kolmogrov Smirnov test, it was found that the entire variables were distributed normally. Researcher concluded that the analyze data by
using parametric technique analysis.
chosen among the people who had home financing. The question- the assumption of normality distribution. Due to the violation of
naire was adopted from [13-14]. The questionnaire has 5 construct, normality distribution, it suggested to use parametric technique
where 4 construct were independence variables. By using ten Lik- analysis [17].
ert-Scale for each question of the questionnaire. The responds
from respondents for this pilot study, then analyzed using Statisti- 5. Conclusion
cal-Packages for Social-Science (SPSS) version 21 to find the
result of reliability-analysis and Kolmogrov-Smirnov.
From the reliability test result for pilot test, it shown that all of the
six variables got high Cronbach’s-alpha, the Cronbach’s-alpha is
4. Results and Discussion bigger than 0.6 means accepted [16]. So that, the adopted instru-
ments to the population and situation of the study are accepted.
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Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .392
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.