Guidelines On The Connection of

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Registration No : GP/ST/No.


On The Connection Of Solar
Photovoltaic Installation For

[ Electricity Supply Act 1990 ( Act 447) ]

Registration Record
Reg. No Reg. Date Issuance / Amendments Date of Approval
by Commission

Guidelines on the Connection of GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
[Act 447]



GP/ST/ No. 13/2017

IN exercise of the power conferred by Section 50C of the Electricity Supply Act 1990
[Act 447], the Commission issues the following guidelines:

Citation and Commencement

1. These Guidelines may be cited as the Guidelines on the Connection of Solar

Photovoltaic Installation for Self-Consumption.

2. These Guidelines shall come into operation on the date of registration of

these Guidelines.


3. In these Guidelines, the terms used shall, unless otherwise defined in the
Guidelines or the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning as in
the Act, Regulation or Codes made under it. In addition, the following words
and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them.

Term Definition
Act means the Electricity Supply Act 1990 (Act 447).
Commission means the Energy Commission established under the
Energy Commission Act 2001 (Act 610).
Competent Person means a person who holds a certificate of competency
issued by the Commission to perform work in accordance
with the restrictions, if any, stated in the certificate.

Guidelines on the Connection of 2 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
Connection point means the interface point on a consumer’s installation
with the Distribution Licensee’s electricity distribution

Consumer means an owner or occupier of a premises who is

supplied or requires to be supplied with electricity by the
Distribution Licensee.
Distribution means the holder of a license to distribute electricity
Licensee issued by the Commission under Section 9 of the Act
Electrical means a person who holds a Certificate of Registration
Contractor as an Electrical Contractor issued under Regulation 75
of the Electricity Regulations 1994.
Electrical Work means any work performed or carried out on an electrical
installation and includes the installing, constructing,
erecting or repairing, the altering of the structure, the
replacing of any of its parts, the adding of any part to it or
the carrying out of any work for the purposes of its
maintenance, but does not include work in relation to:
(a) the manufacturing of an electrical installation or
the assembling in the course of, or in connection with, its
manufacture for the purpose of producing a new article;
(b) the oiling, greasing, cleaning or painting of an
electrical installation.
Electricity has the meaning as in Section 2 of the Act
Indirect Connection means the connection of a renewable energy installation
to a supply line indirectly through the internal distribution
board of the consumer where the renewable energy
installation is connected to an electrical point within the
premises of the consumer instead of the point of common
Installation means the whole of any plant or equipment under one
ownership or, where a management is prescribed, the
person in charge of the same management, designed for
the supply or use, or both, as the case may be, electricity;
including prime movers, if any, with all necessary plant,

Guidelines on the Connection of 3 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
building and land in connection therewith, pipe line,
supply line, electricity supply infrastructure, domestic and
non-domestic electrical installation and consuming
apparatus, if any
Net Energy means a mechanism where an eligible consumer installs
Metering (NEM) a solar PV or other RE generation system primarily for
his own use and the excess energy to be exported to the
grid for which credit to be received that may be used to
offset part of the electricity bill for energy provided by the
Distribution Licensee to the electricity consumer during
the applicable billing period.
Non Stand-alone means a system connected to the electricity utility grid.
Private Installation means an installation operated by a licensee or
consumer solely for the supply of electricity to and use
thereof on the licensee’s or consumer’s own property or
premises, or, in the case of consumer, taking electricity
from a public installation or supply authority, for use only
on the licensee’s or consumer’s property or premises
Public Installation means an installation operated by a licensee for the
supply of electricity to any person other than the licensee
solar photovoltaic means sunlight converted directly to electricity through a
(PV) system system which includes solar PV cells, modules, inverter,
the associated protection and control devices, alternating
current and direct current cable and other related devices
up to the incoming terminal of the PV meter
solar photovoltaic means electricity generated from solar PV system is
generation for self- entirely for own use and in the event of excess of
consumption generation, the energy is not allowed to be exported to
the grid
Stand-alone means a system completely independent from any
System electricity utility grid.
Supply Line has the meaning as in Section 2 of the Act

Guidelines on the Connection of 4 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
4. Any installation or extension to an existing installation likely to cause undue
interference shall comply with Regulation 30 of the Electricity Regulations
1994 which stipulates that:

Regulation 30 : “Power of Commission to make adjustment or alteration to

When an installation is found likely to cause undue interference with the supply
of electricity to other consumers or other installations, the Commission may
require the consumer, occupier or management of the installation to make
adjustments or alterations to the installation or the operation of the electrical
system to such an extent, as he considers necessary, to rectify the situation.”

5. Any person who installs electrical equipment or apparatus shall comply with
the Section 33C of the Act which stipulates that:

Section 33C (1): “A competent person or a person under the control of a

competent person who undertakes to carry out electrical work shall ensure
that such electrical work complies with any regulations made under this Act,
the electrical infrastructure safety code or non-domestic electrical
installation safety code, as the case maybe, or in the absence of such
regulations or codes, with standards and prudent industry practices as may
be determined by the Commission.

(2): The person undertaking electrical work under subsection (1) shall
ensure that such work shall not cause electricity related injury to any person
or damage to any property.”

Purpose of these Guidelines

6. These Guidelines describe the registration procedures, the specification and

requirements of solar photovoltaic (PV) system installation for self-
consumption that shall be complied by any person who uses, works, operates
or installs such installation.

7. The procedures and requirements are as in ANNEX 1.

Guidelines on the Connection of 5 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
Application of these Guidelines

8. These Guidelines shall apply to:

i. any person who uses, works or operates any solar PV generating facility for
self-consumption and indirect connection to the licensee distribution
network in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah; and

ii. the relevant Distribution Licensee (DL) whose network is to be connected

with the self-consumption solar PV generating facility.

Notice by the Commission

9. The Commission may issue written notices from time to time in relation to
these Guidelines.

Amendment and Variation

10. The Commission may at any time amend, modify, vary or revoke these



Chief Executive Officer
for Energy Commission

Guidelines on the Connection of 6 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
ANNEX 1 - Connection of Solar Photovoltaic Installation for Self-Consumption


1.0 General Requirements 8

2.0 Obligations of the Consumer 8
3.0 Finding a Solar PV Registered Electrical Contractor 9
4.0 Technical Requirements for Solar PV System Installations 10
5.0 Compliance with Government Policies and Laws of Malaysia 13
6.0 Licensing Requirements 13
7.0 Registration of the Installation with the Distribution Licensee 13
8.0 Connecting to the Grid under Net Energy Metering Scheme 14
9.0 Provision of Information to the Commission 14
10.0 Suspension 14

Attachment 1 - Self-Consumption Solar PV System Registration Form

Guidelines on the Connection of 7 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
1.0 General requirements
1.1 The use of solar photovoltaic (PV) panel systems has grown significantly
in Malaysia since the Feed in Tariff (“FiT”) mechanism been introduced under
the Renewable Energy Act 2011. Under the FiT mechanism, a successful
bidder will be awarded with FiT certification based on dedicated selling rates
for supplying the energy to the grid. Since the FiT quota is reducing and it is
expected to end by 2017, the government is encouraging individual,
commercial and industrial consumers to install solar PV for their own
consumption, looking to hedge against the rising cost of electricity.

1.2 The consumer or Electrical Contractor involved in the installation and

commissioning of the solar PV system for self-consumption can make use of
these guidelines for:

i. understanding the solar PV system requirements;

ii. reference to installed capacity, plan, design and commissioning of the
iii. reference to registration procedures with the DL; and
iv. reference to licensing requirements.

2.0 Obligations of the Consumer

2.1 As an individual or commercial premise consumer who decides to install
the solar PV system for self-consumption, it is advisable to do some due
diligence on the following items:
i. understand the electricity consumption of your premises or
businesses and choose the right size system for your needs. The six-
monthly consumption profile will determine the viability of solar PV
system and will help you decide on the appropriate size of the system;

ii. understand the electricity tariffs since the decision for investing in a
solar PV system will depend on what electricity tariffs been imposed
by the DL’s company and how these may change once the solar PV
system is installed;

Guidelines on the Connection of 8 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
iii. find a solar PV installer with competency certified by the Commission
and make sure the installer has the relevant experience in designing,
constructing and commissioning the system;

iv. survey and make comparison on the products to be purchased and

workmanship guarantees since there is a diverse range of products
on the market; and

v. engage with the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)

early to understand grid connection requirements if the consumer
intends to participate in Net Energy Metering Scheme.

3.0 Finding a solar PV Registered Electrical Contractor

3.1 Finding the right person or company to manage the design and
installation of the solar PV system is important. Although there is no physical
difference between PV panels installed on residential and commercial
properties, installation and inverter requirements can be quite different. So, it
is important to ensure that your installer has the relevant experience for the
system size.

3.2 Solar PV systems come with some responsibilities for the consumer
including learning the basic safe operation and maintenance of the system by
checking the overall cabling and cleaning of PV modules on yearly basis. A
comprehensive, on site solar and load analysis and two-way interview can
help ensure a thoughtfully designed and well planned installation.

3.3 The registered Electrical Contractor will tailor the PV system based on
how much electricity to be offset and the physical properties of the premises
 establishing the consumer electrical loads over an average day using
a load analysis;
 determining the type of panels;
 determining the size of solar PV system;
 deciding the type of inverter;

Guidelines on the Connection of 9 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
 establishing the location of solar panels in relation to angles; and
 advising on the local planning authority and building permits

4.0 Technical Requirements for Solar PV System Installation

(a) Installed Capacity

4.1 For a stand-alone system, there is no capacity limit for solar PV system
installation for self-consumption purposes.

4.2 For a non-stand-alone system, the capacity limit for solar PV system
installation shall be lower than seventy-five per cent (75%) of the maximum
demand of the consumer’s existing installation.

(b) Plan and Design

4.3 As the connection is done internally, the consumer shall appoint a

qualified Electrical Contractor to design the solar PV system interconnection.

4.4 All drawings, plans, and specifications shall be approved by a suitably

qualified competent person. No substantial amendment and modification shall
be made to the plan and specification unless such amendment and
modification has been approved by the said competent person.

4.5 Notwithstanding item 4.4, the consumer is to engage a DL’s registered

company to conduct a Power System Study (PSS) for the solar PV system
with a capacity of 425 kW and above. The PSS report shall be presented to
the DL for endorsement with the following technical requirements including but
not limited to:
a) general description of the electrical supply system and connection of
solar PV system;
b) analysis on load flow;
c) analysis on short circuit (fault level will be provided by the DL);

Guidelines on the Connection of 10 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
d) analysis on different scenarios as below:
 with solar PV system under maximum and minimum load;
 without solar PV system under maximum and minimum load;

e) proposal on the controlling and operating philosophy for electrical


4.6 A certified copy of the drawings, plans and specifications including any
subsequent approved amendments and modifications, shall be kept by the
consumer for reference.

(c) Connection Requirements

4.7 For self-consumption purposes, the consumer and registered Electrical

Contractor are responsible to ensure there is no electricity generation export
to the grid and the system does not adversely impact the quality of supply from
the DL. The following requirements shall be adhered by the consumer and
registered Electrical Contractor:

i. purchase and install the appropriate functionality within the inverter with
the capability of but not restricted to zero rated energy to grid and
generation controller not to exceed the load demand, use of external
device or energy storage to mitigate the export of excess energy from
consumer’s solar PV system to the DL’s network;

ii. ensure that the size and specification of the wiring from the PV arrays
to the Main Switch Board (MSB) or Distribution Board (DB) is suitable
and correct to guarantee the deliverability of the energy flow to the
consumer’s system;

iii. ensure that the solar PV system does not adversely impact the quality
of the DL’s supply by complying to the standards on voltage, flickers,
frequency, harmonics and power factor;

Guidelines on the Connection of 11 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
iv. ensure that the DL company has access to the consumption meter
(DL’s meter) and solar PV meter at any time required by the DL; and

v. Label shown below shall be clearly placed at the DB to remind the

operator that the device should be access cautiously as there could be
an energised part that comes from the indirect solar PV system.

vi. inform in writing officially to the DL whenever the consumer intends to

close or terminate its account.

(d) Testing and Commissioning

4.8 The testing and commissioning works shall be performed by a suitably

qualified competent person and shall comply with:

i. the requirements under Electricity Supply Act 1990 and the Electricity
Regulations 1994;
ii. the plan and specification as mentioned in paragraph 4.2 and including
any subsequent approved amendments and modifications; and
iii. such other requirements imposed by any other written law relating to
the construction and installation of the generating facility.

4.9 Upon completion of the installation work, the installation shall be tested
by a suitably qualified competent person, and who shall certify a Completion
Certificate and Test Certificate (in Form G and Form H as prescribed in the
First Schedule, Electrical Regulations 1994) for the installation and submit a

Guidelines on the Connection of 12 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
copy of the said certificate to the DL for registration purposes. (Please refer to
Item 7.0)

4.10 In the event that the building or premises ownership does not belong to
the consumer of the solar PV system installation, it is advisable to establish
an agreement with the landlord, building owner or joint management body
(JMB) as part of the lease or rental term. This agreement should determine
the responsibilities of both consumer and landlord, building owner or JMB in
installing and maintaining a solar PV system. Please take note that as solar
PV system is long-term investment and may involve some renovations or
changes at the building, it can be difficult for the solar PV system’s consumer
to secure landlord’s permission and long term finance arrangements if
necessary precautions measures are not in place.

5.0 Compliance with government policies and laws of Malaysia

All parties that are subject to these guidelines shall ensure that they comply
at all times with the applicable laws of Malaysia in particular the Act and

6.0 Licensing requirements

For solar PV system installation above 24kW for single phase and 72kW for
three phase, any person who uses, works or operates the installation shall
require a licence as stipulated under the “Guidelines on Licensing Under
Section 9 of the Act”.

To know more about the guidelines, visit:

7.0 Registration of the Installation with the Distribution Licensee

7.1 The consumer of the solar PV system is required to register the
installation with the DL by submitting the following documents:

i. Self-Consumption Solar PV System Registration Form;

Guidelines on the Connection of 13 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
ii. a certified copy of the drawings, plans and specifications including any
subsequent approved amendments and modifications by the suitably
qualified competent person;

iii. a PSS report endorsed by DL subsequent to the PSS presentation

under item 4.5; and

iv. Completion Certificate and Test Certificate for the installation shall be
in Form G and Form H as prescribed in the First Schedule, Electrical
Regulations 1994.

8.0 Connecting to the Grid under Net Energy Metering Scheme

8.1 For those who are interested to participate in the Net Energy Metering
scheme that allows the consumer of the solar PV system to export the excess
energy generated from the installation to the DL’s network, please refer to
“Guidelines for Solar Photovoltaic Installation on Net Energy Metering
Scheme” which is downloadable at:

9.0 Provision of Information to the Commission

Upon request, the consumer of the solar PV system shall furnish to the
Commission in such manner and at such times as the Commission may
require, such documents, accounts, estimates, returns, reports and other
information as the Commission deems necessary.

10.0 Suspension
10.1 The Commission may, upon service of written notice to the consumer,
suspend the operation of the solar PV system upon the occurrence of the
following events:

i. if the consumer has failed to comply with the recommendations from

any Electrical Services Engineer, Competent Electrical Engineer or

Guidelines on the Connection of 14 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
Electrical Supervisor on the defects in the installation which is likely to
cause danger;

ii. if the consumer has failed to comply with or is in breach of any condition
of its license, and has failed or neglected to remedy the same after the
consumer has been requested to do so by the Commission;

iii. if the consumer has failed to comply with any directive or order or notice
given in writing pursuant to the Electricity Supply Act 1990.

10.2 When the operation of the solar PV system is suspended pursuant to

Paragraph 10.1 above, the consumer shall not be entitled to any payment or
compensation from the Government for any loss or damage that may have
occurred, incurred or suffered by the consumer.

10.3 The period of any suspension imposed shall be determined by the

Commission. The suspension shall cease as soon as the breach has been
remedied by the consumer and the Commission shall certify the same.

Guidelines on the Connection of 15 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
Attachment 1 - Self-Consumption Solar PV System Registration Form

 Please submit the registration form to the Distribution Licensee before For office use only:
commissioning the solar PV system installation.

 Consumer shall comply with “Guidelines on the Connection of Solar

Reference No: ___________________
Photovoltaic Installation for Self-Consumption”.
Serial No: ______________________
 Consumer need to conduct PSS for solar PV system with capacity ≥425kW.
Date Received: __________________
 Applicant need to apply for a generating licence from Energy Commission
for a single phase system with capacity ≥ 24kW or single phase system
with capacity ≥ 72kW. Time Received: __________________

Receiving Officer: ________________


Applicant Name: ___________________________________ IC/ROC Number: ___________________

Electricity Bill account number: _____________________________
Distribution Licensee Company: ____________________________ (e.g. TNB, SESB, etc.)
Email address: _________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________

I hereby authorize the Competent Person as described in PART 4 to act on my behalf to manage my Self
Consumption (SelCo) registration

Signature: Date:


Name: _______________________________________ IC Number: _____________________

Relationship: __________________________________
Email address: _________________________________ Phone Number: _________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________



Name: _____________________________________ IC/ Certification No.:__________________

Company Name: _____________________________ Company ROC No:____________________

Phone Number: ______________________________ E-mail address: ______________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Guidelines on the Connection of 16 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for

Name: ______________________________________ IC/ Certification No.:__________________

Company Name: ______________________________ Company ROC No:____________________

Phone Number: ______________________________ E-mail address: ______________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________


Installation Address: ____________________________________________________________________


Installation Site Ownership: Fully Owned Owned (charged to bank) Leased

If not fully owned, please provide the owner’s name:


Is the applicant an existing : Yes If yes, please provide the existing solar
FIAH? No capacity installed(kW) _____________________

Voltage at point of common coupling: Low Voltage (230V/400V) Medium Voltage

@Utility meter

Reasons for installing solar Reduce electricity bill Peak Shaving

PV system
Reduce Green House effect Other reasons:________________

Installation Type Farm Roof (Domestic)

Roof (Commercial) Garage

Others: _______________________

a) Maximum demand of existing installation ____________________ kW

b) Installed Solar PV Capacity ______________in kWp c) ____________________in kWac
d) Expected generation per month ________________kWh
e) Date of Commissioning of solar system: _____________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
f) Installation of Battery Energy Storage System: Yes No If yes, Battery capacity ________ kW
Battery Manufacturer:____________
g) Daytime Peak Demand (11am to 3pm)___________kW (Friday to Monday)
h) Daytime Lowest Demand ______________kW
Note: For stand alone system, no capacity limit for solar PV system installation.
For non stand alone system, solar PV system installed capacity shall not be more than 75% of maximum demand.

Guidelines on the Connection of 17 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for

a) PV Module : i) Type: Monocrystalline Polycrystalline Thin Film


: ii) Manufacturer ________________________________

: iii) Module capacity _____________________________

b) PV Inverter i) Number of inverter installed _____________________

ii) Inverter capacity ______________________________

iii) Type: Single Phase Three Phase

iv) Manufacturer ________________________________

v) Power Factor: __________ lagging ______________ leading unity


By signing this form, I declare that:

 I am representing the applicant of the premise and the information furnished above is true to my
knowledge and belief.
 I hereby acknowledge that all information given are true and the relevant Authority shall have the
right to take any action if the above information is false.
 I confirm that the solar PV system design comply to the standards (IEEE 1547, IEC 61727, MS 1837,
Guidelines on the Connection of Solar Photovoltaic Installation for Self-Consumption) and the inverter
(s) used are as per approved lists.
 I also verify that the site condition is fit for installation of the solar PV system as per applicable
 I further agree to comply with the specifications, terms and conditions stipulated in the applicable
guidelines and related regulations, as amended from time to time.

Signature : Competent Person stamp:

Name: ____________________________

Date: _____________________________

Guidelines on the Connection of 18 GP/ST/No.13/2017

Solar Photovoltaic Installation for
No. 12, Jalan Tun Hussein
Precinct 2
62100 Putrajaya
Tel : +603 8870 8500
Fax : +603 8888 8637
Web :

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