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Labor Law l Syllabus

Labor Standards and Social Legislation

Atty. Antonio Ceasar R. Manila

l. Fundamental Principles and Concepts

a. Constitutional Bases
b. CivilCode Basis
i. Article 1700 and 1702
c. Construction in favor of labor
d. Social Justice

ll. Employer-Employee Relationship

a. Tests to determine employer-employee relationship
ii.Economic reality test
iii.Other tests
b. Kinds of employment
i. Regular
ii. Casual
iii. Project
iv. Seasonal
c. Fixed-periodemployment
d. Probationaryemployment
e. Supervisory and managerial employees

lll. Job Contracting

a. Elements
b. Trilateral relationship
c. Labor-onlycontracting
d. Solidary liability

lV. Labor Standards

a. Condition of employment
b. Hours of work
i. Principles to determine hours of work
ii. Normalwork hours
L. Compressed work week
2. Power interruptions
iii. Meal break
iv. Waiting time
v. Overtime
vi. Night shift di:fferential
vii. Rest day
viii. Holiday pay
ix. L3th month pay and succeeding bonuses
x. Service charge
c. Wages
' i. Wage v. salary
ii. Payment of wages
iii. Facilities v. supplements
iv. Non-diminution of benefits
{ v. Prohibition regarding wages
vi. Wage order; wage distortion
d. Leaves
i. Service incentive leave
ii. Maternity leave
iii. Paternity leave
iv. Parental leave for solo parents
v. Special leaves for women workers
vi. Other special leaves
e. Special group of employees
i. Women
t. Discrimination
2. Stipulation against marriage
3. Prohibited acts
4. Sexual harassment
ii. Minors
iii. Kasambahay
iv. Homeworkers
v. Night workers

V. Recruitment and Placement

a. lllegal recruitment
i. Elements
ii. Prohibitedactivities
iii. Types of illegal activities
iv. lllegal recruitment v. estafa
v. Liability of local recruitment agency and foreign employer
t. Solidary liability
2. Theory of imputed knowledge
vi. Termination of contract of migrant worker without valid cause
vii. Direct hiring
b. Regulation of recruitment and placement activities
c. Employment of non-resident aliens
d. Application of foreign law to labor contracts
e. Training and employment of special workers
i. Apprenticeship and learners
ii. Disable workers
1-. Equal opportunity
2. Discrimination on employment

Vl. Worker's disability

a. Work-related illness
b. Total disability
c. Permanentdisability
d. Partial disability
e. Temporarydisability
f. Workmen'scompensation
g. Seafarer's disability claims
' i. Mandatory reportorial requirement
ii. Company-designated physician's assessment
t. 120 v. 240 days
iii. Seafarer's physician of choice
iv. Third doctor

n^-^ a a
Vll. Managerial Prerogatives
a. Discipline
b. Transfer of employees
c. Productivitystandards
d. Bonus
e. Change of work hours
f. Marriage between employees
g. Post-employment ban

Vlll. Post-employment
a. Termination of employment
i. Resignation v. constructive dismissal
b. Termination by employer
i. Just causes
ii. Authorized causes
iii. Due process
t. Twin-notice rule
2. Hearing; ample opportunity to be heard
iv. Reliefs from illegal dismissal
c. Retirement

lX. SocialWelfare Legislation

a. SSS Law
i. Coverage and Exclusions
ii. Dependents, beneficiaries
iii. Benefits
b. GSIS Law
i. Coverage and exclusions
ii. Dependents, beneficiaries
iii. Benefits
c. Portability Law


Labor Law 1
Labor Standards and Social Legislation
Atty. Antonio Ceasar R. Manila

l. Fundamental Principles and Concepts

a. Constitutional Bases
i. Philippine Association of Service Exporters, lnc. v. Drilon, G.R. No.81958, Uune
30, 19881, 246 PHtL 393-406
ii. Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, lnc., G.R. No. 167614, [March 24,20091,
601 PHIL 245-324
iii. Agabon v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 158693, INovember
L7 ,20041,485 PHIL 248-367
iv. Abbott Laboratories, Phils. v. Alcaraz, G.R. No. 19257'J,, [July 23, 2013], 774 PHIL
b. Civil Code Basis
i. Article 1700 and 1702
L. lnnodata Philippines, lnc. v. Quejada-Lopez, G.R. No. t62839, [October
!2, 20061, 535 PH lL 263-27 4
2.Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. v. National Labor Relations
Commission, G.R. No.80609, [August 23, 1988], 247 PH|L64L-652
c. Construction in favor of labor
i. Asuncion v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 129329, [July 31,
2OO1),414 PHtL 329-342
ii. Eastern Shipping Lines, lnc. v. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration,
G.R. No. 76633, [October L8, 1988], 248 PHIL 762-776
d. Social Justice
i. Flores v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 96969, [March 2, 1993]
ii. Solidbank Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 165951,
[March 30,2010], 63L PHlL 158-L75

ll. Employer-Employee Relationship

a.Tests to determine employer-employee relationship
i. Control test
L. Viafia v. Al-Lagadan, G.R. No. L-8967, [May 31, ]-9561, 99 PHIL 408-413
2. South East lnternational Rattan, lnc. v. Coming, G.R. No. !8662L, [March
!2, 20147, 7 29 PH\L 298-314
3.Alba v. Espinosa, G.R. No. 227734, [August 9,z0L7ll
ii. Economic reality test
t. Reyes v. Glaucoma Research Foundation, lnc., G.R. No. 189255, Uune
2. Francisco v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 170087,
[August 31, 2006], 532 PHIL 399-413
iii. Other tests
b. Kinds of employment
i. Regular
1. De Leon v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 70705,
[August 21., L989),257 PHIL 626-636
2. Ecalv. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. Nos.92777-78,
[March 199L], 272-A PHIL 187-200
3. Sorreda v. Cambridge Electronics Corporation, G.R. No.172927,
[February tt, 2Ot0], 626 PHIL 149-L57
ii. Casual
t. Philippine Geothermal, lnc. v. National Labor Relations Commission,
G.R. Nos. 82643-67, [August 30, 1990], 267 PHIL247-253
Pase 1 of 3
2. Capule v. National Labor Relation3 Commission, G.R. No. 90553,
INovember 12, 19901, 269 PHIL 396-399
iii. Project
1,. Hanjin Heavy lndustries & Construction Co. Ltd. v. lbafiez, G.R. No.
L7O18'J., [June 26, 2008], 578 PHIL 497-519
2. Fernandez v. National Labor Relatjons Commission, G.R. No. 106090,
[February 28, L9941,300 PHIL 486-495
iv. Seasonal
1. Villanueva v. Lorezo, G.R. No. L7964O, [March 18, 2015]
2. Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corp. v. Acibo, G.R. No. 1-86439, [January
15, 201.41, 7 24 P HtL 489-508
c. Fixed-periodemployment
i. Brent School, lnc. v. Zamora, G.R. No. L-48494, [February 5, 1990], 260PH|L747-
ii. Cielo v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 78693, Uanuary 28,
1991l, 27LPH\L433-444
iii. Samonte v. La Salle Greenhills, lnc., G.R. No. 199683, [February 70,2Ot6]
iv. Pure Foods Corp. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 122653,
IDecember L2, 1997], 347 PHIL 434-446
d. Probationaryemployment
i. A.M. Oreta & Co., lnc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 74004,
[August 10, 1989], 257 PHIL224-233
ii. Umaliv. Hobbywing Solutions, lnc., G.R. No. 221356, [March L4,2Ol8)
e. Supervisory and managerial employees
i. Cainta Catholic Schoolv. Cainta Catholic School Employees Union, G.R. No.
L5L02'J., [May 4,.2006], 523 PHIL 134-158
ii. Smart Communications, lnc. v. Solidum, G.R. Nos. 197763 & 197836, [December

lll. Job Contracting

a. Elements
i. Manila Water Co. lnc. v. Pena, G.R. No. L58255, [July 8, 2OO4],478 PHIL 68-84
ii. San Miguel Corp. v. Aballa, G.R. No. L49Ot1, Uune 28, 20051, 500 PHIL L70-2tt
b. Trilateralrelationship
i. Diamond Farms, lnc. v. Southern Philippines Federation of Labor-Workers
Solidarity of DARBMUPCO/Diamond-SPFL, G.R. Nos. 773254-55 & !73263,
[January 13,20161
c. Labor-onlycontracting
i. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., lnc. v. Agito, G.R. No. 179546, [February 13, 2009], 598
PHtL 909-935
ii. Pacquing v. Coca-Cola Philippines, lnc., G.R. No. 157966, [January 3L, 2008], 567
d. Solidary liability
i. National Food Authority v. Masada Security Agency lnc., G.R. No. L63448,
[March 8, 2005],493 PHIL 24L-254

lV. Labor Standards

a. Condition of employment
' b. Hours of work
1. Far East Agricultural Supply, Inc. v. Lebatique, G.R. No. 1528L3,
{February L2, 20071, 544 PH I L 42O-43O
2. Sime Darby Pilipinas, lnc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R.
No. 119205, [April 15, 1998], 351 PHIL 1013-1020
ii. Principles to determine hours of work
iii. Normalwork hours
1. Compressed work week
2. Power interruptions
iv. Meal break
v. Waiting time
.vi. Overtime
1. Mercury Drug Co., lnc. v. Dayao, G.R. No. L-3O452, [September 30,
1982),202 PHIL 424-440
vii. Night shift differential
viii. Rest day
L. Kwok v. Philippine Carpet Manufacturing Corp., G.R. No. 1,49252,lApril
28,2005L 497 PHILS-23
ix. Holiday pay
x. 13th month pay and succeeding bonuses
xi. Service charge
c. Wages
i. Wage v. salary
1,.lran v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No.121927, [April 22,
19981, 352 PHIL 261.-275
ii. Payment of wages
iii. Facilities v. supplements
1,. States Marine Corp. v. Cebu Seamen's Association, lnc., G.R. No. L-

t2444, [February 28,1963],117 PHIL 3O7-3L7

2. Mabeza v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 118506, [April
18, !9971, 338 PHIL 386-402
iv. Non-diminution of benefits
L. Tiangco.v. Leogardo, Jr., G.R. No. L-57636, [May 16, 1983], 207 PHIL
v. Prohibition regarding wages
vi. Wage order; wage distortion
L. Pag-Asa Steel Works, lnc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L66647, [March
31, 20061, 520 PHIL 1006-1032
d. Leaves
i. Service incentive leave
ii. Maternity leave
iii. Paternity leave
iv. Parental leave for solo parents
v. Special leaves for women workers
vi. Other special leaves
e. Special group of employees
i. Women
L. Discrimination
2. Stipulation against marriage
3. Prohibited acts
4. Sexual harassment
ii. Minors
iii. Kasambahay
iv. Homeworkers
v. Night workers


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