Khaleel 2018

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Letter composed of a gradual increase in vaccine Moreover, mortality data may not be accu-

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315048 on 21 June 2018. Downloaded from on 21 June 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
coverage rate from <30% to >80% over a rate, that is, deaths due to varicella may be
9-year period, resulted in a significant reduc- reported as deaths due to any of the compli-
Epidemiology of varicella in tion in varicella incidence, hospitalisations cations of varicella, such as pneumonia or
Iraq, 2012–2016 and mortality without shifting in the age viral encephalitis. Therefore, there is a need
at infection.1 4 In the Middle East, varicella to strengthen the surveillance programme of
Although varicella is a vaccine-preventable vaccine is included in school immunisation varicella in Iraq, which can be achieved by
disease, vaccination policy varies widely programmes in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, upgrading the reporting system of hospitals
between countries and, sometimes, in the Qatar and UAE. Not enough studies of the and primary healthcare centres to electronic
same country based on the epidemiology long-term and short-term effect of varicella database.
of varicella.1 2 The WHO’s advice is that vaccine in the aforementioned countries are
Hanan Abdulghafoor Khaleel,
varicella vaccination should be started in yet available. Adnan Nawar Khistawi
countries where varicella is a relatively A prior analysis of surveillance data in
Surveillance Section, Communicable Diseases Control
important public health and socioeco- 2012 showed that Iraq was an endemic Center, Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq
nomic problem; the vaccine is affordable; country for varicella; 88% of varicella cases
were younger than 15 years old, the disease Correspondence to Dr Hanan Abdulghafoor Khaleel,
and high (85%–90%) and sustained Surveillance Section, Communicable Diseases Control
vaccine coverage can be achieved.3 is usually mild and almost all of the immu- Center, Ministry of Health, Baghdad 55555, Iraq;
When developed countries introduced nocompetent patients recover with no ​hanan_​azawy2000@​yahoo.​com
varicella vaccine in their immunisation complications.3 Acknowledgements  We would like thank all those
programmes, the annual incidence of vari- The aim of the current study is to build who work in the counterpart surveillance units for their
cella was already less than 16/100 000 popu- on the prior study of varicella epidemiology cooperation.
lation.4 In addition, the vaccine strategy in Iraq to determine whether the epidemi- Contributors  HAK performed the data analysis and
ology has changed so that varicella vaccine writing of the manuscript. ANK performed the data
can be introduced into the immunisation collection and review of the manuscript.
programme. We used the same data source as Competing interests  None declared.
before3 to analyse varicella data from 2012 Patient consent  Not required.
to 2016. Results from the current analysis Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned;
show that varicella is still an endemic disease externally peer reviewed.
in Iraq. The median and the 25th percen- © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless
tile of varicella incidence during 2012– otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All
2016 are higher than their values reported rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless
throughout 2007–2012, which may be due otherwise expressly granted.
to using new electronic surveillance forms
for data collection (figure 1). The new elec-
tronic surveillance made data entry easier To cite Khaleel HA, Khistawi AN. Arch Dis Child Epub
Figure 1  Comparison of the median and for surveillance focal points given that they ahead of print: [please include Day Month Year].
interquartile range of incidence of varicella in are responsible for data collection for other doi:10.1136/archdischild-2018-315048
Iraq in 2016 with incidence of varicella in years health programmes as well. Moreover, the Accepted 29 May 2018
2012–2015. peak rise in varicella incidence that occurred Arch Dis Child 2018;0:1.
in 2014 coincided with the internal displace- doi:10.1136/archdischild-2018-315048
ment of people from conflict areas to camps References
where living conditions were not optimum 1 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. ECDC
to ensure control of disease transmission. No Guidance - Varicella Vaccination in the European Union,
changes in the age, gender and geographic 2015.
2. Wu PY, Wu HD, Chou TC, et al. Varicella vaccination
distribution (figure 2) of varicella were alters the chronological trends of herpes zoster and
detected, indicating that the majority of chil- varicella. PLoS One 2013;8:e77709.
dren will be immune due to natural infection 3 Khaleel HA, Abdelhussein HM. Clinical epidemiology of
by the time they reach adulthood.3 chickenpox in Iraq from 2007-2011. Glob J Health Sci
In Iraq, the current surveillance for 2012;5:180-6.
4 Papaloukas O, Giannouli G, Papaevangelou V. Successes
Figure 2  Incidence of varicella in Iraq, varicella is lacking information regarding and challenges in varicella vaccine. Ther Adv Vaccines
2012–2016. complications, hospitalisations and deaths. 2014;2:39–55.

Arch Dis Child Month 2018 Vol 0 No 0    1

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