Allen S Keynotes Comparisons Rearranged Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay.05649 3magnesium Muriaticum
Allen S Keynotes Comparisons Rearranged Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay.05649 3magnesium Muriaticum
Allen S Keynotes Comparisons Rearranged Prabhat Kumar Bhattacheryay.05649 3magnesium Muriaticum
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• Pressing pain in liver, when walking and touching it, liver hard,]
enlarged, < lying on right side (Merc., Kali-c.).
• Constipation: stool hard, scanty, large knotty, like sheep's i
difficult to pass; crumbling at verge of anus (Am-m., Nat-m.);^
infants during dentition.
• Urine: pale, yellow, can only be passed by bearing downwiftj
abdominal muscles; weakness of bladder.
• Menses with great excitement at every period; flow black, clotted; j
spasms and pains < in back when walking, extend into thighs;]
metrorrhagia, < at night in bed, causing hysteria (Cimic., Caul) j
• Leucorrhea: after exercise; with every stool; with uterine spasm;]
followed by metrorrhagia; two weeks after menses for three or]
four days (Bar-c., Bov., Con.).
• Palpitation and cardiac pains while sitting, < by moving about
(compare, Gels.).
Compare: Cham, in the diseases of children.
644 pages, pb
publication 2007