Aqa 7702 Reading List

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Recommended Reading List

A-level English Language (7702)

Version 3.0

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
A-level Paper 1: Language, the Individual and Society
Section A: Textual Variations and Representations

Author Title Description

David Crystal  A Glossary of Netspeak Useful introductions to the
and Textspeak basics of these blended modes
(Edinburgh University
Press, 2004)
 Language and the
Internet (CUP, 2001)
 Internet linguistics: a
student guide
(Routledge, 2011)
Ronald Carter and Sandra The Language of Speech and Student-friendly text
Cornbleet Writing (Routledge, 2001)
Mark Boardman The Language of Websites Student-friendly text
(Routledge, 2004)
Tim Shortis The Language of ICT Student-friendly text
(Routledge, 2000)
Geoffrey Leech, Margaret English Grammar For Today A good text for teachers;
Deuchar, and Robert includes material on the mode
Hoogenraad ‘continuum’ (141-155)
(Palgrave, 2005)
David Graddol, Sharon Redesigning English Another teacher text with a
Goodman and Theresa Lillis good chapter (3) on ‘English in
Cyberspace’ (Routledge, 2007)
Peter Grundy Doing Pragmatics A refreshingly clear take on
what pragmatics is and how it’s
relevant to communication.
Never again will you see a
student answer which begins
‘This is a pragmatic’ or ‘There
are no pragmatics in this text’
(Hodder, 2008)
(Eds.) Daniel Allington & Communicating in English: Readable and very accessible,
Barbara Mayor Talk, Text, Technology with some good coverage of
multimodal forms and political
rhetoric. (Routledge, 2012)
Doug Biber Variation across Speech and One of the classic texts that
Writing introduced mode study. Still
very relevant now. (CUP,
Culpeper et al (ed.) English Language: Description, A good range of material for
Variation and Context teachers. (Palgrave, 2009)
Scott Thornbury and Diana Conversation: From Teacher text packed with very
Slade Description to Pedagogy good examples to use in class.
(CUP, 2006)
Angela Goddard and Beverly Language and Technology Interesting and accessible
Geesin student book on aspects of
new technology and language

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(Routledge, 2011)
Angela Goddard Chapter: Language and A chapter on technology and
Technology in Language - A language in this student and
Student Handbook on Key teacher-friendly book.
Topics and Theories (English (English and Media Centre,
and Media Centre) 2013)

Paul Simpson and Andrea Language and Power: a One of the excellent Routledge
Mayr resource book for students English language Introductions
series. Very good for teachers
and brighter students.
(Routledge, 2009)
Alison Ross Language and Representation Chapter in student-friendly
in Language - A Student book on recent approaches to
Handbook on Key Topics and language development.
Theories (English and Media Centre,
Norman Fairclough Language and Power Many of the frameworks used
(Longman, 2001) in the analytical approach to
Critical Discourse Analysis the unit are inspired by
(Longman, 2010) Fairclough’s critical approach
to language
Alan Gardiner AS/A2 English Language A very student-friendly revision
guide which has clear
explanations of basic
frameworks (Pearson, 2008)
Ron Carter and Michael Cambridge Grammar of Very thorough and teacher
McCarthy English friendly guide to grammar
(CUP, 2006)
Deborah Cameron • The Teacher’s Guide An introduction to the
to Grammar (OUP, 2007) frameworks for language
• The Feminist Critique analysis at A Level. Very useful
of Language (Routledge, 1998) for teachers as its title might
suggest, while the Feminist
Critique is a reader in language
and gender, with some good
material on how gender is
Steve Thorne The Language of War Good for both students and
teachers. Some very detailed
and wide-ranging approaches
to studying areas like army
recruitment adverts & computer
games covers (Routledge,
Sue Fox Chapter: Spoken Language in Good introduction to the latest
Language - A Student work on spoken language and
Handbook on Key Topics and how it’s analysed. (English and
Theories Media Centre, 2013)
Articles from online/print publications
Beth Kemp Mode in the Modern World emagazine 41, September
2008 (English & Media Centre)

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England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
Dan Clayton What’s the M.O. of analysing emagazine 54, December
mode? 2011 (English & Media Centre)
Dick Hudson The Grammar of Spoken emagazine 50, December
Language 2010 (English & Media Centre)

Elfrea Lockley Blog off? Or log on? Blogging – emagplus 37, September 2007
an introduction (English & Media Centre)
Angela Goddard Telling it Like it Is – Problems emagazine 57 September
of representing and analysing 2012 (English & Media Centre)
real speech
Angela Goddard ‘Hello I’m on the train’ emagazine 27 February 2005
Phone technology and the (English & Media Centre)
shaping of new texts
Mandy Brooks What does your mobile mean emagazine 34, 2006 (English &
to you? Media Centre)
Beth Kemp Txt, Textese or Texting emagazine 34, 2006 (English &
Media Centre)
Michael Rosen Jang and Slargon, emagazine 34, 2006 (English &
Media Centre)
David Hann The Grammar of Storytelling emagazine 56, 2012 (English &
Media Centre)
Beth Kemp Tense and Aspect - Using emagazine 51, 2011 (English &
Detailed Comments on Verb Media Centre)
Dan Clayton Language matters: emagazine 42, December
investigating representation 2008 (English and Media
David Hyatt Beneath the surface of emagazine 42, December
language – the critical analysis 2008 (English and Media
of discourse Centre)
Ben Farndon Murray-mania emagazine 42, December
2008 (English and Media
Simon Lavery Investigating Language – emagazine 40, April 2008
Online Archives (English and Media Centre)

Online Resources

Crispin Thurlow Generation Text: the sociolinguistics of

les/v1/n1/a3/thurlow2002003- young people’s text messaging
Danah Boyd A variety of papers and articles on social
networking sites and their impact on
communication. Not strictly a linguistic
focus, but interesting nonetheless
Susan Herring Susan Herring’s website. Herring is one of
ng/index.html the key thinkers and writers on technology
and language. Susan Herring’s Introduction to CMC

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 4 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
ng/cmc.syll.13.html course
Language@Internet An open access, electronic journal
org/ focused on language mediated through
the internet
Teachit Go to the Language Library → Language
and Social Contexts → Language
technology for some resources on email
and texting, or go to Language Library →
Talk Talk for some great resources on
spoken language
B. Fliss A paper on ‘The Language of
cpercy/courses/6362Flis2.htm Email’
David A. Huffaker and Gender, Identity, and Language Use in
Sandra L. Calvert sue2/huffaker.html Teenage Blogs
EngLangBlog Collected links and posts on texting
EngLangBlog Collected links and posts on Twitter
All Talk – English 14-19 A fifteen unit student resource for learning
about spoken language and interaction in
everyday life. Audio and video included.
First published 2011

A-level Paper 1: Language, the Individual and Society

Section B: Children’s Language Development

Author Title Description

English and Media Centre Mathilda Speaking Excellent digital and print
& resources based around the
Mathilda 2 developing language of
Available from here:

David Crystal Listen to Your Child A good accessible guide for

students and teachers alike
(Penguin, 1999)
Jean Aitchison • The Language Web The Language Web (CUP,
• The Articulate Mammal 1996) is suitable for students
(chapter 3 providing some
good material on Language
Development) while The
Articulate Mammal (Routledge,
2011) is heavy going and is

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 5 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
really only recommended for
Julia Gillen The Language of Children Suitable for students and
teachers, with some good
material on children’s writing
(Routledge, 2003)
Alan Gardiner English Language AS/A2 Student revision guide
(Pearson, 2008)
Jean Stilwell Peccei • Child Language Excellent book on Language
• Child Language: a resource Development. The former
book for students (Routledge, 1999) is aimed at
students and is very good,
while the latter (Routledge,
2005) is aimed at different
audiences and covers the
basics as well as material that
would help teachers. Both are
highly recommended
William O’Grady How Children Learn Language An excellent, student-friendly
book that has much recent
research and many case
studies. Highly recommended
(CUP, 2005)
Matthew Saxton Child Language Acquisition Excellent, accessible and
and Development thorough look at child language
development (Sage, 2010)
Frank Myszor Language Acquisition A good student-friendly
introduction to the topic
(Hodder, 1999)
Ambridge, B and Lieven, Child Language Acquisition: Excellent, comprehensive
E.V.M. Contrasting Theoretical overview of theories about
Approaches language development.
Teacher text. (CUP, 2011)
Pahl, K and Rowsell, J. Literacy and Education: Teacher book – plenty of up to
Understanding the New date references to recent work
Literacy Studies in the on new forms of literacy.
Classroom (2nd edition) (Sage, 2012)
Ibbotson, P. Child Language Acquisition in Chapter in student-friendly
Language - A Student book on recent approaches to
Handbook on Key Topics and language development.
Theories (English and Media Centre,
Michael Tomasello Constructing a Language: A Teacher text. Detailed look at
Usage-Based Theory of new approaches to language
Language Acquisition development. (Harvard
University Press, 2005)
Fromkin and Rodman An Introduction to Language Suitable for students and
teachers (Heinle, 2002)
Steven Pinker • The Language Instinct Probably of more use to
(Penguin, 1995) teachers as they can be quite
• Words and Rules heavy going. Words and Rules
(Phoenix, 2001) has a very neat explanation of

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 6 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
• The Stuff of Thought the Wugs test while The Stuff
(Penguin, 2008) of Thought has a chapter on
Child Language. The
Language Instinct is highly
recommended if you want to
hammer out the ins and outs of
Karmiloff and Karmiloff Pathways to Language (From Suitable for teachers (Harvard
– Smith Fetus to Adolescent) University Press, 2002)
Mike Cardwell, Liz Clark and Psychology for A2 Level (Chapter 17 - Language and
Claire Meldrum Thought) Aimed at Psychology
students but interesting reading
for Language students and
teachers alike. Has some very
good material on cognitive
theories of language acquisition
(OUP, 2012)
Neil Mercer and Joan Swann Learning English: Especially chapters 1 and 3 on
(ed) development and diversity initial acquisition and reading
and writing (Routledge, 1996)
Katharine Perera Children’s Writing and Currently out of print but
Reading: Analysing occasionally available second
Classroom Language hand. Very detailed and
thorough book on children’s
acquisition and development of
reading and writing. Suitable for
teachers (Wiley-Blackwell,
Brian Street & Adam Lefstein Literacy: An Advanced A Routledge Introductions text.
Resource Book for Students (Routledge, 2007)

Vivian Cook Inside Language (Chapter 7) An intro to the topic

(Routledge, 1997)
Articles from online/print publications
Alison Ross The Functions of Children’s emagazine 44, April 2009
Talk (English and Media Centre)
Ben Eve Novice Writers – Cognitive and emagazine 66, December 2014
Practical Processes (English and Media Centre)
Danuta Reah Learning how to write – the emagazine 48, April 2010
development of early literacy (English and Media Centre)
Marcello Giovanelli ‘It’s Sleep Time’ – Children’s emagazine 62, April 2013
Routines and the Language of (English and Media Centre)
Alison Ross Now Mathilda is Seven! – Child emagazine 59, April 2013
Language Acquisition (English and Media Centre)
Alison Ross Technonanny – CLA in Older emagazine 54, December 2011
Children (English and Media Centre)
Paul Ibbotson A new kind of language Article on child language
research and theory in The
Psychologist magazine,
February 2012

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 7 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
David Messer State of the art: language Article on different theories of
acquisition language development from
The Psychologist magazine,
March 2000
Margaret J.Snowling Language skills and learning to Article on different models of
read literacy development from The
Psychologist magazine, August

Online Resources

Organisation Web Address Description

Examples of children’s The old National
writing ications/key-stage-2-teacher- Curriculum in Action site no
assessment-writing-exemplification- longer exists, but the DFE’s
levels-2-3 site has downloadable
copies of children’s writing for each Key Stage and
ew/ncc102573 Level, along with
commentaries. Other LEAs offer links to
ew/ncc102570 older material from the
National Curriculum, but it can’t be guaranteed if this
Understanding-writing-levels.aspx material will remain
available. Probably best to
download if it is.
Teachit Language Library Technonanny blog Some excellent online
Little Evie resources – audio, video,
Dear Zoo worksheets, handouts and lesson ideas – which are
constantly updated
CHILDES database A resource bank for
linguists, which collects
child language data. Takes
a while to get used to but
also has some interesting
material to support
teaching. The topics link is
particularly useful
EngLangBlog Collected links and posts
search/label/language%20developm on child language

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 8 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
A-level Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change

Author Title Description

Peter Stockwell Sociolinguistics: a resource
A Routledge Introductions text which is excellent
book for students on all manner of language varieties (Routledge,
World Englishes, Global English and English as a Lingua Franca
Jennifer Jenkins World Englishes: a resource Another excellent Routledge book that will help
book for students both students and teachers. Ranges from the
basics in section A to much more advanced
material in B-D. (Routledge, 2009)
Jane Setter Chapter on world Englishes in Student and teacher-friendly book (English and
Language - A Student Media Centre, 2013)
Handbook on Key Topics and
Theories (English and Media
Nicholas Ostler The Last Lingua Franca A thorough look at how English has spread
around the world and its possible antecedents
as a lingua franca, along with its future chances
(Penguin, 2010)
David Crystal English as a Global Language English as a Global Language offers a solid intro
(2 edition Cambridge to World Englishes
University Press, 2003)
Language Discourses and Debates
David Crystal The Fight for English A particularly interesting riposte to the
prescriptivism of Humphrys, Truss et al. (OUP,
Henry Hitchings The Language Wars A great read for teachers and students alike.
Excellent coverage of the key debates about
language. (John Murray, 2011)
Robert Lane You Are What You Speak A good read for teachers and students. Plenty of
Greene discussion about language use and abuse.
(Delacorte, 2011)
David Marsh For Who The Bell Tolls A good overview of arguments about language
use from the Guardian’s Style editor (Guardian
Books, 2013)
Jean Aitchison Language Change - A thorough look at attitudes to language change
Progress or Decay? (CUP, 2012)
Ammon Shea Bad English: A History of A US linguist’s take on attitudes to “proper”
Linguistic Aggravation grammar (Perigee, 2014)

David Crystal Texting: the great debate Very accessible book on arguments around
texting and literacy. (OUP, 2009)
Dan Clayton Chapter on attitudes to Student and teacher-friendly book (English and
language change in Language - Media Centre, 2013)
A Student Handbook on Key
Topics and Theories (English
and Media Centre)
Harry Ritchie English for the Natives An interesting and accessible look at how
grammar really works in spoken language,
online communication and written texts. (John

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 9 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
Murray, 2013)
Language Change: new words and meanings
Susie Dent • The Language Report: The annual report from the frontlines of
• 2007 Language on the Move language change. Always has very interesting
• 2006 The, Like, Report, For and up to date examples and enlightening
Real discussions around new words (OUP)
• Language 2005 Fanboys and
• 2004 Larpers and Shroomers
Kerry Maxwell Brave New Words New words and their origins, with comments
from an experienced lexicographer (Pan, 2007)
Allan Metcalf Predicting New Words How and why some new words take off while
others don’t (Houghton Mifflin Books, 2002)
Geoffrey Hughes Words in Time Looks at how words have changed over time but
with a particular focus on terms used to label
others. More for teachers than students but
could be used by able students for this topic.
(Wiley-Blackwell, 1998)
John Ayto Twentieth Century Words A journey through the new words of the 2oth
Century, decade by decade (OUP, 1999).
Language and Gender
Deborah The Myth of Mars and A well-judged response to the Female Brain,
Cameron Venus Men Are From Mars and If Men Could Talk
school of popular linguistics/ psychobabble
(OUP, 2008)
Jennifer Coates Language and Gender: a reader Contains many of the classic studies and lots of
and Pia Pichler (2nd edition) recent ones on gender and sexuality (Wiley-
(eds.) Blackwell, 2011)
Jane Sunderland Language and Gender: an Lots of material for teachers to explore and
advanced resource book study with students (Routledge, 2006)
Mary M Talbot Language and Gender A very readable introduction to gender and
spoken language. First chapter is particularly
helpful for putting the deficit, dominance and
difference models in perspective (Polity Press,
Allyson Jule A Beginner’s Guide to Language Good accessible intro material for teachers and
& Gender students alike (Multilingual Matters, 2008)
Lia Litosseliti Gender and Language: theory Good teacher text for gender and language
and practice analysis (Hodder, 2006)
Angela Goddard Language and Gender Good student-friendly material on representation
of gender. (Routledge, 2008)
Penelope Eckert Language and Gender Excellent teacher book on the topic from two of
and Sally (Cambridge Textbooks in the leading researchers in the field (CUP, 2003)
McConnell-Ginet Linguistics)

Dale Spender Man Made Language One of the most influential texts on gender,
often seen as kick-starting the whole debate,
and therefore essential reading for teachers
(Rivers Oram Press, 1998)
Janet Holmes Gendered Talk at Work Teacher text with plenty of theory and examples
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2007)

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Paul Baker Sexed Texts Excellent book on gender and sexuality, both in
interaction and represented forms (Equinox,
Paul Baker Using Corpora to Analyse A book that uses corpus linguistics approaches
Gender to study gender. Very good for teachers
exploring corpora for the first time (Bloomsbury,
Deborah Chapter on gender and variation Student and teacher-friendly book (English and
Cameron in Language - A Student Media Centre, 2013)
Handbook on Key Topics and
Theories (English and Media
John L. Locke Duels and Duets: why women Argues a case for biologically based sex-
and men talk so differently differences in language (very much at odds with
other recent works) (Cambridge University
Press, 2011)
Language Change: history and background
Melvyn Bragg The Adventure of English Accessible and popular book on the history of
the language. Accompanying videos are very
good too (Sceptre, 2004)
Terttu An Introduction to Early A very thorough guide to Early Modern English
Nevalainen Modern English complete with very good range of textual
examples (Edinburgh University Press, 2006)
Graeme Chapter on language change in Student and teacher-friendly book (English and
Trousdale Language - A Student Media Centre, 2013)
Handbook on Key Topics and
Theories (English and Media
Adrian Beard Language Change Excellent text for encouraging students to work
from the textual level, outwards to an
understanding of change and context on a wider
level (Routledge, 2004)
David Crystal The Stories of English The Stories of English looks at the different
narratives around language change in English.
(Penguin, 2005)
David Crystal Evolving English: One The book that accompanied the British Library’s
Language, Many Voices exhibition on the history of English. (British
Library, 2011)
Language diversity: accent, dialect and diversity
Joan Beal Language and Region A very usable text for students on accent and
dialect (Routledge, 2006)
Carmen Llamas Language and Identities Takes a really interesting look at many facets of
and Dominic language identity (Edinburgh University Press,
Watt 2010)
Julie Coleman The Life of Slang Slang is its main focus, but whole book is very
interesting in its sociolinguistic take on new
words and expressions. (OUP, 2012)
David Britain Language in the British Isles Covers language variation from British Black
English to Anglo-Romani and British Sign
Language(CUP, 2007)
Kevin Watson Chapter on accent and dialect in Student and teacher-friendly book (English and

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Language - A Student Media Centre, 2013)
Handbook on Key Topics and
Theories (English and Media
Paul Kerswill Chapter on social variation in Student and teacher-friendly book (English and
Language - A Student Media Centre, 2013)
Handbook on Key Topics and
Theories (English and Media
Articles from online/print publications
Deborah A Language in Common In The Psychologist, July 2009
Gill Francis Grammar and Change – Is emagazine 66, December 2014 (English and
‘Correct’ Grammar a Myth? Media Centre)
Suzanne Modern Marking – a Challenge emagazine 66, December 2014 (English and
Williams to Media Centre)
Gender Neutral Marking
Beth Kemp Ladettes and slags, manwhores emagazine 45, September 2009 (English and
and boyfriends – gender, culture Media Centre)
and language
Matt Carmichael Up with which I will not put - The emagazine 26, December 2004 (English and
debate about language and Media Centre)
Dan Clayton Language discourses 1 – emagazine 49, September 2010 (English and
debates and discussions about Media Centre)
Dan Clayton Language discourses 2 emagazine 49, September 2010 (English and
Media Centre)

Online Resources

Organisation Web Address Description

Spoken English QMUL’s excellent resource for
Teaching Resource language-teaching the teaching of spoken language.
The Talk of the Toon Masses of resources on English
ex.html varieties in the north-east
Linguistics Research QMUL’s regular round-up of
Digest linguistic research for teachers
and students
British Library An invaluable resource including
Sounds Familiar unds/index.html sound clips of many varieties of
site English
Buzzword archive Kerry Maxwell’s archive of new
zzword/AtoZ.html words for MacMillan Dictionaries
MacMillan Regularly updated material on
Dictionaries blog m/ language in use
Beth Kemp’s Plenty of user-friendly material for
website students and teachers of A level
English Language

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 12 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
BBC Voices A wide-ranging resource with
project articles and sound files about
language in use around the UK
and connected language issues
BBC History A very student-friendly timeline
timeline h/launch_tl_ages_english.shtml with interactive features
The Routes of The website to accompany
English ofenglish/index.shtml Melvyn Bragg’s BBC series and
International Downloadable audio files of
Dialects of and/england.htm various regional accents
English site

A-level non-exam assessment: Language in Action

Author Title Description

Language Investigation
Angela Goddard Researching Language: Very clear guide to language
English Project Work at A Investigation (Heinemann,
Level and Beyond 2000)
Alison Wray and Aileen Projects in Linguistics and Full of great ideas for language
Bloomer Language Studies investigations and developing
methodologies (Hodder, 2012)
Mark Sebba Focussing on Language Booklet designed for helping
students carry out
investigations (Definite Article
Publications, 2000)
Alison Sealey Researching English Language A useful guide to data
collection, analysis and writing
up projects on language
(Routledge, 2010)
Teachit Hot on the Trail A step by step online guide to
carrying out investigations
Susan Cockcroft Investigating Talk Good focus on spoken
language in all its varieties
(Hodder, 1999)
Original Writing
Rob Pope Textual Intervention An excellent book for teachers
which offers different angles
on rewriting texts and making
an ‘intervention’ in language
discourses. Very interesting
reading and helpful for
teachers preparing students
for the production and
investigation coursework tasks
(Routledge, 1994)
Various authors …For Dummies series The ‘Writing x for Dummies’
series has some very readable
material on the process of

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 13 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
writing for different audiences
and genres, including writing
for children, screenwriting and
romance novels (John Wiley
and Sons)
Steve Campsall’s Englishbiz A great resource for students
site to use to improve their own
writing. Very user-friendly and
accessible. And best of all,
designed by a real-life English
Shaun O’Toole Transforming Texts (Routledge Plenty of ideas and
A Level English Guides) approaches for rewriting and
transforming texts. (Routledge,

Beyond A level

Angela Goddard Doing English Language Really useful and student-

friendly, book offering focus on
degrees on English Language
and Linguistics. (Routledge,

General introduction books

Robert Lawrence Trask Language, The Basics (Chapter 8) A good, accessible
introduction (Routledge, 1999)

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 14 of 14
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.

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