Nursing Leadership and Management 2nd Edition Kelly Test Bank
Nursing Leadership and Management 2nd Edition Kelly Test Bank
Nursing Leadership and Management 2nd Edition Kelly Test Bank
1. At which university’s school of medicine was the term evidence-based medicine first coined?
a. Johns Hopkins University
b. University of Toronto
c. McMaster University
d. Oxford University
RAT: The term evidenced-based medicine was first used in the 1970s to refer to a clinical learning
model used by the McMaster University School of Medicine. In the 1980s the term was used to refer
to movement in medical practice. David Sackett along with educators and researchers at Oxford
University encouraged the concept of evidence-based medicine as a way to integrate clinical
experience with the best available research evidence using a systematic approach to guide clinical
decision making.
2. Which other two terms does the term evidence-based practice encompass?
a. evidence-based medicine and the clinical setting
b. evidence-based medicine and evidenced-based care
c. guidelines and care plans
d. research utilization and practice
RAT: Evidence-based practice is a more inclusive and neutral term that incorporates evidence-based
medicine with evidenced-based care. Research utilization is just one factor in evidence-based practice.
The clinical setting and client circumstances are two factors considered in evidenced-based practice.
Guidelines and care plans are based on the best research evidence and developed with consideration
for local values and resources.
3. Which term refers to research on the safety and effectiveness of nursing interventions?
a. clinical expertise evidence
b. best research evidence
c. evidence-based research
d. clinical interventions data
RAT: Best research evidence refers to research that is methodologically sound on a range of clinically
relevant elements such as safety and effectiveness of nursing interventions; accuracy and precision of
nursing assessment measures; the power of prognostic markers; the strength of causal relationships;
cost-effectiveness of nursing interventions; and the meaning of illness and client experiences. Clinical
expertise refers to our ability to use clinical skills and experiences to assess clients, teach clients and
families, implement interventions, and ensure a supportive and comforting environment
Evidence-based clinical interventions are important as a way of predicting clinical outcomes and as a
basis of care within institutions.
8. Which of these factors does evidence-based medicine and practice integrate with the best external
evidence and individual clinical expertise?
a. RTCs
b. current practice
c. client choice
d. physician preferences
RAT: Evidence-based practice requires a bottom up approach that integrates client choice with clinical
expertise and research evidence so as to not result in a cookbook approach to client care. Clinical
expertise is critical for determining whether the external evidence applies to the individual client and
how it should be applied.
9. Some concerns about evidence-based practice expressed by nurses and other health professionals
include which of the following statements?
a. It requires additional education.
b. It requires additional time and resources.
c. It is difficult to implement.
d. It ignores client preferences and values.
RAT: Nurses and other health professionals have some concerns that evidence-based practice may not
always take into account client preferences and values, that it is outside of a theoretical base, and that it
overemphasizes quantitative research and randomized control trials.
11. Which type of evidence is used by nursing administrators to inform their decision-making?
a. quasi-experimental studies
b. organization evidence
c. political evidence
d. qualitative research evidence
RAT: Nursing administrators use organization evidence to help them make administrative decisions.
Organizational evidence comes from outside the scientific realm and includes information such as
financial reports and program evaluations. Political evidence refers to systematically collected
information about how various stakeholders will respond to policy decisions.
12. What is the purpose of the nursing research chairs established across Canada?
a. to promote evidence-based practice
b. to promote the nursing profession
c. to examine nursing practice and resources, and develop knowledge transfer strategies
d. to fund nursing research
RAT: A number of nursing research chairs have been established across Canada funded jointly by the
Canadian Institute for Health Research and the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. The
purpose of the chairs is to set up research programs to examine nursing practice, nursing resources,
and strategies for transferring into policy and practice.
14. What is the term for the systematic review of international medical research literature that was started
by a British epidemiologist?
a. the McMaster Library
b. the Cochrane Database
c. Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis
d. the Cochrane Library
RAT: The Cochrane Library, formally known as the Cochrane Collaboration, is an international
organization that prepares, maintains, and promotes accessibility of systematic reviews of the evidence
related to health care interventions. The Canadian Cochrane Centre at McMaster University was
established in 1993. The Cochrane Library contains over 400 nursing-related reviews.
15. In researching a focused clinical question, what type of source would provide an appraisal of
comprehensive current evidence?
a. synthesis
b. a systematic review
c. a database
d. narrative review
RAT: A systematic review will provide study selection; appraisal; data extraction and analysis.
Systematic reviews start with an identification of a focused question and proceed through the
comprehensive literature search, selection of studies based on predetermined inclusion criteria,
assessment of the research methodology, extraction and synthesis of the data, and presentation of
conclusions. A traditional narrative review is similar but usually deals with a broader question, utilizes
a less comprehensive literature review, and it may extend results and recommendations beyond the
specific data.
18. What is the purpose of the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF)?
a. to promote the development of evidence-based care
b. to bridge the gap between research and health care management and policy
c. to conduct primary research
d. to provide funding for research
RAT: The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation was established in 1997 to “support the
evidence-informed management of Canada’s healthcare system by facilitating knowledge transfer and
exchange—bridging the gap between research and healthcare management and policy.”