Ssec Tip 100

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March 2009

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 3
1.1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. GENERAL PRICIPLES ..................................................................................... 3
1.3. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................... 5
1.4. SYMBOLS .......................................................................................................... 6
2. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE ISOLATION DEVICES .............................. 9
2.1. Elastomeric Bearings .......................................................................................... 9
2.1.1. Properties of the Elastomeric Isolation Units ........................................................... 9
2.1.3. The Variation Limits of the Mechanical Properties of Elastomeric Isolation Units15
2.1.4 Connection of Elastomeric Isolation Units .............................................................. 15
2.1. Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolators ................................................. 16
2.2.1. Properties of the Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolatiors .......................... 16
2.2.2. Design Essesntials of the Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolatiors ............. 18
2.2.2 The Variation Limits of the Mechanical Properties of Flat and Curved Surface
Sliding Isolator Units ........................................................................................................ 19
3. BASIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF THE ISOLATION SYSTEM .............................. 19
3.1. Fundamental Properties of the Isolator Units ................................................... 19
3.2. Properties of the Ground Motion ...................................................................... 20
3.3. Fundamentals of Design of Isolation System ................................................... 20
3.4. Lateral Restoring Force..................................................................................... 21
3.5. Modelling of Isolated Buildings ....................................................................... 21
4. EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION ........................................................................ 22
5.1. Analysis Methods and Properties...................................................................... 27
5.2. Equivalent Lateral Load Method ...................................................................... 28
5.2.6. Equivalent Lateral Loads ........................................................................................ 31
5.3. Mode Superposition Method............................................................................. 32
5.4. Linear Time History Anaysis ............................................................................ 34
5.5. Nonlinear Time History Analysis ..................................................................... 34
6. PEER REVIEW BOARD ............................................................................................. 35
7.1. Elastomeric Isolation Units ............................................................................... 36
7.2. Flat and Curved Surface Sliding Isolation Units .............................................. 38
APPENDIX A- DEFINITION OF THE SOIL TYPES .................................................... 40


1.1.1. This document involves seismic isolation principles of seismically isolated
building type structures.
1.1.2. Isolation devices involved are elastomeric bearings and curved surface sliding
1.1.3. Isolation devices such as steel spring by which vertical loads of the building are
carried is out of the scope of this code.
1.1.4. The isolation devices which is spread in different locations of the building inseated
of an isolation iterface is out of the scope of this code.
1.1.5. Every stage of seismic isolation design conducted under of this Code shall be
controled and approved by the peer review board. This qualifications and the
appointment of the peer review board is provided in Chapter 8.
1.1.6. Isolation systems involving external energy absorbing devices other than the one
defined in Section 1.1.2. shall be used upon the discretion of the peer review board.


1.2.1. In the buildings involved in this Code, isolation system composed isolation devices
should be placed on an isolation interface under the main mass of the building.
1.2.2. The main purpose of the isolation system is to reduce the seismic forces acting on
the lateral load resistant system of the building. In order to achieve this the natural
vibration period of the isolated building should be lengthened and/or effective damping
of the building should be increased.
1.2.3. The isolation system must have the fundamental the properties defined in Section
1.2.4. In the design process two levels of earthquake shall be taken into consideration.
 Design level earthquake – Earthquake ground motion with 10% probability in
exceedance in 50 years
 Maximum credible earthquake – Earthquake ground motion with 2% probability
in exceedance in 50 years
1.2.5. Buildings seismically isolated and designed according to this Code should remain
almost linear elastic with no damage in structural system at design level earthquake.
Majority of the lateral displacements of the building should be located at the isolation
system in an effectively isolated building. For this purpose the superstructure should be
designed with a high rigidity level (with low interstory drift ratio)
1.2.6. Buildings seismically isolated and designed according to this Code the isolation
system should be stable at maximum credible earthquake level. Life Safety performance
level should be statisfied in the superstructure at maximum credible the earthquake level.

1.2.7. The pipes, cables and other installation items attached to the isolated superstructure
shall be designed in order to have no damage at design level earthquake. At maximum
credible earthquake level items under consideration will have repairable damage but will
satisfy life safety performance level.
1.2.8. Isolation devices to be used should have increasing resistance with increasing
lateral displacements under the effect of maximum lateral displacement and vertical loads
and under cyclic loads the change in their physical properties should be within the limits
defined in this Code.
1.2.9. The difference between the lateral force at maximum displacement and the lateral
force at half of the maximum displacement shall be grater than 1/40 of the total weight of
the building.
1.2.10. In order to decrease the torsional effect on the system, the projection of the the
effective center of rigidity of the isolation system and center of mass of the superstructure
on the isolation interface must be close as possible.
1.2.11. A structural system with sufficient stiffness and strength should be formed that
could safely distribute the forces above and under the isolation interface.
1.2.12. Appropriate structural configuration and gap should exist between substructure
and superstructure for inspection, maintenance, recentering and replacement of the
isolation devices.
1.2.13. Necessary precautions against fire, chemicals and explosions for isolation devices
shall be taken. Fire safety for the isolation devices will be equivalent to that of the
structural elements in the isolation interface.
1.2.14. In the design of the isolation system avoiding tension forces in the isolation
devices is essential. But in the case of tension forces it should be ensured that the
isolation devices shall remain functional. This issue shall be proven by laboratory tests.
1.2.15. Application of seismic isolation for buildings with a natural period of vibration
greater than 1.5 s or located on very soft soil (Soil type F- Appendix A) depends on the
discretion of the peer review board.
1.2.16. Mechanical behaviour of each isolation device under lateral load shall be
determined on the basis of full scale tests.
1.2.17. A report is required for description of mechanical properties and behaviour of
each isolation unit. Changes in the mechanical properties of the isolator units due to
production, placement and aging can only be acceptable if their most unfavorable values
are considered in the design.
1.2.18. A quality plan and a document that includes analytical and experimental controls
in terms of manufacture, placement and physical properties of isolation devices should
exist. This document should include details, dimensions, quality regulations and
placement tolerances of the isolation devices.
1.2.19. A maintenance program shall be developed for isolation devices. This program
will cover the process of placement and replacement of isolation units, environmental

effects on aging, fire proofing, periodical control and maintenance during the building
service life.

Isolation System
Isolation system is composed of all the elements that provide vertical stiffness, lateral
flexibility, and damping to the system at the isolation interface. It includes the isolator
units and the elastic restraint system, if one is used.
Isolation Interface
Isolation interface is the section where the isolation system is located. The upper part of
the structure located above the isolation interface is defined as “superstructure” whereas
the part below the isolation interface is defined as “substructure”.
Substructure is the part below the isolation interface including the foundation.
Superstructure is the part above the isolation interface.
Isolator Unit
The elements making up the isolation system are defined as the isolator units. Isolator
unit is a horizontally flexible and vertically stiff bearing of the isolation system, which
permits large lateral deformation under seismic load. The isolator unit may or may not
provide energy dissipation. Isolator units can be grouped under the following generic
Elastomeric Bearings (Lead Rubber, Natural Rubber and High Damping Rubber
Flat and Curved Surface Slider Bearings (Plane or Spherical Surface, Guided, one or
multiple sided)
Effective Center of Rigidity
Effective Center of Rigidity is the location determined depending on effective lateral
stiffness of the isolation system at design earthquake level and stiffness distribution of
substructure stiffness. Substructure is assumed to be rigid excluding the special case in
which the isolation interface is located in the center of ground floor.
Design Earthquake
Earthquake ground motion with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years.
Design Level Displacement
Maximum relative horizontal displacement of the isolation system at the effective center
of rigidity in the direction under consideration at desing level earthquake. ( Relative
displacement between under the superstructure and top of the substructure )

Total Design Level Dislacement
Maximum relative horizontal displacement at the direction under consideration of each
isolation unit at islotion interface due to transational and torsional response of the
building at desing level earthquake. ( Relative displacement between under the
superstructure and top of the substructure )
Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE)
Earthquake ground motion with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years.
Maximum Displacement
Maximum relative horizontal displacement at the direction under consideration at the
center of rigidity of the isolation interface at maximum credible earthquake level
( Relative displacement between under the superstructure and top of the substructure )
Total Maximum Displacment
Maximum relative horizontal displacement at the direction under consideration of each
isolation unit at islotion interface due to transational and torsional response of the
building at maximum credible earthquake level (Relative displacement between under the
superstructure and top of the substructure )
Effective Damping Ratio
Viscous damping ratio of the isolation system under certain amplitude of displecements
(Shall be determined for design and maximum displacement s saperately.)
Effective Stiffness
Stiffness obtained by dividing total shear force of the isolation system by relative
displacement at the center of rigidigty. ( Shall be determined for design and maximum
displacement s saperately.)
Effective Isolation Period
Natural vibration period of the single degree of freedom system having the equvalent
mass of the superstucture and effective stiffness of the isolation system

Ap = Lead core area of the lead rubber isolator unit.
Ar = Bonded area of elastomer.
B = Bonded plan dimension or bonded diameter in loaded direction of rectangular
bearing or diameter of circular bearing (Figure ---).
BL = Diameter of the lead core
BM = Spectral reduction factor associated with maximum considered earthquake level
BD = Spectral reduction factor associated with design earthquake level
D = Generic displacement of an isolator unit
DL = Dead load
DD = Displacement at the center of rigidity of the isolation system in the direction under design earthquake level

DM = En büyük deprem düzeyinde yalıtım sisteminin rijitlik merkezinde gözönüne alınan
deprem doğrultusunda meydana gelen yerdeğiştirme
Dy = Effective yield displacement of an isolator unit
Ec = Bulk modulus of elastomeric material
et, x, y = Total eccentricity of the isolation system in x and y direction respectively
F = Generic force in an isolator unit that corresponds to displacement D
Fa = Short period (0.2 s) spectral amplitude modification factor
Fi = Lateral force at the ith story in the direction under consideration
Fv = 1 s. spectral amplitude modification factor
FVD = Vertical force due to vertical component of the design level earthquake
FVM = Vertical force due to vertical component of the maximum credible earthquake level
Fy = Effective yield force
G = Shear modulus of elastomeric material
g = Gravitational acceleration (9.81m/sn2)
GAS = Lower bound of shear modulus of the elastomeric material
Ge = Effective shaer modulus value
GNOM = Nominal value of shear modulus of elastomeric material
GÜS = Upper bound of shear modulus of the elastomeric material
Hi = Distance between the ith story level and the isolation interface
hi = Distance between the ith and the (i-1)th story
KD, max =Maximum effective stiffness of the isolation system at design level earthquake
ke = Equivalent stiffness at displacement “D”, Secant stiffness = F / D
kexı,eyı = Average effective stiffness of the isolation unit in x and y direction respectively
KM, max = Maximum effective stiffness of the isolation system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement
KM, min = Minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement
Kv = Yalıtım sisteminin toplam düşey rijitliği
kv = Elastomer yalıtım biriminin düşey rijitliği
k1 = Initial (elastic) stiffness of an isolator unit
k2 = Post-elastic (second) stiffness of an isolator unit
L = Perimeter area of the elastomer layer
LL = Live Load
LLs = Seismic live load
N = Total number of story above the isolation interface
P = Maximum vertical load resulting from the combination of dead load plus live load
(including seismic live load)
Pcr = Buckling load of the isolator unit without any lateral displacement
P’cr = Buckling load of the isolator unit with lateral displacement
Q = Characteristic strength of the isolator unit. It is the ordinate of the hysteresis loop at
zero bearing displacement.
R = Radius of curvature of sliding surface of isolator unit
rx,y = Tortional radius of gyration in x and y dirctiob respectively
R1 = Load reduction factor

SD(T) = Horizontal Acceleration Spectrum at Design Level Earthquake with 5% damping
SM(T) = Horizontal Acceleration Spectrum at Maximum Credible Earthquake Level with
5% damping (g)
SM(TM) = Spectral acceleration at Maximum Credible Earthquake Level for TM period.
SM(0.2) = Short period horizontal spectral acceleration at Maximum Credible Earthquake
Level with 5% damping (g)
SM(1) = 1 s horizontal spectral acceleration at Maximum Credible Earthquake with 5%
damping (g)
SMR(0.2)= Site dependent short period (T=0.2s) horizontal spectral acceleration at
Maximum Credible Earthquake Level for 5% damping (g)
SMR(1)= Site dependent 1 s period (T=1s) horizontal spectral acceleration at Maximum
Credible Earthquake Level for 5% damping (g)
S1 = First shape factor
S2 = Second shape factor
T = Period (s)
t = Thickness of elastomer layer
TD = Period of the seismically isolated bridge in the direction under consideration at
design earthquake level.
TL = Long period range transition period
TM = Period of seismically isolated bridge in the direction under consideration at
maximum considered earthquake level.
To = First corner period of the spectrum
Tr = Total elastomer thickness.
TS = Second corner period of the spectrum
Tv = Vertical vibration period of the structure isolated by elaostomeric isolator units
Vb = Base shear at the isolation system at design level displacement
Vs30 = Avarage shear wave velocity for the top 30 meters of the soil media
W = Total seismic weight (DL + LLs).
Wd = EDC = Energy dissipated per cycle (area of hysteresis loop).
wi = weigth at the ith story level
xi, yi = Coordinates of the ith isolation unit wrt center of rigidity of the isolation system
D = Damping ratio of the isolation system at design displacement
M = Equivalent damping ratio of the isolation system at the maximum credible
earthquake level
eff,D = Equivalent damping ratio of the seismically isolated bridge in the direction under
consideration at design earthquake level.
eff,M = Equivalent damping ratio of the seismically isolated bridge in the direction under
consideration at maximum considerate earthquake level.
yp = Yield stress of the lead material
G = Property modification factor due to temperature, aging and “çalışma” effects
= Property modification factor due to aging and “kirlenme” effects
c = Shear strain due to vertical loads
s = Shear strain due to the total seismic design displacement.

Coefficient of friction
AS = Lower bound of friction coefficient
NOM = Nominal value of friction coefficient
ÜS = Upper bound of friction coefficient
xi ,yi = Modification factor


The design and control of the isolation units willl be based on “European Standard EN
1337-3:2005: Structural Bearings - Elastomeric Bearings” for the provisions that are not
involved this Code.

2.1. Elastomeric Bearings

2.1.1. Properties of the Elastomeric Isolation Units
Elastomeric bearings are made of interfaces of steel and elastomeric plates (natural
rubber or neoprene). The lateral stiffness of the isolator is essentially provided by the
shear stiffness of the elastomeric material. Lead core or high damping elastomer is used
for damping (Figure 1). Elastomeric bearings are defined by lateral load – displacement
relationships or so-called hysteresis loops, effective (equivalent linear) stiffness and
effective (equivalent linear) viscous damping properties. The theoretical hysteresis loops
for this kind of isolators is given in Figure 2.

t Elastomeric Layer

H Steel Plate

Lead Core


Figure 1. Simple section of the lead core elastomeric isolation unit


Fy k2


Dy D Displacement

Figure 2. Typical force-displacement (hytersis) curve for lead core elastomeric isolation
In Figure 2;
Q = Characteristic Strength
k1 = Initial (Elastic) Stiffness
k2 = Secondary (Post Elastic) Stiffness
ke = Equivalent Linear (Secant) Stiffnes corresponding to displacement D (ke= F / D)
F = Lateral force corresponding to displacement D
Fy = Effective yield force
Dy = Effective yield displacement
The equivalent linear stiffness of the isolator unit (ke) in the hysteresis loop shall be
determined by dividing the applied force (F) by the corresponding displacement (D)
which is given by Eq. 1.
ke = F/D (1)
Equivalent damping ratio (e) .s obtained by dividing the energy observed in one
displacement (Area under one hysteresis loop = Wd) cycle with 2 F D value which is
given by Eq. 2.
1  Wd 
e   FD  (2)
2  
Where Wd = EDC-Energy Dissipated per Cycle = Hysteresis area.
In lead rubber bearing type isolators the characteristic strength Q, is given by Eq. 3:
Q  Fy = Ap yp (3)

Where Ap is the cross sectional area of the lead core and, yp is the yield strength of the
lead material.
In lead rubber bearing type isolators initial stiffness is essentially determined by the
elastic stiffness of the lead core. In all elastomeric bearing type of isolators the secondary
(post elastic) stiffness shall be determined by dividing the product of shear modulus of
the elastomeric material (G) and the bonded area of the elastomer layer (Ar) to the total
elastomer thickness ( Tr   t ).
k2 = G (Ar / Tr) (4)
For lead rubber circilar elastomeric isolation units Ar is calculated
as Ar  ( / 4)( B2  BL2 ) . In case of elastomeric isolation units without lead core ke equals
to k2.
Equivalent linear stiffness and damping ratio of the elastomeric material will differentiate
depending on the upper and lower bound (GAS ve GÜS)of the shear modulus. In the design
process these limit values shall be determined by Eq. 5 and 6 in order to reflect the
difference in manufacture, temperature, aging and scragging.
GAS = 0.9 GNOM (5)
GÜS = 1.1 GGNOM (6)
Here GNOM is the nominal value for shear modulus, Gis the property modification
factor for effects resulting from temperature, aging and scragging.
For preliminary design purposes the lower and upper bound values of the shear modulus
of the elastomeric (natural rubber) material (GAS ve GÜS) can be taken as follows.
GAS = 0.9 GNOM (7)
GÜS = 1.3GNOM (8)
GNOM is the nomial value of the shear modulus of the elastomeric material.
The first shape factor (S1) of the elastomeric bearing isolators shall be determined by
dividing the bonded area of the elastomer layer to its open area (L, perimeter area not
subjected to the load and free to bulge).
S1 = Ar / L (9)
Referring to Figure 1, for circular lead rubber bearings S1 is given by Eq. 8.
S1  ( B2  BL2 ) / (4Bt ) (8)
B = Bonded bonded diameter of the elastomer by the steel
BL = Lead core diameter
t = Thickness of the elastomer layers
Elastomeric isolation units without lead core BL shall be taken as zero

The second shape factor (S2) is determined by dividing each steel plate characteristic plan
dimension or diameter (B) by total thickness of the elastomer (Tr).
S2 = B/Tr (9)
The vertical stiffness of the elastomeric isolator units (kv) shall be calculated by Equation
Ec Ar
kv  (10)
Here Ec is the bulk modulus of the elastomeric material and shall be calculated by Eq. 11.
E c  3G(1  S12 )  3GS12 (11)
In absence of measured data, Ec may be taken as 2,000 MPa.
The materials used ın the manufacture of elastomeric isolation units shall conform to the
requirements of the Chapter 8.2.2. of the European Standard (prEN 15129-2007 or to the
equivalent Japanese (JIS) or USA (AASHTO and ASTM) Standards or special quality
control programs approved by Ministry of Public Works and Settlement.
2.1.2 Design Essentials of the Elastomeric Isolator Units
Elastomeric isolation unit shall satisfy the following requirements;
 Vertical load due to 1.5(DL+LL) shall be carried safely withoıt any lateral
 Vertical load due to (0.8DL – |E|) at total maximum lateral displacement shall be
carried without any tensile stress.
 Vertical loads due to (1.2D+LL+|E|) at total maximum lateral displacement shall
be carried safely.
DL is the dead load, LL is the live load. In the determination of vertical earthquake load,
E, forces due to vertical component of the ground motion and due to overturning moment
shall be taken into consideration. The stability and shear strains of elastomeric isolation
units under earthquake, dead and live loads will be checked.
Shear Strain Components
Under static conditions the shear strain due to compression by vertical loads is given by
Equation 18.
6S1 PSt
 CSt  (18)
Ar EC
Pst is the total vertical load on the elastomeric isolation unit due to dead load, DL, and
live load, LL. E’c is the bulk modulus of the elastomeric material which is obtained under
incompressibility assumption.
In case of an earthquake, shear strain in elastomeric material due to vertical loads shall be
determined by Eq. 19.

6S1 PEq
 CEq  (19)
Are EC
Peq is the vertical load on isolator unit due to dead load, DL, live load, LL and earthquake
load,E. Vertical component of the earthquake will be taken into consideration in
determination of load due to E. Are is the reduced elastomeir bearing area which is
defined in Figure 3. Nominal valua of shear modulus, G, shall be used in calculation of
bulk modulus, E’c of elastomeric material




Are  Ar  B' D
Ar (  Sin )
Are  ;   Sin1 ( D / B)

Figure 3. Definition of reduced elastomeric isolation unit
Shear strain (  S ) of elastomeric material at lateral displacement “D” shall be determine
by Eq. 20.
S  (20)
Here “D” is the lateral displacement, Tr is the total thickness of elastomeric layers.
The shear strain due to rotation gr shall be determined by Eq. 21.
B 2
r  (21)
The design rotation (Q) shall include the rotational effects of DL, LL, and construction.
Buckling load( Pcr ) of elastomeric isolation units without lateral displacement shall be
determined by Eq. 22.

 GAr BS1
Pcr  (22)
“B” is the diameter of the circular elastomeric isolator unit for the elatomeric material
surrounded with steel or the minimum dimension of the rectangular isolator unit. Ar is the
area of the surrounded elastomeric material out of lead core. Nominal value shall be used
for determination og shear modulus, G. The  value in Eq. 22 will be taken as 1.1 for
circular, 1.3 for rectangular elastomeric isolation units
Vertical Load Stability
The bucking load, ( Pcr' ), of elastomeric isolation units shall be determined by Eq. 23 in
case of lateral displacement.
  sin 
Pcr  Pcr ( ) ;   2cos1 ( DTM / B) (23)

Here DTM is the total lateral displacement at maximum credible earthquake level. In
determination of Pcr load effective value of shear modulus ( Ge ) shall be used.
Ge  (24)
Here ke is the linear equivalent stiffness corresponding to displacement at maximum
credible earthquake.
Shear strains, buckling loads and lateral displacements of elastomeric isolation units shall
satisfy the following requirements.
Shear strain of elastomeric material corresponding to maximum lateral displacement shall
not less than 2.5.
 S  2.5 (25)
Shear strain of elastomeric material due to vertical loads (DL+LL), excluding earthquake
forces, shall be less than 2.5.
 CSt   CDL LL  2.5 (26)
Total shear strain due to vertical loads including earthquake loads, (DL+LL+|E|) at
maximum horizontal displacement and the torsional response at the isolation interface
shall not exceed value of 6.
 CEq   S   r   CDL0.5LL |E|   S   r  6.0 (27)

For vertical load stability the isolation system shall provide a factor of safety of at least
three (3) for vertical loads (DL+LL) in its laterally undeformed state.
 3.0 (28)

The buckling load of elastomeric isolation units, Pcr' , at lateral displacement shall be at
least twice of vertical load of P1.2 DL0.5LL E . In calculation of Pcr' load according to Eq.
23 total maximum lateral displacment DTM shall be increased by 10%.
2 (29)
P1.2 DL  0.5 LL  E

The maximum lateral displacement, DTM, at elastomeric isolation units shall satisfy the
limited given below.
DTM  (1.5  )B and DTM  0.7 B (30)
( )
The design rotation capacity of the isolation unit shall include the effects of dead load,
live load, and construction misalignments. In no case shall the design rotation for the
construction misalignment be less than 0.005 radians.
2.1.3. The Variation Limits of the Mechanical Properties of Elastomeric Isolation
The variation limits of the mechanical properties such as effective stiffness and effective
viscous damping ratio of the elastomeric bearing type isolators devices under maximum
displacement case are given below ;
 The variation due to vertical load application (difference between the minimum
and maximum values) for each isolation device shall not exceed ±%15 of the
 The variation due to aging for each isolation device shall not exceed ±15% of the
initial value.
 The variation due to environmental effects (i.e. temperature) for each isolation
device shal not exceed ±20% of the design value.
 The variation due to vertical load application (difference between the minimum
and maximum values) for each isolation device shall not exceed ±15% of the
design value
 The variation of the properties of the isolator device due to strain rate (frequency)
in the range of ±30 %around the design value shall not exceed ±10%.

2.1.4 Connection of Elastomeric Isolation Units

The connection design of elastomeric isolation units with sub and superstructure shall be
based on lateral and vertical forces at maximum total lateral displacments due to
(1.5(DL+LL+|E|) load combination. Here DL, LL and E represent dead load, live load

and earthquake load respectively. In determination of earthquake forces vertical
component of earthquake shall be taken into account.
For the connection of elastomeric isolators to the sub- and super-structure the standard
bolted connection schemes elaborated in Figure 4 shall be used. In cases where these
standard connection schemes are used, the roll-over stability of the devices need not to be
verified. Other connection schemes need to be substantiated and will be subjected to the
permission of the peer review board.

Figure 4a. b. Standard bolted connection of the elastomeric isolation units

The following controls of rollout and rollover shall be done for the connection of
isolation units with the sub and super structure without tension resistance (Figure 4a) and
connections with shear key used for lateral force transfer (Figure 4b).
(2 / 3) P0.8 DL |E|
DMi  ( )B (19)
ke H  P0.8 DL |E|
Here P0.8DL|E| is the minimum vertical load due to 0.8 DL and negative earthquake load
(E) resulting tension. In determination of earthquake load, E, vertical component of the
ground motion shall be taken into consideration. H is the distance between upper and
lower steel plates of the isolation unit. (Figure 1) DMi (Section 6.2.5) is the lateral
displacement corresponding to maximum credible earthquake level for the isolation unit
and the ke is the equivalent (secant) lateral stiffnes of the isolator unit corresponding to
DMi .

2.1. Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolators

2.2.1. Properties of the Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolatiors
Curved surface slider type isolator units are composed of one or two sided concave steel
elements one of which is sliding. (Figure 5) The theoretical hysterisis curve is given in
Figure 6. Post elastic stiffness (k2) of the isolation unit is provided by the radius of

curvature of concave surface, damping is provided by the friction between the stainless
steel sliding surface and the teflon coated sliding unit. The lateral stiffness of the flat type
isolators shall be taken as zero. Lateral force – dispalcement relationship (hysteresis
curve) of the curved surface sliding isolator units are defined by equivalent lineer
stiffness and equivalent damping ratio.

Figure 5. Simplified sections of one or double sided curved surface sliding isolator units


Dy D Displacement

Figure 6. Typical force – displacement (hsytersis) curves for curved surface sliding
isolation units
In Figure 6:
Q = Characteristic Strength or Effective Yield Force
k1 = Initial stiffness (a very high value)
k2 = Second stiffness
ke = Equivalent Linear (Secant) stiffness corresponding to displacement D, ke=F / D
F = Force corresponding to displacement D
Dy = Effective yield displacement (can be considered as 2 mm)

Characteristic strength or Effective Yield Force is the product of friction coefficient ()
and the vertical force (P) acting on the isolator device (for double curved surface slider
type isolator units: 
Q = Fy = P (20)
The initial stiffness shall be takens as very high value in calculations as a fictious
stiffness.The second stiffness is obtained by dividing the vertical force (P) to the radius of
curvature (r) single curved Surface Slider Type Isolators. (for double curved surface
slider type isolator units: rrr
k2 = P / r (21)
For a given hysteresis loop, the equivalent linear sitiffness (ke) is determined by dividing
the force (F) applied in that loop by the corresponding displacement (D) .
ke = F/D = (P / r) + (P / D) (22)
Effective damping ratio (e) is determined by dividing the absorbed energy in the
hsyteresis loop (area under hysteresis loops = Wd) by the 2F D value.
1  Wd  2   
e   
2  FD      D / r 
  (23)

Upper and Lower Bound Values

Equivalent lineer stiffness and equivalent damping ratio of curved and flat surface
isolator units deferentiates depending on upper and lower bounds (AS and ÜS) of the
friction coefficient ( These upper and lower bound values account for all anticipated
variations in the design properties of the isolation system resulting from temperature,
aging, velocity, wear/travel and contamination and shall be calculated by Eq. 24 and 25.
AS = 0.8 NOM (24)
ÜS = 1.2  NOM (25)
Here NOM is the nominal value of friction coefficient, is the coefficient for
modiifcation due to aging and contamination. The minimum value for this coefficient
shall be taken as 1.3.
The materials used in the manufacture of flat and curved surface sliding isolator units
shall conform to the requirements of the Chapter 8.2.2. of the European Standard (prEN
15129-2007 or to the equivalent Japanese (JIS) or USA (AASHTO and ASTM)
Standards or special quality control programs approved by Ministry of Public Works and

2.2.2. Design Essesntials of the Flat and Curved Surface Slider Type Isolatiors
Flat and curved surface sliding surface isolator units shall satisfy the following

 Vertical load due to 1.5(DL+LL) shall be carried safely without any lateral
 Vertical load due to (0.8DL – |E|) at total maximum lateral displacement shall be
carried without any tensile stress.
 Horizontal and vertical loads due to (1.2D+LL+|E|) load combination and total
maximum lateral displacement shall be carried safely.
DL stands for dead load, LL stands for live load. In the determination of vertical
earthquake load, E, vertical component of the earthquake will be taken into consideration.
2.2.2 The Variation Limits of the Mechanical Properties of Flat and Curved Surface
Sliding Isolator Units
The differentiation of friction coefficient determined under maximum displacement shall
be in the limits defined below.
 The production variability shall not exceed ±50% for each isolation device and
±15% for total isolation system
 The variation of friction coefficient due to aging for each isolator device shall not
exceed ±15% of the initial value.
 The variation of friction coefficient due to environmental effects (i.e. temperature)
for each isolator device shall not exceed ±20% of the value under normal
 The variation of friction coefficient for the maximum and minimum vertical loads
for each isolator device shall not exceed ±30% of the design value.
 The variation of friction coefficient of each isolator device due to lateral load
velocity (frequency) in the range of ±30% around the design value shall not
exceed ± 10%.
2.2.4. Connection of Flat and Curved Surface Sliding Isolator Units
The connection design of elastomeric isolation units with sub and superstructure shall be
based on lateral and vertical forces at maximum total lateral displacments due to
(1.5(DL+LL+|E|) load combination. Here DL, LL and E represent dead load, live load
and earthquake load respectively. In determination of earthquake forces vertical
component of earthquake shall be taken into account.


3.1. Fundamental Properties of the Isolator Units
The isolation system must have the following properties;
 High vertical stiffness
 Low lateral stiffness
 Ability to carry vertical loads
 Energy absorbtion
 Ability to re-center after seismic motion

 Adequate lateral stiffness against lateral forces (i.e. wind force) other than

3.2. Properties of the Ground Motion

In the design process two levels of earthquake shall be considered
Design Earthquake: Earthquake ground motion with 10% probability of exceedance in 50
Maximum Credible Earthquake: Earthquake ground motion with 2% probability of
exceedance in 50 years.

3.3. Fundamentals of Design of Isolation System

3.3.1. In order to decrease the torsional effect on the system, the projection of the the
effective center of rigidity of the isolation system and center of mass of the superstructure
on the isolation interface must be close as possible.
3.3.2. In order to minimize difference in the response of the isolation devices the static
pressure acting on the isolation devices must be as equal as possible.
3.3.3. The configuration of the isolation devices between the substructure and super
structure must allow for inspection, rehabilitation, replacement and re-centering.
3.3.4. In addition to seismic and gravity loads, the isolation system must resist all non-
seismic lateral load combinations applied above the isolation interphase. These would
include service forces such as wind, centrifugal, and braking, and forces induced by
restraint of thermal displacements. The resitance to such forces shall be verified by
testing in accordance with Section 7.
3.3.5. The required precautions for the isolation devices shall be taken for fire protection,
chemical effect and explosion. The fire protection needed for the isolation system shall be
equivalent to the structural members in the isolation interface.
3.3.6. Cold weather performance shall be considered in the design of all types of isolation
systems in specific regions designated by the peer review board.
3.3.7. In the design of the isolation system tension forces in the isolation devices should
ideally be avoided. But in the case of tension forces it should be ensured that the isolation
devices shall remain functional. This issue shall be proven by laboratory tests.
3.3.8. The pipes, cables and other installation items attached to the isolated superstructure
shall be designed to accommodate the relative motion between the super- and sub-
3.3.9. The mechanical properties of each isolation device under lateral forces shall be
determined by laboratory tests.
3.3.10. A report shall be prepared to encompass the dimensions, quality assurance,
installation tolerances and the mechanical properties of each isolation device.
3.3.11. The possible change in the mechanical properties of the isolation device due to
manufacturing, installation, time and other physical and environmental factors should
reflect in the most inconvenient displacement, strength and stiffness conditions to be

taken into consideration in the design process.
3.3.12. A quality control program shall be developed for the isolation devices. The
program shall involve related process for the installation, replacement when necessary,
environmental effects on the aging, fire protection and periodical controls of the isolation
devices during the service life of the building..

3.4. Lateral Restoring Force

The isolation system shall be configured to produce a lateral restoring force such that the
period corresponding to its tangent stiffness based on the restoring force alone at any
displacement, D, up to its design displacement shall be less than 6 seconds (Figure 7).
Also the restoring force at DD and DM shall be greater than the restoring force
respectively at 0.5 DD and 0.5DM by not less than W/80. Isolation systems with constant
restoring force need not satisfy the requirements above. In these cases, the combined
constant restoring force of the isolation system shall be at least equal to 1.05 times the
characteristic strength of the isolation system under service conditions. Forces that are
not dependent on displacements, such as viscous forces, may not be used to meet the
minimum restoring force or tangent stiffness requirements.


Tangent stiffness at displacement "D"

D Displacement

Figure 7.Tangent Stiffness of the Isolation System

3.5. Modelling of Isolated Buildings

3.5.1. Both sub and super structure shall be modelled linear elastic. In the modelling
process articles 7.4.4, 7.4.6., 7.4.7., 7.4.8., 7.4.10 and 7.4.13. of “ Code for Buildings to
be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007” shall be taken into account.
3.5.2. In case of the vertical vibrtion period of the isolated building to be less than 0.1. s
( Section 6.1.1.), vertical degree of freedom shall be taken into account in the model of
both sub and super structure and the vertical component of the ground motion shall be
taken in to account in the design process.

Nonlinear modeling of the isolation system is possible for all cases. In the nonlinear
modeling of isolation units and the isolation system ( in case of equivalent linear model is
not used) nonlinear modeling properties given in Section 3 shall be used based on tests of
isolation units performed in the content of Section 7.
3.5.4. Isolation system shall be modelled as equivalent linear once the requirements
below are satisfied;
a) The ratio of the equivalent linear (secant) sitffness (ke) of the isolation system
corresponding to design displacement to the equivalent linear (secant) sitffness
corresponding to 20% of the design displacement shall be at least 1/2.
b) The properties of the isolation unit at design displacement shall differentiate at most
10% depending on the vertical loading.
c) The equivalent damping ratio of the isolation system at design and maximum credible
displacment levels shall not exceed 30%.
3.5.5. In equivalent linear modelling, effective stiffness of each isolator at displacement
under consideration (Design or Maximum Credible Earthquake level) shall be taken into
account. Total effective stiffness of the isolation system is the sum of the effective
stiffness of the isolation units. In the calculation of torsional stiffness of the isolation
system, torsional stiffness of the individual isolation units shall be neglected.
3.5.6. In equivalent linear model effective damping ratio of the isolation system shall be
determined by effective damping (equivalent viscous damping) for the energy dessipated
in one hysteresis cycle at isolation period. The effective damping ratio shall be
determined for design level earthquake and maximum credible earthquake saperately.
3.5.7. Viscous damping ratio at the high vibration modes in which isolation interface
displacements are not dominant shall be taken equal to the damping ration valid for the
assumption of the fixed base superstructure ( non-isolated case ). Excluding the special
cases, for higher vibration modes equivalent viscous damping ratio shall be taken as 5%.
3.5.8. Under the assumption of lower bound values of the stiffness, damping and friction
coefficient values, the maximum isolator displacements, and by assuming the upper
bound values of stiffness, damping and friction coefficients, superstructure accelerations,
inertia forces, stresses and displacements shall be determined. The lower and upper
bounds values to be used in design process shall be determined by using modification
factors based on prototype tests and Eqs. 5, 6, 24 and 25.


4.1. In the design process two levels of earthquake ground motion given below shall be
taken into consideration;
Design Earthquake: Design earthquake is defined as the site dependent ground
motion with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years.
Maximum Credible Earthquake: Maximum credible earthquake is defined as the
site dependent ground motion with 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years

4.2. The soil types involved in this Code is given in Appendix-A. The reference soil type
is considered as boundry of B and C type soils. ( In appendix-A equivalent shear wave
velocity Vs is 760 m/s for top 30 m thickness)
4.3.Horizontal spectral acceleration spectrum, SM(T), with 5% damping at Maximum
Credible Earthquake Level for the soil type under consideration shall be defined by short
and 1 s period spectral amplitudes (SM(0.2) ve SM(1)).
SM(0.2) = Fa SMR (0.2) (26)
SM(1) = Fv SMR (1) (27)
SM(T) = Horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping in maximum credible
earthquake level. (g)
SM(0.2) = Short period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at maximum
credible earthquake level. (g)
Fa = Short period spectral acceleration amplification factor given in Table-1
SMR(0.2) = Short period horizontal spectral acceleration for reference soil and for 5%
damping in maximum credible earthquake level. (g)
SM(1) = 1 s. period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping ar maximum credible
earthquake level(g)
Fv = 1 s period spectral acceleration amplification factor given in Table-2
SMR(1) = 1s period horizontal spectral acceleration for reference soil and for 5% damping
in maximum credible earthquake level. (g)
Spectral acelerations at reference soil conditions (SMR(0.2) and SMR(1)) corresponding to
grid based geographical coordinates are provided in “Kıyı ve Liman Yapıları,
Demiryolları, Hava Meydanları İnşaatlarına İlişkin Deprem Teknik Yönetmeliği - Ek A”
of the Republic of Turkey Offıcial Gazette dated 18 August 2007 and numbered 26617.
For Istanbul, detailed hazard maps are provided in App.B of this Code.
4.4. Short and 1 s. period spectral amplitude amplification factors (Fa and Fv ) are given
in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. The soil types given in these tables are defined in
Appendix –A.
Table 1. Short period spectral amplitude amplification factors ( Fa)
Shot Period Spectral Acceleration (g)a
Soil Type*
SMR(0.2)  0.25 = 0.50 = 0.75 =1.0  1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
b b b b
F – – – – –b
* See Appendix - A
Lineer interpolation shall be applied for short period spectral acceleration values
Site specific geothecnical investigation and dynamic site reponse analysis is

Table 2. 1 s period spectral amplitude amplification factors ( Fa)
1 s. period spectral acceleration (g)a
Soil Type*
SMR(1) 0.1 = 0.20 = 0.3 = 0.4  0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4
b b b b
F – – – – –b
* See Appendix - A
Lineer interpolation shall be applied for 1 s period spectral acceleration values.
Site specific geothecnical investigation and dynamic site reponse analysis is needed.

4.5. For maximum credible earthquake case, site dependent horizontal acceleration
spectrum (SM(T)), for 5%damping shall be determined by using the spectral shape given
in Figure 6 and Eq. 28. This spectrum shall be formed by using the SM(0.2) and SM(1)
spectral amplitude values. The spectral value ( effective peak ground acceleration ) of the
spectra for T=0 is defined as 0.4*SM(0.2). The spectra is linear in the 0-T0 period range,
horizontal in T0-TS period range, in TS-TL period range decrasing by 1/T and for values
greater than TL values decreasing by 1/T2.

Figure 6. Acceleration spectrum for maximum credible earthquake

SM(T) spectrum shall be calculated by Eq. 39 and 40.
S M (0.2)
S M (T )  0.4 S M (0.2)  0.6 T (To  T )
S M (T )  S M (0.2) (To  T  TS )
SM (1) (28)
S M (T )  (TS  T  TL )
SM (1) TL
S M (T )  (TL  T )
Spectrum second corner period, Ts is defined by Eq. 40. Spectrum first corner period is
T0=0.2 TS and long period transition period TL shall be taken as 10 s.
SM (1)
TS  (29)
SM (0.2)
4.6. Horizontal spectral acceleration spectrum, SD(T), with 5% damping at Design Level
Earthquake for the soil type under consideration shall be defined by short and 1 s period
spectral amplitudes (SD(0.2) ve SD(1)).
SD(0.2) = Fa SDR (0.2) (30)
SD(1) = Fv SDR (1) (31)
SD(T) = Horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at desing earthquake level. (g)
SDR(0.2) = Short period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at design level
earthquake level for reference soil type. (g)
SD(0.2) = Short period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at design
earthquake level. (g)
SDR(1) = 1 s. period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at design level
earthquake level for reference soil type. (g)
SD(1) = 1 s period horizontal spectral acceleration for 5% damping at design earthquake
level. (g)
4.7. For design credible earthquake level, site dependent horizontal acceleration spectrum
(SM(T)), for 5%damping shall be determined by using the spectral shape given in Figure
7 and Eq. 30. This spectrum shall be formed by using the SM(0.2) and SM(1) spectral
amplitude values. The spectral value ( effective peak ground acceleration ) of the spectra
for T=0 is defined as 0.4*SM(0.2). The spectra is linear in the 0-T0 period range,
horizontal in T0-TS period range, in TS-TL period range decrasing by 1/T and for values
greater than TL values decreasing by 1/T2.

Figure 7. Acceleration spectrum for design earthquake level
S D (0.2)
S D (T )  0.4 S D (0.2)  0.6 T (To  T )
S D (T )  S D (0.2) (To  T  TS )
SD (1) (30)
S D (T )  (TS  T  TL )
SD (1) TL
S D (T )  (TL  T )
Spectrum second corner period, Ts is defined by Eq. 31. Spectrum first corner period is
T0=0.2 TS and long period transition period TL shall be taken as 10 s.
S D (1)
TS  (31)
S D (0.2)
4.8. Vertical acceleration spectrum corresponding to maximum credible and design
earthquake level shall be determined as the 2/3 of the horizontal accelaration spectrum.
4.9. Special studies upon the discretion of the peer review board shall be performed for
the determination of the site dependent horizontal acceleration spectrum for design and
maximum credible earthquake levels but the acceleration amplitudes determined by using
the acceleration spectrum obtained by the special study can not be less than 90% of the
horizontal acceleration amplitudes for each period determined by Article 5.5. and 5.7, and
vertical acceleration amplitudes determined by Article 5.8.
4.10. Special set of ground motions shall be used for time history analysis.This set of
ground motions shall be determined by appropriate scaling of the real records that are
compatable with the scenario earthquake properties ( magnitude, distance to fault,
standard deviation factor) as obtained from a hazard deaggregation analysis. The same

scaling shall be used for each component spectrum in the set. In the case of insufficient
records avaliable, earthquake ground motion shall be simulated and/or spectrum
compatable ground motions shall be generated depending on the physical characterisitics
obtained by the deagragation. The simulation of ground motion for the maximum
credible earthquake shall be based on the physical models in which directivity effects are
taken in the consideration if moment magnitude greater than 7 and fault distance is less
than 15 km. The average horizontal spectrum of the horizontal ground motion is equal to
the square root of sum of squares of each horizontal spectrum amplitudes for each
direction. The spectral amplitudes between 0.5 TD and 1.25 TM of the average horizontal
spectrum shall be at least 1.3 times the design spectrum defined in Article 5.5. and 5.7.
The vertical spectrum amplitudes of the vertical ground motion shall not be less than 90%
of the spectral amplitudes defined in Article 5.8. for any period. In time history analysis,
the average of the reponse obtained from at least 7 sets ground motions shall be
considered. Set of ground motion shall be obtained by the methods approved by the peer
review board.


5.1. Analysis Methods and Properties

The analysis methods listed below shall be used depending on the properties of the
building and isolation system.
a) Equivalent Lateral Load Method
b) Mode Superpositon Method
c) Linear Time History Analysis
d) Nonlinear Time History Analysis
The equivalent lateral load method is the basic analysis method and will be used for the
initial design of the isolated bridge structure and sizing of the isolator units. Mode
superposition, linear time histoy and nonlinear time history methods shall be used whre
equivalent lateral load method is not sufficient. Nonlinear time history analusis is shall be
used in any case.

5.1.1. Equivalent Lateral Load Method shall be used once the requirements listed beöow
are satisfied;
a) 1 s horizontal spectral acceleration for reference soil type at maximum credible
earthquake level ,SMR (1), determined by Article 5.3. must be les than 0.6 g.
b) Building must be located on A,B,C or D type of soil. ( Appendix A)
c) Isolation system shall be modelled linear elastic (Section 4.4.)
d) Total height of the superstructure must be less than 20 m.
e) Effective period of the isolated building at maximum credible earthquake level must be
lass than 3 s. (TM <= 3s)
f) The horizontal vibration period of the isolated building at design level earthquake level
(TD ), must be 3 times of the fixed based super structure period.
g) The eccentricity between center of rigidity of the isolation system and the projecton of
the center of gravity of superstructure in the direction of two principle axes must be less
then 5% fo the dimension of the superstructure under consideration.

h) The fundamental vertical vibration period of the building isolated with elastomeric
isolator units Tv , must be less then 0.1 s.
Tv  2 (32)
Here W is the total weight determined by Article of “ Code for Buildings to be
Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”, Kv is the total vertical stiffness of the
isolation system and g is the gravitational accelaration (g =9.81 m/s2)
KV   kv (33)
Here kv is the vertical stiffeness of each isolator unit determined by Eq. 10.

5.1.2. Mode Superposition Method and Linear Time History Analysis shall be used one
the requirement given in Article 6.1.1 (b) and (h) are stisfied.
5.1.3. Non linear Time History Analysis shall be used in all cases.

5.2. Equivalent Lateral Load Method

Equivalent lateral load method is essentially a linear static analysis procedure based on
the fundamental mode of vibration in the longitudinal or transverse direction. The
statically equivalent seismic force obtained from the application of this method shall be
applied independently along the two perpendicular axes.
5.2.1. Design Earthquake Level Displacement
Total displacement of the isolation system in two horizontal directions at design level
earthquake shall be determined by Eq. 34.
 g  S (T )T
DD   2  D D D (34)
 4  BD
DD = Displacement at the center of rigidity of the isolation system in the direction under
consideration at the design earthquake level.
TD = Horizontal effective period of the isolated bridge in the direction under
consideration at the design earthquake level
SD(TD) = Spectral acceleration corresponding to Teff,D period at design earthquake level
BD = Spectrum reduction factor in the direction under consideration at the design
earthquake level

 0.251  ln  D 
Equivalent damping ratio of the total isolation system shall be determined by Eq. 36.
1  Hysteresis Area 
D    (36)
2  K D ,max DD2 

Here “Hystersis Area” is the area under the hysteresis curve at design earthquake level
KD, max = Maixmum effective stiffness of the isolation system at design earthquake level
5.2.2. Effective Period at Design Earthquake Level
The effective lateral vibration period of the isolated building at design earthquake level
shall be determined by relationship given in Eq. 37.
TD  2 (37)
K D ,min g

TD = Effective lateral vibration period of the isolated building at design earthquake level
W = Total weight of the super structure above the isolation interfacedetermined by
Article of “ Code for Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”
KD, min = Minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system at design earthquake level
g = gravitational acceleration (g=9.81 m/s2)
5.2.3. Maximum Credible Earthquake Level Displacement
Maximum credible earthquake level displacement at effective center of rigidity of the
isolation system, DM, shall be determined by relationship given in Eq. 38.
 g  S M (TM )TM
DM   2  (38)
 4  BM
DM = Maximum credible earthquake level displacement at effective center of rigidity of
the isolation system
SM(TM) = Spectral acceleration corresponding to TM period at maximum credible
earthquake level.
TM = Effective lateral vibration period of the isolated building at maximum credible
earthquake level
BM = Spectrum reduction factor determined by effective damping ratio of the siolation
system at maximum credible earthquake level.

 0.251  ln  M 
Equivalent damping ratio of the total isolation system at maximum credible earthquake
level displacment (M) shall be determined by the relationship given in Eq. 40

1  Hystersis Area 
M    (40)
2 2
 K M ,max DM 
Here “Hystersis Area” is the area under the hysteresis curve at design earthquake level

KM, max = Maixmum effective stiffness of the isolation system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement.
5.2.4. Effective Period at Maximum Credible Earthquake Level
Effective horizontal period of the isolated building, TM, at the maximum credible
earthquake level shall be determined by the relationship given in Eq. 41.
TM  2 (41)
K M ,min g

TM = Effective lateral vibration period of the isolated building at design earthquake level
W = Total weight of the super structure above the isolation interfacedetermined by
Article of “Code for Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”
KD, min = Minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement
g = yerçekimi ivmesi= 9.81 m/s2

5.2.5. Total Isolation Unit Displacements

The distance between the center of rigidity of isolation system and center of gravity of
sıper structure is defined as the eccentricity and determined two principle directions x and
y respectively. In addition to this, %5 of the plan dimension of the building perpendicular
to the direction under consideration shall be considered as the additional eccentricity.
The lateral displacements DDix , DDiy ve DMix , DMiy of the ith isolation unit of yhr isolation
system shall be amplified by the factors xi and yi depending on the eccentricites of the
DD and DM lateral displacements at the effective center of rigidityof the isolation system
in x and y direction by using the relationships in Eqs. 43 and 44.
DDix = yi DD
DDiy = xi DD
DMix = yi DM (42)
DMiy = xi DM
et , x
 yi  1 xi (43)
 xi  1  t ,2y yi (44)
Here, xi and yi are the coordinates of the isolation unir with respect to center of rigidity of
the isolation system, et,x and et,y are total eccentricity (including ±%5 additional
eccentricity)of the isolation system in x and y direction respectively.

The radius of tortional stiffness of the isolation system in x and y direction , rx and ry , is
given by the relationships given in Eq. 45.and 46.
2 2 2
ry   ( xi keyi  yi kexi ) /  kexi (45)

2 2 2
rx   ( xi keyi  yi kexi ) /  keyi
Here kexi and keyi are the average effective stiffness of the i isolation unit in x and y
In the content of the equivalent lateral load method amplification factors xi and yi shall
not be less than 1.1 value.

5.2.6. Equivalent Lateral Loads

Shear force actin on the isolation system at design earthquake level displacement, Vb,
shall be determined by the relationship given in Eq. 47.
Vb = KD, max DD (47)
KD,max = Maximum efective stiffness of the isolation system at design earthquake level
DD = Displacement of the effectivecenter of rigidity of the isolation system at desin
earthquake level
Substructure (below the isolation system) shall be designed for shear force Vb to perform
linear elastic by considering the design rules for convential buildings.
Superstructure (above the isolation system) shall be design by reduced base shear force
(total equivalent seismic load) in the direction under consideration as in the case of is
applied on a fixed based (non isolated building).
Vt = Vb / R1 (48)
R1 = Seismic load reduction factor
1 ≤ R1 = R/4 ≤ 2 (49)
R is the Structural System Behaviour Coefficint given in Table 2.5 of “Code for
Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”.
Total equivalent seismic load, Vt, shall satisfiy the urles given below;
Vt shall be greater than the base shear determined by Article of “Code for
Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007” for the conventinal building
with the fundamental vibration period is TD.
Total equivalent seismic load, Vt, shall be greater than the shear force due to wind design

The total equivalent seismic load, Vt, shall be 1.5 grater than the force needed lateral
force ( yielding force of lead core in elastomeric isolation units, static friction force in
curved surfes isolation units or strength of the specially designed units that are
sacrificed) to mobilize the isolation system.

5.2.7. Determination of the Story Equivalent Seismic Forces
The total equivalent seismic load determined by Eq. 47 shall be distributed to the storey
levles by the relationship given in Eq. 50.
wi H i
Fi  Vt N
w H
j 1
j j

Fi = Lateral force at ith story level in the direction under consideration

wi = Total weight at the ith storey determined by Article of “ Code for Buildings
to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”
Hi = Distance between the isolation interface and the ith storey level.
N= Total number of story at the building above the isolation interface
5.2.8. Interstory Drift Ratio

The interstorey drift ratio of each stoy shall be less than 0.01hi. hi is the distance between
the ith and the (i-1)th story ( ith story height). In the calculation of the dislacements, the
storey displacements determined by linear elastic methods shall be multiplied by seismic
load reduction factor, R1.
5.2.9. Minimum Vertical Seismic Force of the Isolation System
Vertical loads on isolation units shall be determined from overturning moments and
vertical component of earthquake. Asuming that the superstructure is rigid in vertical
direction, vertical forces on isolation system FVD and FVM at design and maximimum
credible earthquake level shall be determined by Eq. 61 and 62 respectively.
FVD  0.3( ) S D (0.2) (61)
FVM  0.3( ) SM (0.2) (62)
FVD = Vertical load due to vertical component of the earthquake at design level
FVM = Vertical load due to vertical component of the earthquake at maximum credible
earthquake level
5.3. Mode Superposition Method
The maximum internal forces and displacments in mode Superposition Method shall be
determined by a statistical combination of maximum contribution of sufficient number of
natural vibration modes.
The system shall be modelled considering three degree of freedom, two horizontal and
one torsional, once the fundamental vertical vibration period (Tv) of the isolated building
is less than 0.1s (Article 4.2.). Assuming that the slabs are infinitely rigid in their own
plane, two horizontal which are perpendicular each other and a rotational degree of
freedom shall be defined in each story of the superstructure.

Number of modes to be included to the analysis is determined by Article 2.8.3. of “ Code
for Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Regions, 2007”. Combination of modal
combinations shall be based on Article 2.8.4. of “ Code for Buildings to be Constructed
in Earthquake Regions, 2007” and internal forces of the members in principle axis shall
be determinedby Article 2.8.6. of “ Code for Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake
Regions, 2007”. The determination of the displacements of the isolation units in the
isolation system shall be done by vectorel combination of analysis result obtained by
100% one direction and 30% of the perpendicular direction in order to have the most
inconvenient result.
In the application of spectral analysis method, 5% damped acceleration spectra for design
and maximum credible earthquake level determined by Article 6.3.and 6.5 shall be
modified by spectrum reduction factors (BM and BD) determined according to equivalent
damping ratio of the isolation system for period ranges of T ≥ 0.8 TM and T ≥ 0.8 TD.
Generic form of the modified acceleration spectrum is given in Figure 8.

Spektral İvme(g)

%5 sönümlü Yalıtım sistemi ile

üst yapı modları ilgili modlar

A1/A2=BM , BD

0.8TM TM
Periyot (s)
0.8TD TD

Figure 8. Modified Acceleration Spectrum

In calculation of seismic effects on structural members of sub and superstructure
modified acceleration spectrum of the design earthquake level and maximum effective
stiffness of the isolation system shall be considered. In calculation of maximum
displacement of isolation units modified acceleration spectrum of the maximum credible
earthquake level and minimum effective stiffness of the isolation system shall be
In the design process, force reduction factor, R1, determined by Eq. 49 shall be used for
determination of internal forces of the structural elements and rules for design of
conventional building shall be considered.
Total lateral seismic force on the substructure shall not be less than 90% of the shear
force Vb determined by Eq. 47. The substructure shall be design linear elastic under this
lateral seismic force.

The maximum total displacement of the isolation units at maximum credible earthquake
level shall not be less then 90% of the total maximum displacement determined according
to Article 5.2.5.
Interstory drift ratio values shall satify the provisions given in Article 5.2.8.
5.4. Linear Time History Anaysis
Linear Time History Analysis shall be used once the behaviour of the isolation system is
modelled equvilantly linear in the content of the provisions given in Article 4.4.
The system shall be modelled considering three degree of freedom, two horizontal and
one torsional, once the fundamental vertical vibration period (Tv) of the isolated building
is less than 0.1s (Article 4.2.). Assuming that the slabs are infinitely rigid in their own
plane, two horizontal which are perpendicular each other and a rotational degree of
freedom shall be defined in each story of the superstructure.
The effect of vertical component of the earthquake ground motion shall be determined in
the content of Article 5.2.9.
Once the vertical vibration period of the isolated building isless than 0.1 s ( Article 4.2.)
vertical degree of freedom system shall be considered in isolation system and
superstructure. In this case two horizontal and on vertical component of the ground
motion shall be considered.
For the integration process of the single degree of fredom system in time domain sets of
acceleration records compatable with provisions given in Article 5.10. shall be used.
Damping ratios to be used in this analysis shall be 5% for the modes related to the
superstructure and equivalent damping ratios of the isolation system (M orD) related to
the isolation system modes ( including the transational and torsional mode shapes of the
isolation system ). The accelaration records at design earthquake level, maximum value
of the effective stiffness and the equivalent damping ratio of the isolation system shall be
taken into consideration in calculation of the seismic effects of the structural members of
the sub and superstructure. The accelaration records at maximum credible earthquake
level, minimum value of the effective stiffness and the equivalent damping ratio of the
isolation system shall be taken into consideration in calculation of the maximum
displacement of the isolation system.
The maximum total displacement of the isolation units at maximum cradible earthquake
level shall not be less than 90% of the maximum total displacement ( DMi) determined
according to Article 6.2.5.
Interstory drift ratio values shall satify the provisions given in Article 6.2.8.
5.5. Nonlinear Time History Analysis
Nonlinear Time Histoy Analysis shall be applied in all cases. But once the isolation
system could not be modelled equivelently linear as desribed in Article 5.3 the use of
Nonlinear Time History Analysis is mandatory.

The nonliear modelling of the isolation units shall be determined depending on th force –
displacement properties determined based on experiments performed in the content of
Article 8. Only the isolaiton units shall be modelled nonlinear through the all building.
The linear elastic modelling of sub and superstructue will be sufficient.
The system shall be modelled considering three degree of freedom, two horizontal and
one torsional, once the fundamental vertical vibration period (Tv) of the isolated building
is less than 0.1s (Article 4.2.). Assuming that the slabs are infinitely rigid in their own
plane, two horizontal which are perpendicular each other and a rotational degree of
freedom shall be defined in each story of the superstructure.
Once the vertical vibration period of the isolated building isless than 0.1 s ( Section 4.2.)
vertical degree of freedom system shall be considered in isolation system and
superstructure. In this case two horizontal and on vertical component of the ground
motion shall be considered.
Soil – structure analysis shall be performed in case of building located on E and F types
soils in which soil deformations could effect the response of the structure. The content
and properties of this analysis shall be determined by peer review board.
The earthuqake ground motionsets determined according to the provisions given in
Article 5.10 shall be used. In the determination of the seismic effects of the sub and
superstructure ground motions corresponding to the design earthquake level, and in
determination of maximum total displacement of isolation units ground motions
corresponding to maximum credible earthquake level shall be used.
The maximum total displacement of the isolation units at maximum cradible earthquake
level shall not be less than 80% of the maximum total displacement ( DMi) determined
according to Article 5.2.5.
Interstory drift ratio values shall satify the provisions given in Article 5.2.8.


The whole process of seismic isolation and related studies should be controlled and
approved by a peer review board composed of local and/or foreign specialists who have
theorotical and practical knowledge and experience in the related field strating from the
beginning of the design process to the control of the application. The permit of project,
contruction and useage related to the building shall be dependent on the report given by
the peer review board.
The indipendent specialists should have theoritical and practical knowledge on seismic
hazard analysis, selection and determination of ground motion, linear and nonlinear
seismic analysis, seismic isolation and experiments performed on isolation units and
document them.

Each member of the peer review board formed for each seismic isolation prject shall be
determined by Turkish Earthquake Foundation and assigned by the Municipality
Directorate of Housing.


The force –displacement characteristics, effective damping ratio, effective horizontal and
vertical stiffness of the isolation units of the isoaltion system shall be determined by tests
and verified with the values used in the desing process. The tests shall be performed by
the laboratories approved by Ministry of Public Works and Settlement under the
supervison of the design engineer and results shall be reported and officially recorded.
The minimum test velocity shall be 25 mm/s for horizontal harmonic motions. The
isolation units placed over each other shall be tested together. The isolation device
properties are accepted as velocity dependent when the difference between the effective
stiffness and effective damping values for design earthquake level displacement obtained
from the test conducted at period TD and for any period between 1.0TD and 0.5TD is more
than ±15%. Once the properties of the isolation units are velocity dependent the harmonic
tests shall be performed at period of TD. The velocity dependeny of the isolation units
shall be documented by the manufacturer and approved by the peer review board.
Once the prototype tests defined in Article 8.1.1. and 8.2.1. are applied to the isolation
units with the same dimensions and properties, test under consideration shall not be
performed again. These tests of the isolation units shall be documented by the
manufacturer and approved by the peer review board.

7.1. Elastomeric Isolation Units

7.1.1. Prototype Test of the Elastomeric Isolation Units
The prototype tests shall be performed on two of each isolator type.
Long duration compression test:
The vertical load (maximum value for each isolator unit type) due to combination of
1.5(D+L) shall be applied statically for 5 minutes of duration.
Vertical stiffness test:
The test shall be performed by linearly increasing the vertical load from zero to
DL+0.5LL (maximum for each isolator unit type) level for five times.
Combined Compression and Shear Test
The compression force, number of cycle and displacement values of each test to be
performed for determination of effective lateral stiffness and effective damping ratio of
the isolator unit is given in the table below.

Type of the Test Compression Force Number of Cycles Displacement
A 3 0.2 DD
1.2DL + 0.5LL + E
B 3 0.5 DD
( average force for each isolation
C 3 1.0 DD
unit type)
D 3 1.0 DM
1.2DL + 1.0LL + E
E ( maximum force for each 3 1.0 DTM
isolation unit type)
7.1.2. Acceptance Tests
These tests shall be performed on at least 4 of each isolation unit type and at least 50% of
the all isolation units.
Combined Compression and Harmonic Displacement Test
(Determination of lateral effective stiffness and effective damping ratio )
Type of the Test Compression Force Number of Cycles Displacement
DL + 0.5LL
F ( maximum force for each 3 1.0 DM
isolation unit type)

DL = Dead load
LL = Live load
E = Seismic load
7.1.3. Acceptance Criteria of Elastomeric Isolation Units
Acceptance criteria for elastomeric isolation units are given in the provisions below;
 The slope of the force-displacement curves shall be always positive
 The measured effective stiffness of each isolator unit at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be in the limits of ±15% of the effective stiffness
considered in the design process of that type.
 The measured effective stiffness of whole isolator system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be in the limits of ±10% of the effective stiffness
used in the design process of the isolation system.
 The absorbed energy ( hystersis area) for each isolator unit at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be more than 75% of that isolation unit type
considered in the design process.
 The energy absorbtion measure at maximum credible earthquake level for the
whole isolation system shall be more that 85% of that is used in the design process of the
siolation system.
 The difference between the mechanical properties of the isolation units obtained
from the first cycle and that of the third cycle shall be more than±15%

 At the inspections after the tests performed any residual deformation, cracking,
laminate placement fault and lack of rubber-to-steel bond should not be determined.
7.2. Flat and Curved Surface Sliding Isolation Units
7.2.1. Prototype Tests of Flat and Curved Surface Sliding Isolation Units
The prototype tests shall be performed on two of each isolator type.
Long duration compression test:
The vertical load (maximum value for each isolator unit type) due to combination of
1.5(1.2 D+L) shall be applied statically for 5 minutes of duration.
Combined Compression and Harmonic Displacement Test
The compression force, number of cycle and displacement values of each test to be
performed for determination of friction coefficient , effective lateral stiffness and
effective damping ratio of the isolator unit is given in the table below.

Test Type Compression Force Number of Cycle Displacement

A 3 0.2 DD
1.2DL + 0.5LL + E
B 3 0.5 DD
( average force for each
C 3 1.0 DD
isolation unit type)
D 3 1.0 DM
1.2DL + 1.0LL + E
E ( maximum force for each 3 1.0 DTM
isolation unit type)
8.2.2. Acceptance Tests
These tests shall be performed on at least 4 of each isolation unit type and at least 50% of
the all isolation units.
Combined Compression and Harmonic Displacement Test
(Results of the 3rd cycle shall be used for determination of friction coefficient, lateral
effective stiffness and effective damping ratio )

Test Type Compression Force Number of Cycle Displacement

DL + 0.5LL
F (maximum force for each 3 1.0 DM
isolation unit type)

DL = Dead load
LL = Live load
E = Seismic load
8.2.3. Acceptance Criteria of Flat and Curved Surface Sliding Isolation Units
Acceptance criteria for flat and curved surface sliding isolation units are given in the
provisions below;

 The slope of the force-displacement curves shall be always positive
 The measured effective stiffness of each isolator unit at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be in the limits of ±20% of the effective stiffness
considered in the design process of that type.
 The measured effective stiffness of whole isolator system at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be in the limits of ±15% of the effective stiffness
used in the design process of the isolation system
 The absorbed energy (hystersis area) for each isolator unit at maximum credible
earthquake level displacement shall be more than 75% of that isolation unit type
considered in the design process.
 The absorbed energy (hystersis area) for the whole isolation system at maximum
credible earthquake level displacement shall be more than 85% of that isolation system
considered in the design process for both design earthquake levels.
 The difference between the mechanical properties of the isolation units obtained
from the first cycle and that of the third cycle shall be more than ±%15.
 At the inspections after the tests performed any residual deformation, material
peeling, scoring of stainless steel plate and deep scraches at the curved surface sliding
isolation units should not be determined.

dc = Total thickness of the cohesive soil layer at top 30 m
di = Thickness of the ith layer between 1 to 30 m (m)
ds = Total thickness of the cohesionless layers in top 30 m
Ni = Uncorrected standard penenetration number of the ith layer in top 30 m (ASTM
D 1586, Nimax shall not be greater than 100 blows/ft)
PI = Plasticity index
sui = Undrained shear strength of the ith layer in top 30 m (ASTM D 2166 or D 2850,
shall not be greater than 250 kPa )
vsi = Shear wave velocity of the ith layer in top 30 m. (m/s)
w = Water content


A.2.1 – Soil types considered in accelration spectrum is defined as follows;

Type A : Hard rock, shear wave veelocity, v s > 1500 m/s

Type B : Rock, (760 m/sn < v s  1500 m/sn)
Type C : Very dense soil and soft rock, (360 m/sn < v s  760 m/sn) or N > 50 veya s u >
100 kPa

Type D : Stiff soil, (180 m/sn < v s  360 m/sn) or (15  N  50) or
(50 kPa  s u  100 kPa)
Type E: Soil profile with v s < 180 m/sn or N < 15 or s u < 50 kPa or clay layer with
thickness of more then 3 m. (PI >20, w  %40 or s u < 25 kPa)
Type F : Soils need special site investigation
(1) Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such as
liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils.
Exception: Special geotechnical investigation shall not be performed in determination of
spectral accelerations for the buildings with fundamental period less than 0.5 s on
liquefiable soils. In this case soil type shall be determined according to A2.
(2) Peats and/or highly organic clays (H > 3 m of peat and/or highly organic clay )
(3) Very high plasticity clays (H > 8 m and PI >75).
(4) Very thick soft/medium stiff clays (H > 36 m and s u < 50 kPa)

A.2.2. – In the case of lack of geotechnical information for a soil type to be classified
according to A.1.1., considering that it is not in type of E and F, soil type under
consideration can be classified as D type.

A.2.3. The parameters used for definiton of soil type is calculated for te top 30 m of the
soil profile. The different soil layers in 30 meter are numbered as i=1 to i=N. The basic
parameters involved in A.2.1 is defined as ;
(a) Equivalent shaer wave velocity for the top 30 m:

d i n
vs  i 1
( di  30m) (A.1)

i 1 vsi
i 1

(b) Equivalent penetration number for the top 30 m ( for cohesive soil, cohesionless soil
and rock layers) :

d i
N i 1

i 1 N i

(c) Equivalent standard penetration number of the top 30 m ( only for cohesionless soil
layers ):

N ch  m
( d i  d s ) (A.3)

i 1 N i
i 1

(d) Undrained shear strenght for the top 30 m:

su  k
( d i  d c ) (A.4)

i 1 sui
i 1


The following steps shall be applied soil classification:

A.3.1. – The four groups defined for soil Type F shall be controlled. The soil type shall
be considered as F type ones it coincides to one of four groups and site specific
evaluation shaşş be performed.
A.3.2. The existance of soft clay layer with thickness more than 3 m shall be controlled.
( The required criteria are PI >20, w  %40 and s u < 25 kPa). Once the crateria are
satisfied the soil type is considered as Type E.
A.3.3. - All the issues other than defined above, type classification shall be done by using
any of the equivalent shear wave velocity ( v s ), equivalent penetration number ( N or
N ch ) or equivalent undrained shear strength ( s u ) for top 30 m soil.

A.3.4. - Soil type B should be determined according to shear wave velocity for rock.
Prediction of shear wave velocity for the low deteriorated rock shall be done. Shear wave
velocity of the highly deteriorated and broken rocks should be measured or classified as
siol type C.
A.3.5. The soil type A classification should be based on in situ measurement of shear
wave velocity or measurements performed on rocks with similar profile.

A.3.6. – Once there is a soil layer with a thickness of 3m between rock layer and the
foundation leyer, soil type shall be classified as A or B.

Table A.1. Soil Types

Explanation vs (m/sn) N or N ch su (kPa)a
Very dense soil
C 360 - 760 > 50 > 100
and soft rock
D Stiff soil 180 - 360 15 - 50 50 - 100
E Soft soil < 180 < 15 < 50
su yöntemi kullanılmış ve N ch ile su kriterleri farklı sonuç veriyor ise, daha
zayıf olan zemin sınıfı seçilmelidir.


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