7928 User Manual

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Car Alarm

Thatcham M.I.R.R.C. Evaluation No:

Your Cobra Dealer will be pleased to clarify
IMPORTANT WARNING any queries you may have with the system
The Cobra 7928/26/HF Alarm Immobiliser or its operation.
is a Category 1 MIRRC Thatcham listed Even when using your Cobra 7928/26/HF
security system. If the installation of this Alarm System we would suggest the
product is modified or altered from the following additional precautions:-
standard specifications, or non compliant l Avoid leaving valuable belongings in
accessories are fitted, the insurance the car particularly if they are on view.
approval will be invalidated. l Never leave Registration or Insurance
Documents in the car.
User Instructions l Never leave spare keys in the car.
Congratulations on purchasing a Cobra l Always try to park in a well lit and safe
7928/26/HF Alarm System. It has been
designed and manufactured to the highest PIN Code
standards utilising the latest S.M.D. Each Cobra 7928/26/HF Alarm System has
technology for total reliability. a unique PIN code which can be used for
All round protection is ensured with:- Emergency Disarm and is required,
1. Passenger compartment protection together with one of the emergency
using ultrasonic sensors (7928) or override touch keys, for programming
hyperfrequency radar sensors replacement or additional radio keys.
(7928HF). Your PIN code is given on the card
2. Multi-circuit engine immobilisation - supplied with your Cobra 7928/26/HF
operates immediately the system is Alarm System together with the serial
armed, or passively 60 seconds after number of the system itself. Please keep
ignition is switched OFF and the driver's this card in a secure place - not in the car -
door opened, or 255 seconds after and also make a note of these numbers for
ignition OFF if the doors are not any second driver’s use.
opened. Without the PIN code and emergency
3. Peripheral protection to doors, boot override touch key no additional or
and bonnet using direct contact replacement radio keys can be
switches. programmed into the system.
4. Personal protection - remote control
‘panic' button on radio keys. Button Button
Radio Key Function ‘A' ‘B'
Many of the security functions are
integrated with your vehicle's electrical Arm l
system and we recommend that you read
Disarm l
the complete instruction booklet to ensure
trouble free operation. Siren Interrupt l
Also for your added safety, each system Panic Alarm l
contains circuitry to ensure the alarm Ultrasonic Sensor exclusion
cannot be switched on when the vehicle's l
(within 20 seconds of arming)
engine is running.
Radio Keys
The security system is operated by remote control radio keys. Two radio keys are
supplied with each Cobra 7928/26/HF Alarm System. Always press the button for a full
ONE SECOND to allow the whole code to be transmitted. The small LED on the radio key
will flash whilst the button is held down. The Radio Keys should normally operate up to
3 metres from the car but range can be affected by other radio signals in the vicinity.

The Radio Keys are powered by a long life 3v Lithium battery

Radio Key (type CR2032 or equivalent). With normal usage a new battery
should last between 3 and 5 years. Replacement batteries can
be obtained from your Cobra Dealer.

Low Radio Key

If the small LED on the radio
key flashes irregularly or only
once when the operating key
3. Wait for 10 seconds before inserting the
is pressed, instead of flashing
new battery, ensuring the correct polarity
continuously, this indicates a low
(+ sign upwards) and holding the battery by
the edge.
Battery Replacement 4. Close the case firmly making sure locating
1. Open the case as shown in the studs are correctly positioned to ensure a
diagram - levering the two sides waterproof seal is made.
apart in the area marked OPEN on 5. The remote key should now operate
the key case. normally, but it may require re-
2. Remove the old battery as shown. synchronisation with the main control unit.

Testing the Remote Key & Re-synchronisation

If, at any time, the remote key does not operate the system, stand close to the car and
press and hold down both buttons until the LED on the remote key goes out -
approximately 10 seconds. Release both buttons - the LED will come on constantly. Then
press button ‘A' for approximately 1 second - the LED will flash - this should complete re-
In case of difficulties please consult your Cobra Dealer.
Passive Immobilisation Additional/Replacement
Radio Keys
The System will automatically arm the
double immobilisation 60 seconds after The radio keys for your Cobra 7928/26/HF
the ignition is switched OFF and the Alarm System have a ‘protected self-
driver's door is opened. If the doors are learning' feature which allows up to four
not opened the delay is extended to 255 Radio Keys to be programmed into your
seconds after the ignition is switched OFF. system by using its unique PIN code in
conjunction with the electronic touch keys.
l The LED will flash.
It will not now be possible to start the All existing radio keys and touch keys
engine, but in this instance the doors will must be re-programmed at the same time
not lock and the windows etc. will not as any additional or replacement keys are
close. The door trigger circuits and interior being introduced to the system. Your
sensor do not arm. Cobra Dealer will be able to carry out this
procedure for you.
To start the engine, ensure the ignition is Arming the System
switched OFF then disarm the immobiliser
by pressing button ‘A’ on the radio key and Radio Key - pressing the operating button
then switch ON the engine within 255 ‘A' will arm the system, indicated by:-
seconds. 1. Two flashes of the vehicle's hazard
To fully arm the system after passive lights.
immobilisation, switch OFF the passive 2. Continuous flashing of the LED
arming by pressing button ‘A’ on the radio warning light.
key, then re-arm the system (as described
in ‘Arming the System’). 3. Simultaneous locking of all doors.
l Immediately the alarm unit is switched
Emergency Override
ON (‘armed') the vehicle is
Touch Key immobilised.
The emergency override touch key can be
used to disarm/ de-immobilise your Cobra After switching ON (‘armed') a period of
7928/26/HF Alarm System in the event of approximately 45 seconds will elapse
lost or damaged radio keys. If your car is before the system is fully active. (This is a
locked use your door key to enter the car ‘setting-up' and ‘test period').
and touch the Emergency Override Touch When the alarm is fully active it will be
Key on the contacts of the touch receptacle triggered by:-
- this will disarm and de-immobilise the 1. Opening a door, boot or bonnet (Direct
security system. If the system was fully Contact Switches).
‘armed' the siren will sound until
disarming has taken place. The car can 2. Movement within the vehicle
then be started in the normal way. (Ultrasonic).
l Up to four Emergency Override Touch When triggered the Electronic Siren will
Keys can be programmed into each sound at 118dB and the hazard lights will
Cobra 7928/26/HF Alarm System. flash for 30 seconds - at the end of this
period the system will close down and Siren Interrupt
automatically re-set to provide protection
against a further attempt by an intruder to Pressing button ‘A' whilst the siren is
enter the vehicle. sounding will turn the siren off. The Alarm
System ‘status' - i.e. ‘armed' - will not be
Disarming the System changed.
On return to the vehicle, pressing
operating button ‘A' on the radio key will
disarm the system. This is indicated by:- Panic Alarm/
1. One flash of the hazard warning lights. Personal Protection
Note: If the system has been triggered Pressing the auxiliary button ‘B' will sound
during your absence the hazard lights will the siren for 10 seconds when the alarm
flash 4 times and the buzzer will sound 4 system is in the ‘armed' state.
Note: This function will not be operational
2. Extinguishing of the LED warning light during the 40 seconds set-up time
- see note.
required for the system to become fully
3. Unlocking of all doors. active after it has been ‘armed'.
Note: If the alarm has been triggered in
your absence a ‘status history' will be
displayed by the LED warning light and is
indicated as follows:- Volumetric Protection
Single pulse flashing of LED: One Exclusion
alarm state caused by opening of the Ultrasonic Sensor (7928):
boot, bonnet or doors. To arm the system without utilising the
Twin pulse flashing of LED: One Ultrasonic interior sensor, press the
alarm state triggered by accessory operating button ‘A' in the normal way
hyperfrequency radar sensors
then, within 20 seconds, press the
auxiliary button ‘B'. This allows all other
Triple pulse flashing of LED: Alarm
protection circuits to remain active whilst
state triggered by the ultrasonic
windows can be left partially open (for a
sensor or optional glass break (7928).
dog inside the vehicle etc.). This command
Quadruple flash repeated regularly:
is indicated by a ‘beep' from the siren.
Alarm state caused by an attempt to
start the car.
Note: This display can also show multiple
triggering and other system diagnostics -
Illuminated Entry
please consult your Cobra dealer in case of
any difficulties. On disarm the system will switch ON the
This display is extinguished when the courtesy light for 30 seconds, or until the
ignition is turned on. ignition is switched ON.
Trouble Shooting Checking the Alarm
Your Cobra 7928/26/HF Alarm System System
should have been installed by a fully You should check your Cobra 7928/26/HF
trained technician. In the unlikely event of Alarm System on a regular basis - once a
a problem occurring with it please contact week is recommended.
your supplying/installing Cobra Dealer for
assistance. If this is not immediately 1. Direct Contact Check: Arm the system
possible the following notes may be of and exclude the ultrasonic sensors -
help:- wait 45 seconds.
Symptom: Radio Key will not ‘arm' or
‘disarm' system. l Opening any of the vehicle doors, boot
l The Radio Key battery may be flat (see or bonnet will trigger the system and
notes on Low Battery Indication and the siren will sound. Disarm the system
Changing Battery). from the radio key and repeat the
process for each door, boot and
Symptom: The radio key may require
re-synchronisation. bonnet.
l See Testing the Remote Key and Re- 2. Ultrasonic Sensor (7928) /
synchronisation section. Hyperfrequency Radar Sensor
Symptom: Alarm has triggered for no (7928HF) Check:
apparent reason. Whilst remaining seated in the car with
l When you ‘disarm' the alarm the doors and windows closed - Arm the
diagnostics code will be displayed by system and wait 45 seconds.
the LED warning light. If direct contact
triggering is indicated then switches in l Rapid movement of your arms should
doors, boot or bonnet may need trigger the system. Disarm in the
adjusting - please consult your Dealer. normal way.
If showing Ultrasonic triggering please
check that all windows, sunroof and air If at any time your alarm does not appear
vents are closed and ensure that there to be operating correctly please refer to the
are no loose moving objects (or
animals) left in the vehicle. If the ‘Trouble Shooting' section or, if in any
problem persists contact your Cobra doubt, contact your supplying/installing
Dealer for assistance. Cobra Dealer.

Pt. No. 908 001A

Rev. 06/01

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