Campbell's Urology, 7th Edition. (3 Volume Set)
Campbell's Urology, 7th Edition. (3 Volume Set)
Campbell's Urology, 7th Edition. (3 Volume Set)
Since the first edition of Campbell's Urology, which was published and edited in 1954 by Dr. Meredith
Campbell, this classic textbook has been revised many times, with marked improvements. The editors of the 7th
edition are all eminent urologists who are well recognized internationally as authorities within their specialties.
The three-volume set covers all aspects of the anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract, molecular genetics
and modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods and procedures as applied to the kidneys and genitourinary tract.
The three volumes are comprehensive and detailed reference books with current and authoritative coverage of all
areas of adult and pediatric urology. Campbell's Urology can be considered an "encyclopedia" of genitourinary
diseases, which should be of great value to practicing urologists and to urology residents and fellows, who can refer
to it for a comprehensive review of genitourinary diseases. This textbook has remained the benchmark reference
book since its first edition, and should undoubtedly be available in the library of all departments of urology.
Volume 1 is divided into five sections, covering molecular genetics and anatomy, urologic examination and
diagnostic techniques, renal physiology and pathophysiology, infections and inflammation of the genitourinary tract,
and urine transport and voiding function and dysfunction. The chapter on principles of molecular genetics deals in
depth with the historical perspective of this extremely important new subspecialty, covering the basics and the
advanced strategies in molecular genetics. A comprehensive review of genes and transcription is well illustrated and
easily comprehensible to the practicing urologist despite its in-depth detail, which may seem a little superfluous.
However, the importance of this new field in the practice of urology, in terms of diagnosis and treatment of
genitourinary cancer, should be emphasized, along with the medical value of understanding the basics of DNA-
binding proteins and the tools of molecular genetics as applied clinically.
The other chapters deal with the anatomy and physiology of the genitourinary tract, as well as urological
examinations and diagnostic techniques, and provide basic information, which should be of great value to residents
and fellows in urology. The chapter on urinary tract imaging and intervention lacks information on some of the new
radiological techniques, such as the spiral CT angiography, MRI angiography, the RAGE scan, the Prostascint and
other new techniques which are becoming widely used in the diagnosis of genitourinary cancer and other renal
vascular diseases. The use of MRI and color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of urethral strictures and new
interventional procedures used for the relief of renal and the ureteral obstructions need to be expanded on and used
to replace older methods, such as arteriography and nephrotomography. The chapter on renal physiology is a classic
which should be read by all urologists, as it represents a valuable introduction to the understanding of the
pathophysiology of renal diseases, namely acute and chronic renal failure and obstructive uropathy, which are
explained in detail by known experts in this field. The following chapters on obstruction of the ureter and renal
vascular hypertension provide new details for the diagnosis of these entities. The chapters on renal vascular surgery
and renal transplantation, written by well-known authorities, comprehensively summarize the advances of modern
science in those fields. The additional chapters in Volume 1 which deal with the infections and inflammation of the
urinary tract, interstitial cystitis, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and related conditions, neurogenic vesical
dysfunction, and urinary incontinence, are well written, detailed and comprehensive, and although they do not
include all modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures relating to these diseases, they nevertheless present a
valuable overview of the physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of these conditions. The
controversial aspects of some of these diseases preclude a full description of all the recent information which is
becoming rapidly available to urologists through specialized journals and meetings.
Volume 2 of Campbell's Urology includes well-detailed chapters on sexual function and dysfunction,
reproductive function and dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia and a mini textbook on pediatric urology. The
35 chapters incorporated in this volume are written by well-known authorities and represent current information on
adult and pediatric diseases, which is essential for both the trainee and practising urologist. The format of these
chapters is comparable to that of Volume 1 and they expand on the anatomy and physiology of the urinary and
genital tract, leading to in-depth explanations of the pathophysiology of the respective diseases and the modern
Campbell's Urology, 7th Edition. (3 Volume Set)
methods for their diagnosis and treatment. The section on Pediatric Urology, which includes several chapters,
discusses in depth the most common conditions which are of interest to the general urologist, as well as to the
pediatric urologist who can benefit from the detailed information provided in these chapters. Although some
advanced information which can be found in textbooks of pediatric urology may be lacking, this in no way
undermines the importance of these well-written and comprehensive chapters which constitute valuable reference
material on the most important aspects of pediatric urology.
Volume 3 of Campbell's Urology is composed of sections on oncology, urinary lithiasis, endourology and
laparoscopy, and urological surgery, as applied to the whole genitourinary tract. Historical aspects, basic and clinical
biology, epidemiology, etiology and risk factors, pathology, natural history, prognostic indicators, diagnosis,
staging, and modern therapies, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, are fully detailed for all
neoplasms of the genitourinary tract and present the reader with an in-depth overview of different aspects of
genitourinary cancers. Certain novel techniques, in terms of gene therapy and immunotherapy, are not fully covered
and may be found explained in more detail in the new textbooks on genitourinary oncology. New diagnostic tests,
such as the use of the PSMA and the Prostascint, are not covered in the chapter on prostate cancer, but this omission
may be due to the still investigational aspect of these procedures. The chapter on urinary lithiasis presents an
overview of the etiology, the epidemiologic aspects, the pathophysiology of stone formation, the clinical
presentation, and the diagnosis and management of this urologic condition. Basic information and well-established
methods of diagnosis and management are offered to the reader in a well-written, easy-to-read style. More detailed
information on urinary lithiasis should be sought in specialized textbooks on this medical condition. The final
chapters on endourology, laparoscopy and urologic surgery are well illustrated and represent state-of-the-art
techniques for the surgical management of most genitourinary diseases. The illustrations, despite their good quality,
do not match those found in atlases of urologic surgery, which may provide more detailed information about these
techniques to residents and fellows in urology. They are, however, of great value for those urologists involved in
performing these procedures, as they present, schematically and in writing, the important strategies in performing
those procedures.
In summary, the 7th edition of Campbell's Urology represents the most comprehensive reference textbook for
all genitourinary diseases. It has definitely lived up to its reputation in terms of quality and the provision of in-depth
and up-to-date information on all areas of adult and pediatric urology. Its encyclopedic nature may be viewed as too
detailed for the practicing urologist who is seeking more concise information regarding certain conditions
encountered in his private practice. This textbook, however, is still the benchmark urology reference book, and one
to which all other urology textbooks should be compared. Its availability in any medical library is essential for the
optimal practice of urology. As new information becomes rapidly available in all subspecialties of urology, periodic
revision of Campbell's Urology is of utmost importance in order to keep readers abreast of the new advances in this