E 4844 Canada
E 4844 Canada
E 4844 Canada
Head Office
570, boul. St-Jean
Pointe-Claire, QC
Canada H9R 3J9
514 630-4100
Edited by
Sylvain Gagnon
and Ciprian Pirvu
Québec, QC
Special Publication SP-528E
C h a p t e r
to cross-laminated timber
C h a p t e r
timber manufacturing
Structural design
C h a p t e r
3 of cross-laminated timber elements
Seismic performance
C h a p t e r
of cross-laminated timber buildings
Connections in
C h a p
5 cross-laminated timber buildings
Vibration performance
C h a p t e r
of cross-laminated timber floors
Fire performance
C h a p
8 of cross-laminated timber assemblies
Acoustic performance
C h a p t e r
of cross-laminated timber assemblies
Environmental performance
C h a p t e r
11 of cross-laminated timber
C h a p Lifting and
12 handling of CLT elements
FPInnovations’ Building Systems Research Program has been generating technical data to facilitate:
Platform Frame Wood Construction
Heavy Timber Frame Construction
Cross-Laminated Timber Construction
Multi-disciplinary teams working in cooperation with the design and construction community
and research alliances have contributed greatly to the application of Platform Frame and Heavy Timber
Frame systems together with hybrid systems in Canada.
Cross-laminated timber (CLT), an emerging successful system from Europe, has been identified
by the forest products industry, the research and wood design communities as a new opportunity
for increasing the use of wood in non-traditional applications.
Building on the European experience, FPInnovations has prepared this peer-reviewed CLT Handbook to:
Provide immediate support for the design and construction of CLT systems as alternative solutions
in building codes;
Provide technical information for implementation of CLT systems in building codes and standards.
This FPInnovations CLT Handbook, prepared under the Transformative Technologies Program
of Natural Resources Canada, provides technical information relating to manufacturing,
all aspects of design and construction, and environmental considerations.
The completion of such an exhaustive manual on this new, but very promising technology was a great
venture that would not have been possible without the contribution of many people and numerous
national and international organizations.
First and most of all, we would like to express our special thanks to all researchers and technicians
at FPInnovations who, through their work and knowledge, contributed to the writing of individual
chapters. To the same extent, special thanks go to all reviewers and collaborators from external sources
who shared their precious time and expertise in improving this manual.
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Natural Resources Canada for the financing and
support provided through the Transformative Technologies Program. We also wish to acknowledge the full
assistance and support provided by FPInnovations’ management: Pierre Lapointe, Jim Dangerfield,
Alan Potter, Hervé Deschênes, Richard Desjardins and Erol Karacabeyli.
Our very special thanks to Madeline Leroux, who did very well in transforming ideas and concepts into
drawings. Thanks also to Norine Young, Marie-Claude Thibault and Bill Deacon for the editing review;
to Odile Fleury for her help in bibliographic references; and to Richard Gosselin for his appreciated
experienced advices. The graphic design and layout was performed by Propage (www.propage.com).
Sylvain Gagnon
Funding for this publication
was provided by
©2011, FPInnovations®
ISSN 1925-0495
ISBN 978-0-86488-547-0
cross-laminated timber buildings
Connections in
Mohammad Mohammad, Ph.D., P.Eng., FPInnovations
Williams Munoz, Ph.D., FPInnovations
Peer Reviewers
Pierre Quenneville, Ph.D., P.Eng., University of Auckland
David Moses, Ph.D., P.Eng., PE, LEED AP, Moses Structural Engineers
The authors would like to express their special thanks to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) for their financial
contribution to studies conducted at FPInnovations in support of the introduction of cross-laminated timber
product in Canada.
FPInnovations expresses its thanks to its industry members, NRCan (Canadian Forest Service), the Provinces
of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Yukon Territory for their continuing guidance and financial support.
The light weight of cross-laminated timber (CLT) products combined with the high level of prefabrication
involved, in addition to the need to provide wood-based alternative products and systems to steel and concrete,
have significantly contributed to the development of CLT products and systems, especially in mid-rise buildings
(5 to 9 storeys). While this product is well-established in Europe, work on the implementation of CLT products
and systems has just begun in Canada and the USA. The structural efficiency of the floor system acting as a
diaphragm and that of walls in resisting lateral loads depends on the efficiency of the fastening systems and
connection details used to interconnect individual panels and assemblies. Long self-tapping screws are typically
recommended by CLT manufacturers and are commonly used for connecting panels to panels in floors and floor-
to-wall assemblies. However, there are other types of traditional and innovative fasteners and fastening systems
that can be used in CLT assemblies.
This chapter focuses on a few connector systems that reflect present-day practices, some being conventional, others
being proprietary. Given the recent introduction of CLT into the construction market, it is expected that new
connection types will be developed in time. Issues associated with connection design specific to CLT assemblies
are presented. The European design approach is presented and the applicability of CSA O86-09 design provisions
for traditional fasteners in CLT such as bolts, dowels, nails and wood screws are reviewed and design guidelines
are provided.
The information given in this chapter is aimed at Canadian designers, a group which has expressed a strong interest
in specifying CLT products for non-residential and multi-storey applications. However, further studies are needed
to assist designers in the development of Canadian engineering design specifications and procedures consistent
with Canadian material design standards and the National Building Code of Canada. The technical information
will also be used to facilitate code acceptance of CLT products in North America.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Acknowledgements ii
Abstract iii
List of Tables vii
List of Figures vii
1 Cross-Laminated Timber in Construction 1
2 Common Structural Systems in CLT 2
3 Introduction to Connections in CLT Assemblies - Overview 3
3.1 General 3
3.2 Connection Systems Commonly Used in CLT Assemblies 3
3.2.1 Wood and Self-Tapping Screws 4
3.2.2 Nails and Glulam Rivets 4
3.2.3 Bolts and Dowels 5
3.2.4 Bearing Type of Fasteners 5
3.2.5 Innovative Types of Fasteners 5
4 Connections in CLT Assemblies - Details 6
4.1 Panel-to-Panel Connections (Detail A) 7
4.1.1 Internal Spline 7
4.1.2 Single Surface Spline 7
4.1.3 Double Surface Spline 8
4.1.4 Half-Lapped Joint 9
4.1.5 Tube Connection System 9
4.1.6 Alternative Systems 10
4.2 Wall-to-Wall Connections (Detail B) 10
4.2.1 Self-Tapping Screws 10
4.2.2 Wooden Profiles 12
4.2.3 Metal Brackets 13
4.2.4 Alternative Systems 14
4.2.5 Concealed Metal Plates 15
ChapTER 5 Connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
List of Figures
Figure 1 Typical CLT building with various components and connections 1
Figure 2 Different types of CLT construction systems: (a) platform construction; (b) mixed CLT walls
and light-frame roof 2
Figure 4 Power driven nails used in combination with perforated metal plates 5
Figure 5 Typical 2-storey CLT building showing various connections between floor and wall panels 6
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 38 SCL components for bearing support (adapted from TRADA 2009) 28
Figure 39 Metal bracket for bearing support (adapted from TRADA 2009) 28
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 52 CLT Wall – Metal plated floor truss (adapted from TRADA 2009) 40
Figure 54 CLT panel section with gaps and grooves sawn in the timber to relieve shrinkage stresses 41
Figure 56 Possible failure modes in traditional solid timber or glued laminated timber 44
Figure 57 Possible brittle failure mode in CLT connections with glulam rivets 46
Figure 59 Recommended end and edge distances and spacing for dowel-type fasteners
(adapted from Uibel and Blass, 2007) 50
Figure 60 Acoustic membrane inserted between walls and floors to provide air tightness
(in exterior walls) and improve sound insulation 51
ChapTER 5 Connections
The structural efficiency of the floor system acting as a diaphragm and that of walls in resisting lateral loads
depends on the efficiency of the fastening systems and connection details used to connect individual panels and
assemblies. This chapter focuses on the design of connections for CLT construction based on current practices.
Figure 1
Typical CLT building with various components and connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
1. Platform construction, where the floor panels rest directly on top of wall panels, forming a platform for
subsequent floors (Figure 2a). This is a typical North American light frame form of construction, except
that CLT panels are used instead of stud wall systems with top and bottom plates. This is probably the most
commonly used type of structural system in Europe for CLT assemblies, especially for multi-storey buildings.
This includes buildings constructed exclusively with CLT or mixing CLT with other types of wood-based
products (e.g., CLT and glulam), or CLT with non wood-based systems. There are several advantages
to this system:
2. Balloon construction, a type of structural system where the walls continue for a few storeys with intermediate
floor assemblies attached to those walls. Due to the limitations in the length of the CLT panels and other
design and construction issues, this system is often used in low-rise, commercial or industrial buildings.
Connections are usually more complex in this form of construction. Balloon construction is generally less
common compared to platform construction. As with platform construction, mixed CLT and other types
of wood-based and non wood-based products could also be used in the balloon type of systems.
(a) (b)
Figure 2
Different types of CLT construction systems: (a) platform construction; (b) mixed CLT walls
and light-frame roof
ChapTER 5 Connections
When structural members are attached with fasteners or some other types of metal hardware, such joints are
referred to as “mechanical connections”. Typically, large fastener spacing and end and edge distances are required
in most mechanical connections to avoid splitting and shear failures that are brittle in nature. The efficient design
and fabrication of connections often determines the level of success of timber buildings when competing with
other types of structural applications such as steel or concrete. This is particularly important for multi-storey
heavy timber structures and hybrid buildings, where CLT is used alone or could be used in combination with
steel or concrete.
The use of CLT panels enables a high degree of prefabrication at the plant. This facilitates the use of CNC
technology to profile the panel for installation, at the plant, of conventional and sophisticated connection systems
with a high degree of accuracy and efficiency. The dimensional stability of CLT products due to the use of kiln
dried (KD) source material is better for connection ‘stability’ prior to installation and ensures good accuracy
at installation.
In this section, a very brief overview of connection types is provided. More detailed information is provided
in Section 4.
ChapTER 5 Connections
The following sections provide some basic information on the most commonly used types of mechanical fasteners
in CLT assemblies. Detailed applications of these fasteners are presented in Section 4.
Figure 3
Self-tapping screws used in CLT connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 4
Power driven nails used in combination with perforated metal plates
With respect to CLT, glued-in rods in particular can be used for connections subjected to high longitudinal and
transverse loads and to reduce the splitting potential (TEMTIS 2008). More details on these next generation
connection systems and their suitability for connecting CLT panels and assemblies are discussed in Section 4.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 5
Typical 2-storey CLT building showing various connections between floor and wall panels
ChapTER 5 Connections
Plywood or LVL
Figure 6
Internal spline
ChapTER 5 Connections
Plywood or LVL
Figure 7
Single surface spline
Plywood or LVL
Plywood or LVL
Figure 8
Double surface spline
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 9
Details of half-lapped joints
Tests have been carried out at the Building Research Center in Graz, Austria to evaluate the capacity of this
innovative system (Traetta 2007). Usually no edge profiling along the panel is needed if this connection system
as it principally relies on the pullout resistance of the screwed or glued-in rods.
Tube *
Glued or
screwed rods
Figure 10
Details of the tube connection system
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 11
KNAPP® connection system
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Self -tapping
Figure 12
Self-tapping screws from the exterior
Figure 13
Installation of self-tapping screws from the exterior
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Figure 14
Self-tapping screws driven at an angle (toe screwing)
CLT Wall
Wooden profile
(hardwood, LVL or plywood)
CLT Wall
Figure 15
Concealed wooden profile
ChapTER 5 Connections
Wooden profile
(hardwood, LVL or plywood)
CLT Wall
Figure 16
Edge protecting wooden profile
Other types of wooden profiles such as the one shown in Figure 16 could also be used to provide some form
of reinforcement to the panel connected edges. Those are mainly made of hardwood or SCL. They are glued
and screwed to the panel edge as mentioned earlier.
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
Dovetail joint
with wooden or
steel profiles
CLT Wall
Figure 18
Details of dovetail joint
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
Figure 19
KNAPP® system ChapTER 5 Connections
Hook joint
Hook joint
CLT Wall
Figure 20
Hook joint
CLT Wall
Tight fit
dowels, SFS
dowels or
Metal plate
CLT Wall
Figure 21
Concealed metal plate
ChapTER 5 Connections
For connecting a floor or a roof to walls below, the simplest method is to use long self-tapping screws driven from
the CLT floor directly into the narrow side of the wall edge, as shown in Figure 23. Self-tapping screws could also
be driven at an angle to maximize the fastening capacity in the panel edge. The same principle could be applied
for connecting walls above to floors below, where self-tapping screws are driven at an angle in the wall near the
junction with the floor. Depending on the angle and the length of the screws, the self-tapping screws could reach
the bottom walls, further reinforcing the connection between the upper and lower walls and the floor.
CLT Wall
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 23
Self-tapping screws
ChapTER 5 Connections
Metal brackets are commonly used to connect floors to walls above and below. They are also used for connecting
roofs to walls. Nails, glulam rivets and wood screws could be used to attach the metal brackets to the CLT panels
(Figures 24 and 25).
CLT Wall
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 24
Metal brackets
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 25
Metal bracket and self-tapping screws
This section covers the whole family of innovative fastening systems described above which includes: KNAPP®
system, metal shaft connection system with dowels, threaded rod/screw connection system, glued-in rod, wooden
profiles and dovetail connection system (Figures 26 to 30). Some of those systems, such as KNAPP®, have a self-
locking mechanism to resist against uplift.
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 26
KNAPP® system
ChapTER 5 Connections
Tight fit
dowels or bolts
Tube with holes
CLT Floor
Tight fit
dowels or bolts
CLT Wall
Figure 27
Metal shaft connection details
ChapTER 5 Connections
Threaded cap
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 28
Threaded rod/screw connection system
ChapTER 5 Connections
Threaded cap
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 29
Glued-in rod and edge protecting wooden profile
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Floor
CLT Wall
Figure 30
Metal bracket and threaded rod
Concealed metal plates could also be used to establish wall-to-floor connections (Figure 31). As previously
discussed, while this system has considerable advantages over exposed plates and brackets, especially when it comes
to fire performance, the system requires precise profiling at the plant using CNC technology.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Tight fit
dowels, SFS
dowels or
Metal plate
CLT Floor
Metal plate
Tight fit
dowels, SFS
dowels or
CLT Wall
Figure 31
Concealed metal plates
For situations where a balcony is designed by extending the floor/roof panel to form a cantilever (Figure 32),
the connection between the wall supporting the balcony below and the floor panel can be established using self-
tapping screws or metal brackets. In this case, the panels should be installed with the principal axis (parallel to
the grain of the outer layers) extending outward and forming the balcony. Self-tapping screws driven at an angle
are preferred for improved performance compared to driving screws perpendicular to the plane of one panel into
the edge of the other (i.e. the wall panel) (Figure 34b). If a parapet wall on top of the balcony is built, a typical
connection detail using self-tapping screws or metal brackets could also be used (Figures 33 and 34). However,
caution should be exercised when adopting this system in design as a cantilever due to potential issues related
to water infiltration.
Figure 32
Balcony in cantilever ChapTER 5 Connections
(a) (b)
Figure 34
Self-tapping screws used in balcony design
In some cases, the balcony can be designed to be attached to the main CLT structure using simple fastening
systems that allow for easy installation and dismantling (i.e. in case of any potential modification to the
configuration of the building in the future) (Figure 35). Several buildings in Europe have been constructed
with this type of balcony system. A combination of metal plates and hinges are usually employed to secure the
balcony structure/box to the main structure as can be seen in Figure 36. Usually, the balcony is attached to the
main building at four (4) points. The connection system is equipped with metal brackets which are attached to
the CLT floors (top and bottom floors as can be seen in Figure 36) using self-tapping screws or lag screws. The
balcony could be totally prefabricated as a box on the ground, at the construction site, lifted up and then secured
to the building at each location/level. Other types of metal attachments could also be used if found proper. The
gap between the building and the balcony needs to be closed with cladding materials either as part of the whole
building envelope or separately, depending on the end use. Flashing should be installed to divert rain water away
from the wall to avoid water accumulation.
For design of the balcony itself, different types of fastening systems could be used. Self-tapping screws alone or
a combination of self-tapping screws and metal brackets could be used to attach the floor and roof to the walls.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 35
Balcony supported by the main structure
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 37
Examples of European CLT projects with built-in balconies
To connect a typical CLT floor to a continuous CLT tall wall for such applications, several attachment options
exist. The simplest attachment detail includes the use of a wooden ledger to provide a continuous bearing support
to the CLT floor panels (Figure 38). The ledger is usually made of SCL such as LVL, LSL or PSL.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 38
SCL components for bearing support (adapted from TRADA 2009)
CLT Wall
Metal bracket
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
Metal bracket
CLT Floor
Figure 39
Metal bracket for bearing support (adapted from TRADA 2009)
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 40
Possible roof-to-wall joints configurations
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Roof
CLT Roof
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
CLT Roof
CLT Roof
CLT Wall
CLT Wall
Figure 41
Self-tapping screws
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Figure 42
Metal bracket
Typically, metal plates or brackets are placed at a 1219 mm interval. But that all depends on the level of load the
connection is supposed to resist and its ductility. Different types of metal plates or brackets can be used as shown
in Figures 43 and 44, depending on whether the CLT panel is attached to a concrete wall/footing or a slab and
whether the plate is attached from the outside or the inside of the wall panel.
To protect wood and improve the durability of CLT panels, a SCL sill plate [or bottom plate] such as that
shown in Figures 43b and 44b is installed between the concrete foundation and the CLT panels. This also
simplifies assembly.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Metal plate
Metal plate
Concrete footing
Concrete footing
(a) (b)
Figure 43
Exterior metal plate
Metal Screws
Anchor bolt bracket
Anchor bolt
Concrete footing
Concrete footing
(a) (b)
Figure 44
Metal brackets
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Tight fit
dowels, SFS
dowels or
Metal plate
Concrete footing
Figure 46
Concealed metal plates
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Tight fit
dowels or bolts
Tube with holes
Concrete footing
Figure 47
Metal shaft connection details
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Threaded Wood
rod cap
Concrete footing
Figure 48
Threaded rod/screw connection system
ChapTER 5 Connections
Wooden profile
Wooden profile (hardwood, LVL
(hardwood, LVL or plywood)
or plywood)
Anchor bolt
Anchor bolt
Concrete footing
Concrete footing
(a) (b)
Figure 49
Concealed (a) and exposed (b) wooden profiles
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Concrete footing
Figure 50
KNAPP® Gigant system
ChapTER 5 Connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
Structural panel CLT Wall screwed
through the
structural panel into
Continuous blocking
CLT Wall
Figure 51
CLT Wall – I-joist (adapted from TRADA, 2009)
A combination of rimboard and blocking elements made of SCL such as PSL, LVL or LSL between joists is
generally used to ensure transfer of vertical loads from storeys above to the CLT wall below. Differential shrinkage
is not an issue here as next storey CLT walls are resting completely on the rimboard and the blocking elements.
Typical solid sawn lumber or SCL such as wood I-joists could be used as the main structural systems supporting
the subfloor. In the case of wood floor trusses, it is necessary to provide wood-based blocking to prevent localized
crushing of truss top chords and to have a uniform stress distribution along the wall perimeter (Figure 52).
The wood blocking should be made of SCL for better deformation properties and for dimensional stability.
Connection between walls above and below can be established using self-tapping screws driven at an angle
or through one of the alternative methods of fastening described above.
ChapTER 5 Connections
CLT Wall
Figure 52
CLT Wall – Metal plated floor truss (adapted from TRADA 2009)
CLT Wall
Structural panel
Hanger Joist
Figure 53
CLT Wall – I-joist (adapted from TRADA 2009)
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 54
CLT panel section with gaps and grooves sawn in the timber to relieve shrinkage stresses
It is well established that the loading direction relative to the grain direction of wood affects the fastening capacity
when relatively large diameter fasteners (> 6 mm diameter) such as bolts, lag screws and large diameter long self-
drilling screws are used. The embedment strength of slender fasteners in wood such as nails and small wood screws
is less sensitive to grain direction. Timber design standards such as CSA O86-09 (CSA 2009) specifies different
embedment formulae for connections in timber loaded, either in the direction parallel or perpendicular to grain
for bolts and dowels exceeding 6 mm diameter. CLT manufacturers in Europe are well aware of the fastening issues
and rigorous testing programs were established to develop the fastening capacity in their products for different
dowel-type fasteners. Ultimately, embedment formulae specific to CLT panels need to be developed in order to
establish the lateral load resistance for fasteners such as screws, bolts and lag screws, taking into account the nature
of lamination, lay-up, species, edge-gluing or lack of it, and other panel specific features. Similarly, the withdrawal
resistance of fasteners such as screws and nails from the face and edges of the panel needs to be developed.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 55
Ductile failure modes experienced during testing of self-tapping screws
in CLT half-lapped connections
Withdrawal strength of self-tapping screws, typically used in connecting CLT panels perpendicular to the plane
of the panel or in the panel edges, was also investigated by Uibel and Blass (2007). The withdrawal resistance
was derived from tests using self-tapping screws with diameters ranging from 6 mm to 12 mm. The location of
the screws was selected in such a way to have them installed at the joint between two boards within a lamina,
or between one lamina and another. The derived withdrawal resistance was expressed as a function of the screw
diameter, wood density and the screw point side length of penetration. It is important to note that when the
withdrawal capacity of a fastener is determined in the narrow side of panel, the input characteristic density value
should be that of the lamina/ply in which the fastener is driven, not that of the whole panel. Validation tests were
performed and a reasonable correlation was found between tests and predictions. The tests were also used to
ChapTER 5 Connections
ChapTER 5 Connections
Splitting Bearing
Figure 56
Possible failure modes in traditional solid timber or glued laminated timber
Generally, the type of failure mode that a timber connection with a dowel-type fastener could experience
depends on several parameters including:
• c onnection geometry (loaded and unloaded end and edge distances, row and bolt spacing,
type of connection);
• wood member thicknesses;
• fastener diameter and yield strength;
• wood basic mechanical and physical properties; and
• loading direction relative to grain orientation.
Ductile failure modes in CSA O86-09 are expressed as a function of the embedment strength of the mechanical
fastener or dowel in the side or main wood-based member and in the steel side plates, the yielding strength of
the fastener, members thicknesses and fastener diameter. Embedment formulae based on extensive research by
European and North American researchers were developed for the different types of wood-based materials and
loading directions relative to grain. Embedment strength formulae for wood-based connection members in
CSA O86-09 are usually given as a function of wood-based material density and fastener diameter. Most of design
ChapTER 5 Connections
Transition from one failure mode to another at the design stage could be achieved through the choice that the
designer makes regarding one or a combination of the above parameters. For example, smaller loaded end and edge
distances and spacing between fasteners in a row and between rows will most likely trigger brittle failure modes.
Therefore, if designers would like to maximize the connection ductility, it is important to maximize loaded end
and edge distances and fasteners spacing and/or to use a large slenderness ratio if possible. The type of brittle
failure mode (such as row shear or group tear-out) for a connection with multiple rows is mostly determined by
the row spacing and the spacing of fasteners in a row. Smaller row spacing will result in a situation where group
tear-out capacity will govern. However, larger row spacing will increase the group tear-out capacity and trigger
a row shear failure mode. The designers can modify their connection configuration to give the desired balance
between ductility, and capacity.
Within the context of CSA O86, if the embedment strength properties of dowel-type fasteners are established
in CLT in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the panel and in the narrow side (edge), then it would
be possible to evaluate the ductile lateral capacity in this product following current design provisions in
CSA O86-09. Yield model equations as given in CSA O86-09 would be applicable. However, due to the grain
orientation relative to the load, it would be necessary to incorporate the proper embedment strength properties/
equations for parallel and perpendicular layers in those equations. While a single set of embedment equations will
suffice for slender type dowel fasteners (≤ 6 mm) for both parallel and cross layers, separate embedment equations
will be needed for large diameter dowel type fasteners. In CSA O86-09, two sets of embedment equations are
given for large fasteners loaded parallel or perpendicular to the loading direction. The modified yield equations
will take care of the layer orientation and the relative thickness of the layers. A calculation procedure/model has
been proposed by Uibel and Blass (2006) to determine the load carrying capacity of dowels in a steel-to-solid-
wood-panel connection with an inner steel plate. While direct substitution for embedment properties equations
derived for the parallel and cross layers can be made for ductile failure modes (i.e. failure modes a, b and c in
CSA O86-09) that involve crushing of wood, the failure modes where plastic hinges are developed require further
analysis (e.g. failure modes d, e, f and g).
Connection configuration and geometry that governs the ductile capacities of connections in CLT for dowel-
type fasteners need to be established as well. This includes end and edge distances, fastener type, row spacing
and slenderness ratio. Depending on the type of dowel fasteners, it is expected that, as a minimum, the current
minimum requirements for end and edge distances and for fasteners and row spacing in solid sawn lumber and
glulam, as given in CSA O86-09, could be applicable to CLT for the relevant dowel-type fasteners such as nails,
wood screws, lag bolts and lag screws. Attention should be given, however, to specific CLT panel features that
could affect the connection capacity such as gaps and grooves, which may reduce the embedment strength due
to localized weaknesses consecutive to those fabrication features, as discussed above.
ChapTER 5 Connections
Figure 57
Possible brittle failure mode in CLT connections with glulam rivets
6.4.1 Design for the Lateral Load Resistance of Bolts and Dowels in CLT
Although bolts and dowels are not as commonly used in CLT assemblies compared to assemblies made with
glulam or other wood-based products, there is still a need to provide some guidance to designers who may choose
these types of fasteners for connections in CLT. This section is focused mainly on the design for the ductile lateral
resistance of bolts and dowels in the current Canadian timber design standard (CSA O86-09). Embedment of Doweled and Bolted Connections Perpendicular to the Plane of CLT Panel
Two embedment models were developed by Uibel and Blass using a multiple regression analysis on 438 test
results for dowels installed perpendicular to the plane of the panel and loaded at different directions with
respect to the panel strong axis and at different positions of the fastener in the plane of the CLT panel.
The first model shown in equation [1] is quite general and is independent of the type of lay-up of the panel. The
model is expressed as a function of the fastener diameter, overall wood density of the panel and loading direction
with respect to the strong axis of the panel (i.e. grain direction of the surface layers of the CLT panel).
ChapTER 5 Connections
The second model shown in equation [2], however, is panel build-up specific and has the following form:
The validity of the two models, however, is limited to the maximum thickness of a single layer not exceeding
40 mm and the ratio of the thicknesses of the longitudinal and cross laminate being between 0.95 and 2.1.
Designers should be cautious when using these models.
The proposed equation by Uibel and Blass (2006) to establish the characteristic embedment strength of dowels
in CLT on the basis of equation [1] is given below in equation [3]:
ChapTER 5 Connections
47 Embedment of Doweled and Bolted Connections in the Narrow Side (On Edge)
For situations where bolts or dowels are installed in the narrow side of the CLT panel (e.g., corner connection
between wall panels at right angles as shown in Figure 58), the equation proposed by Uibel and Blass (2007) for
calculating the characteristic embedment strength of dowels and bolts can be used. As with equations [1] to [3],
the new expression is empirical and was developed based on a large number of tests using multiple regression
analysis. Over 100 embedment tests for dowels installed in different positions and loaded either parallel or
perpendicular to the grain of the lamina were used in deriving the proposed equation. The equation is expressed
as a function of the dowel diameter and density of the relevant layer(s) in which the dowel is driven, as shown
in equation [4]:
It should be noted that, if the panel is made from materials of uniform density, then the overall density
of the panel in the vicinity of the dowel could be used in equation [4] for simplicity.
Figure 58
Opened connection with dowels in cross-laminated timber (courtesy of Uibel and Blass, 2007)
The new design provisions for nails and wood screws in CSA O86-09 provide a methodology to calculate the
lateral resistance based on the specified embedment properties of nails and wood screws in wood-based products.
Once the specified embedment strength is known, then the unit lateral capacity of the connections in CLT can
be calculated.
ChapTER 5 Connections
A simplified form could be used as a substitute for equation [5] if a uniform density is used in the analysis.
The validity of this equation, however, is limited to CLT panels with layers of 7 mm thickness or less (Uibel and
Blass, 2006). More work is needed to develop a more generalized expression for the determination of embedment
properties for CLT panels made of thicker lamina. Note that the proposed characteristic embedment equation
is independent of the loading direction with respect to the grain orientation of the layers. Embedment of Nails and Screws in the Narrow Side of CLT Panels (On Edge)
Embedment equations to calculate the embedment strength of screws and nails on the narrow side of CLT panels
were also developed in Europe. Equation [6] below has been proposed by Uibel and Blass (2007):
This requirement needs to be verified and modifications are expected in order to develop a more
generalized expression.
F a3,c
ti ti
Figure 59
Recommended end and edge distances and spacing for dowel-type fasteners
(adapted from Uibel and Blass, 2007)
ChapTER 5 Connections
Type of fastener
Self-tapping screws Dowels
a1 10 d 4d
a2 3d 4d
a3,t 12 d 5d
a3,c 7d 3d
a4,c 5d 3d
Realizing the importance of investigating the required end distances and spacing for fasteners driven or placed
on edge, European researchers have developed some minimum requirements for placement of mainly self-tapping
screws and dowels in CLT panels. This was done to avoid premature splitting and ensure that full bearing capacity
of the dowels in the CLT is achieved. This is critical for CLT panels when they are connected at right angles
(e.g. floor-to-wall or wall-to-wall corner connections) and fasteners are driven in the narrow side (on edge) of
one panel. In such situations, the fastener may tend to force fibres or plies apart across the panel thickness due
to excessive tension perpendicular to grain stresses. This could trigger premature splitting in the vicinity of the
fastener, thereby weakening the connection. Recommended end and edge distances and spacing for self-tapping
screws and dowels placed on edge in wall panels are given in Figure 59, based on European research.
Figure 60
Acoustic membrane inserted between walls and floors to provide air tightness (in exterior walls)
and improve sound insulation
ChapTER 5 Connections
Connections in timber construction, including those built with CLT, play an important role in maintaining
the integrity of the timber structure and in providing strength, stiffness, stability and ductility. Consequently,
they require detailed attention by designers.
Traditional and innovative connection systems have been used in CLT assemblies in Europe. Several types
of such connection systems for connecting CLT panels to panels, walls to walls and walls to floors are described
in detail in this chapter. They are mostly based on the European experience since there is currently no CLT
production in Canada or North America at the time of writing this chapter.
Researchers in Europe have developed design procedures for traditional connections in CLT, including dowels,
wood screws and nails which are commonly used in Europe for designing CLT assemblies. The proposed design
procedure deals only with ductile failure modes to determine the lateral load resistance of such connections.
Expressions were developed for the calculation of characteristic embedment properties of each type of fastener,
depending on its location with respect to the plane of the panel (perpendicular to or on edge). The expressions
were verified and results seem to correspond well with predictions. European Yield Model (EYM) equations for
ductile failure modes as given in Eurocode 5 were adopted for design using CLT fastener embedment equations.
Information on the applicability of the proposed design approach from Europe to traditional connection systems
in CLT are presented in this chapter. It is believed that once the embedment properties of such fasteners in CLT
are established, it will be possible to apply the current ductile design provisions in CSA O86-09. Due to the
reinforcing effect of cross lamination in CLT, it is speculated that current minimum geometric requirements given
in CSA O86-09 for dowels, screws and nails in solid timber or glulam are applicable to CLT. However, designers
need to be cautious about this as further verification is required, considering the specific features of each panel
(no generic CLT panels have been produced yet in Canada). Brittle failure modes also need to be taken into
account and have not been investigated yet. Further work is needed to verify possible brittle failure modes
associated with each type of fasteners in CLT connections.
ChapTER 5 Connections
American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA). 2006. National design specification (NDS) for wood construction
with commentary and supplement, 2005 edition. Washington, DC: AF&PA. 174 p.
Augustin, M., ed. 2008. Timber structures. Handbook 1 of Educational materials for designing and testing of
timber structures: TEMTIS. Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project No. CZ/06/B/F/PP/168007. Ostrava, Czech
Republic: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. 250 p.
Canadian Standard Association (CSA). 2009. Engineering design in wood (limit states design). CSA O86-09.
Rexdale, ON: CSA. 222 p.
European Committee for Standardization. 2004. Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures. Part 1-1: General –
Common rules and rules for buildings. EN 1995-1-1. Brussels: CEN. 124 p.
Quenneville, J.H.P., and M. Mohammad. 2000. On the failure modes and strength of steel-wood-steel bolted
timber connections loaded parallel-to-grain. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 27:761-773.
TRADA. 2009. Cross laminated timber: Structural principles. High Wycombe, UK: TRADA. 8 p.
Traetta, G. 2007. Connection techniques for CLT elements. Paper presented at the TEMTIS Austrian Country
Seminar: Cross Laminated Timber, Graz, Austria.
Uibel, T., and H. J. Blass. 2006. Load carrying capacity of joints with dowel type fasteners in solid wood panels.
Paper presented at the 39th meeting of the Working Commission W18–Timber Structures, International Council
for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Florence, Italy, August 2006.
_________. 2007. Edge joints with dowel type fasteners in cross laminated timber. Paper presented at
the 40th meeting of the Working Commission W18–Timber Structures, International Council for Research
and Innovation in Building and Construction, Bled, Slovenia, August 2007.
ChapTER 5 Connections
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