Outline 5 - FARKAS PDF
Outline 5 - FARKAS PDF
Outline 5 - FARKAS PDF
[email protected]
Office hours: Tuesday 9-10 a.m., M16
4. What are the physical mechanisms that serve as the material basis for this system of knowledge and for
the use of this knowledge?
Answer: a physical system which correlates with mental knowledge, the link between mind and brain
Chomsky’s critique of behaviourism introduced the key notion of creativity: people understand and produce
sentences they never heard before, making use of a finite set of means for an infinite production of sentences.
(infinite use of finite means)
You find in this outline the content of the slides that I project during the course, which contain the main topics and also structures
and diagrams which may be difficult and time consuming for you to copy during my lecture. They are made available to you before
class to save time and to make note-taking easier, but not unnecessary!
The outline as such (without your notes covering the detailed explanations that I give during the course) cannot constitute a sufficient
source of information when preparing for the exam. If you miss the class, it is strongly recommended that this outline be used as a
guide to the bibliography indicated at the end of this document.
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Problem 1: Acquisition through imitation
- responding to stimuli
- parroting the language of adults
--the first sentences children produce are simple declarative sentences, in an environment in which they are
mostly exposed to questions and commands, and only 25% declaratives
--children’s errors reflect grammatical rules, not grammar violations
--children’s knowledge of language goes beyond their linguistic input
--language acquisition cannot be equated with learning table manners
--parents generally pay attention to the content, not form of what children say. Normally they don’t provide
negative evidence
--on the rare occasions when they do, children don’t pay attention to negative evidence
--although children overregularize verbs, they never overregularize auxiliaries (*I haved eaten), which
means that they operate with symbolic content in order to distinguish between auxiliaries and lexical verb
--connectionist models can generate some syntactic rules, but they cannot explain the constraints that apply
to those rules
-- poverty of stimulus problem: see pidgin and creole languages
Does the environment shape language acquisition? How rich is the linguistic environment?
To what degree an organism is shaped by the environment and what is the degree to which it is the consequence
of its essential nature?
“Meno”: a slave discovers the principles of geometry without the benefit of direct instruction. Plato argues that
this kind of knowledge is grounded in the nature of reason rather than in one’s experience of the world.
Language acquisition: from a limited and rather poor linguistic evidence the child extracts the rule and then
extrapolates it producing novel utterances.
The ability of learning a language depends on a genetically determined, innate property of the mind: the
language faculty
Universal grammar
--mental generative procedure that uses finite means to generate an infinite number of sentences
--psychological entity, not a set of grammatical structures
--basic rules and a number of constraints (on form or on meaning) generate various grammatical structures
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Nativism or the innateness hypothesis
The language capacity is:
--richly structured (rules, constraints, parameterization)
--its acquisition genetically programmed and presupposes interaction of inborn factors with linguistic
-- despite limitation and learning conditions language acquisition is possible. (poverty of stimulus)
-- irrespective of the language acquired, we observe the same milestones in language acquisition. Also,
grammatical knowledge becomes progressively (in stages) visible to the child’s brain
--children’s errors observe grammatical rules
--children’s innate grammatical knowledge can lead to creolizations
--isolation from a linguistic environment during the critical period of language acquisition can lead to
failure to acquire, fully or partially, natural language
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Features of child language acquisition
-- occurs within a limited period of time (by the age of 5 they are proficient in their mother tongue)
-- follows the same path of development, irrespective of the linguistic environment, or cultural attitudes related
to child language acquisition;
Feral children (wild children, who grew up in the wild, or children who, due to parental neglect or abuse, were
isolated from a community of speakers) who lacked exposure to language during the critical period of language
acquisition will never be able to catch up, and will remain often mute or with poor language abilities.
First Language (L1) acquisition: children do not copy their parents’ speech. The errors children make reflect a
rule of grammar. In English they overgeneralize the regular plural (mouses, foots, tooths) and regular tenses (he
gived, goed, she be’s at work, I finded Renee), forms they could hardly have heard from their caretakers.
Irregular forms seem to be acquired at a later stage as exception to the rule.
--children acquire rich linguistic knowledge that outpaces the input from the environment
--children produce “errors” when they generalize from the linguistic input, or “errors” that alien to the linguistic
input, but perfectly acceptable in other languages
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--children’s “errors” would never violate basic linguistic principles, such as structure-dependency
E-language (externalized language) = performed speech acts in the linguistic environment the speaker is
exposed to; the use of language as a product of human behaviour.
Child language acquisition can be described as a process in which I-language (universal innate linguistic
competence) gradually narrows down to the specificity of E-language (linguistic environment)
I-language (internalized language) approach: describes/ researches the speaker’s knowledge of language,
his/her linguistic competence; a grammar that describes the properties of the human mind. It is concerned with
what a speaker knows about language and where it comes from.
Principles of UG
Sue believes that George knows that Bill suspects that John loves Mary.
knowledge of language relies on the structural relationship in the sentence rather than on the sequence of words.
A sentence like The child drew an elephant is not a string of words in a sequence
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but structured construction which can be broken up into smaller constituent which may be as well structured
“Children unerringly use computationally complex structure-dependent rules rather than computationally
simple rules that involve only the predicate ‘leftmost’ in a linear sequence of words” (Chomsky).
UG theory claims that such principles are inherently impossible to learn; if they are not learnt, they must be
part of the human mind, that is innate.
Guasti, Maria Teresa. (2002). Language Acquisition. The Growth of Grammar. MIT press, Cambridge, Mass.
pp. 1-20.
Vivian Cook & Mark Newson. (1996). Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. Second edition, Blackwell, pp. 1-39.
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