(GeneraI Recruitment)
It is hereby notified that on the basis of written Examination hetd during Sept and Oct
201g for the posts of PGT in various Residentiat Educationat lnstitutions Societies the
candidates whose Hatt Ticket Numbers are given below are provisionalty picked up in the
ratio of 1:Z for Certificate Verification. The Certificate Verification is being hetd from
09l01l2019 at Tetangana Sociat Wetfare Residentiat Schoot/Cottege (G), Narsingi, Ranga
Reddy District, Hyderabad from 9.30 AM onwards. The candidates who are catted for
Verification of Certificates have to produce the fottowine certificates in orieinal atone with
Photosta ies dulv attes Gazetted Off at the tim
Certificates, faiting which, they witt NOT be admitted in subsequent process of setection. No
request witt be entertained for subsequent submission of any of the required certificates. ln
terms of the Notification, the candidate should possess the requisite quatifications as on the
date of the Notification. The Board reserves the right to disquaLify any candidate, if he/she
is not found etigibte for any reason at any stage. Admission to Verification of Certificates
does not confer ipso facto anv rieht for Final setection.
Ptace: Hyderabad,
Date: 18l0117}19. EO t),
TRE Board
r.01059 LO3291 L06045 113320 116365 20tLLs 207462 2L7247 2t4673 2L8043
101090 103544 L07103 1,L4L67 L16760 20L459 207499 2tt314 2L4752 218395
L0L222 103549 107189 Ll4195 7L7028 201562 208133 21L335 215328 2L8507
101528 LO3734 107511 714498 L17047 202L09 208378 2L!393 2L5586 21.8552
LOL740 L04134 108094 L14572 LT729L 202228 208404 21,L428 276285 2L8572
101775 t04L49 108100 1.L5022 Lt739L 202729 209105 2L1780 7L6426 2t8625
101835 t0473t 108291 L15246 117595 205026 209363 21.L8L6 21.6460 2L8687
101946 to4742 109057 1L5273 LL7627 205066 209431 2L2176 2L6552 219326
L02134 704748 109090 LLS477 118090 20559s 209445 2L333L 2L7130 219340
102L48 104936 109139 1L6073 L18091 205623 210098 213592 2L7t8L 219489
102150 105149 109325 t76097 tL8L47 205887 210525 2L4tt6 217412 221.2L4
L02448 LO526L 110159 L16tL4 r1.8276 206293 210538 2L4243 217538 2212t8
102786 10s306 111006 116185 L184L3 2070L6 2to9L6 2L4386 2r7659 22r4L5
103007 105334 LL3L77 L76240 7L9523 207045 2L1.O22 2L4487 2r7829 2220L3
coN R&EO
TREI-Recruit\ent Board
GoYernment of ftlangana
t-l S S Bhavan, Masa nk, l-Id-28
222394 226339 235010 240105 303826 308846 3 13 192 316508 401,370 408221
222452 227436 235407 240436 3039s4 309077 313437 316637 401,454 408272
222459 227652 235s29 24051,s 304067 309145 313811 3L7124 402198 409118
223381. 228428 235607 241041. 304072 309714 3 13959 3171,65 402226 409447
2234t7 229067 236L64 241271 305089 309842 314073 317180 403079 409492
223564 230093 236311 241788 3053s4 310006 314129 317261, 403149 410013
223669 231181, 236483 301058 305390 310372 314313 377288 406345 41004t
223784 23L251. 237021, 301203 305305 310415 314473 318055 406352 410047
224051. 232161. 237780 301s60 306545 370702 314505 319370 406385 410133
224568 233245 238131 301756 307015 311681 374647 31984s 406448 410193
225386 233323 239085 301881 307748 31,1765 314656 401008 406644 470293
225403 234076 239737 303247 308040 312L87 3Ls227 401058 407739 410506
226053 234067 239375 303363 308090 372219 315018 40t084 407253 4L0735
of 122 for the Posts of PGT Social Studiesin various Residential Educational lnstitutions
Societies vide Notification No. 0212018
(GeneraI Recruitment)
4LL037 4L3962 417498 422285 428382 50209s 505556 507709 513485 s16238
4trt72 414035 417530 423L67 428400 502ttt 506011 508070 513563 5L7443
4LL579 474349 418100 424275 428404 50240L 505392 509054 5L387L 5t748L
4LLS45 4r4366 4L9074 424321 428460 50242t 506557 509538 5L4745 517709
412285 475L57 420L45 425272 429002 s02558 506758 510058 514883 5t78t7
4L236s 415315 420227 426233 429074 503018 506799 51.L378 514918 518408
4L2533 4L5695 420264 42632L 429284 503L03 505854 5L1387 515059 518518
412547 416048 420395 426455 429389 503196 506860 512073 515130 5L9235
41.2679 4161,L1. 420426 426469 429390 504096 507047 512323 515185 519313
4L2728 4t6224 42062t 426592 429543 504106 507727 5L2831, 51,544t 519455
4L3587 4L6320 427235 426727 429777 504446 507L77 512877 515486 519788
4L37t0 416525 42L285 428028 501011 504462 5074L8 5 13 141 515559 5200L4
4137L4 416598 422007 428163 501581 505051 507463 51.3227 516008 520026
413716 476820 422056 428230 502090 505292 5075L7 51332L 516188 520078
TREI.Re 'uitrnent Board
Govelnm tofTetangam'
n S S Bhavan, asab Tar*, l{'!/d-2E