X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) in The Investigation of The Composition of Earth Materials: A Review and An
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) in The Investigation of The Composition of Earth Materials: A Review and An
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) in The Investigation of The Composition of Earth Materials: A Review and An
To cite this article: Temitope D. Timothy Oyedotun (2018): X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in the
investigation of the composition of earth materials: a review and an overview, Geology, Ecology,
and Landscapes, DOI: 10.1080/24749508.2018.1452459
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Scott, Bartel, & Stewart, 1987; Weltje & Tjallingii, 2008) provision of the highest possible quality of geochemical
and to identify the detection limits for many elements data analyses of Earth materials (Janssens, 2013; Young
in the ppm range (Löwemark et al., 2011). et al., 2016).
2016). However, in geological sciences, these hXRFs each element occurs at a fixed position. XRF can be
are still seldom used (Young et al., 2016) but currently readily utilised as a quantitative method of elemen-
growing with much success. tal composition analysis since the peak height of an
element is often related to the concentration in the
2.4. XRF applications sample. Quantitative XRF analysis generally uses two
main techniques, the Fundamental Parameters Method
The versatility and rapidity of the XRF technique have (FPM) and the calibration with standards method.
given it a wide application in many industrial and sci- These two techniques are always incorporated in the
entific fields (Table 1). XRF instrument software (Horiba, URL). The FPM is
used to calculate the element concentration based on
2.5. XRF method the peak intensities, while the Calibration Standard is
used to relate peak intensities to element concentra-
2.5.1. Sample collection and preparation tion by deriving calibration curves from materials of
The Earth material samples (liquid or solid) must be known/certified composition.
collected carefully to prevent contamination of the
natural concentrations of the elements in the mate- 2.5.3. Precision and accuracy in XRF
rial. Also, the sample collection and preparation must Two basic quality principles with XRF analysis are
follow the established standards for the type of investi- precision and accuracy. These are necessary for unbi-
gation being undertaken. Indeed, sample preparation is ased analysis. The ability of a method to give the same
highly variable and is mostly dependent on the materi- result on a repeated analysis of the same sample is
als being analysed and the goals of the analysis. For the stated to be precise. Precision is the deviation of a set
XRF analysis of solid components of the Earth materi- of determinations from their random error (mean),
als, samples must be larger than the largest particle or while accuracy is the level of conformity with the
grain size in the materials (typically larger than 10× the elimination of systematic and random error (Taggart
largest particle). This is imperative since, depending et al., 1987). Although a highly precise technique can
on the XRF technique involved, the sampled material yield unbiased results, these results may be inaccurate
may be subjected to a series of preparatory processes, especially if impurities have been introduced during
including crushing and grinding to grains of a few sample preparation or because of calibration errors.
millimetres in size or to a fine powder. Full details of To achieve high-quality and acceptable XRF results,
sample collection and preparation can be found in attention must be given to achieving both precision and
Marguí et al. (2016). accuracy. In addressing the drift (imprecision, whether
short-term or long-term), multiple variables must be
2.5.2. Analysis taken into consideration. These include stability of the
XRF results can be reported both qualitatively and XRF instrument, precision in sample preparation, cali-
quantitatively. Although the energy-dispersive (ED) bration of the instrument to the most appropriate and
XRF can be used to generate quantitative data if appro- acceptable reference standard, monitoring and man-
priate standard-controlled calibration exists, often it is agement of room temperature, monitoring of voltage
ideally suited for qualitative elemental analysis since changes because of fluctuating power supply, and giv-
band assignment for the XRF spectrum is easy and ing attention to barometric pressure and other external
Table 1. Recent applications of XRF spectrometry.
Field of application Examples 3. Case study: identifying patterns of major
Ecology/ecosystem Rodríguez-Zorro, Enters, Hermanowski, Lima elemental composition using XRF
da Coasta, and Behling (2015)
Metallurgy Mighall, Timberlake, Martínez-Cortizas, The Hayle, the Gannel and the Camel estuaries, within
Silva-Sánchez, and Foster (2017); Turner St Ives, Crantock, and Padstow bays, respectively (Figure
and Filella (2017)
Forensics Castillo-Peinado and Luque de Castro (2017); 1), have received considerable attention in terms of the
Rim et al. (2017) impacts of mining on estuarine sedimentation (e.g.,
Polymers Bull, Brown, and Turner (2017); Guo, Ye, Li,
Han, and Loh (2017); Turner and Filella Oyedotun, 2016; Pirrie, Power, Payne, & Wheeler, 2000;
(2017) Pirrie, Power, Wheeler, & Ball, 2000). The effects of min-
Archaeology Hunt and Speakman (2015); Turco, Davit,
Cossio, Agostino, and Operti (2017)
ing on sediment supply, sedimentology and mineralogy
Environmental analysis Tolosana-Delgado and McKinley (2016); were explored extensively in those studies. Here, XRF is
Rivera et al. (2016) used to compare the composition of major elements in
Geology Jalali and Jalali (2016); Ling et al. (2017);
Özkul et al. (2017) the sediments of these three coastal-estuarine systems
Mining Chalmers and Bustin (2017); Pavilonis, Grass- with the aim of identifying the anthropogenic influences
man, Johnson, Diaz, and Caravanos (2017)
Soils/landscapes Hartemink and Minasny (2014); Kitchel on the geological landscapes; and explore the sedimen-
(2016) tary connectivity of the individual systems.
Figure 1. Southwest England showing three estuarine systems (Hayle, Gannel, and Camel) where sediments were
sampled. Source: Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2015).
Figure 2. Major element composition (%) of intertidal sediments of three estuaries determined by X-ray fluorescence of 21 samples.
3.1. Method
major elements in their oxidised state were determined
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) was used to as a percentage of composition (Oyedotun, 2015, 2016).
determine the major elemental composition of 21 sedi- The samples used in the XRF analyses were obtained
ment samples from the estuarine and coastal systems. The from 0 to 5 cm sediment depth randomly collected from
the intertidal locations around the Hayle, Gannel, and non-destructive manner – the qualities which are vital in
Camel systems of southwest England between 24 and 27 the understanding the composition of the earth’s mate-
October 2011 (Figure 1). rial and landscapes. With the continuous developments
Samples were prepared at the Coastal and Estuarine and improvements in XRF equipment, this technique
Research Unit of the Department of Geography, will continue to flourish in the future.
University College London (Oyedotun, 2015). The
sediments were freeze-dried at ~60 °C in a Modulo 4 k Acknowledgement
Freeze Drier for 5 days. The dried samples were pulver-
I sincerely appreciate the supervisory assistance and sup-
ised into a fine powder with an agate mortar and pestle.
port of Dr. Helene Burningham and Professor Jon French
To avoid contamination and the mixture of samples dur- when XRF analysis was undertaken as part of my Ph.D.
ing preparation, both faces of the compression die for Geography programme at University College London, UK.
each of the samples were well covered. Each pulverised I also appreciate the guidance and assistance of Janet Hope
ground sample (powder pellet) was then weighed prior with the laboratory analyses; Dan Shuman and Ann Grant
with reading through and commenting on the drafts of this
to analysis; weights of samples ranged from 4 to 6 grams.
These samples were analysed with a Spectro XLab Pro
2000 which produces high X-ray intensity and permits
quantitative analysis of elements in the ng range (after Disclosure statement
Jenkins et al., 1995). No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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