Firmware Version 3.93A0: For Emulex® Hbas Update Manual
Firmware Version 3.93A0: For Emulex® Hbas Update Manual
Firmware Version 3.93A0: For Emulex® Hbas Update Manual
For Emulex® HBAs
Update Manual
Copyright© 2005 Emulex Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced
by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of Emulex Corporation.
Information furnished by Emulex Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Emulex Corporation for its use; or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which
may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Emulex
Emulex and LightPulse are registered trademarks, and AutoPilot Installer, AutoPilot Manager, BlockGuard,
FibreSpy, HBAnyware, InSpeed, MultiPulse and SBOD are trademarks, of Emulex Corporation. All other brand or
product names referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or
Emulex provides this manual "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Emulex Corporation may
make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice. Emulex
Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
that may result. Periodic changes are made to information contained herein; although these changes will be
incorporated into new editions of this manual, Emulex Corporation disclaims any undertaking to give notice of such
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
Compatibility...................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 1
Cautions and Warnings ..................................................................................... 1
Things to Know Before You Download .............................................................. 1
Known Issues .................................................................................................... 2
Files Included in This Release........................................................................... 2
LP9402DC, LP9002DC, LP9002C, LP9002L and LP9000 .......................... 2
LP952 ......................................................................................................... 2
LP9002S ..................................................................................................... 3
LP8000DC and LP80000 ............................................................................ 3
LP850 ......................................................................................................... 3
LP8000S ..................................................................................................... 3
Updating Firmware .................................................................................................. 4
Updating Firmware Using HBAnyware .............................................................. 4
Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 4
Loading the Firmware ................................................................................. 4
Current Firmware Field Descriptions..................................................... 5
Loading the Firmware Using Batch Mode ................................................... 6
Updating Firmware Using lputilnt....................................................................... 7
Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 7
Loading the Firmware ................................................................................. 7
Updating Firmware Using elxcfg........................................................................ 7
Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 7
Loading the Firmware ................................................................................. 8
Updating Firmware Using lputil.......................................................................... 8
Prerequisites: ............................................................................................. 8
Loading the Firmware ................................................................................. 9
Updating Firmware Using lp6dutil...................................................................... 9
Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 9
Loading the Firmware ................................................................................. 9
Using the Menu Bar ............................................................................ 10
Using the Command Line ................................................................... 11
Firmware version 3.93a0 is compatible with several Emulex® host bus adapter (HBA) models:
• This version of firmware has several important changes to the kernel. The .awc file will update
the kernel/loader in your HBA. There are some risks associated with this process. If the update
process is interrupted (such as by a power outage) and the kernel is being updated, you may
have to return the HBA to Emulex for repair.
• For the legacy LP8000DC, LP8000 and LP850 HBAs, firmware version 3.93a0 will function only
on HBAs containing Dragonfly chips of version 2.00 or greater.
• If your HBA has a Dragonfly chip below version 2.00, use firmware version 3.30a7.
• Refer to the LP8000DC, LP8000 or LP850 Firmware Download page on the Emulex Web
site to determine the Dragonfly chip version in use.
• Make a directory on your system before you download and unzip the firmware update files.
• Ensure that critical files on your local boot disk are backed up as a measure of protection.
• Firmware is bundled with or without boot code. Boot code allows you to designate a Fibre
Channel drive as the boot drive. If the adapter's devices will be used to boot the system, Emulex
recommends that you use the firmware package that includes boot code. Firmware version
3.93a0 for LP9xxx and LP8xxx include a Combined Boot (x86 BootBIOS and OpenBoot) image.
Firmware version 3.39a0 for LP850 and LP952 include an x86 BootBIOS image. If you select a
firmware image that includes boot code, the update procedure will load both the new firmware
and boot code at the same time. After updating, refer to the boot code manuals for procedures
on enabling the boot code on your adapter.
• Several files, such as the .DWC files and /prg_kit/ files, have been removed from version 3.93a0
to simplify the update process and ensure correct operation of the updated HBA.
• If you are currently using an Emulex driver, you can update firmware and boot code with a utility
that was loaded when the driver was installed. See Table 2 on page 4 for more information.
Known Issues
The following issues have been reported at the time of publication. These issues may not yet have been
verified or confirmed and may apply to another product, such as the driver or hardware.
• None at this time.
This kit includes the following files:
This kit includes the following files:
This kit includes the following files:
Windows X X X X
Linux X X X
Solaris X X
Netware X
After you decide which utility to use, see the appropriate update procedure:
• HBAnyware: See “Updating Firmware Using HBAnyware” on page 4.
• lputilnt: See “Updating Firmware Using lputilnt” on page 7.
• elxcfg: See “Updating Firmware Using elxcfg” on page 7
• lputil: See “Updating Firmware Using lputil” on page 8.
• lp6dutil: See “Updating Firmware Using lp6dutil” on page 9.
• One of the following drivers is installed properly:
• SCSIport Miniport driver.
• Storport Miniport driver.
• FC Port driver.
• Emulex driver for Linux.
• Emulex driver for Solaris.
• HBAnyware has been installed properly.
• The firmware file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a directory
on your local drive.
• One of the following drivers is installed and loaded properly:
• SCSIport Miniport driver
• Storport Miniport driver
• lputilnt is installed properly.
• The appropriate firmware file has been downloaded and extracted to a directory on your local
• The system is in a state in which this type of maintenance can be performed:
• I/O activity on the bus has been quieted.
• Cluster software, or any other software that relies on the HBA to be available, has been
stopped or paused.
4. Click Download.
5. Locate the new firmware file.
6. Click Open. The new firmware is transferred to flash ROM.
If you are updating firmware on a dual-channel HNABA, repeat steps 2 through 6 to update the firmware
on the second port.
• The FC Port driver for Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server or Windows NT is installed.
• elxcfg is installed.
• The firmware file has been downloaded from the Emulex Web site and extracted to a directory
on your local drive.
Caution: Using elxcfg to change the adapter firmware to an earlier version may
cause the system to lock or devices connected to the adapter to become
unavailable. If this happens, reboot the system. Firmware versions differ
between adapter versions. Make sure you have downloaded the
appropriate firmware for your adapter.
1. Click Start, Programs, Emulex and elxcfg. The Main window is displayed.
2. Locate and select an adapter from the Available Adapters list.
3. Select Download Firmware from the Tools menu. A browse window is displayed.
• The driver for Linux or Solaris (including lputil) is installed properly.
• The firmware file has been downloaded and extracted to a local drive.
Caution: Do not interrupt this process or power down the system until
the process is complete.
1. Start the utility by entering the complete path to lputil. The path in the example reflects the
default installation path. If the installation path was modified, adjust the command appropriately.
2. From the Main menu, enter 3, Firmware Maintenance.
3. If prompted, choose the HBA that is being updated.
4. Enter 1, Load Firmware Image.
5. Enter the full path to the firmware file. The new firmware is transferred to flash ROM.
If you are updating firmware on a dual-channel HBA, repeat steps 2 through 6 to update the firmware on
the second port.
• The appropriate firmware file has been downloaded and extracted to a local drive.