O Ot Panting&Drapping
O Ot Panting&Drapping
O Ot Panting&Drapping
Objectives Introduction
After completion of this self-study activity, the learner Because of the number of factors that can contribute
will be able to: to surgical site infections (SSI), experts generally talk in
1. D i fferentiate the clinical benefits of hair removal by terms of reducing the risk rather than the rate of SSI. It is well
means of clipping versus shaving. recognized that the major microorganisms responsible for
2. Identify the properties of effective surgical skin prepara- SSIs reside on the patient’s skin, making preoperative skin
tion agents. preparation and creation of a sterile field/surface a logical
3. Describe the principles of draping as they relate to approach to risk reduction.
prevention of infection. The early 19th century surgeon “operated in a Prince
Albert coat and used the same sponges for every patient he
Test Questions treated.” It wasn’t until mid-19th century that the idea of
True or False protecting the surgical wound from contamination became a
1. Nowhere in the CDC Guideline for Prevention of Surgical subject of great interest and concern in the operating room.1
Site Infection Recommendations does it state that one Prior to this time, all emphasis was on cleaning of the room
antiseptic agent is preferred over other antiseptics. and the instruments used.
2. If hair at or around the incision site needs to be removed, As members of the healthcare team, surgeons, nurses
the method that best preserves the patient’s skin integrity and other healthcare professionals are entrusted with
is a clippers. the safety and welfare of those who undergo surgical
3. Aseptic technique and sterile technique are synonymous intervention. As a patient advocate, the perioperative nurse
terms. has, as one of his or her most important functions, the
4. Alcohol, Iodophors and CHG are the most common responsibility for monitoring and maintaining best practices
antimicrobials used for patient skin preps. during the perioperative period.
5. Most commonly used patient skin preps meet the FDA A surgical conscience (that concept which allows for no
criteria for immediate kill and persistent activity. compromise in the principles of aseptic technique) builds on
6. Fluid strike-through associated with drape materials is the principles of asepsis and is an act of mental discipline.
always visible to the surgical team. It involves inspection and regulation of one’s own practice,
7. The longer the time between hair removal and the operation, with particular attention to deviations from acceptable, safe
the lower the infection rates. practices, especially during the intraoperative phase of the
8. An ideal preoperative skin prep agent should be broad surgical experience. 2
spectrum, safe, fast-acting and persistent. As the surgical conscience is fully developed, the
9. Prior to the draping process, it is critical to plan ahead perioperative nurse is always asking himself or herself:
and anticipate what drapes will be used for the procedure. 1. Is this the best practice?
10. Preoperative skin preparation sterilizes the patient’s skin. 2. Do I have everything necessary for this procedure?
3. Have I done all I can do to provide a safe, therapeutic
environment for my patient?
Hair Removal
Disruption of the skin surface
compromises the line of defense by
skin-prepping regimen, hair removal
may be necessary. Shaving the
surgical site began in the late 1800s
and until recently has been accepted.
are the second most common We now have clear and convincing
Recommended Practices
Figure 1. Infection Rates: Clipping vs. Shaving and Guidelines
The research results have been so
overwhelmingly in favor of clipping
that several healthcare organizations
recommend a procedural change from
shaving to clipping. The Association
of periOperative Registered Nurses
(AORN) Recommended Practices for
Skin Preparation of Patients states,
“When hair removal is necessary, an
electric or battery powered clipper
with a disposable or reusable head
that can be disinfected between
patients should be used, if possible.8”
The CDC states, “If hair is removed,
remove immediately before the
operation, preferably with electric
clippers.4” The CDC has rated this
category IA, meaning it is supported by
well-designed experimental, clinical
or epidemiological studies. In the
July 2000 Bulletin of the American
College of Surgeons (ACS), the
CDC Guideline was summarized and endorsed. The Association 1982 recommended clipping the hair, leaving 1 to 2 mm on
of Practitioners in Infection Control (APIC) also recommends the skin. It was noted, “When properly used this way, the
clipping, stating, “A depilatory or clipping in preference electrical clippers do not damage or abrade the skin.” 11
to shaving for hair removal is an intervention that reduces As long as clippers are used according to the manufacturer’s
microbial contamination of the wound and lowers the directions, stubble length will be 1 to 2 mm in length, which
infection risk.”9 is desirable. If your staff is concerned about stubble length,
Hair should only be removed when it interferes with the make sure the correct angle of clipping is performed when
incision site. But if hair is to be removed, it should take place using clippers.
immediately prior to surgery, in a preoperative environment
and with an electrical clipper in order to minimize the risk of Patient Skin Preparation
infection.4,8 Concerns about stubble length have existed since After the patient has been anesthetized and positioned
clippers first entered the hair removal market in 1986. Studies on the operating table, the incision site, as well as an extensive
show that remaining stubble demonstrates preserved skin area surrounding it, must be disinfected using a topical
integrity. Razors cause microscopic cuts and nicks, some of antimicrobial agent immediately prior to draping.
which are not visible to the naked eye. “In fact, the stubble
should be reassuring,” commented William C. Beck, MD, Recommended Practices and Guidelines
FACS, in a 1986 editorial in Su rg e ry, Gynecology & The 1999 CDC Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site
Obstetrics. “It gives assurance that the superficial skin Infection states: “Use an appropriate antiseptic agent for skin
squames have not been disturbed.” 10 Comments made preparation.” Nowhere in the recommendations does it state
by panelists at an AORN question-and-answer session in that one antiseptic agent is preferred over other antiseptics. The
recommendations continue to state that the skin prep should be FDA testing for patient skin preparation measures
applied in concentric circles moving toward the periphery, and the effectiveness and persistence of a product against normal
that the prep area should be large enough to extend the incision, skin flora. Two prep sites are tested: the abdomen, which is
or create new incisions or drain sites.4 The AORN Recommended considered a dry site, and the groin, which is considered a
Practices for Skin Preparation of Patients state:8 moist site and will thus have more resident flora. The skin sites
1. Remove soil and transient organisms: are prepped following manufacturer’s directions for use,
a. Patient showers; allowed to dry, and then covered with a sterile gauze and tape
b. Special cleansing of the surgical site; dressing. The scrub cup test is followed to sample the sites
c. Washing the site immediately before prepping. at 10 minutes and six hours post-prep. The FDA pass criteria
2. Reduce resident microbial counts to subpathogenic amounts: for a patient prep at the 10-minute time point is a two-log
Use antimicrobial preoperative skin prep. reduction on the abdomen and a three-log reduction on the
3. Inhibit rapid rebound growth of microorganisms: groin, with both sites maintaining counts below baseline out to
Use persistent antimicrobial preoperative skin prep agent. six hours post-prep.12
Table 1 on page 90 shows a comparison of the most
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) common types of patient skin preparations and their ability to
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates meet the FDA criteria. As you can see, both the aqueous-based
antimicrobial products used in the healthcare setting, including preps as well as the alcohol-based preps meet the FDA criteria,
patient preoperative skin preps. It regulates active ingredients although application time and method will vary by product.
allowed in the formulation of these products, the labeling of Because the most commonly used patient skin preps meet
products, and the claims that manufacturers can make. the FDA criteria for immediate kill and persistent activity, and
because most patients only get prepped once so that cumulative that blood and saline irrigation can significantly reduce
activity is not a factor, let’s consider what other factors are the microbial effectiveness of some surgical patient preps.
important in surgery. When iodophor-based preps have a polymer that keeps
them from being removed by blood and saline, they
Drape adhesion: Incise drapes are commonly used in remain bactericidal. 13,14
surgery, particularly for high-risk procedures like open
heart surg e r y, joint replacement and other implant Application Instructions: The efficacy of an antimicrobial
s u rgeries, neurosurg e r y, and trauma. Because preps do product is based on its proper application. Failure to follow
not sterilize but only disinfect the skin, incise drapes manufacturers’ directions for use could significantly
provide a sterile surface at the start of surgery. When the impact the product’s ability to kill microorganisms. It is
drape lifts at the wound edge, the exposed skin allows for well documented that bacteria from the skin are the
the potential of bacteria being transferred into the wound. leading causes of surgical site infections.
In one study, drape lift was associated with a six-fold
increase in surgical site infections.18 Even among one-step preps, there is a wide range of
instructions for use, and some preps actually have diff e r e n t
Blood and Saline Challenge: Another critical factor to instructions depending on whether the area is considered
consider for a surgical patient prep is the challenge by to be a dry site, like the abdomen, or a moist site, like the
blood and saline during the surgical procedure. In the groin or axilla. Compliance to protocol is much easier to
FDA-required testing, once the prep is dry, it remains dry attain when direction are the same, regardless of the area
and covered without any fluid challenges. Studies show being prepped.
Product Warnings: Product warnings are part of the In order to provide the best protection for each procedure, the
FDA-required labeling and are present to protect the perioperative nurse needs to think through the basic principles
patient from misuse of the product. Healthcare facilities of draping.
that choose to disregard specific warnings may increase
their facility’s liability. Principles of Draping
1. Isolate
Product warnings will vary significantly between patient Dirty from clean (e.g., groin, colostomy and equipment
skin preps based on the active ingredients. It is important that from the area to be prepped). Isolation is accomplished by
the end user carefully reads all directions for use, warnings and using an impervious drape, usually fabricated from a
all other label information before using any product to provide plastic material. Any impervious material can be used.
safe and effective patient prepping.
The challenges that face surgical preps are very different 2. Barrier
from those for surgical hand antisepsis and even intravascular Provides an impervious layer; must have a plastic film to
catheter site preps. Choosing the right antimicrobial for the prevent strike-through.
right indication is critical in helping reduce the risk of surgical
site infection for your patients. 3. Sterile Field
Creation of a sterile field is through sterile presentation of
Draping the drape and aseptic application technique. If the drape
Part of the role of the perioperative nurse is to “pull” the used is not impervious, an additional impervious layer
correct drapes as well as instruments prior to each procedure. needs to be added.
4. Sterile Surface
Because skin cannot be sterilized, it is necessary to apply an incise drape to
create a sterile surface. Only an incise drape can create a sterile surface.
5. Equipment Cover
Sterile drapes cover nonsterile equipment or organize equipment used on
the sterile field. This helps to protect the patient from the equipment as well
as to protect and prolong the life of the equipment.
6. Fluid Control
Collection of fluid keeps the patient dry, decreases healthcare worker
exposure and decreases clean up. A fluid control system should be used
any time the procedure is known to include large amounts of body fluids
or irrigating solution.
Everyone has his or her opinion with regard to what constitutes an acceptable
drape material. It is important to recognize there is no one material that meets all
the needs of the clinician. Rather, each material has characteristics that make it
either more or less suited for draping specific surgical procedures. In other
words, a material characteristic that makes a material an excellent choice for an
ophthalmic drape might make it a poor choice for an orthopedic drape.
Sterile surgical drapes protect the patient from infection by preventing materials is the introduction of free fiber
m i c r o o rganisms from making their way into the skin opening created particles (lint) into the operating room
during surg e r y. Surgical drapes are effective because microorg a n i s m s environment. Once airborne, lint can settle on
cannot move by themselves and rely on dust, fluids or contact to move contaminated surfaces and then become
them. If a drape material allows fluid to penetrate, it creates a pathway airborne again, settling on the sterile field
and a mode of transportation for organisms to invade the sterile field. and in the surgical incision, contaminating
The penetration of a drape, gown or mask by fluids is known as “strike other material or tissue on which it settles.
through.” Strike through is a serious problem and the reason surgeons and Lint also clogs OR ventilation filters,
nurses believe multiple layers of drapes are necessary. decreasing their eff e c t i v e n e s s .
The second common material failure that can lead to infection Standards only apply to these materials
is failure of the adhesive interface. Everything under the sterile surgical when they are converted into drapes, gowns
drape is a source of contamination. If the drape gapes or moves, or masks intended for sale. The FDA then
contamination can be introduced into the sterile field and an infection regulates these products as Class 1 sterile
arise. Another source of potential infection associated with drape medical devices, per Rule 1 for noninvasive
devices, meeting all standards for basic safety
and eff i c a c y. Every surgical drape on the
market has met these basic standards to gain
approval for sale. Drape manufacturers also
receive guidance from industrial associations
such as the Association of the Nonwoven
Fabric Industry (INDA) and the Association
for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
(AAMI). These organizations are comprised
of representatives from interested companies
such as 3M, Kimberly Clark, Johnson &
Johnson, and others. The purpose of these
industrial associations is to create standardized
terms and test methods that will protect
the interests of the industry at large and
member companies specifically. Standards
and test methods developed under these
o rganizations are voluntary and enforced by
the member manufacturers.
When preparing for each procedure, always walk through each step to
assure the best practice for that procedure. Surgical site infections (SSI)
are the second most common healthcare associated infection (HAI) among
hospitalized patients. These infections number approximately 500,000 per
year, among an estimated 27 million surgical procedures, and account for
approximately one quarter of the estimated two million HAIs in the United
States each year.20 Infections result in longer hospitalizations and higher
costs. It is everyone’s duty to always know your procedure in order to reduce
the risk to yourself as well as to your patient. By knowing your procedure
and developing your surgical conscience, you decrease the risk to your
patients. (See Table 2 on page 96.) ✛
1. Manley YB. Surgical scrubbing, then and now. JORRI. 1980:1(1):28-31.
2. Fairchild SS. Perioperative Nursing Principles and Practice. 2nd ed. Boston, Mass:
Little, Brown, and Company. 1996.
3. Phillips N. Berry & Kohn’s Operating Room Technique. 10th ed. St. Louis, Mo:
Mosby. 2004:247.
4. CDC .Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection. 1999. Available at:
5. Jepsen OB, Bruttomesso KA. The effectiveness of preoperative skin preparations: an
integrative review of the literature. AORN J. 1993:58:477-484.
6. Alexander JW, Fischer JE, Boyajian M, Palmquist J, Morris MJ. The influence of
hair-removal methods on wound infections. Arch Surg. 1983:118:347-352.
7. Sellick JA, Stelmach M, Mylotte JM. Surveillance of surgical wound infections
following open-heart surgery. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1991:12(10):591-596.
8. AORN. Recommended practices for skin preparation of patients. Standards,
Recommended Practices, and Guidelines. Denver, Colo: AORN, Inc. 2005:443-446.
9. S u rgical site infections. APIC Infection Control and Applied Epidemiology
Principles and Practice. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Year Book; 1996:11-1.
10. Sacred Cows: Hair Clipping Superior to Preoperative Shave. OR Manager.
11. The Experts Research Q:A. AORN J. 1982:35(6):3.
12. Food and Drug Administration. Topical antimicrobial drug products for over-the-
counter human use: tentative final monograph for healthcare antiseptic drug
products- proposed rule. Federal Register. 1994:59:31441-31452.
Table 2. Glossary
Antiseptic Any substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria; they may be physical
or chemical.
Depilatory Topical chemical agent used to remove hair from the patient’s skin.
Healthcare Associated Infection An infection that originates during the patient’s hospitalization.
An organism that is too small to be seen with the naked eye and
Microorganism requires a microscope. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa are generally
called microorganisms.
Skin Preparation The process of chemical and mechanical cleansing of the skin.
Refers to creating and working within the sterile field. To protect the
Sterile Technique patient during invasive procedures, microorganisms in the sterile field are
kept to an irreducible minimum.
Surgical Site Infections Infections that occur 30 days after an operation; classified as superficial
incisional, deep incisional, or organ/space.
Transient Microorganisms Microorganisms isolated from the skin, but not demonstrated to be
consistently present in the majority of people. They are considered
transient because they can be readily transmitted on hands unless removed
by mechanical friction, and soap and water washing.