Types of Glazing Panels, Methods and Construction Details
Types of Glazing Panels, Methods and Construction Details
Types of Glazing Panels, Methods and Construction Details
Construction Details
Glazing are referred to the panels that are fixed into the aluminum or other
types of frames to curtain wall construction. Commonly, there are various
techniques which can be used in the construction or placement of glazing
panels; glaze panels might be glass or other materials.
Dry glazed
Wet glazed
Cable net
Dry Glazed
In this approach, compression stresses are applied to fix metal panels or glass
units into the glazing pocket of the frames. The necessary compression force
can be obtained using rubber gaskets and occasionally structural tapes.
Fig.3: Dry Glazed System with Rubber Gasket used in the Oldcastle Building,
United States
Wet Glazed
In this technique, the infill element is placed and attached to the frame using
proper attaching agents such as silicone sealant. The sealant application
process should be conducted properly otherwise the attachment agent would
not work suitably. For example, the perimeter need to be prepared sufficiently
and then the sealant element is applied to the perimeter.
The silicone would create a bond, which can withstand lateral loading,
between the aluminum frame and the panel.
The structural silicone glazing can be made for one or two storey heights.
Figure-5 illustrates the direction of the structural silicone glazing applied in a
multi storey building.
It can be observed form these figures that the fittings cause smallest
obstruction of views due to their small sizes. The glass is commonly tempered
by exposing it to high degree of temperature during its processing. This will
reduce possible damages during its life service.
The analysis of point supported system is quite complicated and it may need
to use finite element modeling to specify loads transfer and stress through an
by fittings.
Due to the effect on loading on the panels, not only does cable net structural
analysis is required to be carry out accurately but also construction works
need massive coordination.
Cable net walls are commonly flexible that is why they are likely to deflect
extremely. This may make occupants uncomfortable but the functionality of
the building will not be influenced and its aesthetic views would not be