Astm d1785 1986

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By Authority Of


Legally Binding Document
By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code § 552(a) and
Part 1 of the Code of Regulations § 51 the attached document has been duly
INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally
binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America.
HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance.

Document Name: ASTM D1785: Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl
Chloride)(PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120

CFR Section(s): 46 CFR 56.01-2

Standards Body: American Society for Testing and Materials

Official Incorporator:
4~~ Designation: D 1785 - 86

Standard Specification for

Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and
120 1 '

T~i~ standard .is issue.d under the fixe~ ?esignation D 1785; th~ .number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
ongmal adoptIon or, m the case of reVISIon, the year oflast reVISIOn. A number in parentheses indicates the year oflast reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (f) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. '

This specification has been approved/or use by agencies o/the Department 0/De/ense and/or listing in the DoD Index o/Specifications
and Standards,

1. Scope D 1599 Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure

1.1 This specification covers poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings2
pipe made in Schedule 40, 80, and 120 sizes and pressure- D 1600 Abbreviations of Terms Relating to Plastics4
rated for water (see Appendix). Included are criteria for D 1784 Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
classifying PVC plastic pipe materials and PVC plastic pipe, (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chlo-
a system of nomenclature for PVC plastic pipe, and require,,: ride) (CPVC) Compounds5
ments and test methods for materials, workmanship, dimen~ D 2122 Method of Determining Dimensions of Thermo-
sions, sustained pressure, burst pressure, flattening, and plastic Pipe and Fittings2
extrusion quality. Methods of marking are also given. D 2152 Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Pipe and Molding Fittings by
regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are Acetone Immersion2 ,

for information only. D 2672 Specification for Solvent Cement Joint Sockets on
1.3 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to Belled PVC Pressure Pipe2
the test method portion, Section 7, of this specification. This D 2837 Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Desigll, Basis
standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials2
equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of D 3139 Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes
the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsi- Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals2
bility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate D 3212 Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic
safety and health practices and determine the applicability of , Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals2
regulatory limitations prior to use. A specific precautionary F 412 Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping
statement is given in Note 6. Systems2
2.2 Federal Standard:6
NOTE l-CPVC plastic pipes, Schedules, 40 and 80, which were
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
formerly included in this standard, are now covered by Specification
F 441, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 2.3 Military Standard: 6 '

40 and 80. 2 ' MIL-STD-129 Marking,for Shipment and Storage

NOTE 2-The sustained and burst pressure test requirements, and the
pressure ratings in the Appendix, are calculated from stress values 3. Terminology
obtained from tests made on pipe 4 in. (100 mm) and smaller; However, 3.1 Definitions:
tests conducted on pipe as large as 24 in. (600 mm) diameter have 3.1.1 General-Definitions are in accordance with Defini-
shown these stress v~lues to be valid for larger diameter PVC pipe. tions F 412 and abbreviations are in accordance with Abbre-
NOTE 3-PVC pipe made to this specification is often belled for use
as line pipe. For details of the solvent cement belled pipe, see
viations D 1600, unless otherwise indicated. The abbrevia-
Specification D 2672 and for details of belled elastomeric joints, see tion for poly(vinyl chloride) plastic is PVC. ,. ,
Specifications D 3139 and D 3212. 3.2 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 hydrostatic design stress-the estimated maximum
2. Ref~rence'd Documents tensile stress in the wall of the' pipe in the circumferential
orientation due to internal hydrostatic water pressure that
2.1 ASTMStcmdards: can be applied continuously with a high degree of certainty
D 618 Methods of Conditioning Plastics and Electrical that failure of the pipe will not occur. '
Ins1:llating Materials for Testing3 , 3.2.2 pressure rating (PR)-the estimated maximum pres-
D 1598 Test Method for Time-To-Failure of Plastic Pipe' ~urethat water in the pipe can exert continuously with a high
Under Constant Internal Pressure2 degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur.
3.2:3 relation between dimensions, design stress,and pres-
1 This specific~tion is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-17 on
, sure rating-the following expression, commonly known as
Plastic Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F 17 .25 on
Vinyl Based Pipe. '
Current edition approved Oct. 31, 1986. Published D~gember 1986. Originally 4 Annual Book 0/ ASTM Standards, Vols 08.01 and 08.04.
published as D 1785 - 60. Last previous edition D 1785 - 83 f1 • 5 Annual Book 0/ ASTM Standards, Vols 08.02 and 08.04.
2 Annual Book 0/ ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. ' 6 Available from Naval Pijblications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Ave.,
3 Annual Book 0/ ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Philadelphia, PA 19120.


- _ . _ - - - -------~ ----~--- ._ .... -~-~--.-----,

4t D 1785
the ISO equation, 7 is used in this specification to relate recognized by the public health profession and by the regulatory bodies
dimensions, hydrostatic design stress, and pressure rating: having jurisdiction. Many public health authorities recognize National
Sanitation Foundation Standard No. 14 for Plastic Piping System
2S/P = (Dolt) - 1 Components and Related Materials, asa suitable standard to evaluate
where: materials for. potable water service. The seal or mark of the laboratory
making the evaluation should be included in the marking on pipe that is
S = hydrostatic design stress, psi (or MPa), intended for the transport of potable water. A laboratory that makes
P = pressure rating, psi (or MPa), evaluations of pipe for transport of potable water is the National
Do = average outside diameter, in. (or mm), and Sanitation Foundation Testing Laboratories, Inc., NSF Bldg., Ann
t = minimal wall thickness, in. (or mm). Arbor, MI 48106. Names of other recognized laboratories will be added
when they are brought to the attention of ASTM.
3.2.4 standard thermoplastic pipe materials designation
code-the pipe materials designation code shall consist of the 5.2 Basic Materials-This specification covers pipe made
abbreviation PVC for the type of plastic, followed by the from PVC plastics having certain physical and chemical
ASTM type and grade in Arabic numerals and the design properties as described in Specification D 1784.
stress in units of 100 psi (0.7 MPa) with any decimal figures 5.3 Compound-The PVC compounds used for this pipe
dropped. When the design stress code contains less than two shall equal or exceed the following classes described in
figures, a cipher shall be used before the number. Thus a Specification D 1784; PVC 12454-B, 12454-C, or 14333-D.
complete material code shall consist of three letters and four 5.4 Rework Material-Clean, rework material of the same
figures for PVC plastic pipe materials (see Section 5). type and grade (celi classification), generated from the
manufacturer's own pipe production, may be used by the
4. Classification same manufacturer, as long as the pipe produced meets all
4.1 General-This specification covers PVC pipe made to the requirements of this specification.
and marked with one of six type/grade/design stress designa-
tions (see Appendix X1.2) in Schedule 40, 80, and 120 wall 6. Requirements
4.2 Hydrostatic Design Stresses-This specification 6.1 Dimensions and Tolerances:
covers pipe made from PVC plastics as defined by four 6.1.1 Dimensions and tolerances shall be as shown in
hydrostatic design stresses which have been developed 'on the Tables 1 and 2 when measured in accordance with Method
basis of long-term tests (Appendix). D 2122. The tolerances for out-:of-roundness shall apply only
to pipe prior to shipment.
5. Materials and Manufacturer 6.2 Sustained Pressure-The pipe shall not fail, balloon,
5.1 General-Poly(vinyl chloride) plastics used to make burst, or weep as defined in Test Method D 1598, at the test
pipe meeting the requirements .of this specification are pressures given in Tables 3, 4, or 5 when tested in accordance
categorized by means of two criteria, namely, (l) short-term with 8.4.
strength tests and (2) long-term strength tests. 6.2.1 Accelerated Regression Test-At the option of the
manufacturer, an accelerated regression test may be substi-
NOTE 4-PVC pipe that is intended for use in the transport of tuted for the sustained pressure test. The test shall be
potable water should be evaluated for this purpose by a laboratory
conducted in accordance with 8.4.1. The pipe. shall demon-
strate a hydrostatic design basis projection at the 100 000 h
7 ISO R161-1960, Pipes of Plastics Materials for the Transport of Fluids
intercept that meets the hydrostatic design basis category
(Outside Diameters and Nominal Pressures) Part 1, Metric Series. requirement (see Table 1 and Method D 2837) for the PVC

TABLE 1 Outside Diameters and Tolerances for PVC Plastic Pipe Schedules 40,80, and 120, in. (mm)
For Maximum and Minimum Diameter (Out-of-Roundness)
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter
Average Schedule 40 sizes 3112 In. and Schedule 40 sizes 3 In. and less;
over; Schedule SO sizes Sin. Schedule SO sizes 6 in. and less;
and over Schedule· 120' sizes all
Va 0.405 (10.29) ±0.004 (±0.10) ±0.008 (±0.20)
114 0.540 (13.72) ±0.004 (±0.10) ±O.008 (±0.20)
3/S 0.675 (17.14) ±0~004 (±0.10) ±0.008 (±0.20)
1/2 0.840 (21.34) ±0.004 (±0.10) ±0.008' (±0.20)
3/4 1.050 (26.67) ±0.004 (±0.10) ±0.010 (±O.25)
1 1.315 (33.40) ±O.005 (±0.13) ±0.010 (±O.25)
1114 1.660 (42.16) ±0.005 (±0.13) ±O. 012 (±0.30)
1112 1.900 (48.26) ±0.006 (±0.15) ±0.012 (±O.30)
2 2:375 (60.32) ±0.006 (±0.15) ±0.012 (±0.30)
2112 2.875 (73.02) ±0.007 (±0.1S) ±0.015 (±0.38)
3 3.500 (88.90) ±o.ooa (±0.20) ±0.015 (±0.38)
3112 4.000 (101.60) ±O.OOS (±0.20) ±0.050 (±1.27) ±0.015 (±0.38)
4 4.500 (114.30) ±0.009 (±0.23) ±0.050 (±1.27) ±0.015 (±O.a"S)
5 5.563 (141.30) ±0.010 (±0.25) ±0.050 (±1.27) ±0.030 (±0.76)
6 6.625 (168.28) ±0.011 (±0.28) ±0.050 (±1.27) ±0.035 (±0.89)
8 8.625 (219.08) ±0.015 (±0.38) ±0.075 (±1.90) ±0.045 (±1.14)
10 10.750 (273.05) ±0.015 (±0.38) ±0.075 (±1.90) ±0.050 (±1.27)
12 12.750 (323.85) ±0.015 (±0.3S) ±0.075 (±1.90) ±0.060 (±1.52)

41 0 1785
material used in its manufacture. (Example: PVC 1120 pipe section is that portion of pipe which is at least one pipe
must have a minimum 100 000 h projection of 3830 psi diameter away from an end closure.
(26.40 MPa) and 85 % lower confidence limit (LCL). 8.4 Sustained Pressure Test-Select the test specimens at
6.3 Burst Pressure-The minimum burst pressures for random. Test individually with water at the internal pres-
PVC plastic pipe shall be as given in Table 6, when sures given in Tables 3, 4, and 5, six specimens of pipe, each
determined in accordance with Test Method D 1599. specimen at least ten times the nominal diameter in length,
6.4 Flattening-There shall be no evidence of splitting, but not less than lOin. (250 mm) or more than 3 ft (1 m)
cracldng, or breaking when the pipe is tested in accordance between end closures and bearing the permanent marking on
with 8.5. the pipe. Maintain the specimens at the pressure indicated
6.5 Extrusion Quality-The pipe shall not flake or disin- for a period of 1000 h. Hold the pressure as closely as
tegrate when tested in accordance with Test Method D 2152. possible, but within ± 10 psi (±70 kPa). Condition the
specimens at the test temperature of 73.4°F (23°C) to within
7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 3.6°F (±2°C). Test in accordance with Test Method D 1598,
7.1 The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free except maintain the pressure at the values given in Tables 3,
of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other defects. 4, or 5 for 1000 h. Failure of one of the six specimens tested
The pipe shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in is cause for retest of six additional specimens. Failure of one
color, opacity, density, and other physical properties. of the six specimens tested in retest shall constitute failure in
NOTE 5-Color and transparency or opacity should be specified in
the test. Evidence of failure of the pipe shall be as defined in
the contract or purchase order. Test Method D 1598.
8.4.1 Accelerated Regression Test-Test in accordance
8. Test Methods with procedures in Test Method D 1598, except that re-
8.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens at 73.4 ± strained-end fittings may be employed. A minimum of six
3.6°F (23 ± 2°C) and 50 ± 5 % relative humidity for not less samples will be tested at pressures selected to yield data
than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of points as follows:
Methods D 618, for those tests where conditioning is re- 0.010 to 0.099 h (36 s to 6 min)
quired. 0.10 to 0.999 h (6 min to 1 h)
8.2 Test Conditions-Conduct tests in the Standard Lab- 1.00 to 9.999 h
10.0 to 99.999 h
oratory Atmosphere of73.4 ± 3.6°P (23 ± 2!>C) and 50 ± 5 % 100 to 100+ h
relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test o to 100+ h (random point)
methods or in this specification.
8.3 Sampling-The selection of the sample or samples of Additional points may be added if necessary to improve
pipe shall be as agreed upon by the purchaser and seller. In projection or LCL, or both. No points shall be excluded
case of no prior agreement, any sample selected by the unless an obvious defect is detected in the failure area of the
testing laboratory shall be deemed adequate. test sample. Characterize the results using the least squares
8.3.1 Test Specimens-Not less than 50 % of the test extrapolation described in Method D 2837.
specimens required for any pressure test shall have at least a NOTE 6-Caution: Since rupture of the test specimen is expected in
part of the marking in their central sections. The central quick burst and high stress regression testing, well shielded test equip-

TABLE 2 Wall Thicknesses and Tolerances for PVC Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40,80, and 120,A,B in. (mm)
Wall Thickness A
Nominal Pipe
Schedule 40 Schedule 80 Schedule 120
Minimum Tolerance Minimum Tolerance Minimum Tolerance
1/8 0.068 (1.73) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.095 (2.41) +0.020 (+0.51)
1/4 0.088 (2.24) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.119 (3.02) +0.020 (+0.51)
3/e 0.091 (2.31) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.126 (3.20) +0.020 (+0.51)
1/2 0.109 (2.77) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.147 (3.73) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.170 (4.32) +0.020 (+0.51)
3f4 0.113 (2.87) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.154 (3.91) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.170 (4.32) +0.020 (+0.51)
1 0.133 (3.38) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.179 (4.55) +0.021 (+0.53) 0.200 (5.08) +0.024 (+0.61)
11/4 0.140 (3.56) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.191 (4.85) +0.023 (+0.58) 0.215 (5.46) +0.026 (+0.66)
11/2 0.145 (3.68) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.200 (5.08) +0.024 (+0.61) 0.225 (5.72) +0.027 (+0.68)
2 0.154 (3.91) +0.020 (+0.51) 0.218 (5.54) +0.026 (+0.66) 0.250 (6.35) +0.030 (+0.76)
2112 0.203 (5.16) +0.024 (+0.61) 0.276 (7.01) +0.033 (+0.84) 0.300 (7.62) +0.036 (+0.91)
3 0.216 (5.49) +0.026 (+0.66) 0.300 (7.62) +0.036 (+0.91) 0.350 (8.89) '+0.042 (+1.07)
3112 0.226 (5.74) +0.027 (+0.68) 0.318 (8.08) +0.038 (+0.96) 0.350 (8.89) +0.042 (+1.07)
4 0.237 (6.02) +0.028 (+0.71) 0.337 (8.56) +0.040 (+1.02) 0.437 (11.10) +0.052 (+1.32)
5 0.258 (6.55) +0.031 (+0.79) 0.375 (9.52) +0.045 (+1.14) 0.500 (12.70) +0.060 (+1.52)
6 0.280(7.11) +0.034 (+0.86) 0.432 (10.97) +0.052 (+1.32) 0.562 (14.27) +0.067 (+1.70)
8 0.322 (8.18) +0.039 (+0.99) 0.500 (12.70) +0.060 (+1.52) 0.718 (18.24) +0.086 (+2.18)
10 0.365 (9.27) +0.044 (+1.12) 0.593 (15.06) +0.071 (+1.80) 0.843 (21.41) +0.101 (+2.56)
12 0.406 (10.31) +0.049 (+1.24) 0.687 (17.45) +0.082 (+2.08) 1.000 (25.40) +0.120 (+3.05)
A The minimum is the lowest wall thickness of the pipe at any cross section. The maximum permitted wall thickness, at any cross section, is the minimum wall thickness
plus the stated tolerance. All tolerances are on the plus side of the minimum requirement.
B These dimensions conform to nominal IPS dimensions, with the exception that Schedule 120 wall thickness for pipe sizes 1f2 to 31/2 In. (12;5 to 87.5 mm). inclusive,
are special PVC plastic pipe sizes.

4~ 01786
TABLE· 3 SU$t~inec;l P~essureTest Conditions for Water at 13QF TABLE 4 SUstained Pressure Test Conditions for Water at 73°F
(23°C) for PVC Plastic Pi~e,. Schedule 40 . (23°C) for PVC PI.listic Pjpe,Schedule 80
Pressure Required for Test.ll .Pressure Required for· TestA
Nominal Pipe PVCt120 Nominal Pipe PVC1120
Size PVC1220 PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC2110 Size PVC1220 PVC2116 PVC211~ PVC2110
PVG2120 ,PVC2120
in. psi in. psi
Va 1690. 1360 1130 930 Va 2570 2060 1720 1410
1/4 1~140, . 1310 1090 900 1/4 2370 1900 1580 1300
3/8 1310 1050 870 720 3/8 1930 1540 1290 1060
112 1250 1000 840 690 112 1780 1430 1190 980
3f4 1010 810 680 550 3f4 '1440 1160 960 790
1 9.50 760 630 520 1 1320 1060 880 720
1114 770 620 520 420 1114 1090 870 730 600
1112 690 560 460 380 1112 990 790 660 540
2 580 470 390 320 . 2 '850 680 570 460
2112 640 510 430 350 2112 890 710 590 490
3 590 440 370 300 3 790 630 520 430
3112 500 400 340 280 3112 730 580 480 400
4' 470 . 370 310 260 4 680 540 450 370
5 410 330 270 220 5 610 490 400 330
6 370 300 250 200 6 590 470 390 320
8 330 260 220 180 8 520 410 340 280
10 300 240 200 160 10 490 390 330 270
12 260 220 180 150 12 460 360 320 260
in. MPa in. MPa
1fIi 11.65 9.36 7.79 6.41 118 17.72 14.21 11.86 9.72
1/4 11.31 9.03 7.52 6.21 1/4 16.34 13.10 10.90 8.96
3/8 9.03 7.24 6.00 4.96 3/8 13.31 10.62 8.89 7.31
112 8.62 6.89 5.79 4.76 1/2 12.27 9.86 6.20 6.76
3f4 6.96 5.56 4.69 3.79 3f4 9.93 6.00 6.62 5.45
1 6.55 5.24 4.34 3.59 1 9.10 7.31 6.07 4.96
11/4 5.31 4.27 3.59 2.90 1114 7.52 6.00 5.03 4.14
1112 4.76 3.86 3.17 2.62 1112 6.83 4.96 4:55 3.72
2 4.00 3.24 2.69 2.21 2 5.86 4.69 3.93 3.17
2112 4.41 3.52 2.96 2.41 2112 6.14 4.90 4.07 3.36
·3 4.07 3.03 . 2.55 2.07 3 5.~5 4.34 3.59 2.96
3112 3.45 2.76 2.34 1.93 3112 5~03 4.00 3.31 2.76
4 3.24 2.55. 2.14 1.79 4 4.69 3.72 3.10 2.55
5 2.83 2.28 1.86 . 1.52 5 .4.21 3.36' 2.76 2.26
6 2.55 2.07 1.72 1.38 6 4.07 3.24 2.69-· 2.21
8 2.26 - 1.79 1.52 1.24 8 3.59 2.83 2.34 1.93
10 2.07 1.65 1.36 1.10 10 3.38 2.69 2.28 1.86
. 12 1.93 1.52 .' 1.24 1.03 12 3.31 2.62 2.21 1.79
A The fiber stresses used to derive these test pressures are as follows: A The fiber stresses' used to derive these test pressures are as follows:
psi MPa psi MPa
PVC1120 4200 29.0 PVC1120 4200 29.0
PVC1220 4200 29.0 PVC1220 4200 29.0
PVC2120 4200 29.0 PVC2120 4200 29.0
PVC2116 3360 23.2 PVC2116 3360 23.2
PVC2112 2800 19.3 PVC2112 2800 19.3
PVC2110 2300 15.9 PVC2110 2300 15.9

ment and protective personal equipment should be used when con- 9. Retest and Rejection -
ducting the tests.
. 9.1 If any failure occurs, the materials may be retested to
8.5 Burst Pressure-Determine the minimum burst pres- establish conformity in accordance with agreement between
surt( with' at least five specimens in accordance -with Test" I-the purchaser~md the seller.
Method ,0 1599. The time of testing of each' specimen shall 10~ Certificatio..
be between 60 and 70 s. .10.1 The seal of the National Sanitation Foundation
8;6 Flattening-Flatten three specimens of the pipe, 2 in. Testing Laboratory, Inc. indicates that the product is tested
(50 mm) IQng, between parallel plates in a suitable press until under the NSF certification program.
the distance: between 'the plates is 40 % of the outside 10.2 Certification and labeling, by other independent
diameter the pipe or 'the walls of the pip'c touch, whichever laboratories, may be accepted if. approved by the code
occurs .first. The rate of loading shall be uniform and such authority having jurisdiction.
that th~: compre~sion is -completed within 2 to 5 min. On
removal of the load examine the specimens for evidence of 11. Product Marking
splitting,-'cracking, or breaking. 11.1 Quality of Marking-The marking shall be applied
to the pipe in such a manner that it remains legible (easily

4~ 01785
read) after installation and inspection. TABLES Continued
11.2 Content of Marking: Pressure Required for TestA
11.2.1 Marking on the pipe shall include the following, Nominal Pipe PVC1120
Size PVC1220 PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC2110
spaced at intervals of not more than 5 ft (1.5 m):
PVC2120 Nominal pipe size (for example, 2 in. (50 mm»,
In. MPa Type of plastic pipe material in accordance with
1/2 14.69 11.79 9.79 8.07
the designation code prescribed in 4.5, for example, 3/4 11.17 8.96 7.45 6.14
PVC1120, 1 10.41 8.27 6.89 5.72
11/4 8.62 6.89 5.72 4.69 Schedule (40, 80, or 120, whichever is applicable) 1112 7.79 6.21 5.17 4.27
and the pressure rating in pounds per square inch 2 6.83 5.45 4.55 3.72
(megapascals) for water at 73°F (23°C) shown as the number 2112 6.76 5.38 4.48 . 3.72
3 6.41 5.17 4.27 3.52
followed by psi (for example, 200 psi (1.4 MPa». When the 3112 5.58 4.41 3.72 3.03
indicated pressure rating is lower than that calculated in 4 6.21 4.96 4.14 3.38
5 5.72 4.55 3.79 3.10
accordance with 3.4 (see Appendix), this shall be indicated· 6 5.38 4.27 3.59 . 2.96
by placing a star after the pressure rating, 8 5.24 4.21 3.52 2.90
10 5.31 4.27 3.52 2.90 ASTM designation D 1785, with which the pipe 12 4.90 3.93 3.31 2.69
complies, A The fiber stresses used to derive these test pressures are as follows: Manufacturer's name (or trademark) and code
psi MPa
(see Note 3), and
PVC1120 4200 29.0
PVC1220 4200 29.0
TABLE S Sustained Pressure Test Conditions for Water at 73°F PVC2120 4200 29.0
(23°C) for PVC Plastic Pipe, Schedule 120 PVC2116 3360 23.2
PVC2112 2800 19.3
Pressure Required for TestA PVC2110 2300 15.9
Nominal Pipe PVC1120
Size PVC1220 PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC2110
PVC2120 Pipe intended for the transport of potable water
in. psi shall also include the seal or mark of the laboratory making
1/2 2130 1710 1420 1170 the evaluation for this purpose, spaced at intervals specified
3/4 1620 1300 1080 890 by the laboratory.
1 1510 1200 1000 830
1000 830 680 NOTE 7-Manufacturers using the seal or mark of a laboratory must
1114 1250
11/2 1130 900 750 620 obtain prior authorization from the laboratory concerned.
2 990 790 660 540 NOTE 8-It is common practice to dual mark Schedule 40 piping for
2112 980 780 650 540 potable water and DWV usage in which compliance with each appli-
3 930 750 620 510 cable standard is met.
3112 810 640 540 440
4 900 720 600 490 12. Quality Assurance
5 830 660 550 450
6 780 620 520 430 12.1 Quality Assurance-When the prodUct is marked
8 760 610 510 420 with this designation "ASTM D 1785", the manufacturer
10 770 620 510 420 affirms that this product was inspected, sampled, and tested
12 710 570 480 390
in accordance with this specification and has been found to
meet the requirements of this specification.


These requirements apply only to Federal/Military procurement, not domestic sales or transfers.

S1. Responsibility for Inspection-Unless otherwise speci- ensure that material conforms to prescribed requirements.
fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is
NOTE Sl-In U.S. Federal contracts, the contractor is responsible for
responsible for the performance of all inspection and test
requirements specified herein. The producer may use his
own or any other suitable facilities for the performance of the S2. Packaging and Markingfor u.s. Government Procure-
inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless the ment:
purchaser disapproves. The purchaser shall have the right to S2.1 Packaging-Unless otherwise specified in the con-
perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this tract, the materials shall be packaged in accordance with the
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to supplier's standard practice in a manner ensuring arrival at

~~ 0 17~5
destination in satisfactory condition and which will be dance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for military agencies.
acceptable to the carrier at lowest rates. Containers and
packing shall comply with Uniform Freight Classification NOTE S2-The inclusion of U.S. Government procurement require-

rules or National Motor Freight Classification rules. ments should not be construed as an indication that the U.S. Govern-
ment uses or endorses the products described in this document.
S2.2 Marking-Marking for shipment shall be in accor-


(Non mandatory Information)


X 1.1 The hydrostatic design stresses recommended by the TABLE X1.1 Water Pressure Ratings at 73°F (23°C) for Schedule
Plastics Pipe Institute are used to pressure rate PVC plastic 40 PVC Plastic Pipe
pipe. These hydrostatic design stresses are 2000 psi (14 MPa), Pressure Ratings A
1600 psi (11.2 MPa), 1250 psi (8.7 MPa, and 1000 psi (7 Pipe PVC1120
Size ,PVC1220 PVC2116 PVC2112 B PVC2110 B
MPa) for water at 73°F (23°C). These hydrostatic design PVC2120
stresses apply only to pipe meeting all the requirements of in. psi
this specification. 1Ia 810 650 500 400
X 1.2 Six PVC pipe materials are included based on the 114 780 620 490 390
3/a 620 500 390 310
requirements of Specification D 1784 and the PPI-recom-
112 600 480 :370 300
mended hydrostatic design stresses as follows:· 3f4 480 390 300 240
X1.2.1 Type I, Grade 1 (12454-B), with a hydrostatic 1 450 360 280 220
11/4 370 290 230 180
design stress of 2000 psi (14 MPa), designated as PVC1120. 1112 330 260 210 170
X1.2.2 Type I, Grade 2 (12454-C), with a hydrostatic 2 280 . 220 170 140
design stress of 2000 psi (14 MPa), designated as PVC1220. 2112 300 240 190 150
3 260 210 160 130
X1.2.3 Type II, Grade 1 (14333-D), with a hydrostatic 3112 240 190 150 120
design stress of 2000 psi (14 MPa), designated as PVC2120. 4 220 180 140 110
5 190 160 120 100
X1.2.4 Type II, Grade I (14333-D), with a hydrostatic 6 180 140 110 90
design stress of 1600 psi (11.2 MPa), designated as PVC2116, 8 160 120 100 80
10 140 110 90 70
X1.2.5 Type II, Grade 1 (14333-D), with a hydrostatic 12 130 110 80 70
design stress of 1250 psi (8.7 MPa), designated as PVC2112. in. MPa (bar)C
X1.2.6 Type II, Grade 1 (14333.,D), with a hydrostatic
1Ia 5.58 (56) 4.48 (45) 3.45 (34) 2.76 (28)
design stress of 1000 psi (7.0 MPa), designated as PVC2110. 1/4 5.38 (54) 4.27 (43) 3.38 (33) 2.69 (27)
X 1.3 The standard method for obtaining hydrostatic basis 3/a 4.27 (43) 3.45 (34) 2.69 (27) 2.14 (21)
112 4.14 (41) 3.31 (33) 2.55 (25) 2.07 (21)
for thermoplastic pipe materials is Method D 2837. Addi- 3/4 3.31 (33) 2.69 (27) 2.07 (21) 1.65 (16)
tional information regarding the method of test and other 1 3.10 (31) 2.48 (25) 1.93 (19) 1.52 (15)
criteria used in developing these hydrostatic design stresses 11/4 2.55 (25) 2.04 (20) 1.59 (16) 1.24 (12)
1112 2.28 (23) 1.79 (18) 1.45 (14) 1.17 (12)
may be obtained from the Plastics Pipe Institute, a division 2 1.93 (19) 1.52 (15) 1.17 (12) 0.97 (9.7)
of The Society of the Plastics Industry, 355 Lexington Ave., 2112 2.07 (21) 1.65 (16) 1.31 (13) 1.03 (10)
3 1.79 (28) 1.45 (14) 1.10 (11) 0.90 (9.0)
New York, NY 10017. These hydrostatic design stresses may 3112 1.65 (16) 1.3t (13) 1.03 (10) 0.83 (8.3)
not be suitable for materials that show a wide departure from 4 1.52 (15) 1.24 (12) 0.97 (9.7) 0.76 (7.6)
a straight-line plot of log stress versus log time to failure. All 5 1.31 (13) 1.10 (11) 0.83 (8.3) 0.69 (6.9)
6 1.24 (12) 0.97 (9.7) 0.76 (7.6) 0.62 (6.2)
the data available to date on PVC pipe materials made in the 8 1.10 (11) 0.83 (8.3) 0.69 (6.9) 0.55 (5.5)
United States exhibit a straight-line plot under these plotting 10 0.97 (9.7) 0.76 (7.6) 0.62 (6.2) 0.48 (4.8)
12 0.90 (9.0) 0.76 (7.6) 0.55 (5.5) 0.48 (4.8)
A These pressure ratings apply only to unthreaded pipe. The Industry does not
X1.4 The pipe is rated for use with water at 73°F (23°C) at recommend threading PVC plastic pipe in Schedule 40 dimensions in nominal pipe
the maximum internal pressures shown in Tables X 1.1, sizes 6 in. (150 mm) and smaller.
X 1.2, and X 1.3. Lower pressure ratings than those calculated B See Appendix for code designation.
C 1 bar = 14.504 psi.
in accordance with 3.4 may be recommended, at the option
of the pipe manufacturer, in which case the SDR shall be
included in the marking. Experience of the industry indicates through the slopes of the strength-time plots of these
that PVC plastic pipe meeting the requirements of this materials in pipe form.
specification gives satisfactory service under normal condi- Xl.5 The hydrostatic design stresses recommended by the
tions for a long period at these pressure ratings. The Plastics Pipe Institute are based on tests made on pipe
sustained pressure requirements are related to these ratings ranging in size from 112 to 21/2 in. (12.5 to 63.5 mm).

4mtt,~ D "1785

JABLEXl.2 WaterPressuref{atings at 73°F (23°C) for Schedule 80 PVC Plastic Pipe

Nominal Pipe
PVc'1120, PV~122Q, 'PVC21,2Q ' PVC2116 PVC2112 ". PVC211Q
Size,ln. ' . -
.Untl:lread~ Thre~ped 1 Unthre~~~ Threaded Unth~eaded Threaded . Un,t,hrellded Threaded
Va 1230. 610. 980. 490. 770. 380. 610. 310.
1/4 1130. 570. 90.0. 450. 710. 350. 570. 280.
3/0 920. 460. 730. 370. 570. 290. 460. 230.
1/2 850. 420. 680. 340. 530. 260. 420. 210.
3f4 690. 340. 550. 280. 430. 210. 340. 170.
1 630. 320. 50.0. 250. 390. 20.0. 320. 160.
1114 520. 260. 420. 210. 320. 160. 260. 130.
1112 470. 240. 380. . 190. ' 290. 150. 240. 120.
2 40.0. 20.0. 320. 160. 250. 130. 20.0. 10.0.
2112 420. 210. 340. 170. 260. 130. 210. 110.
3 370. 190. 30.0. 150. 230. 120. 190. 90.
3112 350. 170. 280. 140. 220. 110. 170. 90.
4 '320. 160. 260. 130. '20.0. 10.0 160. 80.
5 290. 140. 230. 120. 180. 90. 140. 70.
6 280. 140. 220. 110. 170. 90. 1.40 70.
8 250. 120. 20.0. 10.0. ;1'50. 80. '120.- 60.
10. 230. 120. .190. 90. 150. 70. 120. 60.
12 . 230. 110. 180. 90. 140. 70. 110. 60.
MPa (bar)
Nominal Pipe
PVC1120, PVC1 ~2o., PVC212o. PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC211Q
Size, in.
Unt~readed , : Threaded Unthreaded Threaded ' Unthreaded Threaded Unthreadec! Threaded
1/0 8,48 (85) 4.21 (42) 6.76 (68) 3.38 (39): 5.31 (53) 2.62 (26) 4.21 (42) .2.14 (21);
114 7.79 (80.) 3.93 (39) 6.21 (62) 3.10. (31) 4.90. (49) 2.41 (~4) 3.93 (49) 1.93 (19)
3/0 6.34 (63) '3.17 (32) 5.0.3 (50.) 2.55 (25) 3.93 (39) 2.0.0. (20.) . 3.1.7 (32) 1.59 (16)
112 . 5.86 (59) 2.90. (29) 4.69 (47) 2.34 (23)" 3.65 (36) 1.79 (18) 2.90"(29) 1.45 (14)
3/4 4.76 (48) 2.34 (23) 3.79 (38) 1.93 (19) , 2.96, ,(29) , 1.45 (14) 2.34 (23) 1.17 (12)
1 4:34 (43) 2.21 (22) 3.45 (34) 1.72 (17) 2:69 (27) 1.38 (13) 2.21 (22) 1.10 (11)
1114 . 3.59 (36) 1.79 (18) 2.90. (29) 1.45 (14)' 2.21 '(22) 1.10. (11) 1;79 (18) 0..90 (9.0) .
11/2 .3.24 (32) 1.65 (16) 2.62 (26) 1.31 (13)'· .. 2:0., (20.) . 1.0.3 (10.) . 1.65 (16) , 0..83(8.3),;
2 ' 2.76 (28) 1.38 (14) 2.21 (22) 1.10. (11) '. . 1.72 (17) 0..90. (9.0.) 1.38 (14) 0..69 (6.9)
2112 '2.90. (29) '1.45 (15) 2.34 (23) 1.17 (12) . 1.79 (18) 0..90. (9.0.) 1.45 (14) '0..16 (7.6)
3 2.55 (25) 1.31 (13) 2.0.7 (21) 1.0.3 (10.), 1.59(16) 0..83 (8.3) 1.31 (13). ,,0.:62 (6:2)
31/2 2.41 (24) 1.17 (12) 1.93 (19) 0..97 (9.7) " 1.52 (15) 0.,76(7.6) ; 1.17 (12) , ." 0.62 (6.2)
4 2.21 (22) 1.10. (11) 1.79 (18) 0..90. (9.0.) 1..38 (14) 0..69 (6.9) 1.10. (11) " 0.5~ (5.5)
5 2.0.0. (20.) 0..97 (9.7) 1.59 (16) 0..83 (8.3)' 1:24 (12) " a.62 (6:2) '0..97(9.1) 0.48 (4.8)
6 1.93 (19) 0..97 (9.7) 1.52 (15) 0..76 (7.6) , : . 1.17. (11), " '0.'.62,(6.2) 0..97 (9.7) ·'0.,48 (4.8)
8 1.72 (17) 0..83 (8.3) 1.38 (14) 0..69 (6.9), 1.0.3 (10.) .0..55 (5.5) O~~3 (8.3); 0..41 (4.1)
10. 1.59.(16) 0..83 (8.3) 1.31 (13) 0..62 (6.2) 1.0.3 (1Qj 0..48 (4.8) 0..83 (8.3)' 0..41 (4.1)
12 1.59 (16) 0.:,6 (7.6) 1.24 (12) 0..62 (6.2) 0.;97,(9.7), "0.48 (4.8) 0.:76.(7.6) 0..41 (4.1)

~~ 01785
TABLE X1.3 Water Pressure Ratings at 73°F (23°C) for Schedule 120 PVC Plastic Pipe
Nominal Pipe
PVC1120, PVC1220, PVC2120 PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC2110
Size, in.
Unthreaded Threaded Untreaded Threaded Unthreaded Threaded Unthreaded Threaded
112 1010 510 810 410 630 320 510 250
% 770 390 620 310 480 240 390 190
1 720 360 570 290 450 220 360 180
1114 600 300 480 240 370 190 300 150
1112 540 270 430 210 340 170 270 130
2 470 240 380 190 290 150 240 120
21/2 470 230 370 190 290 150 230 120
3 440 220 360 180 280 140 220 110
3112 380 190 310 150 240 120 190 100
4 430 220 340 170 270 130 220 110
5 400 200 320 160 250 120 200 100
6 370 190 300 150 230 120 190 90
8 380 180 290 140 230 110 180 90
10 370 180 290 140 230 110 180 90
12 340 170 270 140 210 110 170 80
MPa (bar)
Nominal Pipe
PVC1120, PVC1220, PVC2120 PVC2116 PVC2112 PVC2110
Size, in.
Unthreaded Threaded Unthreaded Threaded Unthreaded Threaded Unthreaded Threaded
1/2 6.96 (70) 3.52 (35) 5.58 (56) 2.83 (28) 4.34 (43) 2.21 (22) 3.52 (35) 1.72 (17)
3/4 5.31 (53) 2.69 (27) 4.27 (43) 2.14 (21) 3.31 (33) 1.65 (16) 2.69 (27) 1.31 (13)
1 4.96 (50) 2.48 (25)1 3.93 (39) 2.00 (20) 3.10 (31) 1.52 (15) 2.48 (25) 1.24 (12)
1114 4.14 (41) 2.07 (21) 3.31 (33) 1.65 (16) 2.55 (25) 1.31 (13) 2.07 (21) 1.03 (10)
1112 3.72 (37) 1.86 (19) 2.96 (30) 1.45 (14) 2.34 (23) 1.17 (12) 1.86 (18) 0.90 (9.0) ,
2 3.24 (32) 1.65 (17) 2.62 (26) 1.31 (13) 2.00 (20) 1.03 (10) 1.65 (16) 0.83 (8.3)
21/2 3.24 (32) 1.59 (16) 2.55 (25) 1.31 (13) 2.00 (20) 1.03 (10) 1.59 (16) 0.83 (8.3)
3 3.03 (30) 1.52 (15) 2.48 (24) 1.24 (12) 1.93 (19) 0.97 (9.7) 1.52 (15) 0.76 (7.6)
31/2 2.62 (26) 1.31 (13) 2.14 (21) 1.03 (10) 1.65 (16) 0.83 (8.3) 1.31 (13) 0.69 (6.9)
4 2.96 (29). 1.52 (15) 2.34 (23) 1.17 (12) 1.86 (18) 0.90 (9.0) 1.52 (15) 0.76 (7.6)
5 2.76 (27) 1.38 (14) 2.21 (22) 1.10 (11) 1.72 (17) 0.83 (8.3) 1.38 (14) 0.69 (6.9)
6 2.55 (25) 1.31 (13) 2.07 (21) 1.03 (10) 1.59 (16) 0.83 (8.3) 1.31 (13) 0.62 (6.2)
8 2.62 (26) 1.24 (12) 2.00 (20) 0.97 (9.7) 1.59 (16) 0.76 (7.6) , 1.24 (12) 0.62 (6.2)
10 2.55 (25) 1.24 (12) 2.00 (20) 0.97 (9.7) 1.59 (16) 0.76 (7.6) 1.24 (12) 0.62 (6.2)
12 2.34 (23) 1.17 (11) 1.86 (18) 0.97 (9.7) 1.45 (14) 0.76 (7.6) 1.17 (11) 0.55(5.5)

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. .

This standard Is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be revi~weq every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful cons/deration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearIng you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards; 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.


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