Design, Fabrication and Testing of A 4-Way Catalytic Converter For Reducing Exhaust Emission Pollution in A Diesel Automobile Engine

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 6, Dec 2018, 555-568
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.





Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
Deemed to be University, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India
Principal, DBS Institute of Technology, Kavali, Andhra Pradesh, India

Demand for automobiles is increasing by the day all over the world. Diesel oil being cheaper than gasoline,
diesel vehicles are being used for personal purposes than the commercial applications. It is projected that by 2030, 1300
million automobiles will be plying on roads. Due to incomplete combustion of fuel oil pollutants like CO, HC, and NOx
are released into atmosphere causing negative impact on air quality, environment and human health.

Original Article
Researchers all over the world concentrated on how to reduce the pollutants. Euro norms specify the
allowable percentages of CO, HC and NOx in the exhaust gases. Euro norms being implemented in the developed
countries have given stringent values, which has led to the development of catalytic converter which is added
equipment in automobile. Hitherto in the catalytic converters supplied in modern cars, Platinum and Rhodium metals
are used for coating monoliths. These metals are rare, and hence expensive. From Euro 4 onwards NOx values are
reduced drastically. Hence, NOx abatement has become a major issue.

In the research carried out by authors, alternative coating materials like CeO2, ZrO2 which help NOx
abatement and oxygen storage are used over clay marbles. These were designed, fabricated and tested on automobiles.
The results are encouraging showing marked fall of pollutants in exhaust gases.

KEYWORDS: Diesel Oil, Pollutants, Clay Marbles, Abatement & Oxygen

Received: Sep 14, 2018; Accepted: Oct 04, 2018; Published: Nov 26, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDDEC201859


The use of catalytic converter came in to existence after 1975, before which an extensive research and
studies were made in controlling the pollution emitted by the automobiles. The problem of pollution control was
tackled in different levels from 1975 till date. Initially, efforts were made to improve fuel quality. Next step was to
improve the engine design. As the Euro norms were stringent by every decade, from Euro I to VI, researchers
concentrated on emission reduction using external equipment like a catalytic converter.

In the very early stage to control the pollution from the automobiles, a PCV (positive crank ventilation)
system was designed, whose function is to collect the unburnt hydrocarbons and burn them, rather than to release
into atmosphere. By the year 1984, most of the cars in US were equipped with PCV and became standard SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

556 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

equipment on all the vehicles.

Later on, to reduce the emitted pollution from the automobiles, tuning of the engines and use of leaded petrol has
been made. In order to meet the standards set by the EPA, it became quite difficult for the tuning techniques as they were
seriously reducing the engine efficiency, and thus leading to increase in fuel usage.

The recent norms to be used in the European Union is EURO VI, which is a frame work that dictates the limits of
pollutants that different mobile sources can produce to be commercially available in the European union. The norm limits
the production of total hydrocarbons (THC), Non-Methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Carbon
monoxides (CO) and Particulate matter (PM). PM has been retained at 0.005 from Euro 5 onwards. But, NOx values are
drastically reduced from 0.5 in Euro 3 to 0.08 in Euro 6 for diesel engines.

Table 1: European Emission Standards

Tier Date
g/km g/km g/km g/km g/km g/km
Euro 1 July 1992 2.72 - - - 0.97 0.14
Euro 2 January 1996 1.0 - - - 0.7 0.08
Euro 3 January 2000 0.64 - - 0.5 0.56 0.05
Euro 4 January 2005 0.50 - - 0.25 0.30 0.025
Euro 5 September 2009 0.50 - - 0.18 0.23 0.005
Euro 6 September 2014 0.50 - - 0.08 0.17 0.005
Euro 1 July 1992 2.72 - - - 0.97 -
Euro 2 January 1996 2.2 - - - 0.5 -
Euro 3 January 2000 2.3 0.2 - 0.15 - -
Euro 4 January 2005 1.0 0.1 - 0.08 - -
Euro 5 September 2009 1.0 0.1 0.068 0.06 - 0.005
Euro 6 September 2014 1.0 0.1 0.068 0.06 - 0.005

India has adopted euro norms I and II in the year 2000. Presently, in the year 2010, euro III norms were
implemented, and they are renamed as Bharat stage I, II, III, IV, V and VI (proposed through 2020). Bharat stage V
stipulates a reduction of 28% NOx and 93% PM values.

Table 2: Comparison of BS4 and BS5 Emission Norms for N1 Class 3 Vehicle
Emission Norms
g/km g/km g/km g/km
Bharat Stage IV 0.74 0.46 0.39 0.06
Bharat Stage V 0.74 0.36 0.28 0.0045
% Less NO change 22 28 93

The catalytic converter in an automobile is an expanded section of exhaust pipe occurring upstream of
the muffler, in which pollutants generated in the engine are converted to normal atmospheric gases. It is an essential
element in the emissions control system of modern automobiles. Early catalyst systems, as applied to vehicles with
carburetors, attempted to oxidize carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water vapor, using air added by means of an air pump or rapidly actuating valve system.

There are mainly two types of devices that are used in decontamination of air based on the methods used for
purification. They are Physical and Chemical. Catalytic converters utilize chemical reactions between the catalyst and the
pollutant to remove the contamination. There are two types of catalytic reactions that take place in a catalytic converter:

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 4-Way Catalytic 557
Converter for Reducing Exhaust Emission
Pollution in a Diesel Automobile Engine
reduction catalysts and oxidation catalysts, and they both work on the concept of transforming pollutants into less harmful
substances. Reduction catalysts are the first stage in the purification process, where the catalyst break apart the chemical
bonds of nitric oxides by making stronger bonds with the nitrogen than the nitrogen is bonded to the oxygen. In the
oxidation catalyst, the remaining pollutants, generally carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are burned to encourage
bonding between the carbon and hydrogen atoms of the pollutants and the oxygen in the environment to produce carbon
dioxide and water.

The catalytic converters are mainly equipped in the exhaust system of the automobiles, in order to remove

• Excess Hydrocarbons

• Nitrous oxides

• Carbon monoxide

• Sulphur Oxides

The catalytic converter consists mainly of the following components: 1) Diffuser 2) Monolith and 3) Reducer.
These are enclosed in an assembly and attached to exhaust silencer before muffler, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Typical Catalytic Converter Assembly

It can be seen that for Euro IV itself, which is implemented nationwide w.e.f 1st April 2017 as BS IV in India,
stipulates 4% CO; 0.55% HC; 3.5% NOx and 0.03% PM. Compared to this Euro VI implemented in European cities
stipulate 1% CO & 0.06% NOx and particularly very low HC and PM. This stipulation is posing severe restriction on NOx
reduction. NOx level reduction causes increase in CO and CO level reduction causes increased NOx emission. Hence, a
compromise is to be arrived at CeO2 has been found as an efficiently suitable oxygen storage material for the wide
application of TWC (Three-way Catalytic Converter) as shown in the following reactions:

C e O 2 → C e O 2−δ + δ / 2 O 2 (Lean region)

C eO 2−δ + δ / 2O 2 → C eO 2 (Rich region)

Oxygen requirement for oxidation depends on Air/Fuel ration (Standard) and Air/Fuel ration (Stoichiometric).

The engine exhaust gas composition is commonly classified in terms of λ which is ratio of /

Thus, due to unique redox property of CeO2 (Cerial) of storing oxygen during lean conditions and release during SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

558 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

rich conditions, it has been selected as catalyst.

Over the last four decades, various technologies are used for reducing emission from automobile exhaust. They

• Improvement in the engine design

• Air injection

• Multi point Fuel injection system instead of carburetor / fuel injectors

• Exhaust gas recirculation

• Catalytic converter

• Evaporator emission control

• Improvement in road condition and traffic network.

During recent times, as Euro norms have drastically reduced CO & NOx levels, researches are concentrating on
this aspect by trying different catalysts in catalytic converters.

In Indian scenario, as it is a developing country, it cannot afford to scrap old diesel vehicles like buses, trucks and
taxis. Hence, these old vehicles need retrofit of Catalytic Converter. The developed catalytic converter by the authors of
this paper is aimed as cost effective product, which can be sold at affordable price for retrofitting old vehicles.

Design of Catalytic Converter & Fabrication

Based on Tata Indica Diesel car engine specifications, the exhaust gas volume is calculated and the dimensions of
the oxidation and reduction canisters are arrived.

Table 3: Specifications of Diesel Engine

Particulars Specifications
Engine DDiS Diesel engine
Maximum power 75 psra 4000 rpm
Speed 1500 rpm
Fuel Diesel
No. of cylinders Four
Maximum torque 190 Nm ra 2000 rpm
Bore diameter 69.6 mm
Stroke length 82 mm
Starting Self starting
Working cycle Four stroke
Method of cooling Water cooling
Method of ignition Compression
CC 1248

The catalytic converter assembly consists of particulate filter, canister, perforated circular housing, spacer ring,
exhaust gas flow deflector and arrangement for back pressure measurement. The clay marbles coated with catalyst were
arranged into a perforated canister. The inner and outer diameters of circular housing were 132 mm and 140 mm,
respectively. A suitable flow deflector was arranged into the divergent portion of catalytic converter. A spacer ring was
used in housing to prevent leakage of exhaust gases. Circular ring was used to reduce diameter of perforated housing.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 4-Way Catalytic 559
Converter for Reducing Exhaust Emission
Pollution in a Diesel Automobile Engine

The pot makers’ Clay is taken and sufficient water is added to make the clay workable paste. The wet clay is then
hand rolled into 20mm diameter marbles, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Clay Marbles

These clay marbles are then dried in open air at room temperature for one day. The excess moisture content in the
clay will be evaporated and the clay marbles will become hard. These dried clay marbles are then heated in a furnace up to
a temperature of 350°C, with a heating rate of 10°C per minute initially, and after reaching 100°C the rate of heating is
increased to 15°C per minute. The marbles are then cooled to room temperature in the furnace itself for one day. This will
make the marbles harder and now ready for the catalyst coating.

Optimization of Marble Size

The variation of void space is a cubic curve not a straight line. Most economical is 10mm as it gives minimum
void space. But, the flow resistance will be high and hence back pressure of gasses increases reducing efficiency of engine
and resulting in more fuel consumption.

Hence, 20mm diameter is optimum as it gives maximum surface area of and minimum resistance (can be
experimentally verified by testing different marble sizes using a small canister and noting pressure drop). Hence, it is
decided 20mm diameter is suitable for this experiment. Detailed calculations as to how 20 mm dia was arrived at are
shown in Annexure I.


Figure 3: Preparation Path of Wash Coatings SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

560 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

Catalyst and Substrate Preparation in the Laboratory

Catalyst Slurry Preparation for Wash Coating

Aluminum oxide (Alumina) was used as wash coat material to increase the coating strength to surface of Clay
marbles or Pellets. Twenty five grams (25gm) of alumina was added into five grams (5gm) of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
which is a water-soluble synthetic polymer and are being used in papermaking, textiles, and a variety of other coatings.
2ml acetic acid with 50 ml of distilled water was added to get aluminum oxide slurry. The slurry was then stirred at
600rpm for one hour. The figure 4 (b) shows the prepared catalyst slurry.

Material Selection for Substrate

Some materials like copper, stainless were used as monoliths substrate and the authors have used clay as it has
good physical properties to absorb the gases. The clay is made into round marble shape to a diameter of 20mm, which
gives more surface area and is coated by catalyst.

Treatment of Coating on Clay Marbles Substrate: Done in Three Steps

Wash Coat Material is Applied in Step 1 by Dip Coating

Aluminum oxide is a chemical compound of aluminum and oxygen with the chemical formulaAl2O3.

(a) (b)
Figure 4: a) Prepared Clay Marbles, (b) Finished Mixture of
Metal Catalyst and Wash Coat Slurry

The Clay marbles substrates were then coated with the metal catalyst by dipping technique. Coated substrates are
calcined. In this process, clay marbles substrate was immersed into prepared catalyst slurry for the duration of 15·20
minutes. Then, the coated clay marbles substrate was removed from catalyst slurry. They were dried in an oven at a
temperature of 120◦C for 2hours before being calcined in a muffle furnace. Calcination is a process in which, a material is
heated to a high temperature without fusing, so that hydrates, carbonates, or other compounds are decomposed and the
volatile material is expelled. Calcination is done at a temperature of 250oC in a muffle furnace for 30 min.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 4-Way Catalytic 561
Converter for Reducing Exhaust Emission
Pollution in a Diesel Automobile Engine

Figure 5: Wash Coated Clay Marbles

Catalyst Slurry Preparation for Oxidation Coating

Cerium (IV) oxide is an oxide of the rare earth metal cerium. It is a pale yellow-white powder with the chemical
formula CeO2. 10gm of Cerium (IV) oxide was added into 2.5gm of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which is a water-soluble
synthetic polymer and 2ml acetic acid with 20 ml of distilled water to get Cerium (IV) oxide slurry. The slurry was then
stirred at 600rpm for one hour. After completing the slurry preparation, wash coat coated clay marbles substrate was coated
in the same way as above. Figure 7 (a) shows the complete cerium oxide coated clay marbles substrate.

(a) Cerium Oxide Coating Substrate (b) Zirconium Dioxide Coating Substrate
Figure 6: Catalyst Coated Clay Marbles

Catalyst Slurry Preparation for Reduction Coating

Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium. 10gm of Zirconium dioxide was added into
2.5gm of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which is a water-soluble synthetic polymer and 2ml acetic acid with 20 ml of distilled
water to get Zirconium dioxide slurry. The slurry was then stirred at 600rpm for one hour. After completing the slurry
preparation, clay marbles substrate which are already coated with wash coat are coated with the catalyst by the coating
process repeated as above. Figure 7 (b) shows the complete Zirconium dioxide coated clay marbles substrate.

Preparation of Canister

Canister is a cylindrical container used for storing clay marbles. G.I sheet is used for the preparation of canister.
It is prepared with dimensions of 100mm length and 80mm diameter according to the dimensions of converter housing.
The G.I sheet is cut into 250mm* 90mm, this sheet was shaped into cylinder and spot welded. Two round plates are cut.
They are provided with 2mm holes so, that gas can be flow through it. These plates are welded to the cylinder to be used to
hold the coated clay marbles as caps. SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

562 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

a) Cylindrical G.I sheet (b) Canister cap

Figure 7

Catalytic Converter Housing Fabrication

The catalytic converter housing used for keeping coated substrate in position consists of

• Inlet pipe

• Diffuse

• Oxidation Catalyst housing

• Reduction Catalyst housing

• Reducer

• Exhaust pipe as given in figure 8 (a)


(b) (c)
Figure 8: (a) Housing Section (b) Inserting Substrates into Casing
(c) Complete Catalytic Converter Assembly

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 4-Way Catalytic 563
Converter for Reducing Exhaust Emission
Pollution in a Diesel Automobile Engine
Using thick mild steel sheet, two cone shaped objects are fabricated to serve as diffuser & reducer. Two
cylindrical shaped objects are fabricated to serve for housing canisters prepared earlier. The four components are welded
with suitable flanges, and the assembled housing is shown in figure 8 (c).


Experimental Setup

Figure 9 shows the on road diesel engine vehicle, which is used for the performance evaluation of Catalytic
converter which is Tata Indica Diesel car.

Figure 9: Performance Evaluation without Catalytic Converter

The engine is started and using gas analyzer, the values of Co, HC are noted after engine reached steady state.
Then, the assembled catalytic converter is attached to the exhaust pipe and readings are taken.

Figure 10: Performance Evaluation of Diesel Engine with Catalytic Converter


The catalytic converter assembly with clay marbles on road car as shown in figure

Model B

Gas Analyzer results for clay marbles

Table 4
CO % vol HC ppm C02 % vol NOx
Without catalytic converter 0.509 446 3.259 0.18
With catalytic converter 0.261 324 1.326 0.08
Effective reduction (%) 48.72 27.35 59.3 55 SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

564 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

Figure 11: Result without Catalytic Converter

Figure 12: Result with Catalytic Converter


• Initially, geometry of substrate channels was optimized using CFD program. It is observed that between
triangular, square hexagonal and circular channels are most effective, as they have maximum surface area when
coated with catalyst. The CFD details are not included in preview of paper.

• The coated clay marbles offer maximum surface area of the oxidation, reduction catalysts. However, smaller
marbles increase effective surface area. 20 mm marbles were used as a trial in this experimentation.

• CeO2 and ZrO2 help reduction of NOx levels in the exhaust gasses, as they are useful in oxygen storage.

• The results indicate that the pollution levels are drastically reduced CO = 48.72%, HC=27.35%, CO2= 59.3%,
NOx= 55%.

The authors are involved in carrying out the above modifications in furtherance of this research.


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566 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

Calculation of Void Space in a Canister

If a = 10mm;

Cube volume = 1 cm3

4 1
Sphere volume = π 
3 2

4 1
π 
3  8  = 0.5233
Void space = 1- 0.5233

= 0.4767 cm3

Volulme of cube = a3

4 a
Volume of marble = π 
3 2

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 4-Way Catalytic 567
Converter for Reducing Exhaust Emission
Pollution in a Diesel Automobile Engine
If a = 2cm = 20mm

Cube volume = 8 cm3

4 2 4
Marble volume = π  = π cm3
3 2 3
= 4.187 cm3

Void space = 8 – 4.187 = 3.813 cm3

If a =20 mm

Then void space is less in 20mm marbles?

For 40 mm

a = 4 a3 = 64 cm3

4 3 4
r=2 πr = π 8 = 33.49 cm3
3 3
space = 64 – 33.49 = 30.51 cm3

for 30 mm

a = 4 a3 = 64 cm3

π (1.3) = 14.13 cm3
r = 1.5
space = 12.87 cm3

Number of marbles in a canister 8cm×10cm

Volume = π   ×14 = 703.36cm

20mm marble volume → 4.187cm3 SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

568 K. Srinivasa Chalapati & T. Venkateswara Rao

Number of marbles = = 168

40mm marble volume → 33.49cm3

Number of marbles = = 21
10mm marble volume → 0.5233cm3

Number of matbles = = 49.77
Surface Area

10mmφ → 4π   = 6.28cm 2
20mmφ → 4π 1 = 12.56cm 2
30mmφ → 4π 1 = 18.84cm 2
40mmφ → 4π 2 = 25.12cm 2

In Canister

10mm 1475 × 6.28 = 9263cm 2

20mm 168 ×12.56 = 2110cm 2
30mm 55 ×18.84 = 1036cm 2
40mm 23 × 25.12 = 578cm 2
So the surface area versus void available in canister → Volume of canister = 703.36cm3

Size of Volume of Number of Number of Volume of Volume of void

Marble Marble(cm3) Marbles Marbles Filled Marbles (cm3) space (cm3)
10mm 0.5233 1344.08 (1343) 1343 702.79 0.57
20mm 4.184 167.9866 (167) 167 699.23 4.13
30mm 14.13 49.77 (48) 49 692.37 10.99
40mm 33.49 21.025 (20) 20 669.8 33.56

The void space is less for 10 mm marbles but the fabrication of that size is difficult and quantity required is also
very large, the authors have chosen the 20 mm marbles which are having a void space of 4.13 cm3 which is very less when
compared to 30 mm and 40 mm size marbles.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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