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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 6, Dec 2018, 335-348
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.





Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology,
Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India

To remove moisture direct, indirect mode solar drying methods are available. Indirect method, the crop is
directly exposed to solar radiation. But in the case of incident method crop is placed in the closed system and solar
radiation is absorbed by some transparent surface – usually, a solar collector where it is converted into heat by
refraction in the system. But this method is applicable on sunny days only. So the exhaust gas was used as heat source
for drying with the help of copper heat exchangers irrespective of seasons. This method has the capability of reducing

Original Article
the drying time by up to 50 percent compared to traditional drying. In order to obtain the best results, current work
focuses on modeling and analysis of solar food dryer attached with the flat plate collector and exhaust gas heat
exchanger. CFD Analysis of food dryer containing exhaust pipe heat exchanger with and without fins is carried out. The
results are compared and the best heat transfer model is recommended. From the theoretical, Numerical and
experimental validation, it was found that the output temperature of the Flat plate collector whose overall efficiency of
5.7 was compared in different cases. There was a gradual increase in output temperature when exhaust pipe was added
and further step increase when exhaust pipe with fins was added. As a result of increased output temperature and
moisture numerical rate was increased.

KEYWORDS: Solar Crop Dryer, Exhaust Gas Heat Exchangers, Flat Plate Collector, Fins & CFD Analysis

Received: Aug 28, 2018; Accepted: Sep 18, 2018; Published: Nov 02, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDDEC201838


The major objective in drying agricultural products is the reduction of the moisture content to a level
called as equilibrium moisture content, which allows safe storage over an extended period. Moisture removal from
food products prevents the growth and reproduction of microorganisms which cause decay. Drying the grapes and
making raisins form different types of grapes has good business value. Drying technique which is used has lots of
impact on the quality of the product. The most common drying method is sun drying, which is traditionally
practiced in many countries. This traditional method has the advantages of simplicity and less initial investment.
However, it requires large areas, high labor costs and the drying process completes in 15–20 days which is
uneconomical. In order to improve the quality, traditional sun drying techniques can be replaced by industrial
drying methods such as hot-air mechanical and solar drying. It is reported in the literature that work on solar and
hot-air drying of agricultural food products have been carried out by many researchers.

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336 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

[1] A design of double-pass solar drier (DPSD) by using forced convection, natural convection solar drier (CD)
and traditional open-sun drying (OSD) were designed for drying of bamboo shoots in central Vietnam. [2] The design and
analysis of cylindrical section solar drying system and the performance was done. The maximum and minimum values of
the average thermal efficiency of the solar air with the solar air collector obtained at air flow rates were 25.64% of 0.0675
kg/s, 18.63% at air flow rate of 0.0405 kg/s. the initial moisture content of beans was 70% and the final 14% when the air
flow rate of 0.0540kg/s and 20% d. b at an air flow rate of 0.0765 kg/s. [3] Direct natural convection star appliance to dry
foodstuff within the geographical region was designed and fabricated. The climate thought-about space of Warri (lat.
5°30’, long. 5°41’), Nigeria. An epitome of the appliance thus designed was invented with minimum collector space of
1.08 m2. [4] Kinetics of apricot skinny layer drying during a forced convection mixed and indirect mode cupboard solar
drier with (total collector expanse of 4m2 and total receptacle expanse of 0.7m2) was used. Victimization multiple
correlation analysis, the impact of drying operative conditions (air temperature and velocity) on the model constants and
coefficients are determined.

[5] The solar radiation vented cupboard appliance was designed, made and tested in the Federal Republic of
Nigeria on latitude 7.5o N. The system potency accumulated because the air rate through the system accumulated. At the
testing amount, the typical air rate and daylight efficiencies through the star appliance was 1.62 m/s and 46.7% severally.
[6] A greenhouse sort star appliance for small-scale dried food industries was developed and disseminated. The appliance
consists of a parabolic roof structure lined with polycarbonate sheets on a concrete floor. In this system drying of
osmotically dehydrated tomato was conjointly developed by using a system of differential equations describing heat and
wet transfers. [7] The appliance model was evaluated by victimization commercially accessible procedure fluid dynamic
(CFD) code so as to grasp the warmth and mass transfer within the appliance. Natural convection was the sole mode of
warmth transportation plan of getting an easy style. A biomass burner was integrated into the star appliance designed to
accommodate the result of low buoyancy found in natural convection driers. [8] A numerical simulation of the airflow
within a hybrid solar-electrical drier, employing a business CFD package was presented. With prescribed temperatures and
velocities, the model predicts the behavior of the air flow within the device.

The objective of the paper is to do theoretical, numerical and experimental validation in comparing the efficiency
of the solar crop dryer with exhaust gas heat exchanger with and without fins.


The most important factor affecting the moisture content of food particles in a solar crop drier is the intensity of
solar radiation, which depends upon the geographical position of the place, season of the year and time of the day.
Typically, the temperature changes in the cabin and the moisture content is evaluated as follows.

2.1 Design Calculations

To obtain the size of the dryer and design calculation, the design conditions applicable to Kurnool is required.
From the conditions, assumptions, and relationships, the values of the design parameters were calculated.

Moisture to be Removed

The amount of wetness to be aloof from a given amount of a carrot slices to bring the wetness content to a secure
storage level in a very given time.

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Design and CFD Analysis of Food Dryer Using Solar Flat Plate 337
Collector and Exhaust Gas with Finned Copper Tubes

The amount of moisture to be removed from the product, mw, in kg was calculated using the equation

mw = mp(Mi – Mf)/ (100- Mf) (1)

Equilibrium or Final Relative Humidity

By using sorption isotherms the Equilibrium or final relative humidity were calculated and an equation for crop
given as follows

aw =1-exp[-exp(0.914+0.5639lnM)] (2)

aw =ERH/100 (3)

Quantity of Heat Needed to Evaporate the Water (H2O)

To evaporate the water (H2O) the required heat quantity would be

Q= mwᵡ hfg (4)

The given equation is used to calculate the latent heat of vaporization, and the equation can be

hfg =4.186*103(597-0.56(Tpr)) (5)

Air Vents Dimensions

By dividing the volumetric air flow rate by the wind speed the calculated air vent would be

Av = Va /Vw (6)

the width of the air vent is given by

Bv =Av /Lv (7)

Required Pressure

Velocity =Va/A

The pressure difference across the carrot slices bed will be solely due to the density difference between the hot air
inside the dryer and ambient air.

Air pressure can be determined by the equation

P =0.00308g(T i– Tam )H (8)

The prototype of solar dryer was sized to have a minimum area of 1m2 to used in experimental drying tests.

2.2 Additional Information about Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India in March

Average temperature : 35◦C

Relative Humidity : 42%

At average temp and RH the values obtained from psychometric chart are

Initial enthalpy : 61.28KJ/Kg

Humidity ratio : 0.01218

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338 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

2.3 FIN Calculations

The heat transfer from n-fins

fins is given by

Q= n*k*A*m*(Tout-Tin)*tanh
Tin)*tanh ml (9)

3.1 Modelling of Food Dryer Without Exhaust Gas and Without Fins by Using Solidworks

Figure 1: Model Without Exhaust Figure 2: Drying Chamber Figure 3: Glass Plate
and Without Fins

The above figure 1 shows the model of Food Dryer. The Food dryer has been modeled in Solid works. The dryer
consists of the parts like drying chamber, glass plate and trays are arranged vertically inside the dryer are modeled and
assembled as per the dimensions.

3.2 Air Domain

The above figure 2 shows that air domain of Food dryer, it means that the path of fluid flow in the dryer. The
hollow part dimensions of the drier are taken. From that dimensions which are represented above, the air domain has been
created in Solid works and air domain had been saved in IGES file.

3.3 Glass Plate

The figure 3 represents the glass plate of the food dryer which is used to allow the path flow of the fluid into the
air domain with the abovementioned dimensions had been modeled in the solid works. Then the created domains had been
saved into IGES file.

3.4 Meshing

ANSYS ICEM CFD meshing technologies provide physics preferences that help to automate the meshing process.
In the initial design Tetrahedral mesh has been generated Further refinement can then be made to the mesh to improve the
accuracy of the solution. The preferences for the different Simulations are there to generate meshing. By setting physics
preferences, the software adapts to more logical
logic defaults in the meshing.

3.4.1 Mesh Generation:

Meshing System : ICEM CFD 14.0

Global Element Scale Factor: 1

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and CFD Analysis of Food Dryer Using Solar Flat Plate 339
Collector and Exhaust Gas with Finned Copper Tubes

Mesh Type : Tetra/Mixed

Fluid Material : Air at 250C

Table 1: Mesh Details

Domain Nodes Elements
Air 792 464
Glass Plate 11726 4095

In CFD analysis air domain for the path of air flow in Chamber is created. Initially, IGES file of the air domain of
Solar Crop dryer can be imported to ANSYS. The domain is meshed by using ICEMCFD with tetrahedral elements. Table
1 shows the meshed detailss in the air domain generated. The mesh for glass plate was created of triangular elements with
element size 1 mm. Near the wall of the Drying chamber, the elements were created so as to capture boundary layers
finely. Patch dependent method used for meshing.
meshing. Mesh quality was above 0.3 after smoothing was applied.

3.5 Boundary Conditions

The below-represented
represented figure 5 shows the model of the Food Dryer Without Exhaust gas and Without Fins, after
applying all the boundary conditions. The boundaries giving in this case, are the inlet of mass flow rate in the X-
X direction
and the pressure in the Y- direction. The heat flux is given on the Glass plate. After applying
applying all the boundary conditions to
the air domain and glass plate they are imported in Fluid Dynamics workbench of CFX 14.0. Then by using the Define run
command by giving a proper number of iterations, the process had been done. After completing iterations,
iterations the post
processing results are obtained for different parameters. The air flow rate has been varied from 2 to 7 kg/min.

Figure 4: Meshed Model of Drying Chamber Figure 5. Boundary Conditions

3.6 Modelling of Food Dryer with Exhaust Gas and Without Fins by using Solidworks

Figure 6: Model of Food Dryer with Figure 7: Exhaust Tubes

Exhaust Tube

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340 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

The above figure 6shows the model of Food dryer with an exhaust tube and without fins.

3.7 Exhaust Tube

The above figure 7 shows the exhaust domain of Food dryer, it means that the path of fluid flow in drier is
supplied by this exhaust tube. The hollow part dimensions of the drier are taken. From that dimensions which are
represented above, the air domain has been created in Solid works
works and air domain had been saved in IGES file.

3.8 Mesh Generation

After saving the file in the STEP/IGES file, that file has been imported to ICEMCFD for the Mesh Generation.
The Mesh details of the Assembly has been mentioned below

Figure 8: Meshed Model of Exhaust Tube Figure 9: Meshed Model of Food

Dryer with Exhaust Tube

Figure 8 and 9 gives the meshed details of the air domain with an exhaust pipe. The mesh was created of
triangular elements with element size 1 mm. Near the wall of the solar still, the elements were created so as to capture
boundary layers finely. Patch dependent
ependent method used for meshing. Mesh quality was above 0.3 after smoothing was

3.9 Boundary Conditions

Figure 10: Boundary Conditions Figure 11: Assembly of Food Dryer with an
Exhaust Tube and Copper Fins

The above-represented
represented figure 10 shows the model of the Food Dryer With an Exhaust gas and Without Fins, after
applying all the boundary conditions.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and CFD Analysis of Food Dryer Using Solar Flat Plate 341
Collector and Exhaust Gas with Finned Copper Tubes

3.10 Modelling of Food Dryer With an Exhaust Tube And With Copper Fins By Using Solidworks

The figure 11 shows the model of Food dryer with exhaust tube and with Copper fins.

3.11 Fins

Figure 12: Copper Tube with Single Fin Figure 13: Copper tube with Ten Fins

The above figure 12 represents the arrangement of the single fin on the exhaust tube of food dryer, it means that
the path of fluid flow in the dryer is supplied by this exhaust tube containing single fin, but the flow of the fluid will be less
in this case.
e. Hence we are considering the number of fins on the exhaust tube. The above figure 13 shows the Exhaust tube
with ten fins, it means that the path of fluid flow in drier is supplied by this exhaust tube.

3.12 Mesh Generation

Figure 14: Mesh of Exhaust Tube Figure 15: Mesh of Exhaust Tube
with Single Fin with Ten Fins

Figure 16: Meshed Model with Ten Fins Figure 17: Boundary Conditions

The above figure 14, 15 and 16 represents the meshed model of the exhaust pipe with a single fin and ten fins with
an assembly of the Food Dryer consists of the glass plate, exhaust tube containing fins and tray inside the drying chamber

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342 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

3.13 Boundary Conditions

Figure 17 shows the boundary condition of the food dryer when assembled with exhaust copper tube with 10 sets
of fins.


In this experiment analysis, a forced convection Food Dryer using Solar Flat plate collector and Exhaust Gas with
Finned Copper Tubes was fabricated. The system consists of a solar flat plate air collector, drying chamber, centrifugal
blower, and a reversible fan. Solid, packed bed of solar regenerated with the fins was stacked at the inclined roof of the
drying chamber.

Figure 18 shows the schematic of the forced convection of a solar drying system for fabrication. A single-pass,
single-glazed conventional solar air collector had been used to gain useful energy from the incident solar radiation. The
solar air collector was positioned towards the south at a tilt angle of 300 with the horizontal. A solar air collector and the
drying chamber are connected with an insulated flexible house. The drying chamber has three trays with Net cloth (cheese
cloth) and wooden frames to hold the products for drying. A reversible fan was used to draw the ambient air through the
fins for its regeneration during the sunshine hours and to circulate the air inside the drying chamber during the off-
sunshine hours, respectively. The air heated from the solar flat plate collector was forced through the drying trays to absorb
the moisture. In this, we calculate the removal of moisture in dry basis and wet basis. To reduce the losses for the dryer an
insulation material was made using 8 mm wooden plywood.

Figure 18: Experimental Setup of Food Dryer Figure 19. Copper Tubes With and
Without Fins

Figure 20: Arrangement of the Heat Exchanger

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and CFD Analysis of Food Dryer Using Solar Flat Plate 343
Collector and Exhaust Gas with Finned Copper Tubes


The Experiment is conducted on the Food dryer having solar flat plate collector with Exhaust gas and Copper
finned tubes. The results are tabulated based on the design conditions and assumptions.

5.1 Food Dryer without Exhaust Gas and Without Fins

In this Case, the experiment is conducted for 2 hours for the Carrot as food particles. As this is
i a natural
convection process the temperature is varying in the dryer. The values are tabulated below

Table 2: Temperature Variation in the Dryer (Natural Convection, Carrot)

Time(hours) Bottom Tray 0C Top Tray 0C Outside Temperature 0C
10:00 38 37 39
10:20 39.2 40 39
10:40 41 41.5 40
11:00 42 43 41
11:20 43 44 43
11:40 44 45 43
12:00 44.5 46 44

The above table 2 shows the variation of temperature in the dryer through the solar drying process.

5. 2 Food Dryer with Exhaust Gas and Without Fins

Table 3:
3 Temperature Variation in the Dryer
(Exhaust Gas from Diesel Engine, Carrot)
Time Cabin Exhaust Tube Outside
(hours) Temperature 0C
Temp Temperature0C Temperature0C
10:00 30.1 46 35
10:20 31.7 65 35
10:40 37.5 69 36
11:00 39.3 87 36
11:20 41.2 95 37
11:40 43.5 97 36
12:00 43.8 105 36

The above table 3 represents the Temperature variation in the dryer during the Exhaust Gas Drying Process. In
this case, the change in temperature in the Exhaust Tube is high when compared to the Cabin and Outside temperature
because of the hot gas is sent into the dryer through the Exhaust Tube.

5.3 Food Dryer with Exhaust Gas And With Copper Finned Tube

Figure 21: Moisture Removal in Solar Figure 22: Moisture Removal in Copper
Drying Process Tube Drying process

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344 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

The above two figures 21 and 22 shows the removal of moisture content in Solar Drying and Exhaust Gas Copper
tube Process. Here it is observed that in the Exhaust gas copper tube process the removal of Moisture content is high
because of the exhaust heat and the finned copper tubes are there in the Drying chamber.


The performance of a Solar Crop dryer depends upon the glass cover angle, a rate of heat transfer, fabrication
materials, a temperature in the drying chamber and insulation thickness which could be modified for improving the
performance. So Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation approach is adopted to analyze the effect of Temperature
variation to obtainn the maximum yield. In the drying chamber, the velocity flow inside the chamber will change which is
very difficult to model mathematically. The complicated thermal relationship involved in the liquid phase is accurately
solved by using CFD. The numerical analysis using CFD CFX 14.0 is used to determine the temperature distribution and
behavior of buoyant flow. In the present work, following the simulation methodology and utilizing the boundary conditions
as mentioned in detail chapter 4, simulations were completed to obtain the following sets of results:

6.1 Food Dryer without Exhaust Gas and Without Fins

Figure 23: Temperature Distribution Figure 24: Velocity Distribution in the

(Solar Drying) Exhaust Domain

The above Figure 23 shows the results of simulation runs 250C to 700C with the rise in intervals. The air inside the
drying chamber starts warming due to heat supplied from the bottom. A temperature difference between the drying
chamber and cabin temperature leads to the removal of moisture content due to the temperature source applied at the
bottom and non-uniform
uniform temperature distribution is generated in the domain.
domain. Hence the maximum temperature is obtained
at the bottom tray and there is variation in the temperature in the Cabin temperature. As this process is natural convection
process the change in the temperature will be less and it requires more time to remove
remove the moisture content from the Crop.

6.2 Food Dryer with Exhaust Gas and With Fins

Heat transfer is due to the buoyancy force. The air flows inside the drying chamber from top to bottom in the XY
direction as shown in above figure 24. The figure shows the path of air flow inside the chamber in the Air domain and
Exhaust domain. Hence the flow of velocity changes takes place and the maximum velocity is obtained in the exhaust
domain due to the exhaust heat supplied into the chamber.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and CFD Analysis of Food Dryer Using Solar Flat Plate 345
Collector and Exhaust Gas with Finned Copper Tubes

Figure 25:
25 Temperature Distribution in Food Dryer
(Exhaust Drying)

The above Figure 25 shows the results of simulation for Food dryer with exhaust gas and with fins.


Figure 26:
26 Comparison of Results of Drier Without
Exhaust and Without Tubes

The above-represented
represented Figure 26 shows the graphical data of food drier without exhaust tube and without fins.
Here we concluded that the temperature in the experimental analysis is less due to the heat losses when compared to
theoretical and numerical analysis.

Figure 27:
27 Comparison of Results of Drier With
Exhaust and Without Tubes

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346 C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy & Burigala Vinodh

The above-represented
represented Figure 27 shows the graphical data of food drier with an exhaust tube and without fins.

Figure 28: Comparison of Results of Drier With Exhaust and With Fins

The above-represented
represented Figure 28 shows the graphical data of food drier with an exhaust tube and with fins.


In this work, a Food Dryer having Solar Flat Plate Collector with Exhaust gas and Copper Finned Tubes was
modeled by using solid works and CFD analysis is carried out using ANSYS. Experimental models were used to predict
the Temperature variation in the drying
ying chamber to find the Weight loss and removal of the Moisture Content for different
cases. The Conditions for the local place are used to estimate the irradiances received and to perform the Experimental
Analysis. The Temperature variation is different for different cases. At last, we observed the Food Dryer with the Solar
Flat Plate Collector with Exhaust Gas and Finned Copper Tube has the maximum weight loss and Moisture removal
content is high in this case. The behavior of phase change and temperature distribution is observed due to heat Transfer.
The temperature of Chamber obtained by CFX and the weight loss is compared with the available data. So by using these
type dryers we can install at storages houses, warehouses and go down can use generator exhaust
ex to remove moisture for
preservation until next crop.


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H = pressure head (height of the hot air column

mp is the initial mass of product to be dried, kg; from the base of the dryer to the point of air
discharge from the dryer), m;
Mi is the initial moisture content, % wet basis P = air pressure, Pa;
Mf is the final moisture content, % wet basis g =acceleration due to gravity,9.81m/s2;
aw =water activity, decimal Tam= ambient temperature, ◦C
M=moisture content dry basis, kg water/kg dry solids N= no of fins
Q=the required amount of energy, KJ K= thermal conductivity of material (copper)
mw= mass of water, kg A= cross sectional area of tube
hfg = heat of evaporation, kJ/Kg -H2O Tout= Outside temperature
Tpr= product temperature in ◦C Tin= Inside temperature
Av is area of the air vent in m2, M=√(hp/kA)
Vw is wind speed in m/s h= convection coefficient of air in w/ m2k
Lv is length of air vent, m, p=πd in m
Bv is width of air vent in m. A= π/4 d2 in m
Va= volumetric flow rate in m2/sec

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