Final Report To Be Printed2
Final Report To Be Printed2
Final Report To Be Printed2
First of all I would like to thank God for his mercy, love, and care
throughout this internship program.
This epochal internship not only gave me awareness on this project, but
also helped me to develop team spirit, leadership, complacency and
experience with my fellow friends.
Finally I would like to thank Ato Semere for his cooperation in printing
this report paper.
Executive summery
I have been working as an intern student in a consulting company for the last 4
months. The internship program has increased my practical knowledge on the civil
engineering field and it also helped me to know the basic skills that I should have to be
a competent engineer in the practical world. And I hope that all the intern students
have gained enough knowledge about their future carrier.
This paper in general discusses the overall experience of this four months worth of
internship at a company called United Consulting Engineers P.L.C (UNICONE). The
paper consists of three main chapters.
The first chapter is where I discuss the company background. It consists mainly of
organizational setup of the company, Registration (to which governmental or
nongovernmental organizations is the company registered), Sectors of specialization,
Experience of the company in road consulting, Vision of the company etc…
The second chapter is where I discuss detail internship experience. I tried to disscuss
how I got into the company, sections of the company I have worked at, Work flow in
these sections, Tasks I have executed, and different laboratory and field tests that
were being used in the construction process of the project I was involved in.
In the third chapter I stated the overall benefits that I have gained from this internship
program. Especially in terms of improving my practical skills, upgrading my theoretical
knowledge, improving my interpersonal communication skill, improving my team
playing skill, improving my leadership skill, and work ethic.
In the last chapter I give conclusion and recommendation for the company based on
my observations.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
1. COMPANY BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Registration ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 SECTORS OF SPECIALIZATION ....................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Outline of Recent experiences ...................................................................................................... 5
1.5 OFFICE ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 The Vision of UNICONE ...............................................................................................................10
1.7 Mission Statement ......................................................................................................................10
1.8 The Business Objectives and Strategies of UNICONE ................................................................. 11
2. Overall Internship Experience...................................................................................................... 12
2.1 HOW I GET IN TO THE COMPANY ........................................................................................12
2.2 Sections of the company I worked at .........................................................................................13
2.2.1 Construction Supervision Division ......................................................................................13 Laboratory Division ........................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Design Office.................................................................................................................27
3. Over all Benefits Gained from the Internship ...................................................................................31
3.1 Practical Skills........................................................................................................................32
3.2 Theoretical Knowledge ......................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Interpersonal Communication Skill .....................................................................................33
3.4 Team Playing Skills ................................................................................................................34
3.5 Leadership Skills....................................................................................................................34
3.6 Work Ethic.............................................................................................................................34
4. Recommendation..............................................................................................................................35
5. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................... 36
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................... 37
The company was founded by a group of experienced engineers who specialized in various
disciplines including highway, structures, geotechnics and construction management.
To enable it to devote the best possible attention to every project, irrespective of its scale,
UNICONE is structured into a number of separate specialist entities. Each specialist divisions
are going to be flexible, human, in dimension and will enjoy wide-ranging independence.
Each will have in-depth knowledge of its own market and places special importance on a
clear understanding of expectations and objective of its customers.
The road consultancy work is being handled by a multi disciplinary group consisting of
highway, bridge and materials engineers, surveyors, technicians, environmentalist,
sociologist, economist, Traffic Engineers and CADD professionals. These experts have had
extensive exposure to various aspects of highway planning, design and construction
supervision in Urban and Rural sectors.
To ensure the best consultation services to its clients, the firm usually forms joint ventures
or associations with other consulting offices to acquire qualified personnel or other field and
office services. In addition, UNICONE maintains close relationship of various professionals
who could be drawn on project basis on short notice.
UNICONE is organized by a group of specialized personnel who were previously working in
different governmental organizations. They have been working in various disciplines and at
different levels during their stay in their respective organizations.
Initially, the team was organized in such a way that it will fulfill the key personnel required
to undertake, mainly transportation and water works studies. For this reason, it was
necessary to select experienced and specialized professionals that would form the core of
the company. These specialists provide the back-up support necessary for making
UNICONE’s operations more effective.
To ensure the best consultation services to its clients, the firm usually forms joint ventures
of associations with other local consulting offices to acquire qualified personnel or other
field and office services. In addition, UNICONE maintains close relationship of various
professionals who could be drawn on project basis on short notice
Shareholders Meeting
Board of Management
General Manager
Legal Service
Property Admin
Liaison Service
Section Supervision
1.2 Registration
UNICONE is registered in the following institutions:
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING: comprising of airfields; rural and urban arterial roads, trunk,
collector, local and access roads. The services include project identifications, feasibility
studies, topographic survey, detailed engineering design, preparation of bill of quantities,
engineering cost estimate.
Highways and Roads computer aided design (CAD) and drafting systems with terrain
modeling capability including STARDUST, Civil Designer, EAGEL PPOINT and other
microcomputer based software to allow a choice of the most appropriate design approach
for the particular project. These allow the rapic and cost effective evaluation of alternative
alignments to optimize earthworks as well as the production of detailed design plans and
tender documents.
BRIDGDES AND STRUCTURES: The services include design of major and minor drainage
structures and grade separated interchanges, condition survey and inspection of existing
structures and design of earth retaining structures.
includes pre-feasibility study and road network planning.
In addition to this, the company plans to give consultancy services in building designs and
construction building of regional administrations in the above mentioned sectors.
Nature of Project
Urban Rural
01 Design Review - Addis Ababa Ring Road, Phase I &II
04 Engineering Design of Dembi - Chello RR 50 Project
Nature of Project
Urban Rural
Construction supervision of Western Division Rural Road
Nature of Project
Urban Rural
Design Review and Construction Supervision of Dawnt - √ √
Lalibela Road Project
Nature of Project
Urban Rural
Construction Supervision of Periodic Maintenance
Operation of Jimma – Dedessa Asphalt Road Project. √
Nature of Project
Urban Rural
Consultancy Services Detailed Engineering Design Review √ √
28 & tender Document Preparation and construction
Supervision of Addis Ababa –Tarmaber Tunnel
The company’s main office is a villa house located along Mickey Leland road, near Atlas
hotel. It has a compound area of about 500m2 with office and storage area of 80m2. The
office is equipped with quality furniture and latest engineering hard and software to provide
quality and cost effective engineering consulting services. In addition to this it has the
duration of the subject project.
UNICONE has already acquired a land along the main Bole Road (near Rwanda Embassy) to
establish a permanent headquarter in Addis Ababa. The head office will be organized with
laboratory and other necessary facilities that will help the company in giving complete
services for concerned institutions.
Computer aided design works are the major attention’s of the company since they provide
neat, accurate and fast results that could easily be modified, removed or added without any
difficulty. For this reason, the company is equipped with various software’s like SAP,
STARDUST, CIVIL Designer, Eagle Point and AUTOCAD.
To expand its business coverage to all African regions and become an effectively
competitive and internationally recognized and registered consulting firm.
The business of UNICONE is providing consulting services in the broad area of civil
engineering including, but not limited to, roads and structures, water resources, geophysical
investigations, contract management and construction materials testing. As it is
development oriented the company recognizes that its success hinges on how effectively it
meets its responsibilities to its customers and to other important group of stakeholders.
The specific missions and operating philosophy of UNICONE are summarized as follows:
The company’s future success is dependent on meeting the customers’ needs better
than its competitors. Thus, it requires that the entire organization be continuously
customer oriented.
It plans to constantly maintain and upgrade its facilities as modern and dependable to
make them conducive for provision of superior engineering services.
It recognizes that there are always better ways to perform many of its functions. It
always, thus, strives for improvement and growth.
It strives to operate at all times in a responsible manner which means fair and honest
treatment of all those with whom the company deals, including customers, employees
and the general public.
It maintains a sound financial plan that provides capital for growth of the business and
provides optimum return for its shareholders.
As the end of sixth semester the students were told to find a hosting company for the
internship program at the student’s home town. At about this time I had the idea to enroll
myself into a construction company or consultancy company that works on road and bridge
construction and design. After asking different people, I was able to find a company that
was willing to accept me as an intern. The company was United Consulting Engineers
After three month, at first day of the internship program, I reported to the company
UNICONE. I was introduced to the general manager Mr. Tesfaye. I explained briefly what
was expected from me during the internship experience. I gave the contract agreement
papers that were given by the university to be signed by the company.
After this, I was assigned to work at a project where the company was involved in
construction supervision. I was given a letter from the head office describing that I was
admitted as an intern student. I was given a brief outlook of the schedule that was lined up
during the internship experience. A work schedule was arranged. For the first month it was
expected from me to undertake my internship experience on the site. It consisted of
observing the construction works and construction supervision.
The first day of the internship work has been characterized by the introduction of the
engineers and Site workers. I was introduced to the Resident engineer Eng. Zemichael,
Office engineer W/ro Zemen, Work Inspector Ato Ephrem, Material inspector Ato Abraham,
and Senior Surveyor Ato Kefyahew.
The site was a road project that was assigned by Addis Ababa City Road Authority (AACRA).
The contractors were Tid-har excavation and earth moving P.L.C. The company United
Consulting Engineers (UNICONE) was in a joint venture with Pan-African consulting
engineers. The two companies took the detailed engineering design of the project. And
UNICONE was in charge of construction supervision. The name of the project was ABUNE
The Supervision division is the part of the company that usually controls the of road and
bridge works that are being carried out by the contractors. The company as mentioned on
the background has a very good experience in supervision projects. The company supervises
project throughout Ethiopia starting from gravel roads to asphalt roads. The company works
in joint with Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) and ACCRA.
One of the sites that the company supervises is ABUNE PETROS-PASTOR-SANSUSI BRIDGE
ROAD PROJECT. I was assigned at this site to work and observe the supervision work carried
out by the consulting firm and road works that are carried out by the contractors.
During the construction period the Consultant supervises fully the construction of the works
with due diligence and efficiency and in accordance with sound technical, administration,
financial and economic practices. They perform all duties associated with such tasks to
ensure that only the best construction practices are followed and that the final product is in
all respect equal to or better than the minimum specified, at optimum costs and in full
compliance with the specifications.
3. Engineer’s Instructions
4. Site Inspections
5. Quality Control
6. Quantity Surveying
The main principle of supervision work is to check the qualities of material and road and
bridge that are brought or produced at the site. Based on this principle we can classify the
supervision into three divisions. These divisions are
A. Laboratory Division
B. Site/Road Work Division
C. Surveying Division
For this project UNICONE did not provide the laboratory. Instead it collaborated with CORE
consult for the laboratory tests. CORE consult performs different tests based on the type of
materials. Asphalt materials, concrete materials, and soils will be tested in the conventional
methods and the test results will be clearly communicated to the UNICONE and the
contractor Tid-Har.
In this site the laboratory division (CORE consult) checks the quality of different materials
such as
The laboratory performs different kinds of laboratorial tests to assure that the qualities of
materials are consistent with the standards stated within the contracts and manuals.
The major task that I had been executing in the laboratory was assisting with tests. In
supplementary I had been observing and analyzing the different tests. Based upon the types
of tests that I have performed I have divided them into three. They are: -
1. Soil Tests
2. Concrete Tests
3. Asphalt Tests
1) Soil Tests
A) CBR Test
The CBR Test is the test Known as California bearing ratio. This test is performed on the
different layers of the road pavements. This test is applied on Sub grade, Sub base and base
course. The main aim of this test is to get the minimum strengths of the different layers in
their worst condition. According to AACRA manual the design strength for sub grade is of a
minimum of 30% and for Sub base course is a minimum of 80%. For Base course The CBR
test result should be 100%. According to AACRA manuals the sampling is based upon
b) Proctor Test
Compaction means to press soil particles tightly together by expelling air from void spaces
between the particles. Compaction increase soil unit weight, thereby producing three
important effects:
Plastic limit is the dividing line between the plastic and semisolid state. It is quantified for a
given soil as specific water content, and from a physical stand point it is the water content
at which the soil will begin to crumble when rolled into small threads. It is identified in
laboratory as the water content at which the soil can be rolled in treads 3.2mm in diameter
without the treads breaking into pieces. The plasticity index is the difference between the
liquid and plastic limits. It is important to find to plastic limit in order to find the PI which is
an important tool in the design of pavements.
The liquid limit is the dividing line between the liquid and plastic states. It is quantified for
the given soil as specific water content; from a physical stand point, it is the water content
at which the shear strength of the soil becomes so small that the soil “flows” to close
standard groove cut in a sample of soil when it is jarred in a standard manner. The liquid
limit is identified in the laboratory as that water content at which the groove cut into the
soil pat in standard liquid limit device requires 25 blows (drops) from a height of 1cm to
close along a distance of 13mm( Casagrande method). This liquid limit is important in road
construction. It is important in finding the Plastic Index (PI). The liquid limit in base courses
should not exceed 25% and PI should not exceed 6%.
This test is a compaction test that is used for determining the dry density of compacted Sub
base, base and back fills so that they can be compared with the maximum dry density. The
dry density of the pavement materials are expressed in terms of percentage. For example
the minimum compaction percentage for the sub base course is 95% and for base course is
98%. And also we will determine the water content.
2) Concrete Tests
A) Gradation Test
The Purpose of this test is to find the particle size distribution of coarse and fine aggregates
of Concrete. This test is also conducted on Asphalt aggregates and Soil aggregates. This
means this test is conducted for base course and sub base courses. The importance of
Gradation is that it has important role in segregation and consistency in the fresh concrete.
The gradation curve should lie in between the minimum and maximum mentioned curves.
If the curve passes out from the curve, it will be blended or discarded from the site.
B) Flakiness Test
This test was applied on materials coming from quarry site at Kality. The test was applied
for coarse aggregate particles. Aggregate particles are classified as flaky when they have a
thickness (smallest dimension) of less than 0.6 of their mean sieve size. This size being taken
as the mean of the limiting sieve apparatus used for determining the size fraction in which
the particle occurs. The flakiness index of the aggregate sample is found separating the flaky
particles and expressing their mass as a percentage of the mass tested.
C) Compression test
Specimens are loaded to failure in a compression testing machine. The maximum load
sustained by the specimen is recorded and the compressive strength of the concrete is
calculated. This test is done on concrete structures to know the maximum compressive
strength that it withholds. The samples are taken when the trucks delivering concretes
from the batch to the structures.
D) Slump Test
Slump Test is a test that is done on Fresh Concrete. This test is performed to know the
workability of the fresh concrete. The usual results that is acceptable in 150mm to
250mm. If the result is less than what is anticipated then it needs water to be added to
the mixture and if it is more than the result the aggregate needs to be added.
The site division of consultancy team is headed by Resident Engineer. This site other than
the road works consisted Culvert Works.
A. Tasks Accomplished
During at my stay at the site division I had been observing and assisting in any kind of way
the supervision team asked me of. During my stay at the site division I had been assisting
mainly the survey team. I had been performing these tasks
Handling the staff
Assisting in observing through the leveling equipments
Assisting in observing through the Total Station
Assist in leveling process
Sometimes, when the work inspector is very busy, he would assign me to work a simple task
of controlling the activities of the labors and contractors. Other than my main task at the
site was observing and learning from the different kinds of tasks being performed on the
site. In this site I had been able to observe a lot of things. I will try to explain them in detail
in the next pages below.
The material to be used for crushed stone base was derived from a parent rock or gravel
that is hard, sound, and durable and unweathered. It was obtained from sound rock from an
approved quarry. The crushed base course material complied with the specified
retirements. The grading of the crushed stone base course material met the grading
requirement of the contract or as approved
The material was spread on the approved sub base layer by mechanical means grader
without segregation. The material was loosely spread to give a compacted thickness
exceeding 200mm and not less than 100mm.
The material was compacted by the use of rollers progressing gradually from the outside
towards the center of the layer except on super elevated curves where the rolling will begin
at the low side and progress to the hinge side. Rollers used to roll from the sides to the
center, along curbs, headers, walls, and all places not accessible to the roller, the material
will be compacted with approved compactors. Rolling was continued until the entire
thickness of each layer is thoroughly and uniformly compacted to the specified density.
Back Filling
Excavated areas around structures were backfilled with approved materials in horizontal
layers not exceeding 150mm in thickness. Backfilling materials were placed at one side of
the retaining wall. But at some parts of the site backfilling materials were placed
simultaneously to approximately the same elevation on both sides of abutment or retaining
walls at some parts of the site. This was carried out only after assuring that concrete had
attained sufficient strength to safely withstand any pressure extended by the backfill or by
the method of construction.
Formwork was provided to produce hardened concrete to the lines levels and shapes shown
on the drawings or specified elsewhere. The formwork had adequate strength to carry all
applied loads, including the pressure of fresh concrete, vibration loads, weight of workers
and equipment, without loss of shape. Forms were mortar tights designed to allow removal
without risk of damage to the completed structure. Materials used for formwork were
sound and suitable for the purpose intended and surface finish specified. The formworks
were provided with firm support of fittings, bolts, anchorages. Temporary fittings used for
the support of the formwork were arranged to permit removal without damage to the
concrete. The formwork construction had permitted accurate erection and easy stripping
without shock, disturbance or damage to the cast concrete.
The concrete was mixed at a batching plant. The quantities of cement, fine aggregate and
various sizes of course aggregate was measured by weight and put into the computer
controlling the batching plant. . The quantity of water required to be added to the mix was
measured by volume. First all this components were put together and were mixed in the
batching plant. Then, the concrete was mixed and transported using truck mixers. The mixer
would be emptied completely before it was recharged.
The compaction rate was in such way that fresh concrete was always placed and
consolidated against previously placed concrete. All concrete was cured for at least seven
days. Curing was done by sprinkling of water and a Shera was sometimes used to cover the
concrete in order to retain its moisture for a longer period by avoiding or reducing
evaporation. Concrete specimen cubes/cylinders were formed at site and later on after
delivered to camp laboratory for curing and afterwards will be tested for crushing strength
of the seventh and twenty eight days.
Road Drainage
Box Culverts and Paved ditches were constructed including all excavation required to the
shape channels with side slopes as defined on the drawings. Paved ditches were constructed
true to line, grade, and cross section and were maintained. Care was exercised to avoid
excavation below the required grade for the drains and any excavation carried below the
required grade were backfilled Material resulting from the excavation of road drainage were
be used in construction of fills banks or for other purposes or disposed.
The design office is located at Bole at the headquarters of UNICONE. The company has a
good track record on the design aspects like that of the supervision. The company has an
experience in design in designing of road from Gravel roads to Asphalt Concrete Roads. It
also has a unit that deals with structures such as Bridges and culverts. Even though the
company is mainly concerned on the design of road projects it also has a unit that
specializes in the design of buildings.
The design office has a diversified skilled manpower that ranges from surveyors to
bridgeworks specialist. The organizational feature of the design team differs from an
ordinary company in that the organizational structure of the unit may vary from project to
project. As an example a resident engineer or a material engineer who is assigned to a
project may be a CAD engineer or structural engineer in another project. But the
organizational structure of the managing body and other units vary with that of the design
In the last six weeks of the Internship experience, I had been working on the design office. I
was able to see and learn in a great depth the design aspects of road construction. In the
paragraph below I have summarized the tasks that I had accomplished during my stay at
design office.
A) Tasks Accomplished
Observing and learning on the preparation of bid documents on the design of road
Observing and learning on the reporting of design review of documents.
Observing and learning the methodologies that were undertaken during the design
Observing and learning computer design software called Eagle Point which is the
main software used for the different purposes of Road Construction.
Running a gravel road project on eagle point that took four weeks to finish.
Interviewing of different types of Engineers ranging from Resident Engineers to
Material Engineers.
B) Software Computing
The major task that I had been performing on the design office is the learning of Eagle Point
software which is one of the crucial software that is used for road design. The software is
multipurpose software that coordinates the use of Auto CAD and Microsoft Access database
with the software. The major task that I had been learning and practicing using the Eagle
Pont software are
In the first days of learning Eagle Point software, I was learning and studying: -
How to start the Eagle Point Software (requirements and how to install the software
on the computer)
Creating and starting an Eagle Point Software
How to use and when to use the different kinds of project settings
Seeing projects that were completed using this software previously
B. Surface Modeling
Surface Modeling consists of importing of the data that was collected by surveyors,
triangulating to creating a network of irregular triangles and making of contours & Spot
Elevations. The purpose of surface modeling is for creating the actual surface of the project
into 2D and 3D using the survey data that has been collected from surveyors.
This part of the software product is the crucial part of the software that is used for creating
the outputs needed in finishing of the project. This outputs help from estimating costs of the
project in the design phase up to the finishing phases of the road concrete. I had been able
to create different types of finishing products such as Tables and annotations of curve data.
The main parts of the output unit that I had been able to put forward during the project are:
During my internship experience at UNICONE Consulting Engineers, I had benefited from the
internship experience. During these four months of my internship program I was able to
bridge the gap between student life and professional life. This internship program provided
me a platform to introduce myself in professional field. These past months I had been given
an idea on how road projects start from the initial phases of designing projects to finishing
phases of a road project.
UNICONE consulting engineers is a perfect platform for a student who wants to have
awareness on road construction. I greatly benefited from working with the dedicated
professionals in the company. The company has provided a conductive working atmosphere
among the staffs. This not only enabled me an experience sharing but also develops what I
know, seamless work flow and harmonious communication Since the company is a
supervision and design company, I had the opportunity to participate at the at the sites and
at the design office. This has opened doors for me to understand what is waiting for me
when I finish my graduate studies at this field. This internship experience has made me
respect the civil engineering stream more and more throughout these four months. I am
very glad to get opportunity to be a part of this internship program.
Having dedicated supervisors made the outcome of this experience very fruitful. I had the
opportunity to ask and make plans for the internship experience. Using the helps and
experiences of supervisors I had made a schedule to work on the different aspects of the
road project. It is by having a schedule that made this internship work more interesting
rather than being tedious and routine. By having a schedule I had the opportunity to
observe and tour the different aspects of the road construction.
In overall within these four months I had the opportunity to improve my practical skills,
theoretical knowledge, my interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills,
leadership skills and etc. I also had the opportunity to understand about the work ethics and
gain a great knowledge in entrepreneurship skills. In the next pages I will try to describe
what I have learnt in the different aspects that I have mentioned before.
I was able to operate at different survey tools such as Total Station, Leveling
equipments. I am now able to collect data using the leveling equipments and up to
some level operate total station.
On how to bend reinforcement bars using drawing given from the Engineers. Using a
simplified machine that can bend bars I am now able to bend reinforcement bars as
given by drawings.
I have been able to use EXCEL program for different aspects of road construction
from handling laboratory results up to maintain data’s recorded from surveyors. As
some engineers say “EXCEL is the blood line of Civil Engineer” I had been working on
this program designing some formulas up to handling data collected from surveyors.
Also in the design office I was able to see different engineers using this software for
estimating from quantities up to the design of bridges.
I was able to learn the different techniques used by laboratory technicians from
collecting samples up to on how to report the daily activities occurring around the
site work. For example I have learnt how to make a representative sample from site.
I have been able to observe the works concerning
Structural Aspects Such as Bridge, Retaining Walls, Drainage
Preparation of Sub base Material ( Spreading to Compacting)
Preparation of Base course Material (Spreading to Compacting)
Comparing of Structural Drawings and as built structures.
Drilling of Rocks (Excavations)
Erection of Formworks
Formation of box culverts and etc
I was able to exercise the software Auto CAD which is used for designing of
different structures.
Learning the different tests and their application in road construction. For example
CBR test is used to measure strength of soil products such as sub grade and sub base
Learning the methodologies used in preparation of whole design of a road from
road surveying up to pavement design.
Using the Eagle point software I was able to understand different aspects of road
construction which we have learnt in Highway one. This includes from the way
o How one should choose the Horizontal Alignments of road,
o How one should choose the Vertical Alignments
o How one should choose the curve data
o And many other technical aspects of the software
Learning and reading different manuals that were used as guidance. These manuals
mainly consisted of ERA and ACCRA manuals. These manuals stipulate why and how
a type of road type should be adopted.
Observing different construction works their importance in the theory of a road
Learning different kinds of construction machineries and their use in real life.
3.3 Interpersonal Communication Skill
During the site work I had been able to ask different kinds of people from all walks of life. In
the design office, I had been given the chance to talk and interview important people from
different sites. Through these interviews I had been able to talk to Resident Engineer, Work
Inspector and Material Inspector. During these interviews I had the opportunity to learn on
the communication skills that I had been striving for a long time.
During the fourth months I had to make friendship with other intern students from other
universities. So communicating skills had to come handy at these times. I have been able to
make conversation with the different students that were from different universities. In
conclusion, during these four months I had been able to upgrade my communication skills.
On my stay on the site I was very punctual, daily attendant of the work & responsible to my
profession. During this program I had developed my work ethics
4. Recommendation
For the past fifteen years the progress of UNICONE has been increasing rapidly in terms of
the type, number and complexity of design and supervision projects handled by the
company and the number of professional and non-professional staffs working in it.
The path through which UNICONE has passed in the last fifteen years was not smooth; it
demanded uninterrupted effort from its entire staff.
Transport policy in Ethiopia relates predominantly to the road sector. Thus, the road sector
development program (RSDP) is the government’s strategy for achieving this policy. During
the first phase (1997-2002) and the second phase (2002-2007) of RSDP, the road network of
Ethiopia has increased to 39,477 km, as reported on June 2006, with a road density of 35.9
km per 1000sq km. the classified road network is one of the least in Africa region with
average 50 km per 1000 sq km. RSDP III is an integral part of RSDP I & II ; launched almost 11
years ago and has a time frame work of 2007 to 2012 with a target of increasing the road
density 35.9 km per 1000 sq km to 50 km per 1000 sq km.
Therefore, by looking at the current trend, the future road/infrastructure market in Ethiopia
will demand more professionally competent and ethical companies to be involved in the
construction industry. This companies should aim to serve their clients to the highest level
of satisfaction, providing the most appropriate and desired solutions with the best
international standards of quality, safety and environmental care to maximize the benefits
of their stake holders, clients and the community without overlooking ethical values on the
professional and personal development.
UNICONE, as a consulting company, has to strive harder in order to become a key player in
the sector. For the future, the company has to keep the current momentum by undertaking
challenging and prestigious projects that are available in the road/infrastructure market,
harmonizing innovative and progressive technology with its experience, excellence and high
caliber work.
5. Conclusion
This Internship program is proved to be a bridge between the student life and professional
life. The various types of orientation programs, tasks and trainings that I have been
undertaking during this past four months on the site and the office enhanced my knowledge
in road construction. I am very glad to see that what I have learnt in the university can be a
repeated in the working world. I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge of surveying,
designing and construction works in the real life situation.
This program played an important role to break the conventional thought that field works
can be only implemented by students who hold a degree or people who have an experience
in road construction. I was able to acquire a high level of confidence to deal with problems
that arise in a road construction.
During these past four months I had been able to see the different theoretical aspects,
methodologies and how to design road network. In the supervision session, I had been able
to see the important theoretical and practical aspects of road construction. I had been
fulfilling my curiosity into road construction takes to this internship program.
Overall the internship program laid sound foundation for me to start my career. I am proud
to be able to contribute towards nation building during the country's extremely critical
period of the history. It will be definitely sensible to scale this practice up and to replicate in
other disciplines as well.