The Solid State

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Preapared By: A.P.

Singh Bhadouriya

Photovoltaic Material: The material which converts sun light into electricity is called photo voltaic material.
[ Amorphous silica ]
Crystalline solid
[1] In a crystalline solid the particles (atoms, molecules or ions) are arranged in a regular and repetitive
three dimensional arrangements
[2] These solids have sharp melting point.
[3] These solids are anisotropic, i.e. their physical properties such as electrical conductivity, refractive
index, thermal expansion etc. have different values in different directions.
[4] These solids can under go a clean cleavage.
[5] These solids are generally incompressible.
Examples: All the metallic elements like iron, copper and silver;
Non – metallic elements like sulphur, phosphorus and iodine and
Compounds like sodium chloride, zinc sulphide and naphthalene
Amorphous solid
[1] In amorphous solid the particles (atoms, molecules or ions) are arranged in an irregular and
non repetitive three dimensional arrangements.
[2] Rapidly solidified liquids are amorphous substances, e.g. Glass, rubber etc.
[3] These solids are generally isotropic, i.e. physical properties are same in all directions.
[4] These solids on cleavage form smaller pieces with non-planar faces.
[5] These solids do not have sharp melting point and boiling point i.e. they melt gradually over a
temperature range.
[6] These solids are compressible.
What makes a glass different from a solid such as Quartz? Under what conditions quartz could be
converted into glass?
In glass, amorphous silica ( SiO2 ) is present. SiO4 tetrahedral have an irregular arrangement.
In quartz, crystalline silica ( SiO2 ) is present. SiO4 tetrahedral have a regular arrangement.
When quartz (SiO2 ) is melted and the melt is cooled very rapidly, quartz converted into glass.
Liquids and gases are called fluids because of their ability to flow. The fluidity is due to the fact that the
molecules are free to move about.
Why glass pans fixed to windows or doors of old building are invariably found to be slightly thicker at the
bottom than at the top?
Due to fluidity property, the glasses flows down very slowly and make the bottom portion slightly thicker.

Why solids are rigid in nature?

The constituent particles in solid have fixed position and can only oscillate about their mean position, for
which solids are rigid.

Name the factors which determine the stability of a substance.

[1] Intermolecular forces tend to keep the molecules or constituent particles closer.
[2] Thermal energy tends to keep them apart by making them move faster.

Characteristic properties of solid

[1] They have definite mass, volume and shape.
[2] The inter molecular distances are short.
[3] The inter molecular forces are strong.
[4] Their constituent particles have fixed positions and can only oscillate about their mean positions.
[5] They are incompressible and rigid.

Why glass is considered as a super cooled liquid?

Amorphous solids have a tendency to flow. Since glass is an amorphous solid , so it is called super cooled
liquid or pseudo solid.

Why some glass objects from ancient civilizations are found to become milky in appearance?
Glass becomes crystalline at some temperature. For which glass objects from ancient civilizations become
milky in appearance because of some crystallization.
Types of solid
Types of solid Constituent Attractive forces Examples Physical Electrical conductivity Melting
particles nature point
[1] Molecular solids Molecules
(a) Non-polar Dispersion or London forces Ar, CCl4 , H2 , I2 , CO2 Soft Insulator Very low
(b) Polar Dipole-dipole interactions HCl , SO2 Soft Low
(c)Hydrogen bonded Hydrogen bonding H2O ( ice) Hard Low

[2] Ionic solids Ions coulombic or electrostatic Na Cl, MgO,ZnS , Ca F 2 Hard but Insulator in solid state but
conductors in molten state and in High
aqueous solutions

[3] Metallic solids Positive ions Fe, Cu, Ag, Mg Hard but
in a sea of Metallic bonding malleable Conductors in solid state Fairly high
delocalised and as well as in molten state
electrons ductile

[4] Covalent or SiO2 ( quartz),

Atoms Covalent bonding SiC, Diamond , Hard Insulator
network solid AlN Very high

Graphite Soft Conductor

Space lattice or crystal lattice

A regular three dimensional arrangement of points in space is called space lattice or crystal lattice. The
points represent the constituent particles of the crystal.
Unit cell
An unit cell is the smallest portion of the crystal lattice. When it is moved repeatedly a distance equal to
its own dimension along each direction, a three dimensional crystal lattice is generated.
Types of unit cell
Unit cells are of two types:
[1] Primitive unit cell It is also called simple unit cell, which has particles as points only at its corners
- a
(Eight lattice points)

[2] Non-Primitive unit cell / centered unit cell- In this type of unit cells, particles as points are present not
only at the corners but also at some other positions.

[Particles as points are located at the corners [ Particles as points are located at the corners
and also at the centre of the cube] and also in the centre of each face ]

Nine lattice points Fourteen lattice points Face-centred

Body - centered

End-centred- Particles as points are located at the corners and laso at the centres of any two opposite faces
- Ten lattice points
Parameters of a unit cell Depending upon the symmetry of the axial distance(a,b,c)and also the axial anglebetween
the edge ( ) the various crystals can be divided into seven systems . Further the
Z seven crystal systems on the basis of unit cells present, classified into fourteen different
types of lattices , called Bravis lattices

[1] Cubic [-Primitive, Face-centred,Body-centred] --NaCl, Zinc blende and Cu

[2] Tetragonal - [ Primitive,Body-centred]- SnO 2, TiO2, CaSO4, White tin

X [3] Orthorhombic-[Primitive,F.C,End-centred & B.C]-KNO 3, BaSO4,Rhombic

[4] Hexagonal - [Primitive]- Graphite, ZnO, CdS
[5] Rhombohedral or Trigonal - [ Primitive ] - Calcite ( CaCO 3 ), HgS ( cinnabar )

[6] Monoclinic- [Primitive,End-centred]-Na2SO4.10H2O, Monoclinic sulphur

[7] Triclinic -[ Primitive ]- K2Cr2O7, CuSO4.5H2O, H3BO3

Rank of unit cell ( Z ) The rank of unit cell of :-

The number of particles as points in a unit cell is known as rank. 1
To calculate rank, these points should be noted:- [1] Primitive / simple cubic = X 8 = 1
- A point at each corner of unit cell is counted as 1 [2] Body-centred cubic = 1 X 8 + 1 =2
- The points on an edge are counted as 1 8 8
4 1
[3] Face-centred cubic = X 8 + 1
X 6 = 4
- The points at each face are counted as 1 8
2 [4] In hexagonal system ,each corner atom shared by 6
- The points within the unit cell is conted as 1 hexagonal unit cell.,each face shared by 2 unit cell and
inside thebody there are three atoms
1 1
Z= ( 6
X 12 corners) + ( X 2 faces ) + ( 3 inside the body ) = 6

Packing in metallic crystal:-

The identical solid spheres can be packed in a number of ways.
[1] In the first layer the spheres are arranged in a hexagonal manner in which each sphere is in contact
with six other spheres.
[2] In the second layer the spheres will fit into the depression of the first layer.
[3] For the third layer, there are two possibilities:-
(a) The spheres can be placed in the depression of the second layer i.e. the third layer is directly above
the first and the fourth layer is directly above the second. This leads to the arrangement
This type of arrangement is known as hexagonal closed packed (HCP) structure.
e.g. Zinc, magnesium crystallizes in this type of structure.
[b] Alternatively, the sphere can be placed in the depressions, of the second layer; do not lie directly
above the atoms of the first layer i.e. the spheres in fourth layer lie exactly above the first, fifth above
the second, sixth above the third and so on. This leads to the arrangement ABCABCABC……….
This type of arrangement is cubic closed packed or face centered cubic arrangement.
e.g. Cu,Ag.Au crystallizes in this type of structure.
Co-ordination number
It is the number of atoms or spheres that surrounds the single sphere / atom in a crystal.
C.Nof tetragonal arrangement = 3
C.Nof tetrahedral arrangement = 4
C.Nof octahedral arrangement = 6
C.Nof body centered cubic arrangement = 8
Any close ( tight ) packing having C.N = 12 i.e. hcp and ccp i.e. fcc having C.N = 12
Void / Hole/ Interstices
The space which is left in between the closest pack arrangement is called void. In close packing two types
of voids are created.
[1] Tetrahedral void:
It refers to one empty space surrounded by four spheres which lie at the vertices
of a regular tetrahedron. There are eight tetrahedral voids around each sphere.
Cordination number = 4 Radius ratio = 0.225
The number of tetrahedral voids belonging to a sphere in close packing arrangement
Number of tetrahedral voids around a sphere 8 = 2
= Number of sphere around a void =
[2] Octahedral void :
It refers to one empty space surrounded by six spheres which lie at the vertices of
a regular octahedron.There are six octahedral voids around each sphere.
Cordination number = 6 Radius ratio = 0.414
The number of octahedral voids belonging to a sphere in close packing arrangement
Number of octahedral voids around a sphere 6
= = =1
Number of sphere around a void 6
Octahedral voids are larger than the tetrahedral voids.
In FCC there are four octahedral voids and eight tetrahedral voids.
A cubic solid is made up of two elements P & Q . Atoms of Q are at the corners of cube and P at the body centre.
What is the formula of the compound ? What are the cordination number of P & Q
There are eight corners which are occupied by Q
No of Q per unit cell = X 8 = 1
P is situated at the body centre, So no. of P per unit cell = 1
So formula of the compound = PQ C.N of P = 8 & C.N of Q = 8

Relationship between edge length (a) and radius of the sphere ( r ) in unit cell.
For FCC , a = 2 2 r For BCC , a = r For simple cubic , a=2r


Packing efficiency Volume occupied by all the spheres in a unit cell

Packing efficiency = x 100
Volume of unit cell
Packing efficiency, For simple cubic= 52.36 %, For BCC = 68 % , For FCC = 74 %

Calculate the efficiency of packing in case of a metal crystal for Simple cubic, body centred cubic and face
centred cubic
[1] For simple cubic a=2r Rank ( Z ) = 1 3
4 r
So volume occupied by one sphere in the unit cell = π
Volume of the unit cell = ( 2 r ) 3 = 8r3 3
4 r3
Hence, packing efficiency = x 100 = 52.36 %
[2] For body centred cubic
ra= Rank (z) =2


So, volume occupied by two spheres in the unit cell = 2 x 4 r 3

3 π
3 3 4
2x 3 r π
4 x 100 = 68 %
Volume of unit cell = r So packing efficiency =

3 .

4 r .


[3] For face centred cubic

a= 2 2r Rank (Z) = 4

So, volume occupied by four spheres in the unit cell = 4 x 4 r 3 3

Volume of unit cell = 2 2 r


4x 4 r3 π
So packing efficiency = x 100 = 74 %
2 2r 3

Gold(At.radius= 0.144nm)crystallizes in aFCC unit cell. What is the length of the side oftheunitcell?
Atomic radius= 0.144 nm
So, length of side a = 2 √ 2 r = 2 √ 2 x 0.144 = 0.406 nm
Aluminum crystallizes in a cubic closed packed structure. Its metallic radius is 125 pm.
[1] What is the length of the side of the unit cell ?
[2] How many unit cells are there in one c.c of aluminium?
[1] For FCC , a = 2 √ 2 r = 2 √ 2 x 125 = 354 pm, So the edge length of the unit cell = 354 x 10 -10 cm
[2] Volume of unit cell = a3 = ( 354 x 10 -10 ) 3 cm 3
Therefore, number of unit cells in 1 cc of aluminum = 1/ ( 354 x 10 -10 ) 3 cm 3 = 2.254 x 10 22 Unit cells
Radius ratio in ionic crystal
The ratio of the radius of the smaller sphere with that of the larger is called the radius ratio.
Radius of cation ( r + )
Radius ratio in ionic crystal =
Radius of anion ( r - )

S.No. Types of packing Co-ordination number Radius ratio Example

1 Tetrahedral Void 4 0.225 - 0.414 ZnS

2 Octahedral Void 6 0.414 - 0.732 NaCl

3 Body centred cubic 8 0.732 - 1.00 CsCl

High pressure increases the cordination number and high temperature decreases the cordination number
Thus high pressure converts NaCl structure into CsCl structure and high temperature converts CsCl into

If the radius of the octahedral void is r and radius of the atoms in close packing is R,
derive relation between r and R.
The figure shows the cross section of an octahedral void. In Triangle ABC, BC 2 = AB2 + AC2 A

=> (2R)2 = (r + R) 2 + (r+R)2 => 4R2 = 2 (r + R) 2



=> 2 R2 = (r + R) 2
=> r+R = 2 R

=> R +1= 2

=> = 2 -1 =1.414 -1
. .

r =0.414 R
Ferric oxide crystallizes in a hexagonal closed pack array of oxide ions with two out of every three
octahedral holes occupied by ferric ions. Deduce the formula of the ferric oxide.
No. of atoms in one unit cell of hcp structure = 6 No. of oxide ions per unit cell = 6
No. of octahedral voids = 6
Since ferric ions occupy only two out of every three octahedral voids, there fore, no. of octahedral voids
occupied by ferric ions = ( 2/3 ) x 6 = 4 Stoichiometric ratio of Fe 3+ and O 2- is 4 : 6 = 2 : 3
Hence the formula of ferric oxide is Fe2O3
Analysis shows that nickel oxide has the formula Ni 0.98 O 1.00. What fraction of nickel exist as Ni 2+
and Ni3+ ions?
Let amount of Ni3+ be x mol. Then amount of Ni2+ is (0.98 – x)
Total oxidation number of Ni in the compound is 3x + 2 (0.98 – x)
Oxidation number of oxygen is -2
Since the sum of the oxidation number of all the constituents in a compound is zero.
=> 3x + 2 (0.98 – x) – 2 = 0 => 3x + 1.96 – 2x – 2 = 0 => x = 0.04
Hence % of Ni3+ = ( 0.04 / 0.98 ) x 100 = 4.08 % % of Ni2+ = 100 – 4.08 = 95.92 %
Relationship between density (d) and the dimension of unit cells.
Let the edge length of unit cell be a There fore volume of unit cell = a 3
Let no. of atoms in unit cell = Z Gm. Atomic mass = M
There fore mass of one atom = M / NA Where NA = Avogadro’s number i.e. 6.023 x 1023
Mass of Z atoms = ZM ZM
NA Mass of unit cell NA ZM
Density of unit cell ( d ) = = d=
Volume of unit cell
a3 a3 NA

Silver crystallizes in FCC lattice. If edge length of the cell is 4.05 x 10 –8 cm and density is
10.5 gm/cm3 . Calculate atomic mass of silver.

Given data-
Edge length ( a ) = 4.07 X 10 – 8 cm Density ( d ) = 10.5 gm/ cm 3
Since silver crystallizes in fcc lattice, so rank , i.e. the no. of silver atoms per unit cell ( z ) = 4
NA = 6.023 X 10 23

So d =
ZM d a3 NA 10.5 X ( 4.07 X 10 -8 ) 3 X 6.023 X 10 23
M= M = 4
a3 NA z
= 107.1 gm / mol
So atomic mass of silver = 107.1 amu

Niobium crystallizes in body-centered cubic structure. If density is 8.55 g / cm3, calculate atomic
radius of niobium using its atomic mass 93 u .

Density ( d ) = 8.55 gm/cc Atomic mass ( M ) = 93 gm/ mol Rank ( Z ) = 2

ZM 2 X 93
so d = 3 a3 = Z M a3 = a3 = 36.09 X 10
- 24
a NA d NA 8.55 X 6.023 X 10 23

a= ( 36.09 X 10 - 24 ) 1/3 = 3.305 X 10 -8
4 a -8
r = 3 3 X 3.305 X 10

In bcc, a = r


3 = 1.43 X 10 cm = 14.3 nm

4 =

Copper crystallises into a fcc lattice with edge length 3.61 × 10 -8 cm. Show that the calculated
density is in agreement with its measured value of 8.92 g cm -3.
For fcc , rank ( Z ) = 4 ; Edge length,( a ) = 3.61 X 10 - 8cm ; Mol.mass ( M )= 63.5 gm/mol.
d= 4 X 63.5
a3 NA d= = 8.96 gm / cm3
( 3.61 X 10 -8 ) X 6.023 X 10 23
So, the measured value is nearly equal to the calculated value

Crystal defect Internal irregularities of crystals is known as crystal defect.

Vacancy Schottky
Line defect
defect defect
Interstitial Frenkel
defect defect
Crystal defect
Metal excess Colour centre
defect or F-centre
or Anion vacancy
Point defect Non-Stoichiometric

Impurity defect Cation vacancy

# Single crystals are formed when the process of crystallization occurs at extremely slow rate.
# Point defects are the irregularities or deviations from ideal arrangement around a point or an atom in a
crystalline substance.
# Line defects are the irregularities or deviations from ideal arrangement in entire rows of lattice points.
# Point defects do not disturb the stoichiometric of the solid is known as stoichiometric defect or intrinsic
defect or thermodynamic defect.
# Vacancy defect – When some of the lattice sides are vacant, the crystal is said to have vacancy defect.
This results the decrease in density of the substance. This defect develops when a substance is heated.
# Interstitial defect- When some constituent particles occupy an interstitial site, the crystal is said to
have interstitial defect. This defect increases the density of the substance.
Schottky defect
[1] It occurs when a pair of ions of opposite charge are missing from the ideal lattice.
[2] The presence of a large number of Schottky defect in a crystal lowers its density.
[3] This defect occurs if cation and anion having similar size with high coordination number.
[4] In sodium chloride, there is one schottky defect for 1016 ions. One c.c of sodium chloride contains 1022
ions. Therefore, one cc of sodium chloride possesses 106 schottky pair of ions.

Frenkel defect
[1] When an ion leaves its position in the lattice and occupy interstitial site leaving a gap in the crystal i.e.
it creates a vacancy defect and interstitial defect.
[2] This defect will occur if size of cation is smaller than anion, with low coordination number.
[3] Frenkel defects are not found in pure alkali halide. Due to larger size of cations, ions can not
accommodate in interstitial site.
[4] Frenkel defect are found silver halide, because silver ions are smaller in size and can get into the
interstitial site.
[5] The Frenkel defect does not change the density of the solid.
[6] In silver bromide, both Schottky and Frenkel defects are found.
Metal excess defect
[a] F-Centers ( Farbe: means colour )

[1] When there is an excess of metal ions in non-stoichiometric compounds, the crystal lattice has vacant
anion site. The anion sites occupied by electrons are called F-centre.
[2] The F-centers are associated with the colour of the compounds. Excess of K in KCl makes the crystal
violet. Excess of Li in LiCl makes the crystal pink.
[3] Solid containing F-centre are paramagnetic, because the electrons occupying the F-centers are
[4] When the crystal having F-centers are exposed to light, they become photoconductor.
[b] Metal excess defect due to presence of extra cation at the interstitial site
Zinc oxide is white in colour at room temperature on heating, it looses oxygen and turns yellow.

Now there is excess of zinc in the crystal and its formula becomes Zn 1+ x O
The excess zinc ions move to interstitial site and the electrons to neighboring interstitial site.
Metal deficiency defect
FeO, mostly found with a composition of Fe 0.95 O i.e. range from Fe0.93O – Fe0.96O. In crystals of FeO, some
Fe2+ ions are missing and the loss of positive charge is made up by the presence of required number of
Fe3+ ions.
Electron sea model of metallic bonding
[1] A metal consists of a lattice of positive ions ( Kernel ) immersed in a sea of valence electrons ( mobile
electrons )
[2] The force of attraction between the mobile electrons and the the kernels is known as metallic bond.
[3] The electrical and thermal conductivity of metals can be explained by the presence of mobile electrons
in metal.
The Band Model Of Metallic Bonding
The band model of metal is based on molecular orbital theory.
When a large no. of orbital overlap in metal, it results a continuous energy level produced by a large
number of molecular orbital is called energy band.

2p0 2p band ( conduction band )

Coduction band
511 Kj/mol

2s2 2s- band ( valence band )

[ conductor ]
1s2 1s- band
Valence band
[ Semi conductor ]
Conductivity of Insulator 10 -20 - 10-10 ohm -1
m -1

[ Insulator ]
Semiconductor 10 - 6 - 104 ohm -1
m -1

Conductor 10 4 - 107 ohm -1

m -1

The lowest unoccupied energy band is known as conduction band

The highest occupied energy band is known as valence band
The energy difference between the top of valence band and the bottom of the conduction band is known as energy gap.

Impurity defect ( Doping )

The introduction of defects in a particular crystalline solid by the addition of other elements is known as
Doping increases the conductivity of crystal. For example, if we mix strontium chloride ( SrCl 2 ) with
sodium chloride, some strontium ( Sr2+ ) ions occupy the lattice sites of sodium ions ( Na +) and equal
number of sodium ( Na+ ) sites remain vacant. Such vacancies in the crystal increase the electrical
conductivity because certain ions from the neighboring sites can move into these vacant holes. In this
defect the number of positive ions are less as compared to negative ions. Crystals with such defects also
act as semiconductor. Since the conductivity is due to holes, these are known as P-type semiconductors.

If NaCl is doped with 10-3 mol % of SrCl2. What is the concentration of cation vacancies?
The addition of SrCl2 to NaCl produces cation vacancies equal in number to that of Sr2+ ions.
No. of moles of SrCl2 added to one mol of NaCl = 10-3 / 100 = 10-5 mol.
No. of holes created in one mole of NaCl = 10-5 X 6.023 X 1023 = 6.023 x 1018

These are solids whose conductivity lies in between those of conductors and insulators. The conductivity
of semiconductors increases with increase of temperature.

Intrinsic semiconductor
An insulator capable of conducting electric current at higher temperature or when irradiated with
electromagnetic radiations, are known as intrinsic semiconductor.
This happens because certain covalent bonds are broken and the released electrons are in a position to
conduct electric current. e.g. Silicon , Germanium.
Extrinsic semiconductor
These are formed when impurities of certain elements are added (doped) to insulator.
N-type semiconductors
It is obtained by doping group – 14 elements with group – 15 elements.
Suppose Si is doped with P with 5 valence electrons, out of 5 valence electrons, only 4 valence electrons
are involved in bond formation.
The fifth electron is not bound any where and can be easily promoted to the conduction band. The
conduction is thus mainly caused by the movement of electrons.
P-type semiconductors
It is obtained by doping group – 14 elements with group – 13 elements.
Suppose Si is doped with Ga which has 3 valence electrons, 3 valence electrons are involved in bond
formation with neighboring Si atom.
A vacancy is left which can be filled by the transfer of a valence electron from a neighboring Si atom.
The movement of electron into the vacancy leaves behind a hole which carries positive charge.
Another electron from a neighboring Si atom can move into the hole leaving behind another hole. It
appears as if the hole has moved through the lattice.
The movement of positively charged hole is responsible for the conduction of charge.

Non-stoichiometric cuprous oxide, Cu2O can be prepared in laboratory. In this oxide,

copper to oxygen ratio is slightly less than 2:1. Can you account for the fact that this
substance is a p-type semiconductor?
[1] Since Cu2O is non-stoichiometric oxide, it contains Cu in two oxidation states, +1 and +2.
[2] Cu2+ provides an excess of positive charge. As a result an electron from a neighboring Cu+ is
to Cu2+.
[3] The transfer of electron leaves behind a hole, which carries an extra positive charge and a negative hole
is created.
[4] It appears that the positive hole moves through the lattice, hence it appears as P-type semiconductor.
12 – 16 and 13 – 15 compounds
Combination of elements of Gr – 13 and Gr – 15 or Gr – 12 and Gr – 16 produce compounds which
stimulate average valence of four as in Ge or Si .
12 – 16 compounds –> ZnS, CdS, CdSe, HgTe
13 – 15 compounds –> InSn, AlP, GaAs
Magnetic properties
[1] Diamagnetic
Diamagnetic substances are the substances which are weakly repelled by a magnetic field.
The electrons in diamagnetic substances are all paired. They do not contain unpaired electrons.
e.g. TiO2 , NaCl , C6H6 ,N2 , Zn
[2] Paramagnetic
Paramagnetic substances are those which are attracted by a magnetic field but they lose their
magnetism in the absence of magnetic field.
These substances have permanent magnetic dipole, due to presence of atoms, molecules or ions
containing unpaired electrons.
e.g. Cu2+, Fe3+, O2 , NO, CuO, etc.
Substances containing unpaired electrons are further classified as:
(a) Ferromagnetic substances –> Ferromagnetic substances are those substances which
are strongly attracted by a magnetic field and can be made into permanent magnets.
These substances show magnetism even in the absence of a magnetic field.
The large magnetism in these substances is due to the spontaneous alignment
of magnetic moment,i.e Unpaired electron in the same direction.
Example: Iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium and CrO2
CrO2 is used to make magnetic tapes for audio recording.
(b) Anti-ferromagnetic substances –> Anti-ferromagnetic substances
are those substances in which equal number of magnetic moments
are aligned in opposite directions so as to give zero net moment.
Example: MnO, MnO2 and Mn2O3
(c) Ferrimagnetic substances
Ferrimagnetism is observed when the magnetic moments
of the domains in the substance are aligned in parallel and
anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers They are weakly
attracted by magnetic field as compared to ferromagnetic substances.
Example: Fe3O4 (magnetite) and ferrites like MgFe2O4 and ZnFe2O4
These substances also lose ferrimagnetism on heating and become paramagnetic.

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