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Step One: Determining A Budget: by Michael Hesse

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by Michael Hesse

Robotics power category from Heroes Unlimited 2nd Alignment: Any. Heroes are good in case you
Edition is vague I feel on certain points of character didn’t know.
creation. Also, I feel that some options that should be Skills: Special Training (often Military, not
present aren’t such as things that more accurately reflect always): one Computer Program, one Piloting Program,
robots in our favorite comic books, TV, and movies. Hand to Hand: Expert (can be upgraded to Martial Arts for
the cost of one Secondary skill), the four basic skills (see
Robotics Power Category is found on page 192. Thank you page 45), and one Skill Program of choice (+15% to all
and enjoy. scholastic skills), plus eight secondary skills.
Special Skill: Pilot Robot Vehicle (any) 60% +4%
per level of experience; -50% to pilot alien robots.
Step One: Robot Combat (bonuses while piloting the
Determining a Budget robot): +1 attack per melee, +1 on initiative, +1 to pull
Roll percentile dice on the following table to determine Attacks Per Melee: Automatically start with two
your budget. Once the budget is determined, follow the attacks per melee. Additional are available through skills.
other steps, purchasing intelligence, Programs, Robot Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): 2D6 +28.
Body Types, Weapons and Features. All money must be S.D.C. can be increased through physical skills.
spent. Any money not spent is permanently lost. Available Financial Resources: If employed by
Robot Budget robot’s sponsoring organization expect housing paid for
01-20% $14 million 61-80% $20 million and 1D4 x $2000 a month. 2D4 x $1000 in ready cash.
21-40% $16 million 81-00% $22 million (See optional rules to rounding out one’s character on
41-60% $18 million page 25 (not 28 as mentioned in Table of Contents).
Player owns a vehicle (under $50,000) that is 1D4 years
Do I need a pilot? old. Presumably the character has a job, apartment, and
• If the robot is like Data, Vision, or Optimus Prime reasonable personal possessions.
than NO, you don’t need a pilot.
Robot Attributes:
I.Q.: 3D6
Step Two: Selecting a Robot
M.E.: 3D6 (only for Advanced A.I.) Intelligence
M.A.: 3D6 Type 1: Robot Vehicle and Type 3: Exoskeleton Robots do
P.S.: Purchased during Construction not require an artificial Intelligence. But they can have
P.P.: Purchased during Construction them if desired. Player and GM should decide how much
P.E.: None – Robot is a machine – (No Hit Points either) control the A.I. has over the robot.
P.B.: Purchased during Construction
Spd.: Purchased during Construction
Continue to Step Two: Selecting a Robot Intelligence.
• If the robot is like K.I.T.T., Voltron, or Iron Man
then YES you need a pilot.

The Robot / Exoskeleton Pilot Character Type 2: True Robots and Type 4: Androids must have an
Attributes & Hit Points: Roll as usual. + 1D4 to Artificial or Transferred Intelligence to direct and control
P.P. attribute. the machine. There are three types of intelligence systems

by Michael Hesse

1. Standard Artificial Intelligence: $1.1 million

2. Advanced Artificial Intelligence: $3.5 million
3. Transferred Intelligence/Consciousness: $3.9
1. The Standard Artificial Intelligence is a computer
brain with limited scope of intelligence. Limited, in
that it operates like most standard computers and
can only respond as programmed. Furthermore, the
robot has limited memory and skills. Granted these
super-sophisticated machines are far more complex
than and superior to a desktop computer, but like the 3. Transferred Intelligence is not artificial, but a bizarre
ordinary, it can not perform skills or react to any experimental technique in which the human intellect
situations for which it has not been programmed. and consciousness is temporarily transferred from the
Nor does it have the ability to learn or speculate on human body into a robot! The process requires a
matters. This intelligence must always draw upon its special micro-transmitter to be implanted at the base
data banks and programming in a strictly logical and of the human test subject’s skull and an
analytical way. Without proper information, it will electromagnetic containment and control center built
respond with, “insufficient data”, or “it does not into the robot.
compute.” Despite this, the robot can be
programmed to sound and act very natural, human,
and intelligent.

The containment and control center are where the

transferred consciousness is safely housed. It is
attuned to that individual’s specific brain pattern, so
it cannot be used by just anybody. The Robot is
controlled by thought and electromagnetic impulses,
enabling the robot to respond instantly, like the
human body.
Transfers are instantaneous (counts as one melee
action) and can be done repeatedly without strain on
man or machine. However, several transferals within
a short period of time will cause an intense and
2. Advanced Artificial Intelligence is almost human in lengthy headache (2D6 hours). The real danger
that I can think in both objective and subjective remains with the human body. While the individual’s
terms, as well as draw its own conclusions based on consciousness is in the robot, the body drops into a
available data. It can formulate basic ideas, coma-like state functioning on the most meager
conjecture/speculate on future events or situations, levels. Body can be abandoned for 48 hours without
and develop or extrapolate on theories based upon ill effect.
analysis, past experience and speculation. Most • Reduce weight by two pounds and P.S., P.P.,
importantly, like a human, it can arrive at its own P.E., and Speed by one point every two days
conclusions and immediately react accordingly, past the first 48 hours.
responding to an unexpected or spontaneous • Hospital care will extend the 48 hour safe
situation just like a human. A robot with this period to six weeks. Reduce P.S., P.P., P.E.,
advanced artificial intelligence (Advanced AI) can and Speed by one point every seven days
bluff, lie, improvise, take gambles (play the odds), after six weeks.
hypothesize and even react to the emotions of the • Muscles begin to atrophy after seven days.
humans around it. Crippling effects after two weeks. Two
weeks requires 1D4 weeks of therapy; 4-8
weeks requires 1D4+2 weeks of therapy; 9
or more weeks require 2D4 +6 weeks of

by Michael Hesse

• Loss of points is recovered slowly as Type 3: Exoskeleton/Power Armor: Robot suit or power
muscles return to normal, about one point armor that enhances the human wearer.
per week of therapy.
Notes on transferred intelligences:
• Only one robot can be controlled at a time
• Only robots attuned to character’s brain waves
and fitted with electromagnetic/control unit can
be used. Armor of the intelligence unit is A.R.:
16, S.D.C.: 200
• If containment unit is destroyed, character’s
mind is lost and the body is an empty, mindless
• If the human body dies, the character’s mind is Exoskeletons are worn like an article of clothing; usually
forever trapped inside the robot. lightweight, less heavily armored, and fewer weapons.
• Range for transfer is 50 miles.
• Skills and abilities are limited to the mind Power armor tends to be heavier, armored, and equipped
controlling the robot. with weapon features. To build a power armor be sure to
• The empty mindless body is vulnerable to include extra armor and full environmental protection
possession (no saving throw). If possessed the found on page 209.
mind can not return to his/her body until no
longer possessed. But keep those designs safe!!
• Human mind does gain experience points from
inside the body of the robot or android.

Step Three: Selecting a Robot

Type 1: Robot Vehicle: Generally, a giant-sized robot or
robot vehicle controlled by a human pilot.

Type 2: True Robot/Machine Body: Typically, a Type 4: Android: An advanced robot that looks and acts
humanoid, animal or vehicular robot with an advanced AI human; requires an AI or Transferred Intelligence.
or TI; typically human-sized or proportional to humans.

Note on Attacks per Melee:

by Michael Hesse

All Unmanned robots with standard or advanced Physical Science Program: $425,000
artificial intelligence start with three attacks per melee. Other Skill Program : $400,000
• Standard intelligence adds one attack per melee
for $700,000 each (Maximum attacks is eight
total, three to start and five that can be
Step Five: Background Data
purchased). See Page 199
• Advanced intelligence adds one attack per melee
for $500,000 each (Maximum attacks is eight Step Six: Robot Construction
total, three to start and five that can be Begins on Page 200
• Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry Selection A: Body, Frames, Size, and Styles
and dodge and +4 to pull punch, +1 to roll with 1. Basic Human: Life-size and proportion; suitable
impact; plus any through special programming for type 2, 3, or 4 robots.
and (artificial) physical attribute bonus. Basic Physical Attribute:
Robots piloted by a human, or controlled by a P.S. 10*, P.P. 10*, P.B. 6 Spd 10**
transferred intelligence may purchase up to two additional *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
attacks per round at a cost of $650,000 each. These can **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
only be used when inside the robot. P.S. is equal to minor ability of Superhuman
Step Four: AI Programming Size: 6 to 8 feet tall
Light Frame: 110 lbs. Cost: $500,000
If not using an artificial intelligence, then skip this step.
Reinforced Frame: Add 60 lbs. Additional Cost:
Robot Alignments: Moral code of the robot’s
programming. An advanced AI can learn and change their
Android Human Design: P.B. +2D6 Additional
alignment. Simple AI can only follow its programming.
Cost: $250,000
Programming Skills:
2. Large Humanoid: Huge, suitable for type 1 and 2
Basic to all Robots:
• Basic and Advanced Mathematics (98%)
Basic Physical Attribute:
• Literacy in English and one other language (96%)
P.S. 10*, P.P. 10*, P.B. 6 Spd 10**
• Speaks English and one other language (88%)
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
• Rudimentary Understanding of Biology (50%) **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
• Common Sense laws of Physics and Societal Behavior P.S. is equal to major ability of Supernatural
Standard A.I.: Strength
Select ONE Skill Program. Skills are permanently fixed and Size: 12 to 22 feet tall
do not increase. Light Frame: 2000 lbs. Cost: $1.2 million
Advanced A.I.: Reinforced Frame: Add 1000 lbs. Additional
Select ONE Skill Program. Skills increase at +2% per level Cost: $1.5 million
of experience. Advanced A.I. learn one new Scholastic skill 3. Vehicular: Motorcycle: Suitable for type 1 and 2
(+10%) or two Secondary skills (no bonus) every level robots.
starting at level two. Size: 6 to 7 feet long
Advanced A.I. may purchase additional skill programs to Light Frame: 500 lbs. Cost: $30,000
start with at level one. Reinforced Frame: Add 400 lbs. Additional
Cost: $40,000
See Page 198 for available Skill Programs. 4. Vehicular: Compact Car: Suitable for type 1 and
2 robots.
Skill Program costs (First is free with AI purchase): Size: 8 feet long
Light Frame: 1000 lbs. Cost: $16,000
Basic Combat Program: $425,000 Reinforced Frame: Add 600 lbs. Additional
Communication Program: $150,000 Cost: $20,000
Domestic Program: $30,000 5. Vehicular: Sports Car: Suitable for type 1 and 2
Electrical Program: $350,000 robots.
Espionage Program: $545,000 Size: 10 feet long
Investigative Program: $425,000 Light Frame: 2,200 lbs. Cost: $80,000
Pilot Program: $325,000 Reinforced Frame: Add 900 lbs. Additional
Science Program: $310,000 Cost: $30,000
Social Science Program: $250,000

by Michael Hesse

6. Vehicular: Midsize Sedan/ATV: Suitable for type *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D

1 and 2 robots. **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
Size: 11-14 feet long P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Light Frame: 2,000 lbs. Cost: $50,000 Strength
Reinforced Frame: Add 900 lbs. Additional Size: 3-4 feet long
Cost: $40,000 Light Frame: 1000 lbs. Cost: $3 million
7. Vehicular: Full size Sedan/Mini-Van: Suitable Reinforced Frame: Add 100 lbs. Additional
for type 1 and 2 robots. Cost: $350,000
Size: 14-16 feet long 12. Animal: Basic Canine: Suitable for type 2 robots.
Light Frame: 4,000 lbs. Cost: $50,000 Small Size: Fox or Terrier
Reinforced Frame: Add 4,000 lbs. Additional Basic Physical Attribute:
Cost: $45,000 P.S. 10*, P.P. 12*, P.B. 6 Spd 22**
8. Vehicular: Full Size Van: Suitable for type 1 and *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
2 robots. **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
Size: 16-18 feet long P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Light Frame: 4,000 lbs. Cost: $40,000 Strength
Reinforced Frame: Add 2,000 lbs. Additional Size: 2 feet long
Cost: $30,000 Light Frame: 40 lbs. Cost: $1 million
9. Vehicular: Tank Style: Suitable for type 1 and 2 Medium Size: German Shepard, Setter, Retriever
robots. Basic Physical Attribute:
Size: 20-25 feet long P.S. 16*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 6 Spd 44**
Light Frame: Not Available *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Reinforced Frame: 15 tons. Cost: $150,000 **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
10. Jet Aircraft and Geometric Styles see page 201 P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Size: 3-4 feet long
Light Frame: 200 lbs. Cost: $2 million
Large Size: Wolf, Great Dane, St. Bernard
Basic Physical Attribute:
P.S. 18*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 6 Spd 58**
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
11. Animal: Basic Feline: Suitable for type 2 robots. Size: 5-6 feet long
Small Size: Tom Cat Light Frame: 800 lbs. Cost: $3.5 million
Basic Physical Attribute: Reinforced Frame: Add 100 lbs. Additional
P.S. 8*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 6 Spd 11** Cost: $350,000
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D 13. Animal: Basic Horse: Suitable for type 2 robots.
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Small Size: Pony/Small Horse
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman Basic Physical Attribute:
Strength P.S. 18*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 8 Spd 58**
Size: 2 feet long *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Light Frame: 40 lbs. Cost: $700,000 **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
Medium Size: Cougar/Lynx/Leopard P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Basic Physical Attribute: Strength
P.S. 16*, P.P. 16*, P.B. 6 Spd 22** Size: 5-6 feet long
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D Light Frame: 500 lbs. Cost: $2 million
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Medium Size: Race/Running Horse
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman Basic Physical Attribute:
Strength P.S. 24*, P.P. 18*, P.B. 9 Spd 88**
Size: 3-4 feet long *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Light Frame: 200 lbs. Cost: $1.5 million **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
Large Size: Tiger or Lion P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Basic Physical Attribute: Strength
P.S. 16*, P.P. 18*, P.B. 6 Spd 44** Size: 7 feet long
Light Frame: 1000 lbs. Cost: $3.5 million

by Michael Hesse

Large Size: Large Draft horse or Warhorse Reinforced Frame: Add 500 lbs. Additional
Basic Physical Attribute: Cost: $600,000
P.S. 28*, P.P. 20*, P.B. 9 Spd 132**
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
Size: 8-9 feet long
Light Frame: 1400 lbs. Cost: $5.5 million 16. Insect/Spider: Suitable for type 2 robots.
Reinforced Frame: Add 100 lbs. Additional Small Size: Size of Cat
Cost: $500,000 Basic Physical Attribute:
14. Animal: Basic Bird: Suitable for type 2 robots. P.S. 8*, P.P. 12*, P.B. 4 Spd 22**
Small Size: Falcon, Owl, or Crow *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Basic Physical Attribute: **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
P.S. 8*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 6 Flying Spd 77** P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D Strength
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Size: 2 feet long
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman Light Frame: 40 lbs. Cost: $1.2 million
Strength Medium Size: Man-Size
Size: 1 foot tall Basic Physical Attribute:
Light Frame: 30 lbs. Cost: $1 million P.S. 18*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 4 Spd 58**
Medium Size: Eagle *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Basic Physical Attribute: **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
P.S. 12*, P.P. 18*, P.B. 6 Spd 110** P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D Strength
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Size: 5-6 feet long
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman Light Frame: 200 lbs. Cost: $2.4 million
Strength Large Size: Size of a Horse
Size: 3 feet tall Basic Physical Attribute:
Light Frame: 80 lbs. Cost: $2 million P.S. 20*, P.P. 18*, P.B. 4 Spd 88**
Large Size: Condor *Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
Basic Physical Attribute: **Purchased and upgraded at Selection C
P.S. 20*, P.P. 20*, P.B. 6 Spd 90** P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D Strength
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Size: 7-8 feet long
P.S. is equal to major ability of Superhuman Light Frame: 700 lbs. Cost: $4.8 million
Strength Reinforced Frame: Add 100 lbs. Additional
Size: 5 feet long Cost: $400,000
Light Frame: 200 lbs. Cost: $4 million
Reinforced Frame: Add 50 lbs. Additional Cost: Selection B: Power Supply – Page 202
$200,000 1. Liquid Fuel – Not suitable for Type 4
a. Mileage – 60miles per gallon
2. Super-Solar Engine -- Unchanged
3. Fusion Power System -- Unchanged
4. Micro-Fusion Power System -- Unchanged
5. (NEW – Sort of) Nuclear Power System: Lifespan
of 10 years. Suitable for any large robot or
vehicle type robot. Basic System Cost: $5 million
15. Animal: Giant: Suitable for type 1 and 2 robots. 6. (NEW) Advanced Electric Battery: Lifespan of 5
Size: 10-18 feet long years. Basic System Cost: $90,000.
Light Frame: + 1,200 lbs. Cost: + $5 million a. Human-Sized: Charge for 6 days
Minimum Starting Physical Attributes: b. Large or Vehicle Size: Charge for 4 days
P.S. 18*, P.P. 14*, P.B. 7 Spd 58** c. Battery Recharge Cost: $500
*Purchased an upgraded at Selection D
**Purchased and upgraded at Selection C Selection C: Legs and Locomotion – Page 202
P.S. is equal to major ability of Supernatural 1. Speed Attributes:
Strength a. Additional Spd Cost: $200 per point.

by Michael Hesse

Selection D: Arms and Hands – Page 204 What not to do:

1. P.S. and P.P. Attributes:
a. Additional P.S. Cost: $2,000 per point The Iron-Acme soars through the air in his power armor to
b. Additional P.P. Cost: $10,000 per point save a group of innocent adorable orphans from the
i. Exoskeletons can use pilot’s nefarious Captain Meanie-Teaser (real villain I created
P.P. instead. based off my father when I was five).
c. Must purchase for each arm/hand unit
Other Available Features: Iron-Acme: “Free those orphans, Meanie!”

Begins on page 209 Meanie-Teaser: “Never Iron-Acme. They and you are
Body Armor
Armor Rating (A.R.)
Iron-Acme: “Then bear witness to my armor’s
The Armor rating for all robots starts at A.R. 6 and is
power. Activate Alter Structure
considered NATURAL. It can be increased at the cost of
$100,000 per A.R. point.

Maximum A.R. – 17 (ALL Robot Types and Styles) Meanie-Teaser: “Wait, what?”

Alien and Advanced Technology The Iron-Acme activates and immediately regrets never
Some technology man-kind has not yet testing the Alter Physical Structure: Plasma beforehand.
realized. These can be incorporated as protype designs. His armor is immediately transformed into highly
Examples and costs are found: energized and superheated gas. What was his suit
Aliens Unlimited – Page20 immediately incinerates his flesh and his body is reduced
Galaxy Guide – Page 138 to a nightmarish blob of unrecognizable matter that boils
and sizzles. Iron-Acme’s scream were short-lived and
Super Abilities replaced by the uncontrollable vomiting of Captain
Ever notice robots sometimes have super Meanie-Teaser who surrenders to the police without
powers? Red Tornado and Vision are prime examples. further incident. Orphans though now safe will have
Here is a new option to add these abilities to your decades of therapy.
robots. Please use caution, balance and common sense.

Player and GM should work together on this option.

Major Super Ability Cost: $1.5 million

Minor Super Ability Cost: $300,000

Each power is considered to be level 1 and does not

increase in level. Higher level powers can be purchased
during creation by adding 25% to the cost for each
additional level.

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