2 People V Dansal
2 People V Dansal
2 People V Dansal
The Regional Trial court of Iligan City Branch 2 sentenced appellant Dansal of the crime of murder. The trial
court found that Appellant together with 4 other John Does, with treachery, evident premeditation, taking advantage
of superior strength, and with intent to kill, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and shoot one Abubacar
Pagalamatan with a Garand rifle thereby inflicting upon the latter multiple gunshot wounds which were the direct and
immediate cause of his death.
Now appellant Dansal appeal before the Supreme Court claiming that he acted under the compulsion of an
irresistible force. To support this claim Dansal’s version of the crime is as follows: He went to visit his sister. At his
sister’s house the other 4 appellants known as the Dorados, brought him to their house, left the following morning
with garand rifles and proceeded to the house of the victim. Allegedly, they asked the victim to come out and then
they fired their guns at him as soon as he appeared.
The Court ruled in negative. Appellant cannot invoke the exempting circumstance of Actus me invite
factus non est meus actus ('the act done by me against my will is not my act), otherwise known as
irresistible force found in Article 12 Section 5 of the Revised Penal Code.
In the case at bar, appellant did not mention that the Dorados physically or morally threatened to kill or
hurt him. He did not even make any attempt to resist. He simply took for granted that they would kill or hurt him if
he did not follow them. No evidence was presented to establish how, if at all, he was compelled to join the Dorados
in killing the victim. In other words, appellant failed to prove that the Dorados made a real and imminent threat on
his life or limb sufficient to overcome his free will.