2018 Fall Application Guide Eg
2018 Fall Application Guide Eg
2018 Fall Application Guide Eg
Academic Year
Fall 2018
Application Guide for
International Students
Important dates
Contents Early Application Regular Application
Announcement March, 2018
Registration March 1st to April 10th, 2018 April 16th to May 16th, 2018
Results May 10th, 2018 June 6th, 2018
Notification May 14 , 2018 June 11th, 2018
Report Deadline May 31st, 2018 June 25th, 2018
th st
Enrollment letter August 20 to August 31 , 2018
Semester September, 2018
1. In order to successfully apply, please carefully read through each rule of this
guide book.
2. (1) Documents of the Early Application shall be submitted and postmarked by
April 10th (Tuesday). Applicants who submit their documents in person shall
submit their documents by 5 p.m. on April 10th (Tuesday) to Office of
International Affairs. Application received after the deadline will not be
(2) Documents of the Regular Application shall be submitted and postmarked by
May 16th (Wednesday). Applicants who submit their documents in person shall
submit their documents by 5 p.m. on May 16th (Wednesday) to Office of
International Affairs. Application received after the deadline will not be
3. According to the regulation of Article 13 from Gender Equity Education Act,
“The school shall not discriminate against a prospective student during
recruitment or evaluation of applications for admission on the basis of his or her
gender, gender temperaments, gender identity or sexual orientation. With the
approval of the competent authority, this requirement will not apply to schools,
classes and curricula with a specific historical tradition, special education
objectives, or other reasons unrelated to gender,” any violation to this regulation
during recruitment or evaluation of applications for admission should be reported
to us. The website of the committee for Gender Equity Education is
Application Instructions
1. Eligibility
Applicants should comply with MOE Regulations Regarding International Students
Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.
1. Students who graduated from high schools or two-year colleges are eligible to
apply for four-year undergraduate programs or two-year undergraduate
programs respectively.
2. Students with bachelor degrees are eligible to apply for graduate studies in
Master Programs at YunTech.
3. Students with master degrees are eligible to apply for graduate studies in Ph.D.
Programs at YunTech.
1.2 Nationality
International students shall be confined to as an individual who does not hold
Republic of China (Taiwan) nationality, who has never held Republic of China
(Taiwan) nationality nor has an overseas Chinese student status.
Individuals who are holding foreign nationalities and have stayed abroad for more
than 6 years (till August 1st, 2018) and who are qualified for one of the following
situations are considered as international students.
1. Individuals holding both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities but have never had the
household registration in Taiwan are considered as international students.
2. Individuals holding foreign nationality and once had R.O.C. nationality but have
not had household registration issued by Ministry of Interior for at least 8 years
(till August 1st, 2018) are considered as international students.
3. The above individuals who have never held overseas Chinese student status
and studied in Taiwan nor have received a student status by University
Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese in the enrollment year.
4. Individuals who are not limited by the mentioned rules are students who are
recommended by governments, organizations or schools and approved by the
mentioned institutions, and have never had Republic of China (Taiwan)
household registration.
2. Time of Enrollment
September, 2018
3. Study Periods
1. Bachelor Degree: 4-6 years for four-year degree and no less than 2 years for
two-year degree
2. Master Degree: 1-4 years
3. PhD Degree: 2-7 years
4. How to Apply
Note: Early, and Regular Applications are all for the academic year starting in
September, 2018. A limited number and amount of tuition waivers are awarded to
international students. And the earlier the applicant submits the documents, the higher
opportunity you get the tuition waiver. Please refer to the 6th point of Important
Reminders for more information about tuition waiver.
5. Required Documents
(1) A check list of required documents (see appendix)
(2) Two copies of application form with 2” recent photos attached. The photos
should be taken within 3 months. (see appendix)
(3) Deposition (see appendix)
(4) Letter of authority (see page appendix)
(5) Verification of nationality
(6) Original copy of applicant’s certified diploma. Official academic records from
applicants’ secondary schools or colleges/universities. If the original languages
of academic records are neither in English nor Chinese, the applicants shall
submit academic records either in English or Chinese and shall be sent to Office
of International Affairs.
(YunTech has the right to ask for certified documents from R.O.C. (Taiwan)
overseas offices if needed.)
i. If the original diploma is neither in English nor Chinese, a translation copy
in English or Chinese which is notarized by R.O.C. (Taiwan) overseas
offices is required.
ii. After receiving the admission letter the following documents should be
notarized by one of the following organizations; R.O.C. (Taiwan)
Embassy, Representative Office, Economic and Cultural Office or other
organizations authorize by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diploma,
transcript of grades and financial support statement.
(7) Financial Support statement
The financial support statement shall be notarized by R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy
or be sent directly by applicants’ banks in sealed envelopes to Office of
International Affairs. Financial support statements from banks of Taiwan are not
required to be notarized.
(It should prove the financial sufficiency to support the applicant’s study at
(8) Health certificate (including HIV test) issued by a hospital within 6 months
(9) Autobiography within 1000 words (see appendix)
(10) A Chinese or English study plan (For graduate program applicants only)
(11) Two letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes (For graduate program
applicants only)
(12) Certifications of capabilities
(13) Individuals holding foreign nationality and holding or once had R.O.C.
nationality shall submit the certificate to prove he/she have stayed abroad
continually (more than 6 years while applying)
(14) Individuals holding a foreign nationality and once had R.O.C. nationality but
have never had household registration in Taiwan shall submit certificate issued
by Ministry of Interior to prove his/her stay for more than 6 years.
(15) Application fee: NT$1000 or US$40
The application fee should be remitted to YunTech bank account (Remittance
fees should pay by applicants). Please enclose a copy of Bank Telegram
Transfer receipt along with the other documents.
Bank Name:Bank of Taiwan, Douliou Branch
Address: 123, University Road, Sec. 3,
Douliu, Yunlin County, 64002, Taiwan
Account: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Account number:031036070396
Swift Code: BKTWTWTP
Note: All the documents are unreturnable. Please make copies for your own reference
if needed.
6. Important Reminders
(1) Applicants should make sure if they are qualified by checking all criteria from
the department of enrollment.
(2) Applicants who are not proficient in Mandarin should take related language
courses at their own expense if there is no language certification.
(3) International students who have been forced to drop out at any institution in
Taiwan due to behavior problems, failed academic performances and criminal
records are not allowed to apply for admission. Should any of the above violation
cases be verified, the applicant’s student status will be revoked immediately.
(4) International students who have the household registration, naturalization or
restoration to R.O.C. nationality during their study will lose their international
students status and accept the discontinuation of their study by the University.
(5) According to regulation issued by Taiwan Ministry of Education, applicants
should present YunTech a valid medical insurance of 4 months started from the
date of entering Taiwan.
(6) International students that are eligible to study at YunTech can apply for the
Tuition Waiver and monthly stipend (please tick the selection from the
application form.) Steering Committee for Internationalization will select
the qualified students.
a. Types and amount for scholarship:
- Full-funded Stipend: full tuition waiver and monthly stipend up to
15,000 NTD for PhD and 10,000 NTD for Master students
- Partial-funded Stipend: full tuition waiver and monthly stipend up to
8,000 NTD for PhD and 6,000 NTD for Master students
- tuition waivers: waiver for full tuition, waiver for half tuition, and
waiver for a quarter of the tuition.
b. The duration of the scholarship is one year, and the applicants must
re-apply yearly. The maximum years of applying and receiving
scholarship is as the following.
- Bachelor students: 4 years, and 2 years for dual degree students
- Master students: 2 years, and 1 year for dual degree students
- Doctoral students: 3 years, and 2 years for dual degree students
c. Applicants can’t be granted the scholarship if you meet the following
- The project students selected by your government which have the
agreement with Ministry of Education of Taiwan can also apply for
tuition waiver or monthly stipend.
- Applicants already receives Taiwan scholarships from our government
or get the financial support from local government.
- Applicants can’t apply for the scholarship if you are double registered
students in Taiwan
- Applicants can’t apply for the scholarship if you are a full-time worker
and receive the monthly salary in Taiwan. But it doesn’t apply to this
condition if applicants get financial aids by assisting school affairs.
(7) The contact information of applicants should be accurate. Applicants unable to
reply any notification from YunTech before deadline will be regarded as giving
up their rights.
(8) Submitted documents are unreturnable. Please make copies for your own
(9) Applicants, in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection
Law, allow YunTech to hold and keep their personal information for the usage of
applying and enrollment in YunTech. YunTech will have the obligation and
responsibility to keep applicants’ personal informational for the use of enrollment
evaluation only. After submitting the application forms all applicants are
considered granting the school for using their personal information in aspects
related to enrollment.
(10) The admitted students who can’t enroll in the September can apply for retaining
the admission from the Office of Academic Affairs based on the regulation. Once
the application is allowed, the admission qualification will last for a year.
7. Colleges and Departments
Code Teaching Methods Required Supporting Documents
Proofs of Chinese proficiency
Note: Proofs of Chinese proficiency means any related
documents which issued by institutes for Chinese
Courses mainly taught in proficiency test such as Test of Chinese as a Foreign
【A】 Chinese Language (TOCFL) from Taiwan, Chinese Proficiency Test
(HSK) from Mainland China, Subject Test in Chinese
with Listening (SAT) from United States, or certificates
from Chinese courses of universities/colleges in Taiwan and
so on.
TOEFL ITP test score above 500 or TOEFL iBT test score
Courses taught partially above 61 or equivalent.
【B】 in Chinese and partially
in English Note: Please refer to the remark for the requirement of
Department of Applied Foreign Language.
Proofs of Chinese proficiency (TOEFL ITP test score above
Courses totally taught in 500 or TOEFL iBT test score above 61 or equivalent.)
【C】 English Note: Please refer to the remark for the requirement of
Department of Applied Foreign Language.
College of
Communication 【A】 【B】 Portfolio of works
College Department BS MS PhD Note/Requirement
College of
Architecture 【A】 Portfolio of works
College of
Interior Design 【A】 Portfolio of works
1. Portfolio of works
2. Applicants who are not graduate
College of Architecture and from related major should take
Design Interior Design
【B】 some bachelor courses based on
the regulation of master course
selection requirement.
College of Digital Media
Design Design
【A】 【B】 Portfolio of works
College of
Creative Design 【A】 【B】 Portfolio of works
Proofs of English Proficiency:
TOEFL ITP test score above 500 or
【B】 TOEFL iBT test score above 63 or
College of IELTS 5 or TOEIC above 680.
Humanities Applied Foreign Proofs of English Proficiency:
and Applied Language TOEFL ITP test score above 550 or
Sciences TOEFL iBT test score above 78 or
【C】 IELTS 6 or TOEIC above 800
(English native speakers don’t have
to submit these documents.)
College of
and Applied
Heritage 【A】 【B】
College of
and Applied
and Vocational 【B】 【B】
College of
Proofs of studying Chinese courses
Humanities Applied Chinese
and Applied Studies
【B】 or other language (such as Japanese)
during undergraduate years.
College of
Humanities Leisure and
and Applied Exercise Studies
College of
Humanities Science and
and Applied Technology Law
College of
Humanities Materials
and Applied Science
8. Tuition and Fees
8.1 Tuition
(According to tuition standard by Ministry of Education, the tuition for academic year 2018 is expected to follow the new standard.)
Basic Language Practical
Tuition Fee for Training (Under
Degree Department Tuition (without per Credit Computer graduate and Insurance
credit hour Hour Dormitory fee Deposition Applied Foreign
fee) Languages only)
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Basic Language Practical
Fee for Dormitory
Tuition Training (Under
Degree Department Tuition (without Computer graduate and Insurance
credit hour Dormitory fee Deposition Applied Foreign
fee) Languages only)
Applied Foreign
International Project 46,606 10,939 1,540
Management 1800NTD 385NTD 260NTD
Management NTD NTD NTD Building D2: 11,188 NTD 60US$ 13US$ 9US$
Technical and 1554US$ 360US$ 51US$
Master Vocational Education Building G: 10,980 NTD
Leisure and Exercise 366US$
Chinese Studies and
Basic Language Practical
Fee for Dormitory
Tuition Training (Under
Degree Department Tuition (without Computer graduate and Insurance
credit hour Dormitory fee Deposition Applied Foreign
fee) Languages only)
Finance 46,082
Accounting 1800NTD 385NTD 550NTD 334NTD
NTD 60US$ 13US$ 11US$
Applied Foreign
Languages 1518US$ 8,405 NTD
International Project 280US$
i. It depends on the regulation of Ministry of Education (No. 1000152372), published on August 24th 2011.
ii. Credit hour fee is based on courses taken by students; the utility for air-conditioner is not included in dormitory fee.
iii. Every graduate student shall pay basic tuition till graduation.
iv. The dormitory of Building D2 and G are for graduate students only. The fee for building D2 is NTD$11,188/373US$ (the cleaning fee, NTD$450/15US$, is
included.) And the fee for building G is NTD$10,980/366US$ (no cleaning service.)
v. The dormitory fee for undergraduate students is NTD$8,405/280US$ (the cleaning fee, NTD$450/15US$, is included.)
vi. Based on the regulation from Ministry of Education (No. 1000108296), published on June 29th 2011, the tuition for Taiwan Fellowship receivers who are
from the countries with diplomatic relations with Taiwan are the same with Taiwanese students.
vii. Students who would like to apply for the dorm should notice the deposit will be not returnable if you withdraw, even not moving in, as liquidated damages.
viii. All prices are calculated and charged in NTD. Prices mentioned in USD are for reference use only.
8.2 Living Cost
The estimated living cost at YunTech is about NT$130,000/4283US$ per year,
including accommodations, transportation and other personal expenses.
Estimated Living for One Academic Year
Dormitory (room for two) for
graduate student
(The fee is not included for NT$22,327 744US$
winter/summer vacation
Dormitory (room for four) for
undergraduate student
(The fee is not included for NT$16,810 560US$
winter/summer vacation
Personal expense (Such as food, NT$100,000 3333US$
transportation and others)
Books NT$12,000 400US$
Contact Information: Office of International Affairs
Tel: +886-5-5342601 ext. 2392/2393
E-mail: [email protected]
9. Appendix
3. Autobiography
4. Deposition
5. Letter of Authorization
Checklist of Required Documents for Application 【Check List】
※請檢查您所繳交資料項目 Please Check()the submitted items for your confirmation.
※請確定繳交資料以中文或英文書寫 Make sure that submitted documents are written in English or Chinese.
Items Copy
1.入學申請表 Application Form
(黏貼 1 張 2 吋三個月內近照) (attached with a 2” recent photo)
2.具結書 Deposition 1
3.授權書 Letter of Authority 1
4.國籍證明 Verification of Nationality 1
複審承辦人 複審主管 備註
【Application Form 1/4】
【Application Form 2/4】
Degree granted
III. 擬申請就讀之系所及學位
For which degree do you wish to apply?
志願 1
1st Choice
Department /
志願 2
Graduate School nd
2 Choice
IV. 財力支援狀況:在本校求學期間費用來源
Financial Support: What will be your major source of financial support during study?
(2) 即便無法獲得學雜費減費優惠,您是否仍願意就讀本校?
Do you still enroll YunTech even without the tuition waiver?
□願意 Yes □不願意 No
How many years have you formally studied Chinese?
Where did you study Chinese (high school, college,
language institute)?
□是 Yes If yes, what is the
name of the test?
Have you taken any
□否 No 分數
Chinese proficiency test?
自我評估 Please evaluate your Chinese skills.
聽 Listening □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor
說 Speaking □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor
讀 Reading □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor
寫 Writing □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor
※Please submitted the copies of all the related certificates along with this form.
【Application Form 4/4】
VIII. Others
如有疾病或缺陷請敘明之。Please specify physical illness or disability if have.
Please list your publications, including the published year, titles of publications, publishers, published
locations, if have.
Please write a1000-word self-introduction in Chinese or English.
具 結 書
1 本人保證符合中華民國教育部「外國學生來臺就學辦法」之規定。
I hereby attest that I am qualified for the regulations set by Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
2 本人保證符合以下三項其中之ㄧ:
I hereby attest that I am qualified for one of the following conditions.
□ 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,於申請時並不具僑生資格。
At the same time of application, I am holding a foreign nationality and have never held R.O.C. nationality. Moreover, I do not have
overseas Chinese student status.
□ 具外國國籍及兼具中華民國國籍者,自始未曾在臺設有戶籍並於申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者,且未曾以僑生身份在臺
At the same time of application, I am holding both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities but have never had the household registration in
Taiwan. Moreover, I have been living abroad continuously for more than 6 years and I have never studied with overseas Chinese status in
Taiwan and I have not received the student status from the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the
enrollment year.
□ 具外國國籍且曾兼具中華民國國籍者,於申請時已經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍滿八年,並於申請時已連續居留海外六年
At the same time of application, I am holding foreign nationality and once had R.O.C. nationality, and the documents issued by Ministry of
Interior indicates that I have given up R.O.C. nationality for at least 8 years and have been living abroad continuously for more than 6
years. Moreover, I have never studied with overseas Chinese status in Taiwan and have not received a student status from the University
Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the enrollment year.
3 本人保證不具香港或澳門或中華人民共和國國籍。
I hereby attest that I do not hold the nationality of People’s Republic of China.
4 本人所提供之所有相關資料(包括學歷、護照及其他相關文件之正本及其影本)均為合法有效之文件,如有不符規定或變造
All the documents I have provided (including diploma, passport and other relevant documents whether original or copy) are legal and
valid. Should any of the documents be found to be altered or violate any university regulations, I agree to lose my YunTech admission
privilege and I will not be allowed to apply for any transcript or diploma.
5 本人所提供之最高學歷證明(申請大學部者提出高中畢業證書、申請碩士班者提出大學畢業證書、申請博士者提出碩士畢業
證書) ,在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得畢業資格,並所持有之證件相當於中華民國國內之各級合法學校授予之相當
The academic record of the highest degree I provided (for undergraduate admission, senior high school diploma; for MA admission,
the bachelor’s diploma; for PhD admission, the MA diploma) is valid and legally obtained in the country which I graduated from and it
is equivalent to the degree issued by certified schools of Taiwan. If there is any detail which is false or not in accordance with
regulations, I agree my student status will be cancelled and revoked by the University and I will not be allowed to apply for any
relevant transcript or diploma.
6 本人未曾遭中華民國國內各大專院校以操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學。如違反此規定並經查證
I have never been expelled from a university or college in R.O.C. due to behavior problems, failed academic performances or criminal
records. If I breach this regulation, I agree the admission privilege will be cancelled and the student status of the University will be
7 本人若於就學期間在臺初設戶籍登記、戶籍遷入登記、歸化或回復中華民國國籍者,以致喪失國際學生身分,本人接受校方
If I have the household registration, naturalization or restoration to R.O.C. nationality which makes me lose my international student
status during my study, I will accept the discontinuation of my student status by the University.
8 簡章中文版與英譯版語意有所差異時,依中文版為主。
If there should be any discrepancy or contradiction in between, the Chinese version will be prior to the English one.
9 本人已閱畢簡章條文,並遵守所有簡章上相關之規定。
I have read all the regulations in this application guide and guarantee to obey all the regulations as set forth in this guide.
上述所陳之任一事項同意授權 貴校查證,如有不實或不符規定等情事屬實者,本人願依 貴校學則第九條之規定辦理,絕
註:國立雲林科技大學學則第九條規定: 「新生或轉學入學考試如有矇混、舞弊或其所繳入學證件有偽造、假借、塗改等情事,
I authorize National Yunlin University of Science and Technology to check on all of the above information, and if any of it is found to
be false, I will accept the consequences set forth in YunTech Regulations Article 9.
*Note: Article 9 of YunTech Regulations: If any prospective or transferring student does cheat on the entrance examination or any
documents submitted by the student is fraud, altered or borrowed, the student will be expelled from YunTech. If the frauds are found
after the student’s graduation, the conferred diploma and the eligibility will be annulled.
申請人簽名 日期
Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________________________
【Letter of Authorization】
Letter of Authorization
I authorize the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology to undertake a verification of the
information I provided and in this regard to release information regarding me.
Print Full Name________________________________________________________
Signature (Full Name) ___________________________________________________
Passport Number________________________________________________________
Date of Birth___________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________________
Deposition related to application documents
Original copy of applicant’s certified diploma (highest degree) which is notarized by R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy,
Representative Office, Economic and Cultural Office or other organizations authorize by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Original copy of applicant’s transcripts (highest degree) which is notarized by R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy,
Representative Office, Economic and Cultural Office or other organizations authorize by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The financial support statement shall be notarized by R.O.C. (Taiwan) Embassy or be sent directly by applicants’
banks in sealed envelopes to Office of International Affairs. Financial support statements from banks of Taiwan are
not required to be notarized.
(It should prove the financial sufficiency to support the applicant’s study at YunTech.)
The enrollment date is the deadline to submit all the notarized documents to the Registration Division of Academic
若未如期繳驗或經查證不符合 貴校報考條件,本人自願放棄入學資格,絕無異議。
All the documents I have provided (including diploma, passport and other relevant documents whether original or
copy) are legal and valid. Should any of the documents be found to be altered or violate any university regulations, I
agree to lose my YunTech admission privilege and I will not be allowed to apply for any transcript or diploma.
立書人簽章 Signature:_____________________________
聯絡電話 Contact Number:_________________________
電子郵件 Email:_________________________________
具結日期 Date:__________________________________