Advances: Development Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies
Advances: Development Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies
Advances: Development Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies
of Therapeutic
Monoclonal Antibodies
Susan Dana Jones, Francisco J. Castillo, Howard L. Levine
Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and related products are a dominant component of the
biopharmaceutical market, generating revenues of several billion dollars. While MAbs
have proven to be valuable therapeutic products, the typical doses of these products
required for treatment are significantly higher than those required for most other
biologic products, resulting in the need for large-scale production and efficient, cost-
effective manufacturing processes. In the past few years, improvements have been
made in critical areas, such as cell line generation and large-scale cell culture
production, to maximize productivity. These advances, coupled with improvements in
cell culture media and optimized bioreactor processes, have made large-scale
production of MAbs economically viable. However, the increasing production
requirements and the drive to reduce the cost to develop these expensive medicines
continue to present challenges to the industry to further improve the overall efficiency
of manufacturing processes. This article presents a historical review of the discovery,
development, and production of therapeutic antibodies.
he first therapeutic mono- ing the development of MAb products.
clonal antibody (MAb) prod- To address this issue, new technologies
uct entered the market in for creating MAbs that were predomi-
1986, but it took another nately or entirely of human origin were
decade before the potential of this new developed. Today, almost all antibody
class of biologic products began to be products currently in development are
realized. From the mid 1990s until humanized or fully human.
today, almost 30 therapeutic mono- While MAbs have proven to be valu-
clonal antibodies (MAbs) have been able therapeutic products, the typical
approved throughout the world along doses of these products required for
with several antibody-related products treatment are significantly higher than
Susan Dana Jones, PhD,is a senior (e.g., Fc-fusion proteins) making MAbs those required for most other biologics,
consultant,Francisco J.Castillo, PhD, and related products a dominant com- resulting in the need for large-scale pro-
is a senior consultant, and ponent of the biopharmaceutical mar- duction and efficient, cost-effective man-
Howard L.Levine, PhD,is a ket, generating revenues of several ufacturing processes. In the past few
principal consultant,all at billion dollars. The first approved MAb years, improvements have been made in
BioProcess Technology Consultants,Inc., was a murine antibody. This was fol- critical areas, such as cell line generation
Acton,MA,978.266.9159, lowed by several chimeric MAbs con- and large-scale cell culture production,
[email protected]. taining a mix of murine and human to maximize specific antibody productiv-
regions. These early antibody products ity from a given cell line and improve
Listen to a podcast interview with
posed a moderate risk of immuno- overall productivity in bioreactors. These
Howard Levine at
genicity to patients from their residual advances include the use of new expres-
murine components, somewhat limit- sion vectors and transfection technology
Figure 1. Annual approval of recombinant biologic products and address the increasing doses of antibody
monoclonal antibody products.2,3 The total number of biologics, including products; and the development of alterna-
MAb products, approved by FDA for market each year since 1982 is tive delivery systems.
shown in green. MAb product approvals only are shown in black.
Antibody-related products such as Fc fusions, engineered antibody DISCOVERY OF ANTIBODY THERAPEUTICS
fragments, or other products derived from antibodies but not containing In 1984, Kohler and Milstein received the
an antibody binding region are not included in the MAb figures. However, Nobel Prize in Medicine for their pioneer-
those products are included in the total product figures. ing work on the production of MAbs.1 One
of the most significant advantages of this
Total biologics new technology over traditional tech-
including MAbs niques for producing antibodies was the
12 MAbs
development of an immortalized cell line
creating a continuous source of the same
10 antibody with a single antigen specificity.
This enabled the development of highly
8 specific antibodies directed toward a single
epitope on the target antigen. Initially,
MAbs were used as laboratory reagents, but
4 they were quickly adopted as clinical diag-
nostic reagents, and eventually as thera-
2 peutic agents. The development of
therapeutic MAbs commenced in the early
0 1980s and by 1986 the first monoclonal
82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 0 2 4 6
antibody for human use—Orthoclone
OKT3 (Ortho Pharmaceuticals)—was
to improve cell line generation; novel parental approved for the prevention of kidney trans-
cell lines that have been selected or designed plant rejection. Following the approval of
to grow to maximum density and productivity OKT3, the enthusiasm for MAbs as therapeu-
under standard bioreactor conditions; and tic products grew with the next wave of anti-
high-throughput, robust screening technolo- body products generally being developed as
gies to select the highest producing clones rap- anticancer agents. Several of these products
idly and more effectively. As a result, the were approved in the US and Europe in the
production of cell lines expressing multigram mid to late 1990s, a trend that continues to
quantities of antibody per liter of culture grow today. Since the commercialization of
medium is now routine. the first therapeutic MAbs, these products
These advances, coupled with improve- have become a dominant component of the
ments in cell culture media and greatly opti- biopharmaceutical market, representing
mized bioreactor processes, have made the approximately 20% of all biologic products,
large-scale production of MAbs economically with combined revenues of over $20 billion
viable. However, the increasing production in 2006.4 The growth of MAb products over
requirements and the drive to reduce the the past 25 years, as shown in Figure 1, con-
cost to develop these expensive medicines firms the importance of these products and
continue to present challenges to the indus- also shows that MAbs represent a significant
try to further improve the overall efficiency subset of all biopharmaceuticals on the mar-
of manufacturing processes. These chal- ket and in development. With over 300 anti-
lenges include the need to streamline down- body products currently in development,
stream processing to enable the processing of this unique and effective category of thera-
increased product quantities; the implemen- peutic compounds is poised to grow signifi-
tation of Quality by Design (QbD) and other cantly in the coming years.
new regulatory concepts to reduce the cost
and development timelines for MAb prod- MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF
ucts without adversely affecting their qual- ANTIBODIES:THEN AND NOW
ity; the need for high-concentration product Murine Antibodies
formulations with sufficient stability to The initial technology for producing MAbs
Table 1. Comparison of sales for antibody-based anti-inflammatory products AstraZeneca) using an in vitro
molecular engineering technology
Year 2006 sales worldwide known as phage display. In the mar-
Product Company approved ($ million) Market share ketplace, this human MAb com-
Humira Abbott 2002 2,000 15.8% petes with Enbrel, an Fc fusion
protein, and Remicade, a chimeric
Remicade Johnson & Johnson 1998 4,253 33.7%
antibody. The power of the fully
Enbrel Amgen 1998 4,379 34.7% human antibody platform can be
seen in the sales figures for these
changes can be made in the antibody three products. Although Humira was
sequence to regain or enhance its binding approved four years later than the other prod-
properties. Like chimeric antibodies, human- ucts, it has successfully taken a significant
ized antibodies can activate other parts of the market share from them, garnering almost
immune system to create a more effective 16% market share in 2006. Worldwide sales in
product. Several humanized antibody prod- 2006 for all three products are shown in
ucts are currently on the market, including Table 1.
Synagis (approved in 1998), Herceptin Many antibody products currently in early
(approved in 1998), Mylotarg (approved in clinical development are fully human,
2000), Xolair (approved in 2003), and Avastin because the technologies that enable the
(approved in 2004). generation of human antibodies are now
In addition to the production of chimeric accessible through partnerships or licensing
and humanized antibodies, other technolo- from the companies that have developed
gies have been developed to help minimize these approaches. Moreover, the expectation
the HAMA response in patients. These in the medical and regulatory community is
include human engineering or deimmuniza- that companies will use the best approach
tion, in which amino acids on the surface of for their product to achieve humanization.
the murine variable region that are known to There will be exceptions to this generaliza-
be effective immunogenic sequences are tion, for example when a short half life is
changed to their non-immunogenic human desired or when a toxic or radioactive pay-
counterpart, leaving the other non-immuno- load is linked to the antibody, but for
genic murine sequences unchanged. 7 The unmodified therapeutic antibody products
advantage of this approach is that the struc- the industry standard has changed; most
tural integrity of the variable region is better future antibody products will be humanized
maintained and reduction of affinity for the or fully human antibodies.
target is minimized. Most MAb products are naked antibodies,
which rely on either blocking an important
Fully Human Antibodies biological function or on activating the
The latest advancement in creating less immune system, to elicit a therapeutic effect.
immunogenic therapeutic antibody products However, antibodies are also well suited as
is the ability to generate fully human MAbs. targeting agents to deliver potent chemo- or
Several technologies exist to develop fully radioactive agents specifically to target cells.
human antibodies, each falling into one of For example, Mylotarg contains a cytotoxic
the two general classes—in vivo approaches compound conjugated to a monoclonal anti-
using a murine system in which the body. This immunoconjugate product is
immunoglobulin genes have been replaced by designed to deliver the potent cytotoxic
their human counterparts or in vitro compound selectively to cancer cells. The
approaches using libraries containing millions radio-immunoconjugate products Zevalin
of variations of antibody sequences coupled and Bexxar (both anti-CD20 MAbs), deliver
with a mechanism to express and screen these radioisotopes for the treatment of lym-
antibodies in vitro. Humira (approved in 2004) phoma. Both these products are murine anti-
is the first fully human antibody to be bodies because the human or humanized
approved. This anti-TNF-α antibody was first forms of these products would bind to and
identified by scientists at Cambridge target not only the CD20 positive target cells
Antibody Technology (CAT, now part of but also those cells that contain the IgG
Figure 2. In matrix attachment region (MAR) technology, MAR elements are making it widely available for the
inserted into expression vectors surrounding the desired transgene and impose development of MAb products.14
an open chromatin configuration on the nearby chromatin. This open structure
allows RNA polymerase and other transcription factors to access the Improving Gene Expression
transcriptional promoters and enhancers found within the expression vector and Another recent approach to improve
thereby enables greater levels of transcription. This leads to increased product- expression of antibody genes in the
specific translation and a higher yield in a greater percentage of transfected initially transfected cells is to ensure
cells. Figure provided courtesy of Selexis SA. that the genes are integrated into
regions of the chromatin, which are
easily available to the enzymes that
transcribe the gene into RNA, thereby
increasing the rate of transcription.
Promoters/ MAR The transfection of a mammalian cell
enhancers generally results in the integration of
the DNA into the chromatin in one or
more random locations. Because most
of the genome is not transcriptionally
‘Closed’ ‘Open’ ‘Closed’
chromatin chromatin active, there is a high likelihood that
chromatin integration will occur in regions that
are not able to transcribe high levels
of the antibody genes. Targeting the
lines NSO or SP2/0 widely used for anti- expression plasmid to locations on the chro-
body production, do not express sufficient matin that are known to be transcriptionally
GS to survive without added glutamine. active and accessible to the necessar y
With these cell lines, a transfected GS gene enzymes would increase the expression of
can function as a selectable marker by per- all genes integrated at these sites. Although
mitting growth in a glutamine-free this is an excellent concept in theory,
medium. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) homologous recombination or targeted inte-
cells, also widely used for antibody and gration has not been widely adapted in prac-
other recombinant protein production, tice because of the lack of information
contain sufficient active GS to survive about which sites are good locations for
without exogenous glutamine. 13 In these integration and the need to have unique
cases the specific GS inhibitor, methionine plasmids and cell lines that are able to per-
sulphoximine (MSX), can be used to form the recombination.
inhibit endogenous GS activity such that Rather than targeting a specific site in the
only transfectants with additional GS activ- chromatin for integration, an alternative
ity can survive. GS selection can be used to approach is to include elements on the
select high-expressing cell lines without expression plasmid. This will cause the ran-
amplification, which reduces the time com- dom integration site to become transcrip-
pared to the DHFR selection approach. The tionally active and available to the enzymes
GS system has enabled the rapid identifica- that transcribe the genes. There have been
tion and selection of production cell lines several reports of such genetic elements that
that express up to 20–50 pcd and multiple enable the integrated plasmid to create a
grams per liter of product as part of an transcriptionally active region at any integra-
overall cell culture process development tion location on the chromosome and to
effort. According to Lonza, more than 85 enable higher transcription levels in a higher
global pharmaceutical companies are cur- percentage of transfectants. Two types of ele-
rently using this technology to create pro- ments that function to create a region of
duction cell lines and five products using transcriptionally active chromatin are the
the GS system have been approved for ubiquitous chromatin opening elements
commercial sale, including Synagis and (UCOE) and the matrix attachment regions
Zenapax. The GS technology is available (MAR) elements.15,16 These genetic elements
for licensing from Lonza for the use in have different mechanisms of action but
research and commercial applications, both work to increase the expression levels
of linked genes that are transfected on the Table 2. Host cell types used in the manufacture of commercial MAbs
same plasmid as the MAR or UCOE.
Cell line Species Number of products
The use of MAR elements for improving
expression has been commercialized by Hybridoma Murine 5
Selexis. The company has developed a set of
SP2/0 myeloma Murine 5
expression vectors and transfection technolo-
gies (the “MARtech” technology) that use NS0 myeloma Murine 3
these elements to increase the percentage of
Other myeloma Murine 1
cells expressing the desired gene. As shown
schematically in Figure 2, the MAR elements Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) Hamster 10
are inserted into an expression vector such
EBV-transformed B cell Human 1
that the gene for the desired product is sur-
rounded by these elements to impose an E. coli Microbial 1
open chromatin configuration, thereby
allowing RNA polymerase and other tran- Those antibody products produced in
scription factors to access the transcriptional hybridoma cell lines generally have lower
promoters and enhancers found in the dose requirements than others and are also
expression vector. For this reason, MARtech older than those produced using highly engi-
increases the number of independently trans- neered systems such as CHO, NSO, or SP2/0.
formed cells that express the desired protein The single product produced in a human cell
and enables expression levels in the initial line may represent a trend in coming years
transfectants of as much as 50–70 pcd. Selexis as others develop human cell lines capable of
claims that MARtech allows for generation of producing antibody products at high levels.
clonal mammalian production cell lines in While the use of murine cell lines still pre-
about 10 weeks. Many companies have vails in commercial processes, the use of
begun exploring the use of MARtech to CHO cells for producing commercial prod-
enable rapid generation of high producing ucts is growing and most antibody products
cell lines for their antibody products. Later currently in development are produced from
this year the first product using this technol- CHO or human cell lines.
ogy will enter clinical trials.17
UCOE technology, now available through Hybridoma Technology
Millipore Corporation, provides an MAbs were first produced from hybridomas
approach to increasing gene expression simi- consisting of a murine B cell producing a
lar to that of the MARtech technology. The specific antibody fused to an immortal
UCOE elements are functionally similar to murine lymphoid cell line. Initially, MAbs
MAR elements although their composition were produced by injecting a hybridoma cell
and structure are different.16 UCOE consists line into the abdomen of pristane-primed
of regions that are rich in the sequence CpG, mice, in which the cells could grow to a sig-
and that increase the accessibility of the sur- nificant level. As the hybridoma cells grow
rounding chromatin. Therefore, a single in the abdomen, MAb-rich ascites fluid accu-
UCOE element can be included on an mulates. The ascites fluid can then be col-
expression vector and can increase the lected by withdrawing it with needles at
expression levels of linked genes. There is several day intervals. The collected ascites
less commercial experience with UCOE ele- fluid is very complex in composition and
ments than with MAR elements, but the highly contaminated, but frequently
intent is to offer the technology to compa- contains antibody concentrations approach-
nies for use in research and in commercial ing 1 g/L or greater. This process is widely
production cell line generation. used for the production of small to moderate
amounts of antibodies for multiple applica-
ADVANCES IN CELL CULTURE TECHNOLOGY tions and one commercial antibody product
Host cell lines currently used to produce is produced today using this technology.
commercial MAb products include murine The limitations of large-scale production
hybridoma and myeloma cell lines, CHO cell in the abdomens of mice were quickly real-
lines, and one human cell line (Table 2). ized and scientists turned their efforts to use
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