Alibaba's Strategic Drift
Alibaba's Strategic Drift
Alibaba's Strategic Drift
Abstract: It is fundamental in both a theoretical and practical sense, to analyse the strategies of successful e-businesses who
were formulated and operated alongside incumbent competitors. Thus, there have been an array of strategic arguments
concerning the rapidly-burgeoning virtual powerhouse Alibaba, who amidst a sea of fortified competitors, found their ground
to become one of the most prominent e-businesses of the decade. At the commencing stages, Alibaba lacked a specific
strategic goal, aside from the ethnic-originated ecology scheme. Further mishaps arose even after the take-off stage, when
Alibaba opted to adhere to the diversification strategy, an evidently unusual phase for a virtual firm. Hence, it is the subject of
common debate as to whether Alibaba cited a definitive strategic goal which guided their progress, or whether they were
merely the product of a breakneck growth in the Chinese economy. This research will show how a leading e-Commerce
company Alibaba has built B2B/C2C business portal Taobao/TMall and has transformed its transaction system from zhifubao
into yuerbao and how it propelled Alipay to become a leading financial institution in the thriving digital market. In addition,
strategic diversification on Chinese digital business will be examined through Alibaba case.
Keywords: e-Commerce in China, Convergence and Divergence of Digital Strategy, Alibaba, Strategic Innovation
towards defining similar offers, and tying up critical lead which sellers would upload their products, businesses would
customers, key suppliers and important channels. Next, once upload their requirements, and supplier-buyer matches would
a firm gets to its expansion stages, one must bring the new be made, there was no unique methodology that was eligible
offer to a larger market by working with suppliers and in generating a profit.
partners to scale up supply and to achieve maximum market On the contrary, as a result of the ‘dot com’ burst, external
coverage. However, it must also defeat alternate manufacturing firms, especially in America, sought after
implementations of similar ideas, and ensure that their cheap goods. Thus, they averted to utilise Alibaba, which
approach is the market standard in its class through enabled them to gradually increase their market share, as a
dominating key market segments. Then, in its penultimate result of the avid desire of foreign firms. All in all, one can
stage which concentrates on the matter of leadership, they acknowledge that it was predominantly due to the external
must provide a compelling vision for the future that factors, alike to the dot com burst, that stimulated the
encourages suppliers and customers to work as a singular advance of Alibaba, not the success of a distinct strategic
unit to continue to improve on the complete offer. One must objective, as perceived by many. In addition, owing to
also maintain a strong bargaining power in relation to other China’s entrance into the World Trade Organisation in 2001,
players in the ecosystem, including key customers and valued mediocre firms opened their doors to American suitors, for
suppliers. Finally, on the concluding stage of self-renewal, which Alibaba served as the gateway. This was demonstrated
the cooperative challenges that may arise, involve working in Ma’s interview with Ignatius, when he stated that, ‘There
with innovators to bring new ideas to the existing ecosystem. were three reasons why we survived. We had no money, we
Furthermore, the competitive challenges it may encounter, had no technology, and had no plan.’
involve maintaining high barriers to entry to prevent According to Allen and Phillips, family ownership brings
innovators from building alternative ecosystems. They must forth an assortment of problems when obtaining resources,
also maintain high customer switching costs in order to buy whereas corporate ownership provides small and medium
time to incorporate new ideas into their own products and enterprises with an easier access to financial, technological or
services, a feat which Alibaba, yearns to follow. commercial resources and capabilities (2000). As a rather
family orientated business, (although Alibaba was initially
2. Birth (from 1995 to 2003) made up of 18 individuals, it was nonetheless, perceived as
being Jack Ma’s private venture) Alibaba attempted to solve
To begin with, in the year 1995, with the invention of the their financial conundrum via benefiting from the owner’s
World Wide Web, a new paradigm of e-business opened up personal ties, rather than through corporate strategy. This
for Mr. Ma, which allowed him to acknowledge a loophole lasted until 2014, when Alibaba was listed on the US stock
by which he was able to idealise and revolutionise e- market. Thus, Ma’s statement in his interview with the
commerce in China. This caused him to initiate a small e- Business Week, that Alibaba had neither money nor strategy
commerce business, which went by the name of was indeed correct.
‘’, which provided website development and Alibaba itself remained in the ‘wilderness’ not only
indexing services to local entrepreneurs. However, due to the strategically but financially, until May 2003, whereby they
differences in strategic vision, Ma and eight members of the introduced the online shopping website ‘Taobao’, which
core development team eventually left the organisation in averted them towards success.
favour of a new idea.
This eventually led to the formation of ‘’, 3. Expansion (Between 2003 & 2008)
which was essentially analogous to the previous As a result, we can acknowledge that there To begin with, during the course of the last two years, 87%
was a deprivation of strategic innovation, which of Alibaba’s clients globally, were concerned about the
differentiated them from subsequent firms. notion of trust regarding the nature of their goods, and thus,
In the commencing stages, in 1999, Ma and his crew had Ma utilised this as the loophole to obtain capital. As a result,
an initial budget of 500,000 RMB, 200,000 of which was the new strategy that was known as the ‘Trust Passed
derived from Jack Ma’s pocket. Scheme,’ involved the firms paying a deposit of 2300 RMB,
In July 2000, the company was featured by Forbes, as its which guaranteed their status as trustworthy firm. Owing to
cover story as a leading B2B firm, and it was again singled this, by the end of the 2002 spell, Alibaba reaped 6 million
out in 2001, as being one of the ‘Best of the Web.’ Ma, RMB in profits.
himself, was further lauded as being one of the 100 Global In May 2003, the notion of a ‘free’ platform where one
leaders for tomorrow by the World Economic Forum. could trade merchandise, liberated from fees and commissions,
However, at that time, solely derived its was born; which was a by-product from his trip to America.
revenue from online advertising, and had been operating in This was known as ‘Taobao’. Soon after its formation, it
the red before 2001, when they eventually recorded their first gradually began to strengthen in caliber, and soon displaced
ever profit on a cash-flow basis. Thus, one can conclude that eBay China, as the key player in the fledging market of e-
Alibaba’s role as the ‘middle man,’ was neither elaborate nor commerce. It is stated that Taobao hold a colossal 60% market
grandiose as it portrayed. As they solely created a platform to share with 1.1 trillion yuan (US$178 billion) in their respective
field. They achieved this via the generic Chinese methodology, mitigate the greater mistrust of online transactions among
whereby they prioritise the voice of the audience; who has Chinese firms), Second, we provided our service free of
purchased the product afore, when deciding whether or not charge. Third, our website were designed to suit to our
they would buy it for themselves. Chinese culture’ (Company website, 2014). These unique
The most influential virtual businesses today tend to be strategies were however, unable to benefit the foreign
those that intertwine distinct groups of entities in a business sellers/buyers who had no intricate knowledge of the Chinese
network to form a cohesive unit. The prevalence of inter- culture or language. Thus, this exemplified the fact that
network, as opposed to inter-firm competition, further Alibaba was, as still is aimed at Chinese users, rather than the
galvanizes a firm’s ability to thrive. (Pierce, 2009). What is foreign market.
commonly referred to as the sponsors of multi-sided Next, the ‘free,’ nature of it; resulted in multiple merchants
platforms (hereafter MSPs), these businesses provide the and customers alike flocking to shift their goods to the global
infrastructures, services and rules that enable transactions audience. As it was the idyllic manner in which small
between network members (Iansiti & Levien, 2004). A MSP businesses could generate a substantial profit without being
is a commercial network, linking suppliers, producers, suppressed by taxes. Furthermore, unalike its competitors such
intermediaries, customers, and producers of complementary as ‘’, Taobao prioritised small sized
products and services (commonly known as businesses, which enabled it to rapidly escalate its market
‘complementors’) (Teece, 2007). They are held together by a share.
formal contract and mutual dependency (Pierce, 2009). On the contrary, although Taobao itself is officially a free
Cross-side network effects must exist between the different service; as demonstrated by the ‘Trust-Passed-Scheme, in
groups of entities on a MSP, as they are unable to establish order for business to flow with ease, one needs to deploy
themselves independently. Hence, MSPs, have to build on the funds for their respective businesses’ to be of a higher calibre
notion of an two-sided market with varying forms of than that of their competitors. Thus, one can perceive that in
economic behavior that arise from the dichotomy between essence, if one desires to generate a profit; the usage of funds
the buyers and sellers. (Rochet & Tirole, 2006). Furthermore, is imminent.
both sides of the MSPs are managed by a sponsor that is Furthermore, the key factor which enabled to Alibaba, and
liable for providing the required infrastructure and the Taobao to burgeon into a major player in the market was due
relevant services that are required to stimulate interactions to the ‘Trust-Passed Scheme,’ which was implemented in
and triangular exchanges between the different groups of March 2002. This scheme dissolved the notion of mistrust
entities. They are further required in establishing the rules among the buyers, as it cemented the statuses’ of sellers as
that govern each individual transaction and to enable the being both reliable and trustworthy.
coordination of network activities to take place with ease The ‘Trust-Passed Scheme,’ in essence, was an internet
(Boudreau & Hagiu, 2009). However, a key point of marketing strategy, which was offered to members to give
difference is that, unlike these two-sided markets, MSPs are them priority and ‘kudos,’ among their competitors. Next, it
more intricate in that they serve a variety of distinct entities enabled their items to be displayed afore that of others, thus
with diverse interests. giving them precedence. This was inevitably favorable as it
The ethnic originated MSPs for both entities are unique entails in a greater quantity of sales. This is as, on a platform
facets of Taobao, such as its concentration on the sino-ethnic that processes 40 million visits per day, with 4.87 million
market, which led to its eventual growth. Akin to the notion registered users, priority is a vital element. Furthermore, post
of a Chinese takeaway, which are present all over the globe; the initiation of this scheme; subscribers can gain access to
Taobao enrolled the service of sino-ethnics around the world, ‘Aliwang wang’, an instant messenger platform that permits
as a supplier of multi-national products. This permitted them the buyer and seller to communicate instantly with greater
to minimise the service costs, and thus they were able to ease. This essentially results in the production of a ‘virtual
supply a copious array of products at a diminished price. community,’ whereby the buyers and sellers are harmonious
Next, the fact that the service of sino-ethnics were utilised with one another and it further enables links to be established.
resulted in the value of foreign traders being minimalised; as It was natural to consider the notion of the asymmetrical power
96% of Taobao merchants were of Chinese origin according relationship between the buyer and seller, owing to the
to an anonymous source close to the company. information problems regarding the product, whereby the
Contrary to popular belief that Taobao has the capacity to seller knows a greater deal regarding the quality and calibre of
burgeon into a global firm, it is in essence, a Chinese firm for the products. Hence, the payment initiative for buyers and the
the Chinese people, due to its dominance by sino-ethnics concept of holding the payment; until confirmation was given
around the world, which diminishes the need of foreign by the buyer, were accepted with great ease by Chinese C2C
investors. Furthermore, the site itself is displayed in solely businesses, a scheme which Alipay invented. This was eligible
Chinese, which cements the fact that it prioritises the Chinese to be carried out as Alibaba was at its birth, a trading directory,
market above all. “There were three strategic factors that which interlinked buyers from around the world to suppliers in
differentiated us from our foreign competitorsones’. First, we China (B2B business). Therefore, due to the nature of this
provided tools like ‘Wangwang’ (which allowed transacting scheme, they were able to reap suppliers of a higher quality to
parties to haggle over prices), and Alipay (which helped vendor their products in America, and through the passing of
4 Young-Chan Kim and Pi-Chi Chen: Alibaba’s Strategic Drift
the scheme to Taobao, they provided the blueprints for a becoming the world’s largest social networking platform. On
Chinese originated transnational C2C business. the contrary, for Jack Ma, the subsequent external factors
As mentioned afore, China joined the WTO in December such as China joining the WTO enabled him to develop
2001, and simultaneously the US Department of Commerce Alibaba into a key player in its respective field.
announced the fact that Alibaba was the most reliable online e- In order for a business to develop into a preeminent firm in
commerce site in China. As a result, there are around 800 Chinese society, one needs to walk hand in hand with those
foreign manufacturing corporations who solely rely upon in the political phase. Thus, Ma developed ties with Alvin
Alibaba to supply them with the relevant materials from China. Jiang (Jian Zhi Cheng), the grandson of the former Premier
Also, as a guarantee to this scheme, Alibaba enlisted the Jiang Zemin, who he came face-to-face with in 2012, whose
aid of three external Chinese firms, Hua Xia, ShangHai Jie private equity firm, Boyu launched a joint consortium led by
Sheng and Ao Mei Zixun, as official guarantees, which China Investment Corp (CIC) to raise the sufficient funds for
essentially validated Alibaba as a whole, as a trustworthy and Alibaba to buy back half of Yahoo! Inc’s 40% stake.
credible firm. This ultimately served as the foundation to the However, due to the departure of several high profile
‘trust scheme.’ individuals in CIC, it eventually resulted in Boyu leading the
negotiations, and with Alvin on Sean Tong’s team, he
4. Leadership became directly involved in the negotiations.
This is a typical exemplar of the traditional Chinese way,
In the concurrent Chinese society, Jack Ma is perceived as which cannot be defined as being a form of strategic
being akin to the late Steve Jobs. Whereas Jobs evolution. Alibaba’s core is derived from traditional Chinese
revolutionised the hardware industry, Ma stormed the values; leaving minimal scope for Western consumers. Since
software market, and refashioned the industry in the face of its IPO in 2014, the majority of Western investors yearned for
his ideology. a strategic collaboration with Alibaba, but was impeded by
However, contrary to popular belief, Ma is quite the the Chinese culture which instilled a mindset in Alibaba that
opposite of this façade. Prior to the escalation of Alibaba, Ma ostracized any Western form of influence.
sought the aid of Mr Masayoshi Son, the head of Softbank in
Japan, whom he met on dual occasions. In the year 1999, 5. Self-renewal (Since 2008)
February, during the course of the ASEAN Electronic
Business meeting in Singapore, Ma’s eyes opened up to the Taobao fundamentally consists of three prominent strategic
copious possibilities that the internet could bring about. Thus, factors; selling new products without the need of a ‘middle
in January 2000, Mr Son initiated a meeting of various man or agents’, and hence there are strong benefits that are
Chinese IT leaders, whereby he gave them 20 minutes to reaped from royalty consumers' 'gluttony' due to the fact that
capture his gaze. However, Ma did not attend on the basis it is around 25% cheaper than brick and mortar shops.
that he was not after the funding, but he desired the Furthermore, the asymmetric issue regarding the nature of
innovative flare that Son possessed, to utilise as the catalyst the sellers’ priority has rapidly diminished with the
to enhance Alibaba. Instead, in subsequent months he flew to introduction of Taobao wangwang, which permits online
Japan, and the 6 minute meeting which resulted in a financial merchants to communicate directly with the consumers in
injection of 20 million dollars in exchange for 30% of shares, real time. Furthermore, Taobao's seller-credibility rating
kick-started the incline of Alibaba’s reign. This investment, system; which was a by-product of the 'Trust passed scheme’,
derived from Son’s personal fortune, gave Ma the dogma, which allows buyers to rate and post feedback about the
and the capital, to augment Alibaba’s prestige. A further 82 vendors, creates a high level of trust regarding the products
million dollars, which was provided by Son’s consortium sold, through the ‘word of mouth’, and it makes the whole
enabled Alibaba to develop into a multifunctional shopping experience more appealing and trustworthy, which
conglomerate, with the introduction of Aliwang wang, an enables Taobao to differentiate itself from subsequent firms
instant messaging platform for the buyer and sellers to in the virtual C2C market. Last but not least, Taobao
converse, as well as Alipay, the online payment system. members evaluate the credit of trading after finishing each
In addition, the meeting illustrated the value of strategic transaction through Alipay. There are three ratings on the
diversification to Ma, and further exhibited the need for a comments segment; ‘positive’, ‘neutral’ and ‘negative’. If the
multi-dimensional business frame. Akin to Mr. Son, who was vendor was given a ‘positive’ rating, then the trader will get
at the helm of a multi-model business, ranging from internet one score, ‘neutral’ will account for zero and a ‘negative’
services to the banking sector, Ma started to diversify rating will equate to the trader losing a score, and all scores
Alibaba; from a virtual business platform, to a unified virtual are displayed beside the Taobao account holders' name
business gateway that supplemented everything from finance (normally nickname). This scoring scheme will be a vital
to social networking. aspect of concern on the traders’ part as well as the buyers, as
Further to this, in comparison to Huateng ‘Pony’ Ma, who it drives traders to keep a clean and reliable track record
founded ‘Tencent’, Ma did not utilise a distinct strategic which will inevitably bring them a greater amount of
scheme, but instead opted to ‘hither and thither.’ Pony Ma’s customers; this concept can be defined as 'insatiable' royalty.
prioritisation of social networking resulted in Tencent’s QQ In April 2008, a dedicated platform for third-party brands
and retailers was introduced to complement Taobao, and was shopping online. In terms of its banking credit security, Alipay
known as Taobao Mall, or Tmall, and it was essentially a allows its users to check one’s banking information wherever,
strategic alteration from Taobao’s resources to Tmall with whenever you enter their security code, which is given post the
three different levels of customer standards based on the conclusion of the transaction. Thus, due to this mobility, it
caliber of their deposits, such as ‘Basic Customers with 1688 provides a greater level of security than that of local banks, and
yuan’, ‘Standard Customers with 3688 yuan’ and ‘Limited one can transfer money with greater ease.
Edition with 2800 yuan. The 'Basic’ and the ‘Limited’ services In simpler terms, one can classify Alipay as being a
were however, terminated on December 2012 and a unified current account, while Yuebao serves as a savings account
Standard Customer service was launched in its place. Tmall with a higher interest ratio than local banks based on daily
was based on a traditional shopping mall service scheme, with interest rates. In comparison to the traditional local banking
different product categories offered on alternate virtual service in China, Yuebao showed a technological
windows. Furthermore, features such as storewide sales, and development whereby the account holder is eligible to take
an accumulation of loyalty points in exchange for royalties are the principal and interest away, whereby they are eligible to
utilised to replicate the traditional shopping experience. save, and debit their money with ease on any given day; and
A plethora of Western branded products have set up official the previously obtained interest will not be affected. In
stores on Tmall, and are in the stages of promoting and addition, Yuebao offers a much higher annualised yield for
supplying foreign merchandise to middle class consumers in investors; the interest rate was in excess of 6% during the
Mainland China. There are now around 50,000 stores and first year and then went through a gradual decline to around
70,000 brands which accounts for a 50% share in the B2C 4% in 2014.
market with an average revenue of US$ 300 billion in April The Yuebao impact created a bigger ripple than expected
2014. Within the first year, Tmall's total turnover from sales as exemplified by Ma’s warning, which was described as ‘if
was in the region of 50 million yuan in 2009, which escalated banks do not change anything, then we change banks’ which
to 936 million yuan in 2010, 3.36 billion yuan in 2011, and became a reality in the traditional banking sectors in China.
then proceeded to make history in the e-business market, as However, it did not have the same impact in the realm of
they broke the record of processing more than 100 million virtual business. In 26 January 2014, when ‘Wechat’, China’s
yuan's worth of transactions, in the first minute after the sales popular mobile social-networking application launched
started on 11 November 2013, which was known as the ‘Hongbao (Red Envelop)’ on the day of the Chinese New
notorious ‘Singles Day’. (CCTV report 11 Nov. 2013) Year, Jack Ma’s nightmare started. Initially, Alibaba invented
Another impressive and highly commendable strategic the ‘red envelop’ scheme prior to Wechat, however the
diversification on Alibaba's part, was the upgrade of the number of Alipay users are considerably less than the
Taobao/Tmall payment system, which was known as Alipay. quantity of Wechat account holders, so the influence has its
It was a coherent and cogent online payment system that imminent limits. When Wechat introduced the personal
relied on escrow; the legal money transaction system that wealth management scheme which was essentially the same
interlinked into personal wealth management; which as Yuebao, Alibaba’s fear was much greater than that of other
eventually became known as Yuebao in 2013. Furthermore, competitors. Ma described this incident as being a “sneak
the introduction of yuerbao (saving accounts), cemented attack on Pearl Harbour”. There are however, significant
Alipay as being a major competitor in the commercial differences between Alibaba and Wechat's perception of the
financial institution. In addition, Alipay or initially zhifubao concept of money. In contrast to the value of money which
(current account), which was alike to the concept of paypal on Yuebao has, Wechat's ‘Red Envelop’ scheme is the grasping
e-Bay; in terms of the West, was essentially a tool for of human nature. (Xiaolong Zhang, inventor of the 'Red
transaction for the B2C/C2C business. In 2013, the Envelop’ scheme). Regarding this scheme, Wechat
introduction of the yuerbao (saving account) caused an pinpointed two vital facts derived from tradition and from
earthquake in the street banking service in China, and provided elements of the current 'new' culture. Giving lucky money or
new digital business opportunities for global e-commerce, as it ‘red envelopes’ to family and friends is a long-fixed tradition
opened a plethora of doors, for the advancement of the e- during the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations (more
commerce market. Further to this, there were new tools of typically referred to as the Spring Festival). In addition, when
financial technology for yuerbao to utilise, which was also Wechat introduced this red envelop scheme, they mixed
included in the visualised daily savings ratio, which made it tradition with fun and games, which played an integral part
eligible to transact from the banking account into the Alipay of Wechat's strategic plan. During the course of the Spring
account with greater ease, and the Smart app allows immediate Festival, every Wechat member took part in numerous
business transactions to take place whilst you are on the move. competitions for the red envelop in different chat groups to
In addition, there is no additional charge when transferring compete for the opportunity to ‘grab’ the money in the
funds from one account to another, which promotes those to envelopes; the amounts within them ranged from just 0.01
spend more due to the absence of commission. In addition, yuan to 100 yuan in each ‘grab’. This grab brought instant
although the traditional B2C/C2C is usually logged through activity to the social networking groups and was the catalyst
the internet, Alibaba can be utilised through the use of Smart that resulted in this scheme spreading to the multitudes. It
phones through its app and one can use this app when was a technological micro-channel through a social game
6 Young-Chan Kim and Pi-Chi Chen: Alibaba’s Strategic Drift
with a mixture of Chinese tradition blended in. which means money can transfer between the Licaitong
Within 9 days since the beginning of the Spring Festival, account and the bonded card. According to the Tencent
there were more than 800 million Chinese people who announcement, Licaitong is extremely safe, due to the fact
received a total amount of 40 million red envelopes worth that the money in the account is not able to be transferred to
more than 400 million yuan. Unalike the desire for material other bankcards or be spent directly.
wealth, which Alibaba pursued, Wechat provided human In addition, in the case of Alipay and Yuebao, the money
nature on their new financial product, which was inevitably that one invests is transferred to Tianhong Asset Management
received more favorably by their respective customers. Co. The fund has attracted 43 million customers and has
Strategic Diversification of Alibaba and its eventual Drift reaped more than $30 billion in assets as of December 2013.
However, the prominent concern of the investors; is the
6. From Bazaar Vendor to Street Bank transparency of the nature of their funds, as one is unaware of
the destination of their investments. On the contrary, Tencent
Unalike to the intricately designed strategic evolutions, teamed up with China’s Huaxia Bank Co and offers their
which are favoured by Western firms, financial evolution in product via their three year old WeChat messaging scheme,
Alibaba was rather an accidental by-product. One of the and the nature of their ultimate destination of their investments
prominent dilemmas for firms providing e-commerce in are shared with the individuals, which forms a collaborative
China was the notion of rogue trading, a prevalent aspect of transparent scheme between the investors and the respective
their culture that was based on an asymmetric information firms, which their funds have benefited. This is a vital facet of
base. Reserving deposits for extended periods of time was Tencent, which makes it more appealing to customers than
integral in providing confidence to both parties, and Alibaba Alibaba, and thus, it is fundamental factor that Alibaba must
expanded on this ‘Trust Scheme,’ via the introduction of a address in order for it to overcome their competitors.
special reserves initiative, with a reformed savings function. Furthermore, multiple local banks, and mobile e-business
Since the introduction of Yuebao, internet finance and fund suppliers are jumping on the bandwagon, and releasing their
management are cash cows for Alibaba and its emerging own wealth management schemes, and thus, a greater
competitors such as Tencent and Baidu, firms, which competitor is burgeoning. For instance, China Minsheng
introduced their own internet finance service platforms, in Banking Corp, a private national commercial bank, was
close proximity to Yuebao. Although Alibaba pioneered the inspired to set up a similar service, which goes by the name
new framework for the notion of financial service for the of Minsheng E-Business Co Ltd, and in this way a plethora
netizens, there are essentially a high tide rather than an open of subsequent major firms have begun to take their respective
ocean. To begin with, after the ‘Red envelop’ scheme at the shares of the market. A fight in the Yangtze has sprouted to a
Spring Festival (Lunar New Year) from Tencent, a Wechat- fracas in the Pacific Ocean.
led social-network mobile service provider, has gone from
strength to strength and has proceeded to aggressively
penetrate Alibaba’s financial fortress. For instance, 7. Strategic Drift and Diminishing Profit
Licaitong, which is operated by Tenpay, Tencent’s third-party in the Global Term
payment affiliate, raked in $130 million in deposits on the
first day on 30 January 2014, and the Financial Times Due to the avid quantity of sellers that flocked to Alibaba
reported that the figure had surpassed one billion yuan after owing to the leniency in the commissions, there were a
its second day live. This data proved that Licaitong had plethora of merchants for the same products and thus, the
surpassed the aggregated Yuebao’s 350 million yuan rate on depreciation of prices was the sole gateway by which one
the 13 June 2013. Baifa, another competitor derived from could reap the most customers. The notion of prices
Baidu, which serves as the leading search engine in China, persistently decreased so greatly until a certain equilibrium
reaped one billion yuan on its first day of business. Although was exceeded. The prices of goods eventually plummeted as
Yuebao has attracted 81 million account holders with a result of the copious amount of sellers, that the levels of
aggregate investments totaling nearly 500 billion yuan (US profit abated, and thus, it was now not worth selling the
$ 81 billion) as of the end of February 2014 (Xinhua, 21 product, due to the little to no profit that would be garnered.
March 2014), it still remains as the market leader, regardless As a result, multiple vendors began to go astray from selling
of the fact that there are more challenges from subsequent online and resorted to brick-and-mortar trading, as per the
competitors. Surprisingly, the data released by ‘Tianhong traditional method. Thus, as this has been an ongoing
Asset Management’, which officially runs Yuebao, shows conundrum for Alibaba, it is adamant that they should seek to
that the product’s return rate declined considerably from 6% alleviate traders of this dilemma, should they wish to uphold
to 4.2% in recent times, which further undermined Yuebao’s their grand market-share of e-commerce.
attractiveness. In comparison to the nomination as a ‘reliable’ third party
In addition, as a security purpose, which is predominantly platform from the Department of Commerce from the US in
regarded as Yuebao’s weakest point, Licaitong provided a 2000, Alibaba (including Taobao) was cemented as being a
better secure service to the account holders. As Licaitong ‘notorious market’ between 2008 to 2011 by the annual
account holders, the account is bonded with a local bankcard, ‘Special 301 Report’ and ‘Special 301 Out-of-Cycle Review’
prepared by the Office of the US Trade Representative, served as a gateway between foreign buyers and local sellers.
owing to the high rate of claims for pirated or counterfeit Its prominent purpose was to interlink buyers from multiple
goods, which Jack Ma has continuously strived to stop. nations and sellers from within, however, the absence of a
Furthermore, as a whole, the increasing tax burden for SMEs strategic objective led it to thrive in the wilderness for
in China, would eventually drive the majority of the small multiple years prior to the introduction of Taobao.
online vendors out of business, and would depreciate the Since January 2011, when Wechat (originally a photocopy
customer rate by a significant margin. of the Canadian born Kik Messenger) was introduced, 270
When operating system tends to experience more million monthly active users synchronised to produce a
homogeneity through mobile applications, the business popular smartphone messaging app that incorporates social
boundaries of e-commerce and e-marketing start to get networking, games and online payment schemes alongside
bleaker. While Alibaba proceeds to hither and thither, personal wealth management monitors. As a mobile
Tencent, on the other hand, moves as per their prime strategic networking platform, WeChat has expanded above and
objective, which predominantly revolves around the beyond the personal social networking realm, through the
development of their financial system. opening of its platform to commercial and public services.
According to Zhang Ying, the deputy product manager of
Table 1. Comparison on three big digital players. WeChat, interviewed ‘more than 2 million banks, media
Alibaba eBay Amazon outlets, companies, organisations and government based
Customer Base 1.4 billion 327 million 327 million departments have registered public accounts on WeChat’.
Total sales (billion USD) $240 $16 $74.4 Boosted by these value-added functions, WeChat reached
Active User Base 300 million 145 million 244 million 600 million registered users in total, with 100 million of
Employees 25,000 33,500 117,300 these users based overseas, a feat which Alibaba was not able
Market Share (in China) 75% >1% 1% to achieve. Due to the lack of their social networking
Total revenue (billion USD) $7.5 $16.05 $74.45 capabilities, which have proven to be a highly desirable facet
Less than 21% for mobile internet users, Alibaba introduced Laiwang in
Global market share 19%
5% (prediction)
September 2013. However, it failed to even touch the surface
Source: Derived from multiple sources of published data, 2014 of the immense customer base which WeChat had reaped
since their introduction. Another blow for the financial
In order for Alibaba to become a global player, they need a service in Alibaba's part was the CCTV survey, which
distinct and innovative strategy to compete with subsequent exemplified the fact that 'the higher the average householder
high-flying conglomerates, in order for them to strive income a user has, the more likely he/she will be eligible to
towards a specific goal, and to differentiate themselves from use the mobile function of Wechat’. (CCTV 21 March 2014)
the pack. The table above clearly displays that aside from the It was a fatal blow for Alibaba, who desired to be the market
Chinese market, Alibaba is still a regional player and leader on the matter of wealth management in the Chinese
currently serves as the ‘second level’ market penetrator, financial e-business sector. In comparison to Alipay’s 2-2.5%
whereby they are perceived as many, as being a ‘first level’ commission charge, Licaitong from WeChat provides an
player, but as various statistics display, Alibab was unable to attractive 0.6% commission charge to its trading clients. On
fulfill the required expectations of subsequent global firms. 11 March 2014, during the National People’s Congress, the
During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, Alibaba and Tencent Commission allowed Alibaba to focus primarily on small and
introduced official betting sites, but Alibaba's service was micro clients in both its deposit and loan businesses. The
unable to allow overseas users, who proved to contribute a China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) set a
vast amount to the overall profit reaped, to utilise this required limit on the maximum size of deposits and loans
service. Thus, since the introduction of Yuebao, it is apparent available per client. Meanwhile, Tencent will prioritise those
that Alibaba has been one-step behind Tencent. with large deposits and will have a minimum threshold for
each client with a deposit. Also, Tencent have a maximum
8. Strategic Comparison Between loan size per client, similar to Alibaba.
The strategic collaboration with (Jingdong Mall,
Alibaba and Tencent an online e-commerce platform akin to Amazon) was a direct
The battle between the Ma’s rivalry has been transfigured challenge to Alibaba’s dominant fortress of Taobao and
into a legend. ‘Pony’ Ma and Jack Ma launched their Tmall. There were several technical problems however,
respective businesses in close proximity of one another. It has which JD had, such as the manner in which they went about
been declared the most expensive competition in online with the handling of the order capacity which had been
history in China. However, it is still regional news from the capped to 100,000 per day, there was also no cloud service
perspective of the western world. QQ a product of Tencent, for their users, and alongside the mediocre logistic services,
was started with a distinctive motive, revolutionising the this significantly depreciated the quality of the service.
social networking market, a feat which it eventually However, WeChat’s substantial cash injection and the
achieved; with over 1 billion registered members to this date. technological collaboration which they offered, swiftly
Alibaba, on the other hand, was initially a ‘directory,’ which enabled them to become the second biggest B2C operator.
8 Young-Chan Kim and Pi-Chi Chen: Alibaba’s Strategic Drift
It was confirmed by the Chinese government agency; internet rather than a PC or laptop, which are the main
China Internet Network Information Centre, who reported instruments that are utilised for Alibaba’s e-business
that more than 500 million internet users out of the 618 platform. (BBC report 18 March 2014).
million in China preferred to use mobile devices to access the
Table 2. Buy-out process between Alibaba and Tencent since 2010.
Alibaba Tencent
Sino Weibo (China’s Twitter) – US$586 million for 18% stake JD.Com (e-commerce platform) – US$ 214 million for 15% stake (March 2014)
Shoprunner (retail website) – US$206 million investment Dianping (China’s Yelp) - US$ 400 million for 20% stake
Kanbox (Cloud storage) – Acquired (undisclosed amount) (tour service) – US$ 82 million investment
Quixey (China’s Google) – US$ 50 million investment Sogou (China’s Google) US$ 448 million for 36.5% stake
AutoNavi (mapping service) – Acquired US$ 1.5 billion Linktech Navi (mapping service) – acquired for US$ 9.9 million
Tianhong (financial management firm) US$ 193 million for 51% stake China South City Holdings (logistics) US$ 195 million for 10% stake
1 stdibs (luxury e-commerce site) US$ 15 million investment US$ 736 million for 19.9% stake
UCWeb (Mobile browser) Acquired (undisclosed amount)
ChinaVision (TV/Movie studio) US$ 800 million for 60% stake
Wasu Media Holding Co. US$ 1.05 billion for 20% stake
ByeCity (travel provider) US$ 20 million investment
Mogujie (Pinterest-type) – Acquired for US$ 200 million
Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club – US$ 192 million for 60% stake
Intime (HK based retail group) – US$ 692 million investment
The state of their rivals buy-out processes looks much during Alibaba’s initial tenure, was the fact that Mr. Ma’s
more disciplined. Tencent is aggressively invading Alibaba’s personalised decision-making process was a continual risk
e-business turf with deals that, unlike Ma’s are easily for Alibaba. In 2011, when it spun off Alipay, Ma failed to
explainable and are comprehensible. Tencent has a distinct inform Yahoo Inc. one of their prominent shareholders of the
concentration for key strategic objectives, a stark contrast to matter, which caused some, such as Mr Son from Softbank to
Alibaba, who are instead splurging in adherence to a be dubious of his leadership abilities. This was further
diversified strategy. It is evident that, not all of Ma’s frontier demonstrated in recent buy-out processes such as the
strategies have panned out in the long run, however some of extravagant venture in Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club
them have the potential of bringing Alibaba down to earth. with a 1.2 billion yuan (US$ 192 million) investment, which
One of many focal points, is the fact that Alibaba obtained a was finalised over the period of a 15 minute meeting. Further
loan of US$ 8 billion and utilised this cash injection to cash injections such as that in the Hong Kong based Intime
commence their buy-out scheme with several companies, retail group clearly exemplified the imminent tradition which
although there was minimal evidence to strategically Chinese business men adhere to, in times of great prosperity.
interlink the respective firms to Alibaba. In 2013, Alibaba For instance, during the IT boom, Lenevo bought the PC
spent US$ 6.4 billion for their respective M&A processes; section from IBM in 2004, which propelled it to the status of
unalike Alibaba, Tencent is a cash rich company, residing on a global leader in the PC market. In 2008, however, the
a mound of cash that exceeds the value of US$ 5.5 billion strategic failure of this acquisition was demonstrated by the
and there are no foreign shareholders, a facet which Alibaba plummeting of its share prices from 6 to 1.32 yuan in the
does not possess. Furthermore, Tencent has in recent times, Hong Kong Stock market. Alibaba’s continuous buy-out
been pushing into the overseas markets', especially the plans take the same route as the one that Lenovo undertook,
burgeoning South-East Asia and Latin America, with a when the sun was shining in their respective businesses.
campaign featuring Lionel Messi, the Argentinian and It was reported on 15 July 2014 that there were legal
Barcelona FC's footballing icon, to enable their services to investigations taking place regarding dealings with Boyu
get across to the respective audience via a highly desired and Capital in relation to the political corruption issues in China
loved figure; which further promotes the company's value. and the pending result would be one of great importance and
An act; which was also never replicated by their rivals. would be most sensitive for discussing the nature of Ma’s
link to the political realm.
9. Conclusion At this moment in time, there are a plethora of possibilities
for a ‘great firm,’ in China, to undertake, owing to the
As a global firm, strategic processes should be consistent copious quantity of opportunities that cross their path.
and cogent in nature. It should provide an intricate strategic However, akin to the paths taken by Coca Cola, and Toyota,
trajectory for both the shareholders and stakeholders. One of which were and still are core businesses’ in their respective
the prime concerns from the perception of a shareholder, nations, it is vital to strengthen one’s core strategy in times of