Looking Beyond: Give Him Your Best A Deeper Exposure Global Newswatch Dare 4 More
Looking Beyond: Give Him Your Best A Deeper Exposure Global Newswatch Dare 4 More
Looking Beyond: Give Him Your Best A Deeper Exposure Global Newswatch Dare 4 More
a missionary movement at the service of the church
It is 9.30 pm. I am waiting for a video chat to begin. Unlike other chats, I notice that I am a
bit anxious as I sit before my computer. In a few minutes, a friend in the Jesus Youth movement
will login from Dubai. I am not sure what to say or how to start. Tapping my fingers idly on the keys,
I wait. Then I notice that his name, Shibu, has popped up on my friends’ list.
Four months ago, on the 22nd of May 2010, his wife Rosily, and two daughters Godwina and Gloria died
in the fateful Air India Express Flight 812 that crashed in Mangalore airport killing 158 people. After
a joyful vacation, he had seen them off from Dubai airport only to hear the devastating news in the
morning. During the next few days, I had heard about the trauma he had to go through - identifying
Heart Talk
Change is essential for growth. And as I travel to different countries in this Jubilee
year, meeting families, youth, teens and kids, I see the great change the movement
has been bringing about, especially in the area of faith formation in this short span
of 25 years. Our many ministries and dynamic programmes, our elders, leaders and
fellow JYs, have been the hands of God touching the lives of people and facilitating a
Jesus Encounter, inviting them to a deep fellowship, helping them tread the path of
discipleship. Jesus Youth have carried their precious formation and lifestyle wherever
they have gone, giving rise to missionaries and evangelists in the process and
enabling our movement to grow and spread to more than 25 countries.
Faith formation in youth: In this era of globalisation, youth are exposed to a variety
of cultures from around the world and acquiring information is within easy reach
through e-communication. The movement is striving to create a safe place for them
not only in the physical world with its many fellowship groups but also in the virtual
world with its surprisingly contemporary nature. Many elements of the borderless
world influence the thinking and development of youth, but nothing is as strong as
one youth influencing another with his JY lifestyle. Activities outside the Church are
always marketed as more appealing and attractive. The idea that what the world
has to offer is ‘better’ is a misconception prevalent among many Catholics as well.
Dear brothers and
sisters, we are always
in need of hearing the
While society upholds success, performance and productivity, our young fulltimers
show the world that we need to first seek the Kingdom of God and all the rest will
be added. The movement is thus constantly at the service of the Church to enhance
initiatives and encourage activities that enrich and rekindle the faith of young
people. A complete cycle of growth can be seen when a youth experiences Christ in
Lord Jesus tell us what this joyfully Charismatic movement; they not only change themselves but also create
he often repeated to his a ripple of change in their life situation.
friends: “Be not afraid”.
Like Simon Peter and the Faith formation in families: This is a growing reality of the movement. Formation
others we must allow begins in the family and children grow up to form new families. In this cycle of
his presence and his events, JY families are playing a significant role with many willing to take a long-
grace to transform our term commitment to help in the faith formation of youth and young adults. Such
heart, which is always decisions speak of how the movement is challenging families to be a mission in
themselves. People can be influenced in their faith development at three levels -
subject to human
the immediate family, the extended family or small group and the greater society.
weakness. We must I see, for example, definite possibilities of developing a strong ministry in countries
know how to recognise like South Africa where a group of newly married JYs are praying for their dream of
that losing something building a ministry that will change the lives of people.
indeed, losing
ourselves for the true Faith formation in children: Recently, while on a mission trip, a courageous girl aged
God, the God of love nine walked 10 kilometres with me to attend a prayer meeting and she shared of
and of life is actually how she chooses to lose everything to gain God in her life. I had a similar encounter
gaining ourselves, at a JY conference for kids. I heard one of them say, “I will do great things for God
because when the Big God comes into the Small Me, I can do Big Things!” I now meet
finding ourselves more
more and more kids who say, “I want to be a Jesus Youth when I grow up” rather than,
fully. Whoever entrusts “I want to be Superman or Spiderman”. Their developing faith can be nurtured by
himself to Jesus already giving them a place where Christian principles can take root in their lives; a need that
experiences in this life JY is responding to. Certainly, this insight is a work of the Holy Spirit to make sure
the peace and joy of that the deposit of JY lifestyle is effectively passed on to the next generation through
heart that the world the earnest hands of these children.
cannot give, and that
it cannot even be taken In the area of faith formation JY is growing deeper and higher, augmented by
away once God has migration. As migrant JYs have grown stronger and more rooted in their faith, they
are planting ministries in varied geographical areas and life situations. For instance,
given it to us. So it
we have countries in the Middle East reaching out to Africa, crossing all cultural and
is worthwhile to let social barriers in order to support and build the faith of their brethren in Christ. What
ourselves be touched is also a miracle is that though we are involved in so many areas of faith formation,
by the fire of the Holy when we come together as a co-ordinating team or for common gatherings, we pray
Spirit! and work with a unified vision. It is so evident from this unity in vision, lifestyle and
St. Peter’s Basilica,
variety of initiatives that we were meant to be together in this work of the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray in love that we may live fully this call to be a Jesus Youth.
Looking Beyond
From: Teema Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:58 PM
I had an appointment this morning with an
otolaryngologist (head and neck surgeon).
He went through my ultrasounds and biopsy,
and suspects papillary thyroid cancer. I trust
in the great plan the Lord has for me! Thank
you for walking with me through all of this. I
love you! God bless you abundantly!
From: Teema Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:51 PM
The doctors made two incisions, one to
remove my thyroid and another to remove
19 lymphnodes on the left side of my neck.
Both lobes of my thyroid were confirmed to
the bodies and completing the legal
have papillary carcinoma.
procedures. Yet, I also heard about how their
funeral became a time of experiencing God’s
Before I left for surgery my sister asked,
presence for many; about how Shibu himself
“How do you feel telling people that you
was busy helping and consoling others who
have cancer?” And when I was in the
had lost their loved ones.
hospital, while the nurse was checking me,
I had never met him after the accident and she asked, “Did you ever think you would
was anxious. Even as I wondered about what be in hospital at such a young age?” No, I
to say to a person who has gone through never imagined any of this to happen to me,
such pain, I noticed his status message: but I also never imagined the amount of
‘The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; grace that has been flowing through these
may His name be praised’. In a moment, the wonderful few weeks. I see God’s hand in
chat window opened up and his smiling face each and every instance, and even in times
came on screen. He began speaking about when I wanted to give up, He held my hand
how he and everyone around were blessed even tighter to help me continue. I am
constantly by Rosily, Godwina and Gloria sure that this time in my life has a special
when they were around. He spoke of how he purpose, not only for me, but for all those in
feels their presence even after their death. my life, and for the whole Church, as we are
I listened with astonishment as he spoke of one body.
how deep a spiritual relationship he shared
From: Teema Thomas
with Rosily when she was alive - of how
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 12:57 AM
they were constantly sharing about the Word
of God and asking each other about their During this time I was also overwhelmed
prayer, drawing strength from each other’s with how much my family and friends
experiences. The most difficult part, he felt, showered me with love, care, and prayers.
was to continue living among the things they I am so blessed. So, I began to offer all my
touched, the books they read, the rooms pain and prayers for all those who were
they lived in. To live in a world where every suffering or lonely and had no one to pray
memory evokes a million tender experiences. for them, no one to visit them, no one to care
The pain was definitely deep and palpable. for them...
Yet as he spoke, he spoke with a voice of
Naturally, we consolation and assurance. It was clear that
Over the last year, I also remember two
relegate eternity he could see something beyond.
incidents of great loss suffered by families
to the back of I personally know. One of our friends, an
our minds. But the Last December, as part of the Jesus Youth active Catholic employed in a school, lost
ones who respond Assembly, we were working on collecting his young wife to cancer. With two young
positively to crises inspiring experiences of young people. We children in his care - the younger one, barely
six months old, he has a long journey ahead.
were all deeply moved by the story of one of
in life often seem our very young friends, a Jesus Youth Fulltime Yet during the funeral Mass, as he made the
to be more aware Volunteer and student in the United States, reading, what emanated was not despair or
of the fragments Teema Thomas. Diagnosed with Thyroid disappointment, but a great assurance and
of eternity hidden cancer, her journey through the valley of pain faith. Today, always serene, he carries on his
in our day to day can be traced through a series of emails sent challenging life with great trust, even more
experiences. to her friends. involved in ministry and work.
by as you read a letter given to the Best’ in all that they do. Many
you by a special someone. This sessions conducted by renowned
person has given you everything leaders continued through the
that is his and is still pouring out training, ranging from Paradigm Shift
his love for you. He has accepted and Youth Ministry to Audio-Visual
you - weaknesses and all. In and Theatrics. The youth were taught
this letter, he has asked you to to respect and cherish the individual
give up everything and live for person and not to have major concerns
him through service to his loved about the agenda. They were also
ones... What would you do? reminded daily through assigned tasks
that the small details of any act make
Sixteen Jesus Youth answered a huge difference. One of the main
our Lord’s call by deciding lessons the youth learned was that
to attend the Jesus Youth they are called not to forcefully change
International Fulltime others, but to inspire others to change
Volunteers’ Training 2010. These through the change in themselves.
vibrant youth from twelve
countries arrived at the Garden To start giving their best, it was
of Gospel Peace in Lamlukka, important that the youth first
Thailand on 3rd July 2010 for realised what they as individuals
twenty-nine days of intense should possess. This required a deep
training, which included areas inner healing and a strengthening
of personal prayer, Scripture of the Holy Spirit within themselves.
and people management to The mission was initiated with a
name a few. This training was three-day silent retreat where the
the first step in making a lifetime young participants were able to
commitment to the Lord. A observe themselves and relate to
training team comprising of the Lord. After this retreat the youth
Fr. Ajy Jacob (Pastor), Dony Peter were drilled on evangelisation by
(Co-ordinator), Sr. Thresiamma Jude Antoine, a full time missionary
Garden of GOSPEL Peace,
Philip and Sumol Pious from Malaysia, George Devassy and
FranCiscan Retreat Centre,
accompanied these young people Dony Peter. The group was then sent
Bangkok, Thailand
on this journey. to live in Bangkok for six days and
3rd July - 31st July 2010
share their personal encounters of “I came for the training with the “I was able to spend quality time
Christ and Christ’s story with the objective of learning how to change with the Lord and experience Him in
students at Assumption University others, but the very first session by the a deeper way. The whole programme
and with the local Thai citizens. The training team turned my ideas upside opened my eyes to the importance of
youth forced themselves ‘to get out down. They told us that we had come sharing Jesus with others and made
of their comfort zones and get into there not to change others but to me more open to God through the
their courage zones’. This experience change ourselves. Now my only prayer sessions, activities and challenges. It
was extremely fruitful and the is that others MAY change by seeing the has initiated my spiritual growth for
batch understood small changes in me.” this one year formation.”
the greater value of Rony Dominic, UAE Melphy Paul, Australia
sharing Jesus with
whomever they meet.
JYIFT’10 participants & training team with Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati, India SEPTEMBER 2010 PAGE 7
For eleven days, 22 individuals from became players because each individual began
different nations across the world to play his unique role instead of being a
came together to be the first Jesus mere spectator of the programme. As the days
Youth Exposure batch. The Exposure progressed the individuals grew just by doing
Programme was held in the Garden this. On the first day each person searched for
of Gospel Peace Retreat Centre in paradigms at the root of their very existence
Bangkok, Thailand from 12th to 22nd which were ultimately hindering them from
July 2010. The participants came giving God their very best. The decisions made
from the countries of Thailand, to have a paradigm shift were challenging
Vietnam, Cambodia, Bhutan, United but each person set up an action plan that
Arab Emirates, Oman, United States was specific, measurable and could be started
of America, Canada, Australia, New immediately.
Zealand and India. Accompanying
the Exposure batch was a dynamic Over the next two days the group partook in a
training team led by Antony A.J. retreat to help build a solid spiritual foundation.
(Co-ordinator) and Fr. Cheriyan The retreat contained no exploding sessions
Nereveetil (Pastor) with the support about issues that the Church was facing or any
of George Devassy, Sr. Thresiamma deep theological mysteries. Instead the focus
Philip, Manoj Sunny, Dony Peter and was on the fundamental idea of needing to
C.C. Joseph. From the first session have a personal relationship with God. Basic
given to the group, the participants questions such as “Who is your God?” and
JYIEP’10 participants & training team with Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati, India
A Deeper
For the first time ever, the Jesus Youth International Exposure Programme was
conducted to help young budding leaders from different countries to get a
deeper exposure to the Jesus Youth lifestyle and spirituality.
“Come as you are...
Do not change a thing... “Our programme ended
Just open your heart and He will with each of us taking a pledge to
walk right in… This is what live for Christ. This was a decision that
JYIEP taught me.” we made from within, something that our
Gavin Besterwich, souls longed to do. going back home, we
Australia all carried a new being in us and a new
mission to live.”
Jaya Rajan, India
in His Holiness
FROM DIFFERENT l Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko
COUNTRIES l Archbishop Abraham
Programme in
l Archbishop Thomas
7 streams
Menamparampil SDB
l Bishop Rolando Tirona
l Bishop Paul Hinder
evening festivals
l Fr. Eric Jacquinet
l Fr. Gino Henriques C.Ss.R
l Fr. Fio Mascarenhas SJ
l Salvatore Martinez
l Mark Nimo
l Fritz Mascarenhas
l Colin Calmiano
in His Holiness
Inauguration by
Cardinal Rylko
His Eminence Cardinal Stanislaw
Rylko, President of the Pontifical
Council for the Laity (PCL),
will inaugurate the Jubilee
Conference, accompanied by
Rev. Fr. Eric Jacquinet, Director,
Youth Section, PCL.
in His Holiness
1st – 3rd Jan. 2011, Kochi, Kerala.
A gathering of JY leaders to
discern the Spirit’s direction for
the movement and plan for the
in His Holiness
Outreach -
Child Support
Touching the lives of children
by providing financial aid
for education, the project
currently has 1000 benefactors
& 1000 beneficiaries.
Support this cause: www.
in His Holiness
on the web
Share your faith story –
proclaim to the world God’s
handiwork in your life.
in His Holiness
in His Holiness
in His Holiness
continent in the world, is a
mystery for most of us. The
land, people and the culture,
though made familiar through
the images shown in the media,
still remain enigmatic. Many in
Jesus Youth have been praying
for years that the movement to record some songs. During
may make inroads into this the course of their visit, the
mighty land. UAE in particular JY resource team got an
has been praying for Africa, opportunity to meet
as it is their mission Dr. Margaret Bukenya, the
place. In this context, wife of the Vice-President of
Santhosh Mathew and Uganda and several Indian
Julius Antony from Dubai groups residing there.
made a pilot trip to Uganda
in May 2010 to explore the Africa is a beautiful place with
possibilities for mission by Jesus Conference ‘Dare 4 More’ On one of the days, the team also loving people. However, the
Youth there. With the help of with 350 young participants ministered to 120 lively and dynamic aftermath of war, violence,
the contacts made during that was being held. The Jesus Ugandan youth in a hospital. The corruption, poverty and disease
trip, a vibrant and enthusiastic Youth team animated one of JY group was also privileged to cannot be ignored. The land
team comprising of Dony Peter the days of the Conference meet Most Rev. Cardinal Emmanuel thirsts for Jesus and we pray
from India, Roopesh Thomas and handled the music and Wamala and Most Rev. Bishop that the Lord may use the
from Oman and Bibin Solomon, the input sessions. In the Christopher Kakooza of Kampala movement more and more to
Diago Mascarenhas, Bran Patrick, evening, the team, together Archdiocese. Bishop Kakooza also build His Kingdom there.
George Benny and Julius Antony with Fr. Stan Fortuna, the invited the team to a music studio
from UAE set out for Uganda on George Benny, UAE
jazz musician rapper turned
13th August 2010. missionary priest from Bronx,
New York and ‘Anawim’ a
The first stop was at Masaka local band, led praise and
where the Diocesean Youth worship and ministered to
the youth. The team also
went to Kiyunga where they
conducted a session, an
audio-visual presentation
and led the Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament for 150
youth, young adults and kids
of the parish. Following this,
a five-day Jesus Youth retreat
was organised and conducted
in the afternoons for the
youth at the Vincentian
Retreat Centre in Entebbe.
Alive in
His Spirit
on the Catholic Church and “This training “These days have “The training has “JYILT gave me a
the Bible introduced the group programme has Sharpened my helped me to shift my new conviction,
to the beautiful teachings of helped me to know focus and vision paradigms. It was a leading me to
the Catholic Church and gave about the Church’s as a leader. It very inspiring time recommit my life
them an overview of the Bible. teachings and her has enabled me when I was able to to Jesus. I have
They were also challenged to expectations. It has to become more respond to the call strongly decided
practise short public speaking led me to become pro-active in from God - ‘Whom to follow Jesus;
after a session on Effective more committed as my leadership shall I send?’ I there will be no
Communication Skills. a good leader.” responsibilities.” answered, ‘I will go turning back; no
Bipin Kishore, Ignatius Michael, Lord, send me!!’” turning back.”
Some of the highlights of the India Bahrain Sunil Varghese, Italy Cijo Joy, UK
programme included Holy
Masses conducted outdoors
surrounded by the beautiful
scenery of the retreat
centre, the time of prayer
and reflection, the time of
fellowship, planting trees at
the retreat centre and visiting
the AIDS Hospice.
Suzette Morris
The participants have come to The resource team comprised of Fr. Sebastian The animators have been enriched and blessed
realise the role of animators as Arikat, Alex Njavally, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Manoj immensely through the training and the wonderful
an essential part of the Jesus Sunny, C.C. Joseph and George Devassy. The fellowship and all of them have returned to their
Youth movement and have presence and sharing of Brother Ghislain of Taizé home countries with the firm decision to be with
learned a lot of ways in which and the Taizé prayer he led were moments of and for the youth, accompanying them and being
they could support the youth, inspiration and blessing for the participants. role models, wherever they are.
The Pontifical Council for the the Congress of Asian Catholic Laity addressed of the lay faithful in the Church’s mission and
Laity, a dicastery of the Holy See, to Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of develop specific programmes and initiatives to
organised a Congress of Asian the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the Holy assist them in their task of proclaiming Jesus
Catholic Laity at Seoul, Korea Father mentions his “wish to single out with Christ in Asia today”.
from 31st Aug. – 5th Sept. 2010. This gratitude the outstanding work of the many
significant ecclesial event, with the catechists who bring the riches of the Catholic Four hundred delegates from 35 international
theme - ‘Proclaiming Jesus Christ faith to young and old alike”. In this context lay associations, ecclesial movements and new
in Asia Today’, was designed to he highlights the contribution of apostolic and communities in 20 countries attended the six-day
sustain and promote a greater and charismatic movements, which “bring new Conference. Jesus Youth was blessed to be invited
more appropriate participation of life and vigour to the formation of the laity, for this significant event and was represented by
the laity in the life and mission of particularly families and young people”. “I George Devassy and Manoj Sunny. During one
the Church in Asia. In the Message pray”, the Holy Father writes, “that the present of the days, Manoj Sunny presented a paper on
from the Pope for the opening of Congress will highlight the indispensable role ‘Youth Pastoral Ministry and Youth Evangelisation’.
In this special year of Jubilee, Jesus Youth On an international level, a pilgrimage to the Holy at the tomb of Jesus in Golgotha, the
around the globe are being encouraged Land was organised by the Jesus Youth International Via Dolorosa where different prayer
to undertake pilgrimages with proper Team from 9th to 19th September 2010. 121 delegates intentions of the Jubilee and prayers
devotion and ardour to places of from 8 countries, including 4 priests and one nun for all the departed from our movement
significance to our faith. In India many participated in this pilgrimage of faith, which was were offered. Two sharing sessions
groups have already made their journeys co-ordinated by Santhosh Mathew, UAE. The group were also organised during the course
to popular pilgrim places like Velankanni began their journey in Egypt before entering Israel of the pilgrimage in which the pilgrims
(Tamil Nadu), St. Francis Xavier’s Shrine and finally Jordan. As you can imagine, every step on could share their experiences and
(Goa), St. Thomas Mount (Malayattoor, this pilgrimage was special as there is no greater joy voice their thoughts on the Jubilee to
Kerala) and Kurisumala (Kerala). A group for a Christian than to visit the places of significance the whole group. This pilgrimage was
from Germany recently went to Medjugorje where our Lord lived, preached, died and rose again. a renewing experience for all and has
and another team from UK went to the Some of the highlights on the way was the climbing helped in strengthening their faith and
Canterbury Cathedral in Kent. of Mount Sinai, Holy Mass at the Nativity Church and commitment.
Medjugorje Pilgrimage, Germany ‘Exult 2010’, New Zealand Family Retreat, Singapore
Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Mathew Dr. Mathew George (Animators). Fr. William Leaders’ Training
Vadakkevettukuzhiyil, followed by a time of Goh, the Spiritual Director of the team, led On 16th, 23rd and 30th July, trainings were
praise and worship and the Recommitment the anointing ceremony. organised for selected leaders of the Ghala
Day liturgy. Gatherings were also held in ‘Spark 2010’ region. Of the 24 participants, eight of them
Wellington and Christchurch. A DTP for teenagers was organised from 23rd- have taken a one-year commitment as ‘Friday
One-day Retreats 26th June at the Choice Retreat Centre. The fulltimers’ to work with different ministries.
On 16th, 17th and 18th July, one-day retreats were programme, led by Rodney Pereira and Shiji Teens’ DTP
conducted at Wellington, Christchurch and Varghese from India, has helped to ignite in The Teens Ministry organised a Discipleship
Dunedin respectively. Fr. Joseph Akkara CMI the twelve participants a new love for Christ. Training Programme from 19th-24th March. The
and the JY of Auckland animated the retreats. Shimy Stephen 24 participants from Ghala were guided by
Soji Joseph C.C. Joseph during these days.
Binoy Xavier
SINGAPORE JY Family Retreat
Family Retreat Bringing a new zeal and renewing the call SRI LANKA
A retreat for JY Families was held at Choice for missionary families, a family retreat was Leaders’ Training
Retreat Centre from 15th-18th April. Nearly 15 held from 14th-16th May at the St. Columban’s On 23rd and 24th July, a training was organised
couples together with their children attended Retreat Centre, Magheremore, Wicklow. It was at Subhodhi Retreat Centre, Moratuwa based
this retreat led by Manoj Sunny and Beena led by Manoj Sunny and Beena Manoj and on the theme ‘Live for Christ, Die for Christ’.
Manoj. Since then, a Family Ministry core team attended by thirteen JY families. Fifteen Jesus Youth leaders and six animators
has been formed. Sijo Jose participated. The various sessions were led by
Jesus Net Anniversary George Devassy, Fr. Daya Darshana and Fr. Gihan
On 5th June, about 100 Jesus Youth came Goonatilake. A core team was also formed at the
together at the Catholic Welfare Centre to Jubilee One-day Gatherings end of the training.
celebrate the 4th anniversary of Jesus Net - During the weekends of April and May, Jesus Ravindha Silva
the central prayer gathering of JY Singapore. Youth in each region came together as a part
of the Jubilee preparations. Nearly 700 Jesus CAMBODIA
Leaders’ Retreat & JYNT Re-constitution
From 27th May, a three-day residential retreat Youth from across Oman participated in these ‘Ponleu’ (The Light)
was organised for the leaders of various gatherings. Around 250 youth from the diocese of Phnom
ministries. George Devassy and C.C. Joseph ‘Epiphany 2010’ Penh came together on 9th May for ‘Ponleu’ at
led the sessions. A new National Team was Around 35 teens from Oman attended a Don Bosco Technical School. The programme
also formed with Shimy Stephen (re-elected summer programme for teenagers - ‘Epiphany was conducted by Dony Peter along with
as Co-ordinator), Shibu Devassia (Asst. Co- 2010’, held at Athmadarshan, Aluva, Kerala fulltimers Renjith Joseph, Hun Saren and
ordinator) and Dr. Julio Chacko and from 26th June to 1st July ’10. Reshma Jerome. Holy Mass by Bishop Emile
New National Team, Singapore Jubilee One-day Gathering, Oman Leaders’ Training, Sri Lanka
Destombes (the current Vicar Apostolic of and the ‘One-month mission commitment’ prayer volunteers. It concluded with ‘Zion
Phnom Penh) and the presence of Mgr. Olivier registration were launched. Night’ - a vigil service including Taizé prayer
Schmitthaeusler (the new coadjutor Bishop of Fulltime Volunteers’ Training held at the Bishop Tirinanazi Auditorium.
Phnom Penh) was an added blessing. The 19th batch English training commenced on ‘Kites’
Discipleship Training 22nd May at Emmaus, Kerala with 30 participants On 1st May, a training programme was held for
From 13th-16th May, the first Discipleship including 4 seminarians. Most Rev. Sylvester nearly 65 leaders of the Malayalam team. Jojo
Training Programme in Cambodia was held at Ponnumuthan (Bishop of Punalur) was the Varkey animated the sessions.
Kep for 50 vibrant Khmer youth from various chief celebrant for the Commitment ceremony JY Help Desk
dioceses. The presence of Fr. Leo Ochoa, held on 21st June 2010. The Hindi batch training Jesus Youth have started putting up a counter
Don Bosco Phnom Penh Rector, was a great was held from 7th June-5th July at Red Building, in the Sacred Heart parish compound before
encouragement for all. The programme Nagpur. The 14 participants from 11 states have and after all obligatory Masses. Started in July,
concluded with Holy Mass celebrated by now been placed across 7 states of India. the initiative provides required assistance to
Mgr. Olivier Schmitthaeusler. ‘Chalo Jharkhand’ the parishioners and carries information about
Renjith Joseph The mission trip - ‘Chalo Jharkhand’ - the parish, pious movements, etc.
organised by the National Teens Ministry Movie Night
INDIA With the aim of spreading Christian values to
was held from 29th April to 20th May. Following
Kerala Nurses’ Conference a retreat, the 24 participants were given a deepen the Catholic faith especially among
‘Healing Touch 2010’ saw nearly 1000 mission training at Ranchi. Village stay, visits, youngsters, a movie night is being conducted
nurses, more than 40 tutors and close to 25 social outreach, small scale programmes and on the last Saturday of every month at Bishop
principals from different nursing schools/ personal interactions formed the major part of Tirinanazi Auditorium.
colleges across Kerala, gather at S.H. College, the group’s stay at Jharkhand. Siby Varghese
Chalakudy from 9th-11th July. Most Rev. Pauly ‘Campus Vibes 2010’
Kannookadan (Bishop of Irinjalakuda) visited QATAR
With over 20 participants from 8 regions of
the participants on one of the days. Recommitment Day
India, the annual training for campus leaders
Annual Evaluation Meeting With weekly spiritual reflections and active
was held from 26th May-3rd June at the Alpha
From 4th-6th June, the Annual Evaluation participation in the Novena to the Holy Spirit,
Pastoral Centre, Edakochi.
Meeting of Jesus Youth India was held at the ‘100 Days of Grace’ was a time of spiritual
Siljo Thomas
Snehadaan, Bangalore with over 200 leaders revival for JY Qatar. The Recommitment Day
from across the country in attendance. On BAHRAIN celebrations included an anointed Adoration
the final day of the meeting, the new website ‘We Love Our Priests!’ and a talk by Fr. Simon, the JY Pastor.
of JY India - www.jesusyouth.in - and other On 17th May, a special one-month prayer ‘Year for Priests’ Exhibition
international Jubilee projects like the Jubilee campaign ‘Pray for 2010 Priests’ was initiated To honour the beloved priests of the parish,
Registration System, ‘Slice of Life’ portal in which 2530 priests were prayed for by 253 an exhibition was conducted on 17th and 18th
‘Healing Touch 2010’, India ‘Kites’, Bahrain ‘Tribute to the Priests’, UAE
June by the Parish Church. Jesus Youth was Rev. Paul Hinder, Vicar Apostolic of Arabia, Rev. Bishop Malcolm McMahon (Bishop of
in charge of putting up the Missionaries of concelebrated Holy Mass with 22 other priests Nottingham) then concelebrated Holy Mass with
Charity stall. Jesus Youth’s newly formed from different parishes in the UAE. several other priests. Around 450 Jesus Youth
music team also rendered the theme song Jojo Varkey were present on the occasion.
during the felicitation ceremony. Outreach to Loughborough University
KUWAIT An outreach was organised to Loughborough
Rijo John
Reunion Day Celebration University on 19th May 2010 to interact with
USA Reunion Day was celebrated on 22nd May the youth who attend the weekly Mass at the
‘Kids Kamp’, NE region with Holy Mass and the Recommitment Day University Chaplaincy.
From 13th-16th July, children ranging from Liturgy. Jesus Youth from all four parishes ‘Spirit in the City’
five to ten, attended ‘Kids Kamp’ and actively participated in this event. Jesus Youth UK took part in the annual festival of
developed their faith through a variety of Conclusion of the ‘Year for Priests’ faith, ‘Spirit in the City’ held from 3rd-5th June in
activities - prayer, action songs, storytelling, To mark the conclusion of the ‘Year for Priests’, the West End of London. They had the privilege
crafts, games, videos and most importantly, Jesus Youth organised a special Adoration for of leading an Eucharistic procession with the
Adoration and Holy Mass. priests. Gatherings were held separately in Jubilee Cross during one of the events at the
Teens’ National Retreat each parish. festival.
Forty-five JY teens from all regions came together Mano Mathew Youth Formation Programme
at Bishop Lane Retreat Centre, Rockford, Illinois Close to 30 youth from different places across
from 12th-16th June. The annual teens’ retreat was UK and Germany came together at Bridgettine
led by the JYNT under the guidance of Fr. Vinod ‘Awakening’ Guest House in London for a formation
Madathiparambil, the National pastor. Called to In connection with the ‘100 Days of Grace’, programme from 29th July to 1st August. His
Holiness, Conversion, Life in the Church and Life ‘Awakening’ - perpetual Adoration from Easter Grace Abraham Viruthakulangara, Archbishop
and Mission in the Movement were the guiding Monday to Pentecost Sunday - was organised of Nagpur and Ecclesiastical Advisor of JY India,
themes of the retreat. at the Mother of God Church. Over these 50 also spent two days with the group.
Sunil Nadarajan days, more than 500 people came to spend ‘The Change’
time with the Eucharistic Lord. A retreat called ‘The Change’ was organised for
UAE Service Team Trainings 22 youth of Birmingham and surrounding towns
‘Love Revolution’ The first Service team training took place of Burnt-on-Trent, Coventry and Telford from 25th
In April, a three-day teens retreat, ‘Love in Birmingham from 10th-11th April. The next to 27th June at the Alton Castle.
Revolution’ was organised at St. Mary’s training for the teams of North West region Abhy Thomas
Church, Fujairah for 200 teenagers from the was held on 17th and 18th April at Liverpool.
different emirates. The retreat was led by Journey of the Jubilee Cross
Fr. George Kumblumoottil and Dony Peter. The Cross has travelled to most of the North-
‘Ammayodoppam’ West and East of UK and has brought people
The Jesus Youth of Mussafah, Abu Dhabi together in prayer everywhere it travelled.
organised ‘Ammayodoppam’ on 27th and Small prayer gatherings were held at all the
28th May. During the 32 hours of continuous houses that the Cross visited.
intercession, 101 Holy rosaries were offered Family Training
for different intentions. More than 200 people Thirty Jesus Youth families came together for
participated in this event. a family training programme from 28th-31st
‘Thiruvachana Yathra’ May at Barnstondale Centre, Liverpool, led by
More than 365 people participated in Manoj Sunny and Beena Manoj.
‘Thiruvachana Yathra’, a continuous four-day Recommitment Day Celebrations
Bible reading organised in Dubai. The day began with fellowship over lunch O blessed Mary, Mother of God,
‘Tribute to the Priests’ followed by the Recommitment Day Liturgy turn your eyes of mercy towards
To conclude the ‘Year for Priests’, a ‘Tribute and concluding Adoration of ‘Awakening’, us, that we may love God with all
to the Priests’ was organised on 28th June May Day procession along with the deanery our heart on earth and enjoy Him
at St. Francis Assisi Church, Jebel Ali. Most and an input session by Manoj Sunny. Most forever in heaven. Amen.
Printed and Published by Mr. Manoj Sunny on behalf of Jesus Youth International Office, 6F Thadikaran Centre, Palarivattom P.O., Cochin-682 025, Kerala, INDIA, Ph: +91 484-4054870, 4054371, Fax: +91-484-2346084, Email: [email protected]
www.jesusyouth.org Editor-in-charge: Shelton Pinheiro Editorial Team: Beena Manoj, Anu Pinheiro, Jubie John & Liss Thomas Layout: Sanil C.A. Printed by SR Graphics, Kottayam, Ph:+91 481-2301142