The Changing Face of Medical Education in Egypt Introducing The First Issue of "The Egyptian Journal of Medical Education".

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The Egyptian Journal of Medical Education www.EJME.

org 2018;1(1) eISSN 2090-2816 Editorial

The Changing Face of Medical Education in Egypt; Introducing the First Issue of
“The Egyptian Journal of Medical Education”.
Dr Amir Monir Ali, MD*

EDITORIAL INFO BACKGROUND From the beginnings of the civilization in the late fourth millennium BC,
*email : [email protected] Egyptian medical practice was highly advanced for its time, including
Published online: 23-12-2018
simple surgery, setting of bones, dentistry, and an extensive set of
Keywords : Egypt, Medical Education
This work is licensed under the Creative pharmacopoeia. Egyptian medical thought influenced later traditions,
Commons Attribution International License including the Greek’s [1]. The modern history of Egyptian medical
(CC BY 4.0). education begins in 1827, when Kasr Al-Ainy was established as a military teaching hospital in Abu Zaabal, to the northeast of Cairo [2]. The second
The author declares no conflict of interest. medical school was established 115 years later, in 1942, at Alexandria; the
third, Ain Shams, in 1947, and the fourth, in Assiut, in 1960. Since then,
other medical schools have been established, mostly dependent on those
first four schools for faculty and curricula [3].

Medical Education in Egypt Leading the Future

During the last decade, modern global trends in Medical On behalf of the Editorial Board, I am delighted to
Education have found their way gradually to the Egyptian announce the publication of the inaugural issue of The
medical schools with the establishment of dedicated Egyptian Journal of Medical Education (EJME), a new
departments in many of the Egyptian Universities online, international, open-access, peer-reviewed, journal
nationwide. Changes in the way that lectures are on all aspects of undergraduate, postgraduate and
delivered, increasing use of independent learning, and continuing Medical Education.
increasing use of online teaching tools have provided the
EJME seeks to be a venue by which educators across all
medical students with a wide array of information sources
disciplines can publish methods, reports, and reviews on
to supplement and expand their education. Individualized
all areas of medical education, being basic science or
courses only delivering information in the specific subset
clinically related. New concepts and curriculum design
area of medicine should be now a thing of the past. More
changes are encouraged to be published. New ideas to
correlations, both clinical and nonclinical between the
engage and assess students in active learning, team-based
various courses should be presented.
learning and problem-based learning are encouraged to
As we progress into the future, there will be a seamless be presented. Clinical curriculum changes are also vital to
basic science and clinical curricula, where courses are the advancement of medical education and with respect
identified based more on topic areas across basic and to this, we encourage publication of articles related to
clinical perspectives, rather than the individual sciences as new offerings of clinical clerkships, models of patient
taught as in years to past [4]. 1
The Egyptian Journal of Medical Education 2018;1(1) eISSN 2090-2816 Editorial

simulation, and related methods with which students

learn more effectively.

EJME actively encourages individuals in all areas of

medical education to submit materials for review for
publication in any of the areas outlined in the aims and
scope of our Journal. We look forward to making this
journal one of the best journals related to medical
education, with high visibility, and high impact, not only
on basic science medical education, but also on clinical
education for many years to come. With our open access
format and free publication process, we can ensure not The first anatomy lesson at the teaching hospital in Abu Zaabal,
only the rapid publication of timely reports on medical Cairo in 1827 [5]
education and curricular development, but also the
worldwide rapid readership of these new curricular Conflict of Interest
changes, and ideas that impact medical education in The author declares no conflict of interest.
Egypt and around the world.

It is exciting to start a new journal from scratch. With the

opportunity to cast off some of the accepted norms of the References
Egyptian journals publishing, we were able to rethink our [1] Wikipedia contributors. (2018, December 20). Ancient
whole approach and also address some of the on-going Egyptian medicine. In Wikipedia, The Free
challenges Egyptian journals face. One such challenge is Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:35, December 22, 2018,
the diversity of our Editorial Board. We were keen to
recruit a board that represents the full range of Medical yptian_medicine&oldid=874676460
Education researchers, including early career researchers. [2] Adel Abdelaziz , Salah Eldin Kassab, Asmaa Abdelnasser
During the selection process we kept in mind various et al. Medical Education in Egypt: Historical
factors such as gender, geographic location and career Background, Current Status, and Challenges. Health
stage, and the result has been an enthusiastic and Professions Education. 2018; 4 (4):236-244
supportive group covering a range of disciplines and
profiles. [3] Evert J, Drain P, Hall T. Developing Global Health
Programming: A Guidebook for Medical and
In EJME, we are committed to a speedy and rational Professional Schools 2 edition Global Health Education
Collaborations Press. San Francisco, CA. 2014.
reviewing process for every piece of scholarship
submitted to us. We endeavor to reply to all papers [4] Myers, S. R. (2014). The Changing Face of Medical
submitted within four weeks’ time with an answer about Education. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular
acceptance or rejection. We also do not require Development.
formatting for submissions in our style until after the [5] Image Courtesy of “Integrated Program of Kasr Alainy”.
paper has been accepted for publication. Retrieved 20:30, December 22, 2018, from
Finally, we hope that the launch of EJME will crown the /history
marvelous efforts to develop and upgrade the Medical
Education programs among the Egyptian medical schools
and worldwide. 2

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