Low Clouds (Below 6,500 Feet) Middle Clouds (6,500-20,000 Feet) High Clouds (Above 20,000 Feet)

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Low clouds Middle clouds High clouds

(below 6,500 feet) (6,500-20,000 feet) (above 20,000 feet)

Cumulus clouds Altocumulus Cirrus clouds

 What you see most often  Looks like white or gray  Most common one
 Often assemble patches,most common  When this clouds cross
cauliflowers cloud which often the sun disk they hugely
appears with other clouds deminished its brightness
as well  Before sunrise and up to
sunset Cirrus often
colored bright yellow or

Stratocumulus Nimbostratus Clouds Cirrocumulus clouds

 looks like honeycombs  Also known as  Compose of very small
or rolls continuous rain clouds elements in the form of
 They are  They are dark and gray grains or ripples
low,pinky,grayish,whitis  Diffuse by falling rain or
h snow
 They occur in patches  Taking up to block out
with the sky visible the sun

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