Comparison of Different Bracing Systems For Tall Buildings: January 2014

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Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

Article · January 2014

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3 authors:

Zahid Ahmad Siddiqi Rashid Hameed

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore


Usman Akmal
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore


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Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol. 14, Jan., 2014 (p. 17-26)

Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

Z.A. Siddiqi1, Rashid Hameed2, Usman Akmal3
1. Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
2. Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan.
E-mail: [email protected]
3. Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan

When a tall building is subjected to lateral or torsional deflections under the action of fluctuating
wind loads, the resulting oscillatory movement can induce a wide range of responses in the building’s
occupants from mild discomfort to acute nausea. As a result, lateral stiffness is a major consideration
in the design of tall buildings. Bracing is a highly efficient and economical method of resisting lateral
forces in a frame structure because the diagonals work in axial stress and therefore call for minimum
member sizes in providing the stiffness and strength against horizontal shear. In this research study,
five different types of bracing systems have been investigated for the use in tall building in order to
provide lateral stiffness and finally the optimized design in terms of lesser structural weight and lesser
lateral displacement has been exposed. For this purpose a sixty storey regular shaped building is
selected and analyzed for wind and gravity load combinations along both major and minor axes.
Key Words: Bracing System; Tall Buildings; structural weight; lateral displacement

1. Introduction stiffness and to avoid any redistribution of the

The high cost of land, the desire to avoid a load to non-load-bearing partitions, infill,
continuous urban sprawl and need to preserve cladding or glazing.
important agricultural production have all contributed  The structure must be sufficiently stiff to
to drive the residential buildings upward or in other prevent dynamic motions becoming large
words, have promoted height zoning in Pakistan’s big enough to cause discomfort to occupants or
cities. To accommodate the continuous urban sprawl,
affect sensitive equipment.
there is a need to construct tall buildings. A tall
building may be defined as a building whose design To satisfy strength and serviceability limit
is governed by the lateral forces induced due to wind stares, lateral stiffness is a major consideration in the
and earthquake [1]. design of tall buildings. The simple parameter that is
When a tall building is subjected to lateral or used to estimate the lateral stiffness of a building is
torsional deflections under the action of fluctuating the drift index defined as the ratio of the maximum
wind loads, the resulting oscillatory movement can deflections at the top of the building to the total
induce a wide range of responses in the building’s height. Different structural forms of tall buildings can
occupants from mild discomfort to acute nausea. As be used to improve the lateral stiffness and to reduce
far as the ultimate limit state is concerned, lateral the drift index [2]. In this research the study is
deflections must be limited to prevent second-order conducted for braced frame structures.
p-delta effect due to gravity loading being of such a
Bracing is a highly efficient and economical
magnitude which may be sufficient to precipitate
method to laterally stiffen the frame structures
collapse. In terms of serviceability limit states
deflection is required to be maintained at a sufficient against wind loads. A braced bent consists of usual
low level for following reasons; columns and girders whose primary purpose is to
support the gravity loading, and diagonal bracing
 To allow proper functioning of nonstructural members that are connected so that total set of
components such as elevators and doors.
members forms a vertical cantilever truss to resist the
 To avoid the distress in the structure, to prevent horizontal forces. Bracing is efficient because the
excessive cracking and consequent loss of diagonals work in axial stress and therefore call for

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.14, Jan., 2014

minimum member sizes in providing the stiffness and forming a vertical truss type structure as shown in
strength against horizontal shear [3]. Fig.1. These vertical trusses increase the strength and
With the increase in trend of constructing tall stability of the buildings against lateral loads.
buildings, there is need to find cost effective
structural forms of bracing system to be used in tall
buildings against lateral loads. This research study
aims to find the most suitable bracing system out of
five investigated bracing systems in terms of lesser
weight of the structure and smaller value of lateral
displacement. For this purpose, a regular shape tall
building has been selected and analyzed for wind
loads acting along the minor axis of bending of
column and then acting along the major axis of
bending of column. Similarly, in first case (wind
loads along the minor axis), building is braced in
minor direction of bending and in second case (wind
loads along the major axis), building is braced in
minor direction of bending. Moreover, various
options of bracing provision in different bays of the
building at same level have also been investigated.

2. Tall Buildings and Structural Form

Tallness is considered as relative term which
Fig.1 Braced frame
cannot be defined in terms of height. From structural
engineer’s point of view, tall building is defined as 2.2 Rigid frames
the building whose structural design is governed by
the lateral forces induced due to wind and In these structures, the lateral stability is
provided by the moment resisting connections of the
beams and columns as shown in Fig.2. These forms
The structural form of a tall building depends on are only used up to 25 stories [4] as for the more high
a number of factors, some are given below; buildings, the demand of the lateral forces increases
 Internal planning and can result in larger size of beams and columns.
 Material and method of construction Such forms are normally preferred for the concrete
 External architectural treatment buildings.
 Location and routing of service system
2.3 In-filled frame structures
 Nature and magnitude of horizontal loading
 Height and proportion of building In these structures space between the columns
and beams is filled with the brick masonry or block
Following are some structural forms of the tall masonry as shown in Fig.3. Such forms are used for
buildings: tall buildings up to 30 stories [4].
2.1 Braced frame system 2.4 Flat slab structures
Such systems consist of frames with vertical In such systems a slab of uniform thickness is
trusses. Both fixed and pinned frames are usually used to connect all the columns and there are no
used in conjunction with the vertical trusses. beams spanning between columns. Slabs are
considered as rigid diaphragms in such forms that
In some bays of frame, diagonal members are transfer the lateral load to the columns. These types
provided within the story height and this pattern is of structures are used only for the tall buildings upto
repeated throughout the height of the building 25 stories [4].

Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

buildings ranging from 40 to more than 100 stories


2.7 Suspended structures

The suspended structures, shown in Fig.4,
consist of a central core with the cantilevers at roof
level to which the vertical hangers of steel cable are
attached. The roof slabs are suspended from the
hangers. These are used for relatively less high

Fig.2 Rigid frame

Fig.3 In-filled frame

2.5 Shear wall structures

Fig.4 Suspended structure
These include the vertical walls of concrete or
masonry. Sometimes these are also used in
combination with the rigid frames. These walls are
considered effective in resisting the horizontal shear Bracing can be categorized into the following
acting along their length due to the lateral loading of types;
wind or earthquake as a result of large in-plane 3.1 Diagonal bracing
stiffness. This type of bracing is preferred when the
2.6 Tube structures availability of the opening spaces in a bay of frame
are required. Diagonal bracing is obstructive in
In these structures lateral resistance is provided nature as it blocks the location of opening which
by the moment resisting frame (tube) present at the ultimately affects the esthetic of the building
periphery of the building. Tube consists of closely elevation. It also sometimes hinders the passage for
spaced columns that are joined with deep beams. The use.
gravity loading is shared by both inner columns and
tube whereas lateral load is resisted by the exterior Diagonal bracing can be single diagonal or
tube. The structures can be constructed for tall double diagonal as shown in Fig.5. If there is no

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.14, Jan., 2014

architectural limitation, diagonal bracings are 4. Structural Mechanism of Bracing

considered to be the most efficient in resisting the System
lateral forces due to wind as these form a fully
Various bracing systems perform differently
triangular vertical truss. The beams and columns are
under lateral and gravity loads. The mechanism of
designed to take the gravity loads only.
action of each type of bracing systems against the
two loading cases (gravity and lateral) is explained

4.1 Behavior of bracing under lateral loads

The design of tall buildings is governed by the
lateral forces induced due to wind. Braced frames are
Fig.5 Diagonal bracings
considered to be the most efficient to resist these
lateral forces in either direction. The primary purpose
3.2 K-bracing
of bracing is to resist horizontal shear induced due to
The full diagonal bracing is not used in areas the lateral forces. The mechanism to resist horizontal
where a passage is required. In such cases, k-bracings shear can be understood by following the path of
are preferred over diagonal bracing because there is a horizontal shear along the frame. It can be explained
room to provide opening for doors and windows etc. by considering the four types of bracings subjected to
as shown in Fig.6. lateral loading as shown in the Fig.8.

Fig.6 K-bracing
3.3 Eccentric bracing
Besides K-bracing, there is another type in
which door and window openings can be allowed
known as eccentric bracing as shown in Fig.7. Such
type of bracing arrangement cause the bending of the
horizontal members of the web of braced bent.
Generally these types of braced bents resist the lateral
forces by bending action of beams and columns. Fig.8 Path of horizontal force
These provide less lateral stiffness hence less
efficient as compared to diagonal bracing. It is clear from the Fig.8 that when diagonals are
subjected to compression, the horizontal web
members will undergo axial tension for equilibrium
in lateral direction. This will result in shear
deformation of braced bent. In case of k-bracing half
of the web members and both horizontal and inclined
will be subjected to tension and compression
simultaneously. Forces and deformations in each
member of braced bent will be reversed as the
building is subjected to lateral loading in opposite
Fig.7 Eccentric bracing direction.

Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

4.2 Behavior of bracing under gravity load The following sections will further explain in
detail the methodology adopted with reference to
Under the action of gravity loads, columns
making the computer models.
shorten axially due to the compressive loads. As a
result the diagonals are subjected to compression and 5.1 Structural Details
beam will undergo axial tension due to the tying
action as shown in Fig.9. In the cases where Buildings with a fundamental natural frequency
diagonals are not connected at the ends of the beams, of less than 1 Hz are known as flexible buildings [6].
the diagonal members will not carry any force In this study, a flexible tall building was selected.
because no restraint is provided by the beams to The structural form adopted for the study was braced
develop force. Therefore, such bracing will not take steel frame structure. Plan of the selected tall building
part in resisting the gravity loads. is shown in Fig.10. Following are the parameters of
the building:

No. of bays in X-direction = 8

No. of bays in Y-direction = 8
Width of bay in X-direction = 18 ft.
Width of bay in Y-direction = 18 ft.
No. of stories = 60
Height of each story = 12 ft.
L/W ratio = 1
H/W ratio = 5

8 @ 18'
Fig.9 Path of gravity load

5. Methodology of research study

In order to compare different bracing systems
and to get the most economical one among them, a
regular building subjected to both gravity and wind
loadings was selected. The building along with
8 @ 18'
different bracing configurations was analyzed and
designed in STAAD Pro [5]. The non-linear static Fig.10 Plan of the selected tall building for
analysis was performed so that the bracing members computer model
are effective only in tension.
5.2 Bracings
Five different types of bracing systems were
studied by placing them along the major axis first and Five different types of bracing systems studied
then along the minor axis. Moreover, bracings were in this research program are single diagonal bracing,
distributed in different bays in both cases as double diagonal bracing, k/chevron bracing, v
described above. bracing and story-height knee bracing. All five types
of bracing types are shown in Fig.11.

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.14, Jan., 2014

(a) (b)

8 @ 18'
(c) (d)


Fig.11 Bracing types. (a) Single diagonal bracing

(b) Double diagonal bracing (c) K/Chevron
bracing (d) V-bracing (e) Story-height knee 8 @ 18'
Fig.13 Columns with major axis parallel to wind
The bracing members were selected
automatically using SELECT OPTIMIZED option in 5.2.1 Bracing Configurations Used in Building
5.2.1 Bracing Configurations Used in Building
The wind loading was considered only in one
direction at a time; therefore, two different
arrangements of columns were used: 1) Major axis of
the columns parallel to the wind; and 2) minor axis of
all columns parallel to the wind as shown in Fig.12
and Fig.13, respectively. For both arrangements of Fig.14 Option 1: 1st and 8th bay braced
columns, the effect of different bracing types was
studied by changing the locations of the braced bays
as shown in the Fig.14 to Fig.17.

Fig.15 Option 2: 2nd and 7th bay braced

8 @ 18'

8 @ 18'

Fig.12 Columns with minor axis parallel to wind Fig.16 Option 3: 3rd and 6th bay braced

Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

Table 2: Total weight of structural steel corresponding

to bracing along major axis

Weight (Kips)
Bracing Type
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Single Diagonal 31134 31749 32371 32195
Double diagonal 28848 28895 29177 28148
Fig.17 Option 4: 4th and 5th bay braced K/Chevron 30620 30697 31473 31384

6. Results and Discussion V 30512 30173 30739 30607

Knee 31320 31794 32465 32780
Results obtained by analysis and design of the
selected building with five different types of bracing
system provided at different bays level were analyzed system and among different options of bracing at
and are discussed in this section. Main focus of the different levels, option 4 produces less weight. It is
discussion is the following points: obvious in Fig.19 that similar results are obtained in
case when bracings are provided along the major axis
 Comparison of structural weight obtained in two of bending of columns as obtained in case when
cases [(1) bracing along the minor axis of bracings are provided along minor axis of bending of
bending and (2) bracing along the major axis]. columns.
 Comparison of lateral deflection under service
wind loads at different levels of the building
with different option of bracing system.

Total weight of the structural steel

corresponding to bracing along the minor axis and
major axis with different four options of bracing
location (refer to figures 14 to 17) are given in Table
1 and Table 2 respectively. Comparison of different Fig.18 Comparison of structural weight (bracing
types of bracings along minor axis and major axis is along minor axis)
graphically shown in Fig.18 and Fig.19, respectively.
It is clear in the Fig.18 that when bracing is provided
along the minor axis of columns, minimum weight of
the structural steel is obtained by using double

Table 1: Total weight of structural steel correspond-

ing to bracing along minor axis
Weight (Kips) Fig.19 Comparison of structural weight (bracing
Option Option Option Option along major axis)
1 2 3 4 Percentage increase in the weight of the
27646 27626 27678 27553 structure with double bracing provided along the
Double minor and major axis of bending of columns in
26562 26335 26351 25789 options 1, 2 and 3 in comparison of option 4 is shown
K/Chevron 27415 27549 27834 27774 in Fig.20. In case of bracing provided along the
minor axis of bending of columns, it is clear in Fig.20
V 27328 27234 27507 27333 that option 1 is 3% heavier, option 2 is 2.12% heavier
Knee 27625 28006 28415 28585 and option 3 is 2.18 % heavier than option 4. In case

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.14, Jan., 2014

of bracing provided along the major axis of bending

of columns, option 1 is 2.49% heavier, option 2 is
2.65% heavier and option 3 is 3.66 % heavier than
option 4.
Bracing along Minor axis Bracing along Major axis



Normalized Weight


0.8 Fig.22 Lateral displacement of building with double

diagonal bracing along minor axis
0.6 Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
Option 4 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 25

Fig.20 Double bracing system along minor and K Bracing along minor axis

Lateral Displacement (inch)

major axis: Increase in weight of structure in
option 1, 2 and 3 in comparison of option 4 15

Magnitude of lateral displacement along the
height of the building braced with different bracing 5

systems in minor direction of bending of columns is 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
shown in Fig.21 to Fig.25. ASCE-7-05 [7] Height (ft)(ft)

recommends maximum sway of H/500 and storey Fig.23 Lateral displacement of building with K
drift of H/500 to H/400. A value of H/400 is selected bracing along minor axis
in this study. In these figures, the values of lateral Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
displacement obtained with four different options of 25

V Bracing along minor axis

bracing provision (refer to Fig.14 to Fig.17) are also
Lateral Displacement (inch)

compared with permissible limit of lateral
displacement which is H/400, where H is building 15

height in feet. In Fig. 21 to Fig.25, it is clear that in 10

all the four options of bracing provision, lateral
displacement is within the acceptable limit and 5

minimum lateral displacement is obtained in option 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
4. Among different types of bracing systems used in Height (ft)(ft)
this study along the minor axis bending of columns as
Fig.24 Lateral displacement of building with V
shown in Fig, K bracing system produced minimum
bracing along minor axis
lateral displacement as shown in Fig.26.
Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4

KNEE Bracing along minor axis

Lateral Displacement (inch)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Height (ft)(ft)

Height (ft) Fig.25 Lateral displacement of building with KNEE

Fig.21 Lateral displacement of building with single bracing along minor axis
diagonal bracing along minor axis

Comparison of Different Bracing Systems for Tall Buildings

20 Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4

18 Single Bracing

Double Bracing Double Bracing along major axis

Lateral Displacement (inch)

Lateral Displacement (inch)

16 20
K Bracing
V Bracing
12 15
KNEE Bracing
6 5
2 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
0 Height (ft)(ft)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Height (ft)
Height (ft) Fig.28 Lateral displacement of building with double
diagonal bracing along major axis
Fig.26 Comparison of lateral displacement with
Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
different bracings along minor axis of 25
bending of columns in Option 4 K Bracing along major axis

Lateral Displacement (inch)


In Fig.27 to Fig.28, the values of lateral

displacement along the height of the building
obtained with four different options of five types of 10
bracing (refer to Fig.14 to Fig.17) along the major
axis of bending of columns have been compared with 5

permissible limit of lateral displacement which is

H/400 [7]. In all these figures, it is observed that 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
lateral displacement in option 1 with all types of Height (ft)(ft)
bracing exceeds the permissible limit of H/400. In Fig.29 Lateral displacement of building with K
case of V bracing, lateral displacement values were bracing along major axis
higher than permissible limits in option 1 and option
Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
2 while for option 3 and 4, displacement were within 25

limits. Similarly, for KNEE bracing system, lateral V Bracing along major axis
Lateral Displacement (inch)

displacement values were found to be higher than the
limit for option 1, 2 and 3 while for option 4, these 15

were within limits. It is to be noted here that for all

types of bracings along the major axis, only option 1
produced satisfactory results in all four option of 5
bracing provision in terms of lateral displacement.
Among different types of bracing systems used in 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
this study along the major axis bending of columns, Height (ft)(ft)

K bracing system produced minimum lateral

Fig.30 Lateral displacement of building with V
displacement for option 4 as shown in Fig.32.
bracing along major axis
Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
25 Limit (H/400) option 1 option 2 option 3 option 4
Single Bracing along major axis
Lateral Displacement (inch)

20 KNEE Bracing along major axis

Lateral Displacement (inch)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Height (ft) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Height (ft)
Height (ft)(ft)

Fig.27 Lateral displacement of building with single

Fig.31 Lateral displacement of building with KNEE
diagonal bracing along major axis
bracing along major axis

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.14, Jan., 2014

25 bracing systems, which similar to the case when

Single Bracing columns are braced along their minor axis of
Double Bracing
Lateral Displacement (inch)

K Bracing
bending, K type bracing results in smaller lateral
V Bracing displacement compared to other types.
KNEE Bracing

 Double bracing provided in the central bays
along the minor axis of bending of columns of a
5 tall building yields minimum weight of the
structural but minimum value of lateral
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 displacement is obtained in case of K bracing.
Height (ft)
Since the values of lateral displacement in the
Fig.32 Comparison of lateral displacement with presence of double bracing system is also within
different bracings along major axis of permissible limits of H/400, it can be suggested
bending of columns in Option 4 to use double bracing system in tall buildings to
enhance the lateral stiffness against wind load.
7. Conclusions
From the results obtained in this study, it is 8. Acknowledgement
possible to draw the following conclusions: Financial support from the University of
 Lesser structural steel weight of a tall building is Engineering and Technology Lahore for this study is
obtained when it is braced along the minor axis highly acknowledged.
of bending of columns in comparison of the
situation when same building is braced along the 9. References
major axis of bending. [1] Bungale S. Taranath; Wind and Earthquake
Resistant Buildings Structural Analysis and
 Among five different investigated bracing
systems, double bracing system yields minimum Design, (2005), John A. Martin and Associates,
weight of structural steel. Moreover, minimum Inc., Los Angeles, California.
weight is obtained when central two bays of the
tall building are braced against lateral loads (4th [2] N.F. El-Leithy, M.M. Hussein and W.A. Attia;
and 5th bays in the present study). Journal of American Science, 7(4), 2011, pp
 Lateral displacements are within the permissible
limit of H/400 for all five bracing systems used [3] Z.A. Siddiqi and Muhammad Ashraf; Steel
in this study are provided along the minor axis Structures, Help Civil Engineering Publisher
of bending of columns and also for all four (2001) Lahore, Pakistan.
options of bracing provision in different bays at
one story level. However, when columns are [4] Bryan Stafford Smith and Alex Coull;
braced along their major axis of bending, only in TallBuilding Structures: Analysis and design,
option 4 (where central bays are braced), lateral
John Wiley and Sons (1991) Inc., New York
displacements remain within permissible limits
for all types of bracing system investigated here. [5] STAAD Pro 2008; Structural analysis and
 When columns are braced along their minor axis design software
of bending, provision of K bracing results in
minimum value of lateral displacement [6] HyoSeonPark, Kappyo Hong, Ji Hyun Seo;
compared to other four types of bracing StructuralDesign of Tall Buildings, Wiley
systems. InterScience, 11 (2002), pp. 35-49.
 When columns are braced along major axis, [7] ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for
although lateral displacement values go beyond Buildings and Other Structures”, American
the permissible limits but among five types of Society of Civil Engineers, (2005) Virginia.


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