Micromine Exploration and Mine Design
Implicit Modelling
Micromine users can
create and visualise The Surveying module supports communications with survey
instruments and provides tools for survey calculations. Users
the most complex of
have access to generic tools for survey calculations, and
wireframe models.
DTM tools which simplify the process of creating surfaces
The Implicit Modelling
and calculating contours, thicknesses and volumes.
module uses industry-
standard radial basis
functions (RBFs) to Pit Optimisation
model grade shells,
lithology intervals, Micromine’s Pit Optimisation module is used to determine
Micromine’s Implicit Modelling module the most profitable open pit given a mineral resource and
faults or surfaces uses industry-standard radial basis a set of economic and metallurgical parameters. It is also
from drillholes, to model grade shells, lithology
used to perform advanced analysis of stockpiles and costs
point clouds and boundaries, faults and surfaces
over time. Micromine offers various analysis modes, allowing
polygonal boundaries.
a mining sequence to be defined anywhere between the
Wireframes extracted from an implicit model are readily best and worst-case scenarios. Pit optimisation assists
displayed in Vizex and are a valuable tool for finalising with understanding the potential value of the project and
geological or grade interpretations. Micromine offers identifying areas for future drilling. Results of advanced
simple methods for adding control points (such as drillhole analysis are used in various pre-feasibility and feasibility
intersections) to create a more accurate fault model. It also banking studies, providing expected return of investment
provides support for trend information to produce models and NPV, and considering multiple scenarios reduces
that better reflect your project area. potential uncertainty and risk.