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Exploration and Mine Design

Micromine is a comprehensive and easy-to-use

exploration and mine design solution, which
offers integrated tools for modelling, estimation,
design, optimisation and scheduling. Micromine Functionality
Micromine provides explorers with an in-depth
understanding of their projects so prospective regions Core
can be targeted more effectively, increasing the chance of
a project’s success. Miners are provided interactive and
Core is the ‘engine’ of Micromine, allowing users to import,
easy-to-use estimation and mine design tools to simplify
validate, process, display and interpret a wide variety of surface,
day-to-day production tasks.
drillhole and subsurface data. Core incorporates Vizex (Visual
Micromine’s modular structure means it is adaptable Explorer), Micromine’s seamless 2D/3D viewing, design and editing
to your needs. As your operation grows and your environment. It also supports Google Earth and numerous CAD, GIS,
requirements change, Micromine will grow with you. GPS, image processing and mining application formats, most of
which can be displayed in Vizex without conversion. Core includes
Its flexible, non-prescriptive nature also allows you to
essential statistical tools and powerful Plotting functionality, featuring
adapt the software to your workflow. Micromine’s intuitive
a Vizex-style interface which enables the creation of complex plot
graphical environment is ‘geologically logical’ with a
layouts in minutes using ready-made templates. Core also includes
proven capability to handle large and complex graphical
macro tools that allow any Micromine process, such as creating
multiple plot layouts, to be automated. The embedded Python
programming language can be used for advanced automation and
Ease of use customisation.
Micromine saves time and increases productivity. It is
renowned for its intuitive and user-friendly interface,
easily enabling advanced tasks, such as pit optimisation, Exploration
mine design and complex plot layouts to be executed
in minutes. Micromine’s intuitive macro capabilities and Micromine’s Exploration module
reusable form sets facilitate rapid progression through allows users to effortlessly
complex processes. visualise, interpret and model
advanced data in a more
advanced exploration and
“Micromine has introduced significant benefits to resource estimation project.
Great Panther by improving work practices and It includes comprehensive
efficiencies… Micromine continues to add value to statistics and charting tools for
our business”. Exploratory Data Analysis and
QA-QC, along with enhanced
Alistair Barrett, Mapping Manager, Great Panther drillhole calculation and display
options. Polyline sections
simplify the creation of multi-
Powerful, fast editing tools segment cross-sections.
Micromine’s philosophy of simplicity extends to its Advanced explorers and
resource evaluators benefit from Micromine incorporates a Semi
streamlined editing tools that allow complex geological
highly visual and interactive Variogram Map display with an
modelling and engineering design to be conducted interactive Select Direction tool
efficiently, accurately and with ease. variography and 2D gridding.

Microsoft Gold Partnership Wireframing

Micromine complies with the latest Windows standards
providing a familiar working environment, and is Windows Micromine’s Wireframing module provides the tools for creating
8 and Windows 7 compatible. the solids and surfaces used for advanced exploration, geological
modelling, resource estimation and mining. It builds wireframe shapes
Compatibility with third-party products representing orebody interpretations, underground workings and
production stopes referencing data such as centre-line strings, profile
Compatible with many third-party software applications
shapes or polygonal strings. Management tools simplify ongoing
including GIS, Google Earth, ALS CoreViewer and various
maintenance tasks, and grade/tonnage and volumes reports are
mining applications. Micromine’s import and export tools
easily created from wireframes and drillhole data.
make sharing data with other users and applications easy.

Micromine Exploration and Mine Design

Resource Estimation Mining

The Resource Estimation module is designed specifically Micromine’s Mining module includes a range of planning and
for detailed and advanced resource analysis and reporting design tools for surface and underground mine operations.
using block models. Advanced exploration work, in-house Specialised tools simplify the design of development
resource estimation projects, resource estimation consulting, and production openings, along with associated blasting
and orebody modelling all use the Resource Estimation activities. One-click pit design tools accelerate the design
module. The module supports block factor models and process, including automatic berm-by-berm pit and haul road
sub-blocked models which can be aligned into the orientation design, including switchbacks. The waste dump modeller
of the orebody, and multi-threaded interpolators minimise simplifies the creation of waste dumps with known levels
waiting time. or volumes, and road design tools simplify the creation of
surface roads.

Implicit Modelling
Micromine users can
create and visualise The Surveying module supports communications with survey
instruments and provides tools for survey calculations. Users
the most complex of
have access to generic tools for survey calculations, and
wireframe models.
DTM tools which simplify the process of creating surfaces
The Implicit Modelling
and calculating contours, thicknesses and volumes.
module uses industry-
standard radial basis
functions (RBFs) to Pit Optimisation
model grade shells,
lithology intervals, Micromine’s Pit Optimisation module is used to determine
Micromine’s Implicit Modelling module the most profitable open pit given a mineral resource and
faults or surfaces uses industry-standard radial basis a set of economic and metallurgical parameters. It is also
from drillholes, to model grade shells, lithology
used to perform advanced analysis of stockpiles and costs
point clouds and boundaries, faults and surfaces
over time. Micromine offers various analysis modes, allowing
polygonal boundaries.
a mining sequence to be defined anywhere between the
Wireframes extracted from an implicit model are readily best and worst-case scenarios. Pit optimisation assists
displayed in Vizex and are a valuable tool for finalising with understanding the potential value of the project and
geological or grade interpretations. Micromine offers identifying areas for future drilling. Results of advanced
simple methods for adding control points (such as drillhole analysis are used in various pre-feasibility and feasibility
intersections) to create a more accurate fault model. It also banking studies, providing expected return of investment
provides support for trend information to produce models and NPV, and considering multiple scenarios reduces
that better reflect your project area. potential uncertainty and risk.

Stratigraphic Modelling Scheduling

Micromine’s Stratigraphic Modelling module is ideal for The Scheduling module is an interactive scheduling solution,
any stratified deposit. It includes an intuitive and visual which provides a streamlined interface, combining Gantt
stratigraphic summary that makes it easy to understand charts and calendars with integrated visual and animated
the relationships between layers. Plus, interpolation views of the mine schedule, assisting both short and long-term
options readily handle changes in thickness, producing the resource extraction planning. Users can visually see how the
best possible representation of the deposit. Visual seam mine will progress over a defined period of time. In addition to
correlation provides an instant way to view and validate tracking mine production parameters and assigning equipment
stratigraphy or geological logging between drillholes, and the to resources, users can interactively define precedence,
new stratigraphic display makes it easy to visualise even the establish time lags, re-sequence tasks and immediately see
most complex stratigraphic hierarchy. the effect in Vizex.

www.micromine.com MICROMINE Africa Tel: +27 (0)87 150 7580 [email protected]

MICROMINE Brazil Tel: +55 31 3347 5904 [email protected]
MICROMINE Corporate MICROMINE Canada Tel: +1 (604) 646 8924 [email protected]
174 Hampden Road MICROMINE Central Asia Tel: +7 (727) 247 25 88 [email protected]
Nedlands WA 6009 Australia MICROMINE Chile Tel: +56 (2) 2657 1642 [email protected]
T: +61 (0)8 9423 9000 MICROMINE China Tel: +86 1861 079 8400 [email protected]
E: [email protected] MICROMINE Indonesia Tel: +62 21 7590 5333 [email protected]
MICROMINE Mongolia Tel: +976 7011 3889 [email protected]
MICROMINE Russia Tel: +7 (495) 665 4655 [email protected]
MICROMINE Turkey Tel: +90 312 241 5571 [email protected]
MICROMINE Ukraine Tel: +380 44 332 3858 [email protected]
MICROMINE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 203 176 0080 [email protected]
MICROMINE USA Tel: +1 (303) 996 6270 [email protected]

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