Karnataka Teacher Eligibility Test-2018 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What Is TET?
Karnataka Teacher Eligibility Test-2018 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What Is TET?
Karnataka Teacher Eligibility Test-2018 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What Is TET?
4. Can I apply for KARTET directly after 12th without clearing D.ed?
You can apply for KARTET directly after clearing 12th provided you have
scored atleast 50% and appearing in final year of 2-year Diploma in
Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
5. Do I have to apply for KARTET even after having B.ed?
Yes, KARTET is a compulsory examination for anyone who intends to teach
in Govt. Aided, and Private schools.
6. Do I have to apply for Competitive entrance exam after clearing
Yes, you have to apply for Competitive examination even after clearing
KARTET, as KARTET is a eligibility criteria for appointment and do not
conform right for the candidates to claim employment.
7. Am I eligible for KARTET with D.Ed as qualification?
Yes, you are eligible to apply for KARTET exam.
8. I am in B.Sc Final year can I apply for KARTET?
No, you cannot apply for KARTET exam.
9. Can I write KARTET exam having completed B.Ed and MA with 55%?
Yes, you are eligible to take the KARTET exam.
10. What is the maximum age limit for KARTET?
There is no age limit to appear for KARTET exam
11. I am not a citizen of India; can I apply for KARTET exam?
No, only Indian citizens can apply.
12. I’ve not done B.Ed. Am I eligible to write KARTET with B.E(IT)
No, you are not eligible to write KARTET exam.
13. Is there any negative marking in KARTET?
No, there is no negative marking.
14. What is the validity of the KARTET certificate?
KARTET certificate will be valid only for 7 years.
15. How many times can I take the KARTET exam?
There is no restriction on the number of attempts. You can appear for
KARTET examination any number of times to improve your score.
16. What is the passing percentage for students belonging SC/ST/OBC
The passing percentage for KARTET exam is 60% for all and 55% for
SC,ST,C1 and physically challenged.
17. What is the syllabus of KARTET?
You can view the detailed syllabus of KARTET on the following link:
18. What are KARTET eligibility criteria?
The eligibility for KARTET is mentioned in the following link:
19. Is TET compulsory for Physical Education Teachers and Craft
As of now TET is not prescribed for Physical Education Teachers and Craft
20. How is Centralised admission cell related to KARTET?
Centralised Admission Cell(CAC) is the Examination Authority to conduct
the KARTET exam in Karnataka.
21. What is the role of KARTET in recruitment of a teacher?
KARTET clearance is compulsory for candidates who wish to teach in
schools. However, clearing the exam doesn't guarantee a teaching job. There
are many other factors which decides recruitment of teachers.
22. Will I be provided with KARTET study material?
No. But previous years question papers are available in the website.
No. there are no concessions as per 371 (J) as this is eligibility test.
These FAQs are meant to understand the process of examination only. They
can also be subject to rules of examination process.