Pile FDN Tower

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NO. :
1.1 Pile type : 400 Φ PHC PILE, A type
1.2 Diameter of the pile (Dp) = 400 mm
1.3 Unit weight of the pile (Wp) = 0.178 ton/m
1.4 Young's modulus of the pile material (Ep) = 350000 kg/cm 2
1.5 Moment of inertia of the pile section (Ip) = 125663.71 cm4
1.6 Ultimate moment of the pile section (Mu) = 10 ton.m
1.7 Allowable load-bearing capacity of the pile section (Pa) = 112 ton


2.1 Soil stratum data
EL - N value Ls Nave. Ls x Nave. Description DRILL LOG
0.00 0 0.00
3.00 4 3.00 2 6.00 soft & wet soil
13.00 10 10.00 7 70.00 soft soil
17.00 20 4.00 15 60.00 silty sand

SUM 17.00 24 136.00 10 20 30 40 50

2.2 Average value of N of soil stratum (Ns)

Ns = Σ(Ls x Nave.) / Σ(Ls) = 8 < 25 ∴ Ns = 8

2.3 Average value of N near the pile point (N")

above 4.0DpPile point under 1.0Dp N" < 50
24 50 50 41 ∴ N" = 41

2.4 Internal friction angle ( Φ)

Φ = √[20N] + 15 = 28 < 40 ∴Φ= 28

3. ALLOWABLE AXIAL BEARING CAPACITY (Qpa) : When Long Term : By Mayerhof's Formula
3.1 Ultimate axial bearing capacity (Qu)
Qu = Qp + Qs
where, 1) Qp : Point bearing capacity
2) Qs : Skin resistance capacity

3.2 Point bearing capacity (Qp)

Qp = 40*N*Ap = 213 ton
where, 1) N = N" : Value of N in vicinity of the pile point = 41
2) Ap : Area of the pile tip = 0.13 m2
3) Dp : Diameter of the pile = 0.40 m

3.3 Skin resistance capacity (Qs)

Qs = 0.2 x (Ns x U x Ls) = 34 ton

where, 1) Ns : Average value of N of the soil stratum = 8

3) U : Perimeter of the pile = 1.26 m
2) Ls : Depth of the soil stratum = 17.00 m

3.4 Allowable axial bearing capacity (Qpa)

Qu = Qp + Qs = 247 ton
Safety factor (FS) = 3.0

Qpa = Qu / FS = 82 ton < 112 ton

∴ Used allowable axial bearing capacity (Qpa) = 80 ton/set

4. ALLOWABLE UPLIFTING RESISTANCE CAPACITY (Qta) : When Long Term : By Mayerhof's Formula
4.1 Ultimate uplifting resistance capacity (Qt)
Qt = Wpo + U*L*fav = 35 ton

where, 1) Wpo : Weight of the pile except the buoyancy = 0.89 ton
Wpo = (Wp x L) - (Ww x Vp)
- Wp : Unit weight of the pile = 0.178 ton/m
-L : Length of the pile = 17.00 m
- Ww : Unit weight of water = 1.00 ton/m3
- Vp : Volume of the pile = 2.14 m3
- Dp : Diameter of the pile = 0.40 m
2) U : Perimeter of the pile = 1.26 m
3) fav : Average unit frictional resistance 1.60 ton/m2
fav = 0.2 x Ns < 5.00
- Ns : Average value of N of soil stratum < 15 = 8

4.2 Allowable uplifting resistance capacity (Qta)

Qt = 35 ton
Safety factor (FS) = 3.0

Qpa = Qu / FS = 12 ton

∴ Used allowable uplifting resistance capacity (Qta) = 10 ton/set

5. ALLOWABLE LATERAL RESISTANCE CAPACITY (Qha) : When Long Term : By Chang's Formula
5.1 Lateral soil reaction factor (Kh)
Kh = (α x Eo x Dp(-0.75) ) x y(-0.50) = 3.87 kg/cm 3

where, 1) α : Numerical factor = 0.2

2) Eo : Soil deformation factor (28 x Ns) =308 kg/cm 2
3) Ns : Average value of N of soil stratum = 11
4) Dp : Diameter of the pile = 40.0 cm
5) y : Displacement of head of pile =1.0 cm

5.2 Characteristic value of the pile ( β)

β = √[(kh x Dp) / (4 x Ep x Ip)] = 0.545 m-1

where, 1) Ep : Young's modulus of the pile material 350000

= kg/cm 2
2) Ip : Moment of inertia of the pile section 125664
= cm4

5.3 Ultimate lateral resistance capacity (Qh)

Qh = {(Kh x Dp) / (2 x β)} x y = 14.00 ton

where, 1) y : Displacement of head of pile =1.0 cm

※ βL = 9.27 > 3.00 : Long Pile

1) L : Length of the pile = 17.00 m

5.4 Allowable lateral resistance capacity (Qha)

Qh = 14 ton
Safety factor (FS) = 3.0

Qpa = Qu / FS = 5 ton

∴ Used allowable lateral resistance capacity (Qha) = 5 ton/set


Dead load in each support = 20.96 kN
Maximum moment 1573.202 kN-m
( I S-456:2000, Including Ammendment-1)

I nclude Pedestal? Yes
Pedestal Shape : Rectangular
Pedestal Height (Ph) : 0.500m
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : 0.700m
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : 0.700m

Pile Cap Geometrical Data

Pile Cap Length PCL = 4.000m

Pile Cap Width PCW = 4.000m

Initial Pile Cap Thickness t I = 0.700m

Pile Geometrical Data

Pile spacing Ps = 2.000m

Pile Edge distance e = 1.000m

Pile Diameter dp = 0.400m

Pile Capacities
Axial Capacity PP = 800.000kN

Lateral Capacity PL = 100.000kN

Uplift Capacity PU = 300.000kN

Material Properties
Concrete f' c = 30000.005kN/ m^ 2

Reinforcement f y = 500000.084kN/ m^ 2

Concrete Cover
Bottom Clear Cover CCB = 0.050m

Side Clear Cover CCS = 0.050m

Pile in Pile Cap PCP = 0.075m

Loading applied at top of cap

Load Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Case (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
1 -0.771 -20.956 -0.771 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 -0.013 -0.375 -0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 33.898 786.599 22.145 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 22.145 786.601 34.106 0.000 0.000 0.000
101 1.697 51.800 1.464 0.000 0.000 0.000
102 1.464 51.800 1.701 0.000 0.000 0.000

Pile Cap size (in investigated direction) H= 4.000 m

Pile Cap size (in investigated perpendicular
B= 4.000 m


Self Weight Calculation

Self Weight : 279.990 kN

Pedestal Weight : 6.125 kN
Soil Weight : 0.000 kN
Extra weight for Surcharge : 0.000 kN
Buoyancy Reduction : 109.785 kN

Pile Reactions
Total pile number N = 4
Critical Load Case = 4

_ Arrangement Reaction
Pile X Y Axial Lateral Uplift
No. ( m) ( m) ( kN) ( kN) ( kN)
1 -1.000 -1.000 0.000 10.166 169.443
2 -1.000 1.000 0.000 10.166 148.979
3 1.000 1.000 0.000 10.166 135.693
4 1.000 -1.000 0.000 10.166 156.156

Reinforcement Calculation for Pile Cap

Maximum bar size allowed along length Ø25
Maximum bar size allowed along width Ø25
Bending Moment At Critical Section = 211.554kNm (Along Length)
Bending Moment At Critical Section = 211.636kNm (Along Width)
Pile Cap Thickness t = 0.700m
Selected bar size along length Ø12
Selected bar size along width Ø12
Selected bar spacing along length = 130.00mm
Selected bar spacing along width = 130.00mm

Pile Cap Thickness Check

Calculated Thickness (t) = 0.700m

Check for Moment (Along Length)

Critical load case for thickness is reported only when required thickness is more than the given minimum thickness

Critical Load Case : 3

Moment along Moment along

Pile No. x 1 - x 1 ( kNm) x 2 -x 2 ( kNm)
1 110.095 0.000
2 101.459 0.000
3 0.000 88.239
4 0.000 96.875

Effective Depth(def) = = 0.538 m

Depth of neutral axis for balanced section(xu) = 0.245 m

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 C

Ultimate moment of resistance(Mulim) = = 4611.739 kNm

We observed Mu < = Mulim hence singly reinforced and under reinforced section can be used

Check for Moment (Along Width)

Critical load case for thickness is reported only when required thickness is more than the given minimum thickness

Critical Load Case : 4

Moment along Moment along

Pile No. y1 - y1 ( kNm) y2 -y 2 ( kNm)
1 110.136 0.000
2 0.000 96.835
3 0.000 88.199
4 101.500 0.000

Governing moment (Mu) = 211.636 kNm

We assume singly reinforced and under reinforcement section

Effective Depth(def) = = 0.538 m

Depth of neutral axis for balanced section(xu) = 0.245 m

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 C

Ultimate moment of resistance(Mulim) = = 4611.739 kNm

We observed Mu < = Mulim hence singly reinforced and under reinforced section can be used

Check for One Way Shear (Along Length)

(Clause No., Ammendment 1)

Critical Load Case = 4

Shear Force Shear Force

Pile No. x 1 - x 1 ( kN) x 2 -x 2 ( kN)
1 169.443 0.000
2 148.979 0.000
3 0.000 135.693
4 0.000 156.156
TOTAL 318.422 291.849

Design Shear Force for One-Way Action Vu = 318.422 kN

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX B,B-5.1 and Clause No

Design Shear Stress (Tv) = = 148.103 kN/ m^ 2

Allowable Shear Stress (Tc) = = 300.367 kN/ m^ 2

Where Beta = = 22.073

and percentage of steel required (pt ) = = 0.158

Here Tv < = Tc Hence safe

Check for One Way Shear (Along Width)

(Clause No., Ammendment 1)

Critical Load Case = 4

Shear Force Shear Force

Pile No. y1 - y1 ( kN) y2 -y2 ( kN)
1 169.443 0.000
2 0.000 148.979
3 0.000 135.693
4 156.156 0.000
TOTAL 325.599 284.672

Design Shear force (Vu) = 325.599 kN

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX B,B-5.1 and Clause No

Design Shear Stress (Tv) = = 151.442 kN/ m^ 2

Allowable Shear Stress (Tc) = = 300.367 kN/ m^ 2

Where Beta = = 22.073

and percentage of steel required (pt ) = = 0.158

Here Tv < = Tc Hence safe

Check for Two Way Shear

Critical Load Case = 4

Tw o-w ay Shear
Pile No. at column face
( kN)
1 169.443
2 148.979
3 135.693
4 156.156
TOTAL 610.271

Design Two-Way Shear force = 610.271 kN

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Two Way Shear Stress(Tv) = = 401.019 kN/ m^ 2

Where,perimeter of critical section

(b0) = = 2.800 m

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Allowable shear stress = = 1369.307 kN/ m^ 2

Where,ks = = 1.000

Ratio of shorter to longer dimension

(Bc) = 1.000

and,Tc = = 1369.307 kN/ m^ 2

Tv < KsTc hence Safe

Punching Shear Check for Corner Piles

Shear Force
Pile No.
( kN)

2 148.979

3 135.693

1 169.443

4 156.156

Governing reaction (PCr) = maximum of (Pi, Pj ,... Pn) = 169.443kN

Pile Edge distance (Pe) = 1.000m

dcritical = 0.111m

deff > = dcritical... hence, safe.

Calculation of Maximum Bar Size

Along Length

Selected maximum bar size = Ø 25 mm

Bar diameter corresponding to max bar size(db) = 25.000 mm

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause No 26.2.1

Development Length(ld) = = 1.108 m

Allowable Length(ldb) = = 1.600 m

ldb > ld hence, safe

Along Width

Selected maximum bar size = 25 mm

Bar diameter corresponding to max bar size(db) = 25.000 mm

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause No 26.2.1

Development Length(ld) = = 1.108 m

Allowable Length(ldb) = = 1.600 m

ldb > ld hence, safe

Selection of Bottom and Top Reinforcement

Top reinforcement is provided same as bottom reinforcement

Along Length
Critical Load Case : 3

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = = 3360.000 mm2

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 b

Area of steel required (Asq) = = 3360.000 mm2

Area of steel provided (Ast ) = = 3392.921 mm2

Astmin< = Ast Steel area is accepted

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 40 + db = 52 mm

Selected Bar Size = 12 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 130.00 mm
Smin< = S < = 450 mm and selected bar size < selected The reinforcement is accepted.
maximum bar size...

Along Width
Critical Load Case : 4

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 3360.000 mm2

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 b

Area of steel required (Asq)= = 3360.000 mm2

Area of steel provided (Ast ) = = 3392.921 mm2

Astmin< = Ast Steel area is accepted

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 40 + db = 52.00 mm

Selected Bar Size = 12 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 130.00 mm
Smin< = S < = 450 mm and selected bar size < selected The reinforcement is accepted.
maximum bar size...

Pedestal Reinforcement Design

Critcal load Case : 4
Critcal Applied Axial Load: -604.146kN
Critcal Applied Moment Along X Direction: 14.850kNm
Critcal Applied Moment Along Z Direction: 14.850kNm

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