Inspection of Components With The Support of The Drones

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Inspection of Components with the Support of the Drones

Francesco Giacobbe1, Emanuele Biancuzzo2

1First Technologist, Territorial Operating Unit of Messina, INAIL (Italy)

2Site Manager, INGP Department, ENI (Italy)

Abstract - There is quite frequent requirement to provide In fact, in addition to the camera with sensors in the visible
load-bearing structures in order to safely access components and infrared band also electronic noses, gas detectors,
installed at height. This implies, even for the initial and spectrometric chambers, laser scanners can be installed.
preliminary analysis activities, the construction of scaffolding Depending on the aforementioned devices, it is possible to
or the use of special equipment such as lifting platforms. perform surveys relating to, for example: structural
Therefore, considerations regarding technical times and costs subsidence, corrosion, cracks, gas or liquid leaks, energy
to be incurred are objective and necessary. Nowadays, the analysis, fishery protection, forest fire detection, natural
technological development of the RPAS (Remotely Piloted disaster monitoring, contamination measurement, road
Aircraft Systems) allows the effective bypass of the above- traffic surveillance, power and pipeline inspection [5].
mentioned difficulties, allowing the carrying out of various
checks useful to formulate a possible following campaign of 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLIED DEVICES
punctual and localized checks. The small size and the
sophisticated handling systems gives the possibility of locating To perform inspections, on the aircraft, are mounted special
with precision in the space at different heights, even in areas digital devices that acquire and transmit information.
characterized by access difficulties. The on-site activities must Usually, ultrasonic sensors, color, thermal or infrared
be conducted by devices and personnel in possession of cameras or laser range finders are used to acquire
appropriate authorizations and certifications. information about the surrounding environment [6]. These
devices must be characterized by reduced dimensions and
The objective of this article is to propose basic guidelines for weights.
carrying out surveys with the support of RPAS. In particular,
the technical considerations to be considered for the choice On-board sensor types:
and characteristics of the device and its accessories as well as
the necessary actions such as the preparation of the flight  proprioceptor: IMU (gyroscope, accelerometer), compass,
plan, risk assessment and communication to the competent altimeter, GPS module, payload measurement;
groups.  interoceptive: camera (CMOS, infrared), gamma sensors
(radar, sonar, lidar);
Key Words: Drone, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems,  exteroceptive: internal / external thermometer, gimbaled
Inspection, NDT (Non Destructive Testing), Corrosion. camera.

1. INTRODUCTION In the visible field inspections, high-resolution cameras are

used, i.e. 4k (3840 × 2160 pixels). We highlight below some
The drone, also called unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), can be of the characteristic possibilities:
equipped with different devices specific to the type of survey
to be performed. We are witnessing the advent of a new era  20-megapixel wide-angle camera mounted on 3-axis
of robots - drones - that can autonomously fly in natural and brushless gimbal;
man-made environments. Autonomous flight in confined  1080p / 60 fps video.
spaces presents great scientific and technical [1].
Interesting results can be acquired with the multi-spectral
Initially, the uses were only in the military sphere. It is only sensor that is able to record the amount of reflected energy
recently that the civilian application is being explored en of objects of the Earth's surface in the different wavelengths
masse [2]. Certainly, although its use is very widespread in of the electromagnetic spectrum (generally visible and
the military field, it is in the civil field where its applications, infrared). The multi-spectral sensor then returns a multi-
with a broad range of use, presents the greatest challenges, spectral image that allows, through the analysis of the
although the actual legal framework reduces its possibilities spectral response in the different bands acquired, to extract
due to a very restricted use of these devices [3]. Some territorial information and produce accurate thematic maps
industry and policy actors are concerned about public with the use of classifiers. Possible technical features of the
opposition to civil drones, in particular because of their multi-spectral sensor:
association with military drones [4].
 4-CCD multi-spectral camera and single optic;

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1784
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 2048x2048 pixel 12bit CCD; being imaged. By identifying the largest set of non-
 Spectral sensitivity range of CCDs: 350 - 950 nm; distinguishable lines, one determines the resolving power of
 12 selectable and interchangeable interference filters a given system. The camera is said to “resolve” a chart
(3 x CCD); element, if the horizontal and the vertical bars can still be
 Apochromatic F35 / 2.8 objective. recognized as three distinct bars und don’t blur into one
another. In practice, the spatial resolution of an imaging
For infrared surveys, it is necessary to distinguish between system is measured by simply inspecting the system's image
non-radiometric and radiometric cameras. The former only of the slide. The largest element observed without distinct
detects the thermal energy (associated with the infrared image contrast indicates the approximate resolution limit.
component) present on a surface of a certain object, without This element's label is noted by the observer (each group, and
entering into physical contact with the same (non-invasive each element within a group, is labeled with a single digit).
inspections) consequently providing essentially a thermal This pair of digits indicates a given element's row and column
image that shows the differences in temperature on the location in the series table, which in turn defines the spatial
object or area that we analyze, without measuring the frequency of each element, and thus the available resolution
temperature accurately. The latter, on the other hand, also of the system [8]. The resolution test charts can also be used
allow the detection of the temperature for a single point on in cases where drones are used [9].
the image [7].

According to the needs, it is possible to choose different

models having the following performance characteristics:

Table -1: - Technical features of IR cameras.

Video resolution 320 × 240 ÷ 640 × 480

Thermal sensitivity
40 mK ÷ 100 mK
Accuracy rating 4% ÷ 2%
Pixel Pitch 17 μm ÷ 25 μm
Optic 6 mm ÷ 19 mm USAF 1951

Frame rate 9 Hz ÷ 60 Hz
Digital Zoom 2X ÷ 10X
Spectral field 7.5 µm ÷ 13.5 µm

2.1 Resolution test chart

To judge an image the following parameters are


 Resolution: the ability of an optical device to clearly

define a particular size or feature. Most commonly a
grating is used to measure the resolution in line pairs per
 Distortion: the alteration of the optical image caused by NBS 1010
imperfections or faults in the optical components. A
percentage measurement is normally used. Fig -1: Examples of resolution test chart
 Contrast: the measurement of the ability of an optical
device to clearly separate the light and dark areas of an 3. APPLICATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES
image. Normally expressed in terms of percentage.
The use of RPAS for investigations has taken significant
Resolution test targets are typically used to measure the levels, extending the application to both the industrial and
resolution of an imaging system. They consist of reference agricultural world. For example, the fields of application can
line patterns with well-defined thicknesses and spacings and be:
are designed to be placed in the same plane as the object

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1785
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 Inspections of equipment and / or pipes measure thickness of wall [11]. Innovative systems for the
 Flare inspections inspection are the patent of the inventor J. M. Cavote in
 Direct contact with the component under consideration which the drone moves in closed spaces and can land on
is not required horizontal or vertical surfaces [12] and the patent of the
 Acquisition with thermal imaging cameras and laser inventor B. Richman et al. where it is possible to obtain
scanners information on potential damages on the roof of a building
 Control of solar panels efficiency [13].
 Pillars and structural walls inspections
 Monitoring landfills and orography of water courses The following are the strengths and weaknesses related to
 Mapping and surveillance of coasts and piers the use of the RPAS for monitoring and inspection activities.
 Control of crops in agriculture
 Orthophoto for cartography, georeferencing, 3D
modeling  Small aircraft
 Remote sensing with multi-spectral camera  Easy transportability
 Reduction of time and costs
 Acquisition of images and videos in high definition [7]
 Possibility to easily inspect components that present
difficulties in direct access
 Fast, flexible and repeatable operations
 Good data resolution
 No infrastructure necessary for operations
 Inspection with running systems


 Mediocre results in case of wind presence

 Weight limitation and load size (e.g. camera, etc.)
 Reduced power engines
 Reduced battery life
 Over-temperature of the motor

For this last case it is possible, through a special system with

sensors connected to the engine, to land the drone safely
when the engine temperature exceeds the pre-set threshold


For the purposes of obtaining the pilot certificate, the RPA

are divided into Classes and Categories according to the
Operating Mass at Takeoff (MOD) or the total weight of the
RPA including any type of accessory at the time of use
(gimbal, camera, terminator, etc. ..).
A pilot may have recognized multiple classes and categories.

Table -2: - Types of classes with which the Unmanned

Fig. -2: Example of digital visual inspection of a mechanic aircraft system (UAV) are divided

For example, the experience of inspections on power lines is

significant and at an advanced level. The main objective of
the project is to provide a low cost solution for aerial power
line inspection based on unmanned vehicles which have to
be able to perform long range flights in relatively short time
[10]. Also interesting is the experience in refineries
structures where of the drones are equipped with electro- Below a mass threshold of 250 g it is reasonable to classify
magnetic hold mount elements to stick the ultrasonic sensor drones as "harmless" [15]. The technique has achieved
probe on the surface of the metallic structure and to

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1786
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

important and innovative developments by making small The rotors can be variable from 3 to 8. The materials used
and mini drones [16] inspired by insects [17]. The potential are very resistant and light in order to guarantee reduced
for inspection in these cases becomes considerable. weights.

5. PROCEDURES FOR NON-CRITICAL OPERATIONS The pilot of the RPA, or recognized operator for specialized
operations, for operations in VLOS conditions must be in
The inspection and monitoring activities with the assistance possession of an appropriate certificate. For the achievement
of the RPAS, must be carefully evaluated and designed to will have to overcome in succession
verify the environmental compatibility (component
morphology, orography, adjacent structures, presence of  A medical examination for the psycho-physical
people, etc.) to the flight operations. In general, it is desirable requirements;
that the operations are defined in such a way to be classified  A theoretical exam related to knowledge of aeronautical
as "non-critical". In this case, the procedures provide: before law, meteorology, air traffic and the use of the RPAS;
starting operations, the operator must submit to National  A practical exam consisting in a mission of at least 10
Aviation Authority of its country the declaration attesting the minutes, whose flight maneuvers must be carried out
compliance with the applicable sections of the Regulation without the aid of GPS.
"Remotely piloted aircraft" and indicate the conditions and
limits applicable to the flight operations envisaged, The RPA Pilot Certificate is valid for 5 years. At the end of
including, where appropriate, the need to operate in this period the pilot must go to an authorized center, attend
segregated airspace. The operator is responsible for a theoretical refresher course (refreshment) and support a
assessing the risk associated with the operations and for the proficiency check with an RPA examiner. For the BLOS
continuation of the conditions that make the operation non- operations, or for the RPASs of 25 kg or more, a pilot license
critical. is required, issued in application of the procedures in use for
the issue of the other licenses for the flight personnel.
The inspection investigations, if classified as non-critical
operations, must be conducted in a volume of space of 150 7. FUTURE EVOLUTIONS OF THE REGULATIONS
meters in height and 500 meters in radius and among the
following conditions: The use of drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), with
their ability to collect data, are re-shaping the way we think
 At a horizontal distance of adequate security (and never about our physical environment. The drones have been
less than 150 m) from congested areas; legitimized by regulations and licenses from National
 At a distance of at least 50 m from people and things that agencies, for are used for surveying, inspecting, and imaging
are not under the direct control of the operator; [18].
 In daylight conditions.
 Under conditions of BVLOS; Many, and remarkable, are the news that await us with the
 Outside the Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) and from the new European regulation, valid for all EASA (European
areas below the take-off and landing trajectories; Aviation Safety Agency) countries that will come into force
 In the areas below the take-off and landing trajectories in the first half of 2019. There will be news on the role of
beyond the limits of the ATZ and up to 15 km, the height flying schools, distinction between model aircraft and RPAS,
limit for the operations of the RPAS is set at 30m AGL geofencing and mandatory registration will be provided.
(Above Ground Level); With reference to the current differences between model
 At a distance of more than 5 km from the airport aircraft and RPAS, a single type called Unmanned Aircraft
(Aerodrome Reference Point or published geographical (UA) will be provided. Although with the possibility of
coordinates), where an ATZ is not established to protect derogations for recreational flights. The new specifications
flight operations; for courses and certifications that will be related to the
scenario are particularly significant. Today there are three
6. AIRCRAFT AND PILOTS REQUIREMENTS operational scenarios:

The RPAS are subdivided into two main types:  Recreational and sports flying;
 Specialized non-critical operations;
 Fixed wing, planning wing drones that allows  Specialized critical operations.
measurements in very large surfaces, in relation to a
higher speed of navigation and a lower batteries With the obligation to have obtained a license in a flight
consumption; school for the last two categories. With the new European
 Rotary wing, multi-rotor drones that can obtain the regulation EASA, the framework is always divided into three
maximum detail in medium / small size areas, to allow categories, but this time they depend on the distance
close scans. between drone and people: different rules and drones to fly

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1787
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 12 | Dec 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

close to people, far or above people. Depending on the Today the use of RPAS, equipped with accessories for
scenario, to pilot the drone it is sufficient to simply have recording digital images in the field of visual and infrared,
knowledge of the manufacturer's instructions or it may be allows close access to the various areas of the structure to be
necessary to have attended a final exam course or to have examined without the need to prepare and use special fixed
taken a theoretical course in a training center. In the structures and/or furniture with consequent savings in time
following table a summary is shown of the various possible and costs. Interesting is the use of the drone as an inspection
combinations. tool for safety managers within the construction site [19].
A further innovative application concerns the visual
News for the mandatory registration of pilots and drones examination of bridges. Inspections of visual conditions
and transponders are planned. Such registration may relate remain critical to assess the current state of deterioration of
only to the pilot (in the case drones uses up to 900 grams of a bridge and assign repair or maintenance tasks to ensure
mass or impact with an energy of less than 80 joules), or continuity of maintenance of the structure. As a tool for
pilot and drone, even with mandatory untransponder if you inspecting bridge conditions, unmanned aircraft (UAVs) or
are flying in areas that require it. In this case, the drones offer considerable potential, allowing visual
transponder must send the recording data of the drone, its assessment of a bridge without the need for inspectors to
pilot, the class to which the drone belongs, the altitude and cross the bridge or to use inspection units under the bridge.
the flight coordinates in addition to the geofencing status. With current inspection processes that put a strain on
Only small drones up to 250 grams of mass are exempted, existing bridge maintenance resources, the technology can
only if they are not provided with cameras with more than 5 significantly reduce overall inspection costs and disruptions
megapixels on board for reasons related to privacy caused to the traveling public. In addition, the use of
protection. There are also 5 increasing classes of aircraft automated aerial image capture allows engineers to better
from C0 to C4. The C0 is the smallest class, up to 250 grams understand a situation through the 3D spatial context
of weight, which must comply with the European regulations offered by UAV systems [20]. The use of drones to perform
on toys or in any case do not exceed 24 volts, have protected visual checks on bridges, and in general civil engineering
propellers and do not fly beyond 50 meters. C1 is the class of works, allows inspection to be carried out at a lower cost
drones up to 900 grams in weight. The flight must be limited compared to traditional methods [21]. Even in the case of
to 120 meters (today in Italy the limit is 150 m for the RPAS checks on photovoltaic panels, excellent results are obtained
and 70 m for aircraft models) and the maximum speed with acceptable costs [22].
cannot exceed 18 meters per second (65 km/h), the
maximum voltage is 24 volts. C2 is the class of drones up to 4 The technological level currently available on the market,
kg. The maximum voltage is always 24 volts. Also for them both for aircraft and for rooms, allows accurate and reliable
the quota must be limited to 120 meters and contrary to the preliminary analysis.
C1 must have a geofencing system to prevent the flight in the
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