Analysis of Emission Test Cycles in BS IV and Bs Vi: A Seminar Report On
Analysis of Emission Test Cycles in BS IV and Bs Vi: A Seminar Report On
Analysis of Emission Test Cycles in BS IV and Bs Vi: A Seminar Report On
Master of Technology
Automotive Technology
This is to certify that the report ‘Analysis of emission test cycles in BS IV and BS
VI’ submitted by Khade Amitkumar Appasaheb (MIS No. 121795013), in the
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of
Technology with specialization in Automotive Technology of College of
Engineering Pune, affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University, is a record of
his own work.
This report entitled
Automotive Technology
I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and
where other’s ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles
of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or
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(MIS NO.121795013)
Emission norms are becoming more stringent to have control on the increasing pollution from
vehicles. Many emissions such as CO, HC, NOx and PM are regulated in BS norms. To ensure
that these emissions are in limit set by norms, testing of emissions from vehicles is necessary.
Generally these tests are carried out in laboratory using chassis dynamometer or test beds using
emission test cycles. The current driving cycles in BS IV for two wheelers, LDVs, HDVs are
either being modified or replaced with new driving cycles with implementation of BS VI. The
Motorcycles, Light duty vehicles and Heavy duty vehicles are tested using these driving cycles
with different test procedure, these test procedures are mentioned in this report along with real
world driving emissions measurement test procedures.
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………..1
2.Two wheeler……………………………………………………………….………………….....3
2.2 Comparison of Mass Emission standards for BS IV and BS VI gasoline engine: ................... 4
2.7 Vehicle class and their respective test procedure with weighting factor ................................ 14
3. Light-duty vehicles: category m and n vehicles with gvw < 3,500 Kg……………………….16
3.3.1 ECE 15 + EUDC .............................................................................................................. 19
4.2.6 Differences between BS IV and BS VI cycles ................................................................. 45
5.3 Case study - An Assessment of Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles using PEMS and
Chassis Dynamometer Testing ..................................................................................................... 50
6. Summary………………………………………………………………………………………56
7. Future scope…………………………………………………...………………………………57
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: WMTC.......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.2: Vehicle speed Tolerance during WMTC...................................................................... 8
Figure 2.3: WMTC part 1and part 1 reduce ................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.4: WMTC Part 2 and Part 2 Reduced ............................................................................ 10
Figure 2.5:WMTC Part 3 and Part 3 Reduced .............................................................................. 12
Figure 3.1: ECE 15 ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3.2: EUDC ......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.3: EUDC Cycle for Low Power Vehicles ...................................................................... 21
Figure 3.4 NEDC .......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.5 Modified Indian driving cycle ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.6 WLTC class 3b ............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 3.7 WLTC class 2 .............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 3.8 WLTC class 1 .............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4.1: Engine power vs. operational range for esc and etc ................................................... 34
Figure 4.2: ESC ............................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 4.3: ELR test sequence ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.4: European transient cycle ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 4.5: ETC Nnorm vs. Time .................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.6: ETC Tnorm vs. Time .................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.7: WHTC ........................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4.8: WHSC ........................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 4.9 Definition of test speeds .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 4.10 Definition of NPREF ................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.11 Comparison of specific emission of pollutants in ETC and WHTC tests from a
selected .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 5.1: Boundary testing condition Europe ............................................................................ 49
Figure 5.2 Cycles Obtained using Random Cycle generator ........................................................ 51
Figure 5.3 Gasoline CO emissions ............................................................................................... 52
Figure 5.4: Gasoline HC emissions .............................................................................................. 52
Figure 5.5: Gasoline NOx emission .............................................................................................. 52
Figure 5.6: Gasoline CO2 Emission .............................................................................................. 53
Figure 5.7: Diesel CO emission .................................................................................................... 53
Figure 5.8: Diesel HC emission .................................................................................................... 53
Figure 5.9: Diesel PM Emission ................................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.10: Diesel NOx Emission ............................................................................................... 54
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Classification of two wheeler vehicles .......................................................................... 3
Table 2.2: Comparison of Mass Emission standards for BS IV and BS VI 2 wheeler gasoline
engine ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Table 2.3: OBD thresholds in BS VI .............................................................................................. 6
Table 2.4: Class 1 .......................................................................................................................... 14
Table 2.5: Subclass 2.1 ................................................................................................................. 14
Table 2.6: Subclass 2.2 ................................................................................................................. 15
Table 2.7: Subclass 3.1 ................................................................................................................. 15
Table 2.8:Subclass 3.2 .................................................................................................................. 15
Table3.1: BS IV emission standards for gasoline vehicles (LDV) ............................................... 17
Table 3.2: BS IV emission standards for diesel vehicles (LDV) .................................................. 17
Table 3.3: BS VI emission standards for LDV ............................................................................. 18
Table 3.4: Parameters for ECE15,EUDC and NEDC ................................................................... 23
Table 3.5: Classification of WLTC according to PMR ratios ...................................................... 25
Table 3.6 WLTC class 3b and 3a parameters ............................................................................... 26
Table 3.7: WLTC Class 2 parameters .......................................................................................... 27
Table 3.8: WLTC class 1 parameters ........................................................................................... 28
Table 3.9: Comparison of WLTC and NEDC .............................................................................. 30
Table 4.1: BS IV emission standards for HDV............................................................................. 31
Table 4.1: BS VI emission standards for HDVs ........................................................................... 32
Table 4.3: Driving cycle comparison of BS IV and BS VI .......................................................... 33
Table 4.4: ESC test modes ............................................................................................................ 35
Table 4.5: WHSC test modes ........................................................................................................ 42
Table 4.6: Test vehicles for PEMS ............................................................................................... 50
UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
BS – Bharat stage
OBD-On-board diagnostics
RM – reference mass
Chapter 1
A range of atmospheric pollutants are emitted from road vehicles as a result of combustion and
other processes. Exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of
nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) are regulated by BS norms. Various unregulated
gaseous pollutants are also emitted, but these have generally been characterized in less detail. In
India, type approval emission tests are required by law for all new light-duty vehicle models, and
for the engines used in heavy-duty vehicles. Vehicle exhaust emissions are inherently variable so
the best way to ensure that an emission test is reproducible is to perform it under standardized
laboratory conditions. The procedures for the collection and analysis of the pollutants are
specified in detail in the legislation. Light-duty vehicles are tested using a power-absorbing
chassis dynamometer, whereas heavy-duty engines are operated on a test bed. However, for
research and emission factor development chassis dynamometer measurements have also been
conducted for heavy-duty vehicles. In tests conducted using a chassis dynamometer the vehicle
drive wheels are positioned so that they are in contact with rollers. The rollers can be adjusted to
simulate friction losses and aerodynamic resistance. The sampling of exhaust emissions is then
performed as the vehicle progresses through a pre-defined driving cycle which is designed to
represent a particular type of real-world operation. A driving cycle is therefore a fixed schedule
of vehicle operation which allows an emission test to be conducted under reproducible
conditions. Driving cycles are usually defined in terms of vehicle speed and gear selection as a
function of time. A trained driver is employed to follow the driving cycle on the chassis
dynamometer, and a 'driver's aid' is provided to ensure that the driven cycle is as close as
possible (e.g. within stated tolerances) to the defined cycle. Emission levels are dependent upon
many parameters, including vehicle-related factors such as model, size, fuel type, technology
level, operational factors such as speed, acceleration, gear selection and road gradient. Not
surprisingly, therefore, different driving cycles have been developed for different types of
vehicle i.e. Motorcycles, LDVs and HDVs. It is also useful to note that driving cycles may be
used for a variety of purposes other than emissions measurement, such as testing engine or drive
train durability, and may be used on a test track rather than in the laboratory. Nevertheless, this
Report focuses exclusively on vehicle and engine based driving cycles used in the laboratory to
measure exhaust emissions. Depending on the character of speed and engine load changes,
cycles can be broadly divided into 'steady-state' cycles and 'transient' cycles. A steady-state cycle
is a sequence of constant engine speed and load modes and transient driving cycles, in which the
vehicle speed and engine load are more or less changing continuously, such cycles are mainly
used for the testing of heavy-duty diesel engines. As India will be implementing BS VI norms
from 2020, some of emission test cycles from previous BS norms are being updated or replaced
by the new upcoming driving cycle which are better representative of real world driving
emissions, this report puts light on such cycles along with the measurement of real world driving
emissions using portable emission measurement system.
Chapter 2
Two Wheelers
Two-wheeled vehicles, such as motorcycles and mopeds, are the largest vehicle class in India,
both in terms of current vehicle population, as well fraction of new vehicle sales. As such, they
represent an important source of pollutant emissions and have a significant impact on air quality,
particularly in urban areas of the country. As proposed, the BS VI regulations largely align
emission limits for two-wheeled vehicles with the most stringent standards adopted for similar
vehicle types in the EU, and ensure that these vehicles will generally be no more polluting than
BS VI four-wheel passenger vehicle.
Sub Class Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 3 - 1 :
3.1 130 km/h < Vmax< 140 km/h
Sub Class Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 3 - 2 :
3-2 Vmax > 140 km/h
2.2 Comparison of Mass Emission standards for BS IV and BS VI
gasoline engine:
Table 2.2: Comparison of Mass Emission standards for BS IV and BS VI 2 wheeler gasoline engine (g/km) [2]
BS VI emission standards are set for Class 1-3 two-wheelers equipped with SI engines, which
account for the majority of the two-wheeled vehicle population in India. Separate standards are
also set for two-wheelers with SI engines less than 50 cubic centimeters and maximum rated
speed less than 50 km/h. This class of two-wheeled vehicles largely consists of pedal-powered
mopeds, which make up a very small fraction of the market. In all cases, BS VI standards will
apply to vehicles manufactured on or after April 1, 2020. For Class 1-3 SI two-wheelers, BS VI
CO, NOx, and HC emission limits are equivalent to Euro 5 limits for similar L-category
vehicles[1], which have been adopted and will be implemented beginning in 2020 for new vehicle
types and in 2021 for all vehicles. This means that, for two-wheeled vehicles, the BS VI
regulation essentially harmonizes emission limits, as well as implementation schedules with
Europe. Relative to BS IV levels, NOx emission limits for these two-wheeled vehicle classes are
reduced by between 70 and 85%. In the BS VI standards, an independent tailpipe HC emission
limit of 0.10 g/km is also introduced. In previous regulatory stages, HC emissions from two-
wheelers were regulated under a combined NOx+HC standard. By setting independent emission
standards for both HC and NOx, BS VI emission standards will help to ensure that emission
control strategies do not reduce emissions of one pollutant at the expense of the other.
Hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline two-wheelers are further controlled through the tightening
of the evaporative emissions limit. Under BS IV standards, manufacturers are able to meet either
a 2.0 or 6.0 g/test evaporative emissions limit. Under the BS VI regulation, all gasoline powered
vehicle models are required to meet a 1.5 g/test evaporative emissions limit [1], and no flexibility
provisions are included for meeting tailpipe and evaporative emission limits. These steps will
help to reduce complete vehicle HC emissions.
OBD system specifications for two-wheelers are included for the first time in proposed BS VI
regulations. The vehicles shall be equipped with on-board diagnostic (BS VI - OBD) systems for
emission control which shall have the capability of identifying the likely area of malfunction by
means of fault codes stored in computer memory as per the procedure laid down in AIS 137 and
as amended from time to time. BS VI OBD requirements will be introduced in two phases, with
preliminary OBD thresholds (BS VI-1 OBD) applicable for all vehicles manufactured on or after
April 1, 2020, and final thresholds (BS VI-2 OBD) applicable from April 1, 2023. Proposed
threshold values for BS VI-1 OBD and BS VI-2 OBD are equivalent to preliminary and final
Euro 6 threshold limits, respectively.[1]
1. Circuit continuity for all emission related power train component (if equipped)
2. Distance Travelled since MIL (Malfunction indicator lamp) is ON
3. Electrical disconnection of Electronic evaporative purge control device (if equipped and
if active)
4. EGR system monitoring
1. Catalytic converter monitoring
2. Misfire Detection
3. Oxygen sensor Deterioration
2.4 Durability:
2.5 World harmonized motorcycle test cycle (WMTC):
The World Motorcycle Test Cycle (WMTC) is a system of driving cycles used to measure fuel
consumption and emissions in motorcycles. The methods are stipulated as part of the Global
Technical Regulation established under the United Nations’ World Forum for Harmonization of
Vehicle Regulations. Test Cycles is to define, in detail, standardized driving cycles that can be
performed using a finished vehicle (rather than an engine test rig) which can be used repeatedly
with the expectation that consistent results will be produced. The driving cycles are intended to
represent typical driving conditions. A motorcycle's wheels are placed in contact with a set of
rollers which can be adjusted to simulate friction losses and aerodynamic resistance. The
motorcycle is then accelerated and braked in a variety of patterns to represent a particular type of
real-world operation.
The WMTC to be used on the chassis dynamometer shall be as depicted in the following graph
WMTC lasts 1800 seconds and consists three parts of equal cycle time i.e. 600 sec. Each part of
cycle is having different maximum speed. It has two types of vehicle speeds, one with regular
speed vs. time relations and another is reduced vehicle speed designed specifically for different
types of vehicle classes as mentioned in table 1.1.
The vehicle speed tolerance at any given time on the test cycles by upper and lower limits. The
upper limit is 3.2 km/h higher than the highest point on the trace within one second of the given
time. The lower limit is 3.2 km/h lower than the lowest point on the trace within one second of
the given time. Vehicle speed variations greater than the tolerances (such as may occur during
gear changes) are acceptable provided they occur for less than two seconds on any occasion.
Vehicle speeds lower than those prescribed are acceptable provided the vehicle is operated at
maximum available power during such occurrences. Figure (2.5b) shows the range of acceptable
vehicle speed tolerances for typical points.
2.5.1 WMTC Part 1 and Part 1 Reduced:
Part 2
Part 2 reduced:
2.5.3 WMTC Part 3 and Part 3 Reduced:
Part 3:
Part 3 reduced:
For same 600s of time , the distance covered in part 1 , Part 2 and part 3 are 4065 m , 9111 m
and 15736 m[5] , Which clearly distinguish that each part is suitable for different type of vehicles.
Also maximum speed of each cycle is different which is mentioned in respective figures.
The (average) result of Part 1 or Part 1 reduced vehicle speed is called R1, the (average) result of
Part 2 or Part 2 reduced vehicle speed is called R2 and the (average) result of Part 3 or part 3
reduced vehicle speed is called R3. Using these emission (mg/km) and fuel consumption
(km/liter) results, the final result R, depending on the vehicle category as defined, shall be
calculated using the following equations:
R = R1W1+R2 W2
W1 = weighting factor cold phase
W2 = weighting factor warm phase
R = R1W1+R2W2+R3 W3
Wn = weighting factor phase n (n=1, 2 or 3)
The weighing factors for the vehicle classes shall be as per the notification. [4]
2.7 Vehicle class and their respective test procedure with weighting
2.7.1 Class 1
Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to class 1 : 50 cm³ < engine capacity
<150 cm³ and Vmax < 50 km/h or engine capacity < 150 cm³ and 50 km/h <Vmax< 100 km/h
Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 2-1: Engine capacity < 150
cm³ and 100 km/h <Vmax< 115 km/h or Engine capacity >150 cm³ and Vmax< 115 km/h
Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 2 - 2 : 115 km/h < Vmax< 130
Part 1 cold 30 50
Part 2 hot 70 50
Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 3 - 1 : 130 km/h < Vmax< 140
Part 1 cold 25 25
Part 2 hot 50 50
Part 3 reduced speed 25 25
Vehicles that fulfill the following specifications belong to sub class 3 - 2: Vmax > 140 km/h
Part 1 cold 25 25
Part 2 hot 50 50
Part 3 25 25
In vehicle subclass 2.2 only, weighting factors and test procedure sequence is changed.[1]
Chapter 3
Category M: – Means a motor vehicle with at least four wheels used for the carrying
Category M1:– Means a motor vehicle used for the carriage of passengers, comprising
not more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat.
Category M2:– Means a motor vehicle used for the carriage of passengers, comprising
nine or more seats in addition to the driver's seat and having a maximum Gross Vehicle
Weight not exceeding 5 tons.
Category M3:– Means a motor vehicle used for the carriage passengers, comprising nine
or more seats in addition to the driver's seat and having a maximum Gross Vehicle
Weight exceeding 5 tons.
Category N: – Means motor vehicles having at least four wheels used for the carrying
goods which may also carry persons in addition to the goods subject to conditions.
Category N1:– Means motor vehicles used for carriage of goods and having a Gross
vehicle Weight not exceeding 3.5 tons.
Category N2:– Means motor vehicles used for carriage of goods and having a Gross
vehicle Weight exceeding 3.5 tons but not exceeding 12 tons.
Category N3:– Means motor vehicles used for carriage of goods and having a Gross
vehicle Weight exceeding 12 tons.
Table 3.3 BS VI emission standards for LDV [1]
Given the widespread dieselization of the Indian light-duty fleet, reductions in allowable
pollutant emission rates for vehicles equipped with CI engines are among the most significant
aspects of the BS VI proposal. As shown in Figure 3.2, proposed BS VI NOX and PM emission
limits for light-duty diesel vehicles are considerably lower than BS IV levels. NOX emission
limits are reduced by 68% relative to BS IV levels; though remain between 33% and 52% higher
than BS VI emission limits for corresponding light-duty gasoline vehicle classes. PM emission
limit reductions vary by vehicle class and range from 82%–93%. For all light-duty diesel vehicle
classes, the tightening of the PM emission standard is accompanied by the introduction of a
particle number emission limit of 6×1011/km. Together, the more stringent PM standard and new
PN limit will ensure vehicle manufacturers use DPFs and the best available PM control
technology for diesel engines.
For light-duty vehicles equipped with SI engines, reductions in pollution emission limits relative
to BS IV levels are more modest. BS VI emission limits for CO and HC remain unchanged from
BS IV values, while NOX limits are reduced by 25%. The BS VI proposal introduces PM and
PN emission limits for light-duty gasoline vehicles, though these standards only apply to vehicles
equipped with direct injection engines. PM and PN emission limits for gasoline direct injection
(GDI) vehicles are set at the same level as those for light-duty diesel vehicles, though
manufacturers may meet an optional 6×1012/km PN limit rather than the more stringent
6×1011/km during the first three years of BS VI implementation. These provisions should
promote the use of gasoline particulate filters (GPF) to control PM emissions from GDI vehicles.
The most significant change to vehicle type approval procedures for light-duty vehicles specified
in the proposed BS VI regulation is the inclusion of provisions for in-service conformity testing
using portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS). These provisions should help to ensure
emissions performance demonstrated in laboratory-based emissions testing is maintained under
real-world driving conditions. ECE 15
The low speed 15 mode urban test cycle was devised to represent driving in centre of cities like
Rome and has maximum speed of 50 kmph. Prior to year 1992, ECE 15 procedure consisted of
three tests Type 1, Type 2 and type 3 .Mass emissions were measured using ECE 15 cycle only.
The cycle is repeated four times without interruption for 780 seconds. The total distance covered
was 4.052 km at an average speed of 19 km/h. When the engine starts, the car pauses for 11 s - if
equipped with a manual gearbox, 6 s in neutral (with clutch engaged) and 5 s in the 1st gear
(with clutch disengaged) - then slowly accelerates to 15 km/h in 4 s, cruises at constant speed for
8 s, brakes to a full stop in 5 s (manual: last 3 s with clutch disengaged), then stops for 21 s
(manual: 16 s in neutral, then 5 s in the 1st gear).
At 49 s, the car slowly accelerates to 32 km/h in 12 s (manual: 5 s in 1st gear, 2 s gear change,
then 5 s in the 2nd gear), cruises for 24 s, slowly brakes to a full stop in 11 s (manual: last 3 s
with clutch disengaged), then pauses for another 21 s (manual: 16 s in neutral, 5 s in the 1st
gear).At 117 s, the car slowly accelerates to 50 km/h in 26 s (manual: 5 s, 9 s and 8 s in the 1st,
2nd and 3rd gears, with additional 2 × 2 s for gear changes), cruises for 12 s, decelerates to
35 km/h in 8 s, cruises for another 13 s, brakes to a full stop in 12 s (manual: 2 s change to the
2nd gear, 7 s in the 2nd gear, last 3 s with clutch disengaged), then pauses for 7 s (manual: in
neutral with clutch engaged).The cycle ends on 195 s after a theoretical distance of 994.03
meters, then it repeats four consecutive times. Total duration is 780 s (13 minutes) over a
theoretical distance of 3976.1 meters, with an average speed of 18.35 km/h.[8] This cycle was
however, seen to give unrealistically low NOx emissions. Starting from the 1992 when
‘consolidated emission directives’ commonly referred to as Euro 1 standards were implemented,
a high-speed test cycle was included to be carried out after the ECE-15 cycle is repeated four
times. This high-speed cycle has maximum speed of 120 km/h and is called Extra Urban Driving
Cycle (EUDC). EUDC
The EUDC (Extra Urban Driving Cycle) segment has been added after the fourth ECE cycle to
account for more aggressive, high speed driving modes. The maximum speed of the EUDC cycle
is 120 km/h. An alternative EUDC cycle for low-powered vehicles has also been defined with a
maximum speed limited to 90 km/h.
After a 20 s stop - if equipped with manual gearbox, in the 1st gear with clutch disengaged - the
car slowly accelerates to 70 km/h in 41 s (manual: 5 s, 9 s, 8 s and 13 s in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th gears, with additional 3 × 2 s for gear changes), cruises for 50 s (manual: in the 5th gear
[sic]), decelerates to 50 km/h in 8 s (manual: 4 s in the 5th and 4 s in the 4th gear [sic]) and
cruises for 69 s, then slowly accelerates to 70 km/h in 13 s .
At 201 s, the car cruises at 70 km/h for 50 s (manual: in the 5th gear), then slowly accelerates to
100 km/h in 35 s and cruises for 30 s (manual: in the 5th or 6th gear).
Finally, at 316 s the car slowly accelerates to 120 km/h in 20 s, cruises for 10 s, then slowly
brakes to a full stop in 34 s (manual: in the 5th or 6th gear, last 10 s with clutch disengaged), and
idles for another 20 s (manual: in neutral).Total duration is 400 s (6 minutes 40 seconds) and
theoretical distance is 6956 meters, with an average speed of 62.6 km/h. [8]
3.3.2 NEDC (New European driving cycle):
Effective year 2000, that idling period has been eliminated from ECE15+EUDC cycle, i.e.,
engine starts at 0 s and the emission sampling begins at the same time. This modified cold-start
procedure is referred to as the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) or as the MVEG-B test
The urban driving cycle ECE 15, Figure 6 represents Type I test, as defined by the original ECE
15 emissions procedure. Type II test is a warmed-up idle tailpipe CO test conducted immediately
after the fourth cycle of the Type I test. Type III test is a two-mode (idle and 50 km/h) chassis
dynamometer procedure for crankcase emission determination.
The following table includes a summary of selected parameters for the ECE 15, EUDC and
NEDC cycles.
Table 3.4 Parameters for ECE15, EUDC and NEDC [7]
Total test time: 1180 sec
The Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycles (WLTC) are chassis dynamometer tests
for the determination of emissions and fuel consumption from light-duty vehicles. The tests have
been developed by the UN ECE GRPE (Working Party on Pollution and Energy). The WLTC
cycles are part of the worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP), While the
acronyms WLTP and WLTC are sometimes used interchangeably, the WLTP procedures define
a number of other procedures in addition to the WLTC test cycles that are needed to type
approve a vehicle.
The WLTP replaces the European NEDC based procedure for type approval testing of light-duty
vehicles, with the transition from NEDC to WLTP occurring over 2017-2019.
The WLTP procedures include several WLTC test cycles applicable to vehicle categories of
different power-to-mass (PMR) ratios. The PMR parameters are defined as the ratio of rated
power (W) / curb mass (kg). The curb mass (or kerb mass) means the “unladed mass” as defined
in ECE R83. The cycle definitions may also depend on the maximum speed (Vmax), which is the
maximum speed of the vehicle as declared by the manufacturer .Cycle modifications are allowed
to accommodate drivability problems for vehicles with power to mass ratios close to the
borderlines or with maximum speeds limited to values below the maximum speed required by
the cycle.
Table 3.5 Classification of WLTC according to PMR ratios [9] Class 3 Cycles: Class 3 is representative of vehicles driven in Europe and Japan
Table 3.6 WLTC class 3b and 3a parameters [9] Class 2 Vehicle: Class 2 is representative of vehicles driven in India and of low
power vehicles driven in Japan and Europe.
Table 3.7 WLTC Class 2 parameters [9]
Table 3.8 WLTC class 1 parameters [9]
1. Vehicles with power to mass ratios close to the borderlines between Class 2 and Class 3
vehicles or very low powered vehicles in Class 1 may not be able to achieve the
accelerations required to maintain cycle speed. In these cases, a downscaling procedure
can be applied to reduce the maximum acceleration rates to improve drivability. A
consequence of this procedure is a reduction of maximum cycle speeds
2. Some vehicles may have a maximum speed limited to a value lower than the maximum
speed of the downscaled cycle. In these cases, the vehicle shall be driven with its
maximum speed in those cycle periods where the cycle speed is higher than the
maximum speed of the vehicle. An example of vehicles for which this applies is Class 3a
vehicles over the Extra-High 3 phase.
3. Some vehicles may not be able to follow the speed trace of the downscaled cycle within
the required tolerance for specific periods. In these cases the vehicle shall be driven with
the accelerator control fully activated during these periods. In these cases, driving trace
violations are permitted.[10]
28 Purpose of WLTP Lab testing:
Laboratory tests enable the consumer to make reliable comparison between cars in terms of their
CO2 emissions and fuel economy. Only a lab test, which follows a standardized and repeatable
procedure, allows consumer to compare different cars.
CO2 Targets:
The lab measurements are used to verify that a manufacturer’s new car fleet does not emit more
than the targets set by the norms.
Official Documentation:
Every car produced is accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which includes CO2 values
based on lab test. On the basis of this official document, which could be described as the car’s
birth certificate, the vehicle can be registered anywhere in the India.
Consumer information:
To help drivers make a well informed purchase decision, car dealers and manufacturers provide
relevant information to consumers. This includes a label showing a car’s CO2 emission and fuel
consumption which is attached on or near all new cars at the point of sale
3.3.5 Comparison of WLTC and NEDC:
Test cycle Single test cycle Dynamic cycle , more
representative of real driving
Cycle time 20 minutes 30 minutes
Cycle distance 11 kilometer 23.25 kilometer
Driving Phase 2 phases , 66% urban and 34% 4 more dynamic phases, 52%
Non-urban driving urban and 48% non-urban
Average speed 34 kilometer per hour 46.5 kilometer per hour
Maximum speed 120 kilometer per hour 131 kilometer per hour
Influence of Optional Impact on CO2 and fuel Additional features (which can
equipment performance not considered differ per car) are taken into
under NEDC account
Gear shifts Vehicles have fixed gear shift Different gear shift points for
points each vehicle
Temperatures Measurements at 20-30°C Measurements at 23°C, CO2
values corrected to 14°C
STEP 1: WLTP will officially apply to new types of cars from September 2017.New
types of cars are vehicle models that are introduced on market for first time.
Manufacturers may already start requesting WLTP approvals for new car types when
legislation comes into force in European Union.
STEP 2: WLTP will apply to all new car registrations from September 2018.
STEP 3: EU measures for end of series cars allow for a limited number of unsold
vehicles in stock that were approved under the old test that were approved under the old
test(NEDC) to be sold the following year, that is until September 2019[11]
Chapter 4
BS VI emission standards for larger goods movement and passenger transport vehicles are
defined separately under the proposed BS VI regulation for category M and N vehicles with
GVW exceeding 3,500 kg. Importantly, emission standards for these vehicle categories cover
heavy-duty vehicles, which are estimated to be the largest on-road source of PM and NOX
emissions in India. Both the pollutants included in the BS VI regulation for heavy-duty vehicles
and the mass emission limits for these pollutants follow Euro VI specifications. The comparison
of BS IV and BS VI mass emission limits for heavy-duty diesel vehicles is presented below.
Table 4.1 BS III and BS IV emission standards for HDV [1]
Unlike Indian light-duty vehicles, which are tested using chassis dynamometer testing, heavy-
duty vehicle emissions are certified using two cycles performed on an engine dynamometer: the
European Stationary Cycle (ESC) and the European Transient Cycle (ETC). Diesel-operated
HDVs must pass both tests to be certified. HDVs operating on CNG do not have to undergo the
ESC test.
The proposed BS VI regulation would replace ESC and ETC with WHSC and WHTC,
respectively. Further, the regulation proposes the adoption of World Harmonized Not-to-Exceed
(WNTE) off-cycle laboratory testing following UNECE Regulation No-49. Specifications for
PEMS demonstration testing at type approval are also included in the BS VI regulation.
From an air quality and human health perspective, perhaps the single most important aspect of
the BS VI regulation is the tightening of the PM emission limit and introduction of a PN limit for
heavy-duty diesel vehicles. As shown in Figure 4.2, the PM standard for these vehicles is
reduced by 50% and 67% from BS IV levels as measured on steady-state and transient
dynamometer test cycles, respectively. The more stringent PM standard is accompanied by a
particle number emission standard of 8×1011/KWh for steady-state cycle testing and
6×1011/KWh for transient cycle testing. As was the case for light-duty diesel vehicles, these steps
will likely force manufacturers of heavy-duty engines sold in India to utilize DPFs to control PM
emissions from BS VI emission level engines. Given the importance of heavy-duty diesel
vehicles as a source of PM emissions and the large PM and PN control efficiencies offered by
DPF systems, these restrictions should greatly reduce the PM emissions burden of on-road
vehicle in India.
Table 4.3 driving cycle comparison of BS IV and BS VI
The ESC test cycle was introduced together with the ETC (European Transient Cycle) and
the ELR (European Load Response) tests by the Euro III emission regulation, effective from year
2000.for emission measurement from heavy-duty diesel engines. The ESC is a 13-mode, steady-
state procedure that replaced the R-49 test.
The engine is tested on an engine dynamometer over a sequence of steady-state modes. The
engine must be operated for the prescribed time in each mode, completing engine speed and load
changes in the first 20 seconds. The specified speed shall be held to within ±50 rpm and the
specified torque shall be held to within ±2% of the maximum torque at the test speed. Emissions
are measured during each mode and averaged over the cycle using a set of weighting factors.
Particulate matter emissions are sampled on one filter over the 13 modes. The final emission
results are expressed in g/kWh.
Figure 4.1 Engine power vs. operational range for esc and etc [12]
1. The high speed nhi is determined by calculating 70% of the declared maximum net power.
The highest engine speed where this power value occurs (i.e. above the rated speed) on
the power curve is defined as nhi.
2. The low speed nlo is determined by calculating 50% of the declared maximum net power.
The lowest engine speed where this power value occurs (i.e. below the rated speed) on
the power curve is defined as nlo.
3. The engine speeds A, B, and C to be used during the test are then calculated from the
following formulas:
Figure 4.2 ESC [1]
During emission certification testing, the certification personnel may request additional random
testing modes within the cycle control area. Maximum emission at these extra modes is
determined by interpolation between results from the neighboring regular test modes. The ESC
test is characterized by high average load factors and very high exhaust gas temperatures.
The steady state cycle (ESC) is used to prevent abnormally high emissions if an engine is made
to operate at extreme conditions where emission controls may not be very effective. On the other
hand, the transient cycle (ETC) represents the actual operating conditions and is better suited for
the engines operating on alternative fuels or employing after treatment devices.
The test consists of a sequence of three load steps at each of the three engine speeds A (cycle 1),
B (cycle 2) and C (cycle 3), followed by cycle 4 at a speed between speed A and speed C and a
load between 10% and 100%, selected by the certification personnel. Speeds A, B, and C are
defined in the ESC cycle. The sequence of dynamometer operation on the test engine is shown in
Figure. The final smoke value is determined as a weighted average from the mean values at
speeds A (weighting factor 0.43), B (0.56), and C (0.01). [12]
Different driving conditions are represented by three parts of the ETC cycle, including urban,
rural and motorway driving. The duration of the entire cycle is 1800s. The duration of each part
is 600s.
Part one represents city driving with a maximum speed of 50 km/h, frequent starts, stops,
and idling.
Part two is rural driving starting with a steep acceleration segment. The average speed is
about 72 km/h
Figure 4.5 ETC Nnorm vs. Time [13]
Figure illustrates normalized engine speed vs. time for the ETC Cycle, for the specific engine
under test, speed is de-normalized using the following equation
with the reference speed Nref corresponding to the 100% speed values specified in the engine
dynamometer schedule, defined as follows:
with Nhi the highest engine speed, where 70% of the declared (by the manufacturer) maximum
power occurs, and Nlo the lowest engine speed, where 50% of the declared maximum power
occurs. [12]
Similarly, Normalized engine torque is de-normalized to the maximum torque at the respective
rotational speed using the following equation:
with the maximum torque value found from the respective engine mapping curve [12]
In Euro VI there are two representative test cycles, a transient test cycle (WHTC) with both cold
and hot start requirements and a hot start steady-state test cycle (WHSC), have been created
covering typical driving conditions.WHTC testing requirements were adopted for the first time
by the BS VI emission regulation for heavy-duty engines. The WHTC is a transient test of 1800 s
duration, with several motoring segments. To measure the specific emissions, the engine shall be
operated over the test cycles .The measurement of specific emissions requires the determination
of the mass of components in the exhaust and the corresponding engine cycle work
High speed (Nhi): The highest engine speed where 70 per cent of the declared maximum
power occurs.
Low speed (Nlo): Means the lowest engine speed where 55 per cent of the declared
maximum power occurs.
Maximum power: Means the maximum power in kW as specified by the manufacturer.
Normalized torque: Means engine torque in per cent normalized to the maximum
available torque at an engine speed.
Rated speed: Means the maximum full load speed allowed by the governor as specified
by the manufacturer in his sales and service literature or, if such a governor is not present,
the speed at which the maximum power is obtained from the engine, as specified by the
manufacturer in his sales and service literature.[14]
4.2.3 World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTC):
The transient test cycle WHTC is listed second-by-second sequence of normalized speed and
torque values. In order to perform the test on an engine test cell, the normalized values shall be
converted to the actual values for the individual engine under test based on the engine-mapping
curve. The conversion is referred to as demoralization, and the test cycle so developed as the
reference cycle of the engine to be tested. With those references speed and torque values, the
cycle shall be run on the test cell, and the actual speed, torque and power values shall be
recorded. In order to validate the test run, a regression analysis between reference and actual
speed, torque and power values shall be conducted upon completion of the test. For calculation
of the brake specific emissions, the actual cycle work shall be calculated by integrating actual
engine power over the cycle. For cycle validation, the actual cycle work shall be within
prescribed limits of the reference cycle work.
The ramped steady state test cycle WHSC consists of a number of normalized speed and load
modes which shall be converted to the reference values for the individual engine under test based
on the engine-mapping curve. The engine shall be operated for the prescribed time in each mode,
whereby engine speed and load shall be changed linearly within 20 ± 1 second. In order to
validate the test run, a regression analysis between reference and actual speed, torque and power
values shall be conducted upon completion of the test. The concentration of each gaseous
pollutant, exhaust flow and power output shall be determined over the test cycle. The gaseous
pollutants may be recorded continuously or sampled into a sampling bag. The particulate sample
shall be diluted with conditioned diluents (such as ambient air). One sample over the complete
test procedure shall be taken, and collected on a single suitable filter. For calculation of the brake
specific emissions, the actual cycle work shall be calculated by integrating actual engine power
over the cycle. (12)
Table 1.5 WHSC test modes [1]
For the WHTC, the test procedure consists of a cold start test following either Natural or forced
cool-down of the engine, a hot soak period and a hot start test.
For the WHSC, the test procedure consists of a hot start test following engine preconditioning at
WHSC mode 9.
As basis for WHTC and WHSC reference cycle generation, the engine shall be mapped under
full load operation for determining the speed vs. maximum torque and speed vs. maximum
power curves. The mapping curve shall be used for de-normalizing engine speed and engine
Figure 1.9 Definition of test speeds[14]
43 Denormalization of engine speed:
For generating the reference cycles, the normalized speeds of WHTC and WHSC shall be
denormalized using the following equation:
Nref =Nnorm*(0.45*Nlo+0.45*Npref+0.1*Nhi-Nidle)*2.037+Nidle
For determination of Npref, the integral of the maximum torque shall be calculated from Nidle to
N95h from the engine mapping curve.
Nnorm is the normalized speed.
Nlo is the lowest speed where the power is 55 per cent of maximum power.
Npref is the engine speed where the integral of max. mapped torque is 51 percent of the whole
integral between Nidle and N95h.
Nhi is the highest speed where the power is 70 per cent of maximum power.
.Nidle is the idle speed.
N95h is the highest speed where the power is 95 per cent of maximum power. [14]
values for each individual reference speed value as determined shall be denormalized, using the
mapping curve .
flow rate, dilution) in such a way that in each phase the actual weighting factor is equal to its
prescribed value (within the allowed tolerances). In the WHSC test, weighting factors for each
phase are not used directly. The differences in the percentage of operating conditions are
accounted for by diversifying the operation time in each phase. For gaseous pollutants, emissions
are measured for the entire cycle, including transitions in operating conditions (engine speed and
torque) in each phase. Therefore, the transition methodology is predefined. Transitions should be
linear and should be completed in 20 seconds. Just like in the ESC, a PM sample is collected on
one filter, but without any interruptions during the entire WHSC cycle. In the WHSC the
operating conditions (engine speed, torque and temperature) are not stabilized, even though the
cycle name (steady-state) suggests otherwise.
Just like the WHSC, the WHTC is a normalized cycle. “Denormalization” is carried out in the
same way as in the WHSC. The differences between the ETC and the WHTC result from the
differences in:
• Normalized engine speed and normalized torque
• The method for calculating a specific engine speed using normalized parameters.
The method for determining the tested engine torque on the basis of normalized values is the
same for both cycles (maximum torque at a given engine speed multiplied by the normalized
Figure 4.11 Comparison of specific emission of pollutants in ETC and WHTC tests from a selected
CI engine running on diesel [15]
For specific engines there are differences between the WHTC and the ETC in terms of speed and
torque. In the former, the average engine speed and torque are typically lower than in the latter.
Just like in the case of the ESC and the WHSC, for certain engines there are considerable
differences in measurement results in both tests.
The WHTC test consists of the following phases:
• Phase 1 – cold start test; the engine is considered cold if the temperatures of oil, coolant and
after-treatment system remain within the range of 20–30o C; one WHTC cycle is carried out
• Phase 2 – hot soak period of 5-10 minutes,
• Phase 3 – hot start test; one WHTC cycle is carried out.
The share of the cold start test is 0.1, and the share of the hot start test is 0.9. [15]
Chapter 5
In BS VI, during type approval and COP applicable from 1st April, 2020, real world driving
cycle emission measurement using PEMS shall be carried out for data collection and from 1st
April, 2023 real world driving cycle emission conformity shall be applicable. In 2015, the
European Union (EU) adopted the first two pieces of legislation designed to implement the new
real-driving emissions (RDE) test procedure for measuring vehicle emissions. Two more
legislative packages are currently under development to complete the project.
The most significant change to vehicle type approval procedures for light-duty vehicles specified
in the proposed BS VI regulation is the inclusion of provisions for in-service conformity testing
using portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS). These provisions should help to ensure
emissions performance demonstrated in laboratory-based emissions testing is maintained under
real-world driving conditions. It should be noted that the procedures for PEMS testing of real-
world driving emissions are not included in the BS VI proposal and will be fully specified in the
forthcoming AIS 137 implementing standard. These procedures should include conformity
factors that define allowable levels of excess emissions above the emission limits established for
laboratory-based type approval testing. The stringency of BS VI real driving emission
requirements and corresponding emissions benefits will depend on the levels at which these
conformity factors are set.
With RDE package 1 released in April 2016 most boundary conditions for Europe have been
finalized. These limits come from long testing studies by Joint research centre (JRC) during
RDE working group process.
Figure 5.1 Boundary testing condition Europe [16]
The first step of RDE implementation in India might only include gaseous emissions conformity
factor for NOx as the particle number limit is not yet defined in Europe. Thus, the actual test ,
setup in India would reduce to gaseous PEMS systems (measuring CO, CO2, NO & NO2 ) and an
exhaust mass flow meter (EFM) for time being.
With observing the traffic situation in India as well the extended weather conditions like heavy
rain (flooding) or heat during summer it is clear that an alternative approach will be necessary to
install PEMS system for Indian road test. Another fact is that trailer hitch systems are not as
commonly spread in Europe. Further the risk of having PEMS system on the back of the car
would be that most drivers on the road would not expect it and could lead to higher chances of
accidents-especially with motorcyclist. For the reason it is advised to to install the equipment
inside the vehicle, reduce outside installation of EFM as much as possible and make it clearly
visible to other drivers. Also Boundary testing condition for India needs to be defined as
Temperature in India is relatively higher and road conditions are also different than Europe. [16]
5.3 Case study-An Assessment of Emissions from Light-Duty
Vehicles using PEMS and Chassis Dynamometer Testing:
Chassis dynamometer emissions tests were conducted over the NEDC, the Common Artemis
suite of test cycles (CADC), the new Worldwide Light-duty Test Cycle (WLTC - the test cycle
for WLTP) and a set of cycles produced by a Random Cycle Generator based on ‘short trip’
segments from the EU database used to construct WLTC. A Portable Emissions Measurement
System (PEMS) was used to measure emissions during real driving over pre-selected routes.
Figure 5.2 Cycles Obtained using Random Cycle generator [16]
For WLTP, the road load relevant characteristics of the vehicle including aerodynamic drag and
tire rolling resistance are taken into account, and, unlike the current procedures, the vehicle test
mass for regulated pollutants has to include the mass of optional equipment. As a result, the test
masses for WLTP will often be higher than that for the current regulatory test. For the gasoline
vehicle, the resulting WLTP-based inertia mass was 1930 kg, compared to 1590 kg when using
current procedures. For the diesel vehicle, the WLTP-based inertia mass was 2460 kg, compared
to 2150 kg under current procedures. [16]
5.3.4 Results of RDE test using PEMS:
Gasoline Vehicle
Figure 5.5 Gasoline NOx emission
Figure 5.6 Gasoline CO2 Emission
Diesel Vehicle:
Figure 5.9 Diesel PM Emission [16]
The test results show that there can be substantial differences for some pollutants measured as
‘real driving emissions’ (RDE) using PEMS equipment, compared to the test cycles. This does
not necessarily mean that the RDE emissions exceed the Type Approval limit values. For both
vehicles all CO and HC results were below the relevant EU limit values. In some cases, though,
the PEMS emissions for complete test routes can exceed Type Approval limits by a substantial
margin - notably for the diesel NOx emissions.
For the gasoline vehicle, which does not incorporate a particulate filter, particulate mass
emissions were well below the limits for Euro 6 on all tests, but particle number emissions on the
NEDC and CADC tests were close to the limit that will apply fully from 2017 and above that
limit on the WLTC and Random Cycles tests. The diesel vehicle, which incorporated a Diesel
Particulate Filter, also gave low particulate mass emissions, with average particle number
emissions below the Euro 6 limit for all tests.
For the diesel vehicle the results on the current Type Approval test were well within the Euro 6
limit value, whilst those on the new WLTP were marginally above it. All other tests, and
particularly the two PEMS routes, gave substantially higher NOx emissions. Examination of
some of the more detailed data available indicates that the high NOx emissions primarily occur
under conditions of higher speed and load. The results indicate that when the EU introduces their
additional requirements for control of real Driving Emissions, this is one of the areas that will
need to be addressed.
Both vehicles gave higher CO2 emissions on the PEMS tests than on any of the chassis dyno
tests. Tests at different inertia weights indicated that the higher inertia results in higher CO2, and
in both cases this appears to make more difference to the results than the change of cycle
although PEMS results were higher than the dynamometer results for both vehicles.
Additional type approval and in-service conformity test requirements are included in the BS VI
(M,N>3.5 ton) to ensure emissions performance demonstrated in the laboratory is maintained in
real-world driving conditions. World-Harmonized Not-To-Exceed (WNTE) off-cycle laboratory
testing limits for CO, HC, NOX, and PM are adopted
NTE testing does not involve a specific driving cycle of any specific length (mileage or time).
Rather, it involves driving of any type that could occur within the bounds of the NTE control
area, including operation under steady-state or transient conditions and under varying ambient
conditions. Emissions are averaged over a minimum time of thirty seconds and then compared to
the applicable NTE emission limits.
Chapter 6
This report mainly focused upon the emission test cycle (also called driving cycle) used for
emission measurements of Two wheeler vehicles, M & N category vehicles having gross vehicle
weight less than 3500 kg i.e. Light duty vehicles, M & N category vehicles having gross vehicle
weight more than 3500 kg i.e. Heavy duty vehicles and real world driving emission and its
measurement using portable emission measurement system.
In case of two wheelers, the world harmonizes motorcycle test cycle is used in both BS IV and
BS VI for testing of emission from all L-category vehicles, the main difference between BS IV
and BS VI driving cycles is the weighting factor, the weighting factors for some subclass of
vehicles are changed along with the sequence of parts of WMTC in test procedure.
In case of light duty vehicles, In BS IV and BS VI norms, Modified Indian driving cycle(MIDC)
is used for testing of vehicles using chassis dynamometer. While in Euro VI, worldwide
harmonized light duty vehicle test procedure is used which the successor is of New European
driving cycle (NEDC) which was used in previous Euro norms. WLTP in Euro VI is more
representative of real world driving than NEDC or MIDC.
In case of Heavy duty vehicles, European stationary cycle (ESC) and European Transient cycles
are used for emission testing in BS IV. From BS VI onwards ESC will be replaced by World
harmonized steady state cycle (WHSC) and ETC will be replaced by World harmonized transient
cycle (WTSC), also respective test procedures will be changed accordingly.
Real world driving emission measurement will be mandatory from BS IV and will be measured
by portable emission measurement system; to match with the norms conformity factors for
different vehicles will be introduced and values will be decreased with time.
Chapter 7
Future scope
1. In upcoming BS VI norms there will be many changes in the current driving cycles and some
driving cycles will get replaced with the new driving cycles.
2. In BS VI norms MIDC will be used for testing of emission from LDVs , Also there can be
introduction of WLTP for testing of LDVs, which is not yet been included the BS VI norms.
3. In BS VI norms, RDE testing will be carried out. Boundary testing conditions for India will be
defined according to road and weather conditions of India.
1. “Indian emission regulation booklet”, Automotive research association of India,Pune.
5. T J barlow, S latham ,P G boulter, “A reference book of driving cycles for use in the
measurment of road vehicle emission”, TRL, 2009.
14. “Government of India, AIS 137, Part 4”, ARAI,Pune, August 2017.
15. Jerzy Merkisz · Jacek Pielecha, Stanislaw Radzimirski, “Book-New Trends in Emission
Control in the European Union”, “Volume 4”, “Springer”, “2014”
16. Lueckenbach, S., Moser, U., Haake, B., and Frank, J., "On-Board Diagnostic Related
Challenges on Two-Wheelers Related to the Upcoming Bharat Stage VI Emission Standards,"
SAE Technical Paper 2017-26-0147, 2017,
17. John May, Dirk Bosteels, and Cecile Favre, “An Assessment of Emissions from Light-Duty
Vehicles using PEMS and Chassis Dynamometer Testing", SAE Technical Paper, 2014,