STO Case Document
STO Case Document
STO Case Document
Our scenario is when transferring the stock the respective gl are not updated automatically
Company Code
So now what would the accounting entry and which gl will be impacted with what value / which how
does FI area integration get updated.
Stock transfer is a process where material is transferred from one plant to another plant within the same
company or within company code.
Also following types of Stock Transfer options are available:
a) Manufacturing Plant to Depot
b) Depot to Depot
c) Depot to Manufacturing Plant
The following covers the total config and cycle of STO:
1. Create a vendor for the company code of receiving plant, using account group :0007 using T-Code
2. Assign this vendor to Delivering plant
Go to XK02 >Purchasing view>Extras>Add. Purchasing data>Plant
3. Create internal customer with the sales area of the vendor. Go To XD01
4. In Pricing procedure determination relevant to STO, assign document Pricing Procedure and customer
pricing procedure appropriate for STO to get the pricing in the invoice.
5. Maintain condition records for the relevant pricing condition.
6. Some more setting for STO: Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO> define shipping
data for plants > Go to Receiving plant >assign customer here & Supplying SA (for billing) to Receiving
plant here
7. Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO> define shipping data for plants > Go to
Supplying plant and assign the sales area of receiving plant.
8. Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO> assign delivery Type & Checking rule
Assign the delivery type to document type. In this case, Delivery type NLCC is assigned to Document type
9. Go to MM> Purchasing > Purchase Order > Set up STO>Assign document Type, One step Procedure,
Under delivery tolerance
Assign the document type NB to supplying plant and receiving plant
10. After all settings , Create the STO using T-Code:ME21N and Save.
11. Create Delivery :VL10G
Click on the Background Button after selecting line item
A message is flashed : See log for information> next Click on Log for delivery creation Button >click on line
item>click on document button to get Delivery document No
12. Picking, PGI:VL02N
13. Billing:VF01.