Contract No:: NWSDB/SBD/S&I/Water Pump/LC: Invitation For Bids DPC - October 2017 - Version 1
Contract No:: NWSDB/SBD/S&I/Water Pump/LC: Invitation For Bids DPC - October 2017 - Version 1
Contract No:: NWSDB/SBD/S&I/Water Pump/LC: Invitation For Bids DPC - October 2017 - Version 1
2. Bids should be submitted in the documents available at the office of the Assistant General
Manager (Tenders and Contracts), National Water Supply & Drainage Board (NWSDB),
Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka between 09:00 hours to 15:00 hours on normal working
days up to ...................................., upon payment of a non refundable fee of
Rs. 12,500.00 plus applicable VAT and additional amount of Rs. ………….or US$ ……. if
the Bidding document is to be dispatched by courier.
3. Bids will be opened immediately after the closing of Bids, at the office of the Assistant
General Manager (Tenders and Contracts), NWSDB, Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
Bidders or their authorised representatives may be present at the opening of bids.
4 Bidding Documents will be issued only to those who are manufacturers or their local
accredited agents for supply of Water pumping sets upon production of a letter of request for
documents on a business letterhead together with Certificate of Registration of the Contract as
per the Act No. 3 of 1987 with the Registrar of Public Contract . Joint Ventures are not
5. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted
7. Sealed bids may be either dispatched by registered post or hand delivered to the Assistant
General Manager (Tenders and Contracts), NWSDB, Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka to
receive on or before the closing time. Late Bids will be rejected.
8. All Bids shall be accompanied by a bid security of Rupees 158,650.00 and the bid security
should be valid upto………………( Specify the Date).
9. Bidding Documents may be inspected free of charge at the office of the Assistant General
Manager (Tenders and Contracts), NWSDB, Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
10. For further details, please contact the Assistant General Manager (Tenders Contracts),
NWSDB, Galle Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka on telephone number 94-11-2635885 or 94-11-
2638999 Extension 1750 or facsimile number 94 -11-2635885.
Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
Rs. Cts. Rs. Cts.
17.1 The forms of security shall be specified in the specimen forms included in the
Bidding Document.
The amount of Performance security is 10 % of the Contract Price
(a) The minimum cover for insurance of the Works and of Plant and Materials
is 110% of the Initial Contract Price.
The maximum deductible for insurance of the Works and of Plant and
Materials is 5% of the Initial Contract Price.
(b) The minimum cover for loss or damage to Equipment is the replacement
cost of the equipment
(c) The minimum cover for personal injury or death, for third party and
employees of the Employer and other persons engaged by the Employer in
the Works is Rs 1,000,000 per event, number of events are unlimited
27.3 The comprehensive warranty shall be valid for one year from the date of taking
over for trouble free operation.
The warranty shall cover following items/ parts (Generally Pumps and Motors)
43 The contractor shall provide the following in three copies at least 14 days before
handing over of the equipment.
1 Certified copies of all performance test results of pumps and motors.
2 Manufacturer’s Certification that all pumping units, Surge vessel,
motor control equipment is fully in conformance with the specification
along with shipping documents.
3 Operation and Maintenance manuals of Pumps, Motors & Surge
4 Control wiring diagrams for Electrical Panels. (Including Automatic
5 Spare Parts Manuals.