Rabies Guidelines
Rabies Guidelines
Rabies Guidelines
Department of Health
APR lfi 2018
No. 2018- ()0 l5
The Department of Health (DOH), having committed itself to the prevention of human
deaths due to rabies, provides vaccines to high—risk exposed patients for Post-Exposure
Prophylaxis (PEP) through the Animal Bite Treatment Centers (ABTCs). In 1997, the
National Rabies Prevention and Control Program introduced the intradermal (ID)
administration of rabies cell culture and embryonated egg—based vaccines (CCEEV), an
economical regimen that reduces the cost of PEP by as much as 60— 80%. The DOH
maintains the use of the intradermal regimen for PEP at the ABTCs. The DOH procures
human anti-rabies vaccines which are registered by the Philippine Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), listed in the Philippine National Drug Formulary and pre-
qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Over the past two years, the number of animal bite Victims seeking PEP has increased
to over 1 Million cases per year. While the demand for human rabies vaccine is
increasing in the country, there is an anticipated global shortage of the said vaccine due
to issues in the production of one WHO prequalified vaccine.
Of recent, WHO provided recommendations on shorter and more feasible protocols for
PEP and Pre—Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).
This AD is to update the guidelines on PEP and PrEP and to provide guidance on the
selection and use of human rabies vaccine to help address the global shortage of WHO
pre-qualified human rabies vaccines.
All government health workers at all levels shall adopt these treatment guidelines to
ensure standard and rational management of rabies exposures. Private practitioners in
the country are strongly encouraged to adopt these treatment guidelines.
Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue Sta Cruz 1003 Manila 0 Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1108,11H‘ “12, [[13
Direct Line: 711-9502; 7“ -9503 Fax: 743—18290 URL: I111) //www dol1govp email. l‘tduque@doh. gov. ph
laboratory, hospitals handling rabies patients and school children from
high risk
areaS, etc.
I. Prodromal Period — refers to the period lasting for 10 days with
manifestations, which include fever, sore throat, anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
generalized body malaise, headache and abdominal pain. Paresthesia or pain at the
site of the bite is due to viral multiplication at the spinal
ganglionjust before it enters
the brain.
J.Rabid Animal — refers to biting animal with clinical manifestation of rabies and/or
confirmed laboratory findings.
K. Suspected Rabid Animal — refers to biting animal with
a potential to have rabies
infection based on unusual behavior, living condition like stray dogs,
endemicity of
rabies in the area and no history of immunization.
L. Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) - is an injectable
preparation of rabies antibody
administered to unvaccinated persons to provide immediate but temporary
protection until the body can actively produce antibodies of its own induced by the
human rabies vaccine.
M. Vaccine Potency ~ refers to the amount of acceptable active
ingredients in a rabies
vaccine which is expected to provide at least minimum protection.
a) Nibbling of uncovered skin with or 1. Wash wound with soap and water.
w1thout bru1s1ng/hematoma
2. Start vaccine immediately.
Mltrlllor/tsiperglc1al. lsdcratctlllles/abraiswn; 3. Complete vaccination regimen until
W1 ou ee 1ng, me u mg ose 1n uce
Day 7 regardless of the status of the
to bleed . . .
b1t1ng anlmal
c) All Category II exposures on the head and 4. RIG is not indicated
neck area are considered Category III and
shall be managed as such.
a) Transdermal bites (puncture wounds, . Wash wound with soap and water.
lacerations, avulsions) or scratches/ Start the vaccine and RIG immediately.
abrasions with spontaneous bleeding
. Complete vaccination regimen until Day
b) Licks on broken skin or mucous
membrane 7 regardless of the status of the biting
Exposure to a rabies patient through Animal.
bites, contamination of mucous
membranes (eyes, oral/nasal mucosa,
genital/anal mucous membrane) or open
skin lesions with body fluids through
splattering and mouth-to-mouth
d) Unprotected handling of infected carcass
e) Ingestion of raw infected meat
f) Exposure to bats
g) All Category II exposures on head and
neck area
10. Dog owners have the responsibility to keep their dogs for observation under the Rabies
Act of 2007, with penalties to violators provided for by the law.
11. Only the Intradermal Regimen will be used in the administration of vaccine in all
government facilities except for conditions that require IM administration as described in
Section C. 1 .d Post-ExposureProphylaxis under Special Conditions.
B. Immunization
1. Active Immunization
a. Administration
Vaccine shall be administered to induce antibody and T-cell production in order to
neutralize the rabies virus in the body. It induces an active immune response in 7-10 days
after vaccination, which may persist for years provided that primary immunization is
Table 2. List of CCEEV provided by the NRPCP to Animal Bite Treatment Centers
with CorrespondingPreparation and Dose
Generic Name Preparation Dose
The NRPCP introduced the intradermal (ID) use of rabies tissue culture vaccines in the country
in 1997. The Philippines was among the first countries to adopt this regimen as recommended
by the World Health Organization, in order to totally discontinuethe use of nerve tissue vaccine
(NTV) which was associated with vaccine induced encephalopathy. To mitigate the expected
increase in the cost of PEP with the shift from NTV to CCEEV, the ID use of these vaccines
was introduced. According to WHO, the ID use of CCEEV can decrease the cost of PEP by as
much as 60- 80%.
However, only a limited number of commercially available rabies vaccines have been proven,
to date, as safe and efficacious for PEP when administered by the ID route. Recently, local
manufacturers in rabies-endemiccountries have started to produce rabies vaccines. The ID use
of these vaccines shall be based on adherence to WHO requirements for that route and approval
by national health authorities as follows, “New vaccine manufacturers should provide clinical
evidence that their products are immunogenic and safe when used intradermally. Clinical
evidence should include clinical trials involving a vaccine of known immunogenicity and
efficacy when used by this route as control, serological testing with rapid fluorescent focus
inhibition test, and publication in internationallypeer-reviewedjournals”.
To ensure compliance to these recommendations and guarantee that animal bite patients seeking
treatment in government Animal Bite Treatment Centers receive only CCEEVs that have been
proven to be safe and effective, the program shall utilize for its intradermal regimen only
CCEEVs that satisfy the following criteria :
7% 6
c.4 The potency of vaccines for ID use shall be at least 0.5 IU/ID dose as evidenced by their
lot release certificate. The potency of the vaccine batch shall be provided by the
c.5 The product insert shall contain the vaccine’s approved ID dose and consistent with its
Certificate of Registration (CPR); and
c.6. Non-WHO prequalified vaccines may be used only during shortage of WI-.O
prequalified vaccines. The same criteria shall apply except for c.1.
2. Passive Immunization
Rabies immunoglobulin or RIG (also called passive immunization products) shall be given in
combinationwith rabies vaccine to provide the immediate availability of neutralizing antibodies
at the site of the exposure before it is physiologicallypossible for the patient to begin producing
his or her own antibodies after vaccination. This is especially important for patients with
Category III exposures. RIGs have a half-life of approximately 21 days.
a.2 Highly purified antibody antigen binding fragments [F(ab’)2] produced from equine
rabies immune globulin (ERIG) administered at a maximum of 40 IU per kilogrambody
weight. Available preparation is 5 ml/vial; 200 IU/ml
a.3 .Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin(ERIG) derived from purified horse serum administered
at 40 IU per kilogram body weight. Available preparation is 5 ml/vial; 200 IU/ml
25 7
b. Rabies Immunoglobulin Criteria:
To ensure that only safe and efficacious RIG are provided by the National Rabies
Prevention and Control Program to all ABTCs, the program shall be guided by following
criteria in procuring the RIG :
0 ERIG/ F(ab’)2 at 40 IU/kg. body weight (200 IU/ml)
50 kg. patient x 40 IU/kg. = 2000 IU
2000 IU + 200 IU/ml
10 ml.
7? 8
e.4 Administration
0.4. l. The totalcomputed RIG shall be infiltrated around and into the wound as much as
anatomically feasible, even if the lesion has healed. In case some amount of the total
computed dose of RIG is left after all wounds have been infiltrated, the remaining
volume of RIG that is not infiltrated into the wound does not need to be injected IM.
It may be reserved for the next patient who needs RIG, ensuring aseptic retention of
the RIG i.e. fractionated in smaller individual syringes.
c.4.2. A gauge 23 or 24 needle, 1 inch length shall be used for infiltration. Multiple needle
injections into the same wound shall be avoided.
c.4.3 Equine immunoglobulins (ERIG) are clinically equivalent to human rabies
immunoglobulins (HRIG) and are considered safe and efficacious life- and cost-
saving biologics. Skin testing for ERIG is highly recommended.
c.4.4 If a finger or toe needs to be infiltrated, care shall be taken to ensure that blood
circulation is not impaired. Injection of an excessive amount may lead to cyanosis,
swelling and pain.
c.4.5 RIG shall not exceed the computed dose as it may reduce the efficacy of the vaccine.
If the computed dose is insufficient to infiltrate all bite wounds, it may be diluted
with sterile saline 2 or 3-fold for thorough infiltration of all wounds.
c.4.6. RIG shall always be given in combination with rabies vaccine. RIG shall be
administered at the same time as the first dose of rabies vaccine (Day 0). In case RIG
is unavailable on DAY 0, it may still be given until 7 days after the first dose of the
vaccine. Beyond Day 7, regardless of whether day 3 and day 7 doses were received,
RIG is not indicated because an active antibody response to the rabies CCEEV has
already started and interferencebetween active and passive immunization may occur.
c.4.7. In the event that RIG and vaccine cannot be given on the same day, the vaccine shall
be given before RIG because the latter inhibits the level of neutralizing antibodies
induced by immunization.
c.4.8. RIG shall be given only once during the same course of PEP.
c.4.9 All bite centers shall be equipped to handle allergic reactions, should they occur.
c.4. 10. Patient shall be observed for at least one hour after injection of ERIG for immediate
allergic reactions.
c.4.11 Severe adverse events or perceived lower efficacy of RIG (e.g. batches of insufficient
potency or lower purification degree) should be monitored, recorded and reported,
so that biological producers receive immediate feedback and can respond
accordingly. A classification of adverse events is available in Table 6. Post—
marketing surveillance is recommended.
c.5 Management of Adverse Reactions
Adverse reactions shall be managed as follows:
c.5.1 Anaphylaxis
Give 0.1% adrenaline or epinephrine (121,000 or 1mg/ml) underneath the skin or
into the muscle.
Adults - 0.5 ml
Children 0.01ml/kg, maximum of 0.5 ml
0 The public shall be educated in simple local wound treatment and warned not to use
procedures that may further contaminate the wounds (e.g. tandok, bato, rubbing
garlic on the wounds and other non-traditional practices)
c. Vaccination
* For WHO pre-qualified vaccines, the day 28 dose may be omitted following the IPC
Institute Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) Intradermal regimen (2-2-2-0-0)
Pay 0f
. . PVRV PCECV Site ofinjection
DayO 0.5 ml 1.0 ml Left and right deltoids or
anterolateral thigh in infants
Day7 0.5 ml 1.0 ml One deltoid or anterolateral
thigh in infants
Day 21 0.5 ml 1.0 ml One deltoid or anterolateral
thigh in infants
Pay .
.°f PVRV PCECV Site ofinjection
d.1. Pregnancy and infancy shall NOT be contraindications to treatment with purified
d.2. Babies who are born of rabid mothers shall be given rabies vaccination as well as
RIG as early as possible at birth.
d.3. Patients with hematologic conditions where IM injection is contraindicated shall
receive rabies vaccine by ID route.
d.4. Patientswith chronic liver disease and those taking chloroquine, and systemic steroids
shall be given standard IM regimen as the response to ID regimen is not optimum for
these conditions. Vaccination shall not be delayed in these circumstances as it
increases the risk of rabies.
d.5. Immunocompromisedindividuals (such as those with HIV infection, cancer/transplant
patients, patients on immunosuppressivetherapy etc.) shall be given vaccine using
standard IM regimen and RIG for both Category II and III exposures.
d.6. Exposed persons who present for evaluation or treatment weeks or months after the
bite shall be treated as if exposure has occurred recently. However, if the biting
animal has remained healthy and alive with no signs of rabies until 14 days after the
bite, no treatment shall be needed.
d.7. Changes in the human rabies vaccine product and/or the route during the same PEP
course are acceptable, if unavoidable to ensure PEP course completion. Restarting
PEP is not necessary.
d.8. Bites by rodents, guinea pigs and rabbits shall not require rabies post-exposure
d.9. Bites by domestic animals (dog, cat) and livestock (cows, pigs, horses, goats etc) as
well as wild animals (bats, monkeys, etc) shall require PEP.
72/ t
Table 9b. Criteria for high and low risk exposures
Risk of Criteria Recommendation
High Risk ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: Immediately provide the
1.Biting animal cannot be observed, dies booster injections to the
or is sick patient
2. Site of bite is in highly innervated parts Booster doses:
of the body — neck, head, genital area, 0.1 m1 ID at 4 sites on day 0
hands and toes OR
3.Multiple deep bites 0.1 ml ID/IM at 1 site on days
4.Patient is coming from GIDA* areas, 0 and 3
Le. infrequent transportation to and
5.* GIDA — Geographically Isolated and
Disadvantaged areas
Low Risk Last dose of vaccine was within the previous Observe biting animal for 14
3 months AND days.
Biting animal is healthy, owned, kept on a If animal remains healthy,
leash or can be confined and is available for withhold booster dose
1. Biting animal is the same animal that bit
the patient previously OR
2. Biting animal is previously immunized
3. Bite is on the extremities/trunk
e.3. Patients who have previously received complete primary immunization with rabies
vaccine have the advantage that booster doses will rapidly induce a large increase in
antibodyproduction (a “secondary response”). Therefore, there is no need to give RIG.
e.4 Patients who have not completed the primary immunization as described above shall
receive full course including RIG if needed.
f.2.2.1 Dog/cat is healthy and available for observation for 14 days
£2.22. Dog/cat was vaccinated against rabies for the past 2 years:
i. Dog/cat shall be at least 1 year 6 months old and has updated vaccination
certificate from a duly licensed veterinarian for the last 2 years
ii. The last vaccination shall be within the past twelve (12) months, the
immunization status of the dog/cat shall not be considered updated if
the animal is not vaccinated on the due date of the next vaccination
f. 2.3. If the biting animal starts to show signs of rabies, immediately give
vaccine and RIG.
f.2.4. If the biting animal remains to be healthy within 14 days, there is no need to
administer CCEEV against rabies.
7? 16
o Attacking any live or inanimate objects 0 Change in tone of
II. Erratic behavior vocalization/barking (indicative of
Biting or snapping laryngeal/pharyngealparalysis)
Licking 0r chewing of wound/bite site 0 Hypersalivation or frothing ;
If caged, biting of their cage drooling/slobbering of saliva
Wandering and roaming (indicative of laryngeal/pharyngeal
Excitability; paralysis)
Irritability; Dysphagia/difficulty/inability to
Viciousness swallow (indicative of
III. Self—mutilation laryngeal/pharyngealparalysis)
IV. Muscular in-coordination and seizures “Jaw drop”/Dropped jaw due to
V. Disorientation masseter muscle paralysis (suspects
o Roams and bites inanimate object and also foreign body in mouth or
other animals including man esophagus)
Pupil dilation or pupil constriction
Protrusion of third eyelid
Ataxia, progressive paralysis and
cannibalism (terminal stage)
Coma and/0r respiratory paralysis
resulting in death within 2-4 days
D. Pre—exposure Prophylaxis
a. Benefits
The need for passive immunization product (RIG) is eliminated
PET vaccine regimen is reduced from five to two doses
Protection against rabies is possible if PET is delayed
Protection against inadvertent exposure to rabies is possible
The cost of PEP is reduced
b. Target population
Personnel in rabies diagnostic laboratories
Veterinarians and veterinary students
Animal handlers
Health care workersdirectly involved in care of rabies patients
Individuals directly involved in rabies control
Field workers
It is recommendedthat children 2-10 yrs old also be immunized because of the
increased risk and severity of animal bites in this age group
c. Regimen:
Table 11. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Schedule
Regimen Day 0 Day 7 Day Day 0 Day 7 Day
21/28** 21/28**
Intradermal 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml 0.1 ml
(2 doses)
Intramuscular* 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 1.0 ml 1.0 ml 1.0 m1
(1. Routine booster schedule for individual given Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis: (Table 12)
Not all individuals who have completed the PrEP shall receive routine booster doses of
anti- rabies vaccine. Only high risk individuals whose exposures may not be known are
recommended to have routine booster doses.
Table 12. Routine booster Schedule for individuals given Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis
7e 18
E. Management of the Biting Animal
1. The biting animal shall be observed for 14 days. Adequate animal care shall be provided
during the observation period.
3. PEP utilizing non-WHO prequalified vaccine shall be discontinued if the biting animal
remains healthy after the 14—day observation period. If the animal dies or gets sick, the
head shall be submitted to the nearest rabies diagnostic laboratory for testing.
1. Patients needing PEP shall be referred to the nearest Animal Bite Treatment
Center/Animal Bite Clinic where anti-rabies immunizing agents (vaccines and RIG) are
2. The following procedures shall be observed when assessing animal bite patients and
dispensing anti-rabies immunizing agents:
a. Assess the victim thoroughly and record in the Municipal/City/HospitalRabies
Surveillance Form (Facility-based form).
b. Decide whether or not to initiate treatment using the Revised Guidelines on the
Management of Animal Bite Patients as reference.
c. If the situation warrants immunization (Category II and Category III), the patient
shall be given the intradermal regimen. The other approved regimens may be
used if the ID regimen is not feasible
d. If indicated, the patient shall be provided the required dose of passive
immunization products/RIG, if available, preferably ERIG or F(ab’)2.
e. Explain your decision to the patient with particular emphasis on adherence to
treatment schedules, if immunization is indicated.
“7? .9
f. Observe courtesy and tactfulness when dealing with patients particularly among
individuals who need not be immunized.
g. Give advice on the practice of Responsible Pet Ownership.
H. Injection Safety:
A safe injection is defined by the World Health Organization as an injection that:
0 Does not harm the recipient
a Does not expose the health staff to any avoidable risks
0 Does not result in waste that is dangerous to the community.
1. Injection Equipment
b. Auto-Disable (AD) Syringes— are disposable injection devices that are especially
made to prevent re—use and are therefore less likely than standard disposable
syringes to cause person-to-person transmission of blood-borne diseases.
The program recommends that health workers shall use AD syringe in their
respective ABTC.
c. Conventional Syringes— are plastic syringes with steel needles that are provided
usually by the manufacturer in sterile package. The needle may either be fixed to
the syringe when it is produced or attached by the health staffjust before use.
The need to better manage used or contaminated sharps shall be through the use of safety
boxes or sharp containers. These are puncture-resistant containers where used syringes
and needles can be immediately and temporarily stored after use until its final disposal.
3. Waste Disposal
Collector boxes filled with used syringes and needles shall be immediately brought to
its final disposal. The program recommends the following methods of disposal:
0 Use of septic vault
o Pit burial; and
0 Waste treatment and final disposal to landfill
1. Central Office
The Disease Prevention and Control Bureau shall be responsible for procurement,
allocation and distribution of vaccines and RIG and shall augment vaccine requirements
for low — income municipalities with high incidence of rabies.
All DOH Regional Offices shall be given allocation every quarter subject to availability of
the immunological products.