IFS Module 2
IFS Module 2
IFS Module 2
Module 2
Indian Banking System : Introduction, Evolution and History of RBI, Functions/Role of RBI
Monetary Policy in India: Objectives of Monetary Policy, instruments, features.
Role of NBFCs in India
Other Financial Institutions (EXIM Bank, NABARD, SIDBI, SFCs)
• A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public
and creates credit. Due to their importance in the financial stability of
a country, banks are highly regulated in most countries.
Core activities:
a. Acceptance of deposits: Demand deposits, Time deposits
b. Lending of funds
c. Credit Creation
d. Ancillary functions
First Bank of the World:
• The most famous Italian bank was the Medici bank, established by
Giovanni Medici in 1397. The oldest bank still in existence is Banca
Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has
been operating continuously since 1472.
RBI Non-Scheduled
Established in April 1935 under the RESERVE BANK OF INDIA ACT, 1934
Head Quarter – MUMBAI (Maharashtra).
The Reserve Bank of India is the central banking institution of India and controls the
monetary policy of the rupee.
Monetary authority
Developmental role
Related functions
• Issuer of currency
The bank issues and exchanges or destroys currency and
coins not fit for circulation.
The objectives are giving the public adequate supply of
currency of good quality and to provide loans to
commercial banks to maintain or improve the GDP.
The basic objectives of RBI are to issue bank notes, to
maintain the currency and credit system of the country to
utilize it in its best advantage, and to maintain the reserves.
• Issuer of currency
There are 19 issue offices. The currency goes to 4102
currency chests and 3783 coin depots. (Data as of
September, 2016)
• Monetary authority
Main monetary authority of the country.
It formulates, implements and monitors the monetary policy
as well as it has to ensure an adequate flow of credit to
productive sectors.
Objectives are maintaining price stability and ensuring
adequate flow of credit to productive sectors.
The RBI controls the monetary supply, monitors economic
indicators like the gross domestic product and has to
decide the design of the rupee banknotes as well as coins
• Developmental role
The central bank has to perform a wide range of promotional functions to support
national objectives and industries.
The RBI faces a lot of inter-sectoral and local inflation-related problems. Some of
this problems are results of the dominant part of the public sector.
• Related functions
The RBI is also a banker to the government and performs merchant banking
function for the central and the state governments.
Acts as their banker.
There is now an international consensus about the need to focus the tasks of
a central bank upon central banking.
Monetary Policy
• As RBI has to control the money supply in India, it issues
monetary policy. Monetary policy can be classified as:
• Expansion Policy: Increases Money supply in the economy at rapid
• Contraction Policy: Expands Money supply in the economy at slower
Monetary Policy
• Indicators of Monetary Policy
• Other Institutions:
• ECGC – export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
• DICGC – Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
Major Developmental Institutions
Head Office
9 Domestic Offices
Ahmedabad Kolkata
EXIM - Network of 14 Offices in India and Overseas
Milan Budapest
Washington D.C.
NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development
• NABARD was established in July 1982 with an initial capital of Rs.100
• The bank was organized with the basic objective of establishing an apex
institution in the field of agricultural & rural development.
NABARD Consultancy Services (Nabcons) is a wholly owned subsidiary promoted
by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and is engaged in
providing consultancy in all spheres of agriculture, rural development and allied areas.