Java PDF
Java PDF
Java PDF
Overriding methods
Making methods and classes final
Abstract classes and methods
Chapter 4: Exception handling with try-throw-catch-finally constructs
Cloning objects
The JDK LinkedList class
String conversions
Chapter 6: Working with types: Wrapper classes
Enumeration interface
Chapter 7: Packages
Package access
Documentation comments
Chapter 8: Applets
Configuring applets
Applet capabilities and restrictions
Chapter 9: Basics of AWT and Swing
Layout Managers
Event Handling
The Action Listener interface
Classes for various controls, such as label, choice, list,
Checkbox, etc.
Dialogs and frames
Using menus
Using the adapter classes
Chapter 10: Threads
Chapter 11: The I/O Package
Java security
JDBC Product
Types of Drivers
Two-Tier Client/Server Model
Three-Tier Client/Sever Model
Basic Steps of JDBC
Creating and Executing SQL Statement
The Result Set Object
Working with Database MetaData
JavaServer Pages
JSP Technologies
Understanding the Client-Server Model
Understanding Web server software
Configuring the JSP Server
Handling JSP Errors
JSP Translation Time Errors
JSP Request Time Errors
Creating a JSP Error Page
RMI Architecture
Designing RMI application
Executing RMI application
Types of EnterpriseJava beans
Session Bean & Entity Bean
Features of Session Bean
Life-cycle of Stateful Seession Bean
Features of Entity Bean
Life-cycle of Entity Bean
Container-managed Transactions &
Bean-managed Transactions
Implementing a container-manged Entity Bean
What is XML?
XML Syntax Rules
Introduction to the Apache Struts
MVC Architecture
Struts Architecture
How Struts Works?
Introduction to the Struts Controller
Introduction to the Struts Action Class
Using Struts ActionFrom Class
Using Struts HTML Tags
Introduction to Struts Validator Framework
Client Side Address Validation in Struts
Custom Validators Example
Developing Application with Struts Tiles
Introduction to Hibernate 3.0
Hibernate Architecture
First Hibernate Application
Java ME (J2ME) Upgrade for Java Programmers
J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition is an advanced technology in Java,
developed with the help of Java Community Process Program. J2ME is a reduced version of the
Java API and Java Virtual Machine that is designed to operate within the limited resources
available in the embedded computers and microcomputers. J2ME is targeted to developers of
intelligent wireless devices and small computing devices. who need to incorporate cross-
platform functionality in their products. A key benefit of using J2ME is compatibility with all
Java-enabled devices. Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic all have Java-enabled devices. A J2ME
application is a balance between local and server-side processing.
Introduction to J2ME
UI Design
Graphic Design
Data Management and Application Development
Assignment and hands on live projects.
Training concepts
Understand the differences between J2ME and other versions of Java, namely J2SE (standard
client-side Java), and J2EE (enterprise Java).
Understand the environments, and their limitations, in which J2ME runs.
J2ME components:
KVM - CLDC - MIDP Personal Java Overview of profile system Architecture and Midlets.
Understand & Create Midlets (Applets for Mobile Devices). Deploy and test Midlets. Differences
between J2ME environments
MIDP 2.0
Mobile information device profile Creating MIDP applications Midlet suites Midlet
Graphical User Interfaces with MIDP Displays, Commands, Pointers, Screens Animations
and drawing
Threading and Synchronization
Threading Creating Threads in Java Synchronization
J2ME Capabilities