Vampire Hunter D PDF
Vampire Hunter D PDF
Vampire Hunter D PDF
Wesley Schneider
3 N
Author • F. Wesley Schneider
Creative Design Director • Sarah E. Robinson
Development Lead • Amanda Hamon Kunz
Editors • Judy Bauer, Christopher Carey, Lyz Liddell,
and Jessica L. Price
This book refers to several other Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products. These additional
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complete rules of these books available online for free at
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Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: The World of Vampire Hunter D © 2016, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo
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Mystery and terror once again shroud the world. To most of
the superstitious occupants of Frontier villages, the shape of
the continents and the details of the past are more legend
than fact. But some things are known, whether they be
truths of the land or cause for constant dread.
The Frontier: In some places a wasteland, in others a
recovering wasteland, the Frontier sprawls in vast reaches
between the densest holdings of the Nobility and truly wild
lands. Humans, beasts, mutants, and true monsters inhabit
sweeping territories, or “sectors,” all seeking to establish
some sort of order or vicious dominance. In some places,
blessed by fertility or secrecy, rise small human settlements
where ranchers, miners, tradespeople, and the like eke out
hardscrabble lives. Peace is fragile, and the people’s fears
countless. As a result, most Frontier folk prove superstitious
and suspicious. But when faced with threats beyond rifle
shots or mob justice, fear spawns desperate pragmatism,
and the opportunity for hunters to earn their wage.
The Nobility: Vampires. None can truly say for how long
they’ve manipulated humanity, their bloodlines stretching
back to a mythic era and a single progenitor: the Sacred
Ancestor. For millennia vampires have ruled the world. In
the modern age, though, most have withdrawn to somber
sanctuary-palaces, struggling to distract themselves from THE PATHFINDER RPG
immortal ennui. Of these beings, the purebloods are the IN 12,090 AD
most powerful, vampires born of two vampire parents. Pathfinder RPG The World of Vampire Hunter D presents a
Humans transformed into vampires prove deadly as well, host of character options and a miniature campaign world,
though they lack many of the powers of true Nobles. Rarest together providing players and Game Masters what they
of Noble blood are the dhampirs, children born of vampire need to run Pathfinder RPG adventures in the dark science-
and human. In all these forms, the Nobility are in decline, fantasy future of 12,090 ad.
but still their power proves so great that even a mention For players, the heart of this experience is the new vampire
sows rightful terror. hunter class, starting on page 6. Even for non-hunters,
Magic: Science and magic merge in the year 12,090 ad. The though, new races, character options, and equipment allow
difference between occultism and unfathomable technology any character to steep themselves in the desperate power
blurs to the point of meaningless semantics. Plasma and stark menace of a world struggling to be reborn.
cannons and cyborg horses stand alongside telepathic For Game Masters, a primer on the ravaged world of
powers and monstrous transformations, their origins just 12,090 ad, new vampiric threats, and suggestions on how
as often in the distant past as in the modern laboratories to reinterpret existing Pathfinder RPG rules provide the
of the Nobility. Such wonders almost always come with a groundwork for grim adventures or a whole campaign set in
price, and few who hope to master the playthings of Nobles, the vampire-scarred Frontier. The short adventure “Requiem
ancients, or gods remain unchanged—if they survive at all. for Fallen Stars,” on page 24, also provides GMs with
The Hunters: When unnatural threats rear their heads, challenges to confound their new vampire stalking heroes
most humans know they stand little chance against such and might serve as a springboard to all manner of future
terrors. Rare are those few who refuse to tremble in the face adventures and nightmares.
of monsters. Employing clever weaponry and time-tested The future has become a mysterious, deadly place. As a
fighting arts, hunters—or bounty hunters—specialize in result, Game Masters should feel free to weave their own
avenging humanity against the horrors of the Frontier. locations, characters, and plots into the world, populating
Behemoth hunters, werewolf hunters, and myriad others the Frontier as they please. For more inspiration and
earn their wages stalking supernatural beasts in the employ guidance, look no further than Hideyuki Kikuchi’s Vampire
of desperate communities. Those who survive might make Hunter D novels, the anime classics Vampire Hunter D and
names for themselves, becoming fearful legends in their own Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, or, most recently, Stranger
rights, but most don’t survive. Yet even among hunters, there Comics and Unified Pictures’s Vampire Hunter D: Message
are some who pursue quarries so deadly that no others would from Mars comic.
accept such suicidal contracts. These are the vampire hunters.
umanity’s ruin left a cavity in the world. From that want to create their own bizarre characters should work with
void, vampires emerged once more, but they were their GM to see if they should play a character built using the
not alone. Whether from laboratories of occult mutant rules on page 180 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 or the
science or pits of prehistory, other beings rose and spread race builder rules in Chapter 4 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced
across the world. Some of these are monstrous beings that Race Guide.
prey upon weaker races. Others merely seek some measure of Cyborgs: Part machine and part biological creature,
peace in the violent world. Still others pursue a grim destiny, cyborgs are just one of the Nobility’s countless scientific
acting without choice but as blood and honor demand. marvels. To play humanoid cyborgs, use the android race
Genetics and sorcery have warped the world, and as a presented on page 19 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5.
result, nearly any race from the Pathfinder RPG could find Demons: The denizens of terrifying realms beyond,
a place within. An elf or dwarf might hail from a secret demons range from monstrous beings to the inheritors of
community where a vampire overlord sought to genetically fiendish blood. While true demons are too powerful and
engineer a new strain of humanity. A half-orc, halfling, or horrifying to make appropriate characters, those who have
gnome could merely be some form of mutant. With the diluted their otherworldly essences with mortal blood make
abundance of ancient magic, abandoned technology, and fine choices. Tieflings, presented and detailed on pages
radioactive energies in the Frontier come equally abundant 168–173 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide, provide a
explanations for how such beings came to exist in the world. perfect option for playing beings of fiendish origins.
Many of the most noteworthy and outlandish races Dhampirs: The accursed spawn of humans and vampires,
inhabiting the world of 12,090 ad can easily be recreated dhampirs have many of the powers and vulnerabilities of
using Pathfinder RPG rules, as described here. vampirekind. Dhampirs are presented and detailed on
Bio-Men and Mutants: Beings genetically enhanced by pages 96–101 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide.
the Nobility or the results of radiation-saturated evolution, Humans: Although they lack supernatural powers,
bio-men and mutants take a variety of forms. Some might humans have great tenacity and resilience, which other
appear human but have incredible abilities or lifespans, while races typically underestimate. Humans are detailed in the
others are more akin to monsters. In any case, a wide swath Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and expanded upon on pages
of Pathfinder races could be recast as mutants. Players who 70–76 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide.
The half-living children of vampires and humans, dhampirs Few souls pursue the path of the vampire hunter without
are the descendants of terror. The circumstances of a some significant, and often tragic, motivation. The following
dhampir’s conception are mysterious and often tragic, as traits provide minor benefits for characters who embrace
few mortals survive birthing such a child. Regardless, the such haunted backgrounds.
resulting individuals appear as cold but comely beings with More information about character traits can be found on
the passion and beating hearts of the living, but the savage page 326 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide.
hunger of the dead. Dhampirs live and die just like any other Keep in mind that a player cannot select more than one trait
mortal creatures, despite having a supernatural longevity from the same list for a single PC.
akin to that of the Pathfinder RPG’s elves. Many dhampirs Dark Honor (Combat): You don’t get a choice. You were
align themselves with their Noble parents, embracing the born into this world to end vampires. This destiny shackles
heritage of domination they view as their birthright. Not all you even as it drives you to pursue your next quarry. You can
dhampirs are born of the same stock, though. Some hold use this trait’s benefit once per day when you take damage
claim to a legacy of bloodshed and power that makes them that would reduce you to negative hit points. If you would
legendary even among the dead. be reduced to a total of negative hit points that is less than
A player can choose the sacred ancestry heritage or equal to your total Hit Dice, you are instead reduced to
described below for his dhampir character. This heritage 0 hit points.
presents alternate skill modifiers from those described in Vampire Victim (Social): You personally bear the scars
the dhampir’s manipulative racial trait, an alternate spell- of an attack by vampires or their minions. The marks of your
like ability, and an alternate weakness from that described tragedies drive you on toward a lethal rematch. You gain a
in the dhampir’s light sensitivity racial trait. +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when
Additional dhampir heritages are presented on pages using these skills to learn about a vampire from another
240–241 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races and living creature. The creature you’re dealing with must be
may also be appropriate for characters in 12,090 ad. able to see your physical scars for this bonus to apply.
Vengeance Seeker (Combat): Your family, home, town,
SACRED ANCESTRY or the like was destroyed by the acts of vampires. Now you
Dhampirs descended from the Vampire King are rare in hunt them for revenge. Once per day, when you are damaged
the extreme. Incredibly beautiful but strikingly grim shades by an adjacent undead creature, you can immediately make
that straddle the line between humanity and vampirekind, an attack of opportunity against the creature that damaged
sacred ancestry dhampirs are often single-minded you with a +4 trait bonus on the attack roll.
loners intent on a specific goal. This ancestry should be
considered exceptionally rare, and players and GMs should
work together to explain why a character possesses such a the limits of nature. However, doing so comes at a
remarkable legacy. How the dhampir came into being, his significant price. A human with this trait gains a +3 racial
relationship to the Vampire King, and which secrets of the bonus to Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength. However, the
past he does or doesn’t remember should all be considered character’s biology is now more susceptible to chemicals,
during character creation. causing her to take a –2 penalty on Fortitude saving throws
Alternate Skill Modifiers: Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility). against poison. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to
Alternate Spell-Like Ability: true strike. any one ability score and the bonus feat racial trait.
Alternate Weakness: Sacred ancestry dhampirs take a –1 Frontier Survivor: Many humans raised on the Frontier
penalty on saving throws against spells of the illusion school. live in the shadow of fallen wonders and steel ruins.
While few can hope to recreate the marvels of ages past,
HUMANS: SURVIVING 12,090 AD many have become adept at salvaging what they can and
To endure ages of predation and slavery, humanity has repurposing it in basic, life-prolonging ways. Humans
had to evolve. While most remain of similar stock to their with this trait gain the Technologist feat, which grants
ancestors, some—by fate or design—are pushed beyond them understanding of technological subjects (Pathfinder
natural limits. Alchemy, mutation, vampire eugenics, and Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 7). Additionally, they gain
worse have left their mark, but humans have learned how a +2 racial bonus on Survival checks in the ruins of cities.
to turn such ordeals to their benefit. Those who wish to play This racial trait replaces skilled.
such a remarkable human can select one or more options History of Terrors: Some humans break when faced with
from the following alternate racial traits instead of existing relentless horror, while others grow to accept it and inure
human racial traits. themselves against the nightmares of their world. Humans
Additional alternate racial traits for humans can be found with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws to
on page 72 of Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide. resist mind-affecting effects. The bonus increases to +4 if
Alchemically Enhanced: Some humans use alchemical the effect is also a fear effect. This racial trait replaces the
or scientific enhancements to push their bodies beyond skilled trait.
ot all beings who stalk the night hunt mortal
prey. Out of honor, desperation, or tragic need, a
vampire hunter pits his abilities not just against
the creatures of the night, but also their terrifying undead
overlords: vampires. Most vampire hunters do not survive
their first encounters with vampirekind, as no amount of
study or training can truly prepare one to face the Nobles
of the night. Those few who survive and force themselves
to carry on grow more and more like their terrible quarry,
becoming dark-garbed bringers of death, feared by the dead
and the living alike. Vampire hunters approach their duties
with a grim but ironclad resolve so strong it resembles
ecclesiastical faith, and it is from this mysterious, selfless
dedication that their divine power wells.
Role: Vampire hunters obsessively stalk their quarry—
not just vampirekind, but all those supernatural beasts and
undead terrors that serve the Nobility. These champions
of the living track their blasphemous prey, learn their
weaknesses, and bring them low. Doing so requires more
than training and guile, though. To stand against the
darkness, vampire hunters adopt a measure of their foes’
unnatural power, turning vampirekind’s sinister might back
against them. Vampire hunters are the vanguard in the battle
against evil, but know to value the perspective, support, and
magic of other expert adventurers.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8.
Starting Wealth: 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp).
The vampire hunter’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (geography)
(Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int),
Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis),
and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
The following are the class features of the vampire hunter.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A vampire hunter is
proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as light
armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Detect Undead (Sp): At will, a vampire hunter can use
detect undead, as the spell. A vampire hunter can, as a move
action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60
feet and determine if it is undead, learning the strength of
its aura as if he had studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing
on one individual or object, the vampire hunter does not
detect undead in any other object or individual within range.
Technique Feat: Due to the inherent deadliness of
hunting vampires, the methods and traditions of vampire
Attack Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +1 +0 +2 +2 Detect undead, technique feat, — — — —
track, vampiric focus
2nd +2 +0 +3 +3 Relentless — — — —
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Technique feat — — — —
4th +4 +1 +4 +4 Stake 0 — — —
5th +5 +1 +4 +4 Relentless band 1 — — —
6th +6/+1 +2 +5 +5 Technique feat 1 — — —
7th +7/+2 +2 +5 +5 Vampire tracker 1 0 — —
8th +8/+3 +2 +6 +6 Second vampiric focus 1 1 — —
9th +9/+4 +3 +6 +6 Technique feat 2 1 — —
10th +10/+5 +3 +7 +7 Swift tracker 2 1 0 —
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +7 +7 Vampire bane 2 1 1 —
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +8 +8 Technique feat 2 2 1 —
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +8 +8 Remove vampirism 3 2 1 0
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +9 +9 Quarry 3 2 1 1
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +9 +9 Technique feat 3 2 2 1
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +10 +10 Third vampiric focus 3 3 2 1
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Critical reflexes 4 3 2 1
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Technique feat 4 3 2 2
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Improved quarry 4 3 3 2
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Master vampire hunter 4 4 3 3
hunters are rare and little understood. This often makes below. Each vampiric focus grants the vampire hunter a
vampire hunters just as feared as the undead they hunt. As bonus or special ability. Once this decision is made, the
vampire hunters study and train, they develop their skills, vampire hunter cannot change which vampiric focus he
mastering ancient fighting techniques and drawing upon knows. At 8th and 16th level, the vampire hunter learns an
mystical arts feared by both the living and the dead. additional vampiric focus.
At 1st level, a vampire hunter gains a bonus feat. This As a swift action, the vampire hunter can activate his
new feat can be selected from either those listed as combat vampiric focus. Ending the vampiric focus is a free action.
feats or as vampire hunting technique feats (see page 14). A He can use each vampiric focus for a number of minutes
vampire hunter must meet the prerequisites for these feats per day equal to his level. This duration does not need to be
to select them. The vampire hunter gains an additional consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.
bonus feat at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter. Once the vampire hunter ends a focus, it cannot be
Upon reaching 6th level, and every six levels thereafter reactivated for 1 minute. The vampire hunter can have only
(12th and 18th), a vampire hunter can choose to learn a new one vampiric focus active at a time. Benefits from different
combat or technique feat in place of a combat or technique vampiric foci do not stack with one another, including
feat he has already learned. In effect, the vampire hunter temporary hit points from multiple foci.
loses the old feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat Vampiric Agility: All of the vampire hunter’s movement
cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another speeds are increased by 5 feet. At 8th level, his movement
feat, prestige class, or another ability the vampire hunter speeds are increased by 10 feet and he gains evasion, as the
knows. A vampire hunter can exchange only one feat at any rogue class feature. At 16th level, the vampire hunter gains
given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat improved evasion, as the rogue advanced talent.
at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level. Vampiric Call: The vampire hunter summons base
Track (Ex): A vampire hunter adds half his level to Survival creatures of the night—bats, rats, insects, and the like—to
skill checks to follow tracks. swarm around him. These creatures provide a measure of
Vampiric Focus (Su): A vampire hunter knows the sinister defense against damage, granting the vampire hunter a
power of the undead. Through discipline and precision, number of temporary hit points equal to his level. At 8th
he can temporarily turn the unholy powers of the undead level, he also gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC. At 16th level,
against them. the deflection bonus increases to +4.
At 1st level, the vampire hunter must select one common Vampiric Cunning: The vampire hunter gains a bonus on
vampiric power to mimic from the vampiric foci listed Perception and Stealth checks equal to half his level. At 8th
TABLE 1–2: level, he can move at his normal speed while using Stealth
VAMPIRE HUNTER SPELLS KNOWN with no penalty. At 16th level, the vampire hunter can use
Stealth while charging (but not while making any other
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th attack); when charging (and only when charging), he can
1st — — — — attempt a Stealth check even if he lacks cover relative to
2nd — — — — his target.
3rd — — — — Vampiric Heart: The vampire hunter gains energy
4th 2 — — — resistance equal to half his level against cold and electricity.
5th 3 — — — Additionally, the vampire hunter’s heartbeat is undetectable.
6th 4 — — — Any ability that detects or identifies the living, such as the
7th 4 2 — — lifesense ability, does not perceive him. At 16th level, once per
8th 4 3 — — day when reduced to 0 or fewer hit points while this focus is
9th 4 4 — — activated, the vampire hunter immediately turns gaseous (as
10th 5 4 2 — the spell gaseous form) for up to a number of rounds equal to
11th 5 4 3 — half his level and he gains a number of temporary hit points
12th 5 4 4 — equal to half his level. The vampire hunter can leave gaseous
13th 5 5 4 2 form at any time without losing these temporary hit points.
14th 6 5 4 3 This effect ends after these rounds have elapsed, after the
15th 6 5 4 4 vampire hunter loses the temporary hit points, or once this
16th 6 5 5 4 focus is no longer active, at which point the vampire hunter
17th 6 6 5 4 immediately becomes corporeal and loses these temporary
18th 6 6 5 4 hit points. If he has not received healing in the interim, this
19th 6 6 5 5 returns the vampire hunter to the number of hit points he
20th 6 6 6 5 had after the attack or effect that triggered this ability.
Vampiric Might: The vampire hunter gains a +2 ALTERNATE CLASSES
enhancement bonus to Strength and his weapons are always Although the vampire hunter is a standalone base class, it
treated as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage takes mechanical inspiration from several existing Pathfinder
reduction. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at RPG base classes, including the hunter, inquisitor, paladin,
16th level. and slayer. While a character can multiclass with these
Vampiric Momentum: The vampire hunter is treated as related classes, some (particularly hunter and slayer, and
being under the effects of the spell feather fall. At 8th level, their ranger parent class) grant redundant abilities, and
he is also affected as if by the spell spider climb and can those abilities don’t stack. All the information required to
move normally through difficult terrain. At 16th level, he play a vampire hunter is presented here, with the exception
is treated as being under the effects of the spell freedom of of the inquisitor spell list, which can be found on page 42
movement, and can use up to two consecutive move actions of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide or online at
in the same turn to cross areas of open air or calm water
(or similar substances) as if they were solid ground, though
the vampire hunter must begin and end this movement
on solid ground. This allows the vampire hunter to cross
water, open air, lava (though he takes fire damage as normal throw, he can use this ability again the following day. The
if not immune), and the like without falling or sinking. DC of the Fortitude saving throw increases by 2 for every
Vampiric Presence: The vampire hunter gains a +2 additional day the vampire hunter has been traveling for
enhancement bonus to Charisma. At 8th level, this bonus more than 8 hours. The vampire hunter does not need to
increases to +4, and he can cast charm person as a spell-like attempt a separate saving throw for his mount. After the
ability a number of times per day equal to his adjusted vampire hunter rests for 24 hours, the saving throw DC
Charisma modifier. At 16th level, the enhancement bonus to resets to 15.
Charisma increases to +6, and the vampire hunter can cast Stake (Su): At 4th level, any piercing weapon or sharp
dominate person as a spell-like ability a number of times per tool (such as a piton) a vampire hunter drives through a
day equal to his adjusted Charisma modifier. The vampire vampire’s heart is treated as a wooden stake for purposes
hunter treats his level as his caster level when using the of creatures who are vulnerable to them. If this improvised
spell-like abilities this ability grants. stake is removed, the vampire returns to life as normal.
Vampiric Resilience: The vampire hunter gains protection Spells: At 4th level, a vampire hunter gains the ability
against energy drain. Each time this vampiric focus is to cast a small number of divine spells drawn from the
activated, the first two times he would gain a negative level, inquisitor spell list (see page 42 of the Pathfinder RPG
he instead does not. At 8th level, the first four times he Advanced Player’s Guide). He can cast any spell he knows
would gain a negative level while this focus is activated, he at any time without preparing it ahead of time, assuming
does not. At 16th level, the first six times he would gain a he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for
negative level while this focus is activated, he does not gain the spell’s level. A vampire hunter cannot cast inquisitor
any negative levels. orisons or inquisitor spells that are higher than 4th level
Vampiric Resolve: The vampire hunter gains a +2 bonus using this class feature.
on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. If he To learn or cast a spell, a vampire hunter must have a
has already been affected by a mind-affecting effect when Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The
he activates this focus, he can immediately reroll his saving Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a vampire
throw against that effect with a bonus equal to half his hunter’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the vampire hunter’s
vampire hunter level. At 16th level, he is immune to mind- Wisdom modifier.
affecting effects. A vampire hunter can cast can a certain number of spells
Vampiric Sight: The vampire hunter gains darkvision to of each spell level each day. His base daily spell allotment is
a range of 60 feet (if he already has darkvision, its range given on Table 1–1: Vampire Hunter. In addition, he receives
increases by 30 feet). At 8th level, the range of the vampire bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score (see
hunter’s darkvision increases by 30 feet. At 16th level, the Table 1–3: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells on page 17 of
vampire hunter also gains blindsense to a range of 30 feet. the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). When Table 1–1: Vampire
Relentless (Ex): At 2nd level, a vampire hunter can travel Hunter indicates that vampire hunter can cast 0 spells per
for an extended period of time without rest. The vampire day of a given spell level, he can cast the number of bonus
hunter (and his mount, if he has one) can walk 16 hours in spells per day he would be entitled to based on his Wisdom
a day of travel without it being considered a forced march score for that spell level.
(see page 171 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), but at the A vampire hunter’s selection of spells is limited. At 4th
end of that day, he must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving level, a vampire hunter knows two 1st-level spells of the
throw. If he fails, he can travel for 8 hours the following vampire hunter’s choice. At each new vampire hunter level,
day, and he (as well as his mount, if he has one) is fatigued he gains one or more new spells as indicated on Table 1–2:
for the following 24 hours. If he succeeds at the saving Vampire Hunter Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the
number of spells a vampire hunter knows is not affected by vampire hunter’s class level + the vampire hunter’s Charisma
his Wisdom score. The numbers on Table 1–2 are fixed.) modifier). On a failed save, the vampire is repulsed and must
Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third vampire stay a number of feet from the vampire hunter equal to 5
hunter level thereafter (7th and 13th), a vampire hunter times the vampire hunter’s Charisma modifier. Additionally,
can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already a vampire repulsed in this way cannot touch or make melee
knows. In effect, the vampire hunter “loses” the old spell in attacks against the vampire hunter (although the vampire
exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the can still touch and make melee attacks against the vampire
same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at hunter’s allies as normal). A vampire continues to be repulsed
least one level lower than the highest-level spell he can cast. for every round the vampire hunter spends presenting a holy
The vampire hunter can swap out a single spell at any given symbol (a standard action), though it can attempt a new Will
level and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at save every round to overcome its revulsion and act normally.
the same time that he gains new spells known for the level. The vampire hunter can use any holy symbol to repulse
Relentless Band (Ex): At 5th level, a vampire hunter’s a vampire, but for the purposes of this ability, the vampire
resolve infects his traveling companions, increasing how hunter treats his Charisma modifier as being 2 higher when
many hours the group can spend traveling in a day. Every he employs the symbol of the deity he worships.
day the vampire hunter can allow a number of companions Remove Vampirism (Su): At 13th level, the vampire hunter
equal to half his level (plus their mounts) to also benefit can prevent a creature killed by a vampire from returning to
from his relentless ability. The vampire hunter rolls saving life as a vampire itself. By spending 10 minutes and dousing a
throws to determine whether the group can carry on in its body with a vial of holy water, the vampire hunter removes the
extended travels. infection of vampirism from a creature slain by a vampire’s
Vampire Tracker (Ex): At 7th level, the vampire hunter can blood drain or energy drain ability, preventing it from rising
track gaseous creatures—such as vampires flying or moving as a vampire spawn via a vampire’s create spawn ability. This
in gaseous form—as though they were leaving physical effect cannot be undone with any magic weaker than a miracle
tracks. The base DC of Survival checks to track gaseous or wish. If the corpse is returned to life and subsequently
creatures is 20. The modifiers for surfaces don’t apply (as a killed by a vampire again might it become a vampire spawn.
gaseous creature leaves no impressions during its passage) Quarry (Ex): At 14th level, as a standard action a vampire
but other conditions do (see page 107 of the Pathfinder RPG hunter can denote one target within his line of sight that
Core Rulebook). he knows is undead as his quarry. Whenever he is following
Swift Tracker (Ex): At 10th level, a vampire hunter can the tracks of his quarry, a vampire hunter can take 10 on his
move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without
tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. He takes a –10 penalty. In addition, he gains a +2 insight bonus on attack
penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up to rolls against his quarry, and all critical threats against his
twice normal speed while tracking. quarry are automatically confirmed. A vampire hunter can
Vampire Bane (Su): At 11th level, a vampire hunter can have no more than one quarry at a time. He can dismiss this
intensify a vampire’s revulsion to strongly presented holy effect at any time as a free action, but he cannot select a new
symbols. When a vampire hunter uses a standard action quarry for 24 hours. If the vampire hunter sees proof that his
to confront a vampire with a presented holy symbol, the quarry is dead or (somehow) was not actually undead, he can
vampire must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + the select a new quarry after 1 hour.
Critical Reflexes (Su): At 17th level, upon confirming a Improved Quarry (Ex): At 19th level, the vampire hunter’s
critical hit against an undead creature, the vampire hunter ability to hunt his undead quarry improves. He can now
can attempt a special combat maneuver check to produce select a quarry as a free action, and can now take 20 while
an item and immediately use it upon that foe. The vampire using Survival to track his quarry while moving at normal
hunter decides whether or not to use this ability after speed, without penalty. His insight bonus to attack his
dealing additional damage for his critical hit. At that point, quarry increases to +4. If his quarry is killed or dismissed, he
he can attempt a combat maneuver check against the target’s can select a new one after 10 minutes have passed.
CMD (the target is denied its Dexterity modifier to resist Master Vampire Hunter (Ex): At 20th level, the vampire
this attack). If the vampire hunter succeeds, he produces a hunter becomes the bane of the undead. As a standard
piece of equipment he has on his person and immediately action, he can make a single attack against his undead
uses that item upon the target creature. This ability does not quarry at his full attack bonus while choosing one of the
provoke an attack of opportunity. following effects: destroy, stake, or paralyze for 2d6 rounds.
Items used in this manner are typically alchemical If the attack hits, the target takes damage normally and must
items, such as acid or holy water. Items that require attacks succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or suffer the additional
against the target automatically hit and deal damage as effect. The DC for this save is 10 + 1/2 the vampire hunter’s
normal (potentially to the vampire hunter, as well, if the level + the vampire hunter’s Wisdom modifier. Whether or
item affects an area). Items that would have no direct effect not the attack succeeds, the creature cannot be targeted by
against the target (such as a fishing hook or a lantern) or that this ability again (by any vampire hunter) for 24 hours.
require another combat maneuver to use (such as a rope or If the vampire hunter chooses to destroy the target, the
manacles) cannot be used as part of this ability. Other melee target is killed. If the target is a vampire, it does not assume
and ranged weapons cannot be used with this ability (with gaseous form, and its healing powers do not come into
the exception of using a stake against a vampire; see below). effect; it is destroyed outright. If the vampire hunter chooses
This ability can be used against incorporeal creatures. to stake his target, the target is killed if it’s a non-vampire. If
If the target creature is a vampire and the vampire it’s a vampire (or similar creature affected by having a stake
hunter has a wooden stake in his possession (or a similar driven through its heart) it is killed, but returns to life if the
item affected by his stake ability), he can drive the stake stake is removed. The vampire hunter can use his 4th-level
through the vampire’s heart as though it were helpless, stake ability to employ any piercing weapon or sharp tool as
slaying it immediately (see pages 270–271 of the Pathfinder though it were a wooden stake.
RPG Bestiary). If the creature is not a vampire, this attempt Additionally, at 20th level, each day when the vampire
fails at the last moment; the vampire hunter realizes that hunter regains his spells per day, he chooses one vampiric
the target is not a vampire. A vampire hunter cannot drive a focus to be active on himself for the entire day. This focus is
stake through the heart of a non-vampire using this ability. in addition to uses of his vampiric focus class ability.
n eternal war rages between the living and the ARCHETYPES
creatures of the night. While the Pathfinder With a few adjustments, some Pathfinder RPG classes readily
Roleplaying Game presents dozens of playable mimic noteworthy characters and monster-hunting traditions
character classes that focus on classic fantasy tropes, not from the Frontier. The following archetypes represent iconic
all of these heroic archetypes have appeared in the tales of concepts from the world of Vampire Hunter D.
Vampire Hunter D. But, it’s easy to find room on the Frontier
for any sort of character you want to play. LYCANTHROPE HUNTER (RANGER)
Alchemists, Bards, Rogues: Likely hailing from human Lycanthropes, most notably werewolves, instill singular dread
settlements, members of these classes might be hucksters, in the stories and fears of the Frontier’s peoples. While most
leaders, local experts, showmen, or snake oil sellers. In any simply pray that they’ll never encounter such bloodthirsty
case, on the Frontier, those with wit and a quick tongue can beasts, others hone their skills and sharpen silver blades,
always find ways to win a meal and a few coins. preparing themselves to hunt the most savage of quarries.
Barbarians, Fighters, Monks: Most of the Frontier’s Shapechanger’s Bane (Ex): At 1st level, a lycanthrope hunter
deadliest monsters take more than a bullet to put down. As gains the following benefits against creatures with the animal
a result, the need for skilled martial experts remains as high type as well as creatures with the shapechanger subtype. The
as ever, especially among the ranks of bounty hunters and lycanthrope hunter gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge,
Frontier law enforcement. Mutants and brigands can also Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks when dealing
rarely afford reliable ranged weapons, and so they master with these creatures, and a +2 bonus on weapon attack and
trustworthy hand-to-hand techniques, whether employing damage rolls against them. Additionally, a lycanthrope
bare fists or archaic blades. hunter can attempt Knowledge skill checks untrained when
Cavaliers, Paladins, Vigilantes: Lonely, driven souls attempting to identify these creatures.
honor-bound to do good in the world are rarities in the At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the lycanthrope hunter’s
Frontier, but have the potential to become true heroes. bonuses against animals and shapechangers increase by 2
While questing knights are as likely to wield laser weapons (maximum bonus of +10 at 20th level).
as swords in 12,090 ad, their place—and their need—is no This ability replaces favored enemy.
less real. Anathema (Su): At 5th level, a lycanthrope hunter can spend
Clerics, Druids, Oracles: The role of religion is somewhat a swift action to temporarily alter the makeup of the weapons
occluded in 12,090 ad. While many villagers cleave to old he wields. While this ability is active, all of the lycanthrope
superstitions and symbolism, priests are few and faith hunter’s weapons (including natural weapons) function as if
is constantly tested. However, the Frontier is a place of they were made of a single special material of his choosing
miracles, and nothing’s to say a rare, singular character (such as alchemical silver). The weapons gain no special
might not be the prophet of a new faith. benefits associated with being made from that material except
Gunslingers, Rangers: These classes are perfectly suited for the ability to overcome particular damage reductions.
for adventuring upon the Frontier. Gunslingers readily The lycanthrope hunter can use this ability for a number of
use the tools of the distant future to their advantage, and, minutes per day equal to his ranger level. This duration does
when combined with the technological tools in Pathfinder not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide, mesh seamlessly into increments. Melee weapons that leave the lycanthrope
the tales of 12,090 ad. Rangers, with their skill as trackers, hunter’s possession are no longer affected while this ability
bounty hunters, and slayers of nightmare foes, likewise make is active, although ranged weapons that are shot or thrown
excellent heroes for the Frontier and might have reputations by the lycanthrope hunter are still affected. The lycanthrope
that precede them in their travels. hunter can end this effect as a free action.
Sorcerers, Wizards, Occult Spellcasters: The Nobility are At 10th level, the lycanthrope hunter can select a second
no strangers to the arcane arts. While none would share such special material that his weapons mimic, and his weapons
secrets with humanity, ages of bargains and experiments count as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage
with fiends have resulted in some magically tainted human reduction while this ability is active. At 15th level, the
bloodlines. As a result, magic might be a birthright for some lycanthrope hunter gains a +4 bonus to confirm critical
characters, while others might have uncovered repositories hits against animals and shapechangers. At 20th level, the
of vampiric lore and now turn that lore against their former lycanthrope hunter automatically confirms critical threats
masters. Additionally, with their connections to spirits and the against animals and shapechangers.
realm of the mind, the occult classes from Pathfinder RPG Occult Forced Form (Su): At 8th level, upon confirming a critical
Adventures work exceptionally well in the world of 12,090 ad. hit against an opponent, a lycanthrope hunter can force
that opponent to attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + FRIENDS + FOES ON THE FRONTIER
the lycanthrope hunter’s level + the lycanthrope hunter’s Hundreds of strange beings populate the world of 12,090
Charisma modifier). If the creature fails and it has the ad. Some of the most noteworthy might be emulated
shapechanger subtype or is under the effect of any polymorph using statistics from Pathfinder’s various Bestiaries. A few
effect, it immediately reverts to its natural form. If it is already noteworthy examples include the following.
in its natural and unaltered form, this ability has no effect. Cyborg Horses: Cyborg steeds prove sturdier and less
This ability replaces swift tracker. squeamish than natural horses, while requiring less care. As
a result, many travelers—particularly hunters—make use of
SPIRIT FUSE (SPIRITUALIST) cyborg horses, which share stats with the clockwork steeds
Through deep meditative practices and by injecting a from Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4. A typical cyborg horse costs
concoction of hallucinogens and deadly poisons, some 29,000 gp.
spiritualists discover a way to unmoor their own souls from Vampires: The Nobility are beings of unimaginable power.
the confines of their bodies. These spiritualists’ phantoms While it’s possible to create relatively low-level vampiric
are representations of themselves, manifestations of the threats using the Pathfinder RPG rules, such weak vampires
one foot they already have in the grave. In times of extreme might represent recently turned vampires. True Nobles
need, though, such a spiritualist may take the next step, should exhibit incredible powers capable of challenging
freeing her soul almost entirely from the fragility of flesh whole groups of high-level heroes. The mythic vampire
and bone, invigorating a phantom to lash out with volleys of presented in Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures possesses
ectoplasmic force. a host of abilities appropriate for a true Noble, though even
Unbound Spirit (Su): At 3rd level, a spirit fuse can fuel the then such vampire overlords often possess the powers of
link between herself and her phantom with her own spirit, master fighters, sorcerers, swashbucklers or even occult
lengthening the distance by which they can be separated. When classes like kineticists or psychics.
a phantom moves beyond the ranges described in the etheric Zombies: Vampires might create these near-mindless
tether ability, the spirit fuse can sacrifice 1 hit point to keep the slaves by draining the life from a victim. Rather than
phantom stable for 1 round without any special concentration shambling hordes, though, the zombies of 12,090 ad are
or action. The phantom can operate at any distance from the more akin to the vampire spawn presented in the Pathfinder
spirit fuse, so long as she spends 1 hit point each round to RPG Bestiary, though they lack the dominate, fast healing,
maintain their connection. If the spirit fuse chooses not to and gaseous form abilities. When using its create spawn
spend 1 hit point, the effects of etheric tether apply as normal. ability, a vampire can create this sort of zombie. The creature
At 12th level, whenever the spirit fuse’s phantom is more rises from the dead in 1 hour and works to fulfill one simple
than 50 feet away from her but is within 30 feet of one or command, implanted in the remnants of its mind at the time
more allies, those allies each receive a +2 shield bonus to of its creation. Zombies do not count against the number of
their Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on saving spawn a vampire can control.
throws. This bonus increases to +4 on saving throws against
mind-affecting effects. This bonus doesn’t apply if the
phantom is unconscious. Spirit Ray (Su): When a spirit fuse reaches 17th level, her
This ability replaces bonded manifestation and greater phantom can channel the spirit fuse’s essence into a soul-
spiritual interference. shattering blast of spirit energy. As a standard action that
Spirit Burst (Su): When a spirit fuse reaches 5th level, her does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the phantom can
phantom can draw upon the spirit fuse’s essence to release project a 50-foot line of vibrant energy. All creatures in
wild volleys of ectoplasmic force. As a standard action that the line take an amount of damage equal to the phantom’s
does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the phantom can Charisma modifier plus 1d6 points per spirit fuse level.
unleash a burst of spiritual energy that affects all creatures Spirits unmoored from physical bodies—incorporeal
within 10 feet of it. Creatures in the area take damage as if the undead, other phantoms, and the like—take half again as
phantom had hit them with a slam attack (roll once for damage much damage. Targets that succeed at a Will saving throw
regardless of how many creatures are affected). Targets that take half damage (DC = 10 + 1/2 the phantom’s Hit Dice + the
succeed at a Will saving throw take half damage (DC = 10 + 1/2 phantom’s Charisma modifier). However, using this attack
the phantom’s Hit Dice + the phantom’s Charisma modifier). causes the spirit fuse to take an amount of unavoidable
Using this attack causes the spirit fuse to take an damage equal to the phantom’s level and dazes her for
unavoidable amount of damage equal to the phantom’s level a number of rounds equal to the number of creatures
and dazes her for 1 round. This damage and the dazed effect damaged. This damage and the dazed effect is not reduced
is not reduced by any damage reduction or other mitigating by any damage reduction or other mitigating effects. This
effects. This ability is a force effect. ability is a force effect.
The spirit fuse can use this ability a number of times per The spirit fuse can use this ability a number of times per day
day equal to her phantom’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). equal to 3 + her phantom’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
This ability replaces detect undead. This ability replaces dual bond.
he most effective vampire hunters are masters of
weapons and magic, but know that even with such
skills, they are innately weaker than their deathless
foes. To stand a chance against the lords of the undead,
vampire hunters have passed down secret fighting arts and
magical techniques—tricks and tactics meant to give future
hunters a chance of defeating their deadly quarry. In truth,
though, there are no sure things or foolproof vampire-
slaying methods. Rather, there are techniques that have
worked, and vampire hunters use these tools in the hope
that they might work again.
At their most basic level, vampire hunter technique feats
are a mixture of fighting methods, disciplines, and stories
passed down by vampire hunters successful enough to
share their methods. Some are known battle tactics that
fighters the world over have shared. Others meld magic
and finesse to grant mortals an edge over the undead. The
most dangerous invite the corruption of the undead into
the hunter, allowing him to turn vampires’ powers and tools
against them. The strangest rely on mysteries of the old
world and possibly even those beyond to confound creatures
who think themselves immortal.
Vampire hunter technique feats can only be accessed by
members of the vampire hunter class or those who have the
Vampire Hunter Tradition feat (or a similar ability). Unless
such a feat specifically says otherwise, other characters
cannot choose these feats, even if they meet the prerequisites.
Vampire hunter technique feats are those found in the
following section and are listed with the word “technique”
after their name. Prerequisites with asterisks beside them
refer to other feats in this section.
Prerequisite: Cha 14. RESOLUTE STEED (TECHNIQUE)
Benefit: Mindless undead with total Hit Dice equal to Your boldness inspires even your mount to feats of bravery.
or less than your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier are Prerequisite: Handle Animal 5 ranks.
vulnerable to your class abilities, skills, and spells that Benefit: Choose an animal you can ride as a mount and
cause the frightened, panicked, and shaken conditions. that you have ridden for a total of more than 1 hour at any
This includes the Intimidate skill, which you can use to prior time. While you are riding it, this creature gains a +4
demoralize affected mindless undead. morale bonus on saving throws against fear and emotion
effects and is unaffected by the effects of creatures’ unnatural
EXTENDED VAMPIRIC FOCUS (TECHNIQUE) auras. In addition, while you are riding it, the DC to push
You can employ vampiric prowess for a longer period. that animal with the Handle Animal skill does not increase
Prerequisite: Vampiric focus class feature. if it is wounded or has taken any nonlethal damage or ability
Benefit: Add your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to the score damage. You can change the animal that receives these
number of minutes per day that you can use your vampiric effects, but only once per week.
focus ability.
KNOW MASTER (TECHNIQUE) Your holy water washes away falsehoods.
You recognize the telltale signs of undead overlords among Prerequisites: Blessed Waters*, base attack bonus +9.
their slaves. Benefit: Holy water you create through the use of the
Benefit: You can spend 1 minute examining the remains of Blessed Waters feat can foil shapeshifters and those affected
an undead creature you destroyed within the last hour. Upon by deceptive magic. Any creature that takes damage from
doing so, you can attempt a Perception check with a DC equal or that is within the splash radius of holy water you both
to 15 + the undead creature’s Hit Dice. If you succeed, you created and threw is compelled to revert to its true form.
know how the undead was created—through a spell, the create This affects beings affected by transmutation magic (such
spawn ability, spontaneous generation, or another origin. as alter self or gaseous form), by deceptive illusions (such as
Special: If you have the Vampire Scholar feat, you might disguise self or invisibility), or by similar effects (at the GM’s
also recognize some sign of a destroyed undead being’s discretion). This ability can even affect creatures using
creator. If you determine that the undead creature was created supernatural abilities, such as the change shape ability or
by a vampire, you can immediately make use of your Vampire a vampire’s gaseous form, though you take a –5 penalty on
Scholar feat (see page 16)to determine who created it. your dispel checks when attempting to dispel such abilities.
In general, any ability or spell that changes one creature into
LIBERATING CRITICAL (TECHNIQUE) another or makes a creature look like something other than
Your jarring blows can cleanse your enemies’ minds of itself (or nothing at all) is affected.
supernatural control. An affected creature is subject to a dispel magic spell,
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +9. targeting only these effects. If the creature is affected by magic
Benefit: When you score a critical hit against an opponent, that affects multiple creatures, the dispelling effect affects
you can use a swift action to cast dispel magic (using your only the magic working upon that creature (not the entire
total Hit Dice as your caster level) to target mind-affecting spell). If the creature is not affected by a shape- changing
effects currently affecting that opponent. You do not need ability or spell, the holy water affects it as normal. Unless your
to be aware of whether or not your opponent is currently holy water provokes a transformation, this ability grants no
being affected by such an effect. While the intention of this insight into whether or not a creature is a shapeshifter.
effect is to liberate mentally dominated individuals from
their masters, all mind-affecting effects can be dispelled, SOURED SOUL (TECHNIQUE)
including beneficial ones opponents might have cast on Your loathing of the undead is so great that your very essence
themselves. This effect functions like dispel magic in that is anathema to such creatures.
it targets all mind-affecting effects influencing the target, Benefit: Any creature that drains your vitality through
starting with the highest caster level, and ends when you the use of an ability like blood drain, energy drain, any
successfully dispel one or fail to dispel them all. ability score drain, or a similar effect must immediately
attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + your total HD
LOCKED WILL (TECHNIQUE) + your Charisma modifier) after its ability affects you. If the
Once you’ve escaped from psychological shackles, you’re creature fails, it is nauseated for a number of rounds equal
nearly impossible to fetter again. to half your total Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Prerequisite: Wis 14. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist spells such as magic jar, possession, and other abilities being
mind-affecting effects. Additionally, after failing a saving used to possess your body, such as a ghost or dybbuk’s
throw against a mind-affecting effect you gain a +10 bonus malevolence supernatural ability. This does not apply to
on saving throws to resist that same mind-affecting effect mind-affecting effects—only to abilities wherein a creature
for the next 24 hours. tries to enter and control your body.
You know the legends of vampire-kind, both those that are You could be the scion or reincarnation of a legendary
tales and those that are histories. figure; your appearance suggests you’re a close relative (even
Benefit: You gain Knowledge (history) and Knowledge if you aren’t).
(nobility) as class skills. Additionally, you can use Knowledge Prerequisite: Cha 15.
(nobility) to recall the lore of all known vampires, their Benefit: You share a strong resemblances with an
lands, their servants, and similar specific lore surrounding individual of renown. The similarity is not so strong that
them. In general, the DC to know about specific vampires is you’re indistinguishable from that being, but none can
equal to 15 + the vampire’s Hit Dice. The GM might rule that doubt the resemblance. When you employ the Intimidate
some vampires are particularly secretive or that knowledge skill to influence or demoralize members of the same race
about them is particularly well known, and may adjustment as you, you gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on
this DC as she sees fit. the check. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge
checks related to this figure and on Disguise checks to
GENERAL FEATS impersonate this individual.
The following feats are commonly associated with hunters Special: For the purposes of mixed-blood races, such as
and those otherwise connected to the Nobility, but they are aasimars, dhampirs, and tieflings, this feat’s effects apply to
not themselves vampire hunting technique feats. both of your parent races.
You stand out among the crowd, possessing a singular,
A relentless sun beats down across the Frontier, as the
enticing bearing.
world’s natural protection from its angry glare was sheared
Prerequisite: Cha 13.
away by ages of radioactive violence. While most peoples do
Benefit: Some exceptional combination of your features
all they can to protect themselves from the light and heat,
and comportment enthralls those around you. You gain a +2
many denizens of the night are particularly vulnerable to the
bonus on Diplomacy checks when engaging with creatures
sun’s brutal rays—vampires in particular. While the Nobility’s
that might find your race attractive (regardless of gender).
half-blood scions aren’t physically burned by the sun,
If you are a dhampir, this means most humanoids, with
dhampirs have their own unique, antagonistic relationship
some additions or exceptions at the GM’s discretion (upon
with the sun. Those forced to brave the vicious daylight
taking this feat, work with the GM to decide 5 to 10 races or
call such overexposure either sunlight syndrome or heat
types of creatures that find you attractive). Additionally, the
syndrome. While the most tenacious pit their resolve against
first time each day that you use Intimidate against such an
the tyrannical sun, few can weather its assault for long.
individual to force him to act friendly toward you, he does
A character vulnerable to sunlight syndrome—typically
not treat you as unfriendly afterward (though he still does if
a member of a race with light sensitivity—must attempt a
you use Intimidate against him again during the same day).
DC 20 Fortitude saving throw at the end of any day during
The effects of this feat do not have to be entirely based off
which he spent more than 1 hour exposed to the Frontier’s
your physical appearance, though you should have a sense of
sunlight. Mundane gear such as a sun sensitivity outfit
what about you others find remarkable.
(see page 21) does not spare a character from needing
to attempt this saving throw. If the character succeeds,
CRESCENT BLADE DERVISH (COMBAT) he faces no ill effects. If the character fails, he must
In the thick of battle, your crescent blades spin in arcs of
choose one of the following results: he gains the fatigued
glittering death, striking faster than the eye can follow.
condition until he spends 12 hours resting in an area of
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Exotic
dim light or darkness, or he gains 1 sunlight syndrome
Weapon Proficiency (crescent blade), base attack bonus +2.
point. If the character gains a sunlight syndrome point,
Benefit: When you wield a crescent blade and you threaten
he takes no immediate ill effects, but he takes a –2
three or more opponents, you gain one additional attack at
penalty on saving throws against sunlight syndrome for
your highest base attack bonus. (See page 20 for details on
as long as he has 1 or more sunlight syndrome points.
crescent blades.)
A character can have multiple sunlight syndrome points,
Special: You can use Crescent Blade Dervish in
the penalties of which stack. One sunlight syndrome point
conjunction with the Whirlwind Attack feat. In such a case,
can be removed by spending 12 hours resting in an area
you can attack every foe you threaten, plus an additional foe
of dim light or darkness. Building up sunlight syndrome
of your choosing a second time.
points represents the character’s resolve in facing the
uncomfortable light, but also his growing discomfort—
CRESCENT BLADE MASTER (COMBAT) which can prove dangerous.
You have perfected the use of crescent blades, gaining a
If a character gains a number of sunlight syndrome
deadly control to which few have ever aspired.
points equal to his Constitution modifier, he risks being
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
overwhelmed. Anytime the character gains the dazzled
(crescent blade).
condition as a result of bright light, he must attempt an
Benefit: You do not take a penalty on attack rolls when
immediate DC 30 Fortitude saving throw. The penalties
wielding a crescent blade. Additionally, you treat crescent
imposed by sunlight syndrome points apply to this saving
blades as if they had the disarm and trip qualities. (See page
throw. If he fails, he is immediately fatigued. This condition
20 for details on crescent blades.)
lasts until the character spends 24 hours unconscious in an
Normal: Crescent blades impose a –2 penalty on attack rolls.
area of dim light or darkness with at least two-thirds of his
body buried in cool earth, rocks, or sand. The character is
VAMPIRE HUNTER TRADITION helpless during this time. At the end of this period, all of the
You were raised surrounded by the stories and tools of
character’s sunlight syndrome points are removed.
vampire hunters—and somehow survived to put them to use.
Which characters or races are vulnerable to sunlight
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) and
syndrome varies from game to game. At the GM’s discretion,
Knowledge (religion) checks to know about vampires—either
sunlight syndrome might be a new, added vulnerability of
specific individuals or their general abilities. Additionally,
dhampirs who travel the Frontier. Alternatively, it might be
you can choose vampire hunter technique feats as though you
a drawback that grants a character an additional trait (see
had trained in the vampire hunter class.
page 64 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign for details
Special: If you have the Vampire Scholar* feat, you also
on drawbacks.) GMs should work with players to decide
gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks to know
whether or not sunlight syndrome features in their game.
about vampires.
bizarre race of unknown origins, countenanced benefits of this feat and all other abilities that have this feat
carbuncles are sentient, parasitic tumors that as a prerequisite.
grant their hosts bizarre powers in return for
protection and life force. These beings are rare and elusive HAND’S AUTONOMY
in the extreme. They can merge with their host’s body and The countenanced carbuncle inhabiting your body can act
disappear within a larger being entirely. When necessary, a independently.
carbuncle can reveal itself, looking like nothing so much as Prerequisite: Countenanced Carbuncle*.
a small, sneering face upon its host’s flesh. A countenanced Benefit: You reduce the penalties for fighting with two
carbuncle has a personality all its own and can communicate weapons (including fighting with double weapons or when
both vocally and mentally with its host, though it has no throwing weapons from each hand) by 2, to a minimum
special control over the being it occupies. penalty of –1. This benefit stacks with the Two-Weapon
While countenanced carbuncles can be represented in Fighting feat. When you are asleep, paralyzed, stunned, or
games as their own distinct creatures, these parasitic beings unconscious, your countenanced carbuncle can still use
prefer to work cooperatively. As a result, the Countenanced your hand to act on your behalf in a limited fashion. The
Carbuncle feat replicates a helpful symbiosis with such carbuncle uses your statistics when performing any action
creatures. Characters who choose this feat gain access to in this manner. It can’t take attacks of opportunity, but
range of these parasites’ other abilities, represented here can draw attacks of opportunity from actions it takes. The
as additional feats. Players may choose to create their own carbuncle can perform the following actions each turn on
personalities, histories, and objectives for the countenanced your initiative count.
carbuncle they host, or not, at their discretion. • The carbuncle can retrieve or pick up an item or weapon
Countenanced carbuncles never leave a living host as a standard action.
willingly. Game Masters who have need for a lone • The carbuncle can attempt any of the following skill
countenanced carbuncle’s statistics might make use of the checks at a –4 penalty: Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal,
stat block for a boilborn, found on page 22 of Pathfinder Sleight of Hand, or Use Magic Device.
RPG Bestiary 4, albeit without any special abilities. • The carbuncle can knock you prone as a free action, and
Players, however, do not have control over when or how a drag you while you’re prone at a speed of 5 feet as a full-
countenanced carbuncle might extract itself from a host. round action.
Prerequisites that are marked with an asterisk refer to • The carbuncle can perform any other action appropriate
feats in this section. for a hand and an arm, such as pouring a held potion into
your mouth or awakening you from a sleep spell.
COUNTENANCED CARBUNCLE • The carbuncle can make a single melee or ranged attack
You’ve made a peaceful and permanent bargain with a with a light or one-handed weapon as a full-round action.
parasitic creature known as a countenanced carbuncle. The Special: If you have this feat and the hand that hosts your
being now inhabits your body, aiding you as best it can. countenanced carbuncle is severed from your body, the hand
Benefit: The countenanced carbuncle helps you in crawls back toward your body at a rate of 5 feet per round.
numerous ways, but its periodic, uncontrolled antics Upon reaching your body it seamlessly reattaches itself.
are distracting; you take a permanent –2 penalty on
concentration checks once you gain this feat. HAND’S KNOWLEDGE
Your countenanced carbuncle manifests as a small, Your connection to the memories of the countenanced
unsettling face upon your palm. You gain a +1 insight carbuncle occupying your body deepens.
bonus on attack and damage rolls for attacks you make Prerequisite: Countenanced Carbuncle*.
with a one-handed weapon, a light weapon, an unarmed Benefit: Select one Knowledge skill; this skill becomes a
strike, or a natural attack using that hand. You also gain a class skill for you. Additionally, select one of the following
+1 insight bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand skills: Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal, Sleight of Hand,
checks. Once per day as a swift action, you can retrieve or Use Magic Device. This skill becomes a class skill for
any stowed object you carry on your person, provided the you and you can attempt checks with the skill untrained.
object weighs no more than 5 pounds. Once per day as a swift action, you can gain a bonus to any
Special: If the hand that hosts your countenanced of the above skill checks equal to half your character level
carbuncle is severed from your body, you lose access to the (minimum 1).
HAND’S HUNGER Special: If you have the Hand’s Autonomy feat, the
Your countenanced carbuncle has strange hungers, and can countenanced carbuncle may use the abilities of the Hand’s
draw that which it desires near. Hunger feat even if you are unconscious.
Prerequisite: Countenanced Carbuncle*.
Benefit: When the hand occupied by your countenanced HAND’S SPACE
carbuncle is empty, the parasite can create a vortex that Your countenanced carbuncle can swallow small objects,
affects one creature or object within 15 feet, potentially holding them until later.
drawing it closer to you (ultimately into the countenanced Prerequisites: Countenanced Carbuncle*, Hand’s Hunger*.
carbuncle’s grip or mouth). This ability is a full-round action Benefit: As a swift action, you can make your countenanced
and can be employed a number of times per day equal to carbuncle swallow any single object that weighs 2 pounds or
your Constitution modifier. To affect a creature, roll a d20 less (as long as it is not bigger than Fine). This object vanishes
and add your combat maneuver bonus. If the result exceeds into a pocket dimension accessible only by the carbuncle.
the creature’s CMD, it is dragged 5 feet closer to you. The You can have your carbuncle regurgitate the item back into
creature is dragged an additional 5 feet closer for every your hand at any point by using another swift action. A
5 points by which your result exceeds its CMD. Creatures countenanced carbuncle cannot swallow any creature (living
cannot be dragged into your space, but if your combat or otherwise) or other extra-dimensional space.
maneuver check would result in them being pulled closer to
you than possible (if, for example, they were 10 feet away and HUNGER FOR MAGIC
this effect pulls them 15 feet toward you), your countenanced Your countenanced carbuncle can open its mouth and suck
carbuncle can bite them. This does not require an attack in magical effects.
roll; the carbuncle automatically deals 1d4 points of damage. Prerequisites: Countenanced Carbuncle*, Hand’s Hunger*,
The carbuncle can only bite as part of this ability and cannot base attack bonus +11.
otherwise attack. Benefit: Once per day, as a standard action, you can cast
Unattended objects can also be pulled immediately to dispel magic with a caster level equal to your total Hit Dice. If
your hand from anywhere within range, so long as the item you successfully dispel a spell or other effect, you instantly
weighs 10 pounds or less. Small flames—such as those on heal a number of hit points equal to the level of the spell or
candles or uncovered lanterns—are extinguished if they effect you dispelled as your countenanced carbuncle sucks
are targeted. in and devours the magical effect.
hough few remember the Additionally, upon successfully
ancient peoples who created striking a Large or smaller creature,
them, the weapons and tools of the wielder can expend 1 charge to cause
a thousand extinct cultures can still be found the whip to split into a net-like mass of fibers
across the Frontier. While some might be relics of that surround and entangle the target. The wielder
ages past, most are modern reproductions, the work must spend an additional charge every round to
of tinkers striving to reproduce ancient techniques maintain this entangling effect. The entangled
and technologies they little understand. creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and
Innumerable currencies exchange hands a –4 penalty to Dexterity, can move at only half
upon the Frontier, but coins are most speed, and cannot charge or run. The wielder
frequently used. Among the most valuable can control the trailing whip by succeeding at
are 5,000-dala coins and 1,000-dala coins, but an opposed Strength check while holding it,
lesser varieties exist. A single dala coin equates and the entangled creature can move only within
to 1 gold piece. the limits that the whip allows. If the entangled
The following provides a sample of items that creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at
might be found on the Frontier. Some are technological in a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level or it
nature and make use of the rules presented in Pathfinder is unable to cast the spell. An entangled creature can escape
Campaign Setting: Technology Guide. As such the weapons with a successful DC 25 Escape Artist check (a full-round
below are presented in the same style as those in that book. action). The whip’s fibers have 10 hit points, but these heal to
full hit points every round. They can be burst with a successful
WEAPONS DC 30 Strength check (also a full-round action) or disrupted by
Whether practical tools for self-defense or devastating any effect that interrupts or shuts off a technological device.
atrocities of war, all manner of weapons might be found The entangling effect ends if the whip runs out of charges. The
upon the Frontier. While some hunters rely on technological whip cannot deal damage while entangling a creature.
marvels stolen from the Nobility, others put their trust in
the reliable steel of ages past. GEAR AND MAGIC ITEMS
For the residents of the Frontier some miraculous items
have become everyday conveniences, but others are still the
10 GP stuff of legend.
Type light melee Proficiency exotic (crescent blade)
Dmg (M) 1d4 slash. Dmg (S) 1d3 slash. Critical 19–20/×2
Range 10 ft. Special performance Weight 2 lbs. AZURE PENDANT LESSER ARTIFACT
Crescent blades look similar to foot-wide pendulum scythes CL 18th Slot neck Weight —
attached to a short cord or chain. These spinning blades are Aura strong abjuration
exceptionally challenging to use, causing the wielder to take Talismans of unknown origins, the relics simply known as
a –2 penalty on attack rolls. However, due to their speed and azure pendants produce a subtle energy field that alerts the
flexibility, they grant wielders a +2 bonus on attack rolls (instead wearer to danger and disrupts both magic and technology. The
of the penalty) when making attacks of opportunity provoked field grants the wearer a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws.
by movement. Additionally, once per day as a swift action, the wearer can
raise a protective field centered on herself. This emanation
functions as the spells antimagic field and antitech field
2,000 GP (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 8) and lasts
Type one-handed melee Proficiency exotic (whip) for up to 18 rounds. While active, the pendant glows with
Dmg (M) 1d3 slash. Dmg (S) 1d2 slash. Critical ×2 dim light. The field can be dismissed at any time, but can be
Capacity 10 Usage 1 charge/rd. Weight 2 lbs. activated only once per day.
Special disarm, nonlethal, performance, reach, touch DESTRUCTION
A tracker’s whip is a technological weapon that looks and An azure pendant has hardness 10 and 25 hit points, but its hit
functions like a normal whip, albeit with a few subtle buttons points replenish to full every round. It can be destroyed only if
upon the grip. The wielder can expend 1 charge to make the it takes damage from both a technological and a magical source
whip deal lethal damage for that round. in the same round.
created by this candle does count as daylight when it comes
ESSENCE OF NIGHT to interacting with creatures that are damaged or destroyed by
Price 150 GP Weight — such light. A vampire cannot be destroyed by this light, but it
Drinking the cold, oily draught in this vial suppresses the effects can be staggered, as per its normal sunlight vulnerability.
of the light sensitivity racial trait for 10 minutes. Additionally, 1 A time-bewitching candle can burn for 10 minutes. It can
sunlight syndrome point is removed, if the drinker has any (see be lit and snuffed repeatedly, but must be used in 1-minute
page 17). Essence of night can remove only 1 sunlight syndrome increments. If the candle is taken to another world or a plane
point per day, no matter how many flasks a character might drink. with no sun, its effects employ the position of the sun on the
Essence of night is an alchemical item with a Craft DC of 25. world where it was created.
Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, deeper darkness
Price 300 GP Weight 5 lbs. OTHER TECHNOLOGY
Dhampirs and other races sensitive to glaring light know a unique The ruins of a highly technological nightmare utopia cover
hell when traveling under the sun’s vicious rays. To protect against the world. Gene manipulation, alien science, phenomenal
the painful light, members of these races often shield themselves energy sources, and scientific advances beyond imagining all
with some combination of heavy cloaks, gloves, tinted glasses, lie ground into the dust. An age of miracles has been lost, but
screening salves, and—most importantly—wide-brimmed hats. A even the shadows of miracles remain wondrous. While few
sun sensitivity outfit prevents creatures with light sensitivity from among the Nobility and far fewer humans can aspire to the
being dazzled when walking, traveling, or otherwise performing marvels of past, many have learned to repair and mimic simple
simple acts in areas of bright natural light. Acclimating to the light devices. Players and Game Masters who wish to highlight
still requires a moment of adjustment, so even when wearing the technology of 12,090 ad in their games should check out
this outfit, creatures with light sensitivity are dazzled for 1 minute the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide. Characters
after entering an area of bright sunlight. Violent activity such as could discover the majority of the weapons, tools, cybernetics,
combat (or any other act that might jostle the wearer’s hat) also pharmaceuticals, and other equipment therein. Details on
counters the outfit’s effectiveness, causing the wearer to be timeworn technology, radiation, technological artifacts, and
subject to light sensitivity as normal. A sun sensitivity outfit offers the like provide invaluable tools for GMs, not to mention
no protection against magical light, such as the spell daylight. springboards for plots featuring bloodthirsty science.
In most places on the Frontier, technology is uncomplicated
and provides simple conveniences—lighting, engines, electric
22,500 GP fences, and so on. Technological weapons are rare and often
CL 10th Slot — Weight 1 lb. cobbled together from scrap. As a result, such items exhibit
Aura moderate evocation [darkness, light] occasional glitches (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology
This thick taper sits upon an ornate, covered candleholder. A Guide 55). Some shops might sell a few technological items,
heavy gray incense that smells of thick dust and ammonia but their selections are typically limited to four or five cheap
threads its way through the candle, smoking faintly as the items chosen by the GM (and that feel right for the setting).
wick burns. The effects of a time-bewitching candle change Technological items costing more than 50,000 gp are almost
depending on the time of day and the position of the sun. If never found for sale. These wonders are typically found in
the candle is lit while the sun is in the sky, the candle creates the hands of the Nobility’s servants or in ancient laboratory-
an effect similar to the spell deeper darkness. If the candle is lit crypts. Nearly any mechanical marvel could be unearthed,
while the sun is not in the sky, it creates an effect similar to the though. With all the world’s mysteries, there are more reasons
spell daylight. In both cases, the candle’s emanation extends in for why a specific piece of technological gear could be found
a 15-foot radius. Unlike the spell daylight, the daylight effect on the Frontier than why it couldn’t.
umanity has not been the only victim of the Nobility’s things don’t harm the stellar vampire—they merely keep it at
experiments over the ages. For all their racial bay. A recoiling stellar vampire must stay at least 5 feet away
arrogance, mighty vampires have never been above from the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make
toying with the genetic potential of their own kind. One rare melee attacks against the mirror or the creature presenting the
result, discovered by the vampire inhabitants of Mars, had the holy symbol. Holding a stellar vampire at bay takes a standard
ability to not just withstand the searing radiation of the sun, action. After 1 round, a stellar vampire can attempt a DC 25 Will
but also twist that stellar power to unnatural ends. save each round to overcome its revulsion of the object and
The following rules create an entirely new breed of function normally that round.
vampire: the stellar vampire. Stellar vampires have much in Stellar vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling
common with traditional vampires, but their abilities more unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.
closely reflect their exposure to the Nobility’s powerful Reducing a stellar vampire’s hit points to 0 or lower
experimentations. Statistics for one stellar vampire, a incapacitates it but doesn’t always destroy it (see fast healing).
ravenous creature named Dellik Pavaris, appear on page 27. However, certain attacks can slay stellar vampires. Submerging
one in water (running or otherwise) staggers it on the first round
CREATING A STELLAR VAMPIRE of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive
“Stellar vampire” is an acquired template that can be added round of exposure if it doesn’t escape. Driving a wooden stake
to any living creature with 5 or more Hit Dice (referred to through a helpless stellar vampire’s heart instantly slays it (this
hereafter as the base creature). Most stellar vampires were is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake
once humanoids, fey, or monstrous humanoids. A stellar is removed, unless its head is severed and anointed with holy
vampire uses the base creature’s statistics and special abilities water. Direct sunlight doesn’t harm a stellar vampire.
except as noted here. Speed: Same as the base creature. If the base creature has
CR: Base creature’s CR + 2. a swim speed, the stellar vampire is not harmed by water.
Alignment: Any evil. Melee: A stellar vampire gains a slam attack if the base
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). creature didn’t have one. Damage for the slam depends on
Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, base attack bonus, or saves. the stellar vampire’s size (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 302). Its slam
Senses: A stellar vampire gains darkvision with a range also causes vitality drain (see below). Its natural weapons are
of 60 feet. treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by 6. damage reduction.
Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class HD are Special Attacks: A stellar vampire gains several special
unaffected. As undead, stellar vampires use their Charisma attacks. The save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 the stellar vampire’s
modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution). HD + its Charisma modifier unless otherwise noted.
Defensive Abilities: A stellar vampire gains channel Blood Drain (Su): A stellar vampire can suck blood from a
resistance +4, DR 10/magic, fast healing 5, and immunity to pinned opponent; if the vampire establishes or maintains a
fire and electricity, in addition to all of the defensive abilities pin, it can drain blood as a move action, dealing 1d4 points
granted by the undead type. A stellar vampire also gains the of Constitution damage. The vampire heals 5 hit points or
following defensive ability. gains 5 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour (up to a
Desperate Retreat (Su): If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, maximum number of temporary hit points equal to its full
a stellar vampire assumes energy form and must attempt to normal hit points) each round it drains blood.
either escape or avenge itself (see the energy form special quality Create Spawn (Su): A stellar vampire can create spawn out
below). It must reach an area exposed to powerful nonmagical of those it slays with its blood drain attack or its natural
energy or nonmagical natural light within 2 hours or be utterly weapons (this includes creatures killed by damage from its
destroyed. While at rest in such an area, the stellar vampire is vitality drain special attack). The slain creature must be of
helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, at which point it the same creature type as the stellar vampire’s base creature
is no longer helpless and its fast healing resumes. As long as type. The victim rises from death as a vampire spawn in
it remains in the area of nonmagical energy or bright light, 1d4 days. This vampire is under the command of the stellar
its fast healing is doubled as described in the energy vampire vampire that created it, and remains enslaved until its
special quality. Assuming energy form in this way does not master’s destruction. A stellar vampire can have a number
count against the stellar vampire’s daily uses of energy form. of enslaved spawn totaling no more than double its own
Weaknesses: A stellar vampire gains weaknesses as described Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit
below. Stellar vampires cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic become free-willed undead. A stellar vampire can free an
and will not enter an area laced with it. Similarly, they recoil enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once
from mirrors and strongly presented holy symbols. These freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.
Dominate (Su): A stellar vampire can crush a humanoid Alternatively, the stellar vampire can shoot forth to strike
opponent’s will as a standard action. Anyone the stellar vampire one opponent within 30 feet. If it does so, that single opponent
targets with this ability must succeed at a Will saving throw or takes a number of points of electricity damage equal to 1d6
fall instantly under the stellar vampire’s influence, as though per Hit Die the stellar vampire has (maximum 20d6) and is
by a dominate person spell (CL 12th). The ability has a range of stunned for 1 round (a successful Reflex saving throw, with
30 feet. At the GM’s discretion, some stellar vampires might be the same DC as noted above, halves the damage and negates
able to affect different creature types with this power. the stunned effect). The stellar vampire’s movement ends
Energy Form (Su): A stellar vampire can transform into a after making this attack and it regains its form adjacent to
bolt of crackling energy and move over a certain distance. the creature it damaged. It is still at 0 hit points and helpless.
The stellar vampire can move in a line up to a number of feet Vital Feed (Sp): A stellar vampire surges with energy after
equal to 5 feet per Hit Die it has. It can pass through creatures draining vitality from another creature. The round immediately
when it moves this way; each creature through which it passes after it inflicts a negative level with its vitality drain, a stellar
takes electricity damage equal to 1d6 per 2 Hit Dice the stellar vampire can use one of the following as a spell-like ability: daylight,
vampire has (maximum 10d6 at 20th level). Creatures that daze monster, displacement, levitate, resist energy, or shatter. The stellar
succeed at a Reflex saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the stellar vampire uses these abilities at caster level 5th or its normal caster
vampire’s HD + its Charisma modifier) take half the normal level, whichever is higher. The stellar vampire can use this ability
damage. The stellar vampire can move in any direction (even only on its next turn after it has inflicted a negative level.
as if flying or swimming, if it has the appropriate movement Vitality Drain (Su): A creature hit by a stellar vampire’s slam
speed), but it must end its movement in an unoccupied (or other natural weapon) gains one negative level and takes
square. The stellar vampire can’t use this ability to move a number of points of electricity damage equal to 1d6 per
through solid objects, but it can pass through any gap the size 4 Hit Dice the stellar vampire has (maximum 5d6 at 20th
of a keyhole or larger, though any object surrounding the gap level). Inflicting negative levels triggers only once per round,
(such as a door) takes the electricity damage described above regardless of the number of attacks a stellar vampire makes,
(no saving throw) if the damage overcomes its hardness. but the electricity damage applies to every attack.
After using this ability to move, the stellar vampire Special Qualities: A stellar vampire gains the following.
immediately regains its normal form. The stellar vampire Energy Vampire (Su): A stellar vampire’s fast healing doubles
does not provoke attack of opportunities when using this while in direct nonmagical sunlight or another area flooded
ability or regaining its form afterward. with nonmagical energy (like the interior of a bonfire or a
A stellar vampire can use this ability a number of times nuclear reactor). Bright light, such as from a daylight spell,
per day equal to 3 + the stellar vampire’s Charisma modifier. does not activate this ability.
Using this ability is a full-round action for stellar vampires Shadowless (Ex): A stellar vampire casts no shadows and
with fewer than 10 Hit Dice, or a move action for stellar shows no reflection in a mirror.
vampires with 10 or more Hit Dice. Spider Climb (Ex): A stellar vampire can climb sheer surfaces
When a stellar vampire assumes its energy form due to its as though under the effects of a spider climb spell.
desperate retreat defensive ability, it is restricted in its use of Ability Scores: Str +4, Dex +6, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +2. As an
this ability. In this case, it has two options. undead creature, a stellar vampire has no Constitution score.
Its first option is to move up to a number of feet equal to 15 Skills: Stellar vampires gain a +8 racial bonus on Intimidate,
feet per HD it has. It can change its direction up to three times Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks.
while moving in this way, but no more, and it regains its form Feats: Stellar vampires gain Agile Maneuvers, Combat
only once it ends this movement. It can’t move through spaces Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness,
occupied by creatures or deal damage while moving in this way. and Weapon Finesse as bonus feats.
he townsfolk of Coeverlan know bad omens, and a doors throughout the ship are sealed shut and are utterly
star falling from the sky number among the worst. impassable. Anyone trained in Knowledge (engineering)
When a star falls and crashes into a nearby forest, or Disable Device realizes that only severing the computer
though, that’s not an omen—that’s a curse. All the people of core from the ship in area 1 can allow the doors to open.
Coeverlan know the tale of the star that died in the Labrinta Otherwise, a successful DC 10 Intelligence check is required
Woods, and they’ve duly avoided the place for generations. But to deduce this information.
in recent weeks a violet fire has raged in the accursed forest,
mutants have started harassing travelers on the western road, 1. ANCIENT DEFENSES (CR 10)
and two youngsters have gone missing. Whatever wickedness As the PCs approach this area, the violet light that illuminates
has slept in Labrinta has awakened. Desperate to calm her much of the ship intensifies. Any creatures who enter area 1
people’s fears, Sheriff Aldeere of Coeverlan has offered a bounty must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be dazzled for as
for information about the so-called Labrinta Lights. More long as they remain in this room. (A creature must attempt
discreetly, she also hopes for heroes who can douse them. this saving throw to avoid being dazzled each time they enter
That’s where the player characters’ hunters come in. the room.) Creatures with light sensitivity take a –5 penalty
This short adventure is appropriate for 9th-level characters. on this saving throw.
Game Masters can use the adventure however they please, Regardless of whether they are dazzled, the PCs can tell
employing it as a one-shot to tinker with the rules in this that the area is a debris field largely exposed to the elements.
accessory, or as part of a larger campaign on the Frontier. In the center of the field is the source of the light: a vibrantly
While players might begin at 1st level and work their way up pulsing device of some kind. Near it lie two adolescent
to this adventure, there’s nothing wrong with starting a 12,090 skeletons, the corpses of Coeverlan’s missing youngsters.
ad campaign at a higher level. In this case, the distress in A successful DC 14 Heal check reveals the apparent age of
Coeverlan makes a fine first mission for a newly formed band the deceased and that all the bodies’ soft matter has been
of hunters. The GM might want to roleplay the PCs’ arrival in stripped away, as if dissolved (this is due to the effects of the
Coeverlan, allowing them to uncover tales of the star that fell nearby computer core’s defenses).
in the Labrinta Woods nearly 100 years ago, and playing out Any character trained in Knowledge (engineering) or
their meeting with Coeverlan’s Sheriff Aldeere. Disable Device can identify the glowing device as a computer
Ultimately, though, the PCs wind up with an offer core, albeit a badly damaged one. There are limited ways
of 12,000 gp if they can put an end to the strangeness to interface with the core due to its damaged state, but
happening outside town and manage to trace matters to surrounding it are a variety of exposed bits of wiring and
the thicket deep in the Labrinta Woods. That’s where this a half-damaged control panel. Any character who identifies
adventure begins. the device knows that it likely contains a great deal of data,
The map for this encounter appears on the inside cover but it requires a dedicated engineering workshop to access.
of this accessory. A miniatures-ready play mat of that same Trap: Despite its size, the core is relatively light, weighing
map can also be found in Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Tech Dungeon, only 100 pounds. However, the core is still connected to the
available at ship by three thick cords, and powerful mist traps on each of
the cords and on the core itself were meant to deter any who
THE FALLEN STAR might tamper with the outfit. These cords have hardness 15
The PCs approach from the south and spot a faint magenta and 25 hit points. Anyone who destroys all three cords or
light radiating from the forest’s depths long before they come disables the trap on the core itself releases the ruin’s doors,
upon its source (this requires no skill check, as the light is including the doors to area 3.
quite obvious). When they do, they find an array of shattered
metal. Those who succeed at a DC 20 Knowledge (history) CORE DEFENSES (4) CR 10
check recognize this as the ruin of some sort of spacefaring Type mechanical; Perception DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
vessel, though what caused it to fall is unclear. Veinlike EFFECTS
conduits threading the exterior pulse with unearthly light, Trigger touch; Reset automatic
illuminating the whole place with a violet glow. Effect negative energy mist (15-foot burst; 10d6 negative
The PCs have the opportunity to wander through the ruins energy damage; Fortitude DC 24 half); multiple targets (all
of the crashed ship, but there’s nothing here of value. The creatures in a 15-foot burst)
Development: Severing the computer core from the ship Creatures: The mutants are now in this area and are not
or deactivating it manually (accomplished by disabling the particularly interested in talking with the PCs. Segarcei in
trap on the core itself ) has two immediately noticeable particular believes that something fantastically valuable
effects. First, the violet light shuts off in this area and all lies beneath the sealed hatches in the crashed vessel. Upon
throughout the ship. Second, the pressurized hatches release spotting the PCs, she orders Ajiba and Nobroi to attack.
with a loud grinding noise, and the sound echoes loudest Ajiba quickly moves into the fray, while the other mutants
from the direction of area 2. use their supernatural abilities to drive off any interlopers.
Those who make a significant amount of noise in this For the GM’s convenience, the three mutants use the
area risk alerting the creatures in area 2. statistics for more common Pathfinder RPG monsters,
though Ajiba is armed with a laser torch (detailed on page 25
2. THE COMPETITION (CR 10) of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide).
The PCs aren’t the only ones interested in the Labrinta Lights. A laser torch is a one-handed martial melee weapon
Segarcei, a mutant with scaled skin and snakes for hair, that can hold 10 charges, consumes 1 charge each time it is
sought to investigate the lights. She hoped the strangeness activated, and resolves as a touch attack. It weighs 4 pounds
might point to some Noble relic or ruin—something she and is worth 6,000 gp. A Medium laser torch deals 1d10
might salvage and sell either in the Capital or to agents of the fire damage with a ×3 modifier, but because Ajiba is a Large
Northern Frontier Sector’s overseer, Lord Greylancer. creature, she wields a Large laser torch that deals 1d12 fire
When she first came here a couple of days ago, though, damage. Ajiba is considered proficient with the laser torch
she managed to uncover something stranger. In her initial (though hill giants normally are not).
exploration of the fallen ship, she discovered a sealed
section. Deducing that the sealed area likely survived the AJIBA CR 7
crash better than the ship’s exterior, she left the wreckage XP 3,200
and has now returned with aid: a powerful mutant covered CN female hill giant (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 150)
in purple buboes called Ajiba, her silver-skinned dancer hp 85
companion Nobroi, and an industrial-grade laser torch. Melee laser torch +14/+9 (1d12 fire/×3)
XP 3,200 The only surviving room within the vessel would be a
CN male nymph (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 217) disappointment for most salvagers, holding little in the way
hp 60 of precious materials or ancient lore. Instead, this bay once
served as a cryogenic sleep chamber, designed to hold the
SEGARCEI CR 7 vessel’s crew in stasis during extended spacefaring journeys.
XP 3,200 All of these stasis alcoves were destroyed long ago, with
CN female medusa (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 201) the exception of one at the southwest of the room, which
hp 76 has remained sealed for untold centuries—that is, until
tampering with the computer core afforded access to all the
Development: If the computer core in area 1 has been vessel’s remaining hatches, including this one.
deactivated or disconnected, the ship’s safety protocols, Creature: The PCs enter the room just as a figure, crackling
which had sealed the remaining hatches, release. The doors with electricity, steps forth from the vapor clouds of a freshly
still require 1 minute of tinkering with an adjacent control opened cryogenic alcove (most likely the narrow space in the
panel (or a successful DC 20 Disable Device check) to open northwest of the room). A native of the long-dead settlement
wide enough to allow creatures to pass. Segarcei is likely on Mars, this creature was once Dellik Pavaris, a victim of
attempting to do exactly that, tampering with the door to the Nobility who attacked and overtook that extraterrestrial
the area’s south, when the PCs arrive. bastion of humanity.
Rather than being accepted into the Nobility, Dellik was STORYTELLING ON THE FRONTIER
made a test subject, his body and very vampiric nature altered Game Mastering in the style of Vampire Hunter D’s
by exposure to stellar radiations. While many subjected adventures doesn’t need to be any different than running
to such treatment perished, Dellik survived, becoming a any other Pathfinder RPG game, but it can be.
prototype of sorts for the creation of a new, sun-resistant Cinematics: Vampire Hunter D and other hunters often
strain of vampire. He, along with the information required demonstrate remarkable abilities and incredible fighting
to create more of his kind, was sent from Mars to Earth—a prowess. In the Pathfinder RPG a single die roll is typically
gift for Earth’s Nobility. Unfortunately, though, something implied to correspond to a single action or attack. Consider
went amiss, the vessel became trapped in Earth’s orbit, and instead having checks represent a flurry of activity. Describing
it crashed upon the planet only relatively recently. While attacks as the culmination of a moment of dueling, of minor
this terrible gift from the past might be late and damaged, cuts and telling blows, proves more dramatic than distilling
it ultimately survived. Within this cryogenic chamber the results down to mundane hits or misses.
and Dellik’s cold flesh is all the information an immortal Hordes: Countless terrors inhabit the Frontier, and heroes like
scientist would need to unleash stellar vampires upon Earth. D must often face whole nests of such vile beasts. In situations
While the PCs might glean this information upon later where the characters face off against a hall of horrid, nameless
investigation of the computer core, upon entering this mutants and demons, feel free to describe greater numbers
area they witness the emergence of a bizarre sort of space than a combat might actually involve. In such cases, the statistics
vampire. Dellik is starving and uninterested in chatting with the GM uses become representational of numerous beings.
the living. He attacks immediately. If reduced to 10 or fewer Statistics and the way combat proceeds remains unchanged,
hit points, he attempts to escape. If reduced to 0 hit points, but the GM may now describe each successful strike as felling
he turns into his energy form to try to kill one of the PCs, as a nameless horror in one blow and ultimately see the heroes
he has no refuge to which he might escape. See page 22 for succeed against an army of monstrous cannon fodder.
details about a stellar vampire’s abilities. Suspicion: Even the greatest hunters are feared. As
Although its powers won’t likely be highlighted in this strangers possessing incredible powers, the heroes of the
battle, Dellik was returned to earth with a sign of his origins, Frontier are little different from the monsters they hunt. As
one of the Nobility’s azure pendants. If defeated, the PCs a result, NPCs are often wary of characters and seek to see
might claim this invaluable artifact as their own (see page 20). them swiftly on their way. While NPCs need not always be
insulting, the PCs should only rarely be allowed to forget that
DELLIK PAVARIS CR 11 they are certainly not like everyone else.
XP 12,800
Male human stellar vampire fighter 10
LE Medium undead (augmented) Power Attack, ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20 (short sword), Weapon Specialization (short sword)
DEFENSE Skills Acrobatics +11, Intimidate +18, Perception +20, Sense
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+2 armor, +6 Dex, +6 natural) Motive +15, Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate,
hp 95 (10d10+40); fast healing 5 +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +9 (+3 vs. fear) Languages Common, Infernal
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, desperate retreat; SQ energy vampire, shadowless, spider climb, armor training 2
DR 10/magic; Immune fire, electricity, undead traits Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds; Other Gear
Weaknesses stellar vampire weaknesses leather armor, +1 shock short sword, cloak of resistance +2,
OFFENSE azure pendant (see page 20), 130 gp
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 shock short sword +21/+16 (1d6+9/19–20 plus 1d6 CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
electricity), slam +16 (1d4+7 plus vitality drain) The complex theorems and experiment notes etched
Special Attacks blood drain, create spawn, dominate (DC on pages of ancient metal in area 3 suggest much of the
18), energy form (DC 17), vital feed, vitality drain, weapon information about Dellik’s history. These pages also
training (light blades +2, heavy blades +1) suggest that the information in both the computer core and
STATISTICS Dellik’s body could recreate the monsters. Any character
Str 20, Dex 23, Con —, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15 who succeeds at a DC 12 Knowledge (engineering) check
Base Atk +10; CMB +16 (+18 bull rush, grapple); CMD 31 (33 vs. realizes that simply beating the computer core apart won’t
bull rush or grapple) necessarily destroy the data, and so it needs to be accessed
Feats Agile ManeuversB, Combat ReflexesB, Great Fortitude, and purged more thoroughly. How the PCs accomplish
Greater Weapon Focus (short sword), Improved Bull Rush, this is up to the GM. At the GM’s discretion, things might
Improved Grapple, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved already be too late, with a technically minded PC perhaps
InitiativeB, Improved Iron Will, Improved Lightning Reflexes, now learning that the computer core has been transmitting
Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning ReflexesB, pieces of information ever since the vessel crashed.
This stranger seems cut from the night sky—his garb is as dark as the space
between the stars, his skin pale as moonlight. A wide-brimmed hat partially
hides his face, but even so it’s impossible to ignore such striking features.
Initiative, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, D IN THE PATHFINDER RPG
Mobility, Vampire Scholar*, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus The adventures of Vampire Hunter D fill the pages of dozens of
(bastard sword) volumes of manga, numerous novels, two films, and various
Skills Acrobatics +35 (+31 when jumping), Diplomacy +6, other tales. In these stories, D exhibits countless incredible
Disable Device +11, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (nobility) +17, abilities. Many of these are readily represented by existing
Knowledge (religion) +25, Perception +26, Ride +33, Sleight options in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Some of his
of Hand +21, Spellcraft +15, Use Magic Device +24 more remarkable talents are represented as new abilities in
Languages Common this accessory. But still, a character as legendarily versatile
SQ ancestry of legend, relentless, relentless band, remove as D proves impossible to perfectly define within any suite
vampirism, swift tracker, track, vampire tracker, vampiric of game rules. The presentation here represents D in the
focus (22 minutes/day; vampiric agility, vampiric broadest terms, focusing on the skills he employs in the
momentum, vampiric resolve) two Vampire Hunter D films and in Hideyuki Kikuchi’s early
Combat Gear wand of cure serious wounds (50 charges); Other novels. To perfectly characterize D during specific adventures,
Gear celestial armor, sun blade, azure pendant, belt of though, GMs might want to swap out feats and gear for other
physical might +6 (Str, Dex), boots of striding and springing, choices. D has lived for untold years, so retraining or further
cloak of resistance +5, clockwork charger (Pathfinder advancement is absolutely possible for him. Additionally,
RPG Bestiary 4 33), pale green prism ioun stone, ring of GMs are encouraged to describe D as befits a peerless hero,
regeneration, ring of protection +4, sun sensitivity outfit highlighting his lethal grace and master swordsmanship,
SPECIAL ABILITIES while playing down the ramifications of petty failures or
Ancestry of Legend (Ex) D descends from a lineage of minor hit point damage. Running D is more about engaging
greatness. His ability scores were generated using a 25-point with a legend than it is about the realism of accounting for
buy, and have been supplemented through the use of magic every scrape or cleaving to the most literal expression of every
items that grant an inherent +5 bonus to his Constitution, Pathfinder RPG rule. GMs should represent D as they’ve seen
Dexterity, Strength, and Wisdom scores. Additionally, D’s and imagined—as unnaturally stoic, relentless, and deadly.
traits reflect his sacred ancestry dhampir heritage (detailed These statistics help with that, but ultimately the fun and
on page 5). Collectively, these benefits plus his PC-level challenge of representing D lies with the GM.
wealth increase his total CR by 1.
Clockwork Charger D’s travels are hastened by his ominous,
black cyborg steed. This creature has the same statistics as a
clockwork charger (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 33). palm (see page 18 for details). If little is known about D, few
know even anything about his supernatural parasite. Left
Simply known as “D,” the Frontier’s greatest vampire hunter Hand, as its been referred to, appears only rarely, emerging
seeks nothing less than the eradication of all vampirekind. as a wizened, sneering visage upon D’s palm. Left Hand can
Imposing and aloof, he has a reputation as an speak and communicate with D telepathically. It regularly
unrelenting tracker and lethal swordsman. None can assists D in his travels, but also needles him endlessly about
say how many vampires the hunter has killed, or why his vampiric desires and painful moments from his past.
he pursues Nobles with a dedication beyond greed or Left Hand also exhibits a unique brand of lecherousness
a single act of revenge. He is a dark legend and a dire that only a bodiless, ancient being could.
end to nightmares most hope never to have. D is a figure of legend, but even the most remarkable
Vampire Hunter D is a dhampir, one of the rare few reports travel slowly on the Frontier and have much
upon the Frontier. Unlike those who embrace their Noble competition in the arena of tall tales and taller terrors. Many
blood, D sees it as a curse, allying himself with humanity and travelers know of the dhampir bounty hunter, though, the
the memory of his mortal mother. His father is a figure of killer who turns the Nobility’s own powers against them.
mystery, tied to the Nobility’s infamous Sacred Ancestor. But He charges extraordinary prices for his services, but it’s said
D does not speak of his past, especially not of his parents or that he’s worth every coin and has completed every contract
his connection to the Nobility’s mythical progenitor. D appears he’s ever accepted. This isn’t to say he accepts every contract,
to be a young man with an agile build and wiry strength. He though. D hunts for reasons besides money, and while he’s
possesses an unsettling beauty, with his midnight hair, pale destiny-bound to strike against the Nobility, he’s honor-
skin, and cold eyes. Most never catch more than a glimpse of bound to do so in keeping with his own strict, moral code.
his face, though, as his long coat and black hat disguise, most of D has no home and few friends. Those seeking to hire him
his features. He rarely speaks, but when he does, its never more have no clear course for doing so. Where he travels and how
than a few words in a low, smooth voice. D is rarely without his he decides what work to pursue are mysteries known only to
delicate-looking but deadly blade, a grim cyborg charger, or his him. But occasionally, a dark-clad stranger rides into a place
twinkling azure pendant. plagued by despair and terror. In such a rare instance, the
While aloof, D is never alone. His left hand is possessed truly desperate and the truly deserving might have a hope of
by a countenanced carbuncle, which manifests upon his hiring Vampire Hunter D.
Ready to launch into more dark fantasy adventures fit to challenge the likes of Vampire Hunter D? Expand your vampire
hunter’s options and test your mettle with these nightmarish Pathfinder RPG accessories, all available at!
Horror adveNTUres
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of
Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc. © 2016, Paizo Inc.
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Occ y! t o f
Per s o n a l i t
o ccULT
D adveNTUres
elve into the occult secrets of psychic magic, mystic rituals, and esoteric sciences with Occult
Adventures, the latest hardcover rulebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!
• Six new base classes—the reality-warping kineticist, the spirit-infused medium, the manipulative
mesmerist, the relic-wielding occultist, the mind-master psychic, and the phantom-bonded spiritualist.
• Dozens of themed archetypes, like the haunted totem barbarian, the phrenologist bard, the ghost rider
cavalier, the psychic detective inquisitor, and more!
• Tons of new spells and magic items, including lots of options for existing classes as well as the
perfect gear for the new classes and archetypes.
• In-depth overviews of key occult topics such as auras, ki, chakras, psychic combat,
possession, occult rituals, and the esoteric planes.
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks
of Paizo Inc., and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc. © 2016 Paizo Inc.
Vampires rule the night, but their numbers are dwindling. With huge bounties
on vampires’ heads, a class of hunters has emerged. One hunter is unlike all
the others. He is a dhampir—half human, half vampire. At war with himself,
feared by all, tortured and alone, he is Vampire Hunter D.
Explore the gothic frontier of Vampire Hunter D, a distant future where
vampire overlords terrorize humanity’s remnants with occultism and super-
science. Inspired by the works of Hideyuki Kikuchi and Vampire Hunter D:
Message from Mars from Stranger Comics, The World of Vampire Hunter D brings
the boundless horrors of 12,090 ad to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Inside
this accessory, you’ll find:
• A new Pathfinder RPG class, the vampire hunter, providing you with everything
you need to strike fear into the still hearts of the undead.
• New archetypes, feats, and other character options, including details on how
to gain your own parasitic companion akin to D’s unsettling ally, Left Hand.
• Gear, magic items, and powerful artifacts from 12,090 ad, including
technological marvels and D’s mysterious azure pendant.
• Details on the threats and inhabitants of Vampire Hunter D’s world, including
dhampirs, mutants, and an entirely new strain of vampire.
• A brief adventure for vampire-hunting heroes, “Requiem for Fallen Stars.”
• Statistics for Vampire Hunter D himself, along with tips for roleplaying and
customizing this legendary hero.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: The World of Vampire Hunter D is intended for use
with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and can easily be incorporated
into the Pathfinder campaign setting or any other fantasy world.