Geopolitical Panorama2014
Geopolitical Panorama2014
Geopolitical Panorama2014
Institute of
conflicts 2014 Strategic
Geopolitical overview Spanish
Institute of
of conflicts 2014 Strategic
November 2014
The authors are solely responsible for the opinions expresed in the articles in this publication.
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Chapter one
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership........................... 9
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Introduction................................................................................................................. 11
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 15
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 17
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 24
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter two
Alqaeda and jihadism........................................................................................... 41
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Introduction................................................................................................................. 43
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 44
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 52
The role of external actors: regional implications............................................... 59
Conclusions and perspective................................................................................... 61
Chapter three
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the heart of Europe. 67
Francisco J. Ruiz González
Introduction................................................................................................................. 69
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 69
The current state of the conflict.............................................................................. 75
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 80
Current relations between Russia and Moldova.................................................. 81
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 84
Annex i –tables: geopolitical indicators & chronology of the conflict............... 86
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 87
Chapter four
The arab springs.................................................................................................... 89
Santos Castro Fernández
Introduction................................................................................................................. 91
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 96
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 101
The role of external players..................................................................................... 106
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 109
Chronology of the «arab springs»............................................................................ 111
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 111
Chapter five
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict...................................................... 113
Mario Laborie Iglesias
Introduction................................................................................................................. 115
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 116
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 117
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 132
Conclusions................................................................................................................. 139
Chronology................................................................................................................... 140
Chapter six
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone:From optimism to
ebola..................................................................................................................... 143
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Introduction................................................................................................................. 145
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 149
Current state of the conflict...................................................................................... 155
Role of external actors.............................................................................................. 162
Ecowas.......................................................................................................................... 164
Conclusions and perspectives for the future........................................................ 170
Chronology................................................................................................................... 172
Geo-political indicators............................................................................................. 174
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 175
Chapter seven
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote peace............... 177
Jesús Díez Acalde
Introduction................................................................................................................. 179
Antecedents to the conflict....................................................................................... 180
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 192
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 200
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 202
Geopolitical indicators............................................................................................... 204
Chronology of theCentral African Republic........................................................... 205
International missions in the Central African Republic...................................... 207
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 208
Chapter eight
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of opportunity
for peace............................................................................................................ 209
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Introduction................................................................................................................. 211
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 216
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 222
The role of external players..................................................................................... 229
Perspectives for the future....................................................................................... 233
Geopolitical indicators............................................................................................... 235
Chronology of the conflict......................................................................................... 236
Chapter nine
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality......................................... 237
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Introduction................................................................................................................. 239
Background.................................................................................................................. 251
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 257
Role of external actors.............................................................................................. 258
Conclusions and perspective................................................................................... 262
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 265
Chapter ten
Analysis of the conflict in the central american corridor: network
geopolitics......................................................................................................... 269
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Día
Introduction................................................................................................................. 271
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 276
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 295
Conclusions................................................................................................................. 298
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 300
Chapter eleven
Towards signing peace in Colombia.............................................................. 307
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Introduction................................................................................................................. 309
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 309
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 311
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 326
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 328
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 330
Chapter twelve
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent: Assam, Manipur
and Nagaland................................................................................................... 333
María José Izquierdo Alberc
Introduction................................................................................................................. 335
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 339
Nagaland...................................................................................................................... 345
External actors............................................................................................................ 348
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 351
Chronology of the conflict......................................................................................... 354
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 357
Chapter therteen
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for the peaceful
development..................................................................................................... 361
Ignacio García Sánchez
Introduction................................................................................................................. 363
Background to conflict............................................................................................... 367
Current situation of the conflict............................................................................... 373
Conclusions and perspectives................................................................................. 381
Geopolitical indicators............................................................................................... 385
Import - exports.......................................................................................................... 386
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 388
Chapter fourteen
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists.......................... 391
María del Mar Hidalgo García
Introduction................................................................................................................. 393
Background to the conflict........................................................................................ 396
Current situation......................................................................................................... 401
The role of external actors....................................................................................... 402
A perspective on the conflict.................................................................................... 407
Bibliography................................................................................................................. 411
The working group................................................................................................ 415
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership Chapter
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
the confrontations produced on the ground, but rather, to open the prism
to carry out a geopolitical analysis, which would allow—as the central
objective of this study—drawing medium- and long-term conclusions.
Key Words
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. The World Fact Book 2014, p. 194. Available at:
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
In Ukraine, there is also a notable parallel between the linguistic and eth-
nic division and the East-West political divide, as seen in the map drawn
up following the presidential elections of 2010.
Census of Carpathia (Ukraine) of 2001.
«Right-wing Svoboda ‘sabotages’ Ruthenian Congress in Uzhgorod», KYIVPOST, ar-
ticle of May 1, 2009.
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
The EuroAsiatic Union was a project of economic and political union based on the
Customs Union of Russia, Kazhakhistan, and Byelorussia, to which were invited other
countries such as Ukraine. The creation agreement was signed under Putin’s leaders-
hip on May 29 of 2014.
The Supreme Rada is the name given to the Ukrainian Parliament.
PUTIN, Vladimir, Speech of July 1 of 2014 before Ambassadors and Per-
manent Representatives of Russia, text from the Russian Embassy in Spain,
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
sian flag on the buildings of the Presidency and of the Parliament of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The following day, armed pro-Russian
groups took over the two Crimean airports, and a militia, without identi-
fying badges but well-trained and uniformed, deployed at key points for
control of Crimea. The militiamen, who all covered their faces with the
same type of high collar to avoid being identified, showed themselves to
be a well-trained military group. The license plates of the vehicles were
covered, so as to avoid any identification. In the eyes of any military
analyst, it was obviously a case of military personnel formed into cohe-
sive and disciplined units, with many months of instruction and training
with Russian materiel, and not of civilians transformed into a militia.
With the passing of time, and once achieved his objectives, Putin would
admit to the participation of Russian military personnel in the insurgent
rising of Crimea.
The recovery of the Crimean Peninsula, including the base at Sebastopol,
has a great strategic value for Russia. To minimize international reaction, it
was important to act quickly, before Europe, self-absorbed in its economic
crisis, and the U.S., reorienting its interests toward the Asian Pacific, had
time to react. On the other hand, there was a need to exploit the weakness
of the provisional government and its lack of legality. Russia provided an
immediate response to each event without improvising, as if it formed part
of a previously studied plan. Worth special mention is her communications
strategy, where the fundamental idea was to emphasize the lack of legiti-
macy of President Turchinov, since his arrival in power had been due to a
coup d’État. On the other hand, she maintained that upon integrating Cri-
mea under her sovereignty, she was attending to the demands of the ma-
jority of the Crimean population, just as expressed in a referendum. Given
the lack of spokesmen for the separatists of the Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, the work of communication directed at international public opinion
was designed and carried out by Russia. In every field, President Putin had
taken the initiative, while the Ukrainian government was thrown off stride
by the challenges presented by the separatists.
In light of Ukranian institutional weakness, the Crimean separatists de-
cided to move forward the referendum on independence and integration
into Russia, originally to be held on May 25th, later moved forward to
March 30, and finally carried out on March 16th. On March 11th, the Auto-
nomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sebastopol had declared their
independence, which was immediately recognized by Russia. This would
allow Russia to guarantee the holding of the referendum despite any pos-
sible Ukranian or international obstruction.
The result of the referendum in Crimea was overwhelming: 96.77% voted
in favor of annexation into the Russian Federation, with 83.1% participa-
ting. In Sebastopol, the result was 95.6% in favor of annexation and par-
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
RT, Russian television channel in Spanish (17th March 2014).
News item published by Russian network RT at
dad/view/121229-crimea-primer-ministro-putin-ayuda-russia. March 1 2014.
«Russia authorizes sending its army to the entire territory of Ukraine». News agen-
cy item published in «El Mundo» March 1, 2014. Available at
BONET, Pilar. «Dozens of arrests in Russia in protests over electoral fraud.» Article
in «El Pais», March 6th, 2014.
EFE News Agency report, July 8th, 2014, Kiev.
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
The passing of time worked against Ukraine, and in favor of the rebels and
of Russia. In this context, it is not surprising that on July 3rd, President Po-
rochenko instigated the naming of a new Defense Minister, Valerei Guele-
tei, from whom he demanded structural reforms in the Ukranian Armed
Forces in order to accelerate operations. This was the third turnover in
the Defense portfolio since February, a clear sign that operations against
the separatists were not being successful. Porochenko came to admit that
«Operation Anti-terrorist», launched in mid-April of 2014, had revealed the
many failings in the logistics systems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Throughout this crisis, Ukraine has tried to avoid any news reports about
civilian deaths caused by its troops, a question which could damage its
national and international position, giving an excuse to Russia for military
intervention, as occurred in Georgia. The rebels, on the other hand, attemp-
ted to prolong the conflict in order to achieve direct Russian intervention.
In any case, Russia has already demonstrated in Crimea that she follows
a policy of fait accompli, and in order to do so is capable of ignoring in-
ternational law when she feels it necessary. If Putin intends to control
Novarussia in the medium to long term, he will set about taking steps to
achieve this. The question is: How long does Putin give himself to advan-
ce with this strategy? The answer will depend on several factors: on the
one hand, on events, and on the other, whether circumstances provide
new opportunities for Russia, as happened in Crimea. Meanwhile, Russia
charges the Ukrainian Armed Forces with violating international humani-
tarian law against her own people.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
BONET, Pilar. Crusaders of the Empire, Article in «El Pais», July 7 2014 available on: http://
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
damnable and abominable nature of the action: fire was opened on a pla-
ne not certainly identified as an enemy and very easily determined to be
civil aviation, especially in light of its altitude at 10,000 meters, normally
used for commercial flights.
The U.S: and some European nations accused Russia of having provided
the missiles to the insurgents, but it should not be forgotten that an an-
ti-air system of this type is very complex to handle, adjust and maintain,
which would imply, apart from providing war materiel, the need for Rus-
sian cooperation in training personnel or Russian operators.
On September 3rd, President Putin proposed to his Ukrainian counterpart a
seven-point plan18 to stop the bloodshed and achieve peace in Ukraine. This
was accepted by Porochenko, without modification and at a time of enor-
mous weakness, since Kiev’s troops were losing ground and did not foresee
receiving outside reinforcement. The plan proposed the following actions:
1. Paralyse the assault operations of the Armed Forces and the units
of the Southeastern Ukrainian Militias in the regions of Donetsk
and Lugansk.
2. Withdraw armed Ukrainian units to a distance which would exclu-
de the possibility of artillery attacks and various missile systems
used against populated areas.
3. Use international observers to insure that both parties respec-
ted the cease-fire and carry out follow-up of the situation in se-
curity zone.
4. Exclude the use of combat planes against the civilian population,
as well as against populated areas of the conflict zone.
5. Carry out prisoner exchange on an «all for all» basis and with no
previous conditions.
6. Open humanitarian corridors to permit movement of refugees and
the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the cities and other points
in Donbass: the provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk.
7. Make it possible for teams of technicians to arrive at affected loca-
tions in Donbass to restore infrastructure.
The fact that President Porochenko accepted this plan, which considerably
limited his sovereignty over Donetsk and Lugansk, was a clear indication
that he had arrived at the conclusion that Russian military aid to the sepa-
ratists—as widely revealed in early September—would impede a definitive
military victory by the Kiev troops. In the face of this, there realistically only
remained a political solution, in spite of the fact that this could only preju-
dice Ukrainian interests and in contrast, provide broad benefits to Moscow
and the rebels.
The Russian leader explained to the press that he had sketched out his plan for a
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
The map below shows the network of gas pipelines coming out of Russia
to supply all of Central Europe, as well as those from Algeria and Libya
to supply Spain and Italy. However, the two distribution networks do not
make up an integrated system since they are interrupted in France.
EFE Agency News Report, July 31st 2014, Kiev.
Sergei Sobolov, pro-government Congressman and author of the tax bill. This tax to
underwrite the offensive against the rebels represented 1.5% of the monthly salary of
fiscal persons. The law is less demanding for those citizens who have an annual income
of around 500,000 Grivnas ($40,000), who would pay 10%, while those who earn 100
million Grivnas ($8 million) would pay a 25% war tax.
EFE Agency News Report, 24th July, 2014, Kiev.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Some 80% of the energy consumed in the EU comes from fossil fuels (pe-
troleum, natural gas and coal). Fifty percent of these come from outside
the EU, which is thus highly vulnerable to the cut-off of gas and to price
rises due to international crises.
In this energy context, Russia provides 30% of the gas as well as 18%
of the petroleum consumed in the European Union. These figures have
shown an upward tendency in recent years, increasing European energy
dependency with respect to Russia.
Additionally, the gas pipeline network is rigid and creates a client-su-
pplier dependency which at this point limits Europe’s freedom of ac-
tion. Central Europe depends on Russian gas, but Russia also has a
great economic dependency on these sales. In light of all this, the
Ukrainian crisis throws into relief the importance of the availability
of an integrated gas pipeline system originating from the East (Rus-
sia) and the South (Algeria and Libya) so that, in this way, Europe
may diversify its supply sources, to which must be added re-gasifi-
cation plants.
Another important aspect in this field are the disagreements over the
price of gas between Ukraine and Russia, which have led Gazprom to sue
Ukraine before the Tribunal of Arbitration in Stockholm, where she claims
payment of a debt of 4.5 billion dollars in outstanding supply bills. Until
March of 2014, Russia paid for the use of the base at Sebastopol with a
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
30% reduction in its gas invoice. At that point, the price of the gas stood at
$268.50 per thousand cubic meters. After the annexation of the Crimea,
Gazprom raised the price to $485, a figure which Ukraine considered ex-
cessive.22 This weighs down the Ukrainian economy.
The Russian viewpoint on the price of the gas supplied to Ukraine was
left very clear by President Putin23 when he stated: «They demand a
reduction in the price of our merchandise which has no justification wha-
tever, in spite of which the agreement was signed in 2009, and was com-
plied with in good faith by the partners. But now, as you know, the courts
of Kiev have withdrawn the charges against former Prime Minister Julia
Timoshenko, who signed this contract. In other words, the judicial power
of Kiev itself has recognized that everything has been done not only in
accordance with the rules of international law but also with those of
Ukranian law.»
Since July 16th, Gazprom has begun to apply a pre-payment system to
the supply of gas to Ukraine. In June, Vladimir Putin explained before the
Russian ambassadors24 that «Right now, if Ukraine does not pay, it does
not receive, or receives through the so-called reversion. We know what this
reversion is: it is an artificial reversion. How can gas be carried in both di-
rections through the same pipelines? One need not be a specialist in the gas
sector to understand that this is something unreal. They have made shady
deals with their partners: basically, they receive our gas and pay some Wes-
tern partner in Europe who will not receive a complete shipment. We see
With all these factors on the table, Russia will undoubtedly continue using
gas as a weapon of pressure against Ukraine, even more so as winter
approaches, since by then the pressure will be greater and may affect the
supply of gas to Europe.
Formally, Russia is an external actor in this conflict, and that is the vi-
sion thus stating that25 the negotiations for the peaceful solution of the
Euronews report of 6-16-2014. Available at htp://
PUTIN, Vladimir, Conference of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Rus-
sia, Russian Embassy in Spain,
PUTIN, statements on the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Normandy
landings in France. June 6th, EFE Agency, Moscow 7-6-2014.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
conflict cannot be between Ukraine and Russia, since «Russia is not part
of the conflict. The parties are the Kiev authorities and those in favor of
Federalization in the East.» However, President Poroshenko26 recogni-
zed the importance of Russia in the conflict and in its solution as well,
upon indicating that «A Russian representative will come to Ukraine with
whom we will discuss the first steps for the settlement of the situation and
the plan which I as President have presented and which foresees a series
of steps on the part of the Russian Federation and others on the part of
According to Sergey Lavrov, 27 Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Washington and some of the European countries made a decision
some time ago to isolate Russia. Taking the borders of NATO to Rus-
sia would form part of that strategy. Along these same lines, in June
of 2014 Vladimir Putin told his Ambassadors and Permanent Repre-
sentatives28 that «the events provoked in Ukraine are the concentra-
ted expression of the policy of containment of the early Cold War.»
It should be remembered that the U.S. «Kennan strategy of contain-
ment», implemented at the beginning of the fifties, consisted of for-
ming alliances with the countries located around Russia or its allies.
In this alliance of Ukraine with the UE or, worse yet, its integration
into NATO, Putin glimpsed what he supposed would bring the limits
of NATO to the borders of Russia, as already occurred in the Balkan
countries. He sees this as a kind of siege within a U.S.-NATO strategy
of containment, which the Russian government does not seem dispo-
sed to accept so easily.
In fact, this Russian charge regarding NATO has been permanent. Putin29
made this clear upon recognizing that «Our partners have been persuading
Russia for the last two decades of their good intentions and their will to build
a system of strategic cooperation together. However, parallel to this, again
and again they have enlarged NATO and have moved the political-military
space they control closer and closer to our borders.»
With regard to the European Union, the Russian response to its enlarge-
ment towards Eastern Europe has been the creation of the Euro-Asiatic
Economic Union, the driving forces behind which are Russia, Byelorus-
sia and Khazakhistan.30 In the speech to the ambassadors quoted abo-
ve, President Putin emphasized that «In Ukraine, our nationals, the Rus-
News Report, EFE Agency in Moscow, 6-6-2014.
LAVROV, Sergey, Interview at the ITAR-TASS Agency on 11-11-2014.
sian Embassy in Spain,
The Accord for the creation of the Euro-Asiatic Economic Union was signed on May
29th in Astana.
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
sian people and those of other nationalities, see a threat to their language,
their history, their culture and their legitimate rights, guaranteed precisely
by the agreements of the European Union. On speaking of Russians and
Russian citizens, I am referring to those persons who feel part of what we
call in the broadest sense the Russian world, not necessarily the persons
whose ethnic origin is Russian, but rather all those who consider themsel-
ves Russian.»
With this declaration of intentions, President Putin clearly indicated that
populations speaking Russian or of pro-Russian sentiments within coun-
tries such as Ukraine, Georgia or Byelorussia, among others, are conside-
red by the Russian authorities as «fellow countrymen», and as such, that
their rights must be guaranteed.
In this meeting with the Russian diplomats, Putin also wondered:
«How did our partners expect us to react in the face of the evolution
of events in Ukraine? We certainly had no right to leave the citizens of
Crimea and Sebastopol abandoned to the fortunes of the radical and
nationalist belligerents, we could not allow our access to the Black Sea
to be substantially limited, nor a combat with the soldiers and sailors
of Crimean land at Sebastopol to intensify, and, in short, NATO troops to
arrive at speed and radically modify the balance of power on the Black
Sea littoral.» This remark clearly reflects Putin’s outlook: In Crimea,
all the circumstances were propitious for Russian intervention, and
the question now is, how important is it to Russia to annex the terri-
tory they call Novorussia?
In order to answer this question, the first thing that must be said is
that the annexation of Novorussia would make possible the integration
of Transistria into that territory, which would mean her definitive in-
dependence from Moldavia. In this scenario, Ukraine would be weaker
and over time would be destined to fall under the control of Moscow. In
any case, Russia would be assured of leadership in the region. So, then:
To what extent is President Putin willing to involve himself in further
conflict with respect to Novorussia? The solution is to be found, once
again, in the speech the President gave to the Russian ambassadors31:
»our country,» Putin emphasized, «will continue defending energetically
the rights of Russians, of our fellow countrymen living abroad, and to do
so will make use of the entire arsenal of means she possesses: from the
political and economic to the right to self-defense covered under the inter-
national law of humanitarian operations.» This comment backed up his
statements several days earlier before the referendum32 on self-deter-
PUTIN, Vladimir, Conference of Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of
Russia, op.cit.
The referendum on the political status of Donetsk and Lugansk was held May 11
2014 and the result was 91.78% vote in favor of the independence of the Popular Repu-
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
mination for Donetsk and Lugansk was held: «We must do everything to
help those people defend their rights and decide their destiny for themsel-
ves. For that, we are going to fight.» Days later, and following the start of
the Ukranian government’s anti-terrorist operation against the rebels
in the region of Donetsk and Lugansk, the Russian Senate provided the
President of the Kremlin with authorization for the use of the Russian
Armed Forces on Ukranian territory in defense of the Russian-speaking
All of these comments reflect Russia’s aspiration to hold a place of world
leadership, on an equal footing with the U.S. and China, as Putin set forth
so well in his speech to the ambassadors:33 «We have always aspired to
be partners who are reliable and who carry things out on a basis of equa-
lity. Nonetheless, too often our legitimate interests have been ignored. And
with regard to international forums, what will happen from now on? If we
are limited to the role of allied observers with neither voice nor vote on key
questions of crucial interest to us, these forums will cease to be of interest
to us. We are not going to pay, for permission to sit at their side, with our vital
With his words, Putin distances himself from diplomatic solutions and
prefers those of fait acompli which have served him so well in Crimea
and Georgia. Following this policy of intervention, Russia has set about
varying the number and type of units deployed along the Ukrainian
border, with the clear objective of influencing the conflict, giving moral
support to the separatists and even providing support for the firing of
a number of rocket-launchers against positions of the Ukrainian Army,
according to reports from the U.S.34 According to NATO reports, Russia
had deployed, at the end of July, approximately 12,000 troops in the
immediate vicinity of the border with Ukraine in support of the sepa-
ratist rebels, a major military contingent which increased to 20,000
military personnel in August, when the troops of Kiev launched an ad-
vance on Donetsk.
The presence on the part of Russian military personnel with numerous
aircraft, who could support the rebels simply by making the decision
to do so, represented a major factor of instability and made Russia a
direct protagonist in the conflict, at the same time providing a source
of heavy pressure on the Ukranian forces. In addition, the Russian for-
ces had at their disposition tank units, providing great combat potential;
special operations units, capable of infiltrating, acting and withdrawing
within and from Ukrainian territory; artillery campaign units to support
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
the rebel militia; and finally, anti-aircraft units to act against Ukrainian
aircraft and logistics units.
In view of this military deployment by Russia, the Supreme Commander
of NATO in Europe, American General Philip Breedlove,35 stated that «The
Russian Army is again concentrating its forces on the eastern side of the
border. There are now around eight battalions there. They have the capacity
to cross the border in case of need», adding that «the support of the Russian
Army for the pro-Russian forces is very active.»
But undoubtedly the greatest support provided by Russia by act or
by omission has been the number of Russian Militiamen integrated
into the militias of Dombass, not forgetting the arms transferred. In
addition, and in order to counter the pressure from the U.S., Russia
decided to threaten to break or paralyze the accords on the limitation
of nuclear warheads, especially with reference to medium-range mis-
siles. In reaction, the U.S. accused the Russian authorities of failing to
comply with their commitments to disarmament, which were agreed
upon in the treaty for the elimination of short- and medium-range
nuclear missiles (INF). Among other goals, the treaty aims to redu-
ce instability in Europe, since it avoids the threat of rapid attacks on
strategic objectives, with barely any time to react. In Rasmussen’s36
words, the Treaty «strengthens the security of all of us, including Rus-
sia’s.» For her part, Russia accuses the American government of ha-
ving, on repeated occasions, violated the said treaty by placing inter-
ceptor missiles within the framework of the antimissile shield, which
Moscow considers a threat to its security. Additionally, Moscow feels
the U.S. commits many other violations, among which she includes
the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which are equi-
pped with arms, as well as the Mark-41 systems, capable of launching
medium-range cruise missiles, and which the U.S. wishes to place in
Poland and Rumania.
Finally, and in view of the possible integration of Ukraine into NATO, Pu-
tin has not hesitated to issue a reminder that Russia is a nuclear nation
which is rearming, just as confirmed by the words of the NATO Secretary
General37: «Russian military spending has grown more than 10% in real
terms each year for the last five, and in contrast several European allies
have cut back their defense spending more than 25% in the same period, and
some even more than 40%.»
Gen. Breedlove, declarations made to the STA Agency, 9 July, 2014, during a visit to
EFE Agency News Report, 30/07/2014.
Remarks by Anders Fogh-Rasmussen at the World Security Forum in Bratislavia,
May 15, 2014.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Initially, the U.S. position was to adopt a relatively low profile with respect
to this conflict. This attitude became evident when Russia annexed Cri-
mea. At that time, and in violation of international law, both the European
Union and the United States themselves did no more than impose sym-
bolic sanctions against a limited number of persons close to the Russian
president. Later, and at the time when confrontation on the ground was
increasing, the U.S. increased her sanctions against Russia. However, the
important negative repercussions that these economic measures have
for the European Union—as collateral damages of this conflict—has cau-
sed the field of application of the sanctions to be very limited; which, in
the end, has favored President Vladimir Putin’s reinforcement of his po-
licy of fait acompli.
All these actions have raised grave concern in the countries of the
East which are allied to the West; and to tranquilize their state of mind,
President Obama has repeatedly guaranteed them his support. Thus,
on June 3rd, President Barack Obama announced a $100 million plan
for direct aid to these Eastern European countries, including Moldavia
and Georgia. The plan, in addition, foresees the training of the armed
forces of the NATO countries which border on Russia. Later, the Ameri-
can government notified Congress of its decision to invest, on the one
hand, up to $19 million in 2015 to train and arm the National Guard of
Ukraine, with the aim of increasing its defense capacity; and on the
other hand, to contribute $8 million to reinforcing the Border Guard
service of Ukraine.
In dealing with the role of the European Union in this crisis, it is ne-
cessary to remember that at its origin, and as an «unprovoked cause»
of the conflict, stands the demand for exclusivity made by the EU to
Ukraine upon signing the agreement on association and free trade.
This condition collided head-on with Russia’s interests in the area,
causing a situation about which Spanish Foreign Minister Garcia-Mar-
gallo38 has said, «The Ukrainian crisis is the most important, or one of
the most important, of the crises the European Union has undergone
since the fall of the Berlin .wall.» Regarding its position on the peace
process, the EU has supported the initiative of President Poroshenko,
based on the principle of respect for international legality and which
GARCIA-MARGALLO, José Manuel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, remarks be-
fore the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress of Deputies, July 31st, 2014.
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
backs the right of Ukraine to maintain its unity and territorial integrity
as well as to decide its destiny.
The EU has maintained from the beginning of the conflict the need for a
diplomatic solution and for this reason has tried to counter the strength
of the Russian initiatives by means of economic sanctions which have
gone from lesser to greater and have been approved in four phases. Of
special significance were those adopted in the third phase: the Official
Diary of the EU39 published a series of economic sanctions against Rus-
sia, taking effect on July 31st, and which envisage the prohibition of the
purchase or sale of bonds issued by Russian State banks.40 The package
also includes an embargo on the import and export of arms and military
materiel but only for «new contracts», thus excluding the two Mistral
airplane carriers built by France for Russia, the contract for which was
signed in 2010.
In the field of arms trade, the EU exports arms to Russia valued
at 300 million Euros a year, while Russian imports come to a total
of 3,200,000,000 Euros. The EU exports goods of dual use worth
20,000,000,000 Euros a year, destined for both military ends as well
as civilian use, but only those for final military use are sanctioned. It
must be kept in mind that the countries formerly members of the War-
saw Pact and which now are members of the EU, are equipped with
arms systems of Russian origin, and those materials require supplies
and spare parts which must be purchased from Russia. For this rea-
son, such transactions have been excluded from the European sanc-
tioning process against Russia.
On the other hand, the sanctions do include a prohibition against ex-
porting «certain equipment and technology related to energy which
will be governed by a previous authorization» on the part of the
member States. With this measure, they commit themselves to deny
export licenses for «new contracts» when these are related to «the
exploration and production of petroleum in deep waters and in shale
deposits, and petroleum exploration in the Arctic.» This measure is
of major economic impact, since the export of technology to Russia
for non-conventional gas and petroleum projects represents some
150 million Euros a year, although it should be remembered that gas
projects are excluded.
Official Diary of the EU, July 31st 2014, indicating that «The Council has adopted
restrictive measures by the EU in light of the actions by Russia which destabilize the
situation in the east of Ukraine. This decision legalizes the agreement reached by the
Committee of Permanent Representatives on Tuesday, July 29th», according to a state-
ment released by the EU.
During 2013, Russian banks with a majority of Russian State capital raised 7.5 mi-
llion Euros from the EU, of the 15.8 million in bonds issued by Russian public institutions.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Within this sphere, the European Commission has defended the lega-
lity of the package of economic sanctions that the EU has approved
against Russia in the sectors of finance, arms and sensitive techno-
logies for the petroleum sector. In its report, it emphasizes that all of
these are compatible with the World Trade Organization (WTO), with
the objective of avoiding the success of a possible Russian suit against
these measures.
Regarding the sectors affected by the sanctions, it is obvious that the EU
has tried to apply sanctions on those materials where Russia’s depen-
dence on Europe is much greater than the reverse. For this reason, the
gas sector has not been included in the sanctions, since the majority of
European nations depend on Russian gas; but in contrast, materials rela-
ted to petroleum exploitation have been included.
This whole package of sanctions has a validity of one year, although it
may be reviewed within a period of three months. After the cease-fire
agreement of September 5th, European authorities could re-think these
sanctions and remove them if the cease-fire holds. This relative laxity
in the application of the sanctions demonstrates once again that many
EU nations prioritize the safeguarding of their own interests above those
which are common to all. This circumstance, together with the lack of a
true Common Policy on Security and Defense and clear leadership, has
relegated the EU to a secondary role in a conflict at the doors of its own
And all of this is in spite of the fact that on July 7 th of 2014, the Eu-
ropean Parliament approved, by a vote of 497 in favor, 121 against
and 21 abstentions, a resolution soliciting the imposition by the EU
of an embargo on arms to Russia, and preparation of new sanctions
in the economic, financial and energy sectors, for destabilizing the
east of Ukraine, measures which were immediately contested by
Russia, which decreed a prohibition on the import of food products
coming from the EU countries applying the boycott. This has caused
problems in many sectors, including the Spanish fruit and vegetable
Finally, and in the military sphere, on July 22nd 2014 the Ministers of
Foreign Affairs of the EU approved the establishment of a mission of
Security Sector Reform (SSR) at the petition of the Ukrainian authori-
ties. This mission, for an initial period of two years, falls within the fra-
mework of the Common Policy on Security and Defense, with the aim,
in the words of Catherine Ashton, «to contribute to the reinforcement
of the State of Law in Ukraine, in favor of all Ukrainian citizens throu-
ghout the country.» Its headquarters will be in Kiev, although with
representation in the different Ukrainian regions. The initial budget
will be of 2,680,000 Euros for the deployment phase of the mission,
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
EUROPA PRESS News Agency report, June 3rd 2014, Brussels.
EFE News Agency report, July 29th 2014.
Europe Press Agency news report, June 6th 2014.
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
thrust over a long enough distance to ensure that they would have time to
launch theirs. That was dissuasion, which continues to be important for
Russia even though the Cold War has ended.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the Moscow government has as an ob-
jective of its National Security Strategy of 2010 preventing NATO from
arriving on its borders. This was demonstrated when the three Baltic
countries entered NATO, and now she seems unwilling to sit back and rest
in the face of the possible entrance of Ukraine into NATO. The North Atlan-
tic Council did invite Ukraine to form part of the Alliance, in response to
the Ukrainian government of Julia Timochenko, which provoked a protest
by Russia since she has always considered that extending the borders of
NATO to her territory was unacceptable.
At NATO headquarters, top authorities, civilian as well as military, have
commented on this conflict. Thus, the American General and SACEUR
Philip Breedlove,44 made it clear to the news agency STA, that NATO su-
pports dialogue and a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, since
«the member countries of NATO have agreed that there will be no mi-
litary mission if Russia crosses the border with Ukraine.» For General
Breedlove, «the new challenge for NATO is how to adapt this Alliance,
which in the last 14 years has viewed Russia as a partner, to a situation
in which Russia no longer behaves like one, and resorts to a kind of
hybrid war.»
For his part, the Associate Secretary General of NATO, Alexander Ver-
shbow45 admitted on June 6th that this conflict has obliged the Allies
«to go back to the beginning» and concentrate more on the kind of
collective defense dealt with in Article 5 of the Treaty, providing mi-
litary reinforcement for a better dissuasion in the eastern European
countries. Finally, the Secretary General of NATO46 made it clear that
the Alliance would do more in the future to cooperate with Ukraine, al-
though requests for equipment, or aid with intelligence, are decisions
at a bilateral level: «There is a difference between being or not being a
member of NATO. Collective defense under Article 5 of the Treaty is only
applied to member nations.»
At the recent Wales Summit, held the 4th and 5th of September, NATO de-
nounced the new spheres of influence imposed by Russia. At this trans-
cendental meeting, NATO47 demonstrated its concern over the Russian
attitude on the Ukraine conflict, and made the decision to approve a rapid
TSA News Agency report through EFE News Agency June 9th, 2014, Zagreb
Europa Press News Agency report, June 6, 2014, Brussels
Statements by Anders Fogh-Rasmussen at the World Security Forum in Bratislavia
May 15th, 2014.
NATO: Statement at the Wales Summit held September 4 and 5, 2014. (paragraphs
5, 6, 7, and 8). Available at
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
For the moment, Russia has clearly evinced her interest in recovering
her role as a world power and her irrevocable interest in the control of
the territory historically united to Russia, as is the case of Novorussia.
And with respect to the field of negotiation, it is as well to underline cer-
tain aspects with reference to the positions of the three principal actors
in the conflict: Ukraine, the pro-Russian insurgents and Russia. Althou-
gh the latter two act more or less in coordination, all cease-fire agree-
ments have always been established through conversations between
Ukraine and Russia, generally held in Byelorussia, with the support of
her President, Alexandre Lukashensko. Byelorussia is a Russian ally
and maintains good relations with Ukraine, but this does not mean that
it fails to watch with concern the Russian expansionist policy respecting
territories with Russian-speaking populations. It is also true that in the
conversations at the end of July, even the participation of the rebels was
dismissed, reinforcing even more the idea that Russia and Ukraine are
the true architects of a peaceful resolution to the conflict. In any case,
and with a prime mediator’s role, the Organization for Security and Coo-
peration in Europe (OSCE), plays an essential part in the supervision of
all agreements.
On the operative plane, and despite the fact that their units were com-
pleted by militiamen and security guards, the developments during mili-
tary operations exposed the operative deficiencies of the Ukranian Armed
Forces, but even more importantly, it laid bare the moral quandary for
national troops who must fight against their own fellow countrymen; cir-
cumstances which have marked the development of the conflict.
In addition, when the offensive of the Kiev forces seemed close to achie-
ving their victory and entering into Donetsk, Russia increased her aid to
the separatists, sending troops into Ukrainian territory, making it clear
that she would not permit their military defeat.
So far, all the circumstances and parameters, of widely differing nature,
conditioning the development of the conflict have herein been presented;
it only remains to reflect on its pacification and the return to a certain
normalcy, permitting the settlement of future relations between the two
In this context, the position that Ukraine adopts is fundamental, especially
with respect to the separatists who gave battle to the Kiev government,
with the unquestionable support of Russia.
All seems to indicate that President Poroshenko, in view of the way
a conflict which caused more than 2,50048 dead has evolved, is con-
Statements to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, on August
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
Ukraine and the new russian geopolitical leadership
Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín
BALLESTEROS, Miguel Ángel, The Importance of Leaders in the Ukraine cri-
sis. Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, Madrid, 2014. Available on
the Web:
IISS Strategic Comments, Ukraine: risks to economic stabilization. Volume
20, Comment 20 - June 2014, London.
International Institute for Strategic Studies, e-News, August 2014.
News Agency EFE.
News Agency Europa Press.
News Agency Reuters.
Alqaeda and jihadism Chapter
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Key words
Alqaeda and jihadism
The West is an indefinite geographic place, and Islam a religion. The two
have now met on a sea too wide to unite them, but not wide enough to
separate them, thus breaking down an age-old situation of mutual dis-
regard. The first shock took place halfway through the 19th century with
the trauma of colonization; and the second, no less important, halfway
through the 20th century, when decolonization confronted both parties
with their own lack of preparation. The third, even more acute, was provi-
ded by the mass communication media, which transformed the encoun-
ter of different societies into a clash without mediators, between homes
equipped with significantly dissimilar economic capacities, with all the
resulting feelings of grievance and injustice.
The world has folded upon itself. Globalization has been the great pheno-
menon of the turn of the century; it entails a growing speed of contacts
between North and South, but also between East and West, blurring dis-
tances and eliminating processes and transition phases, a fact that mag-
nifies differences and makes them more blatant.
It reproduces thus an encounter that follows Hegelian dynamics -thesis,
antithesis, synthesis- whose acceleration triggers a kinetic collision, or
perhaps something felt to be like it. It must be absolutely clear that globa-
lization is not by any means a peaceful phenomenon, but rather the oppo-
site. It represents a process of rationalization exercised on the strongest
culture, together with many other sub-processes of the same nature, and
the elimination of the culturally weakest.
In this sense, Al Qaeda is branded as one of the leaders of a reactionary
movement (antithesis), opposing not only Western culture but mainly,
other and different Islamic varieties of the same creed that serves it as
inspiration. The East-West encounter has been decisive for its creation.
All of this is the natural result of the diversity of a religion practiced by a
number of people that ranges between 1,200 and 1,500 million, together
with a local culture, and a lack of both hierarchy and doctrinal unity; glo-
balization has made tangible the differences existing among the Islam
practiced by the various Muslim communities.
The fact is that Islam is diverse (ijtilaf), not only due to the existence of
different legitimate approaches to religious belief, but also through the
preponderance of preaching (dawa) over doctrine, which provides it with
a considerable capacity of adaptation that explains its extraordinary
Therefore, the approach, the analysis of the process, must be done bea-
ring in mind two basic considerations. The first is that, notwithstanding
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Historical background
Modern Salafism was born in the sixties in Saudi Arabia under the tu-
telage of its leaders as an instrument for the fight against Nasserism
and Arabic socialism; many Islamic scholars from neighboring countries,
sheltered in Saudi Arabia, became integrated in it. The fusion of their
thinking with Wahhabism created a powerful catalyst that revitalized and
invigorated groups which, later on, would acquire life of their own and
become difficult to control.1
This way, Saudi leaders tried to influence and manage the Muslim world
through the role of their country as site of the Muslim holy places, and
also simultaneously, to gain legitimacy before their people presenting
themselves as champions of Islam. By doing so, they solved at the same
time geo-political and legitimacy problems, even at the expense of put-
ting great stress on the political movement they had created by placing
it in a permanent dilemma between submitting to power or becoming
Islam’s vanguard; a challenge overcome by no few of them.
The invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 caused a nine-year conflict which
coincided in time with the peace agreements between Israel and Egypt,
the Islamic Revolution in Shiite Iran, and the Iran-Iraq war. That is to say,
it happened in a period of great upheaval and geo-political realignment
in the Middle East.
In this context, one of the first to use the term salafist jihadism to speak
about himself and his own ideas was Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi who,
Alqaeda and jihadism
Umbreen, Javaid and Nighat, Noureen. «An Insight into the Philosophical Dynamics
of AlQaeda». Journal of Political Studies 2002, Vol. 20, Issue 2, 2013, 201—218.
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
In 1994, after losing his Saudi nationality, Ben Laden took refuge in Sudan, and
in 19954 he would be blamed for a terrorist attack in his homeland that would
bring him media attention. In 1996, he was forced to leave the country and sett-
led down in Afghanistan, where the Taliban had taken over power. On 7 August
1998, the terrorist attacks against the North American Embassies in Tanzania
and Kenya took place, resulting in more than two hundred dead and four thou-
sand wounded, placing the organization at the forefront of media attention.
AlQaeda’s commitment in Afghanistan provoked multiple doctrinal pro-
blems, due to the peculiar Taliban interpretation of Islam that hindered
the organization’s aim for purity. All these barriers were overcome, in
the opinion of as relevant a figure as Mustafa Setmarian, for the sake of
operational effectiveness.
AlQaeda’s terrorist activities have developed under a pattern in which
every wave is followed by a withdrawal, as fitting with a conflict’s dialec-
tical nature. Those waves, it is true, have shortened their cycle, increasing
thus their recurrence.
The first would span the period from its creation until the conquering of
Afghanistan, its peak being the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The second wave
was linked to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, its high point having been the
terrible attacks in Madrid and London, ending in Iraq between 2007 and
2008; a wave with a more diffuse organization, as a consequence of the
measures taken by the West, and which leaves action partly up to indi-
vidual initiative. A third wave, in Seth Jones opinion5, would have begun
with an uprising in the Arabian peninsula and ended with Ben Laden’s
death, being characterized, according to Sageman, by a considerable
growth in the number of independent cells of terrorists by imitation, ope-
rating outside terrorist training infrastructures.
In any case, the 9/11 attacks placed AlQaeda in the forefront of attention
around the world, achieving global visibility and turning the organization into
an attraction for many people discontent with the current state of affairs,
especially in the Muslim world, providing the organization with a relevan-
ce not in accord with its real military capabilities. It would provide an outlet
channeling the frustration and hate of significant sectors of the population.
Its actions made its political goals seem viable, and consequently, it was in-
terpreted as a danger for the West, which increased its military budget.
However, its presence had been concentrated and consolidated consi-
derably in Afghanistan, making the organization tangible. It had become
strong, perhaps too strong, offering thus a target to attack.
A car bomb exploded in a Saudi National Guard training center in Riyadh killing six
people, four of them Americans, and wounding sixty.
Jones, Seth., «A Persistent Threat: The Evolution of al Qa’ida and Other Salafi Jiha-
dists.» RAND Corporation working paper 2014.
Alqaeda and jihadism
The Madrid and London terrorist attacks, as important as they were, did
not manage to reach the global relevance that 9/11 did, and as a result,
the organization gradually lost initiative and visibility; the world stock ex-
change indexes fell for years after the attacks in the USA, several months
after the tragedy in Madrid and only days after London; the markets, sin-
ce then and generally speaking, pay little attention to its actions. In fact,
since then it hasn’t been able successfully to carry out any other attack of
such magnitude in the West. And the attempts to force a civil war in Iraq
between Sunnis and Shiites, to benefit from the chaos the conflict would
bring to the organization, became a source of serious questioning as well
as a political encumbrance that caused their rejection by that same popu-
lation they had gone there to support.
In any case, Ben Laden’s death in 2011 was the nadir of its decline, as a
result, to a considerable extent, of the confrontation with the West. The
organization fragmented, not only in response to the pressure of the in-
ternational community, but also from the need to adapt to the diverse
scenarios in which it operates, from the dissimilarity in goals, and even
from the necessity to satisfy individualist leaderships (witness the cases
of Abu Bakr Al Bagdhadi, and of the ISIS).
Religious Foundations
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Meijer, Roel, Op.Cit. p. 286.
Wiktorowics, Quintan, «Anatomy of the Salafi Movement,» Studies in conflicts and
terrorism, num. 29 no. 3 (April-May 2006).
Alqaeda and jihadism
include Ibn Baz and his followers, creators of the al Shawa movement
(who in 1979 took over the mosque in Mecca). A third branch would be the
Palestinian, with Abdala Azzam, Omar Abu Qatada and Aby Muhammad
Conceptually, and quoting al-Suri, AlQaeda contains fundamentalist ele-
ments, outstanding among which are Mawdudi’s hakimiyya (God’s sove-
reignty in every aspect of life), and elements from the legal and political
doctrine of Salafism of Ibn Taymiyya, specifically the principle of al-wala
wa al-bara, which will be mentioned again below; some elements of the
political and judicial traditions of Wahabbism and the ideas proper to the
Moslem Brotherhood might also be added.9
Al-Maqdisi, another ideologist in the group, would contribute the con-
cept of tawhid (the unity, the confluence of everything around God) to
the idea of yihad takfiri (takfir is excommunication; the name takfiri is
rejected by these groups, since its meaning, «the excommunicators»,
has a mocking tone). As a consequence, Takfirism has broadened its
limits to reach not only infidels of all kinds (including Christians and
Jews, usually excluded) but, furthermore, all those Muslims who fail
to follow their doctrine. Abu Qatada al-Filistini goes beyond that and
subordinates preaching and political action to a jihad addressed first
against the closest enemy. And it goes even further in its contempt for
human reason. Salafism is faith-based10, in the sense that it places faith
above reason and even above reality.
In fact, all that violence increases through the autonomy that its agents
enjoy, and the initiative obtained as a result of applying the principle that
«the mujaheddin on the ground knows best how to act», which is a transpo-
sition of the idea that Allah knows best and grants religious legitimacy to
the operational level.
Salafism strives to purify (tasfiyya) and standardize doctrine (which is
contrary to the traditional theory of diversity, the ijtilaf, and as such, holds
great potential for conflict within Islam), which obviously will have its re-
flection in the first steps for the construction of an envisioned Islamic
State; it condemns the practice of an Islam which it holds to be Westerni-
zed and rational, while considering any movements of renewal as doctri-
Meijer,Roel, Op.Cit.
Bryanjar, Lia. «Destructive Doctrinarians» in Meijer, Roel. Globalsalafism. Hurst &
Company, London, 2009, p. 286.
Facts are accepted without seeking explanations, nor attempting to rationalize
them. It is not possible to approach God through reason, but through faith; reason is
taken to be inessential if not irrelevant. It is the «Credo quia absurdum» of Tertulian
which would be recovered by Al-Ghazali who in his work «Talafut al-falasfa» («The in-
coherence of the philosophers») emphasizes that reason must yield before Revelation
(«bi la keif», as it stands).
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
An Nawawi. The most select of the Garden of the Just. Moslem Community of Spain,
Motril 2005, p. 98.
Caestien Maestro, Ignacio. «Salafist Currents:religious puritanism, proselytism and
militance» in Strategy Notebook 163. Islamisms in evolution. Spanish Institute for Stra-
tegic Studies, 2013.
Alqaeda and jihadism
it fits completely with the concept of jihad according to Taqi ad-Din Ahmed
Ibn Taymiyya; and even more, it incorporates fundamentalist thinkers, as
we have seen, with the goal of putting down roots and benefitting from
the most traditional Islamic thinking.
Salafists consider themselves to be simply Muslims who fulfill their duty.
Salafism excludes not only differences, but also the different, including
non-Salafist Moslems, and them, especially. This would only validate
Freud’s theory that big conflicts are not caused by big differences but by
small ones: they are not so much interreligious as intra-religious. This
would explain the great number of Muslim casualties.
Theologically, they justify their behavior appealing to a defensive jihad,
which implies an individual obligation for all Moslems. The appeal of ra-
dicals to the faith of the faithful and to their commitments is the most
compulsive of their arguments, especially if it is to have an impact on a
society that calls for activism.
One of the most outstanding features of Salafism is its anti-Shiism, of
Wahabbi roots. In fact, an intellectual debate has existed in AlQaeda on
this point between two groups: one formed by Abu Muhammad al-Maqdi-
si and Abu Baseir al-Tartusi, as against al-Zarqawi’s doctrine in favor of
a limitless violence against them. This theory seems to have prospered
in its time, but currently it has been reconsidered by some in the central
authority. Nevertheless, in its famous letter, AlQaeda pronounces itself
openly against Shiism.
Thus, Sunnis accuse Shiites of being heretical, because they believe that
Ali enjoys a divine status. Furthermore, the doctrine of the infallibility of
the Imams places them, they believe, at the same level as the Prophet
Muhammad, to the point where his character as the seal of the prophets
is questioned; Shiism, for Wahabbis, presents the Koran as imperfect, be-
cause it can only be correctly interpreted by Imams. Among this group’s
most popular beliefs, one which stands out, is the belief that it is illicit
for Shiites to kill Sunnis,13 while accusing them of being the fifth column
for the West in the Islamic world and remembering, opportunistically,
such events as the support they provided to the Mongols for the razing
of Baghdad.
What is more, the rejection by the Shi’ites of the succession to the Prophet
(they considered Ali should have been the successor), is a death blow
for the doctrine of Salafism, which sees the basis of its religious pre-
cepts questioned: the Haddissids, due to the fact that their transmitters
(the rest of the Rachidun and their entourage) at the time acted dislo-
yally regarding the Prophet’s legitimate successor (the Imam Ali), are
consequently disqualified, as is their testimony, and this challenges the
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Javier Jordán,14 echoing the debate between Bruce Hoffman and Marc Sa-
geman about the importance of central Al Qaeda headquarters on the di-
rect and effective control of terrorist actions in the West, uses the analy-
sis of 85 terrorist incidents to simultaneously prove both experts correct.
It would depend on which dimension of the phenomenon gets more at-
tention (the central body or independent cells), because their approaches
are complementary and show the organization’s capacity for adaptation,
survival, and regeneration.
His conclusion is that we are facing a dynamic phenomenon led by an
organization that has suffered a severe erosion. AlQaeda and the Nor-
th-African organizations that share its precepts have lost strength, but
at the same time the surge of new players, operating autonomously or
together with Al Qaeda, contribute to the fact that the terrorist threat is
very much alive.
Conflict zones, and especially, to date, the AFPAK, have proven to be exce-
llent training grounds, which shows the relevance of large organizations
in the global scenario and their preponderance over a leaderless jihad,
so that their decline would also signal the decline of the jihadist pheno-
menon itself.
Therefore, it would be of interest to perform a double analysis: first at a
global, and then at a local scale.
Jordán, Javier. »An empirical contribution to the theoretical debate on the organiza-
tional nature of jihadist terrorism in Western Europe.» Spanish Political Science Review.
Nº 28, March 2012, pp. 87-106.
Sageman, Marc. Leaderless Jihad. University of Pennsylvania, 2007.
Alqaeda and jihadism
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
ven to actions against the West, the policy towards the Shiites, Marabouts
and Sufis, and the level of strictness to be used in applying Islamic law in
those areas under their authority.
Finally, a number of individual players and inspirational networks should
be added to this group, who represent a strategy of doubtful political and
military utility but very profitable media-wise.
In fact, it should be noted that the process of dissolution has ended by
making the franchises more visible than the central body, and has buried
the organization in a mire of jihadist organizations that, without being as
visible as, and having the past of the original group, try to benefit by so-
mehow establishing ties with it. AlQaeda would therefore serve as a sym-
bol, an icon to which all of them turn, and its victory (such as Bin Laden
simply hiding for 10 years) would be the simple fact of having resisted;
and that is no small feat.16
Velasco Tuduri, Santiago. AlQaeda. Origin, Evolution and its presence in the world
today» in Strategy Notebook 163. Islamisms in Revolution. Spanish Institute for Strate-
gic Studies, 2013.
Bergen, Peter; Hoffman, Bruce; Haley, Michael. Jihadist Terrorism: A threat assess-
ment.» Bipartisan Center, September 2013.
Alqaeda and jihadism
Jones, Seth. Op. Cit.
Bergen et. al. Op. Cit.
Ben Laden, Osama, in Lawrence, Bruce. Messages to the world. Foca Editions, Ma-
drid 2007.
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Alqaeda and jihadism
AlQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula may have learned from the mistakes
made in the past by other affiliates providing services (as done by other re-
ligious groups without links with AlQaeda, like Hitzbula, as a way of earning
legitimacy) to the Yemeni population, even changing its name (and acting as
«Ansar al Sharia») to show their attachment to Islamic law. It all belongs to
the logic of adaptation to the environment which is typical of the war.
The media impact brought about by the so-called individual actors (lone
wolves) adds in this context a bonus of visibility that benefits the group as
a whole and gives its fighters a glimmer of hope. In the end, as Clausewitz
reminds us, war is an activity of the spirit.
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
The local-global link means that the Umma, the great imaginary space of
universal confines, is constructed from the mosque, on the basis of rejec-
tion of any Western values; but it is also possible within the framework of
the net’s virtual space. Internet has made possible the emergence of an
Islamic space that fits in with the deterritorialized nature of their political
aspirations and permits fusion of souls, fragmentation, interchange, bra-
instorming and indoctrination.
It is all about taking the fight to the West’s own terrain, through those who
customarily live in them, thus solving logistical and terrorist training pro-
blems, while hindering any security measures, fracturing the community
and forcing its members to take a stance.
It is no longer a case of big, complex terrorist attacks aimed at attracting
the media (of which there are many on record that resulted in failure, so-
metimes even with the death of the perpetrators due to lack of training).
It is about simpler acts, like hit and run accidents, stabbings....acts with
high emotional impact, accessible, carried out by inspired people, split
from the group and, therefore, extremely difficult for the police to control.
Individual initiative is then given free reign and examples are produced of
people who, from within their own daily activities, can act at the service
of religion. Yet again, an inspiration for the group.
Often enough the acts are carried out by people with identity definition
problems (second-generation emigrants, as were the culprits of the Lon-
don 2005 attempts; converts; people integrated in a counter-culture...),
people who fail to truly fit into the society that received them, or to iden-
tify with, or be themselves a part of, that society.
As Fanon22 notes, for these people violence presents itself as a sort of li-
berating activity, a permanent commitment with one of the cultures which
coincide in their lives. Abdenabid Kunja, one of the terrorists who killed
himself in Leganés, said in a farewell letter to his children: «I cannot abide
to live this life as someone weak and humiliated in the eyes of the infidels».
What seem to be the latest acts of jihadist violence in Boston (committed
by the Tsarnaev brothers with pressure cookers), London (running over
a man and slitting his throat) and Paris (stabbing) come from a terrorism
pattern that has chosen to confront the West by reducing the role of its
nucleus--decimated by an efficient international persecution--and lead
the way to be followed by the members of the community, so that they are
the ones who, appropriately oriented, perpetrate the attacks with all the
means at their disposal.
It is a case of terrorism of the anarchistic and individualistic sort with
which AlQaeda is trying to overcome the increasingly diminishing num-
Fanon, Fritz. The damned of the Earth. Economic Culture Fund of Spain, 2007.
Alqaeda and jihadism
ber of jihadist attacks in the West and its even more increasingly dimini-
shing effectiveness, which has succeeded in removing the organization
from the media.
This fragmentation of terrorism shows the vulnerability of those societies
that suffer from it. It generates uncertainty, it fractures the community,
makes the religious context a necessary reference, causing a rift between
believers and spreading mistrust towards Moslems, with the hope that
overreaction on the part of the State or the society unites once and for all
the Moslems living within it.
It has now been years since the first signs of this pattern of action towards
«targets of opportunity» were detected in the North of Africa with tourists;
the methodology also included hit and run killings, stabbings and even an
attempt to bomb a bus with a butane gas canister. The West has seen the
precedent of the stabbings of Theo van Gogh in 2004, of the British Parlia-
ment member Stephen Timms in 2010 or the shooting murders by Arid
Uka in 2010 and Mohammed Merah in 2011 (this last one being especially
repulsive, because among the 7 casualties there were three Jewish chil-
dren). The case of the lone wolves does not only include AlQaeda members,
and we should not forget this, as in the case of the Norwegian Breivik.
If there is one thing absolutely clear from the results of the surveys perio-
dically issued by CIS (Sociological Investigation Center) under the auspi-
ces of IEEE (Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies), it is that Spanish so-
ciety does not perceive the existence of a threat to National Security, with
all the implications this has for budget considerations. However, facts are
stubborn, and Spain is precisely the country that suffered, in March 11,
2004, the greatest terrorist attack in Western Europe in the last 50 years:
an attack at the very least inspired, if not directed, precisely by AlQaeda.
For some part of the population it was a one-time event, a consequence
of a specific situation. But the only certain fact is that it happened, and
that since then more and more jihadist cells appear, even though they are
rapidly broken up by effective police and intelligence action.
In 2006 the strategic alliance between the Salafist Group for Preaching
and Combat and AlQaeda served as a base for the creation of AlQaeda in
the Islamic Maghreb, which transports the organization to the strategic
environment of our country and poses a direct, stable and credible threat
against National Security, carried out by individuals with long experience
of insurgency and terrorist activity.
We should not forget that Algeria, a country bordering Spain, has expe-
rienced since the beginning of the 1990s a great many violent acts that
have caused around 200,000 dead; it is thus hardly surprising that some
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Alqaeda and jihadism
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
In order to make a prediction we should first find those elements that will
determine the future, those events that will shape it, in a world more and
more complex and interdependent. Trying to do this with a terrorist group
is not only risky, but even reckless, because it implies claiming to know
the future of a collective that prides itself on its initiative, secrecy, origina-
lity and power to surprise the audience. Any analysis must be done, at any
case, in dialectical form: that is, taking the future as a tendency deduced
from the logic of action-reaction.
Alqaeda and jihadism
In this context, relations between Islam and the West are a key factor.
And they are unlikely to improve, no matter how much they intensify, be-
cause each party works in a different cultural area, increasing contra-
dictions and problems as well as the perception of injustice, the result
of a growing economic unbalance very difficult to solve. These are the
problems associated with an unavoidable approach and encounter.
It seems then that the organization will continue to exist. It is a hydra
which can be contained, but is extremely difficult to liquidate. It will also
continue serving as a reference in the popular imagination. Its image will
be the totem of a nebula of jihadist groups, the light high on the mountain,
but its operational capacity will remain minimal and stable. Its survival is
the only important thing. It transcends its own military capacities. As Lao
Tse said, «to remain weak equals strength.»
The local level of the fight, insurgency, will continue to be crucial. Meanwhi-
le, terrorism will be the prevailing intercultural form of violence thanks to
its high- profile character and also because it pays benefits at a local level.
But terrorism is not decisive, and that is the reason why jihadist organiza-
tions will maintain their efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction. It
is a difficult task, but essential for succeeding against the West.
In this context, it is absolutely necessary to control the cash flow that
finances extreme radicalism from outside, as a means of avoiding the
creation of terrorist economies that will make its existence possible. And
it is equally necessary to adopt all measures necessary to avoid the pro-
liferation of and accessibility to such technologies.
The local-global link of Islamist actions will improve, and that will make
their activities at a local level more synergistic at a global level. However,
the conflicts in which the organization thrives are unlikely to be solved,
because their real causes tend not to be dealt with, but rather replaced
by others.
In the long term this will gradually provoke weariness in the native peo-
ples whose worries lie in their daily lives, and who see how an unpleasant
situation prolongs itself without being solved. All this at the same time
that their concept of religion and the world is disregarded, if not scorned
and flatly proscribed. That is why it is possible to foresee the emergence
of conflicts of this kind between jihadists and local populations.
A stark analysis of reality would tell us that terrorism is an instrument
of collective action, a tool (illegitimate) for politics, in which personal im-
print has its place but cannot become the main core of every activity if it
wants to advance and not remain a zero sum game; the operational side
of terrorism cannot substitute for political direction, and politics cannot
refrain from playing a role only to enable the organization’s survival.
Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
In the operational field, Von Moltke has pointed out, in the context of the
Franco-Prussian war, that the result of «giving arms to the people» was
a guarantee of failure, added to unnecessary bloodshed. The vanguard
of society, which is what every terrorist organization tries to represent,
has taken a step back in Al Qaeda´s case so that the community goes on
alone; this would not seem to have much future, albeit a single and deter-
mined man can still do a great deal of damage.
To predict Al Qaeda´s future also requires addressing the situation of
State and social fragility that the Islamic world generally experiences
Therefore, jihadist groups will probably have to adapt even more to native
populations in terms of values, assuming in those regions the functions
that would normally be provided by the State and satisfying the social de-
mands made on them; in other words, they will have to replace the State.
The card the West holds to confront the problem posed by Al Qaeda and
its cohort of associated jihadist movements is to deactivate Islamic mo-
vements by promoting their integration into the state and trivializing
them, in the sense that Oliver Roy suggests.
The institutionalization of Islamism would imply its withdrawal from the
revolutionary road and its conformation in the State/Nation logic, as well
as the setting aside of transnational ideological references in favor of
national interests. Experience thus far indicates that such an event would
bring with it a weakening of its ideological role; its activity, in practical
terms, becoming limited to a re-Islamization of customs and Law disasso-
ciated from any other aspiration. In other words: Islamization from the top
downwards.23 Any other approach would cause its collapse and replace-
ment as happened in Egypt, because if Westernization has had its limits,
«Easternization» has its own.
The coming to power of radicals can also force them to come to terms
with the contradictions between their own creed and the need to meet the
real demands of the population and accept its religious concepts. These
countries cannot live without the West in a world that has folded in upon
itself; nobody can become an island, not even by free will.
The key to all problems lies in strengthening the state so that it can adapt
itself better to the society it is built upon, while satisfying its demands
and finding a future for its citizens, as radicalization is avoided, first with
pedagogy, and with police action as a support.
Every river flows into the sea, but the sea is never filled.
Alqaeda and jihadism
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the Chapter
heart of Europe three
Francisco J. Ruiz González
Key words
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
The bridge over the River Dniester in the Moldovan town of Gura Bucu-
lui, which carries the road joining the capital Chisinau with Odessa on
the Black Sea, was destroyed during the 1992 war, which pitted Moldo-
va against its separatist region of Transnistria. The European Union (EU)
funded its reconstruction in 2001, in the hope of nurturing contacts and
commerce between the two banks. Nevertheless, the bridge remains clo-
sed to traffic to this day and access for pedestrians is often restricted,
with the installation of border checkpoints.
That bridge symbolizes the quintessential Eastern European frozen
conflict situation as, even though there have been no armed clashes
since the ceasefire was signed in 1992, the international communi-
ty has not been able to force an agreement between the two sides
despite the involvement of a large number of players. Unfortunately,
the end of the conflict has appeared to be in sight many times, but
opportunities were lost one after another, and the current escalation
of tension in the Post-Soviet area does not allow us to be optimistic
about the future.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
Parallel to the efforts of the MSSR to secede from the USSR, protest mo-
vements began in regions such as Transnistria and Gagauzia,1 inhabi-
ted by non-Romanian ethnic minorities. That resistance movement was
primarily motivated by fear that post-independence Moldova would seek
reunification with Romania, as in the 1918-1940 period.2
In fact, on 31st August 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the Republic decla-
red Moldovan to be the official language and decreed the return of Latin
characters for the written language, abandoning the Cyrillic alphabet. On
27th April 1990, a tricolor flag was adopted (with the coat of arms of the
Principality of Moldova) as well as the Romanian national anthem, and at
the end of that year its name changed to the «Republic of Moldova».
In reaction, the Slavs proclaimed the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic
(TMR) on 2nd September 1990, even before Moldova declared its indepen-
dence from the USSR in August 1991.3 The first deaths were produced on
The case of Gagauzia is less well known than that of Transnistria. The Gagauzes are
a people of Turkmen origin, who number barely over a quarter of a million (the majority
concentrated in the south of Moldova) and whose peculiarity is that, unlike the rest of
Turkmen peoples, they are Orthodox Christians. On this issue, see ROPER, Steven D.,
«Regionalism in Moldova: The Case of Transnistria and Gagauzia», Regional & Federal
Studies, Vol.11, No.3, 2001, pp.101-122.
For a study of the factors of controversy in this conflict, see COJOCARU, Natalia,
«Nationalism and identity in Transnistria», The European Journal of Social Science
Research, Vol.19, No.3-4, 2006, pp.261-272; and WATERS Trevor, «Russian peacekee-
ping in Moldova: Source of stability or neo-imperialist threat?», in MACKINLEY, John y
CROSS, Peter, Regional peacekeepers: The paradox of Russian peacekeeping, New York:
United Nations University, 2003, 133-136.
The first leader of the TMR, Igor Smirnov, stated that «the Moldovan Parliament
adopted laws that clearly violated the rights of some of its people, discriminating
against them. They spoke, moreover, in favor of creating a «Great Romania». All this
naturally alarmed our population, because the land beyond the Dniester had never been
Romanian land». LAMONT, Neil V., Territorial dimensions of ethnic conflict: the Moldovan
Francisco J. Ruiz González
3rd December 1990, when the Moldovan police gunned down three civi-
lians trying to break through the blockade on the bridge over the Dniester
at Dubasari.4
The 1989 census revealed that there were 4.3 million people living in the
Moldovan SSR, of whom 2.8 million (64%) were Moldovans, 14% Ukrai-
nians and 13% Russians and the remaining 9% were Gagauzes and other
minorities (see map 2).
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
There was also another important economic factor at stake, since this
area – with only 12% of the territory and 17% of the population of Moldo-
va, accounted for 35% of its GDP.5
March 2nd 1992 is considered to have been the official start of the war,
coinciding with Moldova’s admission as member of the U.N. Large-scale
combat began in May 1992, when Chisinau tried to recover sovereign-
ty over the TMR, using its newly formed militias, combat-trained by Ro-
mania. The civil war ended with a secessionist victory, 1,500 dead and
100,000 people displaced from their homes.6
As a result of this, Moldova lost control of 4,163 sq. km of its territory, 452
km of its frontier with Ukraine and 600,000 of its inhabitants.7
As far as Russia’s role in the conflict is concerned, the 14th Army, which
had been based in the area since 1954, was the main protagonist.8 Gene-
ral Yakovlev, its commanding officer in 1991, allowed the Transnistrian
militias to access the arsenals under his charge.9 His successor, General
Netkachev, adopted a more neutral position during the conflict. Neverthe-
less, his attempts to mediate between Chisinau and Tiraspol (capital of
the TMR) were fruitless and the situation escalated into the above-men-
tioned open military conflict in May 1992.
On 23rd June, at the height of the Moldovan offensive, General Alexander
Lebed10 reached the area with orders to prevent the theft of weapons and
KING, Charles, «The Benefits of Ethnic War: Understanding Eurasia’s Unrecognized
States», World Politics, No.53, 2001, pp.524-552.
For a complete analysis of the military dimension of the conflict, see BÁRCENAS,
Luis A. and LÓPEZ, José A., Frozen conflicts of the former Soviet Union, Madrid: Ministry
of Defense, 2011, pp.29-67.
BLANC ARTEMIR Antonio, Territorial, interethnic and national conflicts in the States
emerging from the former Soviet Union, Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, 2004, p 215.
Russian leaders of the time, immersed in the political transition, lacked both a clear
idea of their national security interests and defined rules of conduct towards the ex-So-
viet republics. As a result of this, the Russian military, and especially units stationed in
these States, were to all intents and purposes left to fend for themselves. SELIVANOVA,
Irina F., «Trans-Dnistria», in AZRAEL, Jeremy R. and PAYIN, Emil A.(Ed.), US and Russia
policy-making with respect to the use of force, RAND Center for Russian and Eurasian
Studies, 1995, p.57, available at
proceedings/2007/CF129.pdf.[Consulted: 03 April 2014].
General Yakovlev supported the TMR so openly that he was a member of its Su-
preme Soviet and accepted the post of Chairman of the Defense Department on 3rd
December 1991, the day he was relieved as head of the 14th Army.
For more on the figure of Lebed and his role in Moldavia, see O’MALLEY, Kevin D.,
A Russian man on horseback: The rise of General Alexander Lebed, Chapter 3 «The
fighting General: Lebed in Moldova», Monterrey: Naval Postgraduate School, March
Francisco J. Ruiz González
evacuate the 14th Army, crossing Ukraine. After assessing the situation,
Lebed decided to involve the Russian troops in the ongoing combat, and
on 3rd July 1992, a massive artillery attack on the right bank of the Dnies-
ter annihilated the Moldovan forces attacking Bendery, putting an end to
the military phase of the conflict.11
A statement attributed to Lebed would demonstrate his personal com-
mitment to the Slav cause: «I am proud that we have helped Transnistria
against those Moldovan fascists». Another quote attributed to him, howe-
ver, describes his position (which could be considered that of the Russian
Federation) in the following way: «I told the fanatical separatists of Tiraspol
and fascists of Chisinau: either you stop killing each other or I’ll fire on all of
you with my tanks».12
On 25th June 1992, the presidents of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Roma-
nia met together in Moscow to agree on a ceasefire, signed on 21st July13.
The forces of both sides would be separated by an interpositional force
made up of five Russian battalions, three Moldovan and two from the TMR.
Compliance with the terms of the agreement would be overseen by a
«Joint Control Commission» based in Bendery, which had the «Joint Mili-
tary Command» under it14.
In April 1995, the 14th Army was renamed as «Russian Forces Task For-
ce», and reduced to 2,600 troops, which, in theory, remained in the area
as a peace-keeping force to monitor the 1992 agreement. The biggest
problem was the 42,000 tons of military equipment stored in Transnistria
from the Soviet era.
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
Moscow was not prepared to assume the costs of recovering it and its
attempts to sell some of it off to a third party ended in failure. Added to
that, the secessionist authorities consider this material as a guarantee of
independence and have declared that it belongs to them and that Russia
would have to pay to get it back.15
As regards the role of the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Eu-
rope (CSCE) in this crisis, its mission in Moldova began on 25th April 1993,
and thus nine months after the end of the military phase of the conflict, in
order to facilitate a lasting and comprehensive political settlement on all
aspects of the conflict on the left bank of the Dniester in the Republic of
Moldova, based on CSCE principles and commitments.
The mandate of the Mission, composed of eight persons, consisted of:
facilitating the establishment of a global political framework for under-
taking dialogue and negotiations; compiling and providing information
about the situation, including the military situation, and investigating
specific incidents; fomenting negotiations on the status and withdrawal
of foreign troops; providing advice and legal expertise; and initiating a
visible CSCE presence in the region.16
KING, Charles, «Eurasia Letter: Moldova with a Russian Face», Foreign Policy, No.97,
winter 1994-1995, pp.106-120.
FREIRE, María R., Conflict and security in the former Soviet Union: The role of the
OSCE, Burlington: Ashgate, 2003, pp.195-252.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
sion. Nevertheless, there are powerful forces within both groups who be-
nefit from maintaining the status quo.17
There have been constant mediation efforts by various international figu-
res. Thus on 23rd March 1992, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Mol-
dova, Russia, Romania and Ukraine adopted a declaration in Helsinki on
joint principles for the peaceful resolution of the conflict and agreed to
create a mechanism for political consultations to coordinate their efforts.
A quadripartite commission was established in April to monitor imple-
mentation of an eventual ceasefire, but the military escalation left this
mechanism in suspension.
The Transnistria issue was also discussed within the framework of the
recently created «Community of Independent States» (CIS), leaving them-
selves the option of deploying a peacekeeping force in accordance with
the «Agreement on
groups of military observers and peacekeeping forces in the CIS», signed
in Kiev on 20th March of that year. The Moscow Summit of 6th July agreed
on deployment of Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Romanian and Bul-
garian joint forces, if Chisinau requested it (an agreement which became
invalid after the ceasefire of 21st July 1992).
After several years of impasse, the first breakthrough was achieved on
May 8th 1997, with the signing of the «Memorandum on the basis for
normalization of relations between the Republic of Moldova and Trans-
nistria». On 20th March 1998 the so-called «Odessa Agreement» was rea-
ched on measures of trust and development of contacts between Moldova
and Transnistria18, outlining ten specific actions:
• To reduce, within two months, the number of troops from Moldo-
va and Transnistria deployed in the safety zone, up to 500 troops
• To reduce, in coordination with the «Joint Military Command», the
number of static controls of the peacekeeping forces and replace
them with mobile patrols.
• To receive, within the space of a month, an analysis of the «Joint
Control Commission» on compliance with the 1992 ceasefire
• To draw up a list of proposals, within two months, for reducing the
number of border controls between Moldova and Transnistria, in
order to facilitate movement of people, goods and services.
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
• To make the bridge over the Dniester in the city of Dubossar ope-
rational before May, following the security measures established
by the Commission.
• To contribute to the rapid withdrawal of military equipment, which
remains in storage in Transnistria, with Ukraine’s cooperation in
facilitating its movement.
• To create, within a month, a working group to draw up a compre-
hensive program for combatting illegal trafficking of drugs and
• To avoid measures which could lead to a propaganda war, giving
objective information about progress of negotiations.
• To set up joint programs to support investment projects, re-
construction of industries and power plants and environmental
• To respect and protect human rights and freedoms, in accordance
with international law.
The next significant initiative appeared in November 2003, when Russia
introduced the «Kozak Memorandum» (named in honor of its sponsor,
Presidential adviser Dimitri Kozak)19.This marked an important change in
the Russian position, since it discarded the concept of sovereign equality
between Chisinau and Tiraspol, maintained so far, and proposed instead
an asymmetric Federation with broad autonomy for Transnistria.
However, the door stood open for the presence of Russian troops in the
area up until 2020, and the powers of veto granted to Tiraspol would
allow de facto control of Chisinau’s major decisions20. For this reason, and
on the advice of the West, Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin rejected
it, provoking Russian resentment and the clashes during the OSCE Minis-
terial Summit in Maastricht in December 2003.21
Voronin further strained relations with Russia by publishing the «3D Ac-
tion plan and Strategy for resolution of the Transnistria conflict» on 1st
October 2004 (demilitarization, decriminalization and democratization
of Transnistria)22, and given the lack of progress in the five-sided nego-
tiations (Moldova, Transnistria, Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE), Moldova
POPESCU, Nicu, «The EU and Transnistria», UNISCI Discussion Papers, No.10,
January 2006, p.249, available at
UNIS0606130247A/28143.[Consulted: 03 April 2014].
POPESCU, Nicu, «The EU in Moldova-Settling conflicts in the neighborhood», EU-
ISS Occasional Paper, No.60, October 2005, p.30, available at
uploads/media/occ60.pdf.[Consulted: 03 April 2014].
Eleventh Meeting of the Ministerial Council, Maastricht, 1 & 2 December 2003, avai-
lable at[Consulted: 03 abril 2014].Page 108 of the do-
cument carries the communiqué of the delegation from the Russian Federation.
BOONSTRA, Jos, «Moldavia, Transnistria and European democracy policies», Com-
mentary FRIDE, available at[Consulted: 03 April 2014].
Francisco J. Ruiz González
proposed that the EU and USA should be incorporated into the process of
negotiations that same year, in a format known as 2+5.
In addition, in October 2005 Brussels approved the EU Border Assistan-
ce Mission in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (acronym EUBAM), to
improve monitoring and control of the movement of goods and people be-
tween the two countries, as well as fighting against trafficking of human
beings, smuggling of goods and weapons, and corruption.23
That same year, newly elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko
issued his alternative plan to the «Kozak Memorandum» proposing auto-
nomy for Transnistria, but without federalizing Moldova nor guaranteeing
Tiraspol the right to secede if Chisinau were to decide on union with Ro-
mania. The Moldovan Parliament adopted Yuschenko’s plan and gave it
the force of law in 2005, but Transnistria rejected it.
In retaliation, Ukraine decided that it would only import goods from
Transnistria if they were processed by the Moldovan customs service.
Russia and Transnistria classified this as economic blockade, and Tiras-
pol responded by holding a referendum on September 17, 2006, in which
the yes to independence and future integration with Russia reached 98%
(with 78.6% participation).
In Moldova, the «Alliance for European Integration» (AEI) ousted the Com-
munist Party from power in 2009, but it is made up of various groups
with weak cohesion: the Liberal-Democratic Party of Prime Minister Lurie
Leanca (with 31 seats), the Democratic Party of Parliament Speaker Ma-
rian Lupu (with 15 seats), and the Liberal Reform Party of Mihai Ghimpu
(with 12 seats).24 The two minority parties have been ganging up against
their government partner, and disputes between Prime Minister Vlad Filat
and Vlad Palhoniuc (number two in the Democratic Party and the richest
person in Moldova) ended with the former being replaced by Leanca (Mi-
nister of Foreign Affairs) in May 2013.
On page 108 of the document is the communiqué of the delegation from the Russian
«Trafficking in human beings and a variety of smuggling (from stolen cars to drugs,
weapons, tobacco and alcohol) are two worrying areas of transnational organized crime,
from a regional perspective.» WOLFF, Stefan, The Transnistrian issue: moving beyond
the status-quo, EU DG for External Policies, October 2012, p.15, available at https://
dence-stefan-wolff-the-transnistrian-issue.pdf.[Consulted: 08 April 2014].
«The Alliance is far from being a stable political bloc united more by a common
enemy-the Communists - than by a political agenda and a common vision. «.WOLFF,
Stefan, Op.cit., p.8.
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
The opposition consists of the Communist Party (34 seats) and 9 indepen-
dent deputies. The Communists ruled between 2001 and 2009, and aimed
to regain power, capitalizing on social discontent with the economic si-
tuation and with the support of the pro-Russian sectors. To do this, they
tried to launch a «velvet revolution» in the summer of 2013, with the aim
of overthrowing the government and preventing the signing of the Asso-
ciation Agreement with the EU, scheduled for November of that year.25
In the anti-government demonstrations, Communists denounced the
rampant corruption, proposed readjusting budgets to provide greater so-
cial protection for the most disadvantaged, and advocated restoration of
moral values against Western influence, a goal they have in common with
the most traditional sectors of the Orthodox Church.
Paradoxically, it was the Communist Voronin who set the European cour-
se, with the approval of the «Action Plan Moldova-EU» in 2004. However,
after their move to the opposition, Communists intend to maintain a dou-
ble foreign vector (EU and Russia) adapting in each case to what is most
beneficial. The problem is that the terms of the agreement with the EU
are incompatible with further integration into the Customs Union initiated
by Russia, which forces them to choose between one or the other.26
Another important issue is the position of the parties regarding a subject
that may seem trivial, but actually plays a major role in the conflict: the
official name of the language as Moldovan or Romanian.27 The Consti-
tution and most people go for the first option (to consider it a dialectal
variation), but intellectual elites advocate the second, since the standar-
dized and cultured version of the language coincides fully with Romanian.
The Constitutional Court addressed the issue in December 2013, stating
that the Declaration of Independence of 1991 takes precedence over the
Constitution of 1994, and since it declared Romanian the official language
of the country, this is the criterion that must prevail. It is interesting to
SOCOR, Vladimir, «Russia and the Moldovan Communists’ Red October», Eurasia
Daily Monitor, Vol.10, No.176, 3 October 2013.
Of the six countries in the Eastern Partnership of the EU, Moldova and Georgia have
opted for signing the Association Agreement and Free Trade with the Union, Belarus is
a founding member of the Customs Union and has not even considered the European
way, Azerbaijan has no interest in any of the two options (only wants to increase energy
ties), Armenia decided in September 2013 to forego signing the Agreement with the EU
and requested entry into the Customs Union, and the situation in Ukraine is well known:
renounced signing in November, coup d’etat against President Yanukovich in February,
and signature of the political part of the agreement with the EU by the new authorities
in March.
«This controversy permeates political parties, Moldova-Romania relations, policies
on the conflict in Transnistria, and Russia’s policy towards Moldova», SOCOR, Vladimir,
«Language Politics, Party Politics, and Constitutional Court Politics in Moldova», Eurasia
Daily Monitor, Vol.11, No.6, 13 January 2014.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
note that five of the six members of the Court have dual Romanian-Mol-
dovan nationality. In general, any tendency to Romanianization of Moldova
encourages separatism.
The EU has been supporting the process of building mutual trust between
Moldova and Transnistria, in particular by financing «United Nations De-
velopment Programme» projects, which have promoted cooperation at
the level of small border communities in areas such as health, social
affairs, or the environment since March 2009.28
The current relationship between Moldova and the EU is based on the
Association and Free Trade Agreement, whose approval was made at the
Summit, in Vilnius (Lithuania), of the Eastern Partnership on 28th and
29th November 2013. Furthermore, at that same meeting, the Commis-
sion confirmed that Moldova had completed the action plan for liberaliza-
tion of visas, which recommended their abolition, in the Schengen area,
for holders of biometric passports.
The agreements are expected to enter into force this year (August being
the most likely month for their ratification), in coordination with the legis-
lative elections in November 2014. In this way, the ruling coalition seeks
to exploit success and unseat the Communist Party from its status as the
most voted-for political force.
At the signing of the Association Agreement in Vilnius, the Moldovan
Prime Minister Leanca said that the policy of European integration for
Moldova is the direct continuation of its decision in 1991 to become in-
dependent of the USSR, adding that this path will become irreversible
only when the EU grants it candidate country status, initiating the process
towards full membership.
As regards the conflict in Transnistria, Chisinau authorities expect that
rapprochement to the EU will increase its attractiveness on the left bank,
both to citizens - through the possibilities of travelling to Europe, which
offers the new visa policy - and to companies that could benefit from the
Free Trade Agreement to enter the Community market.29
The actions of this program in Moldova, acronym UNDP, are summarized in the
publication Towards equitable and sustainable development for all 2007-2011, availa-
ble at
MOLDOVA%202012%20book.pdf.[Consulted: 05 April 2014].
SOCOR, Vladimir, «Moldovan Government Moves Closer to the European Union at
the Vilna Summit», Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol.10, No.218, 5 December 2013.
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
However, this assumed increase in Moldovan soft power over ethnic mi-
norities does not seem to have occurred. The «People’s Assembly» of
Gagauzia called a referendum on February 2, 2014, to ask that minority if
it preferred rapprochement to the EU or the Customs Union promoted by
Russia, apart from assessing the possibility of independence from Moldo-
va if it were to unite with Romania.
The result leaves no room for doubt: with over 70% participation, 98.4%
of the votes were in favor of integration into the Customs Union, 97.2%
against joining the EU, and 98 9% in favor of independence. The Assembly
had no powers to call the referendum, but did so despite warnings to the
contrary from the central government, using Russian funding.30
All this happened despite statements by EU officials to the effect that the
process of association with Moldova should not divide people, but rather
provide a basis for social consensus. That is to say, to avoid what was
done in Ukraine, which led to the serious incidents known to all: the inde-
pendence of Crimea and its annexation by Russia.
However, consensus seems further away than ever, as the most recent
opinion polls indicate that among ethnic Moldovans, 55% are in favor of
European orientation and 28% against, while among ethnic Russians the
percentages are 13% and 62% respectively, with ethnic Ukrainians 26%
and 57%, and among other ethnic groups 15% and 51%. In general, su-
pport for the EU in Moldova is progressively decreasing, while the attrac-
tion of Russia is on the increase.31
At the end of 2012, tension between Chisinau and Moscow rose again
when President Nicolae Timofti insisted on the unconditional withdrawal
of Russia from Transnistria. In addition, Moldova announced its intention
to progress in its rapprochement to the EU and adopt the second and
third community «Energy Packages», which prohibit a company from be-
ing both a supplier and a distributor via the so called Gazprom clause.
In this regard, Russia offered a 30% discount on the price of gas to Moldo-
va, setting the condition that they waive adoption of the aforementioned
EU legislative packages. Gazprom holds a de facto monopoly on the su-
pply to southeast Europe and is building the South Stream gas pipeline
MINZARARI, Dumitru, «The Gagauz Referendum in Moldova: A Russian Political We-
apon?» Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol.11, No.23, 5 February 2014.
See INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICIES, Barometer of Public Opinion, November
2013, available at
parte_English.ppt.[Consulted: 06 April 2014]. Note that this survey does not include the
opinion of the inhabitants of Transnistria, who are certainly positioned in favor of stren-
gthening ties with Russia.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
through the Black Sea to strengthen it, but if the Balkan countries acce-
lerate implementation of Community rules, all that effort will be in vain.
During his visit to Chisinau in September 2013, Russian Deputy Prime Minister
Dmitry Rogozin (also Transnistrian Presidential representative and co-chair
of the «Committee on Russia-Moldova Economic Cooperation») warned of the
possible consequences for Moldova of the signing of the Association and Free
Trade Agreement with the EU. Among the early Rogozin measures are:
• Compulsory review of Russian-Moldovan trade agreements in for-
ce, with access restrictions on agricultural products for the Rus-
sian market.32
• Possible consequences for hundreds of thousands of Moldovans wor-
king in Russia, which could threaten their continuity in the country.
• Expected cuts in gas supply if government debt is not settled with
the mixed capital company Moldovagaz. Rogozin literally declared:
«We hope they won’t freeze next winter.»
• The permanent loss of Transnistria if the path to European integra-
tion continues. The Russian leader expressed this through the me-
taphor «a Moldova train en route to Europe would lose its Trans-
nistria carriages».
Although the Kremlin has always, at least formally, recognized the territorial
integrity of Moldova under its internationally established borders, in practi-
ce it always had separate channels of relations with Chisinau and Tiraspol,
independently of whether Rogozin was the one responsible for controlling
both. In addition, the continued presence of Russian troops in Transnistria
represents an obvious denial of Moldova’s sovereignty over that region.
Russia’s capacity for penalizing Moldova remains considerable, althou-
gh failure to combine punitive measures (the stick) with incentives for
closer ties to Moscow (the carrot), will surely reinforce Chisinau’s course
towards the EU, even though it will pay a high price for it. The most fa-
vorable scenario for Russia would be if the Moldovan people blame their
own government for the drawbacks of signing the agreement with the
EU, preventing its implementation and improving the expectations of the
Communist Party facing the November elections.
For this, the most appropriate pressure period is between July and Oc-
tober, when the bulk of the Moldovan wine harvest and fruit products
should be exported to Russia, its largest customer. Besides, an estimated
four to five years would be necessary for Moldova to receive gas from Ro-
On 2nd September 2013 the Russian inspection agency announced the rejection of
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
mania, so Chisinau has had to give in to the Russian request not to adopt
EU legislation in this area.
As regards emigrants, remittances sent annually to their country amount
to over $1,000,000,000, and are vital for keeping the economy afloat. Al-
most half of Moldovans in Russia are in an illegal situation, and in recent
months some 20,000 have been repatriated or have been barred entry. In
2014 a new agreement on migration between Moscow and Chisinau is due
to be signed, and certainly the Kremlin will use it as a bargaining tool.33
It is estimated that Russia maintains 1,200 troops in Transnistria, guar-
ding the 20,000 tons of military equipment still stored there, in addition
to the approximately 400 members of the trilateral peacekeeping force.
The CSCE was involved from the start in resolving this conflict, through its
Mission in Moldova. In fact, the format of the negotiations throughout the
90s included the two conflicting parties (Moldova and the TMR), as well
as Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE itself (CSCE, «Conference», changed its
name to «Organization» in January 1995).
It was within the framework of the Organization during the Istanbul Sum-
mit in 1999, when a timetable was fixed for the departure of the Russian
forces from Transnistria, Moldova and Russia agreeing that this would
occur within three years. In December 2002, at the Oporto Summit, Rus-
sia requested an extension of one year, given the technical difficulties of
removing so much military equipment. However, come December 2003,
withdrawal was interrupted, in retaliation for the Moldovan rejection of
the «Kozak Memorandum».
As from 2004, the negotiating group included the EU and the USA, and
was renamed process 2+5 (Moldova / Transnistria /Russia / Ukraine /
OSCE + EU / USA.), but in 2005, its activity was interrupted, coinciding
with a period of tension between the West and Russia. The process was
formally resumed in September 2011, and in April 2012 a new agree-
ment on «Principles and Procedures» was reached and an agenda for the
negotiations was established with three areas (socio-economic, humani-
tarian and legal issues, and human rights) as part of a package deal that
includes institutional, political and security issues.
In November 2013, the year’s fifth and final round of 2 + 5-format nego-
tiations was held in Kiev (with Ukraine at the head of the OSCE). In sta-
tements after the meeting, the then Ukrainian foreign minister Kozhara
SOCOR, Vladimir, «Moldova’s European choice vulnerable to Russian economic le-
verage», Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol.11, No.34, 21 February 2014.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
Almost 22 years after the fighting ended in Transnistria it has not been
possible to reach a political agreement between Chisinau and Tiraspol.
The keys to the conflict studied throughout this chapter can be summari-
zed as follows:
• The administrative borders of the MSSR in the USSR, conver-
ted into international borders of the Republic of Moldova, do not
respond to historical logic and include pockets of ethnic minori-
ties (Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauzes) who felt threatened after
• Added to the ethnic differences were the interests of the inhabi-
tants of industrial Transnistria (including Moldovans) in maintai-
ning a higher economic status than that of the agricultural regions
in the rest of Moldova.
• Although brief and with a limited number of deaths, the military
phase of the conflict left deep wounds on both banks of the Dnies-
ter, leading to the independent development of two state entities.
• Agreements reached by the five participants (Moldova, Transnistria,
Russia, Ukraine, OSCE) during the 90s had few practical results.
• As from Moldovan rejection of the Kozak 2003 plan, positions mo-
ved further away from each other to the point where Transnistria
voted for independence in 2007.
See OSCE Chairperson-in-Office welcomes continued dynamics in 5+2 negotia-
tions, calls for more trust-2011, 25 November 2013, available at
cio/108908.[Consulted: 05 April 2014].
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
• Political parties and Moldovan society are now deeply divided along
ethnic lines regarding the direction of the country’s foreign policy.
• The current Moldovan government has backed the European vec-
tor with the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU,
alienating not only Transnistria, but also Gagauzia and Communist
Party voters.
• The EU has raised the dilemma «either us or Russia» for the coun-
tries of the Eastern Partnership, which has resulted in a strong
polarization,given the economic and social ties that bind them to
With regard to future prospects, in 2011 we stated that «Granting broad
autonomy to Transnistria, the official recognition of minority languages and
the recognition of their right to self determination (should Chisinau decide
someday to cede its sovereignty to Bucharest), appear to be basic resolution
settings….Transnistria should assume that it will not achieve international
recognition of its independence ... the ethnic grievances they claim have be-
come an excuse to hide the economic motives of secession «.35
That is to say that at that moment there appeared to be a solution very
close to that of the «Kozak Memorandum» of 2003, initially accepted by
all parties.
The final rejection of Chisinau took eight years, and subsequent progress
of the 2 + 5 negotiation process has been overshadowed by the current
crisis in Ukraine, which has raised tensions in Eastern Europe to limits
unknown since the end of the Cold War.
Moldova, backed by the EU, has aligned itself with the new authorities
in Kiev, and intends to ensure that the Association Agreement and Free
Trade Agreement come into force in 2014. Brussels considers that this
should be a factor of social cohesion and Chisinau expects that the bene-
fits of rapprochement to Europe will attract Transnistria. However, reali-
ty is obstinate, and not only is Transnistria further away than ever from
Moldova, but Gagauzia also rejects the plan for a new direction in foreign
policy and mainly wants to join Russia.
In short, if the EU and Russia had advanced the creation of a common
area from Lisbon to Vladivostok, harmonizing the Customs Union promo-
ted by Moscow with ties to the Community, the countries of the Eastern
Partnership would not be forced to choose, and could benefit from good
neighborly relationships with both entities.
RUIZ, Francisco J., «The Transnistria conflict: the way to a negotiated resolution?»,
IEEE 035/2011 Analysis document, 21 December 2011, available at
FJRG.pdf.[Consulted: 09 April 2014].
Francisco J. Ruiz González
That scenario is unlikely, so one can only lament missed opportunities and,
to paraphrase Evgeny Shevchuk,36 advocate a civilized and peaceful divor-
ce between Moldova and Transnistria, similar to Czechoslovakia in 1993.
See «The best for Moldavia and Transnistria is a civilized divorce», Russia Beyond
the Headlines (1.4.2014), available at
lo_mejor_para_moldavia_y_transdniester_es_un_divorcio_civilizad_38969.html. [Con-
sulted: 09 April 2014].
Moldova and Transnistria: a frozen conflict in the...
BÁRCENAS, Luis A. y López José A., Los conflictos congelados de la antigua
Unión Soviética, («The Frozen Conflicts of the Former Soviet Union») Ma-
drid: Ministry of Defense, 2011.
BLANC ARTEMIR Antonio, Conflictos territoriales, interétnicos y naciona-
les en los estados surgidos de la antigua Unión Soviética, (Territorial,
Interethnic and Nacional Conflicts in the Status Arising from the Former
Soviet Union») Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc, 2004.
COJOCARU, Natalia, «Nationalism and identity in Transnistria», The Europe-
an Journal of Social Science Research, Vol. 19, No. 3-4, 2006.
FREIRE, María R., Conflict and security in the former Soviet Union: The role
of the OSCE, Burlington: Ashgate, 2003.
Francisco J. Ruiz González
The arab springs Chapter
Santos Castro Fernández
Key words
The arab springs
For the sake of dignity. A historic process has been launched for the be-
nefit of human dignity. For over three years a deep changing process has
been going on in our geopolitical environment, a difficult one with an un-
certain outcome.
With a certain sense of poetic euphemism, we have somehow decided
to call it the «Arab Springs» and its change impact and transformation
process range from Morocco to Yemen and Oman that is from our nearest
neighbors on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, a key region for
Spain an Europe in general, to the Persian Gulf. Thus, including both the
«Maghreb» and the «Mashrek»; this Arab and Islamic universe, so close
and so far away, that reaches the borders of the Persian world.
Our intention here has been to offer an approach to this socio political
transformation phenomenon, the broadest and deepest one since the in-
dependence of those countries that took place during the last century.
The so-called «Arab Springs» constitute a long-term historic change.
They are a diverse and always unique political transition process that,
in the end, will conclude with different significant variations. Given their
diversity at origin, their special nature and unique subsequent evolution,
we will use the plural as it better suits their complex diversity and their
uneven development.
If we set aside the noun «spring» for a moment, and we turn our attention
to the adjective »Arab», we have before us a complex world in which we
risk getting lost if we do not take into account a polyhedral reality that
includes more than a dozen countries included in our analysis.
We can speak of an Arab nation if we want to express the existence of
one common language and culture, which additionally coexist with one
deeply-rooted religion, Islam. However, we then have to put the large di-
fferences between the societies and nations that constitute such «Arab
World» on the same level. In the West, in general, we have not been sen-
sitive to these differences and we have stayed within the limits of a sim-
plified unitary vision.
To be able to get closer to understand this historic fact, we should correct
our assessments made on the basis of a Western mindset. At first, during
the early months, the «Arab Springs» movement was overrated, to the
point that it was compared with the Eastern European democratic transi-
tion processes following the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Later on, after three years, we have gone to the opposite end, as we now
underrate the «Arab Springs» and consider them a confused and short-
term process, lacking the capacity to transform the Arab-Muslim world,
and with an uncertain outcome. In fact, we still do not have the sufficient
Santos Castro Fernández
perspective to judge the magnitude and final reach of a change that will,
without a doubt, prove to be quite stark. We are facing a process of politi-
cal and social change that could last five, ten or even more years.
Under no circumstances should we approach the analysis of the Arab
Spring from the academic Euro-centrism of the studies on bourgeois re-
volutions of the 18th and 19th centuries. The circumstances and the histo-
ric context are much different from those times.
We may summarize the historic reality in which these facts are included
in the following way: the disappearance of the Ottoman Empire after the
Great War and the redefinition of its dismembered territories under the
leadership of the European powers, basically, the United Kingdom and
France. The decolonization process that followed, after World War II; the
difficulties undergone in the creation process of the Nations-States, and,
last but not least, the endemic corruption of despotic, predatory govern-
ments, unable to meet the citizens’ social needs, and reluctant to develop
and modernize their countries.
The debate concerning the political and cultural nature of the «Arab
Springs» is only beginning and mere preliminary positions have been for-
mulated but, actual events will soon prove them wrong. In particular, the
alternative definition of such a massive movement of social and political
protest, that considered it as a civic revolt or a political revolution has not
found, until now, a precise definition that would allow and encourage us
to keep using the beautiful expression «Arab Springs» invitingly descri-
bing a hopeful start but failing to include the evolution over the time, of
the different paths followed, and an undefined future.
They have sometimes been considered «aborted revolutions», but this
would be a premature and not very accurate definition. It looks more like
a biased point of view even if it is based on the fact that, in the region,
we have often seen several frustrated modernization attempts, since the
process of independence.
What we have lived through right now is a vigorous moral burst of the
multitude, a big citizens’ movement meant to oppose the scandalous and
unbearable injustice of the depredatory and deaf governments and re-
cover the dignity of individuals. It was never intended as an ideological
revolution based on the western model.
All experts have underlined two elements that were preeminent in the
development of facts. First of all, the prominence of the youth, a segment
that represents the majority of the population in those countries and that
lacks future and in the second place the role of the social media. The
social communication capacities available, thanks to the last generation
technological devices and the satellite television channels in Arabic, have
deprived political regimes of their historical information monopoly. The
The arab springs
Lluis Bassets, El año de la revolución (The Year of Revolution), Taurus, Madrid, 2012,
p. 331.
Tahar Ben Jelloun, La primavera árabe (The Arab Spring), Alianza, Madrid, 2011, p.
Santos Castro Fernández
Sami Naïr, La lección tunecina (The Tunisian Lesson), Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona,
2011, p. 241.
The arab springs
Santos Castro Fernández
The centenary of the Great European War and the World War makes us
widen the focus of our gaze to include, at least, the last century; not be-
cause of the magical figure of the number ¨100¨, but rather because un-
derstanding the «Arab Springs» needs to be placed in the correct histo-
rical perspective, which makes us go back in time at least until that key
moment in world history.
The Great War brought four Empires to an end, among which the Ottoman
Empire, to which the so-called great European powers referred, from the
18th century, as «the sick man of Europe». Its chronic disease spread in
parallel with the hunger of the rest of the European Empires to widen the
areas under their influence and their territorial dominions at the expense
of the Ottoman Empire. The generous distribution of the territories that
formed the Ottoman Empire in favor of the victorious countries took place
in Versailles, as far as Germany was concerned, and under the successive
treaties for the rest of the defeated countries, in order to design the new
map, mainly of Central and Oriental Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle
East. The dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire by the French and the
British was agreed upon in the treaty of Sèvres that was never ratified,
and that was immediately rejected by the Young Turks after the Greek
occupation of Smyrna and finally in 1923, after the Turkish Independence
War, in the treaty of Lausanne in which the new republican Turkey wai-
ved its right to the Arab territories of the old and disappeared Ottoman
Empire, in order to concentrate on the construction of a Turkish Republic.
Their strategic bet changes radically, it has nothing to do anymore with
the leadership of a diverse and widespread empire, but rather with the
construction of a newly-designed ¨Republic¨, a ¨Turkish¨ Republic wi-
thout any Caliphate at the summit of the political power.
If we look thoroughly into the events of the last 25 years, after the fall
of the Betrlin Wall and the disappearance of the USSR, we can see that
the wars in the Balkan Peninsula in the 90s, and the current war in Syria
and Iraq, take place precisely on the edges, on the Western and Eastern
borders of that extinguished Ottoman Empire; with a variation that has
also its ultimate origin in the Paris of 1919: Great Britain hands over the
leadership to the United States, this means that the interests and the lea-
ding role of the, so-called at that time, British Empire, as far as Iraq and
Sami Naïr, Por qué se rebelan (Why do they rebel?), Clave intelectual, Madrid, 2013,
p. 190.
The arab springs
Santos Castro Fernández
nment of Sidi Bouzid, a little town in the middle of Tunisia. He was a young
university student that had to quit his studies after the death of his father
to take charge of his seven-member family and who, like many others in
the Maghreb, turned to be a street vendor of fruits and vegetables. His de-
cision to immolate represents a supreme gesture of protest against the
behavior of the local police that, after slapping him and spittng on him,
seized his cart accusing him of public disorder.
Mohamed seeked a way to die that would be recognized, that would be
useful for others and he made it. It could be considered like an irrelevant
fact, a trivial event, but his death triggered a massive citizens´protest
that started being local and soon national and that, within one month, on
the January 15, 2011 caused the downfall of dictator Zine El Abidine Ben
Ali, who took refuge in Saudi Arabia after 25 years of despotic power.
His sacrifice was the spark that set fire to a spontaneous revolution in
which no party intervened in its beginnings. Not even the active Tunisian
syndicate, the UGTT, was present during the first days, even if in the final
phase it attempted to find its own place. The Islamists did neither have a
leading role, as they were not well organized. The demands were based
on democratic and secular issues and did not leave room for the islamists
of Ennahda who decided to wait for a later opportunity, this strategy being
later copied by the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt. Sami NaÏr describes
the situation precisely through the eyes of a privileged observer and ex-
pert: ¨the slogans of the demonstrators are secular: they claim freedom
of expression, of organization, of opinion; political pluralism, respect for
human rights, and the end of the police dictatorship; in other words, the
respect for their dignity, more than anything else.¨5
It all happens in the context of a serious degradation of the regime, co-
rrupt without limits, colloquially called ¨the clan of the Ben Ali-Trabelsi¨.
The contagious effect is immediate, it is represented by tweets that
spread througout the countries of the Arab-Muslim world: ¨All Arab
leaders observe Tunisia with fear, all the Arab citizens observe Tunisia
with hope and solidarity¨. This is the general mood in which the «Arab
Springs» were born. Finally, there is a collective feeling that freedom can
be achieved with a determined citizen mobilization, because what is no
longer an inexorable curse is the despotism of the national rulers.
After Tunisia, the following relevant movement happens in Egypt. On
January 25, Tahrir Square in Cairo witnesses a large demonstration
against the omnipotent president Hosni Mubarak, that is strongly repres-
sed, but the example spreads to other cities of the country.
Sami Naïr, Por qué se rebelan (Why do they rebel?), Clave intelectual, Madrid, 2013,
p. 162.
The arab springs
The so-called ¨Arab street¨ that has been historically manipulated by the
rulers and has been used according to their own will, has turned into a
citizens´ movement that claims the right to democratic freedom.
We have to underline that, after the first few days, the Egyptian army, a
relevant player throughout the process, values positively the protest mo-
vement, considers it legitimate, and announces that it will not use force
against demonstrators. Both in Tunisia and in Egypt, the army refuses
from the very beginning to use the repressive intervention that is being
requested from it.
The movement is fast and unstoppable. The spark that caught fire in Tu-
nisia has spread throughout the abundant flamable material available all
around it, and the fire will extend from Morocco to Oman. On February 11,
Hosni Mubarak abandons power, he runs away and seeks refuge in his
mansion of Sharm El-Sheikh, on the Red Sea; thirty years of dictatorship
have come to an end. The militaries seize the power and Field Marshal
Tantawi pays his respect to the victims of repression.
In Tahrir square a magical moment unfolded that will remain as a part
of History, a moment during which the impossible became real, during
which a long yearned for democracy was within a hand’s reach and could
be felt in everyone’s heart. If I may, I would like to insert here a «nok-
ta», a joke that was told in Egypt and that Tahar Ben Jelloun reproduces:
Mubarak dies and arrives in Heaven. He is received by his two prede-
cessors, Presidents Anuar El Sadat and Gamal Abdel Nasser. Both ask
him: did they shoot you or poison you? Mubarak answers: «I was killed
by Facebook!»
In Egypt, the citizens’ movement born in a small Tunisian town, acquires
another dimension and extends strongly to other countries. The process
that was initiated in Tunisia will reach, at different extents, the whole Ma-
ghreb, from Morocco to Libya, and the Mashreq, the East, including Egypt,
Syria, and Jordan, and, from Yemen to Oman, all of the countries of the
Arab Gulf.
We have to point out that Islamism, as such, with its structure and orga-
nization has not played a relevant role, neither in Tunisia nor in Egypt. It
was never in the front row of the citizens’ forceful wave that overthrew
the dictators.
The revolt movements, that had a revolutionary touch when it started,
were led by a generation of young people, including women, that is mainly
urban, educated, without professional horizons, abandoned by its rulers,
together with social strata that are well-off economically but marginali-
zed by the corruption of power and that get organized through the social
networks through their mobile phones and other digital devices.
Santos Castro Fernández
The arab springs
ted to hand over power and to start a pacific political transition process.
Things did not turn out this way, on the contrary, the country fell into ge-
neralized chaos, tribal confrontations, deaths during demonstrations, and
even attacks from al-Qaeda against the Yemeni army, in an attempt to sei-
ze power. Eventually, on November 23, 2011, the President handed over
the power after reaching an agreement with the opposition by which he
ensured his own immunity.
One year after the birth of the movement in a modest town of Tunisia, an
assessment can be made, and changes that were then unthinkable, can
now be contemplated. Four dictators have disappeared: Ben Ali is in exile,
Mubarak in jail, Gaddafi was executed, and Saleh is no longer in power.
But other facts are even more relevant. On October 23, the first free
elections took place in Tunisia and led to the victory of the Islamist par-
ty, Ennahda. Even the conservative monarchies have made moves. The
King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz, announces that in the local
elections taking place in 2015, women will have the right to elect and be
elected. In Morocco, King Mohamed VI, announced profound constitutional
changes in reply to the demands of the young people of the 20 February
Movement and also anticipated parliament elections.
The regimes have fallen in the following four countries with various de-
grees of violence and drama involved in the clashes: Tunisia, Egypt, Ye-
men, and Libya.
Syria continues in a spiral of increasing insecurity, with several intertwi-
ning civil wars and a President who has decided to fight desperately to
remain in power, in addition to an international blockade led by the great
powers that are reconstructing, in a certain way, the strategies of the Cold
War. A clear example of this blockade has been staged in an evident man-
ner during the failed Geneva talks. The modest achievement of the Confe-
rence has been the commitment of creating a humanitarian passageway
for the evacuation of 500 families trapped for more than 18 months in the
besieged city of Homs. The only result, in the words of the U.N. mediator
Brahimi, is to achieve the fact that «both parties get accustomed to sit in
the same room.» More information on the subject may be found in the
specific study on Syria, included in this volume.
In Tunisia, we have a successful case that allows us to set forward the
path to be followed in other transition processes that remain uncertain.
Due to its importance within the Arab world, Egypt is one of the key exam-
ples for the rest of the countries involved in the «Arab Springs» and, at the
same time, its future presents many unknown issues.
Santos Castro Fernández
After the initial excitement, the situation in virtually all countries invol-
ved, has turned into a volatile political instability, with obstructions in the
transition process and even counter-revolutionary processes. Overall, the
«security» situation implies risks that have become a serious problem in
the most fragile countries, such as Yemen, Libya, Syria, or Iraq, making
room for the presence of various kinds of jihadist groups.
The Arab monarchies have better endured the movement caused by the
revolts and none have been defeated, although it was necessary for Saudi
Arabia to intervene in Bahrain to maintain the regime. Monarchies enjoy
an added sense of legitimacy for their deep cultural roots and the tra-
ditional relationship in Islam of political power and religion, but at the
same time, it should be noted that they have proved to be sensitive to
some extent and capable, from the outset, of introducing political refor-
ms and adopting social measures in favor of their subjects. In the case
of the Gulf monarchies, they have injected enormous financial resources
into the society. However, the basic problems remain and the populations
of these monarchies shall maintain their expectations and demands for
further reforms.
In Morocco, King Mohammed V, keeping his promise, has carried out a
constitutional reform, although it wouldn’t be possible to consider the
text like anything more than a granted charter, in any case, the monarch
has put limits to his exorbitant powers by giving more prominence to his
Government and to the Parliament. As in other countries, the legislati-
ve elections held after the reforms, were won by the moderate Islamists
from the Justice and Development Party. The pending issue is precisely
the balanced social and economic development of the country and also
the in-depth reform of the governance model built around the Palace.
The Saudi Arabian Dynasty started the succession process without taking
steps towards an overt generational change so far and it should find a
frame of coexistence with its Shia minority accused by the rulers of ser-
ving foreign interests. The king was born in 1923 and he appointed an
heir born in 1933. The Dynasty is still in the first generation: all kings and
crown-princes were sons of the founder of the dynasty. Its intent to re-
main as a first-level regional power is going through decisive moments.
Possibly, the Emirate of Qatar is the one to have better taken advantage
of the ¨Arab Springs¨ to obtain a better status, even better than the one it
already had, on the international stage, as it showed increasing indepen-
dence from Saudi Arabia and a capacity of leadership that it is ready to
use without shame. Not having special internal problems, the Emirate got
involved in the civil war in Syria to support the rebels and to participate
actively in the dialogue and the mediation, acting as a recognized actor
with a regional influence.
The arab springs
Tunisia is a small country, it shows the right path, and it has become today
a model of a successful political transition. The country has gone through
serious tensions and moments of blockade, but eventually it turned out to
be an example in contrast with its neighbors of Libya and Egypt. The most
difficult moment occurred in February and July 2013, when two leftist
members of parliament, Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi, were killed
by Islamic extremists. Nonetheless, eventually, the approval of the Cons-
titution is the milestone in its road sheet leading to the completion of a
democratic transition. Tunisia finally has its first democratic Constitution,
fifty-seven years after reaching independence.
It was not an easy task and two long years have elapsed with moments of
great tension, but finally a vast agreement has been reached. Initially, the
Islamists of Ennahda proposed another text, with little differences with
respect to the one of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The basic founda-
tion of the text was the Sharia, the Islamic law, as a source of law, which
means a constitution based on a theocratic model. Concessions were
made due to the pressure exerted by the civil society and the Islamists
understood that the Tunisian people wanted to evolve towards modernity,
to have a fundamental law that separates Religion from the State.
After a long delay, the final steps to approve the Constitution were taken
in the Fall of 2013, thanks to the dialogue and understanding reached
between the Islamist Party, Ennahda, and the secular parties with the
fruitful mediation of the powerful syndicate UGTT. This very important
agreement included the resignation of the government headed by an Isla-
mists Ali Laarayedh who was substituted by an independent figure.
The steps taken constitute an understanding platform fit for a 21st- Cen-
tury society.
The Constitution text guarantees, not only the liberty of religion that also
exists in other countries, but also the liberty of conscience and believes, it
proclaims equality of the right to believe or not to believe, the possibility
to renounce the Islamic Faith and to change religions, and at the same
time the equality between woman and man.
The National Constituent Assembly (NCA), in which the moderate Islamist
party has obtained 40% of the 217 seats, has set a path of balance and
consensus between Islamists and secularists, a keystone for an inclusive
and democratic transition.
In spite of the good perspective for the future of Tunisia, the Islamist lea-
der, Rashid Ghanouchi, in a recent interview to the Spanish newspaper
«El País» (01/22/2014) warned that the process is not free of obstacles
and that negative surprises may arise. The main one could be terrorist
action. In the mountains of Chaambi, in the West of the country, near the
Santos Castro Fernández
borders with Algeria, a small group of Jihadists have been resisting army
assaults for more than one year.
Egypt went through a revolutionary turmoil without ever reaching the
desired stability. The initial success of the revolution and the first free
elections that made Morsi reach the presidency ended up with a state
coup that was justified by the intolerant and arbitrary way in which the
Muslim Brotherhood exerted power.
The process for the drafting of a new Constitution in 2014, the third text in
three years, has been extremely limited with very little participation, as
political leaders were excluded from any active, or at least consultative,
role. It has been drafted by a Commission of Experts that was chosen by
the provisional government that was presided by Hazem al Beblawi, a ve-
teran military from the social-democrat party, appointed in July 2013 af-
ter the fall of President Morsi. Writing the text faced multiple difficulties,
including a debate on what Egypt is, and it also consumed endless hours
of controversy between the fifty members of the Commission. The final
agreement deserves to be considered because of its exceptionality, as far
as constitutional law is concerned: ¨Egypt is a Nile´s gift to the Egyptians,
and the Egyptians´ gift to humanity¨.
The constitutional text does not seem to satisfactorily resolve the pro-
blems and the malfunctions that afflict Egypt. The Constitution of 2012
does not answer the political and civic demands that were set forth in Ta-
hrir Square and therefore its detractors classified it as Islamist. However,
we must recognize that President Mohamed Morsi won two elections: the
presidential election that brought him to power and the one that ratified
his Islamist Constitution, but he never reached a social consensus. He
faced a wide secular opposition, the urban middle classes and most of
all, the de facto powers: the judicial power and the military power meant
to guarantee the country´s security.
The text of 2014 reproduces, inversely, the previous and permanent un-
balanced powers of the state, imposed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
This Constitution, the last one of this permanent constituent process that
lasted more than three years incurs in a new disequilibrium, this time in
favor of the de facto military power that rules the country, to the point of
being qualified by the overthrown Mubarak as ¨magnificent¨ and deser-
ving his own favorable vote, if his health condition allowed him. The Cons-
titution has been passed by referendum with the participation of 38% of
voters and with a result of 98% of affirmative votes.
The social and political reality prevails; in reality nothing has changed
during these years. In 2014, Egypt is as Islamist as it was three years
ago, and the military power, after the interim in the government of the
Muslim Brotherhood under the presidency of Morsi, has regained power
The arab springs
Santos Castro Fernández
The arab springs
Santos Castro Fernández
The arab springs
million people). Europe, the European Union, through its institutions, pro-
vides theoretical support to the democratization process and waits for a
moderate Islamism to gain a leading role in the political stability and to
stop the surge of jihadism. The European Union has experienced a deep
feeling of relief to be freed from the fact that is has no more the need,
more and more uncomfortable, with a number of dictators that were
blocking the transformation and modernization of their societies and
that stepped with arrogance on the human rights. However, the European
Union has, ahead of it, the enormous task to redesign its politics towards
these countries and to create solid and credible cooperation instruments
in the frame of a recognized and stable vicinity relationship that would
include a solution to the migratory flows.
As for the United States, they show signs of mistrust towards the tran-
sition processes and they do not rule out their worries that, in a second
phase, the countries involved in the Arab Spring may reconsider their
position with regard to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a major issue for
the security and the stability of the Middle East. To them, the position of
the Army in Egypt is vital, as it guarantees the peace with Israel. Israel is
in the background, it constitutes the final horizon on which the successive
images of the «Arab Springs» reflect; all in all, it is the core that defines
the positions and the commitments of the United States in the region.
Santos Castro Fernández
The arab springs
Tahar Ben Jelloun, La primavera árabe,(The Arab Spring) Alianza, Madrid,
Albert Garrido, La sacudida árabe, (The Arab Jolt) Icaria Editorial, Barce-
lona, 2013.
El Houssine Majdoubi, Revolución por la dignidad en el mundo árabe, (A
Revolution for dignity in the Arab World) Icaria Editorial, Barcelona,
Luís Bassets, El año de la revolución, (The Year of the Revolution) Taurus
Editorial, Madrid, 2012.
Sami Naïr, ¿Por qué se rebelan?, (Why do they rebel?) Clave Intelectual,
Madrid, 2013.
Alaa al Aswany, Las claves de una revolución inevitable, (The Key Points of
an Inevitable Revolution) Galaxia Gutenberg, Madrid, 2011.
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict Chapter
Mario Laborie Iglesias
Despite the huge humanitarian tragedy that the Syrian civil war is pro-
ducing, nothing seems to indicate that a negotiated settlement may be
forthcoming. The armed violence overflow, that profoundly impacts nei-
ghboring countries, now indicates that the Syrian civil war has become a
regional conflict, affecting the whole Middle East. This chapter is aimed
to present some factors of the Syrian conflict to understand its current
situation and evolution.
Key words
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
The Syrian civil war has gone on for longer than forty months, and as
expected, at this time the humanitarian catastrophe has acquired fri-
ghtening proportions. According to the UN, as of July 2014, the conflict
had caused the death of more than 150,000 people and injuries to some
680,000. More than 9.3 million Syrians need help in the interior of the
country, including at least 6.5 million displaced persons.1 In addition,
three million people have taken refuge in neighboring countries.2 Also,
the violation of human rights is common, and there have been reports
of war crimes, disappearance, torture or the use of chemical weapons3.
But beyond the dramatic humanitarian consequences, the Syrian conflict
has evolved on three levels: internal, regional and international. In the
first, victories on the military and diplomatic fields indicate a strengthe-
ning of the position of the regime led by President Bashar Al-Assad, in
such a way that as of today his overthrow does not seem likely. This situa-
tion is explained by the unconditional support provided by his allies and
the fragmentation of the rebel opposition.
At the same time, there has been an overflow of armed violence due
to the formidable rise of jihadists groups, deeply affecting neighboring
countries, especially Lebanon and Iraq. This spread of jihadism indicates
that Syria’s civil war has become a regional conflict, which affects the
whole of the Middle East. The recent, although limited for the time being
- according to the information available at the time of completing this
contribution - US military intervention in Iraq against Sunni radicals is
irrefutable proof of the expansion of hostilities across the region.
Therefore, in an area where the interests of the great powers collide, the
implications of this conflagration for global geopolitics can be perceived -
perhaps it would be more appropriate to say «global geo-economics» as
the question is actually the «mobilization of the political power to achieve
economic goals through a combination of rivalry and cooperation 4»–.
UN chief appoints Staffan de Mistura as special envoy for Syria crisis. UN News Cen-
tre.10.07.2014.Available at
Syria Regional Refugee Response. The UN Refugee Agency.17.08.2014.Available at
Council of the United Nations. Report on the independent international commission
of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.A/HRC/25/
Grevi, Giovanni. «Geoeconomics and global governance». Included in Ana Mar-
tiningui and Richard Youngs (eds.).Challenges for European foreign policy in 2012. A
geo-economics Europe.2011.FRIDE.Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
At the beginning of the Arab revolt, few thought the Syrian regime, which
had been in power since 1966, would be influenced by the cries of the
people, as had already happened in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Bahrain.
However, contrary to expectations, in March 2011, some peaceful pro-
tests took place calling for political and social changes that were harshly
suppressed by the Syrian security apparatus. During the following mon-
ths, the spiral of violence shattered the existing socio-political balance
and created a huge humanitarian tragedy.
From those first protests to early September 2013, the civil war went
through several phases. At first, the Government forces used their
overwhelming superiority and carried out brutal and repressive work
throughout the country. However, once foreign support was received, wi-
thout which Assad would have ended with the riots, allowed the opposi-
tion to spread the insurrection over large areas of the country, especially
in those where the Sunni population is the majority. Although they did not
achieve complete control over any of the large cities of the country, the
advance of the opposition forced Government security forces to concede
ground and concentrate their forces at the main bases.
In the first quarter of 2013, no party was able to achieve a military victory
and the victories and defeats were happening on both sides, which indi-
cated that the situation was at an impasse. 6
Under these circumstances in the summer of 2013, Assad is aware of the
fragmentation of the opposition and decides to change his strategy. Su-
pported by its allies in Hezbollah and by groups of Shiites from Iran, Iraq
The three editions by the same author are: Laborie Iglesias, Mario. «The Middle East:
change without return». Included in VVAA «Geopolitical Overview of conflicts 2011».
IEEE.November 2011.«Syria: sliding toward chaos». Included in VVAA «Geopolitical
overview of conflicts 2012».IEEE.February 2013.«Syria: war, sectarianism, and chaos».
Included in VVAA «Geopolitical overview of conflicts 2013».IEEE.January 2014.All three
volumes available at
Laborie Iglesias, Mario. «Siria: consecuencias de una guerra en punto muerto» (Syria:
Consequences of a war at an impasse). One Magazine.05.03.2013.Available at http://
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
and Yemen, the Government began an offensive with the goal of contro-
lling the road linking Damascus, Aleppo and Homs, and the corridor that
connects these towns with the Jordanian border, on the one hand, and the
Mediterranean coast, on the other. Thus, after heavy fighting, the loyalist
army took back from the rebels the cities of Qusayr, Qunaytirah and Daraa
and managed to cut the flow of supplies from Lebanon.
From the very beginning, the war in Syria has been characterized by three
deeply interconnected factors: its sectarian nature, the great ideological
fragmentation of the opposition and the influence of the conflict over the
geopolitical dynamics that affect the Middle East as a whole.
The sectarian struggle faces off the Sunni majority (70% of the Syrian po-
pulation) - which nourishes the insurgents -with the Alawites (11%) and
Christians (10%) - traditional base of the regime – without forgetting the
role played by the Druze (2%) and Kurdish (7%) minorities.
The clash between the two major branches of Islam, Shia and Sunni, has
brought geopolitical rivalries between Iran, defender of the Alawite As-
sad regime, and the monarchies of the Gulf and Turkey, which support
different rebel Sunni groups. Likewise, the confrontation has meant the
activation of existing partnerships at global and regional levels, in favor
or against one side or the other. Thus, the diplomatic disputes between
Russia and China, on the one hand, and the U.S. and its European allies,
on the other hand, have been constant, making it difficult to reach agree-
ments for peaceful conflict management. The following sections explain
the evolution of all of these factors in the months prior to September
Albeit slowly since the summer of 2013, Assad forces have not stopped
gaining ground. In June of that year, the rebels were evicted from the
strategic city of Qusayr, on the border with Lebanon, and in April 2014
had been practically expelled from the Qalamoun region, cutting off their
lines of supply with that country. And in which was an important victory,
early in May of 2014 Assad forces gained control of the city of Homs, once
known as the «cradle of the revolution». 7 With complete dominion over
the region of Homs, the regime has managed to divide the rebel zone and
secure vital communications between Damascus and the coast. Also in
the capital, the loyalists have gathered in the Centre of Damascus and
hold siege around the neighborhood of Yarmouk, former Palestinian refu-
Makdesi, Marwan. «Assad’s forces take Homs, ‘capital of Syrian revolt’».
Reuters.8.05.2014.Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
gee camp, where hundreds of rebels resist fiercely. In this effort to control
the capital, in mid-August 2014, loyalist forces took control of the town
of Mleha, two kilometers southeast of Damascus thereby narrowing the
chokehold on the periphery neighborhoods still dominated by the rebels. 8
It would seem that from this moment the main effort of the regime will
be aimed, firstly, at consolidating the center of the country and the region
of Qalamoun, where some rebel groups still operate. 9 Once that goal has
been achieved, it is most likely that Assad will try to gain complete con-
trol of Damascus and strangle the northern city of Aleppo, an area that
has been disputed from the beginning of the conflict and that in recent
months he has been the target of important battles. 10 If the regime can
take that city and, subsequently, conquer the border between the region
of Azaz and Turkey, it will have obtained an almost decisive victory, since
the rebels’ control over other parts of the country does not pose a direct
threat to the regime.
It is true that the likelihood that the Government is capable of restoring its
authority over the whole territory of the country, which is currently out of
their control, seems remote since it does not have the necessary number
of troops. However, if the aforementioned trends continue, it is most likely
Assad will be able to pacify Syria sufficiently to hold firm in his power. In
fact, the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said last April that the
Syrian regime was no longer at risk of being overthrown.11
Sancha, Natalia. «El Ejército sirio gana terreno en el frente de la periferia de Da-
masco». (The Syrian army gains territory outside of Damascus)El País.14.08.2014.
Available at
It is estimated that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 insurgents in the area avoi-
ding direct combat with Assad´s Army and Hezbola . Al-Fakih, Rakan. «Border rebels
resist Hezbollah, regime». Daily Star.08.07.2014.Available at
Abdulrahim, Raja. «Syrian government, rebels clash for future of Aleppo».LA Ti-
mes.06.03.2014. Available at
Al Arabiya News. «Hezbollah: Assad’s regime no longer in danger».07.04.2014.
Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
The following will explain which of the forces that sustain the Assad re-
gime, as well as those fighting against it, without forgetting the Kurdish
It is undeniable that the past 12 months have been very good for Bashar
Al - Assad, from both the political and the military standpoint.
As described previously, the victories on the battlefield have been conti-
nuous due to several factors. First, the regime, unlike the insurgents, has
a consistent strategy and maintains an important internal cohesion for-
ged in the extremely harsh conditions they have endured. Second, it re-
tains a significant operational advantage as a result of the strong foreign
support received from Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia, the greater firepower
of their units and their consistent mastery of the sky. Finally, at a tactical
level, the Syrian national army uses brutal methods of attack including
chemical agents and explosive barrels - as he has been denounced re-
peatedly; some of these tactics contradict the principles of international
humanitarian law.12
The main problem faced by the regime is the lack of people with which
to strengthen their forces, which prevents them from sustaining ongoing
offensive operations and on several fronts simultaneously, as well as
prevents them from keeping the conquered land. Taking into account the
troops that it had at the beginning of the conflict – approximately 295,000-
, the casualties it has suffered - around 37,000 - and the high percentage
of deserters - up to 130,000- it is estimated that the Syrian regular army
now has less than 100 members.13
For this reason, the paramilitary forces have become a key asset for the
regime. In this sense, the national defense forces (NDF), organization that
serves as the «umbrella» for several pro-Government militias and con-
sisting of about sixty thousand volunteers, and constitute a critical force
for Assad.14 Although they have acted as a shock unit in offensive opera-
tions, the primary functions of the NDF include occupying land and pro-
tecting supply lines and facilities, freeing the regular army and enabling
it to carry out major combat operations.
The shortage of infantry forces the loyalists to limit the use of ground
forces and to rely on the superiority of artillery and air fire, before attac-
Maurer, Peter. «IHL and humanitarian principles are non-negotiable – Syria is no ex-
ception».15.02.2014.ICRC. Available at
Lister, Charles. Dynamic Stalemate: Surveying Syria´s military Landscape». Boo-
kins Doha Center. Policy Breifing.May 2014.
Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment - Eastern Mediterranean.02.07.2014.
Mario Laborie Iglesias
king a particular rebel position. Once they have conquered an area, they
would usually expel civilians to prevent the opponents from returning. In
addition, since the beginning of 2014, the Government has agreed to more
than 40 truces with various rebel groups, which has allowed it to improve
its control over areas in dispute.15
Also, the political evolution is favorable to Assad. On July 16, he began
a third term as President of the country, which, in theory, will allow him
to remain in office until 2021. 16 The electoral process commenced last
spring, and it has resulted in the expected re-election of Assad, which
has strengthened the regime in the internal political sphere. Despite the
ongoing war and the fact that the elections were only held in areas under
Government control, the insurgency has been unable to halt the develo-
pment of the elections. Also, the elections have stressed the failure of
Western policy aimed at provoking the fall of the Syrian regime.17
In the inaugural ceremony, which for security reasons was held in the
Parliament situated in the center of the capital, the re-elected Syrian Pre-
sident delivered a defiant speech which promised to recover all of Syria
from the hands of Islamist insurgents: «I reiterate my call today to all who
were tricked so that they lay down their weapons because we will not stop
fighting terrorism and striking it wherever it may be until we can restore
security to every corner of Syria.18
Similarly, in the international arena the regime appears more confident
than months ago. Today the possibility of international military interven-
tion seems completely ruled out, mainly due to two causes. On the one
hand, Assad has been able to manage the handing over of its arsenal of
chemical weapons with cunning which, as stated by the national director
of US intelligence, James Clapper, has strengthened his position.19
Blanchard, Christopher M., et al.«Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S.Respon-
se». Congressional Research Service. Report RL33487.24.06.2014. Available at http://
According to the Syrian government Assad achieved 88.7% of votes. «Assad
re-elected in wartime election» .Al Jazeera.05.06.2014. Available at
Sly, Liz; Ramadan, Ahmed.«Syrian election sends powerful signal of Assad’s
control». The Washington Post.3.06.2014. Available at
English Transcript of the inaugural speech of the third term of Bashar Al-Assad.
Gordon, Michael R; Mazzetti, Mark.« U.S. Spy Chief Says Assad Has
Strengthened His Hold on Power». The New York Times.04.02.2014. Avai-
lable at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
At the same time, the rise of jihadist groups has deterred potential allies
of the rebels from increasing military aid, fearing that it could fall into the
wrong hands. Turkey, which controls the main supply routes used by the
insurgent, has closed three border posts held by the Islamic State and
has designated the Al – Nusra Front a terrorist group.20
So as things stand, Assad is convinced that Western and regional ene-
mies will be forced to deal with him as a bulwark against more radical
Sunni insurgents, since «soon, we will see that Arab, regional and Western
countries that supported terrorism, will also have to pay a high price.» 21
The progress made by the loyalist forces would not have been possible
without the support of the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, and other
groups of the same creed as the Quds force – a special force unit of the
guardians of the Iraqi militia or the Iranian – revolution Asaib Ahl al - Haq.
The participation of Hezbollah in the Syrian conflict has evolved since
2011. Their initial military objectives in Syria consisted of saving a re-
gime that was considered a vital ally and distancing the jihadist Sunnis
from the borders and Lebanese neighborhoods controlled by Shiites. But,
faced with the risk of the collapse of the Government of Damascus, its
involvement in the conflict became more intense. Thus, what began as a
mere insight into urban fighting has over time, turned into direct combat
missions which have expanded over large areas of Syria. In the offensive
of Qusayr from 2013, militiamen of Hezbollah carried the weight of the
action, while the Syrian army took on a supporting role. 22 According to
official Israeli sources, in March 2014, between 4,000 and 5,000 Hezbo-
llah militiamen were fighting in Syria.23
To what extent the unconditional support of the Syrian regime was de-
grading Hezbollah´s military capacity is a debated topic. On the one hand,
the conflict in Syria has helped a new generation of its members to gain
precious combat experience,24 which can be used in the future against
Israel, its natural enemy, or in Lebanon against rival Sunni organizations.
The Economist. «Why Bashar Assad is still in charge».07.07.2014. Available at
English transcript of the inaugural speech of the third term of Bashar Al-Assad.
Lister, 2014, Op.Cit.
Kershner, Isabel. «Israel watches warily as Hezbollah gains battle skills in Syria».
New York Times.10.03.2014. Available at
Hubbardmay, Ben. «Syrian Fighting Gives Hezbollah New but Diffuse Purpose». The
New York Times.20.05.2014 Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
But, as its involvement in Syria has increased, its casualties have in-
creased exponentially - since the beginning of the conflict until mid-July,
2014, over 500 militiamen of Hezbollah have lost their lives,25 and the
group would have to start relying on inexperienced recruits with little
instruction. This need to send new fighters from Lebanon is reinforced
by the movement toward Iraq of members of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq, which re-
turned to Iraq to fight the advance of the Islamic State – it is thought that
between 20,000 to 30,000 Shiite Iraqis were serving in Syria.26
The situation reduces the ability of Hezbollah to counter Syrian rebels, in
their attempt to regain the ground lost along the Lebanese border, and
also to maintain security in their Lebanese strongholds, which are cons-
tantly hit by the Sunnis. Also, if it wants to avoid opening a second front
in southern flank, it will have to limit its desire to take action against Is-
rael, as demonstrated by not acting directly in support of the Palestinians
against the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip carried out during much of the
summer of 2014.27
Thus, although currently the strategy of Hassan Nasrallah seems clear,
long-term, «the participation of Hezbollah in Syria is a threat to the move-
ment and is problematic for Lebanon and the Arab world in general. The
regional sectarian division has deepened, feeding the extremism it hoped to
combat and eroding the legitimacy of the movement among groups that once
supported it’’. 28
Dagher, Sam. «Syria’s Allies Are Stretched by Widening War». The Wall
Street Journal.14.07.2014. Available at
Since the US removed its troops from Iraq in December of 2011, Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq
has become one of the most powerful ACTORS in the political and public life in Iraq. The
group has a close relationship with Hezbola and maintains links to the supreme leader
of Iran, the ayatollah Ali Jamenei. Chulov, Martin. «Controlled by Iran, the deadly militia
recruiting Iraq’s men to die in Syria». The Guardian.12.03.2014. Available at
On July 7, 2014, the Israeli Defense forces launched Operation «Protective Edge»
with the objective of stopping missile attacks from the Gaza strip toward Israeli te-
rritory by the Islamist group Hammas. This is the third time Israel attacks Gaza for
the same reason, the previous Israeli operations were in 2008 2008 (Molten Lead) and
2012(Pillar of Defense).
International Crisis Group. «Lebanon’s Hizbollah Turns Eastward to Syria». Middle
East Report N°153 27.05.2014.Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
Given its undoubted economic power, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have beco-
me the two main supporters of the Syrian opposition. However, both Qa-
tari and Saudis have separately formed alliances with rival rebel groups.
For this reason, there have been constant disagreements between the
various factions, in the heart of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), the
organization which is recognized as the legitimate representative of the
Syrian people by several countries and international organizations.29 This
division was evident at the beginning of 2014, when the largest opposi-
tion bloc in the exile, the National Syrian Council (NSC) - supported by
Qatar - withdrew from the SOC in protest at the peace talks in Geneva II
because the Government in Damascus had been included. 30
This division is also reflected in the Supreme military joint command
(SMC), created in December 2012 to establish a unified action between
the existing myriad of armed groups and reduce the influence of the more
extremists elements --of all those included in the SCM, the Syrian free
army is the most important group-. On February 16, 2014, General Salim
Idriss was replaced in the leadership of the SMC by general Abdul-Ilah
Bashir to Al - Noeimi, closer to the Saudis than his predecessor. 31 This
change has undermined the unity of the SMC, since both Idriss and other
local commanders have broken their ties with the SOC. Thus, currently,
the SCM is divided equally between supporters of Idriss and Bashi.32
This uncertainty of the rebels had a direct consequence when, in mid-Fe-
bruary, Islamist groups took over SCM arms warehouses, and some of the
stolen materials ended up in the hands of followers of Al – Qaeda. 33 This
situation can be explained, on the one hand, by the reluctance of the West
to provide arms and material to SMC, and on the other, by the US attempt
to promote groups of secular and non-sectarian ideology, which would
For example, the U.S. government has given the SOC the status of foreign diplomatic
mission in the country, which gives it a symbolic push, even though it does not have an-
ywhere near the same diplomatic status as a State. DeYoung, Karen. «Syrian Opposition
Coalition offices in U.S. given ‘foreign mission’ status». The Washington Post.05.05.2014.
Available at
Hurriyet Daily News. «Syria’s opposition split over peace talks after Iran exclu-
ded».21.01.2014. Available at
McDonnell, Patrick J.; Bulos, Nabih. «Syrian rebel army fires commander many con-
sidered ineffective».LA Times. Available at
Lister, 2014, Op.Cit.
Hubbard, Ben; Shoumalifeb, Karam. «Top Military Body Against Syria’s Assad Is in
Chaos, Undermining Fight». The New York Times.23.02.2014. Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
include Harakat Hazam. 34 About the danger of certain armed groups, se-
parate from the SCM, receive American support, in June 2014, general
Bashir warned that it could create «warlords».35
The division of the opponents, both at the political and at the military le-
vels, has facilitated the development of groups of radical Salafi ideology
that gradually gained predominance over the moderate factions. Among
those Salafi-jihadi groups are: Jaish Al - Islam, the Islamic Front, Ajnad
Al - Sham, or Jaish Al - Mujahideen Islamic Union.36 Furthermore, after
much hesitation, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood created, in January
2013, Al Hayat Duru Al - Thawra as its armed wing which today is fighting
against the regime in several Syrian provinces.
However, since the spring of 2013, two jihadist groups have attracted the
world’s attention: the Al - Nusra front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant37 –also known as the Islamic State or Daesch.
Al - Qaeda in Syria was created in mid-2011, on the basis of jihadists sent
to the country by Al - Qaeda from Iraq. There, they were able to increase
their combat capability and won autonomy formally becoming a branch
of the terrorist organization that Ayman Al - Zawahiri still runs under its
current name of Al – Nusra front.
On January 24, 2012, the organization formally announced that its goal
was to establish an Islamic State in Syria and a Caliphate in the Great
Syria, led by their leader Muhammad Al - Golani. He has given up coo-
perating with the SMC, pointing out that it is a crime to accept aid from
Western countries to topple the Assad regime. His volunteers come from
different places in the world: Western Europe, Muslim countries or Cen-
tral Asia - Chechens mostly.38
Since its founding by Jordanian Abu Musab Al - Zarqawi, Al - Qaeda in
Iraq adopted a fundamentalist ideology that, on a religious, doctrinal and
political level, considered an anathema anything that is different from the
most extreme precepts of Islamic fundamentalism. Its brutal forms of ac-
This coalition of militias, which belong to the Syrian Free Army, may have received
American arms in the past Spring, according to videos uploaded online. Blanchard et
al, 2014, Op.Cit.
Afanasieva, Dasha. «U.S. arms could create Syria ‘warlords’, rebel commander
says».Reuters.09.06.2014. Available at
A broad analysis of the jihadist groups which are acting in Syria. Can be found in:
Echeverría Jesús, Carlos. «Grupos terroristas operando en Siria». IEEE Investigation
Document 04/2014. Available at
The Arab name is «Daulat Al Islamiya Al Iraq Wal Bilad Al Sham».
Ibrahim, Azeem. The Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. Strategic Studies
Institute. Mayo 2014. Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
tion, which include the murder in cold blood of prisoners or civilians, have
provided their leader, Abu Bakr Al - Baghdadi, an undeserved notoriety.
In April of 2013, the Group declared itself the «Islamic State of Iraq and
the Levant» - also known as Daesch - which in practice meant to ex-
pand its traditional scope to include Syria. 39 Bagdadi, who had always
had a key role in the creation of Al-Nusra, considered Golani should be
his subordinate. The intentions of Bagdadi provoked the immediate con-
frontation with Al-Nusra, and the mediation of Zawahiri failed due to the
intransigence of the Islamic State –name which the group adopted in
mid-2014– following the order of the leaders of Al-Qaeda. In May of 2013,
the Islamic State was expelled from the network so now Al-Nusra is the
«official franchise» of AlQaeda in Syria.
Although perhaps, the only difference between Daesh and Al-Nusra is the
determination of who would lead the jihadist Project in the region, from
the moment of the break, there has been violent combat between both
organizations in Syria.40 And more importantly, for the first time since
its appearance over two decades ago, Al-Qaeda is facing a rival jihadist
organization with the resources and influence to threaten its status as the
flagship movement of global jihadism.41
In June of 2014, the Islamic State launched an offensive in the central
region of Iraq which is mostly Suni, which surprisingly was a complete
success and brought attention to the huge weakness of the regular Iraqi
army. Weeks later, with captured weapons, it launched a new offensive,
this time in Northeastern Syria, against kurdish militia and members of
other rebel groups. At the time of press, Bagdadi controls large areas in
both countries, including the cities of Raqqa, Hasaka and Dir Zur in Syria
or Ramadi, Samarra and Mosul in Iraq, where it has declared a caliphate.42
However, the Syrian government constantly repeats that the terrorism
that is sweeping Iraq is the same one that is threatening Syria,43 for the
In truth, for jihadists, the term «Levant» refers to the region which extends from
the south of Turkey to Egypt and includes: Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria, and Jordan.
The objective cited by Bagdadí himself is to restore the Islamic state, or caliphate, in
the entire area.
Echeverría Jesús, Op.Cit, 6.
Hubbard, Ben. «ISIS Threatens AlQaeda as Flagship Movement of Ex-
tremists». The New York Times.30.06.2014. Available at
BBC News. «Syria crisis: Islamic State fighters seize Aleppo towns».13.08.2014.
Available at
Al-Manar. «Syria, Iraq Encounter Same Terrorism: Syrian Foreign Minis-
try».11.06.2014. Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
moment there have not been any notable combats between the Islamic
State and Assad´s army as each side has had a different area of influen-
ce. But, as the jihadists gain territory in the area of Alepo, the conflicts
between them are certain to become more intense.44
In any case, the activity of the Islamic State poses the question of how this
group can fight without interruption for months and in areas of operation
which are so far apart, but seemingly without losing their operational ca-
pacity. Over the next weeks, it will be seen whether the organization is
overextended strategically and whether the military intervention recently
launched by the US in Iraq, as explained further in the following section,
will be able to weaken the capabilities of the Islamic State.
This situation is a reason for unease in the region and in the international
community as a whole. In addition, in Syria there are a large number of
European jihadists fighting, 51 of them Spanish, and their return to their
countries of origin with a radical and extreme military and ideological
training, is a threat to the safety of the European Union.45
Since the Treaty of Lausanne came into effect in 1923, the Kurds, of Sunni
beliefs and Persian language, have demanded the creation of their own
independent State. Historically, this aspiration has been in direct oppo-
sition to the interests of countries which exerted their sovereignty over
the territory known as Kurdistan. But like other geopolitical issues, the
changes that are taking place in the Middle East have intensified the po-
litical aspirations of the Kurds. The lack of stability in Iraq and Syria is
exacerbating tensions from this issue and at the same time, has opened
a window of opportunity on the ancient Kurdish wish.
In Syria, the withdrawal of the regular army has meant in all practicali-
ty, that the People´s Protection Committees (YPG for its Kurdish initials),
the armed militia of the «Democratic Union Party» (PYD for its Kurdish
initials) controls the main cities in the northeast of the country. In fact, in
mid-November 2013, the PYD announced the independence of the Syrian
province of Hassaka, where 70% of the population is of Kurish ethnici-
ty. This declaration enraged the Syrian opponents, headed by the Syrian
Opposition Coalition, which qualified the announcement by the PYD as a
These circumstances seem to confirm the fact that at the end of August, 2014, the
Islamic State took control of the Tabqa air base, final bastion of the government in the
province of Raqqa. After the siege, 250 soldiers that had been taken prisoner were
murdered by the jihadists.
RTVE. «Interior dice que hay 51 españoles combatiendo como yihadis-
tas». 30.08.2014. Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
«hostile act.»46 The ambivalent position of the PYD on the issue of suppor-
ting the Syrian political opposition is considered a show of caution before
the unstoppable rise of radical fundamentalist Sunnism. In addition, it is
necessary to consider the interests of Teheran, which would be suppor-
ting the aspirations of the PYD in order to ensure a certain degree of con-
trol over the border with Turkey and be able to reinforce its interests. To
this end, it is necessary to remember that Iran, affirm ally of Damascus,
has ceased the repression in its territories of armed Kurdish groups.47
In the last few months, the combats between jihadists and «peshmergas»
–Kurdish combatants– have intensified in the North of Syria. But unlike
previous occasions, in this case the Islamic State is taking the initiative by
taking advantage of the weaponry captured in neighboring Iraq.48
In Turkey, Kurdish separatism, represented by the Kurdish Workers’ Party
(the PKK for its Kurdish initials), is the main factor contributing to the ins-
tability in that country. An agreement reached in 2012 between the autho-
rities in Ankara and the historical leader of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan –in
prison since 1999–, established a ceasefire in the country which is still
upheld today, albeit precariously. The Kurdish movement in Turkey has
accused the government of Ankara of supporting the groups which are
close to Al-Qaeda to the detriment of the Syrian Kurds.49 It is necessary to
clarify at this point that the PYD is the Syrian branch of the PKK.
As for Iraq, the federal Constitution of 2005 granted broad autonomy to
the Kurds that were living in the north of the country. In practice, the con-
trol that the government of Bagdad has had over the autonomous Kurdi-
sh-Iraqi region over the past few years has been practically non-existent.
During this time, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK), led by Masud
Barzani, has governed the region, and surprisingly, has established po-
litical and economic alliances with Turkey, causing a certain degree of
animosity between the PKK and the PYD.
However, in addition to creating a huge humanitarian crisis, the offensive
of the Islamic State in Iraq has modified the delicate political balance in
the area. This jihadist impulse «has broken up the country in two (if not
Dettmer, Jamie. Syrian Kurd Self-Rule Declaration Raises Concerns». Voice of Ame-
rica, 15.11.2013. Available at
MCELROY, Damien. «Syria and Iran ‘backing Kurdish terrorist group’, says Turkey».
The Telegraph.03.09.2013.Available at
Al Arabiya. ISIS intensifies offensive against Kurds in Syria.10.07.2014. Available
Wilgenburg, Wladimir van. «Turkish power struggle leaves new questions on Kurdi-
sh issue». Al Monitor.04.02.2014. Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
three) and created a de facto Kurdish State in the north which now controls
about 40% more than the territory recognized by the federal Constitution». 50
Faced with the uncontainable advance of the radical Sunnis and the real
danger of genocide against the religious minorities in northern Iraq, at
the beginning of August 2014, the President of the United States approved
selective air strikes on positions held by the Islamic State in Iraq.51 This
campaign, which has to date been limited to air strikes, is complemented
with humanitarian aid operations and the support of military consultants
given to the Iraqi armed forces and the Kurdish peshmergas.
In this situation, the calls for Kurdish unity have grown stronger in order
to face the threat represented by the radical Sunni. However, in spite of
the fact that the offensive of the Islamic State has reactivated nationalist
sentiment, the divisions between the various factions run deep, as can be
seen by the lack of cooperation in the area of the border between Iraq and
Syria, which is controlled by the various Kurdish parties.
The way things are, it is not very likely the PDK will answer the call of
the PKK-PDY to create a common strategy for the common defense of
the Kurdish people. Although the Kurds in Syria have announced they are
prepared to negotiate, it is not very feasible that Barzani, will make deci-
sions that may bother the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayip Erdogan.
Furthermore, taking into account the calls in favor of Iraqi unity made
by the large powers, especially the U.S., guarantor of their security, and
other countries in the region, it is foreseeable that the PDK will attempt to
acquire new powers while staying within the confines of the Iraqi Consti-
tution,52 at least in name.
Jiménez, Laura. »Los kurdos iraquíes se juegan la independencia».Esglobal.03.07.2014.
Available at
Barnes, Julian E.; Sparshott, Jeffrey; Malas, Nour. «Barack Obama Approves Airs-
trikes on Iraq, Airdrops Aid». Wall Street Journal.08.08.2014. Available at
Recknagel, Charles. «Iraqi Kurds Talk Independence But Move For Stronger Position
In Iraq». Radio Free Europe.23.07.2014. Available at
«US has a range of military options in Syria». The Times of Israel.26.04.2013. Avai-
lable at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
against the armed opposition and civil population. On August 21, 2013,
the most important incident with chemical weapons during the war took
place, and it could have killed hundreds of people.54 A report by a team
of UN investigators sent to the area stated that sarin- a neurotoxin- had
been used on civilians in the Damascus neighborhood of Ghouta, Althou-
gh the experts were unable to determine who was responsible, all signs
pointed to the regime.55
Almost immediately, the Obama administration ordered the deployment
of air and naval military forces to carry out a punitive action. But in an
eleventh hour diplomatic resolution, which allowed the White House to
withdraw the threat of attack, Syria agreed to adhere to the Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC). In practice, this would mean the destruction
of their warehouses and production facilities, as well as the commitment
by the Syrian regime not to use chemical agents as a weapon of war. On
the basis of a joint proposal by the U.S. and Russia, the Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) approved a plan to destroy
all the Syrian chemical arsenals and established June 30, 2014 as the
execution date56. Last June 23, 2014, the OPCW announced that it had
supervised the successful removal f the last batch of chemical weapons
from the port of Latakia.57
However, at the same time that chemical agents were being progres-
sively removed, humanitarian organizations were reporting the use of
canisters filled with chloride gas and launched from helicopters on the
civilian population.58 This fact, if it proves to be true, would prove the diffi-
culty that exists in verifying conclusively that there has been a complete
«Activistas denuncian un ataque con armas químicas del Ejército en Siria». Europa
Press.21/08/2013. Available at
United Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in
the Syrian Arab Republic - Report on the Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in the Ghou-
ta Area of Damascus on 21 August 2013.13.09.2013. Available at
For further details on this process and the chemical arsenal destroyed please refer
to two analyses: Domingo, Juan; Pita, René. «Siria reescribe la convención de armas
químicas». Documento de Opinión del IEEE 90/2013.1.10.2013. Available at
cionArmasQuimicas_PitayDomingo.pdf ; Hidalgo García, María del Mar. «La destrucción
de las armas químicas de siria: un compromiso colectivo». Informative document of
IEEE 30/2013.04.12.2013. Available at
«Announcement to media on last consignment of chemicals leaving Syria».
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Statement by Ah-
met Üzümcü.23.06.2014. Available at
«Syria: Strong Evidence Government Used Chemicals as a Weapon». Hu-
man Right Watch.13.05.2014. Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
withdrawal of all chemical agents and strict compliance with the CWC. At
the time this was written, the OPCW was carrying out an investigation on
this matter.59
A boiling neighborhood
«Global chemical weapons watchdog says work in Syria will continue».Re-
uters.23.06.2014. Available at
Laborie, Mario. «Towards a new order in the Middle East». Included in VVAA. Strate-
gic Overview 2014. Available at
Haass, Richard N. «The new thirty-years war». El País.24.07.2014. Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
El Confidencial. «Al Maliki renounces in favor of the new prime minister Hai-
dar al Abadi».14.08.2014.Available at
Abi-Habib, Maria. «Shiite Militias Decamping From Syria to Fi-
ght in Iraq», WSJ.17.06.2014.Available at
Figure of 22.07.2014 obtained from UNHCR-Syria Regional Refugee Response. Avai-
lable at
Hubbardmay, 2014, Op.Cit.
Mario Laborie Iglesias
In an area key for the World’s energetic supply, the dynamics which cha-
racterized the role of external actors in Syria shape mainly around the
traditional Turkish-Arab-Persian rivalry and the competence between the
main world powers.
In this context, the International community, essential through United
Nations, has tried to open a channel for the peaceful resolution of the
conflict that to date has failed. This section analyses some of the keys to
understand the role of external actors in the current situation in Syria.
In more than three years and a half of war, the Security Council of the UN
has not been able to agree on any measure aimed to stop conflagration.
Nakhoul, Samia; Bassam, Laila. «Islamists sought to turn Lebanon into Iraq: army
chief».Reuters.12.08.2014.Available at
UNHCR, Syria Regional Refugee Response – Jordan. Available at
Stratfor. «Jordan Could Be the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant’s Next
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
Black, Ian. «Russia and China veto UN move to refer Syria to international cri-
minal court». The Guardian.22.05.2014. Available at
Formed by China, Russia, US, France, United Kingdom, Turkey, the Arab League,
the UN and the European Union. Action Group for Syria. Final Communiqué.30.06.2012.
Available at
«Lakhdar Brahimi will be the new envoy of the UN to Syria». El Mundo.17/08/2012.
Available at:
The agenda of Geneva II opened with four points: 1) violence and terro-
rism; 2) implementation of a transition government; 3) National institutions; and
4) National reconciliation. Transcript of press conference by Joint Special Re-
presentative for Syria (JSRS) Lakhdar Brahimi, Geneva, 11 February 2014. Avai-
lable at:
Mario Laborie Iglesias
future of Syria should «be crystalized on the ground of heroism and signed
with blood on the battlefield, not in empty conferences attended by those
who not even represent themselves». 73
In these circumstances and although the parties agreed to a period of
reflection and to resume the peace talks in the future, the failure of the
negotiating efforts to end the Syrian conflict compelled Brahimi to re-
sign from his position on mid-May 2014.74 On July 10th, the United Nations
appointed Staffan de Mistura as new Special Envoy of the UN for Syria,75
despite given the current situation of the Syrian conflict the expectations
of reaching at least one cease-fire on the initial grounds of the agree-
ments of Geneva are scarce.76
Regional powers
The three main enemy States of Assad are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qa-
tar. Nevertheless, the discrepancies among the governments of these
three countries on how to manage the conflict seem increasingly evident.
At the beginning of March 2014, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and
Bahrein announced their withdrawal of their ambassadors in Qatar due
to the alleged Qatari interferences in domestic issues,77 although the re-
ason underlying this decision is in reality, the defense of the divergent
interests of the Arab reigning houses. Concerned about the rise of the
political Islam represented by the Muslim Brotherhood considered as a
threat to their own subsistence, the Saudi government – along with that
of the Emirates and Bahrein- favors Syrian opposing groups either Sala-
fist or nationalist. Just like the US, the Saudis back the current leader of
the SMC as a way of opposition to Islamists.
Holmes, Oliver. «Islamist rebels reject ‘hollow’ Syria peace talks».Reu-
ters.19.01.2014.Available at
«Syria mediator Brahimi announces resignation». Al Jazeera.14.05.2014.Available
«UN chief appoints Staffan de Mistura as special envoy for Syria crisis». UN
News Centre.10.07.2014. Available at
By resolution 2139, of 22 February 2014, of the UN Security Council reaffirmed its
support to the comuniqué of Geneva and claimed that the parties backed its implemen-
tation at the same time as they demanded both parties to allow the free access of hu-
manitarian aid. Text in English of the resolution available at
RTVE. «Arabia Saudí, Emiratos y Bahréin retiran a sus embajadores en Catar en
una decisión inédita».05.03.2014.Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
In turn, from the beginning of the Arab riots, the Qatari government has
demonstrated its support to the Muslim Brotherhood as well as to the
Hamas Palestine group, gaining the criticism of the rest of the countries
of the (GCC).78
One of the core aspects of Qatar’s foreign policy has been its alliance
with Turkey as both countries share interests in their ambition to change
the statu quo existing in this area. For economic and political reasons,
Ankara tries to recreate the sphere of influence the Ottoman Empire had
until 1918 and counteract Iran. Meanwhile, Doha calls on the balance of
its relations with the regional hegemonic powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran
and uses its massive financial proceeds to «buy» influence and ensure
its autonomy.79
However, these differences have undermined the rebellion against As-
sad and on the contrary have favored the most radical opposing jihadist
groups over which none of these countries seem to have any control.
The regime of Teheran along with Syria and Hezbola – recently joined
also by the Central Government of Iraq- have conformed for lustrums
the so-called «Resistance Axis» with a view to expand the Iranian Is-
lamic revolution and boost anti-Western and antisemitic policies. Mo-
reover, given the rivalry with Sunni monarchies of the Gulf, especially
Saudi Arabia, for the regional leadership, the regime of Damascus has
been the link between Persians and Arabs. These two factors are es-
sential to understand the bow that has traditionally tied Syria and Iran.
Indeed, the regime of Assad would never be in the current strong posi-
tion should it not be for the decisive support of Iran since the beginning
of the war. The aid in intelligence and the supply of weapons and fuel
have made possible the combat capacity of the Syrian army. But above
all, Assad remain in power thanks on the one hand to the deployment
of members of the Quds Force to train Alawites militia and coordinate
military operations against rebels and, on the other hand, to the political
backing of the regional Shiite movement supported by Teheran. Never-
theless, the fact that thousands of Shiite voluntaries worldwide have
gone to defend Assad,80 has meant an increase of the sectarian nature
of the Syria conflict.
Laborie, 2014, Op.Cit.
Stratfor. Turkey and Qatar’s Shared Regional Interests». Geopoliti-
cal Diary.08.01.2013.Available at
Knights, Michael. «Iran’s Foreign Legion: The Role of Iraqi Shiite Militias in Syria».
The Washington Institute.27.06.2013.
Mario Laborie Iglesias
In the last year several notable facts have taken place, which have much
to do with the position of Iran both in Syria and the Middle East as a
whole. Firstly, the provisional agreement signed in November 2013 be-
tween Iran and the P5+1 negotiators – the five countries permanent
members of the Security Council plus Germany and that has recently
been extended for another four months-, to limit the nuclear program
of Iran, has brought the Ayatollah regime back to International arena at
the same time as it has reduced its isolation which favored the cause
of the increasing Shiite as a whole.81 And secondly, the advance of the
jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria, paradoxically, has situated Iranians on
the same side as the US.
Despite the suspicions the US-Iran closeness is rising in Israel and Saudi
Arabia82 – traditional allies of the US in the region- and the many myste-
ries already existing, there is a possibility that the geopolitical balances
in the Middle East may be reorganizing. For the moment, a slight mode-
ration can be seen as observed in the fact that Israel’s operation in Gaza
against the organization Hamás, lasting most part of the summer,83 has
not triggered the reaction of Hezbolá, something that in other circum-
stances would probably have happened.84
International actors
Throughout the Syrian conflict, Russia has revealed itself as a key actor
for Assad’s aspirations of remaining in power as Moscow has provided
Laborie, 2014, Op.Cit.
Satloff, Robert. «Will Israel and the U.S. Break Up over Iran?» The Washington
Institute. January/February 2014. Available at
For more information regarding the «Protecting Margin» Operation started in July
8th 2014, please refer to RTVE «Conflicto en Gaza» Available at
Only after 19 days of Israel attack in Gaza, Hassan Nasrallah has urged Mus-
lim countries to back the Palestinian Islamist movement. Nevertheless, at least
for the moment it has refrained from opening a new front against Israel at the bor-
der with Lebanon. Reuters. «Despite Syria rift, Hezbollah pledges full support to
Hamas».25.07.2014.Available at
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
When the first popular protests against the Syrian regime in 2011 star-
ted, the US intended the fall of Assad as that possibility was consistent
with its vision of the area: supporting peaceful political changes and
weakening of the capacity of Iran and Hezbola to attack Israel, its key ally
in the area.
But since the Syrian conflict resulted in a violent civil war, Washington
and its European allies, have been cautious regarding the policy to imple-
ment both to support the rebels and to develop military action as in 2011
to overthrow the Libyan regime of Colonel Gadafi
Aware of North-American public opinion, he wants to see his country less
involved in foreign issue after more than one decade of war in Iraq and
Afghanistan87, President Obama is trying by all means to not directly in-
TRENIN, Dmitri. «The Mythical Alliance. Russia’s Syria Policy». Carnegie Endow-
ment for International Peace. Fabruary 2013. Available at
Barnard, Anne. «Russian Defiance Is Seen as a Confidence Builder for Syria’s
Government». The New York Times.21.03.2014.Available at
Pew Research Center.03.12.2013. Available at
Mario Laborie Iglesias
volve itself in regional issues. At the same time, his intents to agreeing on
an International response consistent with Syria have clashed with Rus-
sian intransigence in the Security Council of the United Nations. Likewise,
European allies have revealed a clear lack of disposition to support the
use of military force in Syria as they consider that their vital interests are
not questioned for the moment.
These circumstances along with the fact that in Syrian scenario it is diffi-
cult to put together the appropriate use of the military instruments, exp-
lain the American reluctance to attack Assad’s forces. In addition, the only
reason why Obama would have carried out a military intervention, the
chemical weapons program, has been «peacefully» solved.
With respect to the proposal of supplying weapons for rebels to be able
to counteract the higher combat capacity to the Syrian army, the progres-
sive advance of the jihadist groups, gives reasons to fear that those we-
apons may end up in inappropriate hands. Therefore, despite continuous
announces88, it seems that they are only providing «non-lethal» devices
although there is information regarding the existence of a «modest» pro-
gram to train opposing groups considered as «more moderate».89
In this context, the US and European countries focus their efforts on un-
derpinning the stability of Syria’s neighbors basically through humanita-
rian aid for refugees and the coordination of intelligence material.
None the less, nowadays the main Western priority is to stop the progress
of organizations near AlQaeda and above all, of the Islamic State both in
Syria and in Iraq. Given that the change of the regime in Syria is a minor
problem, ironically, this issue puts Obama and Assad – with their allies
Iran and Hezbola- together in the same «trench» against Jihadism.90
There is no doubt that the Islamic State represents a direct threat for
Western world in general and for the US in particular. The organization
relies on the necessary human and financial resources to strike vital Eu-
ropean and US interests as well as to destabilize the friendly countries
of the region. For this reason, it would be normal that the US increased
its presence in Iraq and it cannot be ruled out that it may keep using the
In a recent speech given by Obama in the Military Academy of West Point, the Presi-
dent showed his wish to support the armed opposition in Syria. Entous, Adam. «Obama
Close to Authorizing Military Training of Syrian Rebels».WSJ.27.05.2014.Available at
Entous, Adam; Barnes, Julian E. «Pentagon Envisions ‘Small’ Training Program for
Syria Opposition».WSJ.16.07.2014. Available at
Rogin, Josh. «Obama Admin Debates Whether Assad Really Must Go». The Daily
Beast.07.03.2014.Available at
same procedures as in Yemen: selective attacks with drones, covert ope-
rations and counselling of security forces. In turn, European countries
normally adjust their actions, outside community institutions – the Eu-
ropean Union is still missing – limiting their support to the US to what is
purely imperative.
The regime of Assad and his allies, Iran and Hezbola, is better positio-
ned today than in the past months as seen by its military and diplomatic
achievements. Moreover, the lack of capacity of the opposition to act as
one has created the ideal conditions for the establishment of radical
Islamist organizations that, over time, have gained more power than the
moderate factions, which raises the alarms of the countries supporting
the rebellion. In particular, the Islamic State is surmised for the future
as one of the key parts of the conflict. Therefore, the survival of the
Syrian regime seems secured at least on the short and medium term
and under no circumstance, it seems to be any opportunity whatsoever
for peace.
It is already long ago that the Syrian war was a «simple» internal conflict.
The incorporation of new actors and factors along with the overflow of
violence, reaching already neighbor countries, depict a panorama where
conflagration has acquired it current regional format. Conflicts in Syria,
Lebanon and Iraq are so interrelated that it is no longer possible to dis-
cern an independent solution for some of them.
At the same time, the current geopolitical derivations the regional con-
flict –considering what happens in the region as a whole- may have
on the International relations at a regional or global level are beyond
On the one hand, the return of Iran to the International diplomatic are-
na is focused on the good perspectives existing to reach an agree-
ment on its nuclear program. Of succeeding, the consequences of this
agreement can redesign the balances of power in the Middle East. The
US and Iran have found themselves in the same side in Iraq where
both countries try to support the Government of Bagdad against Sunni
rebels. Although the reaction of the rich Gulf monarchies remains a
mystery as with their incalculable financial resources they oppose to
Teheran gaining influence. Likewise, the Middle East is once more a
board where the interests of the great powers clash. Russia and China
try to make the most of the apparent US slide and the European apathy
in the region.
The failure of International diplomatic initiatives is due to the ambition
of adopting policies conflicting with the complex reality of this situation.
Mario Laborie Iglesias
Maybe, instead of trying to end with the war in Syria – which in any case
seems long and violent- with partial measures and, most times, utopic,
maybe it would much better to succeed in pragmatically managing the
strategic environment.
Syria: from civil war to regional conflict
Mario Laborie Iglesias
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: Chapter
From optimism to ebola six
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Key words
Liberia, Sierra Leone, West Africa, armed conflict, Charles Taylor, United
Nations, peace process, stability, Ebola.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
Liberia and Sierra Leone are two countries which the international com-
munity, led by the United Nations, view as examples of Africa’s aspira-
tions for stabilization through the various missions undertaken on the
continent by the multilateral organization. In the case of the former, cons-
tituted in the mid-nineteenth century, precisely on a territory which whet-
ted the appetite of European colonizers, the positive evolution of this pea-
ce process also benefitted other countries in the area, like Liberia itself
or the Ivory Coast, thanks – among other factors – to the deployment of
international forces on the border.
Indeed, the country is managing to heal, with some success, wounds left
by two periods of civil war, from 1989-1996 and 1999-2003 - the last
episode so far.
Nevertheless, one cannot gloss over the tense situations which featured
protest movements opposed to the Monrovian government, chaired this
term by Helen Johnson Sirleaf, Head of State since the first elections af-
ter the post-conflict in 2006.
The same can be said of Sierra Leone, despite the fact that not so many
incidents are being recorded beyond the North-Eastern border, and not
because of the Ebola outbreak. In Sierra Leone, businessman Ernest Ko-
roma was able to remedy the situation after snatching State power from
leaders who had taken part in the internal conflict. However, political di-
vision of the country between a South-East hostile to Koroma and a Nor-
th-East related to the current President could sow the seeds of clashes if
tension is heightened during the prevalence of the disease.
The Ebola crisis that erupted in 2014 revived the alert on the situation in
Liberia and Sierra Leone, just when the forecasts were more optimistic
and their evolution on the road to democracy and stability appeared more
favourable, having left behind the civil wars which had such devastating
effects in both countries and with the initiation of two separate peace
processes, designed and implemented by the United Nations.
The risks that spread the Ebola virus are related to the reconstruction of
political stability that we mentioned above. In Liberia, the Senate elec-
tions originally planned for the month of December 2014, have suffered
a postponement.
It is clear that the polling stations would become a new source of
transmission of the disease, and that a population in a state of panic
over the rapid spread of the virus is not in the best position to choo-
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
See this press report, among others:
nate-endorses-election-postponement. Last visited 6 September 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
Over 1,800 in the count published on 4 September, available at
csr/don/2014_09_04_ebola/en. Last visited 9 September 2014.
Refer to the information page of the WHO at
heets/fs103/en. Last visited 9 September 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
See New York Times report on this, at
africa/ebola-outbreak-liberia-quarantine.html? . Last visited 22 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
As for Liberia, its 165 year-long history has been marked by a permanent
contradiction: the interests, beliefs and ideas of the North American colo-
nizers (the love of liberty brought us here is the country’s official motto)
which arrived in Liberia in the nineteenth century, displacing those of the
native population, who were soon subdued by the minority of ‘outsiders’.
It was in the 80’s that the first governor, who was not a direct descendant
of freed slaves, took over through a coup. In 1847, his ancestors proclai-
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
med the independence of the current state, thus ending the organic link
that bound it to the United States and the Colonization Society that had
sponsored it.
They also brought with them a form of government and institutions, fas-
hioned after those left behind, thousands of miles across the sea. That
forced deportation, the desire to be and act like Americans in Liberia, was
with time one of the causes of the conflict that arose in the last two deca-
des of the twentieth century.
Liberia became known as ‘the Lone Star’ for the white one that appears
in the top corner of its national flag. This symbol is in fact the most re-
presentative icon of the Whig rash of Liberian Americans. They actually
founded the Liberian True Whig Party (Authentic Whig Party of Liberia),
who ruled the country for over 130 years, restricting the voting rights of
the indigenous population. That regime corresponded to an inbred social
organization in which there was little interaction between the colonizers
and the original Liberian population. The model of large plantations im-
ported from the US complemented family inbreeding, without the ‘newco-
mers’ mixing with Liberians.
Only in the mid-twentieth century, thanks to the initiative of President Wi-
lliam Tubman (1943-1971), was there a slight rapprochement between
the two communities, and attempts made to boost economic growth to
incorporate the indigenous population.5 But the mild reforms did not lead
to significant changes. Women and ‘indigenous’ owners voted for the first
time in 1951, which also marked the beginning of large-scale mining in
the country.
The ruling elite always expressed support for the West, siding with the
Allies in both world wars. In 1942, Monrovia signed an agreement with
the United States, which guaranteed the supply of rubber, almost exclusi-
vely from Liberian plantations.
On the level of defense and infrastructures, the treaty, sealed by the
Monrovia interview between Roosevelt and his counterpart, Barclay, was
materialized in the construction of roads to ensure the transportation of
rubber crops, as well as an airport and seaport which opened the capi-
tal’s doors to modern international trade. Excessive rubber crop establi-
shment, shelling from German ships and the presence of allied troops for
decades had a considerable impact on the country’s economy.
When military action gave way to the Cold War, cooperation between Mon-
rovia and Washington, as well as the American presence in West Africa,
its former ward, remained. From there, the CIA directed and conducted
several operations to counter growing Soviet influence on the continent.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
The uprising led by Samuel Doe, Petty Officer belonging to the Krahn eth-
nic minority, marked the beginning of the conflict, which led to the coun-
try’s bloody civil war. Coming from a rural area in the South-East of the
country, he grew up in a poor family, who could not provide him with an
education beyond primary school. He entered the army, and was an offi-
cer in the Liberian Navy when, leading a group of soldiers, dealt the blow
that killed the then president, William Tolbert Jr.6 This politician, whose
family had belonged to the ruling elite since their arrival in Liberia in the
late nineteenth, had succeeded Tubman, when he died, after having been
his confidant for over two decades. Although the handover was provided
for in the Liberian Constitution, Tolbert was not directly elected by the
His mandate followed a line of shifting away from the Tubman pro-Wes-
tern tradition, making approaches by initiating contacts with countries
that were members of the Soviet bloc. Paradoxically Doe, a native, was
supported by the Reagan administration when he seized power violent-
ly.7 Doe abolished political parties up until 1985, creating the National
Democratic Party of Liberia (NDPL). The elections were probably fraudu-
lent, with the Liberian Action Party claiming victory. Thus the climate of
tension that would lead to civil war grew.8 Doe had no apparent reasons
other than lust for power to take up arms to distribute plots between his
family and fellow adventurers.
The first battles took place in 1985, after an armed group opposed to the
Samuel Doe government erupted from Sierra Leone. The mutiny was put
down, with the army held by the Krahn starting a brutal repression, which
introduced an ethnic component. The Mano and Gio peoples in the Nimba
region bordering Sierra Leone, bathed by the Mano River were the most
persecuted by the followers of Doe.
Four years later, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia arose out of the
Americo-Liberian alliance and the Mano and Gio ethnic groups, led by
Charles Taylor. In the escalating violence that followed, thousands of
people were killed by the NPFL (the Krahn and Mandingo ethnic groups
mostly), which also began recruiting child soldiers9. The NPFL soon gai-
ned followers among those pursued by Samuel Doe, and the two sides
See Last visited 16 August
The story is still remembered of when Reagan, with a strong handshake, proudly
introduced him as Chairman Moe of Liberia.
See the comprehensive history presented by Fred van Kraaig in his online project,
«Liberia past and present» quoted in the previous footnote.
See Last visi-
ted 11 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Sierra Leone
Unlike its neighbor, where the UN decided to actively maintain the mis-
sion deployed there, the multilateral organization decided to shut down
its Special Mission to Sierra Leone, with the general approval of the agen-
We recommend the report «Meeting the hard man of Liberia», broadcast by the BBC
in 2008. Information available at
own_correspondent/6113682.stm. Last visited 29 July 2014.
leaf-facts.html. Last visited 29 July 2014.
Full text available at
tions/peace_agreements/liberia_08182003.pdf. Last visited 9 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
See a brief but complete historical resume of the country on the US Embassy page: Last visited 14 August 2014.
See Lawrence, Michael: «Vertical integration and persistent causes of conflict in
Sierra Leone». Centre for International Governance Innovation, October 2012. Avai-
lable at
tion-and-persistent-causes-of-conflict-sierra-leone. Last visited 28 July 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
this small country.15 Political tensions strained the atmosphere while un-
dermining the government’s capacity to manage.
The liberal promise of President Joseph Saidu Momo, maintained as sole
party by the All People’s Congress (APC), did not turn out to be convin-
cing. In 1992, he was deposed and deported to Guinea, and a provisional
military junta installed its elf. In the 1996 elections, Alhaji Ahmad Tejan
Kabbah was elected President in longed for elections with quite a few
democratic guarantees.
A peace deal seemed to stop the conflict with the RUF, who had spent
years chasing diamonds in the mountains and senior officials in the
streets of Freetown. Meanwhile citizen militias, the army and the RUF it-
self engaged in relentless hostilities. In this climate, with so many armed
groups controlling their share of power and resources, the peace agree-
ment promoted by Kabbah was not viable.
After the participation of Sierra Leonean troops in the ECOMOG forces
acting in Liberia, Taylor began providing weapons to rebels in the neigh-
boring country, in order to destabilize the government and become strong
in the diamond and arms trade. The Revolutionary United Front, under the
command of Foday Sankoh, was one of the militant groups that managed
to attract a large proportion of youth from poor areas. The RUF, which had
no defined territorial or ethnic support, based its growth on coercion and
threatening civilians with weapons.16
According to data collected by UNAMSIL (Special UN Mission in Sierra
Leone) and UNICEF, between 6,000 and 10,000 children were compelled
to take up arms, even being recruited by government forces.17
In 1997 a group of officers overthrew the elected President and formed a
Board of Governors which included representatives of the RUF. Obviously,
the latter seized all power in Freetown, aggravating the situation in Sierra
Leone to the limit. This was the first coup in which the United Nations ma-
naged to restore the government to the deposed President, by deploying
international forces.18
The gradual normalization of political life led to the subsequent creation
of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, established to prosecute war cri-
mes that had been committed in that country and which would dictate the
famous sentence against Taylor.
See Last visi-
ted 28 July 2014.
We recomment again the website on Sierra Leona at
See Last visited 27 August 2014.
See Last visited 30 July 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
In the nineteenth century the coastal regions, that cover both countries,
were key to the slave trade and historical events have caused the two
countries to evolve, in many aspects, in a similar way. These include the
contradiction found between the colonists and freed slaves and the ‘indi-
genous’ people, and the later interactions between rebel groups during
the civil wars and the international peacekeepers in the post war era.
In Sierra Leone the dissatisfaction with Koroma´s government was evident
when protests kicked off in the street following a law that was passed in
2013 to give more freedom of opinion and expression. Although it was a
law many had been campaigning for, the opposition felt it did not go far
enough.19 Since the end of the civil war there has been a call for greater
openness in this area. Various journalists were jailed for expressing their
opinions on the country´s government, accused of insulting Koroma.20 In
Liberia, sceptics argue that a similar law passed in the National Assembly,
in force since 2010, has not changed anything in terms of press freedom
and expression. In fact, one of the moments that best exemplified the lack
of faith most citizens had in the law, was the arrest of Rodney Sieh, editor
of Front Page Africa, one of the country´s main newspapers.21
However, if passing this law avoids more arrests, and at the same time
allows unfavourable opinion of the authorities to become more common
place, the fears of the opposition will be quelled. It is also an important
step towards a stronger democracy.
The after effects of the prolonged civil war continue to be felt in society
today and every now and then surface with tensions between the current
major political parties. An example of the type of action that can put an
end to any stability still being established was the boycott by the Congress
for Democratic Change (CDC), lead by Winston Tubman in 2011, during
the second round of presidential elections, in which Johnson Sirleaf was
finally re-elected. Tubman accused her of trying to create a one-party
state. The result of the first round of elections, witnessed by a significant
number of international observers, saw a lead of 11 percent for Sirleaf
(44 percent as opposed to the 33 that CDC achieved).22
See VRAGOVICH, Amanda: «Sierra Leone: freedom of information is one thing,
freedom of speech is another», Think Africa Press, 7 November 2013. Available at Last visi-
ted 9 August 2014.
See Last visited 11 August 2014.
Taken ill in prison, he was released by the Justice Minister, but was away from his
post for 6 months.
Among others, see this article published in The Guardian, at Last visited 8
August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Once the armed struggle had ended, all efforts were focused on reducing
the great rift between a clearly divided society, although more time is
needed to close this definitively, or at least, for it not to threaten the con-
tinuity of the State and its most basic social institutions.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
See FERNÁNDEZ TRESGUERRES, José A: «Charles Ghankay Taylor: primer Jefe de
Estado condenado por un tribunal penal internacional». Instituto Español de Estudios
Estratégicos, Documento Marco nº 17, December 2012. Available at
guerres.pdf. Last visited 29 July 2014.
crimes. Last visited 10 August 2014.
See http:// Last visited 4 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
disarmed. However, only half the arms (some 27,000), of those that were
calculated to have been in use at the end of the war, have been handed
in. Therefore tens of thousands of small arms will continue to be in the
hands of ex-fighters, or sold to factions in neighbouring countries.26
There is evidence that something similar happened after the internatio-
nal intervention that ended the civil war in Sierra Leone. A flow of fighters
crossed to the other side of the border, to join the armed conflicts that
were taking place there. This also occurred when Liberian militants were
found to be participating in the Ivory Coast conflict in 2011, using the
structure and resources of factions that had decided not to demobilise.
The UN Secretary General has observed a lack of cohesion in the political
system, shown by conflicts and tensions arising when choosing leaders
and candidates.27 This happened in the Congress for Democratic Chan-
ge (CDC) set up to promote the presidential nomination of the footballer
George Weah. The popularity that he still enjoys, thanks to his participa-
tion in the European football elite, has attracted a large number of Libe-
ria´s youth to the CDC party, particularly in Monrovia and other cities.28
While we wait to see how he resolves problems at the top, the CDC is at
risk of basing their work on one of the traditional vices that has led so
many countries into bloody civil war: lack of impartiality and power stru-
ggles over the party´s identity.
In 2011 the CDC obtained 32 percent of votes, an encouraging result to subs-
titute Sirleaf, who cannot stand for re-election having already served two
terms in office. The negative aspect of those elections was the protests and
clashes between Weah supporters and police.29 In the meantime, the Gover-
ning party endeavoured to name a successor to Sirleaf who could achieve
the «united» conviction of once again ‘sweeping’ aside their opponents in the
next presidential elections. Although in 2014 many have left the party, with
the resignation of senators and some counties losing important figures.30
While the final date for the Senate elections is still to be announced, initially
planned for autumn 2014, some of the first preparatory stages in the elec-
toral calendar had not yet been completed, even before the Ebola outbreak
sarmament-really-working. Last visited 28 July 2014.
See the Secretary General reports 27 and 28 (2014) at http://
cebuilding/doc_liberia.shtml. Last visited 20 August 2014.
See, among others, this article published by Front Page, at
vided-over-2017. Last visited 1 August 2014.
Last visited 31 July 2014.
See this analysis in the Liberian press at
tions-senator-momo. Last visited 10 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
in the country. In some regions the electoral census had not been finished,
a process that should have been completed by April 2014, with scarce fi-
nancial resources being cited as the official reason behind this.31
The development of electoral processes is closely linked to the issue of
security, more or less essential depending on how events unfold. There
is a difficult balance between decentralisation and the risk of new exa-
cerbated ethnic divisions, also bearing in mind that the territorial struc-
ture is organised around the majority ethnic grouping in each area. In
the hypothetical event of instability, with violent outbreaks, the security
forces have to work in a climate of uncertainty. The United Nations is wo-
rried about the persistent violence linked to common crimes, sexual abu-
se (high incidence of rape) and the active presence of vigilantes.32
See «Liberia road to elections 2017», New Africa Magazine, 24 July 2014. Available at Last visited 31 July 2014.
UN SECRETARY GENERAL: Reports 27 (February 2014) and 28 (August 2014. Links
to the complete text at
Last visited 24 August 2014.
See HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. «Human Rights abuse in Sierra Leone Mining boom»,
February 2014. Available at
ning-boom-brings-rights-abuses. Last visited 21 August 2014.
See http:// Last visited 29 July 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
lation, enabling him to change the complex laws that then allowed him to
remain in office to serve a third term.35
Many of the political parties suffer from problems previously seen in Li-
beria, mainly concerning internal power struggles for leadership, suc-
cession or the control of financial power linked to irregular dealings, as
much within the government as in the opposition Popular Party of Sierra
Leone. The Anticorruption Commission is kept busy working to resolve
these issues. Politically, there is a clear divide in the country, the eastern
and southern regions being the most hostile towards Koroma.36
In March 2014, just three months after the first cases of infection were con-
firmed in Guinea, fear started spreading through the neighbouring countries.
When summer arrived, the news was full of headlines and stories about cases
of the virus and its spread. Fear soon turned to panic and the critics turned
their attention to the actions of the affected governments and on the reaction of
the international community faced with the progression of the illness.
Regarding the measures adopted by the authorities, people objected to a
rather repressive approach, instead of a strategy to contain the epidemic.
Many shared a reproach for the government´s indecision and the delay in
dealing with the gravity of the outbreak.
See the report Sierra Leone Assessment, by Jane’s in their series Sentinel Scrutiny
Assessments, February 2014.
See the Jane’s report, Sierra Leone Assessment. Op. Cit.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
See http://
the-escape-of-numerous-ebola-patients-in-liberias-worst-slum-is-so-terrifying. Last
visited 19 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
In the meantime Sierra Leone´s government decided to make it illegal for fami-
lies to hide ill patients in their houses, by way of a law punishable by up to two
years in prison. The government of Freetown wanted to penalise any rejection
and distrust that many citizens felt towards the medical treatment of Ebola.39
Fear of being stigmatised or of reprisals, religious beliefs, rejection of isolation,
these are some of the factors that explain why many families affected in these
four countries preferred to stay silent and bury their dead next to their homes.
In fact it is funeral rituals that have contributed to the spread of the virus. In
West Africa the dead bodies of family members are washed before burial.
Some analysts point out the differences they have seen with the Ebola out-
break in Uganda and Sudan in 2000. For the editor of African Arguments, the
most important stems from the cultural differences between both regions, as
well as the speed with which the Kampala authorities contained the illness.40
See http://
Analysis by Richard Dowden available at
ebola-what-west-africa-could-learn-from-uganda. Last visited 29 August 2014.
See KRAMER, Reed: «Liberia: A Casualty of the Cold War’s End». Africa Notes 795,
Centre for Strategic and International Studies, July 1995. Available from
files/publication/anotes_0795_0.pdf. Last visited 25 August 2014.
See NEAJAI, Robtel: «The need to retool Liberia relationship with the US», The Third
World Resurgence nº 257-258, January-February 2012. Available at TWN Twin World
Networld, last visited 22 August 2012.
ght/liberia/article2.html. Last visited 26 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
come from American stock. The United States also held a prominent role
in the UNMIL, they not only sent aid provisions of forces and equipment,
but donated over a billion American dollars.44 45
In 2010 the Monrovian authorities officially regained control of their Armed
Forces, after nearly a decade of international intervention in the country.
U.S Forces have actively participated in training the Liberian Army, as well
as supplying weaponry and ammunition.46 Improving the professionalism
of the Liberian Army remains a number one priority for the U.S, together
with issues of governance, such as increasing transparency within state
institutions or the independence of the legal system. Drug trafficking in the
region still remains one of the major concerns of the U.S administration.47
Sierra Leone
The same prominence that Liberia enjoyed in U.S foreign policy was not
attained by Sierra Leone, lacking as they did historical ties. Nonetheless,
both countries retain close relations due to the migratory movements of
Sierra Leone’s population, who partly come from the freed slaves retur-
ned to Africa at the end of the XVIII Century. Several tens of thousands of
emigrants from this country currently reside in the U.S.
Relations between Freetown and Washington are friendly since the for-
malising of bilateral ties with independency in 1961, with cooperation and
commerce both flourishing. The U.S participated in the prominent inter-
national mission in Sierra Leone during its civil war, as well as peace
keeping and the rebuilding of its institutions. Most noteworthy is the U.S
contribution to the establishment of the Special Court of Sierra Leone, to
uphold the law on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed
during the country’s 11-year-long civil war.
The achievements of Sierra Leone in areas such as political cooperation,
support of electoral processes, the increase in citizen participation in po-
litical issues and the recovery of human and material capabilities in Sie-
rra Leone’s Armed Forces are highlighted by the U.S.48
The country’s trade flows follow much the same pattern as with Liberia:
agricultural products, minerals and metals cross the Atlantic, leaving the
country heading West, while chemical supplies, machinery, and transport
45 Last visited 24 August 2014.
Documents relating to bilateral relations can be sourced at the following link: http:// Last visited 24 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
More information at Last visited 19
August 2014.
See Last visited 16 Au-
gust 2014.
Recommend Ghana’s Armed Forced website on ECOMOG, at
index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=25&Itemid=59. Last
visited 17 August 2014.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Waging War to Keep the Peace: The ECOMOG Intervention
and Human Rights. Human Rights Reports, June de 1993. Read the whole text at http:// Last visited 18 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
He was soon reinstated with the military intervention of ECOWAS and the
United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL).
The Sierra Leone and Liberia interventions helped ECOWAS learn key
lessons that subsequently shaped future military and diplomatic inter-
ventions in conflicts in the subregion,53 notwithstanding the obvious and
indubitable problems and difficulties that assailed the United Nations and
ECOWAS in the Sierra Leonean conflict.54
Joint operations between subregional African organisations and the Uni-
ted Nations were improved as a result of ECOWAS intervention, mainly in
Sierra Leone, though there is still some way to go.
When news of the Ebola virus outbreak first hit, the initial reaction of the
member states was one of panic, with border closures and strict tra-
vel bans. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and similar internatio-
nal bodies called for the bans to be lifted, claiming they harmed efforts
to contain the deadly virus. Governments began to rectify and reinforce
preventative measures in place of decreeing absolute isolation. ECOWAS
convened an emergency summit to discuss how to prevent the Ebola vi-
rus from spreading and allay public fears.55
With the removal of political obstacles, ECOWAS would arguably have the
capacity to become an essential player in the resolution of conflicts wi-
thin its sphere of influence. Political, personal or ethnic rivalry between
governments, and a certain mutual distrust towards ECOWAS as a me-
diator remain the greatest challenges to be faced. These structural weak-
nesses undermine the cohesion of this sub regional organisation.56
These conflicts, stretching over three decades, have witnessed the shift in
UN field operations from traditional missions to complex multi-dimensio-
nal missions, which, at the same time echo how the nature of the conflicts
themselves, has changed. UN peace keeping, originally developed as a
See ARTHUR, PETER: «Africa: Lessons for the Future» Africa Today, vol. 57, nº 2,
winter 2010. Pp. 3-24. Available at
mary/v057/57.2.arthur.html. Last visited 19 August 2014.
Some of these disadvantages are analyzed in ENUKA, CHUKA: «United Nations and
ECOWAS Joint Intervention in Sierra-Leonean Conflict: An Analysis of the Problems of
Peacekeeping, Peacemaking and Peace Enforcement». Summary available at http:// Last visited 17 August 2014.
See Last visited 31 August 2014.
See DÍEZ ALCALDE, J. «¿Qué es la CEDEAO? Fortalezas y debilidades para enfrentar
el conflicto de Mali». Analysis paper 11-2013, Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos.
Available at
CEDEAO_Mali_FortalezayDebilidades_JDA_.pdf. Last visited 16 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
See Last visited 9
August 2014.
See also GIFRA DURALL, J. «20 años de operaciones de paz de Naciones Unidas
como instrumento de protección humanitaria», Opinion Document 86 2011, Instituto
Español de Estudios Estratégicos. Available at
Last visited 12th August 2014.
Information at http://
Last visited 7 August 2014.
Read the whole text of the treaty at
resources/collections/peace_agreements/liberia_08182003.pdf. Last visited 22 Au-
gust 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
Read the whole text at
doc.htm. Last visited 24 August 2014.
Read the whole text on Resolution 2066/2012 at
docs/?symbol=S/RES/2066(2012). Last visited 8 August 2014.
See Last visited
8 August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
tween 1999 and December 31st of 2005.64 Based on the Peace Agreement
of Lomé, it aimed for the disarmament and demobilization of the various
guerillas and future reintegration of their members into civilian life. In
August of 2005, following the completion of various successive enlarge-
ments of the mission, the Security Council deemed those satisfactory and
opted to replace them with UNIOSIL (United Nations Integrated Office in
Sierra Leone) in 2006 pursuant to resolution 1620/2005.65 This renewed
international presence was meant to consolidate peace and promote sta-
bility.66 In compliance with the United Nations guidelines regarding this
type of missions, various programmes designed to modernize the Sta-
te’s security forces as well as those implemented to strengthen electoral
processes and democratic institutions, power and the administration of
justice account for UNIOSIL’s main tasks.
Collaboration with other regional missions was another objective so as
to limit weapon and human trafficking in addition to the smuggling of
resources vital for the economy at the borders of the country. Finally, in
2008, the Council approved the deployment of UNIPSIL (United Nations
Integrated Peace-building Office in Sierra Leone),67 pursuant to resolution
1829 2008.68 Upon reaching satisfactory levels of stability, the Council
looked to normalize and improve institutions and electoral processes. It
valued the level of professionalization reached by the armed and police
forces that were considered capable of carrying out their functions within
a democratic institutional framework.
Nevertheless, the Council warned of the need to remain vigilant in case
of any increased social tension and monitoring the compliance of human
rights, justice and the rule of law.
More information at
facts.html. Last visited 9 August 2014.
See http:// Last visited 6 August
More information at
Last visited 8 August 2014.
67 Last vi-
sited 9 August 2014.
Can be read by accessing
cuments/scres/SCRes201829_202008.pdf. Last visited on 8 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
ner/20140820_1_sierra_leone_signed_nip_en.pdf. Last visited 21 August 2014.
sierraleone_en.htm. Last visited on 19 August 2014.
The basic lines are indicated on the following web page
velopment/icenter/repository/scanned_sl_csp10_en.pdf. Last visited 20 August 2014.
The full text can be accessed on the following web page
eu/delegations/liberia/documents/page_content/eu_blue_book_en.pdf. Last visited 13
August 2014.
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
On another hand, the European Union showed its great concern with re-
gards to the expansion of the Ebola virus in those two countries. Its rela-
tive proximity to the infection’s outbreak and the constant movement of
people between the tow banks led Brussels to raise the alarm. Europe
aligned with local authorities and emergency measures taken to contain
the crisis and for this reason, approved a provision of funds to be alloca-
ted for this purpose.73
The main lines of the Spanish foreign policy concerning these two coun-
tries do not differ from Brussels’. The geo-strategic interest that led Spain
to act in the region of the Gulf of Guinea is stated in the National Security
Strategy of the country. As a result of this, in July 2014, the Ministry of
Defense announced the deployment of military operations in the Sahel
and the Gulf of Guinea carried out jointly with other contingents of the
European Union.74
2014/20140815_1_en.htm. Last visited 24 August 2014.
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
tions will need to set a date to dismantle the UNMIL in a fairly short-term.
This is when the citizens of Liberia will recuperate their full powers and
become fully in charge of their future. This entails the need to genera-
te capacities to face risks and threats more or less successfully. This is
particularly important with regards to the justice administration which
will need to adopt values such as impartiality and neutrality. This also
means that reforms in the security sector must guarantee professio-
nalism and efficiency. Economic growth will then be attainable which
should benefit other vast sectors of the population which face poverty
and unemployment and for which illegal trafficking or violence are profi-
table alternatives.
Likewise, significant efforts to encourage the cohabitation and rappro-
chement of social sectors that were once opposed will be necessary. Gi-
ven this particular context, the responsibility of those that will manage
the country’s transition towards a full self-government is quintessential
particularly in Liberia.
Opponents’ authoritarian demonstrations and restrictions of rights and
freedom in Sierra Leone and Liberian are of great concern. This is parti-
cularly evident in the case of the Liberian Armed Forces. Upon comple-
tion of the mission of the military personnel sent by the United Nations,
the government will face the challenge of enabling its army to continue
acting in compliance with parameters established by the international
missions and banishing vindictive practices, abuses of power and co-
rruption or the violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. Abuses of
power, restricted political freedom and other forms of pressure against
those who defend different political ideas will no longer be seen. This
may sound too optimistic but the conditions to enable such a situation
may well be put in place.
However, this process requires the resolute involvement of opposing for-
ces especially with regards to the definite dismantling of armed groups
and the firm intention to banish violence.
The processes to designate new representatives voted by the people are
of the utmost importance in post-conflict situations in the sense that the-
se elections may lead to another crisis. Given this possible uncertainty in
Liberia, governments and opposition parties should double their efforts
to ensure elections take place successfully especially in 2017 when vo-
ting for the President.
As seen previously, the populations of Liberia and Sierra Leone will face
another threat in the future which is the propagation of the Ebola virus
which has reached alarming figures in the region. If Johnson Sirleaf ma-
nages to contain the chaos and instability caused by the Ebola outbreak,
the country will have progressed greatly. Social tensions will need to be
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
Sierra Leone
Jorge Bolaños Martínez
Geo-political indicators
Peace processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone: from...
ARTHUR, PETER: «Africa: Lessons for the Future» Africa Today, vol. 57, nº
2, winter 201.
DÍEZ ALCALDE, J. «¿Qué es la CEDEAO? Fortalezas y debilidades para en-
frentar el conflicto de Mali» («What is the CEDEAO? Strengths and
weaknesses to face the conflict in Mali»). Document for Analysis 11-
2013, Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies. (CEDEAO: Communauté
Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest; ECOWAS: Economic
Community of West African States)
DOWDEN, Richard: «Ebola outbreak: what West Africa can learn from Ugan-
da». African Arguments, 20 August 2014.
ENUKA, CHUKA: «United Nations and ECOWAS Joint Intervention in Sier-
ra-Leonean Conflict: An Analysis of the Problems of Peacekeeping,
Peacemaking and Peace Enforcement». The IUP Journal of International
Relations, Vol. VI, No. 3, pp. 52-66, July 2012.
FERNÁNDEZ TRESGUERRES, José A: «Charles Ghankay Taylor: primer Jefe
de Estado condenado por un tribunal penal internacional». («Charles
Ghankay Taylor: first Head of Stated condemned by an International
criminal tribunal»). Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies, Documento
Marco nº 17, December 2012.
GIFRA DURALL, J. «20 años de operaciones de paz de Naciones Unidas como
instrumento de protección humanitaria», («20 years of UN peace-keep-
ing operations as an instrument for human protection») Documento de
Opinión 86 2011, Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. Human Rights abuse in Sierra Leone Mining
boom, February 2014.
Waging War to Keep the Peace: The ECOMOG Intervention and Human Rights.
Human Rights Reports, June 1993.
KRAMER, Reed: «Liberia: A Casualty of the Cold War’s End». Africa Notes
795, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 1995.
Lawrence, Michael: «Vertical integration and persistent causes of conflict
in Sierra Leone». Centre for International Governance Innovation, Oc-
tober 2012.
UNITED NATIONS, GENERAL SECRETARY: Reports 27 and 28 on Liberia.
March and August 2014.
VAN KRAAIJ, F: Liberia, past and present.
VRAGOVICH, Amanda: «Sierra Leone: freedom of information is one thing,
freedom of speech is another», Think Africa Press, 7 November 2013.
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote Chapter
peace seven
Jesús Díez Alcalde
On March 24, 2013, the coup carried out by Michel Djotodia at the head
of the Seleka coalition opened the most atrocious and turbulent period
undergone by the Central African Republic since its independence. The
arrival in power of the Selekas, an amalgam of rebel groups with a Mos-
lem majority, unchained a spiral of chaos and violence which sowed the
country with blood and desolation. In reaction to such barbarity, the Anti
Balaka militias were formed, mostly made up from Christian and animist
communities. Within a very few months, clashes between the two fac-
tions spread throughout the country, at the same time that the religious
aspect, fomented by the political leaders, became the falsified «identity
badge» of the conflict. In December, international forces began to deploy
in the Central African Republic, but they failed to halt the offensive of ha-
tred and vengeance of the Anti Balaka against all Moslems.
In January of 2014, Djotodia was forced to resign in Yamena (Chad), and
the National Assembly elected Catherine Samba-Panza as interim Pre-
sident of the Central African Republic. Since then, she has attempted to
set in motion a resolution of the conflict and a political transition, which
was to terminate with an electoral process in February of 2015: a clearly
unrealistic date. Currently, and thanks to the international military pre-
sence, the situation has improved, although security continues to be the
most urgent and challenging priority. In the meantime, the country is now
split in two: the Seleka in the northeast and east, from where they threa-
ten secession, and the Anti Balaka in the western enclaves. Within this
complicated scenario, the Brazzaville Peace Accord-repeatedly broken-
and the new transition government have, for the moment, generated no
expectations. Today, the sectarian and religious conflicts continue to rage,
and the achievement of peace is a very remote possibility.
Key words
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Jesús Díez Alcalde
The Peuls -also known as Fulanis, Pulaars, Fulbes or Fulfudes-are an immense no-
madic people, Moslem cattle- breeders extending across the entire Sahel, whose origin
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
is traced back to the mingling of black peoples from the Horn of Africa with Arab tribes.
In the Central African Republic, as in so many other African countries, the Peuls, without
permission, cross the lands of sedentary and agricultural peoples-mostly Christian and
animist-during migratory periods, which even today continues to provoke constant in-
ter-communal clashes.
In a conflict as virulent and turbulent as that of the Central African Republic, it
is extremely complicated to estimate the death toll. The United Nations puts the
figure at more than ten thousand, but other organizations, present on the ground,
such as Doctors Without Frontiers, believe that the number may be far higher.
Central African Republic death toll could exceed previous estimates. Reuters,
16/07/14. Available at:
« As of 21st February, 2.5 million people—more than half the population of the coun-
try—needed humanitarian aid. Nearly 700,000 Central Africans had been displaced wi-
thin the borders of the country Over 288,000 were refugees in neighboring countries.
Secretary General’s Report on the Central African Republic S/2014/142, of 3rd March.
Available at Date of consul-
tation: 07/06/14.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
The original reason for these demonstrations was the obligation, imposed by Bokas-
sa, for schoolchildren to wear a photograph of the dictator printed on their uniforms.
At the end of Kolingba’s mandate, in 1993, more than 70% of military personnel
were ethnic Yakomas, who only represented 5% of the Central African population. This
permanent dynamic, of populating the Army with communities loyal to the President of
the moment, has caused weapons to become uncontrolled in the hands of civilians, in
addition to undermining the confidence of of the population in the arbitrary and ineffec-
tive security forces. IHS Jane’s. Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment—Central Africa
Security, 10/04/13.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
government. The dismissal of the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Ge-
neral Francois Bozize, was the final trigger behind the forging of a new
military coup. With several hundred military allies, Bozize took refuge in
Chad—with the connivance of its President Idriss Deby—and from the-
re launched successive assaults on the power of the State, which failed
thanks to the external aid of Libya and of rebel Congolese movements.
Finally, on March 15th of 2003, he succeeded in overthrowing Patasse and
proclaiming himself President of the Central African Republic. The ge-
neralized discontent of the population, weary of the despotism and the
abysmal governance of Patasse, meant that Bizize was received as a pa-
nacea for the Central African misfortunes, but he soon showed that he
would do little to support democracy and stability.
After his arrival in power, Bozize dissolved the National Assembly and ins-
talled the National Council on Transition; in addition, he postponed until
2005 the promised democratic elections, in which he was finally raised to
power, in spite of claims of fraud by the opposition. During his mandate, he
also failed to control diamond production6, which, far from redounding to
the benefit of the national economy, he maintained at the mercy of illegal
traffickers, when not at that of his sole benefit. This circle of misgovernance
led, from 2006 onwards, to new armed rebellion in the northern and mostly
Moslem prefectures, denouncing the political and economic disdain of the
Bangui government for this region. Bozize denied the existence of such a
feeling and ignored the complaints for too long. As a result, in December
of 2008, in extremis and in face of the rising threat of an unpredictable civil
war, he assented to a broad and inclusive dialogue to calm rebel anxieties,
which concluded with the signing of the Global Peace Accord of Libreville
(Gabon). This political pact foresaw the installation of a consensus govern-
ment, the initiation of a process of national reconciliation and the activation
of a program of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of the ar-
med militias. Predictably, Bozize failed to comply with any of his commit-
ments, and his blinkered attitude became the perfect excuse for the rebel
rising which, in 2013, achieved his overthrow, subsequently submerging
the country in the most absolute and violent anarchy.
With the background of the failed political accords, the only salvation
for the political opposition was to guarantee that the general elections
The illegal traffic in diamonds has been a constant in the Central African Republic.
Despite being, since 2003, a member of the Kimberley Club, 30% of the annual pro-
duction leaves the country illegally: a lucrative business benefitting all kinds of rebel
groups, and even the national government. In May of 2013, the Central African Repu-
blic was expelled from the Club for its inability to control the illegal traffic, which was
nourishing the armed conflict. Available at Car crash-Political turbulence in the Central
African Republic. IHS Jane’s, Jane’s Intelligence Review, 31/05/13.
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
planned for 2010 would be more transparent and with this, achieve the
«democratic departure» of Bozize from power. But the government, on
the pretext that the insecurity existing in a great part of the country pre-
vented the free exercise of the right to vote, put off Presidential and Le-
gislative elections until 2011, and these confirmed the Bozize presidency
with 64.4% of the votes on the first round. Once again, the opposition par-
ties gave no credibility to the election results, despite a major presen-
ce of international observers; and the refurbished political scene—with
a much-strengthened Bozize—exacerbated the demands of the rebel
groups, now plotting an armed rising as the only way to achieve their
objectives. As on other occasions, President Bozize ignored all signs of
alarm, and only international pressure forced him to initiate, at the end of
2011, new negotiations with the political opposition, which, as on count-
less previous occasions, concluded with no agreement reached.
While political conversations remained stalled, the practical absence of go-
vernment power and of security forces in the north smoothed the way for the
appearance of new insurgent movements, mostly Moslem. Throughout 2012,
old and new rebel factions grouped around the Union of Democratic Forces
for Reunification—a veteran group which erupted onto the scene during the
northern rebellion of 2004 and was now led by Michel Djotodia—and forged
a previously unheard of armed coalition which they called Seleka («Alliance»,
in the official Sango language). And so, departing the prefecture of Haute-Ko-
tto (on the Sudanese border), after occupying and devastating the towns
they found in their path, the Seleka rebels—initially some 5,000—advanced
towards Damara (barely 80 km. from Bangui) where they arrived, in January
of 2013, with more than 20,0007 proselytes of the insurrection. Among these
were hundreds of mercenaries from Sudan and Chad, who only sought to
collect tribute for supporting the insurgents, in addition to sacking and plun-
dering everything within their reach. From Damara, and before launching
their assault on power, they sent an ultimatum to Bozize: he was to commit
himself to complying with everything agreed to in the 2008 accords, to halt
the plunder of natural resources—an activity of which, ironically, the rebels
were protagonists of record in the northeast of the country—and to relieve
the marginalization of the northern regions.
Once again, the capital of Gabon became the scene of renewed peace
conversations for the Central African Republic. In January of 2013, the
government of Bozize, representatives of the opposition parties and lea-
ders of the Seleka group signed the Libreville Accord, which installed a
national coalition government, in which Djotodia occupied the office of
vice Prime Minister. But this sharing of power did not calm the disputes
between the two leaders. The celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the
Deiros, T. Central African Republic: The Invention of a Religious Conflict. IEEE, 16/06/14.
Available at
Jesús Díez Alcalde
arrival in power of the President, March 15th, were the definitive trigger of
the revolt. During his speech, Bozize encouraged young people to «resist
Seleka»,8 which for the rebels represented proof that the accords had
been one more deception. In response, Michel Djotodia declared an end to
the cease-fire, ordered the armed coalition to advance on Bangui and, on
March 24th, usurped power, with hardly any resistance from the regular
army, and in view of the inaction of the French (Operation Boali) and Afri-
can (MICOPAX) forces deployed in the capital.
In April, after proclaiming himself the first Moslem President of the Cen-
tral African Republic, Djotodi committed himself, with the signing of the
Yamena Declaration9, to initiate a period of political transition and to avoid
social confrontations; but all he achieved was the outbreak of brutal sec-
tarian violence in Bangui; and within a few months, that anarchy and bar-
barity spread throughout the country.
Djotodia’s decisions—suspension of the Constitution and of the National
Assembly—were a precursor to disaster; it was soon evident that, beyond
overthrowing Bozize and plundering the natural resources, the Selekas
had no governmental program whatsoever, and lacked any hieratical
structure or political ideology. Security was their first victim; on the one
hand, they ordered their militiamen to integrate into the Central African
Armed Forces (FACA), which occasioned numerous desertions on the part
of non-Moslems; on the other, they constantly instigated religious con-
flict, unprecedented in the Central African Republic, which rapidly beca-
me the most damaging «identity badge» of the conflict. Within a few days,
the brutal Selekas, together with the Chadian and Sudanese mercenaries,
sowed the entire country with massive massacres, sacking and destruc-
tion, with utter impunity—the judicial system10 abruptly disappeared—
and towards a defenseless population who only found protection in im-
Vircoulon,T. Failure has many fathers: the coup in the Central African Republic. Think Afri-
can Press, 28/03/13. Available at:
lure-has-many-fathers-coup-central-african-republic. Date of consultation: 08/01/14.
In the political field, the Djotodia government was a catalogue of foolishness and co-
rruption. Following the signing of the Yamena Declaration, as proof of his «conciliatory
will», he kept Bozize’s Prime Minister, Nicolas Tiangaye, as head of the Council on Natio-
nal Transition, but the announcement that the Presidential elections would be set back
a year, until February of 2016, caused the political opposition to mutiny in the face of
the evidence that his true intention was to perpetuate himself, as had previous Central
African Presidents, in power. More information: Díez, J. «Chaos and Violence in the Cen-
tral African Republic, and the reaction of the international community.» IEEE, 22/01/14.
Available at htp:// analisis/2014/DIEEEA05-2014
Caos RCA JDA.pdf. Consultation date: 28/06/14.
According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), in January of 2014, when Catherine Sam-
ba-Panza assumed the interim Presidency, there was not a single penitentiary open
in the entire country, and all courts had ceased to function. During the Djotodia gover-
nment, there was absolute impunity regarding the serious crimes committed by all
the armed factions. Central African Republic: ICC Investigation Needed. HRW, 26/06/14.
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Table 1. Security and defense forces in the Central African Republic.(Main source: Jane’s)
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Since the appearance of these militias, the communication media have widely
spread about that «balaka» is a word from Sango, the local majority language, which
may be translated as «machete». However, another opinion holds that the expression
«anti AK bullets» refers to the gri gri, or amulets which, hanging around the neck and
according to animist beliefs, protects against the AK rifles of the rebels and sackers.
CAR’s Djotodia dissolves Seleka rebel group. France 24, 14/09/13. Available at
ves-seleka-rebel-group/. Consultation date: 08/10/13.
Duhem, V. Central Africa: New organization of the Selekas, the hard wing of the
commandos. Jeune Afrique, 22/05/14. Available at:
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Jesús Díez Alcalde
In 2014, the Index of Human Development, put out by the United Nations Develop-
ment Program (UNDP), situated the Central African Republic in 185th place out of a total
of 187 countries. Human Development Report 2014. Available at:
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
From the beginning of the conflict, the communication media have generally
emphasized the religious aspect as its principal cause, when in fact this is
only a dramatic consequence, fomented from the seat of political power—
both Bozize and Djotodia and their followers—and manipulated in their own
benefit. This message has permeated into the two rebel factions, the Seleka
and the Anti Balaka, who have set themselves up as the «defenders of their
religions», and on this pretext, have intensified their attacks on other confes-
sions, now supposedly enemies. «The two bands», remarks journalist Trini-
dad Deiros,19 «are defined as the «Moslem alliance» and «Christian militias»,
respectively, ignoring the fact that their actions obey no religious creed what-
soever, no religious leader or institution has supported them, and in addition
the bulk of their actions points above all to a thirst for money and power.»
This is so far true that, from within and without the country, the need is be-
ing emphasized to deny religion as the cause of this conflict; although not
ignoring the fact that the confessional dimension determines the dynamic
of the confrontation, and has already caused enormous social and territorial
The Central African Crisis: From Predation to Stabilization. International Crisis
Group, Africa Report nº 219, 17/06/14.
In 2008, the diamond merchants, mostly Moslem, refused to accept the conditions
imposed by Bozize in the so-called operation «Closing Gate». In response, and in a sin-
gle day, the government confiscated all their goods.
Deiros, T. Central African Republic, op. cit.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
splintering, which it will be very complicated to repair. It is also true that en-
couraging the religious nature of the conflict may produce a «call to arms»
effect on fundamentalist Islam and on jihadist groups, which according to
United Nations reports, may already be present in the Central African Repu-
blic. «The international community and the communication media underline
the religious dimension of the conflict», President Samba-Panza pointed out.
«We look at its real causes (...). Misgovernance, poverty and unequal access
to power have provoked the frustration of the children of this country.» 20
To restore the tolerance which once characterized the co-existence be-
tween the various confessions, the principal religious leaders of the
country are also working together. With this in mind, they are visiting
many towns and cities to eliminate the idea that this conflict is a war of
religion, which has, for the local media, made them recognized promoters
of peace.21 In March of 2014, the Secretary General of the United Nations,
Ban Ki Moon, received the three maximum religious authorities of the
Central African Republic: The Catholic Archbishop of Bangui, Monsignor
Nzapalainga; the President of the Islamic Council of the Central African
Republic, Imam Layam; and the President of the Evangelical Alliance, Re-
verend Guerekoyame-Gbangou, in order to thank them for their efforts in
favor of reconciliation. «Let me be clear», remarked Ban Ki Moon, «reli-
gious and ethnic affiliation is being manipulated for political purposes.»22
Statements by President Samba-Panza to Al Jazeera about the true reasons for
the conflict, which must be managed in order to return the country to peace. Sam-
ba-Panza: Ending conflict in CAR. Al Jazeera, 16/02/14. Available at:
CAR’s archbishop and imam in peace drive. BBC, 08/07/14.
Central African Republic: Ban meets religious leaders, urges support for efforts to
unite communities. UN News Center, 13/03/14. Available at
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
the failed Peace Treaty signed in Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo) at the
end of July and by a new transition government, which has not awakened
great expectations. In spite of the huge challenges remaining, this scenario
little resembles the extreme degree of violence and chaos which the country
suffered from after Djotodia grabbed the power of the State, and which in-
tensified enormously following the offensive launched by the Anti Balaka in
early December of 2013. It was at that time when the Anti Balaka, who had
reorganized in the western region of the country, erupted into the capital,
better armed and with a fierce thirst for revenge. In barely a few hours, they
took over the most dangerous and densely populated areas of the capital,
and began the persecutions and massacres against «everything Moslem»,
accompanied by sacking of their shops and their homes. The Moslems—to
the Anti Balaka, all accomplices of the Selekas—fled from their homes, and
only found refuge in churches and mosques, in the dispensaries of aid orga-
nizations, or on the outskirts of the airport, held by French forces, into which
more than a hundred thousand Central Africans crammed themselves.
The situation also worsened drastically in the west and northwest, especially in
Bouar, Bozoum and Bossangoa, where hostilities among armed groups
produced numerous victims and sackings in the months of December and
January. In other cities, such as Carnot, Berberati, or Boda—areas of great
diamond production—the Moslems found themselves obliged to withdraw
into authentic ghettos, where they were at the mercy of the Anti Balaka vio-
lence, whose sole and proclaimed objective was to annihilate or expel the
entire Islamic minority (some 15%) of the country. All in all, the only way out
was the massive and forced flight of some 300,000 Moslems23—protected
by French and African forces—who found refuge in Cameroon and Chad,
and in the north-eastern prefectures of the country. This shameful exodus
has caused their virtual disappearance from the entire region dominated
by the Anti Balaka. In addition, their return, for the moment, is unthinka-
ble. In Bangui, where more than 100,000 Moslems lived before the conflict
broke out, barely 3,000 are left, and all of those in the turbulent PK5 neigh-
borhood, which is now defended by Spanish troops.24
From their dominant position in the conflict in the center and west of the
country, the Anti Balaka attempted to extend their power towards the east,
the absolute fortress territory of the Seleka rebels. At the end of June, Bam-
bari, a locality 380 kilometers to the northeast of Bangui, became the prin-
cipal focus of the violence and the nerve center of the demarcation line be-
Central African Republic : Siege on Capital’s Muslims. Human Rights Watch,
28/03/14. Available at:
blic-siege-capital-s-muslims. Consultation date: 21/05/14.
Deiros, T. Spanish elite soldiers to protect Bangui’s last Moslems. The Confiden-
tial, 02/08/14. Available at: Http://
164955/#. Consultation date: 13/08/14.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Parellada,G. Bambari, The Frontier of Vengeance in the Central African Republic. El
Pais, 30/06/14. Available at:
actualidad/1404147606 574775.html. Consultation date: 17/07/14.
This report considers that, so far from stabilizing, the situation has deteriorated in
the month of August in the Central African Republic. Crisis Watch nº. 133. International
Crisis Group.01/09/14. Available at: Http://
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Resolution 2127 (2013), approved by the Security Council at its 7072nd session,
held the 5th of December. Available at:
RES/2127%282013%29 Fec.
France deployed Operation Boali in 2002, with the objective of lending support to the
MICOPAX mission, and providing security for the M’Poko airport. In December of 2013,
it was formed of some 250 military personnel, who were reinforced at the end of March
to reach a total of 600 troops, from other French detachments in Africa. Available at:
Consultation date: 21/07/14.
More information at Diez, J. «Chaos and violence in the Central African Republic»,
In March, the first provisional report of the Commission of the African Union on the
activities of MISCA reflect with excessive optimism the situation on the ground, and the
Jesús Díez Alcalde
and despite the demanding nature of their mission, the two operations have
been faced with considerable civilian criticism, which accuses the French and
African military personnel of ineffectiveness in protecting them from the attac-
ks of armed groups, and also of failing to maintain their impartiality. Demons-
trations in Bangui were especially vehement following the bloody attack on the
Cathedral of Fatima, on May 30th, in which 17 people died.31
The European Union—in light of the calls from the United Nations, the Afri-
can Union, and the Central African Republic itself—on April 1st launched the
military operation EUFOR CAR,32 which had been authorized by the Securi-
ty Council of the United Nations through Resolution 2134 on January 28th.
Their principal mission is to provide temporary support—for a period of six
months—to stabilize and give protection to the two most turbulent districts
of the capital, Bangui, with the objective of gradually turning the mission
over to MINUSCA, in addition to creating conditions facilitating humanitarian
aid. Although the process of generating forces was slower than had been
anticipated, the European Union force—under the command of French Ge-
neral Pontiès—began its deployment as of the middle of April, although it
reached its final operative capacity on June 15th. Since then, more than 750
military personnel and gendarmes have achieved—in spite of their limited
numbers—the settlement of a «tense calm» in their area of responsibility,
although instability is still the predominant reality. For the moment, EUFOR
CAR is scheduled to end its mandate on December 15th, although the Euro-
pean Service for Action Abroad of the European Union is analyzing the future
European commitment regarding the CAR. In case approval is given, it is fo-
reseeable that it will support reform of the security sector and of the judicial
system, as is now taking place in other countries such as Mali or Somalia.
Within this scenario, from the beginning of the planning of the mission, Spain
has demonstrated her total commitment to the support of this new Euro-
pean military initiative. Thus, she committed 50 Special Operations military
personnel to participation—leading, for the first time, the Special Operations
Command of an international mission—and 25 Civil Guards—with tasks of
public safety, intelligence and criminal investigation—in addition to 10 other
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Deiros, T. Spanish elite soldiers to protect last Bangui Moslems, op.cit.
Catherine Samba-Panza: Ending conflict in CAR, op.cit.
Report of the Secretary General on the Central African Republic, op.cit.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
With the mediation of the President of the Republic of the Congo, Denis
Sassou Nguesso, the capital at Brazzaville was the site, from the 21st to
the 23rd of July, of the Forum for National Reconciliation and Political Dia-
logue, whose limited goal was to achieve a cessation of hostilities and the
acceptance of a process of disarmament by the parties to the conflict. The
preliminaries to these conversations did not, however, bode well for their
outcome. On the one hand, the previous cease-fire and joint peace decla-
ration, signed in Bangui on July 4th, had produced no effect since, from his
headquarters in Bambari, the «General» Joseph Zoundenko—leader of
the former Selekas—claimed to have been unaware of the negotiations
for a cease-fire on the part of the political wing at Bangui and therefore
was not disposed to honor it.37 On the other hand, and an even more de-
termining factor, was the reappearance on the scene of Djotodia, after
being re-elected, on July 11th, as leader of the Selekas.38 ln addition, many
For the moment, nothing indicates that MINUSCA may reach the maximum autho-
rized in the medium term. On August 15th, Barbacar Gaye, Special Representative of
the Secretary General and head of MINUSCA, confirmed this point, in addition to decla-
ring that «they had recruited some qualified civilians.» Available at
News/Press/docs/2014/sc11527.doc.htm. Consultation date: 18/08/14
Bangui: Cease-fire between Anti Balaka and ex-Selekas, a joint declaration reported for
lack of communication. RJDH, 03/07/14. Available at:
ne-reportee-par-manque-de-coordination.html. Consukltation date: 21/07/14.
In addition to Djotodia, this faction of the former Selekas recognized Nourredine
Adam and Mahamed Dhaffane as « lieutenants » of the coalition. Seleka again names
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
politicians and rebel groups were claiming that the future of the country
should be resolved within the country and not abroad.
With all these antecedents, hopes for the final success of the negotiations
were very limited, but there was evidence that the armed groups were ever
more fragmented and that their internal leadership was more diffuse; the
cynical character of both sides also became evident upon their seeming to
claim impunity for the mere fact of attending the peace conversations. In
addition, and despite being absolutely off the agenda, Brazzaville became
the first international forum where the Selekas presented their secessio-
nist demands,39 which they withdrew in extremis in order to be able to reach
a minimal pact and sign a cease-fire. Their representative, Mohamed Dha-
ffane, made clear that he was signing in the name of everyone—including
Michel Djotodia and Nouredine Adam, who were not authorized to parti-
cipate—and underlined that «those who refuse to take the road to peace
will sooner or later end up before a judge»; while in representation of the
Anti Balaka, the accord was ratified by Patrice Ngaissona, who was—very
questionably—the self-proclaimed political coordinator of these militias:
«These accords», he declared after the signing, «are the first step towards
reconciliation. We will work to achieve peace.»40 On the ground, as seen
above, the accord did not change the prevailing dynamic of the clashes,
which once again demonstrated that peace will not be definitive until all
rebels abandon, or are relieved of, their weapons.
On the other hand, in the political field, the Brazzaville Accords had an im-
mediate consequence. Days after the finalization of the negotiations, on
August 10th, President Samba-Panza announced the formation of a new
transition government,41 placing at its head the Moslem Mahamat Kamoun
as Prime Minister (during 2013, he was a direct advisor to Djotodia), and
into which she incorporated three leaders of the Selekas and two of the
Anti-Balaka, all with the stated objective of reconciling the warring factions
in order to move forward along the «road map» of the political transition.
Thus, and as a prime objective, this cabinet would be tasked with initiating
inclusive conversations at a national level, and, as well, to implement an in-
dispensable process of rendering accounts. And if both goals are immense,
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Although the greatest effort to return peace and stability falls on the mili-
tary missions currently deployed in the Central African Republic and thus
on the international organizations—the United Nations, the African Union,
the European Union—as well as on the countries providing the troops,
bilateral and regional relations have played a determinant role in the past
and present history of the Central African nation.
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
The United States: the fight against the LRA terrorist group
U.S. relations with the Central African Republic are of minor import, and
have only increased after the arrival of the Ugandan terrorist group LRA,
Pinto, P. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chadian minister of Foreign Affairs. RFI, 04/04/14.
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Today, an end to the violence continues to be the most urgent and com-
plicated objective in the Central African Republic. For decades, a scenario
of enormous discord has been gestating, which has now exploded with
unusual virulence and with no end in sight. The deployment of interna-
tional forces has ostensibly improved the situation; however, more coo-
peration and determination is necessary for security to reign throughout
the country. In order to achieve this, the 12,000 United Nations troops—
whose arrival on the ground in the near future seems unlikely—will not
be sufficient. It is thus a case of a challenge which the Central African
Republic will have to face alone and on a long-term basis: it is still un-
thinkable to begin the reform of her security and defense forces, which
should in themselves be the guarantors of peace and stability in a still-re-
mote future.
In addition, all achievements will be fleeting unless disarming, demobili-
zing and reintegration is carried out with reference to rebel groups who,
for the moment, do not seem disposed to renounce the use of force, nor
to respect even the minimal peace accords signed so far.
Nonetheless, the definitive solution to the conflict could never be ex-
clusively military. Therefore, the present transition government should
undertake, as soon as possible, a political project of national recons-
truction and at the same time, start down the path toward the difficult
reconciliation of a people destroyed by hatred and vengeance. On the
«road map» stand two obstacles of great transcendence. The first is
democratic elections: although their scheduled date is important, much
more so is majority participation and broadly representative results.
The international community should keep this very much in mind, for it
is always preferable to subordinate the electoral process to advances in
the political and security fields, and not to a simple time limit. All in all,
it is very likely, and even desirable, that these elections take place at a
later date than February of 2015.
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
ghts risk of protracted civil war.» IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, 19/98/14. Available
car-is-bargaining-ploy-but-highlights-risk-of-protracted-civil-war. Consultation date:
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Geopolitical indicators
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Jesús Díez Alcalde
Central African Republic: an open conflict, a remote...
Jesús Díez Alcalde
AGUIRRE, J.J., I am only the voice of my people. A bishop in Central Africa.
Editorial PPC, Madrid, 2014.
BAXTER, P. France in Central Africa: From Bokassa and Operation Barracuda
to the Days of EUFOR. Helion & Company Limited (England) and 30º
South Publishers Ltd (South Africa), 2011.
BOAS, M., The Central African Republic -- a history of a collapse foretold?
The Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Center, Norway, 2014, pp. 18.
CIA, State Department. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Country Studies:
A brief, comprehensive study of the Central African Republic, USA,
GEEL, F., «The Central African Republic: They must all leave or die», Interna-
tional Federation for Human Rights, 2014.
Human Rights Watch, Central African Republic: ICC Investigation Needed,
ILIFFE, J., Africans, The History of a Continent, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1995.
INIESTA, F., The Black Planet. A Historical Approximation to African Cultures.
Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid, 1998.
International Crisis Group, The Central African Crisis: From Predation to
Stabilization, Report 219, 2014 and Crisis Watch no. 133, 2014.
KALCK, P., Historical Dictionary of the Central African Republic, Scarecrow
Press, 2004.
LEMARCHAND, P., Atlas of Africa, Acento Editorial, Madrid, 2000.
PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS, M.-A., «Can the West Save Africa?» Politique
Etrangère, 3:2006.
PISANI, E., Africa at the Crossroads, Ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao, 1995.
ROBLES, C. Europe and the Drama of Africa, Santillana Ediciones Genera-
les S.L., Madrid, 2006.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of Chapter
opportunity for peace eight
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Key words
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, FDLR, M23, MO-
NUSCO, FARDC, Intervention Brigade, conflict minerals, child combatants,
sexual violence, PSC Framework.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRP)1 is the heir as well
as the seed of previous confrontations in the region called «the Great
Lakes». This is how the area next to the lakes located in the Great Rift
Valley, which belongs to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and to the
Democratic Republic of Congo is referred to. Others, such as the Division
for Eastern and Western Africa of the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation,2 include Kenya in this region.
The way the conflict works in this part of the world is quite complex be-
cause it involves local players as well as regional and international ones.
The result is that these conflicts have tended to spread geographically,
moving the epicenter from one country to another, thus inheriting some
from each other.
We can, therefore, say that the conflict in the DRC is made up of seve-
ral conflicts involving different armed groups, from different origins and
with different motivations, who are interested in maintaining an unstable
situation. This situation allows them to control rich mining areas that pro-
vide resources that are valuable in some industries, funding the conflict,
thus perpetuating a vicious circle.
Nonetheless, peace is closer than it has ever been since the beginning of
the conflict in the 90s. We find ourselves before a window of opportunity
that will not always be open.3
The geopolitical significance of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is
due to several factors: its geographic location, its size, and its natural
riches. Located in the equatorial area of Africa, the Democratic Republic
of the Congo is the second largest country in the continent, with a total
surface of 2,344,858 km2, almost five times the size of Spain. The central
area, sixty percent of its territory, is the basin of the Congo River. This
river, which covers a wide area from East to West of the country before
flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, constitutes, along with the other tribu-
taries flowing throughout the entire country, the main transport route in
Central Africa.
The DRC has rich deposits, most of which are located in the East of the
country, which, ultimately, is the area with the most violence. These mine-
ral resources are the key elements for the perpetuation of the crisis and
Called Belgian Congo until its Independence in 1960. That year it became Republic of
Congo until 1971 when it became Zaire during the autocracy of Mobutu Sese Seko, and,
since 1997, it has again become the Democratic Republic of Congo.
SIDA, «A Strategic Conflict Analysis for the Great Lakes Region», Division for Eastern
and Western Africa, March 2004. Available in website:
BAFILEMBA, F., LEZHNEV, S., y PRENDERGAST, J. «Mary Robinson’s Next Steps to
Help End Congo’s Deadly War», Enough Project, May 2013.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
instability. This is why they are known as «conflict minerals». This land
provides gold, cobalt, tungsten, tin, copper, iron, diamonds, and the most
famous in the media lately: coltan. Tantalum, a metal which is extracted
from coltan, is highly resistant to heat, and with such electrical properties
that make it irreplaceable, for now, in mobile phones, videogame conso-
les, and all kinds of electronic equipments. It is estimated that most of the
world’s reserves of coltan are in this Central African country.
The report that the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the
Congo submitted to the Security Council (S/2014/42),4 states that many
armed groups in the eastern part of the DRC have obtained funding from
the production and marketing of natural resources. The report refers par-
ticularly to the extraction and marketing of gold, because although many
of the working mines are located in areas where there is no longer armed
violence, this mineral is mixed with other gold extracted from regions
where such violence persists. The Group estimates that 98% of the gold
Final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo S/2014/42
to the Security Council. Available on:
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
The role of the exploitation of natural resources in fuelling and prolonging crises
in the Eastern DRC. Research papers. nat-res International Alert, January 2010. P. 30.
From Mine to Mobile Phone: The Conflict Minerals Supply Chain. The Enough Project,
November 10, 2009. P.2.
Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Whose responsibi-
lity? Whose complicity? International Trade Union Confederation, 2011. P. 9. The Kimberley
Process is a joint initiative of governments, industries of the sector and organizations in
Blanca Palacián de Inza
DRC and other purchasing countries have their own legislation regarding
the control of the mining industry, small-scale artisanal exploitation is
not included. It seems it will continue thus as with diamonds,8 as long as
the controls do not impose liability on large industries. 9
In the illegal activities of mining, rebel groups as well as military groups
constantly abuse the population10 because the atmosphere of insecuri-
ty favors the business. Thus, on the one hand, a population which is the
necessary labor force is terrorized, and, on the other, depopulation and
chaos are aggravated.11 The then United States Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton, already in 2009 pointed out that illegal mining activities which
support armed groups, was one of the main causes of violence in Congo.12
the civil society, under the auspices of the United Nations, to stop the flow of diamonds of
the conflict, which, although it still has a long way to go, is resulting an efficient measure.
For further information: PALACIÁN DE INZA, BLANCA. «Los diamantes de conflicto». («The
Conflict Diamonds») Defense Spanish Magazine, 2011, nº. 272. pp. 54-57.
9 Initiatives such as the Project Solutions for Hope by Motorola and AVX, for tanta-
lum, are resulting feasible and successful. Information on:
org/site-solutionsforhope/ Consultation date: September 2014.
10 Global Witness. Congo’s minerals trade in the balance. Mayo 2011. P. 9.
11 Father Pierre Cibambo, in charge of Africa, for Caritas Internationalis, confirms
that sexual violence is used against women to humiliate and destroy some commu-
nities and to occupy their lands. With this strategy, the rebels control and exploit the
resources in the wide areas of Kivu.
12 GETTLEMAN, JEFFREY. «Clinton Presses Congo on Minerals» 10/08/2009 The
New York Times Available at:
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
The importance of this conflict is based on how it has become deeply en-
trenched throughout time, on its influence on neighboring countries, and
on the tremendous cases of violence it is still causing.
The United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, MONUSCO,13 is still the mission with the highest annual cost
(1,500 million dollars annually), and the one that has the largest number of
mobilized troops (over 24,000 in April of 201414). This mission has undergone
an important change of direction during the first months of 2014 upon seeing
its performance strengthened with the creation of the Intervention Brigade-,
the first offensive force of the UN, with the new appointments and with the
use of unmanned aerial vehicles. This change, which was becoming essen-
tial, is nonetheless insufficient. In asymmetrical conflicts, that are internal
but which have become globalized, as in this case, where the civilian popula-
tion is the main victim, and where violence is carried out by many players ob-
taining and consolidating peace is a long and complicated process. To achie-
ve peace, in a positive sense, in other words, as a struggle against structural
violence and not only as a mere state of the absence of war,15 much more
than a military victory is needed. Yet this victory is essential.
Other factors that greatly hinder the end of this conflict are the destabili-
zation that it provokes itself, but also receives from its neighboring coun-
tries. Foreign and domestic supporters house armed groups whose ulti-
mate goal is the overthrow of the governments of the countries of origin.
Violence, perpetrated mostly by ordinary and non-ordinary troops,16 is
considered a problem endemic to the country.The civilian population, ac-
cused of collaboration by both the rebel groups and by the army, suffers
constant violation of their human rights from all sides: sexual violence
(particularly against women and girls but also against men and boys17),
Its acronym comes from the French MONUSCO: Mission de l’Organisation des Na-
tions Unies pour la stabilisation in RD Congo.
Information taken from MONUSCO’s website:
Ramsbothan, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2012). Contemporary Conflict resolution.
Cambridge: Polity press.
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, «Characterizing Sexual Violence in the Democra-
tic Republic of Congo», August 2009. In this study by María Eriksson Baaz and Maria
Stern, focused on the perpetrators of sexual violence, the 193 interviews about rape on
the part of the army, point to the difference between two types of rape with different
ethical acceptance by the perpetrators: random rape to liberate sexual tension, and
«wicked» rape related with drug consumption, frustration, and rage, and which has no
other purpose than to commit horrible actions. It must be taken into account that the
Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo were responsible for 40% of sexual
violence perpetrated in the first half of 2007. BAAZ, M. E., y STERN, M., «Why do soldiers
rape? Masculinity, Violence and Sexuality in the Armed Forces in the Congo (DRC)».
International Studies Quarterly 53, 2009. P. 497
PERDIGAO, Yovanka. «Invisible Victims: Sexual Violence against Men in the Great
Lakes», Think Africa Press, 28/06/2012.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Free the Slaves, «The Congo Report: Slavery in Conflict Minerals». 2011. P. 11.
UN News Centre. «Tackling sexual violence must include prevention, ending im-
punity–UN official». 27 April 2010. Available at:
Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Whose respon-
sibility? Whose complicity? ITUC, 2011.
UNHCR, «Sexual violence on the rise in DRC’s North Kivu». Briefing Notes, 30 July
United Nations. Report of the Secretary-General’s Special Advisor, Prince Zeid Ra’ad
Zeid al-Hussein on «A comprehensive strategy to eliminate future sexual exploitation
and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping operations» [A/59/710] 24/03/2005 Availa-
ble at: Date consul-
ted: April 2014.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
provoking rivalries among the different tribes and ethnic groups for the
control of a State or a region.
Yet, not only that. Other common causes worth mentioning are:
• the regional nature that the clashes take on which, as Enrique Vega
points out, forces the solutions to also take on this nature23,
• the identitarism of the political options, which in the case of the
DRC resulted in the «Zairinization» of the country. In other words,
in the development of an exclusion policy that is still nurturing the
different guerrilla groups,
• the succession of long term autocratic governments,
• the very high level of foreign interference,
• the abundance of armed groups added to the disappearance of the
State apparatus, and
• the greed of locals and foreigners for the vast natural resources.
The last decades in the history of the DRC offer a summary of the
preparation and the perpetuation of some of the causes that we have
pointed out.
From the very same moment in which the country falls under the presi-
dency of Joseph Kasavubu in 1960, once King Baudouin I had recognized
the independence of the Belgian Congo, the ethnic tensions and military
revolts were the order of the day. Just one month later, Moise Tshombé,
Governor of the province of Katanga, the richest in the country and, thus,
with more Western interests, proclaimed the independence of his provin-
ce and requested military aid from Belgium.
During this first year, the country turned into the battleground of the two
sides of the cold war, supporting one or another government. Due to the
gravity of the clashes, to international interference, and in view of the
petition from the Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, the United
Nations Security Council approved the mission for peace maintenance
ONUC which was deployed until 1964.24
VEGA FERNÁNDEZ, E., »Los conflictos armados africanos: la confrontación inte-
rior», en «África: ¿un nuevo escenario de confrontación?», «The African armed con-
flicts: inside confrontation», in «Africa: a new confrontation scenario?», Monographs
of the National Defense Studies Center (CESEDEN), n 123. Madrid, Ministry of Defense.
Technical General Secretariat. 2011. Pp 28.
Available on: date:
June 2014.
For thorough reading regarding the first years of Independence and subsequent
conflicts, contextualized in the region, we recommend: VACAS FERNÁNDEZ, F. and PAR-
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Mobutu’s regime
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
Once Kabila named himself president, suspicion and struggle for power,
including an attempt of a coup, provoked a change of alliances.25 The new
president turned against his former supporters, from Uganda and from
Rwanda, whom he expelled from the country. He then searched for part-
ners of a nationalist nature among the moderate Hutu forces and among
his followers from Katanga, his homeland. Due to these changes, the
countries in the area became aware of the threat to their influence and
military control over the DRC, but also to their internal security and sta-
bility. The outcome was that they initiated a mechanism similar to the
one that had carried Kabila to power, but this time they made sure they
created a more manageable alternative than he had. This alternative was
the Rally for Congolese Democracy (RCD26), whose nucleus was formed
by former members of the AFDL.
This new phase of the conflict, clearly globalized, has been called «Afri-
can World War». With an estimate of 5.4 million victims killed27 from 1998
to 2007, it is the conflict that cost more lives in the world since the end
of World War II. A direct heir of the genocide perpetrated in Rwanda in
1994, and which caused the death of over half a million Tutsis, it was su-
pported by the troops of this ethnic group from Rwanda and Uganda. Both
countries intended to establish a security zone in its Western border, and
thus control the Hutu militias established there and, in addition, they were
logically interested in the mineral riches in the area.
Given the danger of the imminent collapse of Kabila, the forces from tho-
se countries which feared the strength of Uganda and Rwanda sided with
him. Angola needed Kabila, now an ally of the Hutu guerrillas and of the
Mai Mai guerrillas, to combat the UNITA guerrillas based in the south of
the DRC. President Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe supported Kabila for
reasons of personal ambition because he expected that his support would
FARRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, G. «La segunda guerra del Congo, rol de los principales ac-
tores regionales.» («The Second Congo War, the role of the main regional actors») No-
vaafrica, 2010. P. 80.
RCD is the acronym from the French: Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie.
Since 2003, it is a political party. It participated in the transition government.
COGLHAN, B., NGOY, P. et al. «Mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo: an on-
going crisis», International Rescue Committee, 2008.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
THE CNDP (National Congress for the Defense of the People) AND
THE M-23
For a thorough and clear explanation about the regional participation in this conflict,
we recommend reading: FARRÉS FERNÁNDEZ, G. Op. Cit.
MLC is the acronym from French: Mouvement de libération du Congo. It has been a
political party since 2003. It participated in the transition government.
United Nations Mission of Observers for the Congo.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
On the 23rd of March, 2009, Nkunda was arrested and the CNDP signed
a peace accord by which it would become part of the Congolese Armed
Forces. Nevertheless, the conflict didn’t end here. In April of 2012, be-
FARDC: Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (Armed Forces of
the Democratic Republic of the Congo).
Blanca Palacián de Inza
tween 300 and 600 Tutsi combatants, most of them former members
of the CNDP, commanded by General Bosco Ntaganda, rebelled against
the DRC’s government for not having implemented its commitments in
accordance with the peace treaty. They established themselves as the
so-called 23rd of March Movement (M23), taking their name after the date
of the treaty.
On the 20th of November of that year they seized Goma, the capital of the
province of northern Kivu and, although at the beginning of December
they retreated from Goma, the hostilities did not cease. This was the main
reason for the UN to authorize the deployment of an offensive Interven-
tion Brigade which managed to get the armed group to surrender in a few
On February 24th, 2013 the Peace Framework33 was signed in Addis Aba-
ba among the leaders of Angola, Burundi, the Central African Republic,
the Republic of Congo, the DRC, South Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania,
Rwanda, Uganda, and Mozambique. The framework follows model 11+4
because, besides these eleven signatories, the UN, the African Union, the
International Conference on the Region of the Great Lakes (CIRLG) and
the South African Development Community (SADC) acted as guarantors.
This agreement holds the DRC’s authorities responsible for the reform of
its security forces and of its institutions. The aim of committing so many
countries and organizations is essential: to put an end to the interference
from other countries in internal conflicts in the region. The military defeat
of the different armed groups is not feasible nor does it make sense if
the neighboring countries help them to survive and to rearm themselves.
This is why signing the Addis Ababa agreements is considered an im-
portant achievement towards peace: essential, along with international
«Los rebeldes del M23 anuncian el fin de su lucha armada en el Congo» («The
M23rebels announce the end of their armed struggle in the Congo»). «El País».
02/11/2013. Available at:
actualidad/1383642968_110904.html. Consultation date: November 2013. For further
reading about the M23, we recommend: IRIN. «RDC: Comprendre le groupe armé M23».
26/06/2012. Available at:
dre-le-groupe-arm%C3%A9-m23. Consultation date: December 2013.
PALACIAN DE INZA, B. «¿El fin del M23? Hacía falta enseñar músculo» («The end of
the M23? It was necessary to flex muscles»). Analysis Document – Spanish Institute
of Strategic Studies- IEEE 52/2013. Available at:
docs_analisis/2013/DIEEEA52-2013_FinDelM23_BPI.pdf. Consultation date: February
Available in French at:
Consultation date: February 2014.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
pressure to defeat the M23, and they will also be to face the fight against
the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and the rest
of the armed groups that are still active.
Despite the different peace treaties and the presence of United Nations
troops to enforce them, the country hasn’t come out of the chaos it is im-
mersed in, which incites a continuous struggle among militias that aspire
to control the extraction of the resources in the Eastern area. Thus, after
Somalia, the DRC is still in second position in the list of failed States.34
In the Global Peace Index 201435 report, which identifies the peace index
in 162 countries, the tendency towards violence, and its economic impact,
this country holds position 155. This report highlights the main factors
related to society and its security, and to the domestic conflicts for which
different armed groups were responsible, to label the DRC as a barely
peaceful country.
The armed groups that operate in the DRC are counted in the tens36. Most
of them act in the Eastern region of the country, and are of diverse enti-
ties, ideologies and origins. According to President Kabila,37 the ones that
pose the major threat to the security of the country are the Democratic
Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), the Alliance of Democratic
Forces (ADF), the Resistance Army of the Lord (LRA), and the National Li-
beration Forces (FNL). Furthermore, the report that the Group of Experts
on the Democratic Republic of Congo submitted to the Security Council in
January of 201438 adds the group called Kata Katanga to this list.
On the list in 2012 it was also in second position after Somalia, making its situation
worse with regard to 2011, year in which its indicators showed a more positive result
coming out of the «alert» area, and being in 4th place after Somalia, Chad, and Sudan.
See lists of failed states elaborated by the magazine Foreign Policy and by Fund for
Peace. Available at: Consultation date: May 2014.
Institute for Economics and Peace. «Global Peace Index 2014. Measuring peace and
assessing country risks», 2014. Available at:
default/files/2014%20Global%20Peace%20Index%20REPORT.pdf Consultation date:
June 2014.
For more information on other groups, see:
Democratic Republic of Congo’s key armed groups. Agence France-Presse.
17/07/2013 Available at:
DRC: Tough bargaining with armed groups. Irinnews. 18/10/2012. Disponible en: .
United States Department of State. Country Reports on Terrorism 2013. 2014. P. 19
Available at: .
United Nations. Final report by the Group of experts on the Democratic Republic of
theCongo S/2014/42. Op. Cit. P. 3.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Acronym in French: Forces Démocratiques de la Libération du Rwanda.
According to Armed Conflict Database. Consulted in February 2014.
Information from MONUSCO. Available at: Consul-
tation date: March 2014.
Interahamwe means «those who fight together» in hutu.
ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ, Maria Paz. «The FDLR as an Obstacle to Peace in the DRC».
Peace Review. Volume 23, 2011. P. 176.
«Rwandan Hutu fighters in Congo surrendering in large numbers – UN». Reuters.
11/12/2013. Available at:
cratic-rebels-idUKBRE9BA18V20131211 Consultation date: January 2014.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
ties with the Mai-Mai militias46 and with the Burundi National Liberation
Forces. These actions are related, according to Maria Paz Ortega, to the
two different lines of discourse they espouse. The first is the official na-
rrative which even includes its name, and intends to cut its links with the
ethnic component, and focus on promoting democracy and dialogue with
the Rwandans. The second is its internal discourse which, according to
this author, is based on a much more radical thought process that is more
radical and has an anti-Tutsi motivation. This discourse fits in more with
their brutal actions against the Congolese population than with that of a
democratic nature, because it was this group that emphasized the use
of rape as a weapon of war, as well as other actions such as the burning
of schools, churches, health centers or entire towns; the recruitment of
children; extortion or assassinations, and a long list of terrible actions.
The FDLR is among the groups that have committed more violations to
human rights in the provinces of northern Kivu and southern Kivu, in the
East of the country.47
The FNL is a rebel group native to Burundi, but based in the DRC.
Its origin dates back to 1985, as the armed wing of the Party for the
Liberation of the Hutu People (PALIPEHUTU)51 during the civil war in
Burundi. This party had been created by Hutu refugees in Tanzania
A confederation of armed groups that operate in the DRC having a total of 8,500
troops are known as Mai Mai militia. Armed Conflict Database.
ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ, Maria Paz. Op. Cit. P. 176.
The sharia, also called Islamic Law, according to the Koran, is the right way to this
Idi Amin Dada was the third president of Uganda after a coup and after establishing
a military autocracy that lasted from 1971 to 1979. He combined the postulates of the
Koran, leftist ideas, anti-occidentalism, and a fierce repression of his adversaries. He
was known as «the Kampala butcher» for his cruel and horrific actions, which led him
to be accused of genocide by the Court of Justice at the Hague.
FNL is the French acronym for: Forces nationales de libération.
Known as PALIPEHUTU, its French acronym for: Parti pour la libération du peuple
Blanca Palacián de Inza
some years earlier. They fought in the Second Congo War with the
Congolese Armed Forces, against the Burundi Army. Both factions,
party and armed wing, which had already split in 1990, signed a pea-
ce treaty with the government of Burundi in September, 2006. Most
of the FNL joined the national armed forces, but a minority continued
the armed struggle establishing its bases in southern Kivu against
the Burundi government. Currently, the FNL still has links with the
FDLR group.52
The LRA was created in 1987 by some members of the Holy Spirit Mo-
vement, founded by Alice Lakwena, and of the Ugandan army toppled
by President Yuweri Museveni. During almost 25 years, the Lord’s Re-
sistance Army, headed by its leader, Joseph Kony, has wreaked havoc in
the civilian communities of central Africa, taking the lives of over 12,000
people. What started as a rebellion located in the north of Uganda has
become a regional insurgency that now terrorizes the civilian population
in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in South Sudan
and in the east of the Central African Republic.
Between 1994 and 2004, the LRA was located in South Sudan, but after
the peace negotiations, the group moved its base to the DRC. They began
to settle there at the end of 2005, specifically in the national park of Ga-
ramba, in the northwest of the country, which they converted into their
headquarters for almost three years. They are still present residually in
this park where, according to a report published in June of 2013 by Kas-
per Agger and Jonathan Hutson,53 they use the poaching of elephants and
the high price of ivory to finance themselves. In this report, it is explained
how the LRA transports ivory from the DRC to the Central African Repu-
blic, where they sell it to Arab businessmen and officers of the Sudanese
Armed Forces in exchange for money, food, arms, ammunition, and me-
dical supplies.
Although according to the Report from the Group of Experts on the DRC,54
the violent attacks from this group decreased in 2013, and it is estimated
that in this country it only has 40 or 50 members, it still fills the popula-
tion with fear, and is pushing thousands to displace. According to the Go-
vernment of Uganda «from the military point of view, the LRA was reduced
to a gang of prowlers». Thus, and as stated in the mentioned report, the
Information from MONUSCO. Available at:
Agger, K. y Hutson, J., «Kony’s Ivory: How Elephant Poaching in Congo Helps Support
the Lord’s Resistance Army», Enough Project, Satellite Sentinel Project, Invisible Chil-
dren y The Resolve. June 2013.
Report S/2012/843, Op. Cit. P. 31.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
main crimes committed by the group are pillage and kidnapping people
to use them as carriers of the looted goods.
Kata Katanga
Child soldiers
A recent report about child soldiers in the world, that gathers data
from the United Nations until 2012, indicates that not only do armed
groups recruit minors, but also documented 20 cases of recruitment
and the use of children by the DRC Armed Forces.56 The «12th Annual
Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the Security
Council about the situation of children and armed conflicts»,57 publi-
shed in May, 2013, confirms the finding and includes, in the list of child
recruiters,58 nine groups involved in the conflict in the DRC, among
them the FDLR, the M23, the Lord’s Resistance Army, and the Armed
Forces themselves.
Report S/2012/843, Op. Cit. P. 16.
VV.AA. «Niños y niñas soldados en el mundo». Alboan, Amnistía Internacional, En-
treculturas, Fundación El Compromiso y Save the Children. 2014. Disponible en: «Boy
and girl soldiers in the world». Alboan. Amnesty International. Entreculturas. Founda-
tion «El Compromiso» («The Commitment») and Save the Children».
h t t p : / / w w w. e n t r e c u l t u ra s . o r g / p u b l i c a c i o n e s / e s t u d i o s _ i n f o r m e s /
Consultation date: February 2014.
This list is part of the campaign «name and shame» to be carried out as per Reso-
lution 1379 (2001)
Available at:
port-2013.pdf Consultation date: September 2013.
The United Nations draws up a list of parties in conflict who use and recruit chil-
dren. The subsequent resolutions 1882 (2009) and 1998 (2011) include in the list those
groups which participate in cases of mutilation, death, and sexual violence; and of those
which carry out attacks to schools and hospitals, respectively.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has the largest army in Cen-
tral Africa, with an estimated force of 134,250 troops.60 Until 2014,
all of the reports that referred to these Armed Forces spoke of a
poorly paid and equipped army, and with a negative assessment by
the population. Upon seeing that the improvement of the security
was essential to obtain peace in the region, many programs in the
European Union, in the United Nations, and of a bilateral nature, un-
der the leadership of countries such as the United States, France or
China, among others, went to great pains for the task. But they all
seemed to bear little benefit and suffered from a lack of planning
and coordination, in addition to colliding with the internal governan-
ce of the country.61
Furthermore, the different failed integration processes of the members
of other armed groups into the Armed Forces brought about the creation
of an unruly national army which adopted the characteristics of the rebel
groups it integrated. Nevertheless, the reinsertion policy still continues
because this is what is intended with the recently defeated M23 group,
although this time the idea is to make it more thorough and demanding
when the personnel is selected.
In its 2012 report,62 the International Crisis Group Africa wrote about the
spread of illicit activities of the FARDC using the operations against ar-
med groups as an excuse. The report on the DRC by the Congressional
Research Service of the United States in 2013 coincided with that idea.
It pointed out that the 15,000 people that make up this army are poor-
ly trained, badly paid, and lack food and supplies. These shortages may
favor abuse and looting. Furthermore, the report extends this limited ca-
pability and the high rate of corruption and illegality to other basic insti-
tutions such as the police, the judicial power and other organs related to
«Resurrection of the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo)?»
Title taken from a section in the following article, where the history of this army is
thoroughly explained, and the reform stages foreseen: BERGHEZAN, Georges. «FORCES
ARMÉES DE RDC : Le chaos institutionnalisé?». (ARMED FORCES OF THE DEMOCRATIC
REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: An institutionalized chaos? GRIP. 01/01/2014. Available on: Consultation date. February 2014.
IISS. «The Military Balance 2014». Routledge, 2014. P. 432.
ARIEFF, A. y COEN, T. Op. cit. P. 12. 2012.
International Crisis Group Africa. «Eastern Congo: Why Stabilisation Failed». Brie-
fing N°91, 4 October 2012.
ARIEFF, A. y COEN, T. «Democratic Republic of Congo: Background and US Policy.».
CRS Report for Congress, R43166. Julio de 2013. P. 12 Available at:
org/sgp/crs/row/R43166.pdf Consultation date: February 2014.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
Matters have not made much progress, although there has been a subs-
tantial change: between October and November of 2013, under the sur-
veillance of General Santos de Cruz, and with better training, intelligence,
and support, the FARDC behaved more efficiently and with discipline.64 The
result was confirmed by the work of Armed Forces capable of conducting
operations of combined artillery and air support in the fight against the
M23. Furthermore, there have been no reports of abuses against human
rights in these actions.65
The report of the United Nations Group of Experts on the Democratic Re-
public of the Congo, S/2012/843,66 documented violations of the embargo
of arms to support the M23 and its allies by the governments of Uganda
and Rwanda. Its most recent report S/2013/433,67 however, points out
that although no signs that the government of Uganda is still providing
support were found, it does not mean it is not. However, they have been
found in the case of Rwanda.
By supporting the continuity of destabilizing armed groups in its neigh-
boring country, the governments of Uganda and Rwanda would benefit
from the extraction and trafficking of such valuable resources as gold,
diamonds, coltan or copper. Thus they boost ethnic struggles between
Hutus and Tutsies in the Kivu provinces, and between the Hema and the
Lendu in the area of Ituri.
Rwanda has accused the Congolese troops and government of collabo-
rating with the FDLR, while the United Nations experts have repeatedly
reported the support from Rwanda to the M23. Both governments have
denied the accusations.
In his report to Secretary General Kobler, he spoke along these lines: «The military
victories obtained until now have been possible not only because of the robust military
commitment of our forces, but through an invigorated action of the Congolese army.
In fact, the FARDC have become more efficient and more operative. They have part-
ly improved their discipline, and rationalized their chain of command. They are better
equipped and paid more regularly. This has had a decisive impact on the military victory
against the M23.» KOBLER, Martin. Op. cit. P. 3.
IISS. «DRC sets precedents for UN forces». Volume 20. Comment 1. February 2014.
Report S/2012/843 available at:
bol=S/2012/843 Consultation date: September 2013.
Report S/2013/433 available at:
bol=S/2013/433 Consultation date: September de 2013.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
In November of 2012, only a few months after its creation, the M23 group
seized Goma, the capital of the province of northern Kivu. This action was
a tough blow for the damaged morale and image of the Congolese Armed
Forces and of the United Nations troops. The powerlessness of being una-
ble to repress this action and the subsequent ones, added to years of hard
criticism, was the main reason for the General Council of the UN to autho-
rize, in March of 2013, the deployment of the Intervention Brigade.68 The
authorization was approved through Resolution 2098,69 with the declared
For more information about this Brigade, see: BOLAÑOS, Jorge. «New Brigade
of Intervention in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A step forward by NNUU in
the Great Lakes». Information document of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies
16/2013. Available at:
DIEEEI16-2013_Congo_BrigadaIntervencion_JBM.pdf. PALACIAN DE INZA, Blanca. «¿El
fin del M23? Hacía falta enseñar músculo». («The end of M23? It was necessary to flex
muscle») Analysis document of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies 52/2013. Avai-
lable on:
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2098 (2013). Available at: Consultation date: Sep-
tember 2013.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
aim to openly combat the M23 and other Congolese and foreign armed
groups.70This Resolution is particularly important because it is the first
United Nation offensive combat force.71
From the deployment of the ONUC in 1960 until that of this offensive bri-
gade, the UN interventions in the DRC have gradually gained more capa-
bility of action, and more involvement in the domestic life. The United Na-
tions forces have even been branded «military tourists» by the Ugandan
President Museveni.
The current severity of the United Nations, in addition to the use of sur-
veillance drones, is considered the combination of effective tools to help
the Congolese army and for the military to defeat these groups. From a
more global analysis, it is possible that we are witnessing the birth of a
new type of peace-imposition missions of the United Nations, assuming a
more aggressive role in specific areas where the conflict is more deeply
«MONUSCO should have, for an initial period of one year, and within the limits of
the maximum allowance authorized of 19,815 troops, exceptionally, and without setting
a precedent or without detriment to other principles convened for peace keeping, an
integrated «Intervention Brigade», among other things, three infantry battalions, one
of artillery, a special force, and a reconnaissance company with general headquarters
in Goma, under the direct command of the Commandant of the MONUSCO Forces, with
the responsibility of neutralizing armed groups, (….)» United Nations Security Council
Resolution 2098 (2013). Available at:
RES/2098%282013%29 Consultation date: January 2014.
The Brigade, with a mandate period of one year which is expected to be extended,
has 3,069 soldiers from South Africa, Tanzania, and Malawi, and it includes two infantry
battalions, one artillery company, and another one of special forces.
DEEN, Talif. «U.N. Peacekeeping Goes on the Offensive». IPS, 13/11/2013.
Through a letter (S/2013/44) dated January 22, 2013 from the President of the Se-
curity Council, Masood Khan, to Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in reply to a missive
from the latter (S/2013/43) of December 2012 which stated the need to have this data
collection equipment available for surveillance purposes for MONUSCO.
These letters are available on:
The first drone used by the United Nations in the DRC, which is also the first one
used in a misión, in all its history, was a Falco, manufactured by Selex ES, and it started
functioning on December 3.
For more information regarding this vehicle and the problems that the United Nations
has had for its acquisition: LEE, Caitlin. «UN UAV procurement highlights political, acqui-
sition problems»- IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly. 09/12/2013. Available on:
Blanca Palacián de Inza
The purpose for its use is the prior reconnaissance of the areas before
carrying out a military action, but Martin Kobler, chief of the Mission and
Special Representative of the Secretary General for the DRC, also highlights
its obvious nature of dissuading armed groups crossing the borders. The-
se vehicles will also be useful to control trafficking of arms.
If the use of surveillance drones is successful, they are likely to be used
in other missions. Nevertheless, the Brigade as well as the use of survei-
llance drones are measures described by the United Nations as tempo-
rary, and specifically for the DRC.
New appointments
During the first semester of 2013, the military and civilian heads for the
MONUSCO changed, along with its new discourse being firmer, stronger,
and more proactive than reactive. «We will protect the civilians, and eli-
minate and neutralize the threats – declared General dos Santos, Com-
mander of the Mission. «We will not wait for the threats to turn against the
Martin Kobler supported the same idea last January when he declared
that the MONUSCO «was not there to react, but to act.» 76
Currently, in the framework of the Common Policy for Security and Defen-
se (PCSD), the European Union is involved in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo through two missions of expert advice and assistance: EUSED
RD Congo, aimed to reform the army since 2005, and EUPOL RD Congo,
a civilian mission deployed since 2007 with the purpose of restructuring
the police force. Spanish personnel have participated in both missions
dedicated to the Reform of the Security Sector, which have between 30
and 40 troops each.
The Security Sector Reform (SSR), is, according to the definition of
the Committee for Aid to Development (CAD) of the OECD (Organi-
Consultation date: February 2014.
KOBLER, Martin. «Turning promises into deeds. Statement of SRSG Martin Kobler to
the Security Council».13 January 2014. P.3. «Our position is clear: we are not in the De-
mocratic Republic of the Congo to react, but rather to act, we are not there to deter but
to prevent, and we not only keep peace, we must make peace a long-term reality! With
the Intervention Brigade and with our unmanned air vehicles all of the armed groups
are now conscious that we have the will and the means to take energetic measures at
any moment».
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform (SSR): Supporting Security and
Justice (Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2007. P. 21.
Resolution of the United Nations Security Council 2147 (2014). Regulation para-
graph 3. Available on:
Consultation date: September 2014.
Blanca Palacián de Inza
The empowerment of women should be accompanied by measures for men also,
of their empowerment and education, in order to reach a win-win environment, thus
avoiding the increase of the tension between men and women. The idea is to carry
out co-empowerment strategies so that the transformation reaches the entire com-
munity. For more information regarding this gender approach to sexual violence, it is
recommended to read: Increasing Security in DR Congo: Gender-Responsive Strategies
for Combating Sexual Violence. Clingendael, June 2011. CRU Policy Brief. Available at:
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: a window of...
Geopolitical indicators
Blanca Palacián de Inza
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality Chapter
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Key words
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
This region, extending from the Iranian plateau to the mountain range of
Khirtar in the southeast and from the Sulaiman mountains in the northeast
to the Gulf of Oman in the Arabian Sea, is formed by rugged mountains of
sparse vegetation, as well as more fertile areas though of little rainfall and
dependant on the water and silt transported along the courses of rivers
and rainfall. This mountainous aridity is dominant in the Afghan and Iranian
areas. To the south lie desert areas known by the traditional name of Makran.
It is also an area prone to earthquakes, the most recent to date being that
of September 24 2013 with an intensity of 7.7 on the Richter scale. This
territorial composition produces agriculture based mainly on horticultu-
re, dependant on rainfall and the volume of flow of its rivers.
This obliges the construction of an artificial irrigation system of canals
and terraced land (qanats and gabarbands). In the oases of the Makran-
area desert, palm trees are cultivated.
The coastal area called Makran has some thousand kilometers of coast
of which 750 are in Pakistan and the rest in Iran. A series of small ports
Multiple transcriptions of the name of the region exist: Baluchistan, Balochistan,
Beluchistan or Belochistan.
AHMAD, Syed Igbal: Balochistan, Its Strategic Importance. Karachi, Royal Book Co.
Most of the descriptive data is taken from articles in the Encyclopedia Britannica,
from JANE’s, from the English Wikipedia, and from the U.S. Department of State (http://
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
are located along the coast, such as Ghabahar, Gwatar, Jiwani, Gwadar,
Pasni and Ormara. The most important and significant of these is, as will
become evident, Gwadar. The Makran was in Omani hands from the end
of the XVIII century, even during the British presence, although in progres-
sive reduction to a point where only some 800 square km. around Gwadar
was held, until in 1958 this came definitively to form a part of the Makran
district within the Pakistani province of Baluchistan.
dern index.html.
KAPLAN, Robert: The Vengeance of Geography. P194ss. Barcelona, RBA,2013.
WINK, André: Al Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World, Vol.I, Early Medieval
India and the Expansion of Islam 7th-11th Century, chap. 4. Boston, Brill Academic Pu-
blishers, 1996.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
As indicated above, the historic region has been distributed among three
countries (Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan) since the XIX century as a con-
sequence of the setting of borders by the British with Persia along the
Goldsmith Line in 1871 and with Afghanistan along the Mortimer Durand
Line in 1893. In Pakistan the province of Baluchistan is the largest of the
four existing, holding an extension of 347,190 square km., some eight mi-
llion inhabitants and a density of 22.8 inhabitants per square kilometer.
The province is structured into six divisions (Kalat, Makran, Naseerabad,
Qetta, Sibi and Zhob) which organize the 32 districts into which it is divi-
ded. Three areas may be distinguished: the coastal (Makran), the central
(Chalet), and in the north the area of Quetta, the capital of the province,
with 842,000 inhabitants, located very close to the Afghan border and
connected by road to the Afghan city of Kandahar. This area, as we shall
see, due to its proximity to Afghanistan and the Federally Administered
Tribal Lands (FATA) of Pakistan, directly suffers the consequences of the
situation: Afghan refugees and terrorist attacks. The capital of the provin-
ce is Quetta and the major cities are Gwadar, Turbat, Khuzdar and Kalat.
The tribal origin of the Baluchis7 together with the rugged terrain of the
region has facilitated the persistence of the tribal system. There exist
a great number of tribes, often with no very peaceful relations among
them, such as the tribes of the Marri, Dasti, Dasti Bugti, Buzdar, Lund,
Ranjhani, Ahmedani, Mazari, Mengal, Nuktani, Jiskani, Chandio, Muhha-
mad Hassani, Nausherwani, Laghari, Mir Jat, Rind, Bizenjo, Zehri, Dehwar,
Changwani, etc. The northern area of Baluchistan forms part of Afghanis-
tan and is made up of the Chahar Burjak district in the province of Nimruz
and the desert region of Registan divided into the provinces of Helmand
and of Kandahar. Some of the Afghan governors of these three provinces
have been of Baluchi origin.
The great majority of the inhabitants of the area are Sunnis, even in Ira-
nian Baluchistan. Only a few significant Shii are to be found in the Hazara
population of the city of Quetta or among the Sistanis in the northern area
of the Iranian province of Sistar and Baluchistan. Normally this is a mo-
derate Islam which has come into conflict with the radical visions of the
Taliban who originate in Afghanistan or in the FATA and have immigrated
into the Baluchi region as a consequence of the extension of the conflict
in both areas.
In Iran8 we find the province of Sistan and Baluchistan, geographically se-
parated from the rest of Iran by the Lut desert. It is one of the present-day
Iranian provinces, with an extension of 181,785 Kms2 and some two and
QUDDUS, Syed Abdul: Tribal Baluchistan. Lahore, Ferozsons 1990.
HOURCADE, Bernard: Géopolitique de l’Iran. Paris, Armand Colin, 2012, pp 26-31,
162-164 and 210. Dudoignon, S.: Voyage au pays des Baloutches (Iran, debut du XXI
siecle). Paris, Cartouche, 2009.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
This region has been populated for some nine thousand years; a period
corresponding to the remains of certain Neolithic settlements. In the
Bronze Age, about 4,500 years ago, it formed a part of the Harappa cultu-
re in the Indo River basin. At the end of the second millennium B.C. people
of Aryan origin began to enter, among them the Baluchis.The Archimedan
Empire also acted upon the region and the troops of Alexander the Great
crossed the area of Makran on the way back from their expedition to In-
dia. The Seleucid Empire, too, carried out incursions into the area. Tribes
of other origins also appeared in the last century before our era. From
the east, coming from the north of the Indian subcontinent, the Mauryan
Empire (322-252 B.C.) dominated the territory. Coming down to our era,
the Kushan Empire (30-375), out of the north, conquered the area, pene-
trating into the greater part of the Ganges plain. Between the years 320
and 550 those controlling the country were of the Indian Empire of the
Gupta dynasty, although the Persian Sassanid Empire was also present.
In the seventh century Baluchistan was divided into two regions: the west
formed part of the Persian province of Karman, and the northwest area,
of the province of Sistan. With the expansion of the Arabs and their victory
over the Sassanid Empire, Islam arrived in the region on its way to India.
In the year 644 Caliph Omar conquered Baluchistan from the interior of
the Iranian plateau and subsequently, the Makran area from the sea. Al-
though in the early years several revolts took place, Islam settled into
the area. The region was totally Islamized by the IX century, and at the
beginning of the tenth century the Mameluke Mahmud al-Gazi created
an empire unifying the entire area, from Afghanistan to the north of In-
dia. During this era the Persian Gaznavid Empire was also present. From
1526 on, the dominant power was the Mongol empire, which would last
until 1858. During this time a certain degree of autonomy was enjoyed by
the Khanate of Kalat, which gradually extended its influence throughout
DASHTI, Naseer: The Baloch and Belochistan. A Historical Account. Bloomington,
Trafford, 2012. May also consult:
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
the area. Until the arrival of the British, a series of different dynasties
succeeded themselves in the region, under the influence of Afghanistan.
In 1849 there occurred the arrival of the British, whose presence would
last until their departure in 1947. The British, through their East India
Company,10 exercised control, improving the infrastructure, and, using as
support the tribal chiefs and their quarrels, managed to maintain their
power in the area. During the second half of the century the eastern area
was under British influence while the west was annexed by Iran, and as
stated above, the coastal area was controlled by the Omanis.
While the British ruled, they created four principalities after their ex-
pansion from India: Makran, Kharan, Las Bela and the most important of
them, Kalat.
Well into the 20th century, when the imminent departure of the British
was evident, Mir Ahmed Yar Khan, king of Kalat, favored the creation of
an independent State in Baluchistan. Thus, when the States of India and
Pakistan were proclaimed in 1947, the king also proclaimed his indepen-
dence as well as that of his own State. This situation was not accepted by
the Pakistani government, which invaded the region in April of 1948. An
agreement was signed renouncing the formation of an independent Balu-
chi state. However, this accord was not accepted by all, which gave rise to
the first conflict as analyzed below.
The Pakistani political system has been stormy ever since its indepen-
dence in 1947. Until 1956 it had no Constitution. In 1962 a new Consti-
tution was approved. As a consequence of independence in 1971 for the
eastern part, Bangladesh, a third was approved in 1973. However, the
activities of the army and the intelligence services, which have always
had, and continue to play, a fundamental role in Pakistani political life,
have brought about long periods of governments headed by the military.11
KEAY, John: The Honourable Company. A History of the English East India Company.
London, Harper Collins, 1991. ARBOR, M.I. and Robins, Nick: The Corporation that Chan-
ged the World. How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Mutinational. Hydeba-
rat, Orient Longman, 2006 (2nd Ed.).
In 1958 General Ayub Khan carried out a bloodless coup d’etat deposing Iskan-
der Mizra who months before had deposed Izkander Mirza. In 1977, General Zia alHaq
ousted Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and governed until his death in 1988 in an air accident of
still-murky circumstances. In 1999, General Pervez Musharraf, who the previous year
had replaced General Jehangir Karamat as Head of the Armed Forces, dissolved the
government of Sharif and ran the country until 2008 when, in August, he was forced to
resign from the Presidency.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
Peshawar, 2004.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Conflict Studies.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
The LeB has acted since 2009 in Pakistan. It defends the secession of
the province from the rest of Pakistan. Some link it to the Baluchistan
National Party (BNP).They act mainly against infrastructure and against
military garrisons. It has also carried out attacks outside Baluchistan.
Thus, on April 24, 2012, it launched an attack in Lahore, in the provin-
ce of the Punjab, in which four people perished and more than 60 were
injured. Furthermore, on the 23 of July, it organized another assault, on
the Chinese consulate in Karachi, as it considered that the Chinese also
participated in the exploitation of the Baluchis.
The most recent is the BLT founded in August of 2011. It has been accused
of being a group created by foreign services to destabilize the country. It
carried out assaults on the Bismallah Hotel of Dera Allahyar on 14 August
2011 (date of the celebration of Pakistani independence) causing 15 dea-
ths and 23 injured, and an attack on July 6, 2012 on a bus in the Turbat
district causing 18 civilian deaths. Since then it has been inactive.
Geopolitical Situation
KAPLAN, Robert D.: Monzon. A voyage through the future of the Indian Ocean. Ma-
drid. The Man of Three 2012.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
tension between Pakistan and India, between China and Pakistan, remain
high and their evolution unpredictable. A clear example of the geopolitical
value of the area lies in the situation of Gwadar and its port.
The city of Gwadar has a long history. In the year 643 it was captured and
Islamized by Omar. In 1581 it was attacked and sacked by the Portuguese.
In 1783 it passed into Omani control until September 8th of 1958 when
Prince Karim Agha Khan bought it from Oman for three million dollars
and turned it over to Pakistan. It was then a small fishing town but wi-
thin an important geostrategic location. On July 1st of 1977, the Pakis-
tani government created the Gwadar District with its capital in this city
and in 1993 decided to develop a broad plan for the construction of a
deepwater port to be connected with the rest of the country by highway
and railroad, at the same time creating a Gwadar Development Authority.
In 2002 the construction of the port began; in this year as well, construc-
tion of a 653-kilometer highway was begun. This, following the coastline
of the Makran, would join Gwadar with Karachi and the Pakistani highway
network, and was completed in 2004. This year a new 820-kilometer hi-
ghway was begun, to link the city to Ratodero in the Sindh province pas-
sing through Turbat, Hoshab, Awaran and Khuzdar. In 2007 the Aeronau-
tical Authority purchased land for the construction of a large airport. At
the same time the Gwadar Development Authority prepared an ambitious
50-year development plan for a broad industrial area.
In 2002 construction of the port began, its first phase having been completed
at the end of 2006 and inaugurated in March of 2007.The cost of this phase
came to some 248 million dollars. The second phase, with an estimated cost
of 932 million, got underway in March of the same year. An agreement for its
administration was signed with the Singapore Port Authority for a 40-year
period. However, in 2011, China demonstrated interest in the port and its
development. In early 2013 an agreement was reached whereby the China
Overseas Port Holding Company will participate in the second phase of the
enlargement and will take charge of the administration of the port.
As will be seen below, this port plays a major role in Chinese strategy in
the area. This fact has stimulated the interest of India in supporting the
development of the Iranian port of Chabahar, 70 kilometers away. As well,
it has financed the Zaranj-Delarm highway connecting the Iranian port
with Afghanistan, in a significant example of the play of interests between
India and China in both the Indian Ocean and in Central Asia.17
SHAZAD, Lai: India, jostling for geopolitical control in Afghanistan. Open Democracy,
27 March 2014.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
The instability of the area should not be forgotten, several terrorist acts ha-
ving taken place there. So, for example, on March 29 of 2014 the radar sta-
tion at Pasni, near Gwadar, was attacked (in an act, responsibility for which
remains unclaimed by any group) which destroyed part of its facilities.18
As in many areas, energy factors play a major role in the geopolitics and
geostrategy of the area. This must be kept in mind when analyzing the
Pakistani Baluchistan holds major coal and gas reserves. Fifty percent of
the country’s energy consumption comes from these deposits, Pakistan
being one of the countries of greatest dependency on gas as a source of
However, 17% of the population consumes between 36% and 45% of
national production, helping to create a feeling of exploitation, especia-
lly considering that the principal fields of production, the Suis, lie in an
area in the tribal zone of the Bugti, one of the most nationalistic areas. To
transport the gas, there is a network of more than 27,000 kilometers of
pipelines, part of which lie within the province. During conflicts, even at
the quietest of times, these pipelines come under attack.
Additionally, there are construction projects for international gas pi-
pelines which would pass through the province, such as the Iran-Pa-
kistan-India project for a longitude of 2,700 kilometers, and the Tur-
kmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) project for some 1,700
kilometers. Both projects represent major investments and thus the
clash of interests between the companies and the countries, and not
only in this area. Stability and security are fundamental to the carrying
out of these projects.
A third project would be the connection of Central Asia with the port
of Gwadar and the transport of liquid gas from there. This factor also
explains China’s interest in this port and in the achievement of stability
and pacification in the area. Development plans and heavy investment
around the port are an instrument for the guarantee of its security. The
inhabitants of the area, however, feel that they have little participation
in these projects, which in the end will redound to the benefit of outside
Therefore, the existence of major energy resources, projects for gas
transport, and the related heavy investment should aid in the economic
Pakistan News Digest, March 2014. IDSA, New Delhi.
WIRSING, Robert G.: Baloch Nationalism and the Geopolitics of Energy Resources:
the changing context of separatism in Pakistan. Strategic Studies Institute, April 2008.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
ANDLEY, Priyashree: Balochistan, a Backgrounder. Institute of Peace and Conflict
Studies, IPCS Special Report. October 2006. New Delhi. KUPECZ, Mickey: Pakistan’s Ba-
loch Insurgency. International Affairs Review. Vol. XX, no. 3. Spring 2012.
RICH, Paul B. And DUYVESTEYN, Isabelle: The Routledge Handbook of Insurgency
and Counter-Insurgency, p. 327. Abingdon, Routledge, 2014.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
peace and in the worst cases, deepens existing differences and exacer-
bates wounds ever more difficult to heal.
As indicated above, upon the departure of the British and the proclama-
tion of the States of India and Pakistan, the Baluchi area of Kalat refused
incorporation into Pakistan and thus Mir Ahmad Yar Khan proclaimed the
independent State of Kalat. The Pakistani government sent troops to the
area and after a brief confrontation, the area was incorporated into Pa-
kistan. However, Prince Karim, Khan’s brother, did not accept the capitu-
lation and began an insurgent nationalist movement which lasted until
1950 when Prince Karim was captured. During this time the region was
governed directly by the central government.
Once having smothered this revolt, the army built new garrisons throu-
ghout the province of Baluchistan. At the same time the nationalist move-
ment was drifting into positions on the left under the leadership of Sher
Mohammad Marri. A series of guerrilla camps were created, from the
tribal areas of the Mengals in Jhalawan in the south to the tribal areas
of the Marri and the Bugti in the north. The guerrilla movement contro-
lled a broad area of the province in 1963 and launched attacks against
the railroad and military convoys. The combats did not cease until 1969
when General Yahya Khan abandoned the centralized measures adopted
in 1955 and so achieved a cease-fire agreement. In 1970 Baluchistan be-
came a unified province of Pakistan.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
The National Awami Party was created in 1972; allied to the Islamist Ja-
mait-Ulema-i-Islam, it opposed President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in the elec-
tions, achieving a victory in the province and a presence in the provincial
government, from which it demanded greater participation in the social
and economic development of the area. But in 1973, Bhutto dismissed the
provincial government and put the province under the direct rule of the
central government. The ousted government led a vigorous insurrectio-
nist movement with the strong support of the Marri tribes and the stu-
dent movement, attacking the petroleum infrastructure. The government
sent in 80,000 troops with heavy arms and helicopters, touching off an
authentic armed conflict which would last until 1977 and in which more
than 5,000 insurgents and 3,300 soldiers would die. The army would go
so far as to use armed ships, provided by an Iran fearful of the spreading
of the conflict.
The insurrectionist movement, organized around the People’s Liberation
Front of Baluchistan and led by Khair Bakhsh Marri, presented itself not
as a separatist movement but as a movement for the liberation of the en-
tire Pakistani people. Its claims were therefore centered not on secession
but on the demand for a profound autonomy under the leadership of Mir
Hazar Khan Marri.
In 1977 there occurred a coup led by General Muhammad Zia which
executed the deposed President Bhutto. The new President concluded a
cease-fire with no autonomist concessions but granting the release of
prisoners of a movement bled dry and leaderless from the effects of the
harsh combat and having lost the aid lent by the Afghan government of
Mohammed Daoud after this collapsed in 1978.
The participation of the nationalist movements in the elections allowed a
period of calm during the 80’s and 90’s. However, the lack of a solution
in depth to the existing problems would lead to a fifth conflict beginning
in 2005.
During these years a new middle class developed, far removed from tri-
bal systems, moderately nationalist and politically articulate, around the
Baluchi National Movement led by Abdul Hayee Baloch. This development
coincided with plans for the development of the area around Gwadar and
the coastal zone. However, the governments of General Musharraf, fo-
llowing the traditional policies of weakening or persecuting nationalist
Grare, Frederic. Baluchistan, fin de partie?. Herodote, 2010/4 no. 139, pp 99-122.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Amir Ali Chandio: Baloch National Movement 2003-2012, An analysis. Interdiscipli-
nary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 4, no. 10, February 2013, pp.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
IISS: Bad Times in Baluchistan. IISS Strategic Comments, vol. 17, 26 Dec. 2011.
GONZALEZ MARTÍN, Andrés: Evolution of the Conflict in Pakistan. An Uncertain Fu-
ture. Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts, 2013 pp 269-302. Madrid, IIEE 2013.
BANERJI, Rana: Balochistan. Looking Beyond the Hazari Massacre. Institute of Pea-
ce and Conflict Studies, 15 January 2013.
Jondallah. IHS Jane’s. 17 October 2013.
KOLSTAD WIIG, Audun: Islamist Opposition in the Islamic Republic. Jundullah. Norwe-
gian Defence Research Establishment, 2009.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
used as an alias Abdul Malik Baluchi, until his arrest and execution in
June of 2010.His brother had been executed the previous month.
His successor is Muhammad Zahir Baluch. Since 2007 the group has ac-
ted under the name People’s Resistance Movement of Iran, although at
times it has also used the name Popular Resistance Movement.
Although the Iranian government has accused the U.S. of financing the
group, it is considered by the U.S. to be a terrorist organization. The group
has always denied association with AlQuaeda or with any other group.
At certain times, it seems to have received some type of support from Is-
rael, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and certain Western countries (Switzerland,
the U.K. and the US).
The group does not consider itself to be a separatist group but rather
a defender of a democratic Iran which also recognizes the autonomy of
areas such as the province of Sistan and Baluchistan. Its membership
seems to have risen to about 2000 militants.
Its most significant actions have been:
• In 2005, it made an attempt on the life of President Mahmoud Ah-
madinejad during his visit to this province, causing the death of a
bodyguard and several wounded.
• On March 16 of 2006, it cut off a highway for four days near Tasoo-
ki, murdering 21 civilians.
• The 14th of February of 2007 it placed a car bomb in Zahedan cau-
sing the death of 18 members of the Revolutionary Guard.
• On the 19th of August of the same year, it kidnapped 21 truck dri-
vers near Chah Bahar, driving them to Pakistan, where they were
freed by the police.
• The 13th of June of 2008, it kidnapped 16 policemen.
• The 19th of December of the same year it carried out a suicide at-
tack in Saravan which caused the death of four persons in addition
to the driver.
• On May 28th 2009 it set off a bomb in the Zahedan mosque causing
25 deaths and 125 wounded.
• On October 18th the same year a suicide attack caused the death
of 42 people, among them 6 officials of the Revolutionary Guard
in Pishin, in the province of Sistan and Baluchistan; on July 16th of
2010 27 people died in a double suicide attack at the Jamia mos-
que in Zahedan.
The death of its leader has caused a reduction in the activities of the
group. However, a new Sunni group has arisen: Jaish al-Adl.28 This group
of Wider Sunni-Shia Coflict.» Jane’s Intelligence Weekly. 8 April 2014; and «Kidnapping
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
was formed in 2012 (in a way similar to other Sunni groups in other areas
of Iran such as Harakat Ansar which merged with Hiz al-Furqan in De-
cember of 2013 to form Ansar al-Furqan). All of these use jihadist rheto-
ric and appear to enjoy some financing from Saudi Arabia within the fra-
mework of the confrontation between Sunnism and Shiism. Jaish al-Adl
appears to have the support of Baluchi separatist networks in Iran and
Pakistan. Its activities are centered mainly on the border, where on Octo-
ber 25 of 2013 it assassinated 14 Iranian soldiers. On the following day,
Iran executed 16 Baluchi activists in the prison at Zahedan. In February of
2014, the group kidnapped four border guards whom it took to Pakistan,
where they were later freed.
of Iranian Nationals Unlikely to Jeopardise Relations with Pakistan Given Low Threat
Posed to Iran.» Jane’s Intelligence Weekly, April 4 2014.
RASHID, Ahmed: Pakistan on the Edge of the Abyss. The future of the U.S., Pakistan
and Afghanistan. Barcelona, Peninsula, 2013.
ALAMGIR, Aurangzaib: Pakistan’s Balochistan Problem. World Affairs, Nov.-Dec.
2012, pp 33-38.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
The Indian Ocean plays a central role in Chinese energy strategy. Her hea-
vy dependence on imports of both oil and gas has determined the need
for a strategy to guarantee the security of supply, especially from the Mi-
ddle East and from Africa. And so the creation has taken place of what
has been defined as the «Collar of Pearls»34 which would protect the su-
pply lines from those two areas passing through the Straits of Malacca to
their arrival on the Chinese coasts. Each one of the pearls is an enclave,
civil or military, set along this route to protect it, serving as infrastructure
or as a base where military units may be permanently or temporarily
established. And the coast of Baluchistan would play a central role in the
Indian Ocean.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Pakistan Investigates Murder and Torture of Baloch
Activities. 16 October 2010; and Pakistan: Balochistan Atrocities Continue to Rise. 23
February 2011.
INTERNATIONAL AMNISTY: Iran Human Rights. Abuses against Baluchi Minority.
September 2007.
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Pakistan Disastrous Year for Rights. Militant Attacks, Judi-
cial Misconduct Mark the Year. 24 January 2011.
BAREA MESTANZA, Alfonso: The Chinese Collar of Pearls Strategy. In Revista Ejer-
cito, number 877, May 2014.
PEHRSON, Christopher J.: String of Pearls. Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising
Power across the Asian Littoral. SSI. July 2006.
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
These «pearls» would be, leaving from China: in the South China Sea,
the air and naval bases of the island of Hainan, as well as the air base
on Woody Island; in Cambodia, the enlarged ports of Sihanoukville and
of Ream; in Thailand, the project is for a new channel in the Kra Isthmus,
in order to avoid passing through Malacca; in Myanmar, construction of
a port at Sittwe, from which there would depart a strategic corridor to
China, through which would pass an oil pipeline, a railroad line and a hi-
ghway; in Bangladesh, the enlargement of military and civilian facilities
at the port of Chittagong; in Sri Lanka, the port of Hambantota; in Pakistan
the ports and naval facilities at Gwadar and Pasni; in Iraq, the petroleum
facilities at Al-Ahdab; and on the African coast, connections via pipelines
from the oil fields in South Sudan to the coast. The role of the port of
Gwadar, 240 miles from the Straits of Ormuz, and of Pasni, joined by a
recently built highway, would play a double role: as a maritime enclave
and also as the departure point for a highway to connect with the Chine-
se province of Xiangjiang as well as for a proposed pipeline. And so for
China, good relations with Pakistan are strategic, as also is stability in the
Indian Ocean, which depends as well on the situation with regard to rela-
tions with Pakistan and India (relations which also affect the stability of
Afghanistan and Central Asia, though which must pass the oil and gas pi-
pelines which transport the petroleum and natural gas originating in the
Caucasus and the Caspian Sea), and a Baluchistan at peace and exempt
from terrorist-group activities.
North American policy for the area of the Indian Ocean has evolved since
the end of the Second World War. For some time the area held little geos-
trategic importance, America going so far as to dissolve the Fifth Fleet, res-
ponsible for this ocean; her interest centered during the Cold War on avoi-
ding the creation of an outlet into this ocean for the USSR and its projection
into Africa. Later, with the breakup of the Soviet Union, North American
interests in the Middle East (energy supply as well as the defense of Israel)
and especially the anti-American policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
the attitude of the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, and the extension
of the jihadist terrorism of Al-Qaeda and its establishment in Afghanistan,
all stimulated a new interest in the area, especially after the attacks on
September 11 which culminated in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
and the tension with Iran because of its nuclear program. The Indian Ocean
again became an area of growing American military presence.35
The North American Fifth Fleet, responsible for the Indian Ocean, was created April
26 of 1944, but at the end of World War II it was deactivated. After the experience of
the first Gulf War in 1991, when it was necessary to use units from the Pacific Seventh
Fleet, in July of 1995 it was reactivated.
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
However, the relative crisis in her power, the ascent of China and her
more assertive policies, the beginnings of agreement on the Iranian nu-
clear program and the road towards a growing energy autonomy with the
exploitation of non-conventional sources of gas and petroleum within her
own territory, all have shifted the center of gravity of her interests first
from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and at this time towards the Pacific
especially with respect to China.
In the Indian Ocean there has been a rapprochement with India and a
distancing from Pakistan. There does not seem to exist a concrete policy
regarding the situation in Baluchistan although there has been a refusal
to incorporate Baluchi groups into the lists of terrorist gangs as was re-
quested by Pakistan. Some concern may be felt with the Chinese exten-
sion of the «collar of pearls» and with respect to her base on the island
of Diego Garcia.
Nonetheless a small group of North American congressmen (Dana Rohr-
bacher, Louie Gohmert and Steve King), supported by Baluchi and Afghan
nationalist groups in Washington, in 2012 drew up proposals for chan-
ging North American strategy in the area, especially respecting Pakistan.
Among them figured the recognition of the Baluchi nation and its right to
be considered a new State.36
Although the proposals did not move forward, they may be an example of
geo-strategic indecision with regard to the area.
The Indian Ocean has as its axis the Indian subcontinent, occupied prin-
cipally by India. This nation considers the Indian Ocean to be a sphere of
its own control and influence. In spite of this, for a long period it has not
been equipped with a maritime strategy to guarantee this control, since
its geostrategic outlook is concentrated on its confrontation with Pakis-
tan over the control of Kashmir, and secondarily on the Chinese border.
However, the war of Afghanistan and the growing Chinese presence on
the sea have produced changes in its geopolitical thought and in its mili-
tary strategies. Its priorities, without completely forgetting Kashmir, have
been directed towards developing a navy for the control of the Indian
Ocean and towards deepening its relationship with Afghanistan and with
Central Asian countries. Thus we see a tendency towards the reinforce-
ment of Pakistan’s relations with China (the port of Gwadar is the clearest
example), upon which India in addition to seeking closer relations with
the U.S. is also doing so with respect to Iran. And so the Jawajarlal Nehru
Baluchistan: Pakistan’s most turbulent reality
Port, located to the south of Bombay, and the principal Indian container
port, has arrived at agreements with Iran for its presence at the port of
Chabahar, in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchistan, as a coun-
terweight to the Pakistani-Chinese port of Gwadar.37
At the same time this situation is generating a dynamic of corridors of
communication from the coast of the Arabian Sea into the interior of Eu-
rasia. Iran proposes a great corridor to unite the port of Chabahar with
St. Petersburg, and India is financing the construction of highways in
Afghanistan, for example between Delaram, located on the great Afghan
beltway, and the city of Zaranj, on the border with Iran, and which would
connect with an Iranian highway between Zaboj and Chabahar.
These tendencies may make yet more difficult the relations between Pakistan
and India, with their mutual accusations of each supporting terrorist move-
ments in the other’s country. Nonetheless, following the May elections in In-
dia38, which have meant a radical change with the victory of the Hindu Nationa-
list Party Bharatiya Janata (BJP) lead by Narendra Modi, the latter has received
the Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, to discuss terrorism and the need
for coordination and for an attempt at normalization of their relationship.39
Trade Routes Between India and Iran. Stratford, March 6 2014.
«El Pais». Madrid 17 May 2014, pp. 2, 3.
«El Pais». Madrid 28 May 2014, p. 14.
Minutes of European Parliament Session for Oct. 22nd, 2009. Appendix on written
answers, response to question nº 18 from Tadeus Cymanski.
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Isabelle: The French Strategic Vision of the Indian Ocean. In the same journal, pp. 53-
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
Only the question of the piracy of the maritime area off the coast of Somalia
has provoked the intervention of the Union, with the launching of the maritime
military operation Atalanta. But a global strategy has yet to be defined on this
Ocean and the problems of the Asiatic countries bordering the Indian Ocean.
The same may be said of Spain, absent from any political or economic
presence in this area.
68. This issue is dedicated to «Power, Politics and Maritime Governance in the Indian
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WHITE, Nicole: China-Pakistán Energy Corridor. Roadsblocks and Security
Implications. Washington, Center for Strategic and International Stud-
ies, New perspectives in Foreign Policy, 2013 issue 5 pp14-17.
WIRSING, Robert G: Baloch Nationalism and the Geopolitics of Energy Re-
sources: the Changing Context of Separatism in Pakistan. Strategic
Studies Institute, April 2008.
Existing Data Bases permitting monitoring of the conflicts:
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Conflict Prevention Resources.
ESCOLA DE CULTURA DE PAU (Universidad Autónoma de Catalunya): (Pau
School of Culture, Autonomous University of Cataluña) Observatorio
de Conflictos y Construcción de Paz.(Observatory of Conflicts and the
Construction of Peace) (It has also published an Annual Report on
Peace Processes, directed by Visen Fisas, since 2006).
Asia (Published since 2008).
INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP: Crisis Watch (Published monthly).
UPPSALA UNIVERSITY: UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia.
WORLD WIDE CONFLICTS is a blog at www.
For the monitoring of assaults and terrorist groups:
«COMBATING TERRORISM» CENTER at West Point: CTC Sentinel (pub-
lished monthly).
base Reports.
The JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION: Terrorism Monitor (published bimonthly).
Think Tanks on the region with monitoring of these conflicts:
In Pakistan:
PAK INSTITUTE FOR PEACE STUDIES: especially publishes periodically
«Balochistan Watch».
In India:
of 2013 it has published «Pakistan News Digest» with a specific sec-
tion on Baluchistan.
Some websites and blogs about Baluchistan:
Jordi Marsal Muntalà
www.radiobalochi. org (contains links to a number of similar blogs).
www.topnews. in/regions/balochistan
Consultation in English is also possible at the official government web-
sites of Pakistan, of the provincial government of Baluchistan, of the
Port of Gwadar, and of the district and city of Quetta
Analysis of the conflict in the central american Chapter
corridor: network geopolitics ten
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díaz
Key Words
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
If we had to choose a word to define the world situation during the first
part of the 21st century, without a doubt it would be uncertainty.1 As Fa-
reed Zakaria reminds us, we are going through the third great change in
modern times, the rise of others:
An aspect of this new era is the transfer of power from the states to
other players; among the «others» that are rising are many non-state
players. Power is abandoning the state-nations in order to go upward,
downward and to the sides (2009, pages 13-15).
Currently, the limits between national and international security are hard
to define, with the concept of threat, characterized by the absence of
threat in the borders and the absence of borders for the threat, making its
appearance. (Howard, 1987). The paradox is that «new threats», such as
the insecurity of citizens, terrorism, cyber-insecurity, nuclear prolifera-
tion, drug trafficking, maritime piracy, illegal immigration, environmental
pollution and climate change, the loss of national identity, that threaten
peace and stability in the world today have long existed, and they turn into
threats when they are boosted by Globalization (Kouliansky, 2010).
It is difficult to maintain an absolute definition of security, as Gérard Dus-
soy declares (2001), unless it is at the expense of simplifying the reality of
an international context where threats do not come from just one place or
one specific source, but rather are diffuse. As opposed to the traditional
concept of security, there are alternative formulations, such as common,
comprehensive, cooperative, global, etc. security, that questioned the pre-
vailing approach (Pérez de Armiñon, 2007), and eased the appearance of
new security concepts such as «societal security» and «human security»
which illustrate the change from the supremacy of national (and interna-
tional) security towards transnational, sub-national and individual secu-
rity (Hänggi, 2003, pages 5-6).
Problems no longer have obvious solutions. The term «wicked problems»
refers to problems that cannot be described in a simple and stable man-
ner. They do not belong to the type of problems that, when dealt with in
the same way, give similar solutions. In short, «wicked problems» are
disorganized, on the wrong track, and reactive. Thus, the lack of unders-
tanding of the strategic implications of a given solution produces worse
situations than those which were intended to be improved at the outset
(Watts, 2012, pages 53-4). This is the case of the law of unforeseen con-
sequences that has affected Libya, Syria or Mali, and that affect the «ba-
lloon» effect in the fight against drug trafficking, particularly of cocaine.
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
In Central America, we can find deeply rooted historical roots, to which bac-
ked solutions may be applied, together with emerging «wicked» problems
for which we have no recipes. When analyzing the conflicts in Central Ame-
rica, it must be done both from a classical point of view of countries and
borders, still relevant, and from a point of view of human security and criti-
cal geopolitics, where places, nodes, transnational bonds or flows, substi-
tute the classical ones. In other words, geopolitics on the network, on top of
a classical one. Let us start with the most classical aspect.
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
- the Colombia and Merida plans - but without eliminating the real cause
of the problem: consumption. Trafficking, of drugs and human beings in-
cluded, are augmented because of its demand.
It is not common to find studies that identify the cohesion forces – the
strengths – of Central American countries which, in spite of their difficul-
ties, are far from being failed states. The geostrategic readjustment of
the United States, displayed in its pivot towards the Pacific Ocean - stra-
tegic withdrawal from other scenarios – leads to the appearance of other
geopolitical – geoeconomic players that could project their power – soft
power for now – onto the area abandoned by the decadent hegemony.
The long and conflicting process of the creation of national States in La-
tin America left a balance of numerous disputed areas, where different
countries claimed to exercise their sovereign rights over the same strips
of territory. Some of these disputes have lasted to our days. Neither the
Spanish colonial administration, nor the Portuguese one, established
exact delimitations of their territorial possessions. These ambiguities
were inherited by the republics which rose from the independence pro-
cess without substantial modifications.
One of the strengths of most of the Central American countries (with the
exception of El Salvador and Belice) is that they are bathed by the waters
of the two oceans. A new race to obtain a new inter-oceanic route to com-
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
pete with the Panama Canal, presently under being widened, has begun.
Guatemala and Honduras’ plans have come together with those of Nica-
ragua. Their governments have announced projects to transport goods
by land from one ocean to the other. What has attracted the attention of
international analysts is the growing presence of Chinese companies in
that region. China has strategic interests to have alternative options to
transport the raw materials that their companies need. (Salinas, Sando-
val & Murillo, 2013).
Five centuries after the conquest, there are still features of the pre-Hispanic
past. The Mesoamerican languages and cultures spread from Yucatan and
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Pointed out half a century ago by Richard Adams in his pioneer works regarding this
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
last two decades of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st
century, some groups among the population, particularly the indigenous
and Afro-descendants, have turned into social and political players that
vindicate for themselves the right to self-classification, calling them-
selves «peoples», nations or ethnic communities with economic, social,
cultural, and political rights unprecedented twenty or thirty years ago
(PNUD, 2003, page 333).
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Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
A map about the security and the conflicts in Central America should in-
clude factors which affect the internal cohesion of the different countries
such as border disputes. Borders are an identity factor in spite of the
diversity, and they define the area of application of internal policies, and
are decisive for security.
On the other hand, although the measures to improve the governance
should be planned within a regional framework, they are applied at a na-
tional and sub-national level. The border conflicts have often been used
as an internal cohesion factor: reinforcing «we» against «you». In 2014,
there still are territorial border conflicts:
1. Border conflict Guatemala – Belize: Guatemala claims 2,700 Km2
of Belize’s territory. In December of 2008, these nations decided
to take their case before the International Court of Justice in the
2. Border conflict Costa Rica – Nicaragua: The mouth of the San Juan
River delta is the epicenter of this territorial conflict. In 2010, Ni-
caragua began a dredging project in the waters of the San Juan
River, and Costa Rica accused Nicaragua before the Organization
of American States of misappropriation of Costa Rican territory,
and of causing ecological damage. In 2010, Costa Rica submitted
this case before the Hague.
3. Border conflict Honduras – Nicaragua: This conflict has focused
on parallel 15, maritime limit between these nations. Honduras
claims parallel 14°59’ 08’’ as sea limit.
4. Border conflict between Colombia and Nicaragua: In 2001, Nicara-
gua presented a lawsuit against Colombia before the International
Court of Justice in the Hague in order to determine the sea limit
between these two nations. Meridian 82º used to be the border,
but the ruling from the Hague, in November of 2012, decided to
move this point towards the east, and now the border is closer to
meridian 79º.
The ethnic and linguistic diversity is a centrifugal factor, particularly if the
communities have a feeling of exclusion. The ethnic factor is present in
all of Central America, and it sometimes has a transnational nature, and
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Citizen insecurity
There is not a single magic formula to solve the problem, but insecurity does
have a solution. (PNUD (c), 2013, page VI).
Human security is broad concept that considers a range of threats that
may endanger the life and well-being of the people: Environmental disas-
ters, wars, community conflicts, food insecurity, political violence, threats
to health, and crime. (PNUD (d), 1994, pages 27-28).
Citizen security becomes a much more restricted concept. Citizen secu-
rity may be understood as a specific modality of human security, related
to personal security and, more specifically, with threats to it such as cri-
me and violence. In Latin America, lethal violence is high in most of the
countries, and it has a tendency to increase at a comparatively higher rate
than in other regions in the world (UNDOC, 2011). The homicide rate for
11 out of the 18 countries analyzed is considered an epidemic level by the
World Health Organization (PNUD (c), 2013, pages 4-5).
South America and Central America are the world regions with the
highest homicide rates recorded – an average of over 25 victims per
1,000 inhabitants – followed by South America, Central Africa, and the
Caribbean, with rates between 16 and 23 victims per 100,000 inhabi-
tants. The fact that the homicide rates are significantly higher in the
Americas than in other regions is not a new phenomenon. According
to time series available since 1955, the Americas have suffered levels
of homicides five to ten times higher than those in Europe or Asia.
(UNODC (b), 2013).
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
At a local level, the known factors that influence the levels of lethal violence
could have different ways to become apparent. The mentioned signs include
risk factors such as unemployment, poor quality of education, the presence
of juvenile gangs and organized crime, poverty and inequality, and the access
to firearms, but also the factors related to protection, which may be impro-
ved through prevention policies. These factors could lead to very different
results in terms of violence and crime, as they operate in different areas and
in different ways within a specific country. (UNODC (b), 2013, page 25).
Central America experienced a decrease in the rate of homicides between
1995 and 2004, followed by a sharp increase since 2007, often related to
drug trafficking and a high rate of violence related with organized crime,
resulting in one of the highest subregional homicide rates in the world (26.5
per 100,000 inhabitants). A large part of the high rate in this subregion can
be attributed to very high homicide rates in the «North Triangle» (El Sal-
vador, Guatemala, and Honduras). In terms of facing the growing levels of
violence in Central America, recent developments include the reduction of
the homicide rate in El Salvador by 40 percent since 2012, following a truce
by the gangs in this country. (UNODC (b), 2013, pages 33-34).
After the end of the truce, violence increased again in El Salvador. Douglas
Farah5 has been warning for over a year, that violence would intensify due
to the sophisticated organization and weaponry possessed by the gangs.
However, other voices, such as Linda Garred and Sarah Stephens6 are
more hopeful in the case of El Salvador: «Beginning the 1st of June, the
new Government of the Farbundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN)
will have a period of 5 years for El Salvador to have a transformation, and
turn from one of the most violent countries in the world into a pacific na-
tion that offers its youth more options besides emigration, or a very short
and brutal life of delinquency».
While some Central American countries have had a strong presence of organi-
zed delinquency groups and gangs for some years, the increase in the levels of
homicides in Central America in the last years is due greatly to violence related
to the control of the drug trafficking routes, to territorial wars among criminal
groups, and to conflicts among the mentioned criminal groups, territorial orga-
nizations, and the State. (UNODC (b), 2013, pages 43-44).
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
In the last few years, the study of the organizations has stepped forward
with the analysis of social networks (ASN). This is an alternative method
to look at criminal organizations through the study of social relations wi-
thin a network. (Giménez-Salinas, 2011).
The theoretical explanations and the existing empirical results su-
ggest that networks (of any type, where the nodes are school stu-
dents, organic chemical products in the cells, or electrical network
cables) can be divided into two types: Exponential, and without scale.
(Albert, Jeong & Barabasi, 2000). The exponential networks (also ca-
lled Poisson networks) are structurally homogenous, and most of the
nodes have approximately the same number of links. The free-scale
networks, on the other hand, are heterogenous – most of the nodes
have proportionally few links, and a small number of the nodes (ca-
lled hubs) have a large number of links. (Bright, Greenill & Levenko-
va, 2011).
For Bruce Bagley, the eight key tendencies or patterns which are cha-
racteristic of the transformation that is taking place in drug trafficking,
and the organized criminal groups that it has produced beginning in the
middle of 2011 are the following:
1. The growing globalization of drug consumption,
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Maritime traffic is the most common method for the entry of drugs in
Central America until they reach Guatemala. Upon arriving in Guatemala,
the drugs mostly travel to the U.S. by land. Due to the lack of trustworthy
land routes between Colombia and Panama, cocaine tends to reach Pana-
ma on ships. The traffickers prefer to use swift motorboats to sail along
the coastal regions throughout the thousands of remote islands and bays
that splash the Central American coast on both sides, the Pacific and the
Caribbean, to carry drugs to the isthmus since this protects them from
being captured by the U.S. Coast Guard cutters. (Harrigan, 2011).
Central America is the classical representation of the incessant dynamic
of drug trafficking in the last decades, in which the improvements in a
country or subregion mean the deterioration in other places. The «ba-
lloon effect» generally describes the phenomenon by which the reduction
of coca growing in one country can generate an increase in others. Ne-
vertheless, the balloon effect is much more destructive. All aspects of or-
ganized crime – from cultivation of drugs, its production, and all forms of
illegal trafficking – constantly change its aspects as the traffickers adapt
in order to meet the growing demand. (Arnson, 2011).
Most analysts coincide in that the crucial advantage that Guatemala offers to
organized crime, as well as to common delinquency, is the lack of efficient
State institutions. «It is not a question of failed states», declares Carlos Cas-
tresana, the Spanish public prosecutor that led the International Commission
against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) from 2007 to 2010. «It is a matter of
absent states because, between citizens and delinquents, there is nothing»
The most powerful criminal organizations play, within the illegal markets, a
governance role similar to the one played by the State in legal markets: the
establishment of norms, the allocation of resources, and the resolution of
disputes. In this sense organized crime is «a business and a government».
In different contexts, the criminal organizations are accused of operating
as «de facto government structures» or «private governments», «primitive
states» or competitors to the state. They not only raise armies, in a certain
way, but they can also assume legislative and judicial functions in the limi-
ted territories, markets, or towns. (Cockayne, 2013).
In Central America and the Caribbean, there are two main categories that
include all the organized crime groups:
• Territorial organized crime groups
• Transnational drug traffic groups (UNODC (c), 2012, page 21).
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Central America and the Caribbean are located in the center of what has
been the flow of the highest value drugs in the world for a long time:
The flow of cocaine from South America to the U.S. This flow has affec-
ted the region for over 40 years, but recent changes in the world market
have changed the role played by some countries. The countries that had
previously been used as refuelling stops have turned into storage and lo-
gistic centers for the transnational drug traffic groups. (UNODC (c), 2012,
page 21).
The efficient interdiction efforts in the Caribbean, the narco-war in Mexi-
co, and the dynamics of the isthmus itself made some Mexican Drug Tra-
fficking Organizations expand their operations to the south. Fragile state
institutions, vast ungoverned areas, especially in bordering and forest
areas, corruption, a weak supervision of the financial system, limited law
enforcement, as well as poverty and social inequality allow organized cri-
me to flourish. (Wolf, 2012).
Guatemala is an door to access Mexico for drugs coming from other parts
of Central America. Furthermore, it created the landing center for nar-
co-flights before these increased in Honduras, where the confusion after
the coup against President Manuel Zelaya, in 2009, allowed the inten-
sification of anarchy and insecurity. The key players in this delinquent
panorama are the Mexican OTDs (Drug Traffickers Organizations), and
Central American groups known as carriers, whose main function is the
reception, stockpiling, and movement of drugs throughout the isthmus.
(Wolf, 2012).
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
The maras
As in the other countries of the northern triangle, the drug trafficking ac-
tivities of the maras is usually limited to a local level, but the resulting
scenario is not homogenous. (Wolf, 2012). The gang members’ activities
are concentrated in two groups: the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, y the Ba-
rrio 18, or Mara 18. Both began in Los Angeles in the U.S. They have both
spread throughout the United States, Mexico, and Central America, partly
as a result of the U.S. policy to repatriate the illegal immigrants, as well
as the gang members with permanent residence, back to their countries
of origin, after having served jail sentences.
One of the most controversial aspects of the gangs is the nature of their
participation in organized crime, particularly in drug trafficking. The Cen-
tral American authorities have compared the Barrio 18 and the MS-13
maras with organized crime groups because they allegedly have criminal
purposes, a transnational structure, a leadership with several levels, and
they use firearms and communication technology. Furthermore, police
sources have declared that the gangs have taken up the drug trafficking
business in the isthmus. (Wolf, 2012).
The fundamental difference between the street gangs and the organized
crime groups is manifest in the aim that justifies the existence of these
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Besides the organized crime territorial groups, the drug trafficking trans-
national groups are essential for drug trafficking. A great deal of the cu-
rrent violence in the region is due to the growing control of the territorial
groups over transnational traffic. This gives way to conflicts between the
aforementioned territorial groups and the carriers, as well as to conflicts
among different territorial groups. (UNODC (c), 2012, page 21).
Territorial groups initially focused on the control of the territory and on
taxing the activities inside their domain. The traffickers, on their side, are
supplier, carrier and receptor networks, such as the ones in any supply
chain, and they are generically known in the entire region as «carriers».
The carriers are continuously growing, transporting illegal drugs for the
main Mexican cartels, including the one from Sinaloa, the most powerful
and largest federation of groups in Mexico, with operations that go from
Argentina to Colombia and all of Central America. (Wolf, 2012).
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
officials at a high level. At the beginning, they simply tax the trade,
but they soon try to control it. While traveling in these areas raises
the costs, as a last resort, the cargo could be safer than at open sea.
(UNODC (c), 2012, page 30).
Regional actors
Colombia and Mexico are the two regional players that, together with
Cuba – in the past – have had the most influence in the region. Mexico is
the most influential country in the area after the United States, playing a
historical role of compensation of the influence of the former. The present
situation in Mexico, whose cartels control the cocaine traffic and the ba-
lloon effect of the fight against the mentioned cartels, has provoked the
shift of violence to Central America, particularly to the Northern triangle.
Whatever happens in Mexico affects Central America.
Colombia is the origin of most of the cocaine that travels throughout Cen-
tral America. The Colombia Plan has pushed part of the production to
bordering countries (mainly Peru and Bolivia) but it is still a key country
as origin of the traffic, along with Venezuela, with growing protagonism.
The agreement reached between the Colombian government and the Re-
volutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas in Havana about
drugs and drug trafficking could have an impact on 70% of the illegal
production of coca in this country.
Global actors
Among the global actors, the United States deserves special treatment.
China and Russia deserve less attention. Comparing the Mediterranean
Sea with the Caribbean, Mahan used to declare:
«….. Besides, in many ways, at this moment there is a very notable ana-
logy with the Caribbean Sea, an analogy that would be even greater if
a route through the Panama Canal was ever completed. A study of the
strategic conditions of the Mediterranean, which has been widely illus-
trated, will serve as a basis for a similar study of the Caribbean, which,
comparatively, has little history…» (Mahan, 1890).
Roosevelt threatened the Latin American countries with an armed inter-
vention on the grounds of the «right» to intervene in the affairs of other
countries to defend the interests of the citizens of the United States, in
application of his corollary «America for the Americans». (Selser, 1962).
William Howard Taft once declared that: «…. The entire hemisphere will
Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
and Honduras), which would compete with the Panama Canal, controlled
by the United States. Regarding consumption goods, the large purchases
of raw materials by China, and the commercial deficit of the region along
with the consolidation of the new-extractivism are to be highlighted.7
The commercial boom between China and the region emerges as a re-
sult of a deliberate strategy from China’s side, and as a reaction from the
Latin part. The estimations carried out by CEPAL (2011) is that China will
gradually push out the classic commercial partners – the United States
and the European Union -- for exports in the region. This same projection
would be applicable to imports from China. In 2015 the Asian giant will
have replaced the European Union as industrial supplier.
The European Union and the six Central American countries (Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama) have
full relations that include political dialogue, cooperation and a favora-
ble commercial regime. The San Jose Dialogue is the basis for the re-
lations between the European Union and Central America. Since then,
the European Union has undertaken an important contribution to pea-
ce, the democratization process, and the socio-economic development
of Central America.
The European Union has always supported the regional integration of
the area, keeping in mind the peculiarities and differential riches that are
characteristic of the area. In June of 2007, the negotiations for an As-
sociation Agreement between the European Union and Central America
started, and they ended in 2010 on the occasion of the EU-LAC summit
held in Madrid. The Agreement was signed in Honduras in June of 2012
considering the provisional enforcement of the trade segment.
The role of Spain is at the same time historical, particularly linked to the
role of the Chief of State – the Crown – and of the interests of Spanish
companies in the area. Furthermore, Spain is, without a doubt, the na-
tural bridge between both regions: the frequent visits of King Phillip VI,
particularly to Inaugural Ceremonies of Central American Presidents, and
the visits of the aforementioned Presidents to Spain, are an essential di-
plomatic element at the highest level, which is extraordinarily effective.
Neo-extractivism refers to a form of extraction more than to a specific activity: all
activities that move large volumes of natural goods and are transported far from their
areas of origin (almost) without processing. Mining, oil, gas, dams, monocultures (of
cereal or forestry), agro-industry, cattle farming o intensive fishing, etc., are within this
category, and they are able to increase their concentration. From among them, mining
is the one that can produce the largest amount of non-renewable resources in the least
amount of time.
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Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
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Mahan, A. T. (1890). The influence of sea power upon history. Boston: Little,
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Emilio Sánchez de Rojas Díez
Analysis of the conflict in the central american...
Towards signing peace in Colombia Chapter
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Two years ago now, contacts started, and subsequently the peace talks
between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP (Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army) Any well-informed observer
might think that too much time has elapsed since that date without any
definite results from this process, because the armed clashes and the
political discrepancies have continued.. However, the fact that the parties
involved are still in contact is in itself a promising factor.
Key words
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
and others that simply opposed the extreme conservatism that gover-
ned those countries; all of it under the scrutiny, at least of, the United
States. Some time later, the spectacular increase of drug trafficking, the
appearance of primarily criminal gangs (the BACRIM – Criminal Gangs
– Bandas Criminales) dedicated to extortion, kidnappings, smuggling, the
action of «paramilitary» groups, often protected by some governments
with the aim of eliminating the guerrilla groups using the same weapons
they used, the lack of collaboration from other governments in the region
or the incompetent aid from only few sides, led Colombia to turn into an
almost failed State. If we add to all of this the appearance in the world
scenario of terrorism in its diverse forms and only apparently indiscrimi-
nate, we can state that today we finally find ourselves before a painting of
thick and dark strokes.
The FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army),
about which we will speak now, apparently arose around 1950-1960 in
the south of the country, namely in Maquetalia. Today, this guerrilla group
is undoubtedly the most numerous and with the most political weight (as
they are showing in Havana), and it carries out its activities in the south
of the country, and in the areas of Putumayo, Tolima, Nariño, Cauca, and
Valle del Cauca.
The leaders of this guerrilla group have, of course, changed since those
first days due to the loss in combat of some of its leaders, and to the vicis-
situdes of the political dynamics of the group itself. Thus, the theoretical
leadership of the FARC-EP is currently in the hands of Rodrigo Londoño
Echeverry, alias «Timoleón Jiménez» and «Timochenco».
The members of this guerrilla group amount to 18,000 men and women,
between active and auxiliary members, although this information is sub-
ject to revision due to the natural difficulty of any calculation and to the
abandonment of the arms by some of them, and to the incorporation of
others to the guerrilla.
The European Union and the United States view the FARC-EP as a terro-
rist armed group.
Considering the worryisome increase of Colombian drug trafficking
towards the United States and Europe (with a substantial activity throu-
gh Spain), it is difficult at this moment in Colombia to distinguish among
drug trafficking activities, political subversion, and the conduct of crimi-
nal gangs. In the opinion of former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana,
which appeared in the Madrid newspaper «El País» on March 23, 2014,
this guerrilla group has become the largest drug trafficking cartel in the
On the other hand, we cannot say that the current President Juan Manuel
Santos Calderón has been the only one who tried to end the different gue-
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Year 2013
With this situation, and we now chronologically connect with the First
Part of this paper, and with the negotiations regarding the First Point of
the General Agreement closed on May 26, 2013, in other words, of the
«Integral Land Development Policy», the talks in Havana were resumed.
This series of meetings and vacation periods aim to submit the course of
the conversations to the approval of the government of Colombia, and the
guerrilla base members and its leaders. Otherwise, it would be delaying
the final agreement for no reason. In any case, we believe that it is a ques-
tion of following step by step the «game theory» which we mentioned at
the beginning of the first part of our paper; in other words, to the impos-
sible search for the existence of no winners nor losers in the signing of
the final document.
Finally, on November 6, the negotiations ended regarding the subject that
was being discussed at the time, Point 2 of the General Agreement, ca-
lled «Political Participation», whose terms were made public on Sunday,
December 8, in Havana, under the heading «The joint report of the Pea-
ce Talks Table regarding Point 2 of the Agreement», entitled «Political
In short, this communiqué states the following:
1. The exercise of politics is not only carried out through the parties
and the electoral process itself, but that it must always count on
the participation of the citizens and social movements. Stated as
such, nothing can be objected to this section, as long as the citizens
run for office through a party or a group; otherwise we would find
ourselves in an assembly process. On the other hand, the increase
of the warp of the social weave of a country is always beneficial to
the citizens.
2. The elaboration and approval of a legal Statute for the exercise
of political opposition is agreed upon. This would lead, we pointed
out, to a reform of the stipulations that regulate the conduct of the
political parties and other organizations in Colombia.
3. There is a need for the existence of an integral security system to
exercise opposition, which requires an adaptation of norms and
institutions, a system of prevention and protection, and of evalua-
tion and follow-up. The demands are understandable up to a point,
in case some of the guerrilla members want to integrate into the
political arena.
4. It is agreed that the official media collaborate in the creation of
a reconciliation, coexistence, tolerance, and non-stigmatization
5. All parties may be represented in Parliament without the need to
have a minimum number of votes. Plus, finally, the creation of an
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Towards signing peace in Colombia
In the meantime, the announcement by the FARC, which was made pu-
blic on December 15, whereby it committed itself to a kind of unilateral
Christmas armed truce for 30 days, was popularly acclaimed. However,
as became evident later, the truce was not meticulously carried out.
On its part, the Catholic church, with the Archbishop of Bogota, Ruben Car-
dinal Salazar as spokesman, did not want, once again and coinciding with
the Christmas period, to leave the terrorist victims aside from what was
happening in Havana, particularly when speaking about the already hi-
ghly announced «transnational justice», which could have probably been
applied to the guerrilla members. Thus, on December 18, he showed his
disagreement with an accord based on a sort of «making a fresh start» at
the expense of the victims.
Fabrizio Hochschild, United Nations representative in Colombia, also took
advantage of the proximity of the Christmas holidays to present his own
campaign in favor of the end of the hostilities, under the motto «Peace is
mine», with images of Teresa of Calcutta and Nelson Mandela.
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, aimed better at the heart of
the negotiations. In declarations made to the media on December 21, he
openly criticized former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe for his mili-
tant stance against the negotiations.
On December 20, at the end of a new round of talks regarding «Illegal
Drugs», and upon the announcement by the negotiators that they would
meet again in Havana on January 13, 2014, the government represen-
tative, Humberto de la Calle, hastened to announce that the progress
made until then was «important and hopeful». Nevertheless, the guerri-
lla members blamed the Government for its interpretation that the fight
against drug trafficking was followed by the forced displacement of some
groups of the population, the impoverishment of many farmers, etc. All
these measures were derived from poor advice, according to the FARC, or,
even worse, imposed by experts from the United States, the main cocaine
Parrallel to this, the armed struggle continued. On Sunday the 22nd, Pe-
dro Laín Parra Sons, «Jhon 26», second in command of the Frente 53
of the FARC, along with 10 more guerrilla members, died in an air raid,
which was followed by a terrestrial attack from the Colombian armed for-
ces against a campground in the Cubarrial, department of El Meta, with
mountains reaching over 3,000 meters high, in the center of Colombia.
According to government sources, this guerrilla group was dedicated to
raising funds through extortion and drug trafficking. The following day,
8 guerrilla members from the Frente 57 died during another clash in
the Salaqui River near Ríosucio, in the Choco, El Barranco sector, near
the border with Panamá, where they apparently carried out drug traffic-
king-related activities. Needless to say, it didn’t take the guerrillas long
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
to blame the attacks on the support from the CIA, more so because a
few days later Álvaro Uribe unequivocally recognized that the CIA had
collaborated, during his presidential term from 2002 to 2010, in the fight
against different factions of the guerrilla, for example, in the death of
Tomás Medina, alias «Negro Acacio» in 2007, in that of Luis Édgar Devia,
alias «Raúl Reyes» in 2008, the same as in the cases of Guillermo Sánz,
alias «Alonso Cano» in 2009, and of Víctor Suárez, alias «Mono Jojoy» in
2010. However, Uribe forgot to recall that the Minister of Defense at the
time was, precisely, the current President Santos.
That same day, Alejandro Eder Garcis, Director of the Colombian Agency
for the Reintegration, and Presidential Advisor in the Havana talks, decla-
red that his department was ready to welcome the possible demobilized
guerrillas, calculated at 8,000 combatants and over 25,000 auxiliaries.
The cost of the operation would be less expensive, in the words of Eder
himself, and, in short, more efficient than the reinsertion of social or pe-
nal prisoners. The program that the Colombian government planned to
undertake, apparently consisted in giving a monthly economic allowance
to each reinserted guerrilla member, along with an assistance and com-
munity program, somewhat similar to the measures once taken with the
«paramilitary» members.
On the other hand, on the 28th, the already known Fabritzio Hoshchild,
United Nations representative in Colombia, and Roberto De Bernardi, re-
presentative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), reported that
the FARC were still recruiting children to integrate them into the armed
struggle, which would additionally mean that the guerrillas were thinking
of continuing with their struggle, behind the back of what may be agreed
upon in Havana. From another point of view, the 31st of December, profes-
sor Alejo Vargas, in his «Ola Política» (www.olapolí, in view of the
ambiguous development of the situation, considered it indispensable to
conclude the peace process «to enter into a processs to reform the Cons-
titution», although he did not specify if it would be to open a constitutional
convention which in political doctrine means something quite different.
Year 2014
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
(Liberal Party)
House of Representatives (163 members)
-Partido de la Unidad Nacional, 16.5%
(National Unity Party)
-Partido Liberal, 14.13%
(Liberal Party)
-Partido Conservador, 13.17%
(Conservative Party)
-Partido de Centro Democrático, 9.47%
(Center Democratic Party)
-Abstention, 56%
These elections reinforce the position of President Santos, although they
place his political adversary, former President Álvaro Uribe as head of
the opposition in the Senate.
Nevertheless, and in the opinion of this analyst, President Santos showed
his political skills when, immediately after the elections, he called on A.
Uribe to favor unity. Behind this call, there could have also been Santos’
suspicions of what we could call «sabre-rattling» within the Colombian
Armed Forces, revealed as a consequence of the scandals of the wire-ta-
pping of the peace negotiators, other dignitaries, and of President Santos
himself, which we have already mentioned, by the intelligence service,
and the stir caused among a number of chiefs of the Armed Forces, su-
pporters, more than of Álvaro Uribe, of the idea that the peace talks may
be carried out through other means, considering the alleged responsi-
bilities of some military chiefs acquired during the counter-guerrilla
If Santos, on the one hand, wanted to carry on the peace talks according
to his ideas, he knew, on the other hand, that he could not neglect the
dissatisfied military flank, linked to Álvaro Uribe, nor the political flank of
his left-wing coalition, all of which could make his projects fall through.
As happens in «Game Theory», which leads us throughout this paper,
the other part of the negotiators, in other words, the FARC, did not waste
the opportunity to take advantage of the political moment, and thus, their
spokesman in Havana, Jesus Emilio Carvajalino («Andrés París») has-
tened to declare in the Colombian newspaper «El Tiempo» on March 15
that the results from the recent elections open the way to a constitutional
process that will lead to the application of transitional justice. A similar
path was taken by Jeffrey Donaldson, Irish Member of Parliament from
Towards signing peace in Colombia
It was inevitable that the peace talks would «sneak» into the campaign
for the presidential elections which had to be held on May 25 as per the
Constitution. Or, better yet, that the leitmotiv of the elections revolved
around the peace negotiations.
At such an early date as April 23, the political media commented on the
rumor that the future configuration of the Colombian Armed Forces and
their constitutional role was being discussed in Havana. This subject was
sensitive in itself, and because the conservative influence during the pe-
riod of Álvaro Uribe as President of the Republic is still in the minds of
the Armed Forces.
The government negotiators rapidly forestalled the rumors and, as if that
were not enough, on May 3 it was the Minister of Defense himself, Juan
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Carlos Pinzón, who publicly declared that the Colombian Armed Forces
were not subject to negotiation, even more if the fact that two of the go-
vernment negotiators, Jorge Enrique Mora and Oscar Naranjo, were two
well-renowned generals in the Colombian army, were taken into account.
On the other hand, the now Senator and former President Álvaro Uribe,
always omnipresent in Colombian politics, who has a large number of
supporters among the right wing of the country, although, during his pre-
sidency, he tried hard to negotiate peace with the guerrilla groups, was
now reticent with the terms of the negotiations that President Santos was
carrying forward, specifically regarding the apparent opening of a consti-
tutional process, and what is now known as «transitional justice».
President Santos, by greatly focusing his policies around the peace talks
with the guerrilla groups, risked his future reelection by putting it in the
hands of the guerrillas. In contrast, if the FARC wanted to show the Co-
lombian citizens that their desire for peace was real, it was expected that
the negotiations would not be delayed by them.
In this social and political climate, the elections for President of the Re-
public were held on Sunday, May 25. Over 47 million Colombians, distri-
buted throughout 32 Departments in the country, plus the district of Bo-
gota, who live in 1,120 municipalities, had to choose among the following
candidates: (for more details, read the article «Presidential elections in
Colombia 2014» by this author, IEEE (Spanish Institute of Strategic Stu-
dies), June 20, 2014).
• Clara López Obregón, of Partido Democracia Alternativa (Alternative
Democracy Party), united to Partido Unión Patriótica (Patriotic Unity
Party), of socialist tendency.
• Enrique Peñalosa Londoño, of Partido Alianza Verde (Green Alliance
Party), from the center left.
• Marta Ramírez Blanco, of Partido Conservador (Conservative Party).
• Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, of Partido de Unidad Nacional (Natio-
nal Unity Party), center-liberal.
• Óscar Zuluaga Escobar, of Partido Centro Democrático (Center De-
mocratic Party), center-right.
The polls forecast a technical tie between Zuluaga’s supporters with their
hard line against the guerrillas, and those who desired the peace that
Santos was negotiating, without still knowing for sure the terms of the
The FARC, as expected, opted for Santos, using the procedure that was
closest to them, and on May 16, nine days before the elections, they
provided the joint publication with the government representatives of a
communiqué announcing that an understanding had been reached in Ha-
Towards signing peace in Colombia
vana regarding the point of «General Agreement» that dealt with «Ille-
gal Drugs», whereby the FARC committed themselves to stopping drug
trafficking activities, in order to consider, in the future, illegal drugs as a
public health problem.
The communiqué is lengthy and a bit dense, and its title is conceived in
the following terms: «We have reached an agreement regarding the four-
th point of the Agenda included in the «General agreement for the end of
the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace», third in
discussion, called «Solution to the problem of illegal drugs».
Among other things, it is recognized that the consumption of drugs en-
tails a problem that affects public health, although «the recognition of
traditional ancestral uses of the coca leaf, as part of the cultural identity
of the indigenous community should be maintained», without specifying
other aspects of the problem.
As the FARC are not a totally united front, and they reach agreements in
a supposedly assembly manner, it is expected that the mentioned accord
is to be followed also by the guerrilla groups that operate in the coca
growing areas. Neither do we know at this stage of the negotiations what
may happen, when the time of peace comes, to the guerrillas accused of
drug trafficking, whose extradition was requested by the United States.
After these last news, the international support for the peace talks beca-
me more visible, now coming from the United Nations Secretary General,
Ban Ki-Moon, from the Secretary General of the Organization of American
States, José Miguel Insulza, and from the European Union itself. At the
same time, Santos’ rivals hastened to declare that «the FARC had entered
the electoral campaign».
Some former presidents of Colombia did not hesitate to give their opinion
publicly, as in the case of Andrés Pastrana to the newspaper «El Mun-
do» on May 18, where he held that all the presidential candidates would
have had to participate in the Havana talks. This participation would have
been difficult however you look at it, and impossible to coordinate, to have
everyone be able to understand each other, in the face of so many dis-
parate voices. Pastrana, more realistically, asked himself if Colombians
would be willing to pardon, after half a century of confrontations, and
such a high number of victims; and we add: only the Colombians have the
Close to Election Day, the polls insisted in forecasting a technical tie be-
tween Santos and Zuluaga, between 24% and 29%. If the electoral cam-
paign had almost come to a close, it was not so abroad because on the
very day, May 25, the newspaper «El Mundo» published an interview with
Santos, where, among other things, he declared that his intention was «to
change the bullets into votes, and violence into scenarios for democra-
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
cy», and that he even planned on admitting into Parliament those guerri-
lla members who wanted to create a constitutional political party.
Once the electoral recount was finished, and according to the data from
the National Electoral Registry of Colombia, the voting results were the
Electoral results %
-Óscar Iván Zuluaga 29,25
-Juan Manuel Santos Calderón 25,60
-Marta Lucía Martínez Blanco 15,52
-Clara López Obregón 15,23
-Enrique Peñalosa Londoño 8,28
Absentee votes 60,28
28 Blank votes 5,99
Considering there was no clear winner, the stakes were still high between
Zuluaga and Santos for a mandatory second round, which would be held
on June 15. The central issue, of course, would again be the negotiations
with the FARC. That is how the candidates faced it, raising the tone of
their speeches: Zuluaga attacking the negotiations, and Santos presen-
ting them as a hope for peace.
It was also shown that the vote in the big cities tended to favor Zuluaga,
while in the countryside, which has directly suffered the actions of the
guerrilla, of the «paramilitary» groups, and of the Colombian Armed For-
ces, clearly there was a desire for peace, although the many farmers who
struggle to make ends meet, subject to coca growing, had their doubts
about their future.
The second round was held almost on personal grounds between Santos
and Zuluaga. Both candidates looked for the support of the losing parties
and, while Santos obtained that of the leftist group and even the support
from former President César Gaviria; former President Andrés Pastrana
bet for Zuluaga.
«Face to Face» broadcast on the Caracol Television Network, on Thurs-
day, May 5, with each one of the candidates firmly defending their already
known positions regarding the peace negotiations, was not of major inte-
rest, as the polls reflected; while DATEXCO suggested that Santos would
be the winner, GALLUP gave the presidency to Zuluaga.
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
to the point that President Santos as well as the FARC seem to be using
them now in the peace talks. A certain suspicion regarding this issue was
present at the meeting held in Cartagena de Indias on June 30, under the
title «Third Road Conference, economic and social progress», with the
attendance of former presidents Clinton, Cardoso (Brazil), Lagos (Chile),
Felipe González, and Tony Blair. This analyst heard the rumor that the for-
mer presidents strongly urged President Santos privately to accelerate
the peace talks.
Thus, a bit later, specifically on July 10, Luis Alberto Albán Burbano («Mar-
cos León Calarcá»), known leader of the FARC, stated, on Radio Santa Fe,
his doubts about the end of the conflict, questioning the negotiating ho-
nesty of President Santos.
On July 15, the negotiations in Havana were resumed, with the attendan-
ce of representatives of the victims of the conflict.
In the speeches that were heard on July 20, at the annual opening of the
Colombian Parliament, the only subject that was really interesting to the
speakers was, without a doubt, the peace talks. The same thing happened
on August 7, the day on which President Santos was sworn into office for
a new term.
In this situation, on August 12, a representation of the victims caused
by this conflict, now over fifty years long, arrived in Havana to somehow
participate in the peace talks, as agreed by both parties. As could be ex-
pected, discrepancies came up about whether the newly arrived people
really represented the victims.
Furthermore, a few days later, on August 21, a Technical Committee of hi-
gh-ranking Colombian military officials also arrived in the island to study
the procedures for turning over the weapons by the FARC. The reaction
of the representatives of the FARC seemed to indicate that the govern-
ment of Colombia adopted this measure in order to prevent a certain, or
possible, malaise among the highest-ranking military officers due to the
course of the negotiations, without forgetting what this means as a poli-
tical gesture from President Santos toward his opponents, particularly
toward Álvaro Uribe.
To September 1, the discussion about «truth, justice, reparation to the vic-
tims, the non-repetition of armed conflicts, etc.» still continues in Havana.
The international outlook could not have been nor can it be more favora-
ble to the Colombian peace process.
Towards signing peace in Colombia
The meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean States Community (CE-
LAC), made up of 33 States, although this time El Salvador and Panama
did not attend, held on January 28 and 29 of 2014 in Havana, served to
stage the support from the member countries to the peace process for
Colombia. At the same time, CELAC was able to put into contact the repre-
sentatives from Peru and Chile, after the sentence without right of appeal
from the International Court of Justice at the Hague regarding the his-
torical issue of terrestrial and maritime borders between the two coun-
tries, announced on January 27. On the other hand, the CELAC meeting
gave Fidel Castro the opportunity to appear again before the cameras,
together with political figures of the continent, such as Cristina Kirchner,
Dilma Rousseff, etc. The Brazilian President also took the opportunity to
announce that her country will build one of the biggest container termi-
nals in America, in the Cuban port of Mariel, thus showing the strength of
Brazil in spite of the poor economic news that were spreading about her
country, or precisely for that reason.
Shortly after, during the last two weeks in February, the meeting of the
Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) was held in Caracas, and who-
se members are: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, and
Bolivia, and as associate members, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guya-
na, and Suriname. It was just one more of those forums that exist in that
area, and whose sessions were previously livened up by the enthusiastic
Uruguayan President José Mújica who also showed his support to the
peace process in Colombia.
The 8th Summit of the Pacific Alliance, held in Cartagena de Indias on
February 10, 11 and 12, with the presence of Colombia, Mexico, Chile,
Peru, and the final incorporation of Costa Rica, also declared support to
the peace talks being held in Havana.
Only the instability that Venezuela is suffering casts a shadow on the
American horizon at this moment.
However, it is not only the countries in that area that show their interest
for what is happening in America and, specifically, in Colombia; it seems
that, among many others, whether for solidarity or for economic inte-
rests, a race to get somewhere before others may have been triggered.
The European Union has initiated a clear approach to Cuba, whose Pre-
sident, an aged Raúl Castro, is taking, step by step, some measures to
liberalize the regime, always with the support of Vice President, Miguel
Díaz-Canel, an emerging political figure of Asturian origin; a country,
Cuba, in search of international support, as shown by its last movements
(Colombian peace talks, the CELAC meeting, etc.).
On the other hand, we must reach due conclusions from the warm gree-
ting that President B. Obama gave a surprised Raúl Castro, during the
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Miguel Ángel Serrano Monteavaro
2014, May 16. End of the negotiations about the fourth point of the Agree-
ment, «Solution to the problem of illegal drugs».
2014, May 25. Presidential elections.
2014, June 7. Joint communiqué from the table for peace. «Declaration of
principles for the discussion of Point 5 of the Agenda regarding «Victims
of the conflict.»
2014, June 15. Presidential elections, second round. Winner, Juan Manuel
Santos Calderón.
2014, August 7. Santos Calderón swears office as President of the
2014, September 1. The peace talks are resumed in Havana.
Bauman, Zygmunt. «La cultura en el mundo de la modernidad». («Culture in
the world of modernity»). Fondo de Cultura Económica. Buenos Aires
Benítez Ávila, D. «El largo camino hacia la paz». («The long road to peace»)
Antena Misionera, January 2014.
CELAC (Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños) (Commu-
nity of Latin American and Caribbean States) Actas
de la reunión de La Habana, del 28 y 29 de enero de 2014. Minutes of
the meeting in Havana on January 28 and 29, 2014
Cúneo, M. and Gascó, Em. «Crónicas del estallido. Viaje a los movimientos
sociales que cambiaron América Latina». («Chronicles of the outbreak.
Journey to the social movements that changed Latin America»), Icaria.
Barcelona 2013.
MERCOSUR (Mercado Común Suramericano) (South American Common
Market) Actas de la reunión de Caracas, febrero de
2014. (Minutes of the meeting in Caracas, February, 2014)
Mesa de Conversaciones para la paz en Colombia. (Table of peace talks in
Colombia) Documentos y Comunicados. (Documents and Communi-
Obama, B. «The New Yorker» (declarations), January 19, 2014.
Santos Calderón, J.M. «Para volver a volver», («To return again») «El País»,
January 22, 2014.
Santos Calderón, J.M. Comparecencia pública en el Casino de Madrid,
dentro de la «Jornada invertir en Colombia», (Public appearance at
the Casino de Madrid during the «Invest in Colombia Forum»). January
22, 2014.
Towards signing peace in Colombia
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent: Chapter
Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. twelve
María José Izquierdo Alberca
The states of Assam, Nagaland and Manipur have for decades maintained
an insurgency which produces frequent episodes of violence, and which
is sustained through confrontation with the government of India along the
borders of their territory. The demand for independence has evolved into
a struggle for States of ethnic exclusivity. The rejection of the Moslem po-
pulation and the clashes of the groups, both among themselves and with
the security forces, has submerged the people of the Indian northeast in
a climate of permanent insecurity.
Key words:
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
Report on Human Development 2014. U.N. Program for Development, New York.
2014. Available at Website.
Report on Human Development 2014, op.cit., p. 54.
APPADURAI, Arjun. The Rejection of Minorities. An Essay on the Geography of Fury.
Barcelona: Tusquets, 2007, pp. 38-39.
The last state to arise was Telegarana, in 2013.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
from the subdivision which followed its constitution. Some of these are of
a border nature, others religious and all are of a social nature. In fact, in
India, the problems of linguistic and religious identity are superimposed
on the economic problems. From among the social contradictions, one
especially, that which produces sexual violence against girls and women,
undermines and does extraordinary damage to the discourse on moder-
nity and democracy that the government wishes to sell as the image of
the country, and places India in the headlines of the international press
with great frequency. Other conflicts, such as those which the population
of the northeast have been suffering from for decades, have a lesser echo
in the international press, but produce a constant stream of victims and
the impression that in Assam, Manipur and Nagaland a political solution
to the conflicts is not an easy task.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
International Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, Anuario 2014. Available at web-
This figure only includes officially recognized tribes and excludes a good number of
BORREGUERO, Eva. Democracy in India. Tendencies and Perspectives of a Multicul-
tural Nation. Documentos Cidob 94. Available at website:
KNONGREIWOT, Rammathot: Understanding the Histories of Peoples on the Margins:
A Critique of «Northeast India’s Durable Disorder».Alternatives, vol. 34, 2009, p. 451.
Appadurai, op. cit., p. 88.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Scheduled castes (SC).
Scheduled tribes (ST).
Anuario 2014, op. cit.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
India a very violence-prone nation.13 Since 1947 it has gone through two
border wars with China; constant confrontations with Pakistan over Kas-
hmir;14 a state of emergency from 1975 to 1977; a pseudo-dictatorial pe-
riod in 1975 under Indira Ghandi; harsh episodes of communal violence
after her assassination in 1984; the destruction of mosques, as in Babur
in 1992; slaughter as in Gujarat in 2002; assaults on Parliament in 2001
and other major assaults on it in 2006 and 2008 in Bombay; low-intensity
but long-lasting confrontations in the northeast of the country; and with
Naxalite groups15 in at least 83 districts of the country.16
In today’s India a number of security problems persist. The presence of a
far-left insurgency has increased in recent years. There is evidence poin-
ting to groups of Pakistanis giving support to cells in India; and security
is still very unreliable in Kashmir. The same holds for the northeast, es-
pecially in Assam, where attacks and confrontations between Bodos and
Moslems have not ceased.
Finally, it remains to point out that the current situation is very different
from that of years ago, when Sonia Ghandi, an Italian Catholic, had won
the previous elections and working together in the government were a
Moslem President, Abdul Kalam, and a Sikh Prime Minister, Manmohan
Singh. At the present time, the jihadist expansion in the Middle Eastern
environment and the marked nationalist character of the new Prime mi-
nister, Narendra Modi, make an intensification of conflicts with the Mos-
lems foreseeable,17 if there is not a turnaround in the policies of proximity
and a step forward towards resolving the conflicts with the states of the
The Northeast of India is not a very extensive territory, but is one of great
geopolitical importance. Joined to the rest of the country by the 21-km.
Siliguri corridor, it was the scene of the 1962 war between China and
India. It consists of 7 states: Assam (which holds more than 70% of the to-
tal population of the region), Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, and
Arunachal Pradesh. Each of them shares at least one international bor-
MASFERRER, Bernat. «Political Violence and Terrorism in Contemporary India».
Asia-Pacific Anuario, No. 1, 2006, p.221.Available at website:
DIAZ SILVELA, Enrique; VACAS, Félix. The India-Pakistan Conflict. Madrid: Ministry
of Defense, 2006.
CARO, Maria Jose. «India.The Naxalite Insurgency.» In Geopolitical Overview of Con-
flicts. Ministry of Defense, 2013. pp 303-328.
The figure for casualties in the latest action against urban Nazalite groups is offered
on the website of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA):
«India Reviews its National Security Policies». Modification hopes. IHS Jane’s
María José Izquierdo Alberca
In this area live Kukis, Mizos, Nagas, Chin, Meitei, Bodos, Karbis, Dimasas, Khasis,
Garos, Assamese and Bengalis. In some cases, as in Mizoram, ethnic groups make up
94.5% of the population: 89.1% in Nagaland; 85.9% in Maghalaya; 64.2% in Arunachal
Pradesh; 34.2% in Manipur; 31.1% in Tripura; and 12.4% in Assam. Nagaland, Mizoram
and Meghalaya are in addition the only Indian states with Christian majority.
A low-level conflict involves a range of deaths of between 100 and 1,000 per year.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
the tribal groups consider to be their single and true state. The disagree-
ments make evident something more than the need for attention, for at
the historic root of these conflicts is the demand for recognition of the
indigenous territories prior to the partition of the subcontinent and the
rejection of the state and territorial reorganization which constitutes the
present-day India Union. In effect, the postcolonial period created new
states with the incorporation of different tribes and territories, some of
them without their consent, into an administrative organization marked
by a certain incongruity and ethnic disparity. And so a situation was arri-
ved at where some territories suddenly found themselves dominated by
an ethnic majority alien to the traditional, as occurred in Assam and in
Today no-one has any doubts about the effects of the so-called «cata-
clysm of 1947», respecting everything that the division of the subcon-
tinent implied, especially for the territories of the northeast: division of
routes of communication and of railways, isolation of strategic points like
the port of Chittagong, and an incessant wave of migration causing de-
mographic alteration. Subdivision meant, finally, traumatic poverty and
Later, another political upheaval, the birth of Bangladesh, originated
massive migrations felt in this region as a weapon of destruction of indi-
genous culture. The violence has progressively crystallized in the face of
the failure of reiterated protests, the generalized feeling of abandonment
by the Delhi government and the reduction of territorial space. For many
peasants, the central government’s development projects and the arrival
of immigrants do them nothing but harm. Claims have become deeply en-
trenched and have given rise to aspiration for the creation of autonomous
states of ethnic exclusivity.
The conflicts are produced when the desire for cultural preservation of
the minorities clashes with the majority cultural current represented by
the national State. Ethnic minorities confront a State which they consider
to be a cultural homogenizer, and at the same time clash with each other
over control of resources and dominion of land. Thus there are conflicts
of tribes versus states; tribes versus tribes and tribes versus non-tribal
groups. Within this context of cultural and social tension, the atomization
of armed groups, the proliferation and facility of acquisition of small arms
and training, and the corruption of regional leaders cast a pall over the
possibilities for a peaceful and immediate way out of these conflicts. The
armed groups seem to have renounced the ideological revolution and are
Ajai Sahni. «Conflict and Resolution in India’s Northeast». South Asia Terrorism Por-
tal. Available at website: Date of consultation: 01/09/2014.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
more concerned with the recovery of their territories or even with ethnic
The creation of new States is an old affair in India, begun in the colonial
and immediate post-colonial period. Even more, it appears as a reference
in the Constitution of the Indian Republic21 which is, in the end, a union of
states. The most recent case has been Telaranga, arisen in the southeast
of the country from the division of the region of Andhra Pradesh and ba-
sed on the argument of linguistic majority, and which has cost the lives of
400 people since the initiation of its petition for autonomy in 1979.
In 1953, with the creation of the States Reorganization Commission (SRC),
an attempt was made to avoid the exclusive use of the linguistic criteria
for the creation of new states; on the contrary, these were intended to
be multilingual and endowed with sufficient resources as to be econo-
mically independent. Currently, however, the survival of the majority of
those with a tribal population is 90% thanks to subsidies from the cen-
tral government. And this is one of the indicators of the lack of uniform
progress among the regions of India, for the northeast has experienced
hardly any economic growth and remains in a state of backwardness si-
milar to that of forty years ago.22 It is revealing that, while the inhabitants
of other regions ask for work and health programs, those of the northeast
still request identity and security.23 An example of the state of panic and
marginalization in which the population lives is its vulnerability in the
face of possible attacks and clashes among ethnic groups. In August of
2012, there occurred the massive reception of mobile phone messages
warning of clashes between communities, setting off a wave of people
fleeing towards Bombay, Pune and Bangalore and arriving in Chennai,
Hyderabad and Mysore. People expressed their anger, fury and charges
of injustice on the Facebook and Twitter networks, to which the govern-
ment responded by blocking the web, but without identifying the origin of
the Messages.24 Beyond the viral effect of the mass messages, what this
event reveals is the feeling of insecurity that the population lives in and
the permanent menace of conflicts in the territory.
Finally, the actions of the Security forces have produced complaints and
abuses against human rights. The antiterrorist laws, especially the Ar-
med Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA),25 dictated in 2002 following the
States Reorganization Commission-SRC. This commission was created in 1953 and
determined the organization of the State of India into 16 states and 3 territories atta-
ched to the Union.
GUITE, George S. «Kuki State Demand in Manipur: The only viable option for the
Kukis.» Journal of North East India Studies, July-December 2013, pp 1-13.
Guite, op.cit., p. 3.
NEOG, Ruhee Neog, «Social Media: A Study of the Northeast.», (14 Nov.2013). Avai-
lable at Website
AFSPA is the abbreviation for the Armed Forces Special Power Act.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
The present-day State of Assam is located to the south of the eastern Hi-
malayas. Culturally, 12.4% is made up of more than 200 ethnic groups.27
Assamese has been recognized as the official language since 1873, toge-
ther with Hindi and English.
From the economic point of view, and according to data from the Indian
government itself, Assam is one of the states of least growth, in spite
of being the first state to have produced petroleum and of holding four
Prior to the British colonial period, Assam held a broader territory which
included the present-day state of Arunachal Pradesh and which was go-
verned for 600 years by the Ahom dynasty. In 1826 the region was inte-
grated into India, as part of the province of Bengal.
The conflict with the central government was born following the indepen-
dence of India and was initiated when in 1951 part of the border territory
was ceded to the State of Butan. Territorial shrinking increased after the
birth of Nagaland and Meghalaya in 1963, Manipur and Tripur in 1972
and Mizoram in 1986. However, the trigger for protest was produced in
1970. Facing the imminent creation of Bangladesh, more than two million
Bengali refugees settled in this state. This migration unleashed wrath in
the face of what was seen as a menace to Assamese identity, weakened
confidence in the Delhi government even further and fostered the appea-
Urgell Garcia, Jordi and Villellas Ariño, María. «Five Keys to Understanding the
Disputes in the Northeast of India», Cidob Review of International Affairs, no. 89-90,
Bodo, Mising, Rabha, Sonowal, Lalung (Tiwa), Deori and Thengal (Mech).
María José Izquierdo Alberca
rance of the first protest movement, the student movement All Assam
Students Union (AASU). Following the creation of this group, more than
30 armed groups have entered into action, although today, only 15 remain
From among these, of special note is the United Liberation Front of
Assam (ULFA), of Maoist inspiration and which decided to demand a
sovereign Assamese state, socialist and independent of India, through
armed struggle, in 1989. With training bases in Bangladesh, it cen-
tered its assaults in the eighties on the petroleum production of the
After a number of insinuations of peace conversations, in 1994 4,000
militants left the group, and its bases in Butan were seriously damaged
thanks to an agreement for joint military intervention between the go-
vernments of Butan and India. Finally, in 2005, it sought to negotiate the
initiation of a peace process, later interrupted.
In 1987, another focus of tension appeared, in this case of ethnic charac-
ter: the Bodos, traditionally the majority tribal group in Assam, and which
today has become an ethnic minority.28 Backed by organizations like All
Bodo Students’ Union (ABSU), it has gradually transformed its territorial
demands into the aspiration for an independent Bodo state within the re-
gion. The xenophobic spiral has progressively increased to the point of
considering non-Assamese-speaking inhabitants to be terrorists. During
the months from October to December of 2000 alone, more than 90 peo-
ple were killed in disturbances.
Uniting for the rejection of Moslem immigrants are such groups as the
National Democratic Front of Bodoland29, (NDFB), with a broad Christian
base and with camps in Butan and Bangladesh, which have found in the
birth of the new state of Telangana one more argument for the raising of
arms. In 2008, the death of a young Moslem in the Urdalguri district spar-
ked clashes between Bodos and Moslems which left 55 dead and more
than 100 injured.
For their part, the Moslem immigrants of Assam have started up their
armed militia, demanding a segregated state for the Moslem majority.
According to the census of 2001, although the indigenous groups consi-
der them foreigners, many of these Moslems had arrived in the territory
before the creation of Bangladesh, which technically makes them Indian
They are 5% of the total population of the state.
National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB).
PRASAD, Bibu. «Violence in Assam. Battle for the Bodo Heartland». Institute of Pea-
ce and Conflict Studies. No. 85 (Oct.2008). Available at website:
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
Today, the more than 15 armed Islamic groups are associated with
the serious risk of connection with jihadists.31 The traditional support
networks for drug and arms trafficking together with the ideological
vacuum, the reverses suffered and the support maintained by Bangla-
desh and Pakistan increase the danger of Islamization of the Indian
In 2011 there seemed to appear a significant reduction in the violence,
with a number of armed groups giving up their arms or initiating con-
versations with the government. But 2012 was a bloodstained year, with
more than 32 deaths from the fights between the Bodo and Moslem com-
munities. The sacking of 60 towns in the Kokrajhar and Chirang districts
forced nearly 70,000 townspeople to flee their homes and take refuge in
camps. In addition, clashes between minority tribal groups have not di-
sappeared. The atomization of armed groups fighting among themselves
to achieve zones of ethnic exclusivity stages a panorama making dialo-
gue impossible, and which maintains a state of anxiety and alert in the
Zulfiqur, Rahman: «India’s Northeast: the threat of Islamist Militancy». (March 2013.
Available on website: .
This denomination refers to a society of more than 20 tribal groups who inhabit
the Indian northeast and the Myanmar southwest, among whom are found the Ao,
the Sema, the Lotha, the Tangkhul, the Konyak, the Rengma and the Mao. Each group
speaks a different language, although all belong to the Tibetan-Burman linguistic group.
Significantly, and unlike the country’s Hindu majority, more than 87.5% of its po-
pulation is of the Christian Baptist religion, as are the neighboring states of Manipur,
Mizoram and Menghalaya.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Agreement of surrender and of acceptance of the borders of the Indian Union sig-
ned in November of 1975.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
Two laws regulate this territorial distribution: the Land Reform Act and Manipur
Land Revenue.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
External actors
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
The portal The South Asian Terrorist Portal offers updated data. Available at websi-
te: Date of consultation: 01/09/2014.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
image of burning houses and the terrified flight of the townspeople in the
incidents of July 2012 give an idea of the situation of risk in which the
population is living.
The year 2011 seemed to have produced a significant reduction in the
violence with the commencement of conversations with the govern-
ment and the corresponding handover of arms by some of the armed
groups, but 2012 was a bloodstained year, with more than 32 deaths
from the clashes between the Bodo and Moslem communities. The sa-
cking of 60 towns in the Kokrahjar and Chirang districts sent nearly
70,000 townspeople fleeing from their homes to take refuge in camps.
The intensity of the conflict caused the cancellation of rail traffic and
left the entire region isolated for several days. Incidents have been on
the rise in this state following the rupture of the dialogue between the
government and the ULFA. During the pre-electoral period, this group
intensified its actions with a campaign of bombing assaults on public
places like markets or railway stations and increased attacks on im-
migrants. On the 24th of May alone, seven people died and more than
thirty were injured by a bomb explosion.
In the last two years, six new groups have appeared in Assam: the Kar-
bi National Liberation Army (KNLA), the United Popular Liberation Front
(UPLF), Dima Hala Daogah-Action (DHD-A), Dima Jadi Naiso Army (DJNA),
the National Liberation Front of Bengal (NLFB), and the United Dimasa
Kachari Liberation Front (UDKLF).
Peace agreements have not been lacking, and in 2012 an agreement was
signed between the Central Government, that of Assam and two factions
of the Dima Halam Daogah. Also of note are the positive developments in
the peace negotiations with the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA)
and the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB). Nonetheless,
even though the social tension relaxes, any pretext may provoke a new
outbreak of incidents. It happened so, for example, last August 30th when
two people died and more than twenty-six were arrested following the
outbreak of violence during the celebration of a rally organized by the
United Naga Council.
The border zones with Myanmar in the state of Manipur continue to be the
scene of frequent confrontations and arrests not only of those suspected
of forming part of insurgent groups but of undocumented persons. In spi-
te of the incessant flow of detentions and the denouncement of excesses,
it may be said that there has been a reduction of the violence in Manipur.
At least the number of mortal victims has been reduced from 110 to 55
between 2012 and 2013. In Nagaland, despite conversations dating back
to 1997, no appreciable advances have been made in the negotiations
between the government and the NSCN-IM.
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
The origin of the disputes in the northeastern states of the Indian Union
is the persistence of borders which have never been accepted by their
inhabitants and have been shown to have perverse effects for their popu-
lations. The organization of the states of the northeast fragmented their
coincidence with natural frontiers and put political interests before the
territorial claims of tribal groups. In the case of the Nagas, following the
territorial design of 1947, they were left divided and buried away between
two great states, as are India and Myanmar. Designated a «non-adminis-
tered area» by the Indian government in 1935, the borderlines between
the two countries were not determined until 1967.
The events which brought about the creation of Bangladesh added to all
of these, but most especially to Assam, a demographic destabilization
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
Source: 2011 Census and data from the Centre for Development and Peace Studies; CIA
World Factbook and the World Bank.
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Victims by States
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
APPADURAI, Arjun. El rechazo de las minorías. Ensayo sobre la geografía de
la furia. («The Rejection of Minorities. Essay on the Geography of Fury»)
Barcelona: Tusquets, 2007.192 p. ISBN Available at Website: 978-84-
AHANTHEM, Chitra Ahanthem. «The road to peace in Manipur. Peace Audit
Northeast». Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, Special Report. Nº
156. (March 2014).
BHATTACHARYYA, Harihar. «India: Bodo people’s rights take a step for-
ward» Federations. What’s new in federalism worldwide, Vol. 4, No. 3
(March 2005). Available at Website:
BORREGUERO, Eva. La Democracia en India. Tendencias y perspectivas de
una nación multicultural («Democracy in India. Tendencies and perspec-
tives of a multicultural nation.») [On line]. Documentos Cidob94. Avail-
able at website:
CARO, María José. «India: La insugencia naxalita«.(«India: The Naxalite
Insurgency») En Panorama geopolítico de los conflictos (Geopolitical
Overview of Conflicts 2013.) Madrid: Ministry of Defense, 2013. pp.
303-328., ISBN 978-84-9781-882-7.
Centre for Development and Peace Studies at website:
D’SOUZA, Shantie y PRASAD,Bibhu.»Violence in Assam: Resource Wars,
Illegal Migration or Governance Deficit?» Institute of South Asian Stud-
ies, Nº 250, (September 2012). Available at website:
DAS, Rani. »Northeast 2013: A Year of Peace and Violence». Centre for De-
velopment and Peace Studies Year in review. Nº 4258 (Enero 2014).
DAS, RANI.»Peace-talks in India’s northeast: New Delhi’s Bodo knot». Cen-
tre for Development and Peace Studies, Nº 4355 (Marzo 2014).
DIAZ SILVELA, Enrique; VACAS, Félix. El conflicto de India y Pakistan.(«Con-
flict in India and Pakistan») Madrid: Ministry of Defense, 2006. 133 p.
ISBN: 97-84-9781-215-3.
Global Peace Index-2014. Measuring Peace and Assessing Country Risk.
Institute for Economics and Peace. Disponible en Web:
GUITE, George. »Kuki State Demand in Manipur: The only viable option for
the Kukis». Journal of North East India Studies Comment. (July/De-
cember 2013).
María José Izquierdo Alberca
Embers of the division of the indian subcontinent...
SAHNI, Ajai «Conflict and resolution in Indian’s Northeast» Available at
URGELL, Jordi y VILELLAS, Maria. «Cinco claves para comprender la con-
flictividad en el nordeste de la India«. («Five Keys to Understanding
Conflict in Northeast India») Magazine: Cidob d’Afers Internacionals.
Nº 89/90.
MUKHERJEE, Shivaji. «Colonial origins of Maoist insurgency in India: Long-
term effects of indirect rule». Center for Advanced Study of India. Nª
13 (January 2013).
The China and its neighborhood. The key test Chapter
for the peaceful development therteen
Ignacio García Sánchez
An example is the book by Richard Bush, «The Perils of Proximity: China-Japan Secu-
rity Relations». Brookings Institution Press; 1st edition (11 October 2010). Washington.
in the Chinese development model, in an area of extreme richness for the
natural expansion of the most productive forces of its society’s progress.
The achievement of the accommodation of China’s impressive socioecono-
mic development, as well as its future potential within this geopolitical fra-
mework marked by the nationalist tendency and by what still is the North
American military hegemony, offers a unique opportunity, especially so that
the second half of the 21st century may evolve gradually and progressively
from a geostrategic setting dominated by cooperative security towards an
integral vision of reality and intelligent management of the environment.
All this, by means of the concept of dynamic security, will be necessary in
order to adapt the new balances of power into a new world order, which
must arrive framed by human security and sustainable development.
Key words
LUTTWAK, Edward N. (2012). «The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy». London,
COHEN, Saul Bernard. Geopolitics: TheGeography of International Relations. Second
edition (2009). Maryland, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. P. 254. The three stra-
Ignacio García Sánchez
tegic domains, according to the work quoted, would be: «the area of East Asia, domi-
nated by China and embracing North Korea and a separate geopoliticalregion, Indo-
china, which includes Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; continental Euroasia…dominated
by Russia…extending like the inside of a half moon from the Baltic, through Eastern
Europe and the Black Sea, Central Asia and Mongolia, tjo the Korean Peninsula; and
the maritime environment, dependant on trade from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans…
dominated by the U.S.
«They ride free. And they have acted with absolute freedom for the past 30 years.
And they’ve done very well thanks to that behaviour.»
nion/100000003048414/obama-on-the-world.html?src=xps. Visited August 14 2014.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
reaction. Thus, an editorial in the People’s Daily pointed out that » (...) it is
the United States which has behaved like a ‘free rider’ with its so-called
‘pivot to Asia’ «, in opposition to what the same editorial described as
years of Chinese diplomatic initiatives in which she had promoted friend-
ly relations and trade with her Asiatic neighbors.5
This geopolitical vision of China is widespread in the West, perfectly expli-
cated by Robert D. Kaplan in his book «The Revenge of Geography», when
in its Chapter 9, «The Geography of Chinese Power», he refers to a dis-
turbing quote from Mackinder about the yellow danger to world freedom,
as enjoying a privileged position to lead the world together with the U.S.,
«building for a quarter of mankind a new civilization, neither too Oriental,
nor too Western».6
Not very far from this viewpoint would be a review of the Russian military
doctrine of 2009, which expressly reserves to itself the right to a first use
of nuclear arms, maintaining a large arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons
while defending a posture closed to any agreement as to its reduction.
Joseph Nye, in «The Future of Power», reasons that this is the same pos-
ture the U.S. used during the Cold War to counter Russian conventional
military superiority, which would explain a similar Russian response to
Chinese military superiority in the Far East.7
Along the same lines, the National Security Strategy reminds us:
«Asia stands in the center of the geopolitical reordering which antici-
pates the coming world. Some of its great countries - China, in parti-
cular - are becoming consolidated as poles of influence in the interna-
tional community, emerging and standing out as key elements in the
new strategic panorama. The focal points of tension concentrated in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea or those related to Chinese territo-
rial claims affect the entire international community. At the same time,
factors of stability are the economic growth of large countries like Chi-
na or India which, on the other hand, have also become relevant actors
in Africa and Latin America.»8
This Western viewpoint is very far from being shared by Chinese autho-
rities, who describe the development of their country as a formidable
challenge, and therefore, require international support and solidarity.9
The New York Times: «Obama’s ‘Free Rider» Comment Draws Chinese Criticism». By
BREE FENG August 13, 2014.
KAPLAN, Robert D. «The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us about Coming
Conflicts and the Battle against Fate.» (2012) Random House. New York. Pp. 188-189
NYE Jr., Joseph S. The Future of Power. (2011) New York. Public Affairs. P. 172.
National Security Strategy 2013: A Shared Project. Presidency of the Government.
Garcia Sanchez, Ignacio. Analysis of Chinese Security Strategy.
Galerias/ficheros/docs analisis/2011/DIEEEA282011 Chinese Security StrategyAnaly-
Ignacio García Sánchez
sis JGS.pdf White Paper, China’sPeaceful Development (September 2011). Beijing, Infor-
mation office of the State Council.
White Paper on China’s Armed Forces: The Diversified Employment of China’s Ar-
med Forces (April 2013). Beijing, Information Office of the State Council.
GARCIA SANCHEZ, Ignacio. Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts 2011: Chapter XII, Ko-
rea, The Dream of a Reunited and Denuclearized Peninsula (2011). Madrid, Ministry of
MACKINLAY FERREIRÓS, Alejandro. Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts 2012: Chapter
XV, South China Sea (2012).Madrid, Ministry of Defense.
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. Annual Report to Congress: Military and
Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014. Washington.
KISSINGER, Henry (2011). «On China». New York, the Penguin Press. P. 307.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
passing through Vietnam in the South, India in the Southwest and Russia
in the North.15
Two fundamental theses are presented throughout the chapter. The first,
set forth by Kaplan16, refers to a possible strategic calculation error cau-
sing a minor conflict to shift into a major conflict. The second, worked out
by Nye and widely debated, is centered on the inevitability of conflict de-
veloped by Thucydides in his work on the Pelopponesion War, stemming
from the rise of Athens in the face of the hegemonic power of Sparta, but
from the angle that the belief in the inevitability of cycles of history was
the main cause of the conflict.
Background to conflict
NATHAN, Andrew J. and SCOBELL, Andrew (2012). China’s Search for Security».
New York Columbia Universiy Press.
KAPLAN, Robert D. «Asia’s Cauldron. The South China Sea and the End of a Stable
Pacific». 2014 Random House. New York.
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio. Geopolitical Overview of Conflicts 2013: Chapter XII, The
Chinese Interior Ring. Strength or Weakness? (201x). Madrid, Ministry of Defense.
Ignacio García Sánchez
NATHAN, Andrew J. and SCOBELL, Andrew (2012). «China’s Search for Security».
New York, Columbia Univeresity Press,pp. 3-5.
COHEN, Samuel B.: op. Cit., p. 253.
FERNÁNDEZ ARMESTO, Felipe (2002). «Civilizations: Culture, Ambition and the
Transformation of Nature». New York, Simon and Schuster, p.212.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
agrarian culture, the essence of the civilized world. What there was be-
yond the limits of this agrarian world held no importance, since it was
inhabited by uncivilized nomads, «the barbarians.»21
Thus, and in order to confront that «most difficult geopolitical environ-
ment in the world for a great power», Deng Xiaoping, architect of the Chi-
nese miracle, dictated a series of instructions22 which may be considered
legacy for the new Chinese geopolitical vision. In these, he requested pru-
dence, calmness and a willingness reserved for holding to a defensive
posture, which would set as a priority the reinforcement of security. This
outlook is reflected in the latest edition of the White Paper on Defense:
«China has a difficult task in order to achieve national unification and
ensure its territorial integrity and the defense of its interests. Some coun-
try has reinforced its military alliances in the Asian Pacific, increasing
its military presence in the region, which provokes frequent situations of
M. Taylor Fravel24 concludes his study »Strong Borders, Secure Nation:
Cooperation and Conflict in China’s Territorial Disputes» with three main
1. China has never been very predisposed to use force in its terri-
torial disputes, being one of the states least inclined to initiate a
2. Most of the territorial compromises reached have their explana-
tion in internal threats to the security of the regime.
3. China follows a negative model in the harshness of its claims,
using force when she faces powerful opponents who could weaken
her position, or when she controls little or none of the territory she
is claiming.
In this sense, the Chinese authorities have reached bilateral treaties or
agreements with the following countries: Afghanistan, to whom they
have conceded 100% of its claims to an area of some 7,381 Km2; Ta-
jikistan, 96% of 28,430 Km2; Nepal, 94% of 2,476 Km2; Burma, 82% of
1,909 Km2; Butan, with which there exists an agreement for the main-
COHEN, Saul Bernard. Geopolitics: The Geopraphy of International Relations. Se-
cond edition (2009). Maryland, Rowland and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. P. 263.
«The instructions were austere and concise. Written in a traditional Chinese poetic
style, they made up two documents: an instruction of 24 characters and an explanation
of 12 restricted to high office-holders. The political explanation of 12 characters more
restricted among the principal leaders, said the following:<The enemy troops are out-
side the walls. They are stronger than we. We must at principally on the defensive.»
KISSINGER, Henry: op. cit., pp. 437-439.
White Paper on China’s Armed Forces: «The Diversified Employment of China’s
Amed Forces», Pekin, April 2013. Informaion Office of the State Council.
FRAVEL, M- Taylor. «Strong Borders Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in Chi-
na’s Territorial Disputes». (2008). Princeton University Press. New Jersay.
Ignacio García Sánchez
Ibid., pp. 46, 47.
MACKINLAY LEICEAGA, Alejandro. Ops cit.
This is the cause of the reduction of the famous map of Chinese maritime claims
from 11 strokes to 9. Recently a new vertical map of China has been released, published
by the «Hunan Map Publishiing House» on which the South Sea islands are shown on
the same scale as the continent.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was a regional defense organiza-
tion which functioned from 1955 to 1977, made up of Australia, France, New Zealand,
Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Great Britain and the U.S.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
the 1978 peace treaty, but only to ensure that the dispute would be
exclude from the agreement... Deng described the delaying strategy,
stating: «It doesn’t matter if this question is shelved for some time,
say, ten years. Our generation is not wise enough to find common
language on this question. Our next generation will certainly be wi-
ser. They will certainly find a solution acceptable to all’» 29
The Senkakus (or Diaoyu, the Chinese name) consist of a group of eight
uninhabited islands and islets whose total surface comes to some 5
Km2, and are located in the East China Sea, 170 Km. from Taiwan and
the Ryukyu Archipelago, 330 kilometers from continental China and
410 Km. from Okinawa. In this case, China’s first claim30 was asser-
ted in 1970, in support of Taiwan31 and before the U.S. transferred
its administration to Japan, in accord with the Okinawa agreement on
reversion finalized in 1971.The area has seen a delay in the joint ex-
ploitation of its potential resources. Although in June of 2008 the two
countries came to an agreement for the exploitation of natural gas
in Chungxiao/Shirakaba and Longjing/Asurao, in 2009 the agreement
was broken when the Chinese government declared its sovereignty
over the fields, which continued with a series of unilateral actions by
both parties.
In the group of islets in the Spratlys, around 50, with a total surface of
less than 5 Km2, of which China occupied seven between 1988 and 1994,32
very little exploration has taken place, and currently there is no active
However, «the dispute over the sovereignty and demarcation of the ma-
ritime limits in the area are not the principal hurdle to its exploitation,
since the waters in contention present major technological and geolo-
gical challenges due to deep valleys and stong underwater currents.
In addition, the region is lashed seasonally by tropical storms and
FRAVEL, M. Taylor. Op. Cit., pp. 269-270.
The Chinese position is documented in the White Paper «Diaoyu Dao, An Inherent
Territory of China» published by the State Council in September 2012:
cn/english/official/2012-09/25/content 2232763.htm. The Japanese position is docu-
mented on the Embassy’s official page in Spanish:
All claims of sovereignty on the ocean rim are sustained by China and Taiwan. In this
context China always supports Taiwan in disputes, especially fishingboat incidents with
neighboring countries, as if dealing with a region of China, strengthening the concept
of a single China.
The Chinese occupation began after the Philippines (6 islets), Malaysia (5), Taiwan
(1) and Vietnam (31) began to establish themselves on some of them.
GARCIA SANCHEZ, Ignacio J. «Energy and Geostrategy 2014. Chapter V. The Rise of
China and Her Energy Supply.» Ministry of Defense 2014. Madrid. Pp. 273-275.
Ignacio García Sánchez
EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration), «East China Sea.» Last Updated: Sep-
tember 25, 2012.
EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration), «East China Sea». Last Updated
September 25, 2012
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
«... when people speak of the rising power of China or India, they tend
to point to the large populations and increased economic or military
resources of those countries. But weather the capacity that those re-
sources imply can actually be converted into preferred outcomes will
depend upon the contests and the country’s skill in converting resour-
ces into strategies that will produce preferred outcomes... Power-con-
version strategies turn out to be a critical variable that does not receive
enough attention. Strategies relate means to ends, and those that com-
bine hard and soft power resources successfully in different contests
are the key to smart power.»34
The fifth generation of Communist leaders of the Central Committee of
the Chinese Communist Party, elected at the 18th National Congress held
in November 2012, continues along a path seeking consolidation of so-
cial cohesion and domestic development with more balanced growth.
The slogan of the new leadership team, as especially expressd by its pre-
sident, Xi Jimping: «China’s dream, the people’s dream.»
«The development model stands as a fundamental element of her na-
tional security.a demand for her citizens and a necessity that all coun-
tries must support.achieved the objectives foreseen in its two first sta-
ges: doubling the Gross National Product (GNP) by 1980 to attend to the
basic necessities of her population and quadrupling it by the end of the
last century to acquire a basic level of prosperity. The third objective,
set for mid-century on the centenary of the foundation of the People’s
Republic of China (1949), would come into being with general prospe-
rity and the modernization of the country within a harmonious State. In
this sense she is declared to be a nation on the road to development.35
Thus, for the past three decades the Chinese economy has grown at
a rate of 9.9% and since 2010 has surpassed Japan’s GNP (4.729 bi-
llion dollars36, currently in 5th position) turning itself into the third world
economic power(13.390 billion) behind the U.S. (16.720 billion) and the
European Union (15.850 billion).Although this growth, when distributed
among its population, 9,800 dollars, holds it to a modest position, the
121st, still far from the 52,800 dollars of the U.S. (14th), the 39.600 of Tai-
wan (28th), the 37,100 of Japan(36th), the 34,500 dollars of he E.U.(41st),
the 33,200 of South Korea (42nd) and slightly below the world average
of 12,700 dollars.
NYE Jr., Joseph S. The Future of Power. (2011) New York. Public Affairs. P. 10.
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio. Analysis Document of the 028/11 Analysis of
Chinese Security Strategy. Summary of the, «White Paper: China’s Peaceful De-
velopment «. September 2011.
DRAE. Billion: a million million, expressed by the unit followed by twelve zeroes.
Ignacio García Sánchez
Data from «The World Factbook». Visited August 20 2013:
Scenario of visit reference 21 August 2014:
The World Bank includes as medium-income countries a broad group of States
with a total of nearly 5 billion inhabitants, 23.9 billion dollars in Gross National Pro-
duct, growth of 4.8% and a 73% poverty rate. This classsification is in turn subdivided
into a low level, with a per capita income level of 2,068 (1,046 to 4,125) dollars and
39% urban population, and a high level with a per capita income of 7,540 (4,126 to
12,745) dollars and 68% urban population. http:/
«If countries cannot increase productivity through innovation (rather than continuing
to rely on foreign technology), they find themselves trapped (In today’s increasingly
globalized world, escaping the middle-income trap may be even more difficult. Eec-
khout and Jovanovic 2007). The concept of a middle-income trap has some empirical
backing. Latin America and the Middle East provide compelling support for the trap
hypothesis: in these two regions, most economies reached middle-income status as
early as the 1960s and 1970s and have remained there ever since (see figure BO.1.1a).
Of 101 middle-income economies in 1960, only 13 became high income by 2008 (see
figure BO.1.1b)—Equatorial Guinea; Greece; Hong Kong SAR, China; Ireland; Israel; Ja-
pan; Mauritius; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Republic of Korea; Singapore; Spain; and Taiwan,
China.» 2013 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development /The World Bank
and the Development Research Center of the State Council, P. R. China. «China 2030:
Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative Society»
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
KAPLAN Robert D.: Op.cit, p. 211.
«China does not subscribe to the notion that a country is bound to seek hegemony
when it grows in strength. Hegemony or militarism is not in the genes of the Chine-
se. China will unswervingly pursue peaceful development because it is good for China,
good for Asia and good for the world.»
«The notion of dominating international affairs belongs to a different age, and such
attempts are doomed to failure.»
«Flexing military muscles only reveals a lack of moral ground or vision, rather than
reflecting one’s strength. Security can be solid and enduring only if it is based on moral
high ground and vision.»
«Talking about frontier defence, one cannot help thinking about China’s modern history
when the country was so weak and destitute that it was for everyone to bully.»
«Foreign aggressors broke China’s land and sea defences hundreds of times, plunging
the Chinese nation into the abysm of calamity,» Xi added, calling on people not to forget
Ignacio García Sánchez
tablished jointly by Burma, China and India which celebrated its 60th anni-
versary last June 28th in Peking, and which has been universally recogni-
zed by the international community, having become a reference point for
international relations; in addition, she has opened up to all corners of the
globe with the recently achieved status of observer on the Council of the
Artic and the free-trade accord with Iceland.
With its action abroad framed along these basic lines, an effort is be-
ing designed to reorient the global geopolitical framework of relations
by seeking greater multilateralism, seeking to distribute and restructure
the power centers so that evolution towards a greater balance becomes a
reality on a transformed stage, truly multipolar, where Chinese diploma-
cy can develop its traditional strengths. There is thus a clear example of
the pragmatism of its relations in the recent accord with Russia, the most
important yet signed by Gazprom42, rooted in the economic sanctions im-
posed by the U.S. and the European Union as a result of the annexation of
the Crimea and support for the Eastern Ukrainian separatists.
EIA. «Russia-China deal will supply Siberian natural gas to China’s northern, eastern
provinces». August 20, 2014.
the «history of humiliation» and strengthen the borders, especially at sea.» Xi Jinping
keynote speech. BEIJING, June 29 (Xinhua).
EIA. «Russia-China deal will supply Siberian natural gas to China’s northern, eas-
tern provinces».
BARACUHY, Braz. The BRICS New Development Bank: A Geo-economic Game-Chan-
ger. 24 July 2014.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
Ignacio García Sánchez
In her article, »The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghanistan
or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the action», publi-
shed in «Foreign Policy» in October of 2011, Hillary Clinton announces the
geopolitical pivot, which has been confirmed by the Obama administra-
tion in its latest strategic directives45, doing no more than corroborating
the principle that: «history teaches us that changes of economic weight
come accompanied by corresponding strategic shifts.»46
As Nathan and Scobell state, «China’s attempt to pursue her interests
in a global context is legitimate, as is the interest of the U.S: in ensuring
that the international system continues with the notable evolution which
it has been enjoying...»47 In this sense, levelheadedness and reflection
are of major importance, not only as to her own policy of a strategic
rebalancing with the strengthening of the Asian-Pacific axis, favored
by a near-future energy autonomy and weakened by the budget cuts
necessary to reduce the serious fiscal deficit, but also in the policies of
support for her allies in the area, to create policies of moderation and
White House. «Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership. Priorities for 21st Century Defen-
se. Washington, January 2012.
White Paper: «Australia in the Century of Asia.» October 2012.
NATHAN, Andrew J. and SCOBELL, Andrew (2012). «China’s Search for Security».
New York, Columbia University Press. Page 358.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
TOW, William. «Understanding the Persistence of American Alliances and Partners-
hips in the Asia-Pacific.» Asia Pacific Bulletin. No. 276. August 14 2014.
New York Times. «In China’s Shadow: U.S. Courts Old Foe Vietnam.» By PERLEZAUG,
Jane, August 16, 2014.
KAPLAN, Robert D. «Asia’s Cauldron. The South China Sea and the end of a stable
Pacific.» 2014 Random House. New York.
Ignacio García Sánchez
East en route to Asian megacities is triple the amount that passes through
the Suez Canal and 15 times the amount that transits the Panama Canal.»51
Within this context, and keeping in mind all the countries of the area, it
seems that, with the new generation of leaders, we are witnessing a na-
tionalist drift of which there were echoes in the analysis document «Six
Factors in Understanding the Korean Peninsula», quoting a speech by Br-
zesinski, on December 11 2012, during the gala dinner of the «U.S.-Chi-
na Policy Foundation». In his dissertation, he warned of the possiblity of
a slippage in the situation towards the «nationalist fervor which would
reproduce in Asia conflicts similar to the ones Europe suffered in the
twentieth century, over natural resources, territory or national power.» In
particular, this referred to Shinzo Abe due to the historic connotations it
implies and the reinterpretation of his constitutional charter in order to:
«(...) In accord with Article 9 of the Constitution. Up to now, the Govern-
ment has considered that the «use of force» is only allowed when there
occurs an «armed attack» against Japan. However, due to the fact that
the security environment of the region has been radically transformed....
the Government has arrived at the conclusion that it is not allowed only
when an armed attack against Japan takes place, but also when such an
attack is produced against another country in close relation to Japan...»52
EIA. U.S. Energy Information Administration. «South China Sea» Last Updated: February 7, 2013.
KAPLAN, Robert D. Foreign Policy. «The Guns of August in the East China Sea: Dark
echoes of world war lurk in Asia’s dangerous, contested waters.» March 17 2014.
White Paper: Defense of Japan 2014. paper/2014.html.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
EIA. U.S. Energy Information Administration. «South China Sea» Last Updated: February 7,
In this context, the European Union, which is facing a major crisis in its
near eastern and southern vicinity, must become a balancing power, with
a pragmatic and stabilizing vision which would help, through its annual
summit meetings with China organized on three pillars: political, social and
economic, to accommodate its new role as a global power, with an integra-
ting vision of «everyone wins». Thus, strengthening its trade relations with
the U.S. and China, engaging the latter as its principal economic partner in
Asia, its main supplier of imported products, and the second trade partner
after the U.S., following the path towards the achievement of a bilateral
agreement giving coherence to the negotiations of its member States.
«One of the chief messages of this book..., is that the international system
is subject to constant changes, not only those caused by the day-to-day
actions of statesmen and the ebb and flow of political and military events,
but also those caused by the deeper transformations in the foundations of
world power, which in time make their way through to the surface...
... as the international system is concerned, wealth and power, or eco-
nomic strength and military strength, are always relative and should
be seen as such...
Ignacio García Sánchez
KEENEDY, Paul. «The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Economic change and mili-
tary conflict from 1500 to 2000.» Random House. New York 1987. Pp. 536-540.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
Ignacio García Sánchez
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
Geopolitical indicators
Ignacio García Sánchez
Import - exports
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
Ignacio García Sánchez
BRZEZINSKI, Zbigniew (2012). Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of
Global Power. New York. Basic Books.
BUSH, Richard, (2010). «The Perils of Proximity: China-Japan Security Rela-
tions». Washington. Brookings Institution Press.
COHEN, Saul Bernard (2009 Second edition). «Geopolitics: the geography
of international relations». Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
FERNANDEZ ARMESTO, Felipe (2002). «Civilizations: culture, ambition, and
the transformation of nature». New York, Simon & Schuster.
FRAVEL, M. Taylor (2008). «Strong Borders Secure Nation: Cooperation and
Conflict in China’s Territorial Disputes». New Jersey. Princeton Univer-
sity Press.
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio. (2011). «Panorama Geopolítico de los Conflic-
tos 2011: Capítulo XII, Corea, el sueño de una península reunificada y
desnuclearizada». («Geographic Overview of Conflicts 2011: Chapter
XII, Korea, the dream of a reunited and denuclearized peninsula»). Ma-
drid, Ministry of Defense.
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio. (2013). «Panorama Geopolítico de los Conflic-
tos 2013: Capítulo XII, El anillo interior chino, ¿fortaleza o debilidad?».
(«Geographic Overview of Conflict, 2013: Chapter XII, China’s Inner
Ring: Fortress or Weakness?».) Madrid, Ministry of Defense.
HUNTINGTON, Samuel P. (2003). «The Clash of Civilizations and the Remak-
ing of the World Order». New York. Simon & Schuster.
KAPLAN, Robert D. (2012). «The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells
Us about Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate». New York. Ran-
dom House.
KAPLAN, Robert D. (2014). «Asia’s cauldron. The South China Sea and the
end of a stable Pacific». New York. Random House.
KEENEDY, Paul. (1987), «The rise and fall of the great powers. Economic
change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000». New York. Random
KISSINGER, Henry (2011). «On China». New York, the Penguin Press. LUT-
TWAK, Edward N. (2012). «The rise of China vs. the logic of strategy».
London, Harvard University Press.
MACKINLAY FERREIRÓS, Alejandro. (2012). «Panorama Geopolítico de los
Conflictos 2012: Capítulo XV, Mar meridional de China». («Geopolitical
Overview of Conflict: Chapter XV, South China Sea».) Madrid, Ministry
of Defense.
The China and its neighborhood. The key test for...
NATHAN, Andrew J. and SCOBELL, Andrew (2012). «China’s Search for Se-
curity». New York, Columbia University Press.
NYE Jr., Joseph S. The Future of Power. (2011). New York. Public Affairs.
Documents and Artícles:
ASBC (Air Sea Battle Concept).12 May 2013.
BARACUHY, Braz. «The BRICS New Development Bank: A Geo-economic
Game-Changer». 24 de julio de 2014.
Constitution of the People’s Republic Of China. Amended on March 14,
2004, Congressional Research Service. U.S.-Taiwan Relationship:
Overview of Policy Issues. 23 de julio de 2013.
Congressional Research Service. Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Con-
gress. 2 de agosto de 2013.
Análisis Document, Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies: «Geopolitical
vision of election results. January 2012.» 1 February 2012.
EIA. «Russia-China deal will supply Siberian natural gas to China’s northern,
eastern provinces.» August 20, 2014.
National Security Strategy 2013: A shared project. Presidency of the Gov-
ernment. Spain.
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio (2013): Summary of Defense White Paper:
«The Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces».
GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, Ignacio. Analysis of Chinese Security Strate-
gy. .
CLINTON, Hillary. «The future of politics will be decided in Asia, not Afghan-
istan or Iraq, and the United States will be right at the center of the ac-
tion». Foreign Policy. October de 2011.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development /The World Bank
and the Development Research Center of the State Council, P. R. Chi-
na. (2013). «China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative
JOAC (Joint Operational Access Concept). 17 enero 2012.
National Institute for Defence Studies (NIDS Japan). China Security Re-
port 2012.
New York Times. «Obama’s ‘Free Rider’ Comment Draws Chinese Criti-
cism». By FENG, Bree. 13 de agosto de 2014.
New York Times. «In China’s Shadow, U.S. Courts Old Foe Vietnam.» By
PERLEZAUG, Jane. August 16, 2014.
Ignacio García Sánchez
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists Chapter
María del Mar Hidalgo García
For the last forty years, constant separatist movements have succeeded
each other in south-eastern Philippines with the objective of defending a
cultural and religious identity and of proclaiming a Muslim State. In Oc-
tober of 2012, the Philippine government signed an agreement with the
armed group MILF, thus culminating 18 years of negotiations constantly
interrupted by violent clashes. The «Comprehensive Bangsamoro Agree-
ment» recognizes the autonomous—not independent—character of the
Moslem areas of Mindanao, grouped under the term «Bangsamoro». This
may be called a success, although the agreement does not, for the mo-
ment, guarantee stability. It may be foreseen that other insurgent groups,
dissatisfied with the agreement arrived at, may carry out isolated attacks
on the population and on the central government. The real thrust for sta-
bility will come from the potential of Mindanao for becoming the motor
for growth in the Philippines and therefore in the ASEAN area.
Key Words:
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
Mindanao is the second largest of the Philippine Islands. Its 20 million in-
habitants represent approximately a quarter of the Philippine population.
Mindanao is currently made up of 26 provinces, 33 cities, 422 towns and
six regions: the Zamboanga Peninsula, North Mindanao, South Mindanao
(known as Soccsksargen), Region XIII, the Davao Region and the Autono-
mous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).
Source: CIA the World FACTBOOK.
The Moslem population constitutes 5% of the total population of the Philippines.
Source: CIA the World FACTBOOK.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
Small Wars Journal.»Ethnic Conflicts and the Moslem Question in Philippine Poli-
tics.» Priscila P. Tacujan. September 2013.
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
This rise in the defense of the ethnic-religious identity of the Moslem po-
pulation in the Mindanao region intensified at the beginning of the 70’s,
owing fundamentally to four factors4:
• The programmed migration of Catholic population into the region
with the objective of occupying land and producing a change in the
demographic data, thus reducing the Moslem percentage of the
• Lack of identification with the central government’s system of se-
cular politics.
• The lack of social and economic development of the region.
• Fear of the disappearance of their political, religious and cultural
The conflict in Mindanao has also produced a high number of displaced
persons. Since the year 2000, nearly three and a half million people have
had to abandon their homes in flight from the violence. For 2013 alo-
ne, this figure was 325,000.5 To this humanitarian tragedy must be ad-
ded the number of displacements caused by natural disasters. Since the
year 2011, Mindanao has suffered the consequences of eight typhoons.
In the floods resulting from Typhoon Sendong in 2011, nearly a million
people, half of them inhabitants of Mindanao, found themselvs obliged to
flee their homes between June and September. In December of that same
year, Tropical Storm Washi displaced 220,000 people in the north of Min-
danao. In December of 2012, Mindanao suffered the harsh consequences
of the passage of a new typhoon, which forced the evacuation of more
than six million people and destroyed 235,000 homes.6 In November of
2013, the area was lashed by yet another typhoon, causing around 5,700
victims, 11 million of the affected and 4 million refugees.
These natural disasters and the conflicts have affected the poorest and
most vulnerable. According to the U.N. Index of Human Development for
the years 2012/2013, of the ten provinces whose indexes of development
are among the lowest in the Philippines, nine are to be found in Minda-
nao7, specifically within the conflict zones.
In recent years there has been a growth of interest in putting an end to the
violence and in achieving stability in this area. Ending the ethnic-religious
conflicts has become a strategic objective, not only for the Philippines,
Peter Chalk, «Separatism and Southeast Asia: The Islamic Factor in Southern Thai-
land, Mindanao and Aceh.» Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 24:241—269, 2001.
7 Consultada on May 14th.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
but also for the international community and specifically for ASEAN (As-
sociation of Southeast Asian Nations).8
In the coming years, Mindanao may undergo a transformation of its eco-
nomic potential and achieve development in accord with its privileged
geographic position and the wealth of its natural resources. It is growing
at a faster rate than the Philippines themselves, and may become a key
actor within the ASEAN Economic Community which will begin to func-
tion in 2015. Mindanao could become the preferred recipient of foreign
investment and, more importantly, constitute a «hub» for the maritime
transport of the Southeast Asian area. But the only way to do this is to
guarantee peace, stability and the sharing of wealth among all sectors of
the Mindanao population.
ASEAN is a regional organization created in 1967. Currently it is made up of: Cam-
bodia, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore
and Vietnam.
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
Between 1969 and 1972 bloody clashes occurred between Christians and
Moslems in Mindanao, which, together with the Communist insurgency of
the NPA, led President Marcos to proclaim Martial Law.9
The secessionist demands continued under Nur Misauri, who founded the
MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) in 1972. This was the most active
group in the armed struggle during the decades of the seventies and ei-
ghties. From the time of its foundation until 1975, clashes between this
group and the Philippine Armed Forces were so frequent and violent that
they resulted in a figure of 120,000 deaths10. The group strove for the im-
plantation of a Bangsamoro State to include Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan.
Pressured by the violence that the group was imposing on the region of
Mindanao, the Philippine government signed the Treaty of Tripoli in 1976,
proclaiming a cease fire and establishing an Autonomous Region embra-
cing the Muslim part of Mindanao led by Nur Misauri.
The agreement reached, however, did not put an end to the violence in
the region, which intensified in the year following its signing. The Moslem
population began to show its disagreement with the terms of autonomy,
which produced splits within the armed group. In 1977, several members
of the MNLF founded the MILF (Moslem Islamic Liberation Front) to take
over the struggle to achieve not only the autonomy of the region, but the
proclamation of a State of Bangsamoro.
In 1986, the Aquino government achieved a cease-fire with the MNLF and
the creation of the Autonomous Region in Moslem Mindanao (ARMM in its
English-language acronym). But in spite of this new status of autonomy,
development of the full potential of the Moslem-majority region has not
been achieved. The reasons are varied: dependance on the budget of the
central government, low tax collection by the autonomous entity which
has hampered it in its development of social policies, and, of most con-
cern, the weakness demonstrated by the competent regional and state
authorities respecting the control of arms and drug trade, perhaps due
to their own involvement in these illicit activities.11 The level of extortion
and corruption became evident with the occurrence of the well-known
so-called «Mangindanao Massacre» in 2009. Members of the Ampatuan
clan kidnapped and murdered more than fifty members of the election
committee of their opponent, the governorship of the province, Esmael
9 Consulted 24 April 2014.
Charles Donnelley: «Terrorism in the Southern Philippines: Contextualising the Abu
Sayyat Group as an Islamist Secessionist Organization». 15th Biennial Conference of
Asian Studies Association of Australia in Camberra, 29June-2 July 2004.
M. Coronel. Op. cit.
12 id=261 (consulted April 24 2014).
María del Mar Hidalgo García
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
Visayas. They stake their claims through violence and terrorist actions,
leaving no path open for negotiation. They are considered by the central
government to be more a criminal gang than an ethnic-religious group
with secessionist pretentions.
In spite of enjoying economic support from Al-Quaeda, lack of finance has
led the ASG to encourage kidnappings, extortion and marijuana cultiva-
tion in order to finance the continuation of the armed struggle. The MILF
continues its combat, but without explicitly rejecting negotiation with the
central government. On the fifth of August of 2008, the two parties sig-
ned the Memorandum of Understanding on Ancestral Domain (MOU-AD)
which foresaw the creation of a Bangsamoro Judicial Entity (BJE).
This could not, however, be implemented because the Supreme Court of
the Philippines considered it unconstitutional. The MOU-AD was harshly
criticized for its lack of consultation with the non-Moslem populace affec-
ted by the agreement. This part of the population was unable to express
its disagreement with the new jurisdictions to be assigned to the region,
converting it into a nearly sovereign State.
In the following years, the MILF and the Philippine government at-
tempted to bring their positions closer, in order to end the conflict in
the Mindanao region. But simultaneous to these negotiations, there
appeared other armed groups of a more radical character, such as the
BIFM (Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement).14 This armed move-
ment arose in 2010 as a splinter-group of the MILF. With no defined
strategy, but well-armed,15 the activities of the BIFM have been aimed
at boycotting peace negotiations through attacks on the security for-
ces of the central government and even against individual menbers
of the MILF. Of the clashes which have taken place since its creation,
mention should be made of the occurences of August 2011 in which
the BIFM and the armed group of the MILF known as the BIAF (Bangsa-
moro Islamic Armed Forces) faced off in the area of DatuPiang, resul-
ting in fourteen victims among the combatants and more than 2,400
displacements16. This type of confrontation increased in intensity as
the MILF and the central government approached a compromise in
their negotiating positions. The targets were both military and civi-
lian and even critical infrastructure such as the electricity grid. The
last attempt to sabotage peace conversations took place between Au-
gust and September of 2012, when BIFM militants carried out several
This group is also known as the BIFF (Bangsamoro Isalmic Freedom Fighters).
gress%20Report%20 %204%20re%20Encounter%20in%20Datu%20Piang,%20Minda-
nao%20as%20of%2012%20August% 202011, %2010PM.pdf.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
Current situation
h t t p : / / w w w. p h i l s t a r. c o m / n a t i o n / 2 0 1 4 / 0 4 / 2 6 / 1 3 1 6 3 4 8 /
IHS Jane’s. Ticking-clock Prospects for lasting peace in southern Philippines. Date
posted: 27- Feb-2014.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
Since 1997, the date of the start of peace negotiations between the MILF
and the central government, the presence of international actors has
been on the rise. In 2001, the parties agreed to negotiate outside the
country with the support of Malaysia. In 2004, an international group (an
IMT, or International Monitoring Team) was invited in as observers of the
cease-fire. In 2009, the mission of this group was broadened to include
civilian protection and rehabilitation tasks. Malaysia acted as coordinator
and also lent support in the field of security together with Brunei, Norway,
and Libya. Japan offered economic support and the European Union took
on humanitarian aid and rehabilitation. Civilian protection tasks were in
the hands of four civilian organizations: the MPC (Mindanao People’s Cau-
cus), MinHRAC (Mindanao Human Rights Action Center), MOGOP (Muslim
On Sept. 10 2014, the bill for the Basic Law was sent to Congress for its approval.
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
U.S. Interests
Following the 2001 attacks, the United States began a worldwide struggle
against AlQaeda and against terrorist groups linked to that organization.
Among these groups were Abu Sayyaf (ASG) and Jemaah Islamiyah whose
base was located in Indonesia. In 2002, the «Joint Special Operations Task
Force-Philippines» (JSOTF-P) was established as part of the «Enducing
Freedom 2002» mission.The objective of this operation is to assist the Phi-
lippine Armed Forces in their struggle against terrorism and insurgency.
This collaboration is centered on four objectives: elimination of the sanc-
the-date-of-the-talks/. Consulted April 24 2014.
I. Mastura. «Geopolitical Games and Malaysian Mediation in the Philippines.» Jindal
Journal of International Affairs Vol. 1. (2011).
h t t p : / / w w w. p h i l s t a r. c o m / n a t i o n / 2 0 1 4 / 0 4 / 0 2 / 1 3 0 7 9 8 4 /
María del Mar Hidalgo García
31 Consulted April 25 2014.
The latest of them has been Khair Mundos, captured in June of 2014 and also rela-
ted to AlQaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah.He was included on the Most Wanted list by the
U.S. which offered a $500,000 reward for his capture.
h t t p : / / w w w. i b t i m e s . c o m / a b u - s a y y a f - c o m m a n d e r - k h a i r - m u n -
The accident took place during a troop and supplies transport mission between the
city of Zamboango and the Isle of Basilan.
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
For the Philippines, «Western Philippine Sea.»
flict-the-dark-underbelly-of-a-rising-asia/. Consulted Sept.3 2014.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
ton-lecture-purisima-3d1d. Consulted Sept. 3 2014.
Mindanao’s ten principal markets are: the U.S., Japan, China, Holland, South Korea,
Singapore, Switzerland, U.K., Germany and Malaysia.
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
This connection of Mindanao with Indonesia forms part of the Plan desig-
ned by the Development Authority of Mindanao in order to establish three
corridors of economic growth: the city of Zamboanga will serve as the en-
trance port to the EAGA (East Asian Growth Area) and act as a commercial
hub. Cagayan de Oro will become a center for those businesses related
to the agricultural sector and General Santos will be transformed into a
logistics hub.43. Another of the economic possibilities to open up if peace
and stability are finally achieved in Mindanao is the supplying of Liquid
Natural Gas (LNG) from Brunei. The report produced by the World Bank
identifies several possible locations. Among these are: Davao, General
Santos, Iligan, Cagayan de Oro and the Phividec industrial complex in the
eastern part of Misamis.44
hipment-hub-354714. Consulted 23 August 2014.
To consult the report: ttps://
María del Mar Hidalgo García
Supposing that everything agreed to between this group and the central
government is strictly complied with and the Basic Law passes with the
separatist requirements of the Muslim-majority region, a major step will
have been taken towards the achievement of stability in the area, but it
will not be possible to declare it a success until armed violence ceases
and equality among the population and regional development are promo-
ted. Following the creation of Bangsamoro, if this does in fact take place,
further problems may arise endangering the stability of the region.
The concept of agreement is based on cultural or ethnic aspects. The
MILF has negotiated as a group representing the whole of the Moslem
population. But as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the Mos-
lem population of Mindanao is made up of 13 ethnic groups. So far, the-
se differences may have been downplayed due to the struggle against a
common enemy, the central government. Once autonomy has been achie-
ved, this ethnic diversity may constitute a new source of violence if the
rights of ethnic groups are not sufficiently protected or if there arises any
kind of inequality in the exploitation of resources or in tax obligations.The
struggle for autonomy could give way to a quarrel between clans within
the region itself. In order to avoid this situation, the local governments
should be represented by the greatest possible number of ethnic groups,
in accord with the democratic principles established. The consolidation
of Bangsamoro should put an end to extortion, to corruption, and to the
inequity which has characterized the administrations of the Mindanao au-
thorities. In the barangays,46 the population is closely linked to the family
and the clan. Security depends on the local elites. Some of these elites
have their own armies and at times, instead of protecting the population,
they create greater violence as a result of a power struggle among them-
selves and over the exploitation of Mindanao’s natural resources. Support
for the MILF was obtained as a result of the dissatisfation of the people
with the weakness of the institutions which governed the RAMM. It is es-
sential not to commit the same error.
Regarding the MILF, there is a major question which will mark the suc-
cess or failure of the peace accord. The MILF will have to undergo a tran-
formation in order to become a political party in the elections, planned for
2016. Taking into account the corruption which has always characterized
electoral processes in Mindanao, the MILF should be able to count on the
support of the government and of international organizations if it wishes
to run for election peacefully.This problem makes the disarming of this
armed group, established in the peace accord, more difficult. As long as
other groups and clans continue to be armed, the MILF may find the legi-
timacy to refuse to lay down its arms.
The barangay is the smallest unit of local government in the Philippines. It may be
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
Other insurgent groups such as the Maoist NPA (New People’s Army),
which apparently do not share the same ideology as the Islamic insur-
gency, could join the struggle to attempt to boycott the peace process and
weaken the government.
On the other hand, the Bangsamoro authorities should guarantee the
rights of the non-Moslem population, among whom are to be found
the Christian community and indigenous groups. According to the Fra-
mework Agreement, the Bangsamoro government will be secular47 and
will guarantee the recognition of such basic rights as religious freedom,
the participation of women in the political process, and equality of oppor-
tunity and non-discrimination in any economic or public-service activity
with regard to gender, handicap, social class or ethnic origin.As President
Aquino stated in a plenary session of ASEAN which took place last May:
«Peace anywhere in the world redounds to the benefit of everyone. As peace
in Bangsamoro sets the bases of stability, integration and progress in Minda-
nao, there will be a rise in opportunities for the people of Mindanao, for the
entire Philippines, and for the partners and friends who wish to contribute
to this development.»48
Bangsamoro will have a secular nature and in no case, according to the
agreement, will be ruled by the Sharia. This situation may provoke a vio-
lent reaction from the ASG and the BIFM who have already shown their
support for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, to the point of sending a
hundred militants to Iraq. There is concern that these insurgents may be
trained to return to Mindanao and comply with orders to extend the Isla-
mic State throughout Southeast Asia.49
Without failing to recognize the successful nature of the accord achieved,
there remains a long road to travel, not exempt from outbreaks of violen-
ce. Perhaps the best guarantee for Mindanao’s stability is the promotion
of its economic development and the participation of the local population
in this growth. Its geostrategic position makes Mindanao a protagonist in
maritime trade, especially with the upcoming initiation of the Economic
Community of ASEAN in 2015. Southeast Asia cannot miss the opportu-
nity for growth because of such longstanding conflicts as those taking
place in Myanmar or the Philippines. Perhaps now there is a real interest
in their resolution and a major effort by the whole of the international
community that this takes place.
49 (consulted 1
María del Mar Hidalgo García
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists
G. Poling. «The Philippines´South China Sea Memorial: Sailing into the
Wind». Southeast Asia from Scott Circle. Vol V, April 2014. Center for
Strategic & International Studies.
María del Mar Hidalgo García
The Philippines: drawing the claws of the separatists (
The working group
D. Mario Laborie Iglesias
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Dña. María del Mar Hidalgo García
Senior Analyst. IEEE.